He's not going to get two sword fatalities. The first one was his MK2 'slice' remade. He WILL have his toasty fatality. The second one has to be a place holder.
Sektor v.s. Johnny Cage (W/ Sektor Fatality!!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTmmGkDuKKE

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JLU51306 Wrote:
Sektor v.s. Johnny Cage (W/ Sektor Fatality!!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTmmGkDuKKE
Sektor v.s. Johnny Cage (W/ Sektor Fatality!!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTmmGkDuKKE
Hahahaha...........WOW man that was pretty fuckin cool.
That's such a sick fatality. Thanks for the link.

JLU51306 Wrote:
Sektor v.s. Johnny Cage (W/ Sektor Fatality!!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTmmGkDuKKE
Sektor v.s. Johnny Cage (W/ Sektor Fatality!!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTmmGkDuKKE
Hell yeah!! Still my favorite Fatality so far.
Speaking of Scorpions 2nd Fatality potentially being a placeholder for Baraka or something. . .
. . .I'd LOVE to see Baraka get his MK2 blade lift Fatality back, with a twist. Just like in MK2, after the opponent slides down his blades, he violently takes his blades back in the way of quickly spreading his arms/blades, thus slicing him through his sides, and the opponent hitting the ground and slopping in half taco like.

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Man, I cant stand the animation for breakers. I hate how the fighters look frozen for a split second. It's the only thing that sticks out as a sore thumb....I hope they fix it. Should be fluid and more instantaneous. Does it bother you guys or is it just me?

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JLU51306 Wrote:
Sektor v.s. Johnny Cage (W/ Sektor Fatality!!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTmmGkDuKKE
Sektor v.s. Johnny Cage (W/ Sektor Fatality!!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTmmGkDuKKE
Badass fatality.
I saw Johnny's shadow uppercut! It was a breaker, but still, shadow uppercut! If the "pro-move" (or whatever they call it this time) variant of the shadow kick isn't tinted red, I'm going to be pissed.
Does anyone know if the split punch is a special move? It's probably just an x-ray attack, but o wells...
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cool. I definitely prefer Johnny over Sektor
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"I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more ... but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and ... I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?" - Bill Hicks...another dead hero.
kingjolly Wrote:
Man, I cant stand the animation for breakers. I hate how the fighters look frozen for a split second. It's the only thing that sticks out as a sore thumb....I hope they fix it. Should be fluid and more instantaneous. Does it bother you guys or is it just me?
Man, I cant stand the animation for breakers. I hate how the fighters look frozen for a split second. It's the only thing that sticks out as a sore thumb....I hope they fix it. Should be fluid and more instantaneous. Does it bother you guys or is it just me?
Doesn't bother me. I'm pretty sure I've played other fighting games that do that (and sometimes frozen for what seem longer) a lot. And its nice to get just that slight breather after getting your ass kicked.

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Osu16Bit Wrote:
Split punch is a regular move.
Split punch is a regular move.
Awesome! Thanks.

No Reptile fatality 

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Sektor's fatality 10/10 

I'm kind of surprised that we've seen both of Cyrax's, and Kund Lao's fatalities, but only 1 from Mileena, Johnny Cage, Sektor, and Nightwolf. 1 Fatality from Sub-Zero, with glimspes of his second. And no one has denied or confirmed whether we've seen both of Scorpions fatalities, or just one with modification done to it. And we got a small glimpse of Reptiles...

At this moment, the only thing that could make me even consider NOT getting this game is if they cyborg-ify or kill off Young Sub-Zero (NOTE: I am not trying to start another Sub-Zero debate. We've had enough of those.)
So far I think my favorite thing (and that's saying a lot) is Scorpion's grab. And yeah, I really hope Scorpion's hellfire kick is back. Got a nice little memory involving Beetle Lair and that move...
So far I think my favorite thing (and that's saying a lot) is Scorpion's grab. And yeah, I really hope Scorpion's hellfire kick is back. Got a nice little memory involving Beetle Lair and that move...
after a few fatals that were ho hum, it was nice to see an awesome fatal again. sektor's fatal uses an ability that pertains to him, i.e. not some cutting tool anyone can use, and then performs a well directed fatal. neat idea, nicely done. i would venture a guess his 2nd fatal will have something to do with his flamethrowers but who knows any more. it was nice to also see the belltower stage.

