Watching the video carefully, and I just noticed that the real intention on Kitana's "ass" hit, is in fact hit with her heels with the legs flexed just to jump back after the hit (it would be dangerous for her to do the same move looking forward the enemy because she wouldn't have control when falling after the hit). If you pause it you can see how she launchs on of her legs in the final second of the move like an "ass" (the animal) instead of hitting with her own ass (I couldn't resist to do the words joke :P). She touches him with her butt but only to lean her body before kicking.

We seriously need better footage of Reptile.. and we need to see his Fatality today.. i hope we do...
WOW......Cyrax has surely made a comeback!
Absolutely fantastic. There is nothing wrong with him that I can think of. Everything we have seen from him has been perfect.
Everything about him has been said, so, I'd just like to point out the main things that made me super happy to see him do:
* MK3 Teleport is back. It looks super cool and fun. Like someone else said, I was really bad at using it at MK3, but I always did it anyways because it looked so cool (btw, is is head spinning around like it did in MK3 once its separated from the body?).
* His Throw is so much fun.
* His X-Ray is fantastic! Definitely one of my favorites and maybe even the best looking one so far.
* His intro is awesome as well as his retreat on Tag Team.
* His Fatality is cool, but to be honest, really not that creative or amazing as it could had been. I hope they do justice to his "net" fatality. I am soooo looking forward to that one.
* Overall, I give Cyrax a 10/10.
Her hair in MKvsDC ended up looking horrible in the final build, so, I don't really expect any huge improvements for her hair in this game. It looks terrible.
Overall, I think that after all we have seen, Kitana's "new" design is very poor in comparison to the rest of the revealed cast.
She really didn't get anything original besides the tiara (which I really like) and the awesome decorations in her gloves and boots (which are a great touch). I think it's a shame that she just looks like a blue combination of Jade+Mileena and maybe even Sindel (to an extent). And I'm sorry, but I don't like her steel fans this time around.
I mean, look at freakin Mileena!! You can really tell they dedicated a lot to make her look original and outstanding in every single aspect. She is flawless.
On the plus side, about Kitana (besides the tiara and the decorations), I think she looks beautiful in the "Character Select Screen" picture (though, ironically, I thought she looked even more beautiful and young in her MKvsDC VS picture).
I also really really love the way she does her throw move! When I first saw it I was worried for a second that she would do yet another Sonya move, but, I was pleased to see her land behind the opponent and fan-slice their back.
Her "re-imaged" Square Wave looks silly, but about time that it looked a bit different from the original one.
I like her pretty kick! It looks faster, but the main reason being those weird screams she makes. So cool.
I'm hoping that the fan lift we saw is just an "upgraded" fan lift that can be done using the special meter. It looks really cool. I love how she seems to play more like her character in MKSM than anything else (which is an excellent thing because that, imo, is the best and most fan Kitana ever).
I really hope to see more "fan" related moves, but I certainly hope they change the fans design because they look really bad. I really dislike her fan throw this time around.
I like that "gypsy" kind of thing that she has going on in this game. I'm also very happy about the return of her MK3 earrings. Her mask is cool too.
Overall, her outfit is just plain...well, it sucks. Her alternate better kick some butt!
Not really much to say, except that he looks cool and that I'm a big fan of his special moves.
Regarding his Fatality....I didn't like it. Its not that its bad, its just that its boring, uninspired, and uncreative. I will probably like it more when I see it in great quality, but, I'm not surprised or excited about the concept. Its so over done.
Torso rips are getting quite repetitive as well.
Absolutely fantastic. There is nothing wrong with him that I can think of. Everything we have seen from him has been perfect.
Everything about him has been said, so, I'd just like to point out the main things that made me super happy to see him do:
* MK3 Teleport is back. It looks super cool and fun. Like someone else said, I was really bad at using it at MK3, but I always did it anyways because it looked so cool (btw, is is head spinning around like it did in MK3 once its separated from the body?).
* His Throw is so much fun.
* His X-Ray is fantastic! Definitely one of my favorites and maybe even the best looking one so far.
* His intro is awesome as well as his retreat on Tag Team.
* His Fatality is cool, but to be honest, really not that creative or amazing as it could had been. I hope they do justice to his "net" fatality. I am soooo looking forward to that one.
* Overall, I give Cyrax a 10/10.
Her hair in MKvsDC ended up looking horrible in the final build, so, I don't really expect any huge improvements for her hair in this game. It looks terrible.
Overall, I think that after all we have seen, Kitana's "new" design is very poor in comparison to the rest of the revealed cast.
She really didn't get anything original besides the tiara (which I really like) and the awesome decorations in her gloves and boots (which are a great touch). I think it's a shame that she just looks like a blue combination of Jade+Mileena and maybe even Sindel (to an extent). And I'm sorry, but I don't like her steel fans this time around.
I mean, look at freakin Mileena!! You can really tell they dedicated a lot to make her look original and outstanding in every single aspect. She is flawless.
On the plus side, about Kitana (besides the tiara and the decorations), I think she looks beautiful in the "Character Select Screen" picture (though, ironically, I thought she looked even more beautiful and young in her MKvsDC VS picture).
I also really really love the way she does her throw move! When I first saw it I was worried for a second that she would do yet another Sonya move, but, I was pleased to see her land behind the opponent and fan-slice their back.
Her "re-imaged" Square Wave looks silly, but about time that it looked a bit different from the original one.
I like her pretty kick! It looks faster, but the main reason being those weird screams she makes. So cool.
I'm hoping that the fan lift we saw is just an "upgraded" fan lift that can be done using the special meter. It looks really cool. I love how she seems to play more like her character in MKSM than anything else (which is an excellent thing because that, imo, is the best and most fan Kitana ever).
I really hope to see more "fan" related moves, but I certainly hope they change the fans design because they look really bad. I really dislike her fan throw this time around.
I like that "gypsy" kind of thing that she has going on in this game. I'm also very happy about the return of her MK3 earrings. Her mask is cool too.
Overall, her outfit is just plain...well, it sucks. Her alternate better kick some butt!
Not really much to say, except that he looks cool and that I'm a big fan of his special moves.
Regarding his Fatality....I didn't like it. Its not that its bad, its just that its boring, uninspired, and uncreative. I will probably like it more when I see it in great quality, but, I'm not surprised or excited about the concept. Its so over done.
Torso rips are getting quite repetitive as well.

