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I want to play a game. -Jigsaw

10/21/2006 12:36 PM (UTC)
If you want the Bios get the guide. I gatta say though they ain't real special, short and unsweet. Some of the Bios are from past games.sad
10/21/2006 12:40 PM (UTC)
Well, I hope next MK won't be MK8... How could they decently close many chapters with MKA lack of storyline?
IMO, MKA has nothing of a canonical game, so how MKTeam could explain properly the disappearance or death of the majority of actual characters? MKA has nothing of a true MK7, so how could they start a MK8 with refreshed characters?... confused
10/21/2006 01:40 PM (UTC)
I know it may seem like you guys are mad at the general storyline, but I think you guys are actually more angry at the fact that Ed Boon lied to everyone else about the story. I am too. I think Boon needs to stop making empty-ass promises to everyone.

If Ed Boon had said this was a just a dream match, then there wouldn't be complaints, not one at all in terms of the storyline.

How dare he say that this game will be the one that decides all and that if the smoke clears, whoever left will be moving on. That was BS! It seems everyone survives after all for MK8. How the hell is Kung Lao's ending gonna be final!? That is the ending I cannot stand, if Ed decides for MKA to be canonical. If that happens, then that means MK would have nearly never existed at all.

If Ed were to make this canon, then he needs to explain how the hell Sheeva, Motaro, *insert dead MK fighter* came back. Jarek's I could see him being thrown off the cliff, then it turned out Havik healed him or something and then Jarek was recuparting in Edenia. And not to mention, they don't say how Sonya, Cage, Kung Lao etc.. broke free from Onaga's spell ( I think Liu Kang and Ermac saved them ) . But still, you can't just say s*** like that and then not give any explanation.

Somebody should have the guts and call Ed Boon and co. out on their mess about saying things and not really meaning them at the Fight Night.

When he said that, I was on the edge of my seat from May to October antcipating which characters were gonna die and survive. I think MK8 should be then focus on the MKD/MKDA characters in it ( meaning no Sheeva, Kintaro, Motaroat all ) . When I saw the GC endings, I was only hoping that the Kata endings were a good ending, then the best ending for a character would be in a true ending FMV fashion. It's a shame. Even some fans are coming up with better storylines then this one.

And another empty promise is all the characters from the MK Fighting games. Khameleon. Not because I'm a fan of hers, but just like the storyline, this is another half-promise, hlaf-lie he told us. He said every character from the MK Fighting games. Khameleon had bio and an ending in MKT, and Chameleon and Meat didn't ( Meat's name never even appeared in the bars in MK4 for cryin' out loud! ) If those two are in, then she shouldn't be excluded from the main MK roster.

So the true translation from Ed Boon: "This game s going to have most characters from the 6 MK Fighting games".

She should've made it in as an alternate costume for Chameleon then. Now that she's not in as a playable character, I at least want an explanation of why. See Midway are so dumb some times, I swear.

I have a couple of minor nitpicks with Ed Boon and MK Team on some other things as well:

I agree with someone they said Motor Kombat is a waste of time. There's nothing reeally to unlock. No characters or stages to unlock in that mode.
If I had it my way, I would completely eliminate Mortal Kombat entirely. What's the point of having this in there if you're not gonna have crap to unlock at all? It's fun at first, but gets really boring and dull within days.
Waste of space indeed.

I find the lack of classic arenas disappointing. I was expecting the Dead Pool, Courtyard, The Pit, etc.. to come back since I saw the Falling Cliffs, Sky Temple, etc in the trailers. This is like almost the last game using this many roster of characters! MK Team and Ed, where the hell are your brains!? Why did you even bother to put in the Subway, Armory, but you can't freaking put in the Dead Pool, Living Forest, Pit, which were in MKD and could've recycle them! This is another huge disappointment for me. With the exception of Articka, I think those Konquest Arenas need to be replaced entirely with the 5 classic arenas from MKD along with some other MKD stages. Part of the reason I bought this game was for nostalgia. What I was gonna do is that in VS Mode, I was gonna pick only MK2 characters and pick the MK2 stages, but now I'm upset because of this part. I eman, not to mention The Pit is in the Sub-Zero & Scorpion render, but not in the game as an arena!? Just makes the MK Team dumber & dumber. As if endings were horrible, just that coupled with this, it just makes MKA suck more & more.

