09/05/2010 09:46 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
booN looks so kool in that last video.Even his hair started to grow again.I guess he was stressed if the game will be accepted and now he is kool, cuz he saw what the reaction of the fans was.

I predict that, that game will outsell MvC and all that crap shit.

That would make my fucking day if MK ends up out selling MvC hahaha
09/05/2010 09:54 PM (UTC)
did anyone notice in the hans lo interview, he said all of your favorite characters from mk1 to umk3.

rain, ermac or jade anyone?
09/05/2010 10:06 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's ridiculous that, at this point, I like Scorp's MKvsDCU fatalities better than his MK9 ones.

100% agree. i gave his 1st fatal a pass thinking his 2nd would in some way involve fire, his skull, something supernatural. 2 sword fatals is too much, no matter how good or bad the 2nd one is. but as is, i would rather vanish in a puddle of lava then pull down my victim to hell and have their skeleton pop out... like mk vs dc. however, knowing how classic the toasty fatal is (despite some who are sick of it) there is probably a sneaky plan here called... drum roll.... DLC. oh, you want scorpion's classic toasty fatal? well give us some extra money for it! place bets on that happening.
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09/05/2010 10:16 PM (UTC)
For years, I've been pitching a fatality where scorpion ignites his spear on fire, throws it into the opponent, and swings the burning opponent over his head over and over again until the enemy smashes into broken ash.
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09/05/2010 10:27 PM (UTC)
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09/05/2010 10:30 PM (UTC)
I'd presonally prefer more than 2 Fatalities. Just two gets a little old after awhile and I'm not really in favour of any other Ality coming back other than the Brutality (with modifications). Friendships just don't appeal in the slightest.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
For years, I've been pitching a fatality where scorpion ignites his spear on fire, throws it into the opponent, and swings the burning opponent over his head over and over again until the enemy smashes into broken ash.

That would be hilariously brilliant! I'm all for it! grin
09/05/2010 10:43 PM (UTC)
ScoRpioN@27 Wrote:
new mortal kombat trailers walkthrough http://www.gametrailers.com/video/pax-10-mortal-kombat/704071

This has already been updated, please check the updates in the newslead.
09/05/2010 11:05 PM (UTC)
Anybody care to list the specials of Scorpion? The spear is a given, and I've already seen hellfire and teleport punch, but that's the problem - this has essentially been Scorpion's moveset for the entirety of Scorpion's 3D career.

It would be nice to know if the developers gave him a new trick instead of the predictable moveset he has now (even if this game is a throwback to the 2D MK's).
09/05/2010 11:12 PM (UTC)
Skorpious Wrote:
Anybody care to list the specials of Scorpion? The spear is a given, and I've already seen hellfire and teleport punch, but that's the problem - this has essentially been Scorpion's moveset for the entirety of Scorpion's 3D career.

It would be nice to know if the developers gave him a new trick instead of the predictable moveset he has now (even if this game is a throwback to the 2D MK's).

He has his leg takedown back.
09/05/2010 11:19 PM (UTC)
The double sword popup move for scorpion is new too.
09/05/2010 11:21 PM (UTC)
I hate so much that they haven't brought back the Backflip Kick. It was like THE best new move added to anyone in the DA-Armageddon generation.
09/05/2010 11:28 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I hate so much that they haven't brought back the Backflip Kick. It was like THE best new move added to anyone in the DA-Armageddon generation.

Agreed! I loved it in MKDA, and it was awesome in the MKSM intro. Shame it hasn't been seen in so long.
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-Let Mortal Kombat Begin

09/05/2010 11:39 PM (UTC)
jaxfan Wrote:
did anyone notice in the hans lo interview, he said all of your favorite characters from mk1 to umk3.

rain, ermac or jade anyone?

Why do people want Rain back so much!? The game doesn't need a crap ton of ninjas! He's never even been playable in a truly legitimate MK game in my opinion (MK Trilogy and MKA do not count as MK Trilogy was just a home port with tacked on characters and MKA was not a very good MK game period).

A more serious, back to the originals MK (like MK 2011) only needs Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Reptile for male ninjas. Mayb Ermac since he at least was playable in UMK 3 but any others in my opinion are superfluous!
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09/05/2010 11:53 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I hate so much that they haven't brought back the Backflip Kick. It was like THE best new move added to anyone in the DA-Armageddon generation.

That was probably the greatest move scorpion ever had hopefully he'll have it I mean he doesnt have that many moves
09/05/2010 11:56 PM (UTC)
I appreciate the responses regarding my previous question, but I was asking specifically about Scorpion's specials, not his standard attacks. And yes, I agree with the post about Scorpion's backflip kick; easily one of the best moves Scorpion has had.

