10/20/2006 07:31 AM (UTC)
Shaoken Wrote:
I think we should cut the MK team a little slack. With everything thats in Armageddon who would honestly think that they could fit 128 bios in there? The only way would be to cut back on the artwork for them, and I would be pretty pissed. And without the Bios it would be hard to understand the endings. If you took away the bios and Konquest modes for the last two games how many endings could you understand? Would you understand why Scorpion was tossed into the soulnado at the end of DA but at the end of D he's working for the Elder gods? How Sub-Zero got his armor and what happened to Frost?

There was no way they could of done decent endings. I applaud Vogel for wanting to put the bios online, and hopefully the endings. I also wouldn't care if the Wii got these.

...apparantly you dont look on the front page very much, there are no bios, Midway is not posting any bios online, check it out in the news archives on the front page. And also, 128 bios would be cool, and easy considering the fact that half of the characters were copied and pasted to this game. theres not really any excuse for all the things this game is lacking......Everybody says that the old games didnt have story either, well the old games didnt have the type of memory that these new systmes do. And when you get bigger systems, people expect bigger games, thats why MKDA bumped it up, and MKD bumped it up even more, because its supply and demand, but now they really didnt bring alot to the table, new characters, a bunch of copied and pasted characters, no story no bios crap endings, cheap side game with no modes and no koins, Konquest that ends shorter than peewee, and limited fighitng, but, I still like the game, Im just very upset that Midway decided not to deliver and lie, instead of sticking to their promise and delivering the final chapter.
10/20/2006 05:35 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH wrote: You're here, why? I am here on this site to express as many others about the damn DISAPPOINTMENT with the LACK Of story in this game. This is why I am here...games like VF that have no story, though let it be a good fighting game, I like what I am playing to make some sense. If I wanted to play a game that was just for the hell of it, I will pull out the Sega Genesis and play Sonic 1 and all those non storyline games. Make sense? I say remake, dammit. I am not saying the gameplay is bad, that is the only thing that is good. Dear God, the lack of Bios piss me off so much...I do not know if m0s3pH can live in the real world with out logic or in the MK universe....but for the rest of us, we all know that this game sucks with out those bios. grin

Shaoken Wrote: There was no way they could of done decent endings. I applaud Vogel for wanting to put the bios online, and hopefully the endings. I also wouldn't care if the Wii got these.

You wouldn't care if the Wii got all the additions that the PS2 and Xbox owners were screwed out of? I think some one is going to buy the Wii for you to be saying some thing like that in the first place. Also, if Midway does such a thing, they best better make a remake for the PS2 and Xbox...MKA: Ulitmate I say.
Please do not double post. Edit your intial post. Thanks.

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10/20/2006 07:02 PM (UTC)
I completley agree. I remember the first thing I did was to look for bios in the Krypt, hmm there aren't any, well I suppose any important information will be included in the endings. So I play through with Sub-Zero and reach the end, I notice its a kata-ending but I respected the fact that 60+ fmvs would be very hard to do, then comes the ending.

Sub-Zero: He becomes an Ice God! Tadaa!!


Basically, the only closure, in the "end times" of MK is that Blaze and Daegon die, whoop-de-doo.

I could go on and on.
Omega Supreme
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There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

10/20/2006 07:59 PM (UTC)
Okay, so now I've read all endings as they are in-game.

I found a few which are not stale, dumb or downright embarrassing.

- Smoke: that nanotech grey goo is pretty original.
- BRC: a bit expected, but at least some continuity here.
- Dairou: a nice twist which leaves some things unexplained, but it's a welcome change.
- Mokap: even though it's written badly, I liked it.
- Cage: not very interesting, but finally there's closure.
- Hotaru: I'm okay with the bombast here, and the irony is nice.
- Kai: both shocking and, interpreted against what a shitpile this game's story is, very ironic.
- Kenshi: I liked it.
- Kobra: the hubris-theme was good.
- Taven: yay, evil wins.
- Kung Lao: original, though it raises many problems.
- Quan Chi: ^
- Raiden: expected, but at least not superbly lame.
- Blaze: also a bit expected, but it was ok.

