10/30/2006 08:50 PM (UTC)
I will soon be replying with great detail (well, not so much since most has already been said here) about how I feel about this crappy game and the big dissapointments of the beautiful storyline mk once had.

But on a positive light, Konquest was FANTASTIC!!! !Many awesome things were done in this game, it is, imo, the best thing about MKA, and though it didint really tie up loose ends and gave us more questions to wonder then answers, I feel it was done in almost a perfect way.

The story, through that game, felt real and deep, the voice acting was done perfectly for most characters and the events that happened during Tavens quest were really interesting, and I even admit some made me say wow, the best parts of konquest that I remember:

- Delias and Argus storyline and the sons.
- The arenas that play roles in teh storyline such as the lin kuei temple (how it was done) and argus temple (with the ancient stuff in it, etc).
- Sektors role. He was such a bad ass.
- Frosts confussion.
- Sonyas Tekunin attack.
- Sonyas "talk" with Taven, I love the tough bitch attitude. Awesome.
- Raydens gone MAD!!!!!!!! WOW! That little bit of info made me really say WOW. O_0.
- Shinnoks role was excellent. I love this guy.
- Daegon, though a cliché like Taven, was perfect, and his involvemnet with the red dragon was also another wow thing, awesome!
- Orin and Caro: Perfect. I loved them.
- The monolyths.
- The final battle story, etc.
- The fight with the Scorpion skulls: WOW! + FUN.
- and much much more.

I loved almost everything about Konquest.

Too bad the overall storyoline of the game itself is just pure shit. Too bad....endings dont help at all....
10/31/2006 01:46 AM (UTC)
You actually liked the stuff with Frost and Raiden? Meh. I thought those parts were stupid. Frost shouldn't have been there, and Raiden was an idiot.
10/31/2006 05:24 AM (UTC)
Konquest was fun but didnt you find the ending really rushed? You have a shinnok little storyline started, adn then u meet shujink planning to kill shao kahn, then u fianlly meet all the villains in one room and then evryone disappears. Didnt you find that really um retarded? What about when Scorpions clan was brought back undead..what reason dothe elder gods have to screw him over.? since when did the elder gods become evil..that really was retarded.
01/05/2007 12:00 AM (UTC)
TGrant your a fcuking saint anybody ever tell you that. Thanks for taking the time to write all that out.

The thing that goes through my mind is what does a creator of MK like Ed Boon think when he sits and reads something like that, and not from just some dude with an opinion on a forum, but from some of the more prominent members of this entire site. All the head honchos seems to agree with each on the dissapointment that was Armageddon.

Reading what T wrote, it makes me a bit sad and most of all dissapointed because he was right. My love affair with this franchise i thought was going to be renewed upon Armageddons release, it was not, but thats ok i guess, i'll always have MK 2.

Thanks guys, take care until the next release. \m/
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