MKA in the end is dsiappointing to me,. I don't know, I just can't help but feel that way. I almost kinda wished now I didn't buy MKA. Ed Boon and co. were not thinking when they made this game. No classic arenas, no classic alternate costumes for characters ( Jarek, Stryker, Raiden for examples ) Seriously, it makes MKA not fun at all.

Ed Boon and need to learn not to shout promises that they can't take back. Hopefully at Fight Night, there will be some explanation on this whole entire mess.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
10/21/2006 05:01 PM (UTC)
Pretty much, everything that needed to be said was summed up on the first page. I wish I'd posted sooner, but I held off because I wanted to spend a day or two with the game and see what was going on.

I'm glad that Konquest seems to be mostly canon, and it does somewhat resolve some things. But there are still questions.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Okay, so Noob decided to wage war on the Lin Kuei. It would have been nice had this been fleshed out in more detail, but at the very least, it seems Noob's in Lin Kuei custody now. Unfortunately, Smoke is AWOL. I was really hoping their separation would have been indicative of a split. Sadly, no. Still, I'm glad we got to see those two get some exposure in what passes as this sorry excuse for a plot, for whatever that's worth.

I'm kinda short on time now, but I'll be sure to post a rage-filled rant sometime later on summarizing every single thing MKA fucked up.
10/21/2006 05:01 PM (UTC)
I think we should give m0s3pH a cracker for making it very obvious why I am writing these treads mainly about the LACK OF BIOS. DUH! So a golf clap for you, this is the reason why I am on here to complain about that, and if you can take the fact that Ed Boon promised us some thing, then turn around and give us shit....well I would hate to think what political party you would vote for in the next elections. Though it would only make sense to vote for the person and what they could do, not the party they represent. Anyway, yes captain obvious, I am here complaining about how a big flop that was. So two things will happen, as I have been doing and others have mentioned about the disappointment in this story, they will either revise the game. Or, in the end we will keep bitching about it and MK8 will be one of thos disappointments that we will not all be sure if we want to buy it or not. Not too many people were sure after playing MK4, they attempted to get sells with MK4 Gold, but that didn't work. Then when MKDA came out, and a good storyline with it as well, that is what attracted the people. I would think that any one who is so irrational and defending the crap that Midway has given us is working for them, like m0s3pH. Well if I ever had the chance to work for them, with out getting fired, because I see the higher ups do not give a damn about the fans, but the money, I would make sure with all my time and passion to make all things, close to perfect. Almost, but the storyline would be good. Now if you wish to bitch about the bugs in the game, that is because of Herman Sanchez, not John Vogel. I rest my case on that one.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
10/21/2006 09:08 PM (UTC)
Okay. Now, what follows is a list of lovely new plotholes and questions Konquest raises. It's not bad enough that there are no bios, or that MKD isn't even given closure, or that the endings sucked, because Konquest, as fun as it is, serves only to supply background info on Taven, Blaze and Daegon.

Here we go:

Okay. So Taven wakes up, is told by his magical dragon Orin that he's got this quest to do, answers are waiting for him. Yay. Off we go to the jungle.

Taven runs into a Monolith, trains a bit there, seemingly beating up Jarek. Now, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but was Jarek just supposed to represent some random thug? For simplicity's sake, I suppose we can say yes, but having Jarek of all people, who has been presumed dead since MK4, pop up out of nowhere, is just bizarre. This isn't like MKD, where Noob could have feasably represented a Brother of Shadow or Sub-Zero a typical Lin Kuei. So what does this make Jarek, a thug archetype? Or a Black Dragon grunt, since he's around a BD stronghold? Doesn't matter, we never see him again anyway. A nice, shining return for the J-man. Next!

Taven moves on, and encounters Kira and Kobra, who are apparently guarding an entrance to a Black Dragon stronghold of some sort. Taven beats up Kobra, and Kira flees. Taven ventures forth a bit, and kicks some Black Dragon ass, before being confronted by Kabal, whom he mercilessly pummels. Taven then says that he won't have to worry about the Black Dragon clan anymore.

