The more I see of this game, the more impressed I become. And that's a very gratifying feeling, one I haven't felt in quite some time about this franchise.
I love Cyrax's net fatality. Very similar to the Resident Evil movie "net laser" death, which I liked. He still looks like a beast to play as and I'm sure Cyrax is going to jump up quite a bit on the popularity scale due to his incredible move-set.
Kitana looks less finished. I read somewhere that she hasn't been given X-ray moves yet, and she may not have the fatalities yet either (I hope I'm wrong), so she looks a bit rough around the edges, and yet I can see those kinks being smoothed out, such as her hair and fan animations. However, I love her backward neck-kick/throw, her new pretty kicks, and how she can throw each fan one at a time. She looks like she'll be great.
Bring it on. I can't wait to see more, because the more I see the more I love this game.
I love Cyrax's net fatality. Very similar to the Resident Evil movie "net laser" death, which I liked. He still looks like a beast to play as and I'm sure Cyrax is going to jump up quite a bit on the popularity scale due to his incredible move-set.
Kitana looks less finished. I read somewhere that she hasn't been given X-ray moves yet, and she may not have the fatalities yet either (I hope I'm wrong), so she looks a bit rough around the edges, and yet I can see those kinks being smoothed out, such as her hair and fan animations. However, I love her backward neck-kick/throw, her new pretty kicks, and how she can throw each fan one at a time. She looks like she'll be great.
Bring it on. I can't wait to see more, because the more I see the more I love this game.

I'm loving Kitana's hell throw and Cyrax's Net Fatality.
Having two throws per character is excellent. I hope it's like on SSF4 where the back throw is the throw that allows you to switch sides in case you get stuck in a corner and want to throw your opponent there instead. That'd be brilliant.
Having two throws per character is excellent. I hope it's like on SSF4 where the back throw is the throw that allows you to switch sides in case you get stuck in a corner and want to throw your opponent there instead. That'd be brilliant.

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queve Wrote:
* Cyrax's NET Fatality.
I like it much better than the other one we saw, and while its really cool, I guess I'm not so thrilled about it because I had higher expectations (think of Resident Evil).
* Cyrax's NET Fatality.
I like it much better than the other one we saw, and while its really cool, I guess I'm not so thrilled about it because I had higher expectations (think of Resident Evil).
Same here. I was expecting something very different. I guess it kinda makes sense since when the fatality was first announced (and I was envisioning the resident evil scenario), I was thinking, "man, that's going to be REALLY hard to animate." I guess I was right, but even then, why does the opponent fall apart in stages (EX: arms, legs, torso)? Why not just fall apart all in one animation?
I like both fatalities, but each one has it's faults.
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Osu16Bit Wrote:
Kitana does not have a xray in this version but her decap fatality is in.
I found out how to do second fatalities with Kung Lao. I'll see if I can do anyone else's.
Kitana does not have a xray in this version but her decap fatality is in.
I found out how to do second fatalities with Kung Lao. I'll see if I can do anyone else's.
try Kitanas!
scorpionpwns Wrote:
Cyraxs eye looked hilrious
yeah the battle damage sure is impressive.Cyraxs eye looked hilrious

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Fare Thee Well
dam, had to sleep last night and missed all this new info.
awesome, its just pure awesome this game is.
awesome, its just pure awesome this game is.
Try to do Kitana's Fatality! I think she's the only character we haven't seen a fatality from. 
I know that, I'm talking about the decap one, there hasn't been any videos on that.
kitana's boot heel throw is indeed very nice.
not sure what is so different about the net fatal from cyrax's saw fatal. both end with the victim falling to pieces except the net fatal has better sound effects. imo, the net moves way too fast and it should be different in some way to show that its not meant to snare the fighter, like during a fight, but rather to cut. simply making the net red for the fatal instead of green would do the trick and slow it down. but all that said, i do like both fatals.
not sure what is so different about the net fatal from cyrax's saw fatal. both end with the victim falling to pieces except the net fatal has better sound effects. imo, the net moves way too fast and it should be different in some way to show that its not meant to snare the fighter, like during a fight, but rather to cut. simply making the net red for the fatal instead of green would do the trick and slow it down. but all that said, i do like both fatals.