You know, all this story talk has made me wonder whether we should even be discussing this topic. It's become more obvious to me as time passes that MK isn't marketed anymore for the people who were there since the early '90s. The stories have become such a messy hodgepodge and the gameplay has been so flawed in each game, that I seriously think the game is purposely trying to attract a much younger audience with its "shocking" brutality.

Also, if that was really John Vogel answering that mail (I'm always suspicious when I read stuff like that), it fails to answer one big question: if there were time restraints (even though the game was 1,5 years in the making), then why not just make one big FMV that at least answers some of the questions storybuffs have? Or if that is too much work, just storyboards with neat pictures.

Lastly, I don't think MKO is the right avenue to discuss topics like this. Instead of using its weight to put pressure on Midway and the MK Team, all it does is licking arse. I think MasterMalone had a good initiative going when he confronted Boon et al on the gameplay at E3, we know that it worked. But if MKO will keep being Midway's free publicity agent, we will end up with half-arsed games each time.
10/20/2006 11:11 PM (UTC)
You liked Kenshi ending? He locks himself in a sound proof room after his senses over load. lol So what an ending for a handicap man, he goes from blind to a hermit...My god, MIDWAY COULD HAVE DONE BETTER.
10/21/2006 12:32 AM (UTC)
Now that I've finished Konquest mode, I can say that I liked it a lot.
Of course it's not perfect, but it's like ten times better than the boring MKD Shujinko's quest.
By the way... I knew they wouldn't explain in detail the fates of all characters... but at least they should have hinted in the game the winner of Armageddon.
Taven's ending is nothing about closure

I wish they had included bios... We wouldn't have these continuity issues now.

Hopefully we'll get online bios for characters that will tie MK Deception with MK Armageddon.
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Wait a minute...theres no Angus McLeod in North Kiltown.

10/21/2006 02:14 AM (UTC)
VainQueur Wrote:
Okay, so now I've read all endings as they are in-game.

I found a few which are not stale, dumb or downright embarrassing.

- Smoke: that nanotech grey goo is pretty original.
- BRC: a bit expected, but at least some continuity here.
- Dairou: a nice twist which leaves some things unexplained, but it's a welcome change.
- Mokap: even though it's written badly, I liked it.
- Cage: not very interesting, but finally there's closure.
- Hotaru: I'm okay with the bombast here, and the irony is nice.
- Kai: both shocking and, interpreted against what a shitpile this game's story is, very ironic.
- Kenshi: I liked it.
- Kobra: the hubris-theme was good.
- Taven: yay, evil wins.
- Kung Lao: original, though it raises many problems.
- Quan Chi: ^
- Raiden: expected, but at least not superbly lame.
- Blaze: also a bit expected, but it was ok.

You know, all this story talk has made me wonder whether we should even be discussing this topic. It's become more obvious to me as time passes that MK isn't marketed anymore for the people who were there since the early '90s. The stories have become such a messy hodgepodge and the gameplay has been so flawed in each game, that I seriously think the game is purposely trying to attract a much younger audience with its "shocking" brutality.

Also, if that was really John Vogel answering that mail (I'm always suspicious when I read stuff like that), it fails to answer one big question: if there were time restraints (even though the game was 1,5 years in the making), then why not just make one big FMV that at least answers some of the questions storybuffs have? Or if that is too much work, just storyboards with neat pictures.

Lastly, I don't think MKO is the right avenue to discuss topics like this. Instead of using its weight to put pressure on Midway and the MK Team, all it does is licking arse. I think MasterMalone had a good initiative going when he confronted Boon et al on the gameplay at E3, we know that it worked. But if MKO will keep being Midway's free publicity agent, we will end up with half-arsed games each time.

You liked Kenshi's ending? What are you on?

I actually did like Mokaps, it was pretty funny.
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10/21/2006 02:20 AM (UTC)
willywill3 Wrote:
m0s3pH wrote: You're here, why?