So, are we supposed to believe that THAT's the conclusion to the new Black Dragon storyline? Before they were able to get set up properly, Taven beat them all into submission?

Nice 'resolution'.

Moving right along, Taven enters the temple, whereupon he is assaulted by the Red Dragon. He survives the attack, but is blindsided by Sektor after receiving a message from his father.

So Taven wakes up Sektor's captive. Sektor would like to know a little more about wha Taven knows, or else. Now, why are the Tekunin prowling around temples so? Are they just after power? We're never told. Not like it matters anyway, right? So, there's Sektor's storyline here: He's after power. Wheeee.

Anyway, the Tekunin warship is attacked by the Special Forces. Sektor is addressed over the intercom by Sonya Blade, who we see is now no longer a slave to Onaga. Therefore, we can assume 2 things:

1)Ermac's MKD ending, or potions of it, at least, happened.

2) Considering that this is back on Earthrealm, and Sonya's equipped with her own fleet, it's safe to assume a little time has passed since whatever the hell happened at the end of MKD actually happened, unless she got back right away to find the Tekunin were tearing stuff up.

It is also interesting to note that in Jax's **SHUDDER** ending, he finds that Sektor had at some point implanted a control chip in his brain. Was there some sort of confrontation between Jax, Sonya, and Sektor? Is she hunting him down for the sake of her partner? It was stated in MK: Unchained that Jax had been growing more violent; was this why? A control chip in Jax's brain? We'll never know; Jax appears nowhere in Konquest. This is just one more unanswered question that anyone who can find similar puzzle pieces and put them together might ask.

So anyway, Taven gets off the ship after pummeling Sektor (who probably escaped before it blew, but then we don't know, do we?), Taven finds that Arctika is his next destination. Once there, he meets a very cocky Prince of Edenia dressed in purple, who knows all about Taven's quest, and claims HE will be the winner, and get his revenge. This warrior is of course, Rain, who it is revealed is Taven and Daegon's half-brother, son of Argus, in his own Arcade mode ending.


Rain's MKT Bio stated he was smuggled away from the realm as a baby, but resurfaced years later, owing allegiance to Kahn. His ending states that Kitana tells Rain his father was an Edenian general killed by Shao Kahn. Hearing this, Rain turns against Kahn.

Further Konquest developments will tell us that Daegon killed Argus and his wife. Now, Rain's MKT ending evidently did not happen. But the fact remains there's a plothole here. Even if Argus is somehow the "Edenian General" killed by Kahn ages ago, it was Daegon who killed him, not Kahn.

Was Kitana simply misinformed? Was she going to lie to gain Rain's allegiance? Did Kahn claim credit for the death of Argus? Was Argus masquerading as a general for some reason? Any combination of the above

The simplest solution is, of course, to call the "Edenian General" bit a retcon and move on. But it still serves as a gigantic example of just how sloppy this damn game gets. Still, I suppose it's nice to know why Rain was hidden away: Argus didn't want people to know he'd been naughty.

Anyhoo, After beating up the Tengu clan and gaining entrance to the Lin Kuei temple, he comes across Frost, sealed in ice inside the Lin Kuei base.

Frost, who it was stated that Sub-Zero left at the Cryomancer's stronghold back in Outworld, assuming her dead. Frost, who MK: Unchained states woke up in that very same chamber - in Outworld, and planned revenge on Sub-Zero.

Frost, who is now for some reason kept in an ice coffin, still comatose, back at the Lin Kuei headquarters.


ANYWAY, Taven meets Sub-Zero and gets his armor. The two are attcked by mysterious shadow warriors who look like Lin Kuei, but aren't. Noob and Smoke's demon warriors have set about assaulting the Lin Kuei base.

Taven agrees to help Sub-Zero out, and witnesses Smoke converting a Lin Kuei before his eyes to a Shadow Stalker (is this the name of their clan now, or what?). So we could assume that any number of things has happened, and ask the following questions (among many), because it isn't stated why the Lin Kuei over anyone else are being attacked:

1) Parts of Noob-Smoke's MKD ending were true. Could Sub-Zero have followed the duo, learned of their plans, and escaped?

2) Or did Noob and Smoke, both being former Lin Kuei, simply recognize the new Lin Kuei under Sub-Zero as a significant threat, and decide to strike first?