NOO!! We need Reptiles Fatality!
Bleh! I'm kinda (very) dissapointed in Cyrax fatalities... and the character looks sooooo coool...
Nightwolfs fatality = boring and uninspired... those green axes don't do the magical trick on me... I want something really bizar for nightwolf, ala werewolves, hungry wolf pack or light from heaven, not thomaaxes... bleh! And another head-fatality is not needed.
Cyrax really was promising, I never liked the grinder fatality, not in words and not in gameplay, but the NET fatality I really was curious about...
He just shoots his cyber net (same as his move too bad) and the victim falls appart in HUGE parts...??? THat net didn't look so big to me.
My 2 cents on this fatality is that they NEED to change it, they need to make it different and more fitting.
Make the net like a wall (ala resident evil) and make the holes in the net bigger, so it makes more sense to fall in bigger parts, if not, turn the victim into filet american juice, and not in huge chunks.
His fatality is also very fast and non impressive to watch...
damn really dissapointed, I really thought ALL the fatalities in this game were going to bad-ass, but if these fatalities stay this way i'm proven wrong too bad...
Nightwolfs fatality = boring and uninspired... those green axes don't do the magical trick on me... I want something really bizar for nightwolf, ala werewolves, hungry wolf pack or light from heaven, not thomaaxes... bleh! And another head-fatality is not needed.
Cyrax really was promising, I never liked the grinder fatality, not in words and not in gameplay, but the NET fatality I really was curious about...
He just shoots his cyber net (same as his move too bad) and the victim falls appart in HUGE parts...??? THat net didn't look so big to me.
My 2 cents on this fatality is that they NEED to change it, they need to make it different and more fitting.
Make the net like a wall (ala resident evil) and make the holes in the net bigger, so it makes more sense to fall in bigger parts, if not, turn the victim into filet american juice, and not in huge chunks.
His fatality is also very fast and non impressive to watch...
damn really dissapointed, I really thought ALL the fatalities in this game were going to bad-ass, but if these fatalities stay this way i'm proven wrong too bad...

I think the net would look kinda dumb in any other color than green, but I agree that it went by way too fast and it's extremely disappointing the body seperates into limbs instead of little cubes.
What bothers me the most about all the fatalities we've seen so far is, I have yet to see any that make me go "that's an improvement over the ones they had in MK2 or MK3." They got it exactly right with Johnny and Kung Lao, bringing back the classics as two-in-ones, but I just keep wishing Cyrax had the helicopter and self-destruct or Nightwolf had the heaven-beam or used his axe as a lightning rod. There's only been ONE exception so far and that's Mileena's. Sektor's slow-mo rocket barrage might be another but we haven't even seen the whole thing yet.
What bothers me the most about all the fatalities we've seen so far is, I have yet to see any that make me go "that's an improvement over the ones they had in MK2 or MK3." They got it exactly right with Johnny and Kung Lao, bringing back the classics as two-in-ones, but I just keep wishing Cyrax had the helicopter and self-destruct or Nightwolf had the heaven-beam or used his axe as a lightning rod. There's only been ONE exception so far and that's Mileena's. Sektor's slow-mo rocket barrage might be another but we haven't even seen the whole thing yet.
This is all good, good.

This is all awesome to me, I don't have one gripe.
A couple of things we see in the Fatalities will probably be tweaked a little, don't be so critical just yet, the game is not even in beta form yet, and as we can see from Kitana not being finished , that NONE of it is completely finished yet.
Cyrax's net Fatality looks awesome, even more awesome slowed down a little bit, things will change for the better, but are FINE now, IMO.
So fucking happy!
A couple of things we see in the Fatalities will probably be tweaked a little, don't be so critical just yet, the game is not even in beta form yet, and as we can see from Kitana not being finished , that NONE of it is completely finished yet.
Cyrax's net Fatality looks awesome, even more awesome slowed down a little bit, things will change for the better, but are FINE now, IMO.
So fucking happy!