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I hate the guy talking in the background of the Sektor vs Cage vid complaining basically about how X-Ray moves aren't instant round winners lol.
Code-EM41_25 Wrote:
I hate the guy talking in the background of the Sektor vs Cage vid complaining basically about how X-Ray moves aren't instant round winners lol.
I hate the guy talking in the background of the Sektor vs Cage vid complaining basically about how X-Ray moves aren't instant round winners lol.
oh i know, i think he was bitching in another video that has reptile in it about omg how they are still fighting after broken bones? what next, how can they keep going after a spear to the chest or impaled by 2 sais during the round...

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DieHumanless Wrote:
oh i know, i think he was bitching in another video that has reptile in it about omg how they are still fighting after broken bones? what next, how can they keep going after a spear to the chest or impaled by 2 sais during the round...
Code-EM41_25 Wrote:
I hate the guy talking in the background of the Sektor vs Cage vid complaining basically about how X-Ray moves aren't instant round winners lol.
I hate the guy talking in the background of the Sektor vs Cage vid complaining basically about how X-Ray moves aren't instant round winners lol.
oh i know, i think he was bitching in another video that has reptile in it about omg how they are still fighting after broken bones? what next, how can they keep going after a spear to the chest or impaled by 2 sais during the round...
Yeah I bet it's the same guy.
I'm more interested in Johnny Cage after the vid however just because of that flip kick thing the player did that popped Sektor up a lil.

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He's probably one of those nerds who are always at gamestop buying out all the pokemon games for the ds.

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mortalsebastian Wrote:
Doesn't bother me. I'm pretty sure I've played other fighting games that do that (and sometimes frozen for what seem longer) a lot. And its nice to get just that slight breather after getting your ass kicked.
kingjolly Wrote:
Man, I cant stand the animation for breakers. I hate how the fighters look frozen for a split second. It's the only thing that sticks out as a sore thumb....I hope they fix it. Should be fluid and more instantaneous. Does it bother you guys or is it just me?
Man, I cant stand the animation for breakers. I hate how the fighters look frozen for a split second. It's the only thing that sticks out as a sore thumb....I hope they fix it. Should be fluid and more instantaneous. Does it bother you guys or is it just me?
Doesn't bother me. I'm pretty sure I've played other fighting games that do that (and sometimes frozen for what seem longer) a lot. And its nice to get just that slight breather after getting your ass kicked.
What other game used breakers? The only other one that I've heard about that uses it is Killer Instinct.
I cant remember if Guilty Gear used breakers, but that game had a bunch of weird mechanics, so I wouldnt be suprised.

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kingjolly Wrote:
What other game used breakers? The only other one that I've heard about that uses it is Killer Instinct.
I cant remember if Guilty Gear used breakers, but that game had a bunch of weird mechanics, so I wouldnt be suprised.
mortalsebastian Wrote:
Doesn't bother me. I'm pretty sure I've played other fighting games that do that (and sometimes frozen for what seem longer) a lot. And its nice to get just that slight breather after getting your ass kicked.
kingjolly Wrote:
Man, I cant stand the animation for breakers. I hate how the fighters look frozen for a split second. It's the only thing that sticks out as a sore thumb....I hope they fix it. Should be fluid and more instantaneous. Does it bother you guys or is it just me?
Man, I cant stand the animation for breakers. I hate how the fighters look frozen for a split second. It's the only thing that sticks out as a sore thumb....I hope they fix it. Should be fluid and more instantaneous. Does it bother you guys or is it just me?
Doesn't bother me. I'm pretty sure I've played other fighting games that do that (and sometimes frozen for what seem longer) a lot. And its nice to get just that slight breather after getting your ass kicked.
What other game used breakers? The only other one that I've heard about that uses it is Killer Instinct.
I cant remember if Guilty Gear used breakers, but that game had a bunch of weird mechanics, so I wouldnt be suprised.
I think he is talking about such other ways of countering, not necessarily "Breaker" out in other games.
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