2) Has this conflict been going on for a little while now? The shadow stalkers are seemingly all converted Lin Kuei. The one that alerts Sub-Zero about them certainly seems surprised: have the Lin Kuei been being abducted covertly for awhile now, or are these dead Lin Kuei that Noob and Smoke found in the Netherealm and enlisted? Could be either or both. A Bio would have gone a long way toward explaining this.

So anyway, Taven kicks Smoke around, who escapes and presumably warns Noob about this new threat. Noob takes out Sub-Zero, and tells Taven to join him or else. Taven politely declines. It's hammertime.

TROLL hammertime.


So Taven hands Noob his ass, and is thanked by Sub-Zero, who politely gives Taven directions to the Red Dragon base.

This leaves Noob in Lin Kuei custody, the "Shadow Stalkers" all defeated or dead, and Smoke completely AWOL. Did Noob later escape in order to join the final fight at the pyramid? We don't know. Did Smoke just sort of decide that would be a good place to be later on? Did HE break Noob out, if so? Were they even AT they pyramid later on? Presumably. We just don't know.


I think I'll stop typing now, my wrists hurt. More later.

Next: Strict gods, where Kano's been all this time, Reptile's bizarre allegiances, and demon henchgirls that no one's seen for twenty years! And a bonus: Character assassination! Be there!
10/21/2006 09:17 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Okay. Now, what follows is a list of lovely new plotholes and questions Konquest raises. It's not bad enough that there are no bios, or that MKD isn't even given closure, or that the endings sucked, because Konquest, as fun as it is, serves only to supply background info on Taven, Blaze and Daegon.

Here we go:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

Okay. So Taven wakes up, is told by his magical dragon Orin that he's got this quest to do, answers are waiting for him. Yay. Off we go to the jungle.

Taven runs into a Monolith, trains a bit there, seemingly beating up Jarek. Now, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but was Jarek just supposed to represent some random thug? For simplicity's sake, I suppose we can say yes, but having Jarek of all people, who has been presumed dead since MK4, pop up out of nowhere, is just bizarre. This isn't like MKD, where Noob could have feasably represented a Brother of Shadow or Sub-Zero a typical Lin Kuei. So what does this make Jarek, a thug archetype? Or a Black Dragon grunt, since he's around a BD stronghold? Doesn't matter, we never see him again anyway. A nice, shining return for the J-man. Next!

Taven moves on, and encounters Kira and Kobra, who are apparently guarding an entrance to a Black Dragon stronghold of some sort. Taven beats up Kobra, and Kira flees. Taven ventures forth a bit, and kicks some Black Dragon ass, before being confronted by Kabal, whom he mercilessly pummels. Taven then says that he won't have to worry about the Black Dragon clan anymore.

So, are we supposed to believe that THAT's the conclusion to the new Black Dragon storyline? Before they were able to get set up properly, Taven beat them all into submission?

Nice 'resolution'.

Moving right along, Taven enters the temple, whereupon he is assaulted by the Red Dragon. He survives the attack, but is blindsided by Sektor after receiving a message from his father.

So Taven wakes up Sektor's captive. Sektor would like to know a little more about wha Taven knows, or else. Now, why are the Tekunin prowling around temples so? Are they just after power? We're never told. Not like it matters anyway, right? So, there's Sektor's storyline here: He's after power. Wheeee.

Anyway, the Tekunin warship is attacked by the Special Forces. Sektor is addressed over the intercom by Sonya Blade, who we see is now no longer a slave to Onaga. Therefore, we can assume 2 things:

1)Ermac's MKD ending, or potions of it, at least, happened.

2) Considering that this is back on Earthrealm, and Sonya's equipped with her own fleet, it's safe to assume a little time has passed since whatever the hell happened at the end of MKD actually happened, unless she got back right away to find the Tekunin were tearing stuff up.

It is also interesting to note that in Jax's **SHUDDER** ending, he finds that Sektor had at some point implanted a control chip in his brain. Was there some sort of confrontation between Jax, Sonya, and Sektor? Is she hunting him down for the sake of her partner? It was stated in MK: Unchained that Jax had been growing more violent; was this why? A control chip in Jax's brain? We'll never know; Jax appears nowhere in Konquest. This is just one more unanswered question that anyone who can find similar puzzle pieces and put them together might ask.