I am here on this site to express as many others about the damn DISAPPOINTMENT with the LACK Of story in this game. This is why I am here...games like VF that have no story, though let it be a good fighting game, I like what I am playing to make some sense. If I wanted to play a game that was just for the hell of it, I will pull out the Sega Genesis and play Sonic 1 and all those non storyline games. Make sense? I say remake, dammit. I am not saying the gameplay is bad, that is the only thing that is good. Dear God, the lack of Bios piss me off so much...I do not know if m0s3pH can live in the real world with out logic or in the MK universe....but for the rest of us, we all know that this game sucks with out those bios. grin

Well, after calling MKA a "damn joke" and a "waste of money" I don't see how you even attempted to redeem yourself with this post, and by flaming me in the process. Saying I can't live in the real world, without logic? Yea, there should be bios. Yea, the storyline sucks. But to call the game a "damn joke" and a "waste of money" shows how little you know. Piss off.
10/21/2006 02:33 AM (UTC)
what did you guys think of rains ending?

i thought it was strange but cool .... like the first time i beat deception with noob-smoke

it's one of those endings that can be partially canon (he will not defeat blaze just not happening)

rain being taven and daegons half-brother and argus' third son (do i have to spoiler box that if so i will) was very blind siding was it even hinted at?

a bio would have helped this ending ALOT

one more thing in konquest when it said he was a prince is that implying that sindel is his mother??

that ending really bugs me because there is alot of explanation that needs to be made for it to work

BTW ermacs ending if fucking stupid

10/21/2006 02:56 AM (UTC)
Instead of using Virtua Fighter as an example of how no story and all gameplay makes a fighting game successful, I would give a different view:

What about Street Fighter 2? That had a very engaging story for the time and there were many complexities and histories between the characters. The gameplay for the time was unseen and gave us the modern fighting game. There you had the perfect blend of storyline and fighting to create one of the most important games in history.
10/21/2006 04:15 AM (UTC)
Although I doubt they’ll put them there, would it really matter if the wii version received bios and the others didn’t?

Some of my favorite parts of the MK story happened in games I don’t have.

For instance, the portable version of deadly alliance had:

- Sektor going to Japan and forming the Tekunin.
- Noob Saibot sneak attacking Goro and mortally wounding him.
- Sub-Zero granting Sareena sanctuary in the Lin Kuei temple.

I thought these were interesting add-ons to each character, yet I never owned the game. I just need to read it once to get the general idea and feel for it.
10/21/2006 04:39 AM (UTC)
umm i haven't clarifyed this yet but i was reading this guys ending guide on all the characters so i din't have to beat each one and i got to taven's and it was diffirent from his konquest ending. does taven have 2 endings? and if so why cause both are completly diffirent. one was the armor did nothing to stop armageddon and the other made the fighters more powerful. if this is true why would they give taven to completely diffirent endings?
10/21/2006 05:23 AM (UTC)
Well I know one thing, and it's pretty apparent m0s3pH not to just me, but everyone else... the lack of the bios makes this game sooooo weak. Though like I said, I will agree the fighting is good, but what a rip off if the whole hype of this was meant for this installment to tie up all the loose ends and be the final chapter on the new generation console...Yes I don't know much, and prehaps I am fucking whacked out of my mind with obsession with the storyline, but that is the ideal of when you have a storyline and then all of a sudden it gets fushed down the toilet. I don't know much...then everyone else is crazy too for complaining and ignorant...riiiighhhtt! Like the catch phrases for this game says m0s3pH, "The end is here"...you damn right, about this franchise. lol
10/21/2006 05:51 AM (UTC)
[quote]...apparantly you dont look on the front page very much, there are no bios, Midway is not posting any bios online, check it out in the news archives on the front page.[/quote]

[quote] Unfortunately, the word from our Midway sources is that there are no [b]existing[/b] biographies for characters in MK: Armageddon.[/quote]

Apparently I read it better then you do. This doesn't discount the possibility of online bios at all.

Anyway, we should be able to get some answers from Ed Boon himself very shortly.
10/21/2006 05:57 AM (UTC)
Apparently my Shoaken friend is missing the point that I made obvious to us all. I am against the game for one reasons, mainly the LACK OF BIOS. LOL I have been bitching about this in every tread about that and some of the other bugs. Duh! Who can not read now? I mean I am from Chicago, though let it not be the greatest place due to our "maginificent" president and educational cuts, but I think this is pretty noticable that once again, THERE ARE NO BIOS. Yes I agree, THERE ARE NO BIOS, which makes this game a disappointment and nonsensical. Now I wonder who was that fine young man who found out this info from John Vogel any way? If John Vogel cares, but working for a company like that, you can't express your opinion, just like the Navy I was once in...I would assume that there could be bios online, but the ideal was to have it in the game. grin
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10/21/2006 07:10 AM (UTC)
willywill3 Wrote:
Well I know one thing, and it's pretty apparent m0s3pH not to just me, but everyone else... the lack of the bios makes this game sooooo weak. Though like I said, I will agree the fighting is good, but what a rip off if the whole hype of this was meant for this installment to tie up all the loose ends and be the final chapter on the new generation console...Yes I don't know much, and prehaps I am fucking whacked out of my mind with obsession with the storyline, but that is the ideal of when you have a storyline and then all of a sudden it gets fushed down the toilet. I don't know much...then everyone else is crazy too for complaining and ignorant...riiiighhhtt! Like the catch phrases for this game says m0s3pH, "The end is here"...you damn right, about this franchise. lol