I love the gameplay of the game. They keep showing they're on the right track with the mechanics. It really shows potential for different kind of fighters. People who like to pull of combo's, people who like to pull of special attacks and people who just like to mess around. There is something for everybody.
The first reveiled fatality's were great, but they kinda dissappointing me with the last few revealed. I don't like Nightwolf's fatality, just too plain.
And while Cyrax plays kick-ass, his fatality's lack the awesomeness. That net flew way too fast.
I thought it would go a little bit different. That he would throw the net, it would catch the opponent who is struggling to get out. But the net would get smaller, thus squeezing the opponent so he would be cut up in little pieces that would be pushed out of the net.
And here is still hoping his self-destruct fatality is gonna be in.
The first reveiled fatality's were great, but they kinda dissappointing me with the last few revealed. I don't like Nightwolf's fatality, just too plain.
And while Cyrax plays kick-ass, his fatality's lack the awesomeness. That net flew way too fast.
I thought it would go a little bit different. That he would throw the net, it would catch the opponent who is struggling to get out. But the net would get smaller, thus squeezing the opponent so he would be cut up in little pieces that would be pushed out of the net.
And here is still hoping his self-destruct fatality is gonna be in.
Garlador Wrote:
People keep saying they want Cyrax's net slowed down, but I prefer it fast. It's just "bang" and then that eerie silence as the victim begins to realizes just what happened.... right as his arms fall off.
People keep saying they want Cyrax's net slowed down, but I prefer it fast. It's just "bang" and then that eerie silence as the victim begins to realizes just what happened.... right as his arms fall off.
Yes and that's the stupid part....
He just shoots a net and the victim falls into huge pieces... for what?
Really the net looks just like the net he uses all the time in the normal fight... not the laser-wall I was expecting too see.
If you look at the net you see very tiny little openings, so why the victim falls appart in huge parts, that really doesn't make any sense, even in a game that isn't suppose to make sense.
It's just very sloppy and i'm hoping you're right about it being made better in the final product, it really needs to change as its really more stupid than Kitana's hair.
i do agree nightwolf needs a magical, mystical, supernatural fatal. the current energy tomahawk fatal is fine but it would be 100x better if when he held up the axe with the head on it, a bolt of lightning strikes the axe and bursts the head or ignites it in flames, etc. ya know... something. my vote for his 2nd is definitely something that involves his prayer of light fatal from mk3.
DieHumanless Wrote:
i do agree nightwolf needs a magical, mystical, supernatural fatal. the current energy tomahawk fatal is fine but it would be 100x better if when he held up the axe with the head on it, a bolt of lightning strikes the axe and bursts the head or ignites it in flames, etc. ya know... something. my vote for his 2nd is definitely something that involves his prayer of light fatal from mk3.
i do agree nightwolf needs a magical, mystical, supernatural fatal. the current energy tomahawk fatal is fine but it would be 100x better if when he held up the axe with the head on it, a bolt of lightning strikes the axe and bursts the head or ignites it in flames, etc. ya know... something. my vote for his 2nd is definitely something that involves his prayer of light fatal from mk3.
Yes indeed, the lightining strike on the end would have done the trick of making it a very cool fatality! (twitter this to boon!)
If his second fatality revolves around his axes I will NEVER EVER play Nightwolf out of pure disappointment.

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Osu16Bit Wrote:
Ok just did Scorpion's second. He chops off their legs then chops off the head and catches it, holding it up to the camera.
I won't defend this one. Two sword fatalities?
Ok just did Scorpion's second. He chops off their legs then chops off the head and catches it, holding it up to the camera.
I won't defend this one. Two sword fatalities?
Wow. That's fucking beyond belief.
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