So anyway, Taven gets off the ship after pummeling Sektor (who probably escaped before it blew, but then we don't know, do we?), Taven finds that Arctika is his next destination. Once there, he meets a very cocky Prince of Edenia dressed in purple, who knows all about Taven's quest, and claims HE will be the winner, and get his revenge. This warrior is of course, Rain, who it is revealed is Taven and Daegon's half-brother, son of Argus, in his own Arcade mode ending.


Rain's MKT Bio stated he was smuggled away from the realm as a baby, but resurfaced years later, owing allegiance to Kahn. His ending states that Kitana tells Rain his father was an Edenian general killed by Shao Kahn. Hearing this, Rain turns against Kahn.

Further Konquest developments will tell us that Daegon killed Argus and his wife. Now, Rain's MKT ending evidently did not happen. But the fact remains there's a plothole here. Even if Argus is somehow the "Edenian General" killed by Kahn ages ago, it was Daegon who killed him, not Kahn.

Was Kitana simply misinformed? Was she going to lie to gain Rain's allegiance? Did Kahn claim credit for the death of Argus? Was Argus masquerading as a general for some reason? Any combination of the above

The simplest solution is, of course, to call the "Edenian General" bit a retcon and move on. But it still serves as a gigantic example of just how sloppy this damn game gets. Still, I suppose it's nice to know why Rain was hidden away: Argus didn't want people to know he'd been naughty.

Anyhoo, After beating up the Tengu clan and gaining entrance to the Lin Kuei temple, he comes across Frost, sealed in ice inside the Lin Kuei base.

Frost, who it was stated that Sub-Zero left at the Cryomancer's stronghold back in Outworld, assuming her dead. Frost, who MK: Unchained states woke up in that very same chamber - in Outworld, and planned revenge on Sub-Zero.

Frost, who is now for some reason kept in an ice coffin, still comatose, back at the Lin Kuei headquarters.


ANYWAY, Taven meets Sub-Zero and gets his armor. The two are attcked by mysterious shadow warriors who look like Lin Kuei, but aren't. Noob and Smoke's demon warriors have set about assaulting the Lin Kuei base.

Taven agrees to help Sub-Zero out, and witnesses Smoke converting a Lin Kuei before his eyes to a Shadow Stalker (is this the name of their clan now, or what?). So we could assume that any number of things has happened, and ask the following questions (among many), because it isn't stated why the Lin Kuei over anyone else are being attacked:

1) Parts of Noob-Smoke's MKD ending were true. Could Sub-Zero have followed the duo, learned of their plans, and escaped?

2) Or did Noob and Smoke, both being former Lin Kuei, simply recognize the new Lin Kuei under Sub-Zero as a significant thread, and decide to strike first?

2) Has this conflict been going on for a little while now? The shadow stalkers are seemingly all converted Lin Kuei. The one that alerts Sub-Zero about them certainly seems surprised: have the Lin Kuei been being abducted covertly for awhile now, or are these dead Lin Kuei that Noob and Smoke found in the Netherealm and enlisted? Could be either or both. A Bio would have gone a long way toward explaining this.

So anyway, Taven kicks Smoke around, who escapes and presumably warns Noob about this new threat. Noob takes out Sub-Zero, and tells Taven to join him or else. Taven politely declines. It's hammertime.

TROLL hammertime.


So Taven hands Noob his ass, and is thanked by Sub-Zero, who politely gives Taven directions to the Red Dragon base.

This leaves Noob in Lin Kuei custody, the "Shadow Stalkers" all defeated or dead, and Smoke completely AWOL. Did Noob later escape in order to join the final fight at the pyramid? We don't know. Did Smoke just sort of decide that would be a good place to be later on? Did HE break Noob out, if so? Were they even AT they pyramid later on? Presumably. We just don't know.

I think I'll stop typing now, my wrists hurt. More later.