And you singling me out in your posts makes you look bad... Way to go.

I apologize in advance to tgrant for the upcoming off-topic... ness.

The lack of bios makes this game sooooo weak eh? You seem to completely ignore:

- The much improved, more balanced gameplay (remember people, if a game is unplayable [see: MKD] then it won't be interesting regardless of story)
- The return of an actual arcade "ladder"
- A final boss that isn't excessively cheap
- The return of a disproportionately large sub-boss
- Kreate-A-Kharacter, which lets you write your own story for your custom fighter (sounds like a good deal for someone like you)
- The return of every character (again, the principle makes it good, fuck story if they can bring everyone back in one game)
- Motor Kombat (I know, I condemned this idea right from the start, but it turned out OK)
- New arenas
- Air Kombat (something I happen to love)
- Parries
- Smoother graphics

That's a pretty strong looking list of positives to me, I'd buy a game like that (wait, I already did)

But no, it has to be all about the lack of bios to you. Here are some questions for you:

Notice how there weren't even any bios posted before the game was released? Shouldn't that have raised a red flag with anyone?

Remember MKT? How there were NO BIOS EITHER? Nobody bitched then.

And remember MK1-MKT, where the endings were all like this? Where each character's ending assumes they emerge victorious? Nobody bitched then.

How about the fact that people have complained and complained and complained about gameplay and extras and fatalities and everything else, got what they wanted, and are just NOW in here bitching about storyline?

Sure, they've given you guys everything you wanted, but everything comes at a price. Nobody can have it both ways.

And once again, I ask you...

If you're complaining so much about this game, saying how crap it is, and that it's the end of the MK franchise, then WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON AN MK MESSAGE BOARD? (sorry for caps) I mean seriously, MK has had the best storyline of any fighting series hands down, and you mean to say that with every new feature and improved existing feature this game has to offer to its players, that it is the end of the MK franchise just because of the storyline?

Open your eyes. You're missing a great game.
10/21/2006 07:33 AM (UTC)
The Arenas sucked for the most part...imo anyway. I mean, for the final game in this chapter i thought theyd bring back a lot of the older places for nostalgic purposes...but they had abunhc of crappy konquest stages..i didnt like any of the konquest arenas..they were so dull. it was basically hte same place but with dif background pictures. And the storyline does matter to the game...you cant add every character and then ruin the storyline and ruin the endings. personally i played deception alot just to see the endings of each character (im a fan of the stil images). but Armageddon is bulshit. Mortal kombat triology had the same storyline from mk3 so u cant compare that with armageddon. Triology wasnt supposed to be the 'conclusion' of the entire story anway, so onc eagain..u cant compare that. and the endings of hte first mortal kombat games were better than armageddon..yes they were all text but at least the text was detailed and i dont remember any absurd endings. Wtf is subzero becomes an ice god? every character becomes a god without the elder gods' consent...why arent there champions sent after them? why in the world did smoke take over edenia..i can go on and on (dont forget kitanas ending!). the fatalaties are bulshit..its no fun to see everyone have the same fatality..i odnt know what they were thinking. and the krypt was awful..u can unlcok it in one day..and u have a shitty arcade mode (not to mention extremely easy, blaze is a joke-i half expected some new last boss to appear after i killed him)..what does that leave u with after u unlock everything? nothing. i played this agme for a few days and unlcoked everything and now i dont bother wiht it..(the '?' was purposely put there to piss ppl off-as if its hard to unlock the useless shyt in the krypt) yes there are a lot of characters..but its just random fightihng..storyline gave Mk a purpose and now that purpose is gone. its fun to see all those characters fight for the first few hours..then it gets boring! and Motor kombat is fun for 2mins..its so stupid..u can fall into traps 1million times and catch up to first place with no trouble wtf..bring back puzle and chess!. They couldve easily replaced the useless krypt content with endings or bios but oh well. ANd the kaf is cool i guess so is konquest. my only problem with konquest is the length...it ended all of a sudden as if they put it together last minute. u meet shao kahn shangtusng and co..then 2minslater ure fighting blaze...Lol wtf. man i wa slooking forwrad to the canon ending in konquest but it was super bulshit..it seemed fake..like a 'bad ending' and theres a good ending to be unlcoked (like chrono cross for example).
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10/21/2006 07:47 AM (UTC)