And on an unrelated note, is this forum bb code?
09/05/2010 11:57 PM (UTC)
I think it's HTML.
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09/06/2010 12:06 AM (UTC)
I think the ones you said are all the ones he has so far and I'm not sure the leg takedown is a special
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"I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more ... but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and ... I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?" - Bill Hicks...another dead hero.

09/06/2010 12:08 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't worry too much about Scorpion's fatalities. Not only is there a possibility of more than 2 fatalities per character but we have DLC fatalities and not to mention the amount of time still to go into this game.

09/06/2010 12:30 AM (UTC)
While the fatalities have been good.... they have to start being more true to the character. While we all love blood and guts and severed limbs and decapitations, there are plenty of more creative ways to kill someone.

Scorpion is possibly the best at this. Whether he burns you alive with his iconic "Toasty" (which was in MK1-4, MKvsDC, & Shaolin Monks), using his spear to slice you up (MK2, MK:DA, MK:D), or taking you to the Netherrealm (MK3, MKvsDC), those felt like very supernatural moves that only Scorpion could do. Anybody can cut someone up with a sword.

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09/06/2010 12:37 AM (UTC)
The problem is that fatalities are often necessarily not true to the character.

Kung Lao is a peaceful monk and a heroic figure. He would never murder somebody in the various violent ways he has with his hat. Same goes for Liu Kang, Sonya, and the younger Sub-Zero. Their fatalities are often out of character.

I've always seen it as something they could do even if they actually wouldn't.
09/06/2010 12:47 AM (UTC)
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
The problem is that fatalities are often necessarily not true to the character.

Kung Lao is a peaceful monk and a heroic figure. He would never murder somebody in the various violent ways he has with his hat. Same goes for Liu Kang, Sonya, and the younger Sub-Zero. Their fatalities are often out of character.

I've always seen it as something they could do even if they actually wouldn't.

I should elaborate.

The Fatalities should be less about their "character" (story and personalities) and more about their inherent powers and abilities. There's no story-reason Sub-Zero would ever freeze Sonya solid and then yank her head off, but it makes use of his unique powers.

Scorpion is a hellspawn. He has the fire of hell inside him. I'd like to see him use that.

Much like how, as rather 'meh' as Nightwolf's fatality with the tomahawks were, at least they were weapons and powers only he could use. And Kung Lao's buzzsaw hat fatality isn't something anyone else could use.

But Scorpion just cutting them up with a sword? Well, that's a fatality any sword-wielding character could use. Nothing special about that. Violent? Yes. Special? No.
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09/06/2010 12:56 AM (UTC)
Osu16Bit Wrote:
Ok just did Scorpion's second. He chops off their legs then chops off the head and catches it, holding it up to the camera.

I won't defend this one. Two sword fatalities?

I highly doubt this will stay. If I recall correctly, it was Mileena who originally had one of Darrius' Fatality's in Deception. Hopefully, it's just a place holder until they put a better Fatality for Scorpion and someone else will get it.

I'm 100% positive that Boon would not let his favorite character get two Fatalities that are so similar.

Edit: The Fatality is at about 1:55.
09/06/2010 12:59 AM (UTC)
Don't worry about Scorpion, if a character is the first on the list of "have 3 fatalitites" it's going to be Ed's favourite character :P
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"I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more ... but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and ... I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?" - Bill Hicks...another dead hero.

09/06/2010 01:01 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
Osu16Bit Wrote:
Ok just did Scorpion's second. He chops off their legs then chops off the head and catches it, holding it up to the camera.

I won't defend this one. Two sword fatalities?

I highly doubt this will stay. If I recall correctly, it was Mileena who originally had one of Darrius' Fatality's in Deception. Hopefully, it's just a place holder until they put a better Fatality for Scorpion and someone else will get it.

I'm 100% positive that Boon would not let his favorite character get two Fatalities that are so similar.

Edit: The Fatality is at about 1:55.

Would be better suited to Baraka me thinks. But why would they give a character another's fatality? Nothing more than to show it off because the animation for it is complete?
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09/06/2010 01:06 AM (UTC)
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
The problem is that fatalities are often necessarily not true to the character.

Kung Lao is a peaceful monk and a heroic figure. He would never murder somebody in the various violent ways he has with his hat. Same goes for Liu Kang, Sonya, and the younger Sub-Zero. Their fatalities are often out of character.

I've always seen it as something they could do even if they actually wouldn't.

But I happen to agree with this limitation. Kung Lao shouldn't Buzz saw someone's nuts. If a character is morally upright, s/he should have a finisher that is swift and minimally painful. The sadistic fatalities should go to Quan Chi and Mileena.
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