Next: Strict gods, where Kano's been all this time, Reptile's bizarre allegiances, and demon henchgirls that no one's seen for twenty years! And a bonus: Character assassination! Be there!

i feel you shadaloo,i feel you browink
10/21/2006 09:25 PM (UTC)
What they most likely will do with Rain's story is reconnted it as being the son of Argus and ignore the fact that his father was a general of the Edenia army. If Midway was smart like that, they would do so. Then Rain was always a joke character...purple rain...prince. lol
10/21/2006 09:39 PM (UTC)
Maybe Rain was a son of Argus, but he tried to hide his infidelity from Delia - so he gave him to an Edenian general, whom Rain thought was his dad the whole time.

Maybe......I don't think Rain knows Argus is his dad.
10/21/2006 10:00 PM (UTC)
Rain actually does know that his father is Argus. In Konquest mode, he states to Taven when he encounters him, "The son of Delia"...he would know this because of his father being with her...how did he find this out, I don't know...but to know about the mother of another brother, he would know about his father then. He mentions about getting his revenge and what is rightfully his...being the elder god of Edenia. Therefore, getting Taven and Daegon out of the way so he may claim this title.
10/21/2006 10:06 PM (UTC)
What the MK Team will probably do was have Rain discover his heritage in mK3, but find out the real truth during his absence in Edenia. This retcon is really just a detail they forgot. Once we remind them, they'll make it work. That's how it always is with them.
10/21/2006 10:06 PM (UTC)
Gods have been known to have multiple lovers. A prime example is Zeus, the king of the Greek Gods as well as the Greek God of Thunder. His wife was Hera, another god. Yet Zeus had an affair with a human that resulted in Hercules being born.

Now Rain is far from Hercules. Just using him as an example.

But that's my point. Gods of all kinds have had multiple lovers. Argus is just following the line.
10/21/2006 10:09 PM (UTC)
Now, Mr. Tuesday is making sense on this one. Rain would have to be much older than Taven and Daegon then. Since Argus is his father, we can assume that his mother could have been a general in King Jerrod army then. If you wish to make sense out of this...this is the only way.
10/21/2006 10:13 PM (UTC)
Nah, they made it clear that this general was a man. A father. Well, whatever the case, they definitely made Rain a better character with this smallchange. Hopefully he survives and goes on in future Mk's. THIS is the kind of characterization we need - make them diverse, make them entities other than being pallette swaps.

All I know is that I want Rain to come back. This CAN'T be the end. CAN'T.
10/21/2006 10:17 PM (UTC)
They'll keep Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Rain most defiantely...as long as Hsu Hao stays dead...they gave him such a cheap ending...lol Well would be nice to explain how he is alive for this?
10/21/2006 10:59 PM (UTC)
Two things to Shadaloo:

1) You forgot to mention something from when Taven encounters the Black Dragon:

When he runs into Kira and Kobra, Kira mentions something about an ambush beginning. It's clear they are not ambushing Taven because they don't know who he is or what he's doing there, so who are they ambushing?

I believe the ambush refers to the end of Deception, where the Black Dragon wait to jump the heroes after they kill Onaga, so Havik can sneak by and get Onaga's heart. Now, Onaga's not dead, so Havik not getting the heart makes perfect sense.

But how can the Black Dragon be on Earth talking about this ambush when Deception took place in Outworld? Well if this is their camp, then they must be about to leave for Outworld. Havik has no problem getting from realm to realm, he must have the power to make portals.

Of course, we now know why none of the heroes died on the way out of Onaga's fortress, and why Kobra is still alive: They never make it to the ambush because Taven knocks them out, and thus, Kira and Kobra never get the chance to duel afterward either.

The point here is that we've just recieved the big clue that this game's plot begins just as Deception is ending.

2) I would agree that the most logical explanation for Rain's backstory is this: Argus has an affair, hides the kid from Delia by allowing Edenia's general to adopt him. Later, Shao Kahn wins Edenia's MK tournament and the general smuggles Rain out as the realm is being conquered. Thus, in Trilogy, when Kitana tells Rain of his origin, she would only know of him as the general's son, not Argus's. After Trilogy, with Edenia free, Rain would then likely search for more information about his family and discover that his real dad wasn't the general, but Argus.

I dunno why he thinks being half-God makes him a prince, though. Let's just assume he likes to call himself that because he's an egotistical jerk.
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717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

10/21/2006 11:16 PM (UTC)
According to the Prima Guide bio of Li Mei, she was the one who won the Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance Tournament even though that Tournament according to her bio was also a fake one.