I never said storyline is unimportant. I said that with everything they've added to the game and because the gameplay is thousands of times better than MKDA and MKD, that I can forgive the lack of a coherent storyline for this game. I also said that anyone who can't appreciate the other parts of this game because they can't get past the storyline needs to wake up and stop being so damn ignorant.
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only the fallen have won,because the fallen can't run my vision is not obscure for war there is no cure.

10/21/2006 07:58 AM (UTC)
at least midway should post characters bio.its a minimum....its supossed to be the last 2nd gen mk and we dont even have a good stroyline,and we dont have any bio.midway please do something.
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

10/21/2006 08:34 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:

I never said storyline is unimportant. I said that with everything they've added to the game and because the gameplay is thousands of times better than MKDA and MKD, that I can forgive the lack of a coherent storyline for this game. I also said that anyone who can't appreciate the other parts of this game because they can't get past the storyline needs to wake up and stop being so damn ignorant.

I can't appreciate the other parts to this game. Why? Because ALL of them are so damn half-assed:

1. Air kombat is a joke; everyone goes through the same generic motions for it, and it doesn't even help towards high damage combos, just hits. I've actually found it better to try for the more traditional juggle kombo than try air kombat.

2. The Kreate-a-Fighter mode is PAINFULLY incomplete, with a lot of omissions making no sense, whatsoever. Why do I have Shokan gloves and boots to try out, but no option to give my characters four arms? Why does the female KAF have the cyberninja helmet, but nothing else? Why can I have a gun as a torso accessory, but I can't use it? Tarkatan parts, but NO arm blades as a weapon stance, or any of Baraka's moves to use with them? And what in the bloody fuck is up with us only being allowed a handful of swords and axes to fight with, and NO OTHER WEAPONS?! No staffs, no dual-weilded weapons, not even a pulse blade to go with the cyberninja parts. Considering that there were a LOT more parts available in the beta builds in E3, I'm appalled that we were stuck with such pittance in the final game.

3. Motor Kombat is just plain dumb and boring, period. It's an uninspired and incredibly easy Mario Kart rip-off, and the gaming world doesn't need any more sub-par Mario Kart rip-offs. It seems like every game, now, is either ripping off GTA or Mario Kart. At least Puzzle and Chess Kombat were fun little distractions in Deception; Motor Kombat can't even claim THAT.

4. Konquest mode is rather fun, but it's short, contradicts itself a good number of times story-wise, and some of the puzzles are just a big smidge too timing-sensitive to be as engaging as it could be. That, and the arenas that we can fight in and unlock from it are COMPLETELY static and rather boring; Netherealm Cliffs is just a round plateau against a rust-colored misty background. OOH, scary. And what happened to the spiked ceiling death trap that the Lin Kuei Temple arena was supposed to have? I know I saw the spikes in the 'vs.' screenshot against Noob Saibot in Konquest mode (especially since the room we're supposed to be fighting him in there is the same room that you uppercut the Brotherhood of the Shadow into said spiked ceiling immediately prior), but it's just not there. This isn't Deadly Alliance, y'know; arena interactivity technology has come a long way since then. We shouldn't have to deal with boring, static arenas, now.