About Me
In 15 years, I think this may be the first time I'll need to change my top 5 favorite characters. The team is doing an amazing job bringing out the characters' personalities.

I LOVE THE NET FATALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me
HO HO HOH HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT!!! thank you that was amazing!
-Cyrax net fatality shown... BRUTAL!!! nice transformers sound effect LOL
-Kitana win pose (throws fans in midair and catches them
-more gameplay of kitana and cyrax
-Kitana is very fast and kicks ass!
awesome awesome awesome
Thanks so much! That was awesome!
* Cyrax's NET Fatality.
I like it much better than the other one we saw, and while its really cool, I guess I'm not so thrilled about it because I had higher expectations (think of Resident Evil).
* Kitana's Round Victory Pose.
Nice touch! However, those fans really really need to get fixed and at least close when she hides them. They look bad and I'm upset about her fan throw looking so different. Her fan lift is a really nice change. I welcome the MKSM style!
* Kitana's cool slow-motion back kick to the head and then throw.
Wow, I really loved this one. I wonder what it is? Do all characters have 2 throws? Because we saw her doing some front-flip thing and than a fan slice in anotehr video.

queve Wrote:
Thanks so much! That was awesome!
* Cyrax's NET Fatality.
I like it much better than the other one we saw, and while its really cool, I guess I'm not so thrilled about it because I had higher expectations (think of Resident Evil).
* Kitana's Round Victory Pose.
Nice touch! However, those fans really really need to get fixed and at least close when she hides them. They look bad and I'm upset about her fan throw looking so different. Her fan lift is a really nice change. I welcome the MKSM style!
* Kitana's cool slow-motion back kick to the head and then throw.
Wow, I really loved this one. I wonder what it is? Do all characters have 2 throws? Because we saw her doing some front-flip thing and than a fan slice in anotehr video.
Thanks so much! That was awesome!
* Cyrax's NET Fatality.
I like it much better than the other one we saw, and while its really cool, I guess I'm not so thrilled about it because I had higher expectations (think of Resident Evil).
* Kitana's Round Victory Pose.
Nice touch! However, those fans really really need to get fixed and at least close when she hides them. They look bad and I'm upset about her fan throw looking so different. Her fan lift is a really nice change. I welcome the MKSM style!
* Kitana's cool slow-motion back kick to the head and then throw.
Wow, I really loved this one. I wonder what it is? Do all characters have 2 throws? Because we saw her doing some front-flip thing and than a fan slice in anotehr video.
Her fan throw sent the opponent back ..This throw sent him forward so yup 2 throws sound about right.