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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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10/21/2006 11:25 PM (UTC)
*start rant*

*sigh* Where are the skull points people? This kid can't disagree without flaming/making fun of someone.

Anyway, I'd like to see you try to quote exactly where Ed Boon PROMISED us bios. That will be good entertainment for everyone posting in this thread.

What political party I would vote for? What does that have to do with this?

Like many have been saying, your pissing and moaning isn't going to get this game remade. You should know full well that Ed Boon and Co. aren't the type of group that gives the fans EXACTLY what they want, he just takes it and twists it, and 9 times out of 10 it blows. So in the end, a year from now when we're hearing about MK8, you're still going to be bitching about MKA, and still nobody is going to care, and I'll be sitting here laughing because of how childish this whole ordeal is.

MKDA's story didn't attract the people. The fact that they had made 3D play a thousand times better and debuting a new fighting engine (not to mention killing Liu Kang and bringing back past favorites) attracted the buyers. If I recall correctly, there were many bullshit endings in that game (namely Scorpion's, Bo' Rai Cho's, Mokap's, Johnny Cage's, etc.)

If I'm so irrational, then why are you so one-track minded? You're the one being irrational for not accepting the opinions of others, and only talking about the bios. You're like a broken record dude... I mean yea, you're entitled to your opinion, but when you flame/degrade me in the process (especially if nothing is done about it), then I don't see how you have any credibility at all. Maybe it's just me, but your nonsensical posts that single me out and that try to pass off your opinion as fact just don't fly here.

If you're going to try (and fail miserably) to knock me down a peg again, at least do it in PM.

*end rant*
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

10/22/2006 12:23 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
*start rant*

*sigh* Where are the skull points people? This kid can't disagree without flaming/making fun of someone.

Anyway, I'd like to see you try to quote exactly where Ed Boon PROMISED us bios. That will be good entertainment for everyone posting in this thread.

What political party I would vote for? What does that have to do with this?

Like many have been saying, your pissing and moaning isn't going to get this game remade. You should know full well that Ed Boon and Co. aren't the type of group that gives the fans EXACTLY what they want, he just takes it and twists it, and 9 times out of 10 it blows. So in the end, a year from now when we're hearing about MK8, you're still going to be bitching about MKA, and still nobody is going to care, and I'll be sitting here laughing because of how childish this whole ordeal is.

MKDA's story didn't attract the people. The fact that they had made 3D play a thousand times better and debuting a new fighting engine (not to mention killing Liu Kang and bringing back past favorites) attracted the buyers. If I recall correctly, there were many bullshit endings in that game (namely Scorpion's, Bo' Rai Cho's, Mokap's, Johnny Cage's, etc.)

If I'm so irrational, then why are you so one-track minded? You're the one being irrational for not accepting the opinions of others, and only talking about the bios. You're like a broken record dude... I mean yea, you're entitled to your opinion, but when you flame/degrade me in the process (especially if nothing is done about it), then I don't see how you have any credibility at all. Maybe it's just me, but your nonsensical posts that single me out and that try to pass off your opinion as fact just don't fly here.

If you're going to try (and fail miserably) to knock me down a peg again, at least do it in PM.

*end rant*

Curious. I don't seem to recall anyone complaining about Deadly Alliance's story or endings, any. Care to give evidence to support your claim that the story WASN'T at least a contributing factor to drawing people in? No? There isn't any? Then shut up, and don't you even DARE start assuming that we don't know what we're talking about what Boon did or did not promise us in MKA, when you can't even back up your OWN claims. Not only does that make you a hypocrite, it makes you a DUMB hypocrite.

I will agree with one thing you said: more than likely, we WON"T be able to get the game remade, especially with how poorly Trilogy and MK Gold were received. That does NOT mean that our bitching isn't without purpose, however; it DOES let Midway know what we didn't like about THIS game, so they know what to change or omit in the NEXT game. You still don't seem to understand that the feedback we give on THIS game impacts what happens to the NEXT one, so if we don't want MK8 turning into a rehash of Armageddon, we NEED to voice our displeasure over the changes in MKA, else Midway will think that we're just hunky-dory with what they gave us, and will give us more of the same in the next installment.