5. I found the Krypt...lacking...in terms of content, especially considering that there could've been a LOT more that could've been housed there. If we had to be stuck with the meager amount of stuff in KAF as we did, at least they could've packed most of the 'useless' koffins from the past with more KAF parts, or more tracks and drivers for Motor Kombat. But what did we get? aside from the extra characters, arenas, and alternative costumes, we got what we always got: worthless 'behind the scenes' vids with Boon and concept art. Goodie, we get to see Boon spew his face for another couple of minutes, and see all the cool designs and weapons and death traps that we will never be priviledged to have, ever. If they REALLY wanted to save space and not give us joke items in the Krypt, then they shouldn't give us more of Boon talking, they should give us shit that WE CAN ACTUALLY USE IN THE FREAKING GAME!

6. And, finally, Kreate a Fatality just plain sucks. The fact that there's no character-specific finishers or transitions or anything pisses me off, but the technical aspects of the 'innovation' get me mad, as well: maybe it's just me, but some of the moves seem to take their sweet little ol' time finishing up, and the game will NOT let me input another move until the last one finishes its animation, which usually means I run out of time before I'm able to continue the fatality. There's also been examples of people who aren't able to even perform some of the moves (mainly transitions) with their KAK, which tells you how glitchy it is.

Overall, the game fucking sucks ass, on all levels, with the ONLY saving graces being the mostly-intact fighting engine, the sheer amount of characters available, and the slight glimmer of hope that KAK represented (which is the only reason why I'm not getting rid of my copy just yet; I'm holding out hope that someone can find an in-game or Action Replay code to allow me access to all of the KAK content that was taken OUT of the game, but whose code is still hidden in it). For most people, even with the other flaws, that COULD'VE been enough, HAD the story been at least halfway decent, but it's not, meaning that there is very little that this game has to keep itself afloat. Yeah, alright, we may have gotten 'what we wanted' with this game, but what we got was half-assed and incomplete, and considering what we were promised by Boon himself, that's paramount to being suckered into buying a cat in a bag when we're promised the bag contained a suckling pig. In other words, it's the Fable fiasco all over again, and I hope Boon and Midway realize just as Lionhead did how unappreciative their fans are of being lied and deceived to.
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10/21/2006 10:18 AM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:
Yeah, I am also on the "my GOD the storyline sucked in this game!" bandwagon. Some of those endings were actually painful to watch (especially the ones concerning characters that had never really interacted with one another in anyway, showing up in endings almost as if by random confused weird) Not to mention that not ONE of those endings resolved any long standing story arc of any of the characters. It has been stated almost to the extent of 'beating a dead horse' that this is an ENDING game for most if not all of the characters. *Shrugs* I guess in a way it's good to know that the MK team was not entirely to blame in this respect and some are just as dissapointed as we are. That still does nothing to block the frustration at the game's story. That aside, I do think that game is fun, I love using the air combos and I'm very pleased (story aside) with the Konquest mode. Shujinko's would have been so much better if it had been done like Taven's. It was actually fun and fast paced.. I didn't find myself getting bored at running to *insert random village person's name here* and going on some ridiculous mission. Also Taven has something that Shujinko is clearly lacking: A personality. So it's not ALL bad.. but that's not enough to save the game as a whole. It was disappointing, without question.

Lol! I think I'll be saving myself the pain of getting the endings, though getting wold be the wrong word since they don't save now. If I were to do Arcade it'd be to see the katas and to be honest that's not much of an incentive, imo. All reason to do Arcade died with these endings.

So many of them are just stupid or silly. The ones where characters haven't interacted with one another before just make you think 'WTF?!'

I am hoping I find the rest of the game fun. I suppose I'll have to check out Konquest eventually though it's not going to be the first thing since I can unlock the 4 locked characters without it.

I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the game though. You better be owning hard with Sonya. wink

ShadowScar Wrote:
Damn, does the storyline really suck that bad?

It really does.

Skaven13 Wrote:
I cared a LOT about this universe and the characters in it. I think this is the straw that broke my back finally. I think I am through with MK. It is going to take WAY too much to fix this garbage that it has turned into (they're not GOING to fix ANYTHING anyway, as this game OBVIOUSLY wiped the slate clean, right? right?).
Way to go Midway. You had one incredibly interesting universe, diverse characters, and involving plotlines, and you sent them all screaming down the toilet.

You know it's bad when people say they're through with MK. I can hardly blame you though as I don't even know if I can be bothered with MK8. They've had chance after chance to get it right and they just messed up to an extreme here. Midway are the ones mainly at fault. Their stupid time restrictions are one of the main problems that hinder the game and stoy quality.