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no one will ever be immortal
Cyraxs eye looked hilrious

About Me
I also noticed Kung lao doing some kinda parry move where he grabs their leg and kick flips them. It could be a throw however.

Cyrax bouncing off the wall and flying forward at the screen in the second round was hilarious.

About Me
We can hear the announcer alot better in this latest interview.
He sounds like a mix of the MK4 and MK1. More like MK4 (deep Quan Chi voice) with the Asian-English accent from MK1.
Lovin' it. Jesus, March / April '11 can't come soon enough!
He sounds like a mix of the MK4 and MK1. More like MK4 (deep Quan Chi voice) with the Asian-English accent from MK1.
Lovin' it. Jesus, March / April '11 can't come soon enough!

Scorpion did both his front throw and back throw in the E3 footage so we've kinda known there's two per character the whole time.

About Me
Hmm, so that means a forward throw and a back throw will do something different. Sweet.
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
We can hear the announcer alot better in this latest interview.
He sounds like a mix of the MK4 and MK1. More like MK4 (deep Quan Chi voice) with the Asian-English accent from MK1.
Lovin' it. Jesus, March / April '11 can't come soon enough!
for me the announcer sounded kinda african american.We can hear the announcer alot better in this latest interview.
He sounds like a mix of the MK4 and MK1. More like MK4 (deep Quan Chi voice) with the Asian-English accent from MK1.
Lovin' it. Jesus, March / April '11 can't come soon enough!
About Me
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Scorpion did both his front throw and back throw in the E3 footage so we've kinda known there's two per character the whole time.
Scorpion did both his front throw and back throw in the E3 footage so we've kinda known there's two per character the whole time.
oooh. never knew about the 2 throws till just now; didnt catch scorpion performing two

3:40 Kitana does this wicked sick throw, where she uses her heel and it looks like she digs it into the guy's neck and flips him over. That was sick.
Cyrax's net fatality was WAAAAAAAAY better than the first. I was hoping he'd fall apart into a ton of little tiny pieces, though :P. That may be a little too much to ask.
Cyrax's net fatality was WAAAAAAAAY better than the first. I was hoping he'd fall apart into a ton of little tiny pieces, though :P. That may be a little too much to ask.
Oh yeah, this "new" throw Kitana does is so cool! She looks so fast, I can't wait to play with her.
Meh, that net fatality was kinda average to me... So in terms of fatalities Cyrax is a bit disappointing to me, but he looks tons of fun to play with, which is much more important to me than fatalities.
Hopefully we'll see at least one Kitana's fatalities by the end of the day.
Meh, that net fatality was kinda average to me... So in terms of fatalities Cyrax is a bit disappointing to me, but he looks tons of fun to play with, which is much more important to me than fatalities.
Hopefully we'll see at least one Kitana's fatalities by the end of the day.
Cyrax in terms of gameplay is looking kickass. His fatalities are a little underwhelming though.
I think I figured out why I dislike Kitana's fighting style in visual terms... she flails around too much. While it reflects the intensity of a fight well my perception of Kitana has always been one where she is somewhat more poised with a touch of "holier than thou". Like her fan lift looks so chaotic with arms flinging everywhere rather than something that looks like she is in control more. I love how much they use the fans though. That's one gripe I have about Mileena from what I've seen from her gameplay; not enough use of her sais.
I think I figured out why I dislike Kitana's fighting style in visual terms... she flails around too much. While it reflects the intensity of a fight well my perception of Kitana has always been one where she is somewhat more poised with a touch of "holier than thou". Like her fan lift looks so chaotic with arms flinging everywhere rather than something that looks like she is in control more. I love how much they use the fans though. That's one gripe I have about Mileena from what I've seen from her gameplay; not enough use of her sais.
Cyrax net fatality was awesoime ,cant wait for sektor secon fatality.
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