DamRho Wrote:
Neon_Spec Wrote:
Dun 84: Fighters are based around gameplay not stories. FACT.

That would apply correctly to a game like Virtua Fighter which has astoundingly excellent gameplay. Play that game and who cares if the fighters don't have stories, it's supposed to be a fighting simulation anyway. MK (the latest three) doesn't have gameplay anywhere near that quality so its strength resided in the storyline. Now, it resides nowhere.

I agree with DamRho 100%.
Omega Supreme
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There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

10/21/2006 10:38 AM (UTC)
willywill3 Wrote:
You liked Kenshi ending? He locks himself in a sound proof room after his senses over load. lol So what an ending for a handicap man, he goes from blind to a hermit...My god, MIDWAY COULD HAVE DONE BETTER.

Calm down, I didn't say Kenshi's ending is a high point in creative writing. At least it's fairly original and not as dumb as some other endings, but I agree that's a very poor claim to fame.

Right now I'm still waiting how the highest level of gameplay is turning out. If it's just as broken as MKD, I won't buy it.
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only the fallen have won,because the fallen can't run my vision is not obscure for war there is no cure.

10/21/2006 11:00 AM (UTC)
...I totally forgotted that Ed Boon once said that armageddon would tied all the looses end.

shit.another lie from our friend Boon.
i really enjoy the game,but i hate the fact that nobody got his own bio and we dont even know what is going on with the deception story...a big laid down imo.And theres too many graphical glitches.these are my only complaint.but still the game is great.
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10/21/2006 11:29 AM (UTC)
SynjoDeonecros Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:

I never said storyline is unimportant. I said that with everything they've added to the game and because the gameplay is thousands of times better than MKDA and MKD, that I can forgive the lack of a coherent storyline for this game. I also said that anyone who can't appreciate the other parts of this game because they can't get past the storyline needs to wake up and stop being so damn ignorant.

I can't appreciate the other parts to this game. Why? Because ALL of them are so damn half-assed:

1. Air kombat is a joke; everyone goes through the same generic motions for it, and it doesn't even help towards high damage combos, just hits. I've actually found it better to try for the more traditional juggle kombo than try air kombat.

2. The Kreate-a-Fighter mode is PAINFULLY incomplete, with a lot of omissions making no sense, whatsoever. Why do I have Shokan gloves and boots to try out, but no option to give my characters four arms? Why does the female KAF have the cyberninja helmet, but nothing else? Why can I have a gun as a torso accessory, but I can't use it? Tarkatan parts, but NO arm blades as a weapon stance, or any of Baraka's moves to use with them? And what in the bloody fuck is up with us only being allowed a handful of swords and axes to fight with, and NO OTHER WEAPONS?! No staffs, no dual-weilded weapons, not even a pulse blade to go with the cyberninja parts. Considering that there were a LOT more parts available in the beta builds in E3, I'm appalled that we were stuck with such pittance in the final game.

3. Motor Kombat is just plain dumb and boring, period. It's an uninspired and incredibly easy Mario Kart rip-off, and the gaming world doesn't need any more sub-par Mario Kart rip-offs. It seems like every game, now, is either ripping off GTA or Mario Kart. At least Puzzle and Chess Kombat were fun little distractions in Deception; Motor Kombat can't even claim THAT.

4. Konquest mode is rather fun, but it's short, contradicts itself a good number of times story-wise, and some of the puzzles are just a big smidge too timing-sensitive to be as engaging as it could be. That, and the arenas that we can fight in and unlock from it are COMPLETELY static and rather boring; Netherealm Cliffs is just a round plateau against a rust-colored misty background. OOH, scary. And what happened to the spiked ceiling death trap that the Lin Kuei Temple arena was supposed to have? I know I saw the spikes in the 'vs.' screenshot against Noob Saibot in Konquest mode (especially since the room we're supposed to be fighting him in there is the same room that you uppercut the Brotherhood of the Shadow into said spiked ceiling immediately prior), but it's just not there. This isn't Deadly Alliance, y'know; arena interactivity technology has come a long way since then. We shouldn't have to deal with boring, static arenas, now.

5. I found the Krypt...lacking...in terms of content, especially considering that there could've been a LOT more that could've been housed there. If we had to be stuck with the meager amount of stuff in KAF as we did, at least they could've packed most of the 'useless' koffins from the past with more KAF parts, or more tracks and drivers for Motor Kombat. But what did we get? aside from the extra characters, arenas, and alternative costumes, we got what we always got: worthless 'behind the scenes' vids with Boon and concept art. Goodie, we get to see Boon spew his face for another couple of minutes, and see all the cool designs and weapons and death traps that we will never be priviledged to have, ever. If they REALLY wanted to save space and not give us joke items in the Krypt, then they shouldn't give us more of Boon talking, they should give us shit that WE CAN ACTUALLY USE IN THE FREAKING GAME!

6. And, finally, Kreate a Fatality just plain sucks. The fact that there's no character-specific finishers or transitions or anything pisses me off, but the technical aspects of the 'innovation' get me mad, as well: maybe it's just me, but some of the moves seem to take their sweet little ol' time finishing up, and the game will NOT let me input another move until the last one finishes its animation, which usually means I run out of time before I'm able to continue the fatality. There's also been examples of people who aren't able to even perform some of the moves (mainly transitions) with their KAK, which tells you how glitchy it is.

Overall, the game fucking sucks ass, on all levels, with the ONLY saving graces being the mostly-intact fighting engine, the sheer amount of characters available, and the slight glimmer of hope that KAK represented (which is the only reason why I'm not getting rid of my copy just yet; I'm holding out hope that someone can find an in-game or Action Replay code to allow me access to all of the KAK content that was taken OUT of the game, but whose code is still hidden in it). For most people, even with the other flaws, that COULD'VE been enough, HAD the story been at least halfway decent, but it's not, meaning that there is very little that this game has to keep itself afloat. Yeah, alright, we may have gotten 'what we wanted' with this game, but what we got was half-assed and incomplete, and considering what we were promised by Boon himself, that's paramount to being suckered into buying a cat in a bag when we're promised the bag contained a suckling pig. In other words, it's the Fable fiasco all over again, and I hope Boon and Midway realize just as Lionhead did how unappreciative their fans are of being lied and deceived to.

1- Meh, you take your playstyle, I'll take mine. I'm sure I'll discover more pros and cons with both and adapt, the game's only been out 10 days.

2- I'll give you this one. I spent about 10 minutes in KAK, trying to make UMK3 Ermac (he looks fine, but...) the only special move worth a damn is the Tele-Flurry. I only brought up KAK for the custom story aspect.

3- Agreed, in the sense that it's dumb. However, I actually find it amusing for a few races, and though it's not as fun as Chess and Puzzle and I would have liked to see more characters, it's a decent distraction IMO.

4- Completely agreed. The Konquest arenas are a serious letdown, the story for that is a letdown, the whole fighting mechanics are a letdown, you get the point. That's why I didn't mention Konquest, it's a pile.

5- Didn't mention the Krypt here for a reason either. It's the same shit we were fed in MKDA, cut in half. And unfortunately, most of the half that was cut out involved the useful stuff. But of course, there's Boon's mug again, saying nothing in particular, like usual. See, it's a rock and a hard place: You either buy everything in the Krypt, or you play Konquest to get all the relics. Either way, you're fucked.

6- Ugh. I hate KAF most of all man. I just throw out an ender (usually a Spine Rip) every time because I hate the idea so much. This was an awful idea and never should have seen the light of day.

So, in review, you harped on a lot of things that I never said were good, so it's nice to know we're mostly on the same page.

I'm sorry you don't enjoy MKA.

However I'll still approve of it, because it's purpose is a fighting game, and it does that well, for once.
10/21/2006 11:52 AM (UTC)
Shaoken Wrote:
[quote]...apparantly you dont look on the front page very much, there are no bios, Midway is not posting any bios online, check it out in the news archives on the front page.[/quote]

[quote] Unfortunately, the word from our Midway sources is that there are no [b]existing[/b] biographies for characters in MK: Armageddon.[/quote]

Apparently I read it better then you do. This doesn't discount the possibility of online bios at all.

Anyway, we should be able to get some answers from Ed Boon himself very shortly.

Ummm....If Im not mistaken the quote specifically says there are no existing bios for any characters in MKA. That does not mean "oh ya we're gonna post some bios online". lol how do you take "no existing bios" and turn it into "gonna put the bios online"?
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