From what I'm seeing of the tit-for-tat between you and Scorpio and the haters on here, YOU guys are the ones to blame for the flame wars, since it's YOU who bashed on US for voicing our complaints about the game. YOU tried to get us to 'shut up and deal', when it's OUR choice to do so or not, and YOU started stating YOUR opinions as fact, first, so in essence, we're just trying to put the blame of the flame war back where it belongs: ON YOU. So, in your own words, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DEAL. You don't want to listen to people bitch about the game, don't come onto these threads, because the moment you do and try to tell US to shut the fuck up, YOU are the ones starting the fires for the flames, NOT us.
10/22/2006 03:25 AM (UTC)
Actually, razor, Kobra and Kira we're going to ambush the Red Dragon inside the Temple of Argus - remember, they weren't in Outworld like they were in Deception. They were on Earth. So, nah, I agree that when this game takes place - Deception has passed.
10/22/2006 04:13 AM (UTC)
In the end while you are defending that crappy excuse of a storyline, failing to see that what they had was a rich story line at one time. m0s3pH is failing to see, THIS IS OUR VICE. Most people do not care all about the fighting, once you have a BIO=LIFE, GRAPHIES=STORY, YOU EXPECT MORE FROM IT. As Eddy Boon said, a lot of unanswered questions will be resolved in MKA, well it wasn't...so he broke that promise...his word to us. He said these things. Now since I am not the only one who keeps bringing this up, and there have been others, you are so insistant not to want to be rational. That my friend, is your failure. No matter what, there is a fight night Nov 9. and all our complaints will be the ones we just mentioned. Doesn't matter who brings it up, he will notice them. No slittering away from this one. lol
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

10/22/2006 04:54 AM (UTC)
... Answer my question before I answer yours.

WHERE DID BOON PROMISE THIS STUFF? What's that? He didn't? Oh, right. Shouldn't you guys know better than to trust that guy? Come on now, you guys are the ones looking stupid for believing him in the first place. Case in point, you obviously have no fucking clue what you're talking about on this matter. Just admit that we were right not to trust Boon. The skeptics were right (again) and the fanboys failed yet again to improve the OVERALL quality of an MK game.

Since I answered my own question, I'll now address yours.

Because there aren't any threads of any substance that I could dig up from the MKDA days (well, one ending thread from March where only one person had an actual opinion on the endings, and he thought they sucked... I also found a few random posts), that point is moot. Meaning, I can't really prove my point, you can't either as a result, let's call that one off.

HOWEVER, given that all was said and done, MKDA was deemed a disappointment in pretty much every facet of the game (though compared to past games, story was decent because it didn't assume that every character won), people very likely bought it because (a) there hadn't been a new MK game in years (b) it boasted a new fighting engine (which, on paper, looked good... horribly done in reality) and (c) the return of old favorites (Shang, Quan, Kung Lao, Cyrax, Reptile, etc.). I for one bought it for reasons a and b, and if I remember correct there wasn't a whole lot of hype given to the story before MKDA's release. Because of this, not many knew about the story (other than ZOMG LIU KANG IS DEAD! and OH TEH NOES! SHANG AND QUAN ARE TOGETHER, WE MUST STOP THEM!), and bought it based on the reasons I listed.

Afterwards, people bitched more about the fact that there weren't FMVs as the endings (like they did after MKD, and so on... one proof of bitching going nowhere) than the actual endings themselves. Go figure.

Next thing: As I've kind of said above, bitching won't do MUCH good, because, I mean, look at the way MKD turned out, look at how MKA turned out, it's a pattern.

Fans complained and complained and complained (I did my share before MKD) and we still got a crappy game (MKD). Again, fans wanted everything but the kitchen sink in MKA, and we got... Well, some of what we wanted, I mean, every character, most of the old special moves, some new ones, a "better" Konquest (I thought it sucked... worse than MKD), endings that weren't pictures (so they met us halfway on this one, I suppose, the character moves around, but not much is going on, another case of Boon twisting our words), and they put some more useful stuff in the Krypt (notice that you have to unlock many of the arenas in the Krypt, and all the alternate costumes (50 something, about a fifth of the total Krypt). I mean, there weren't many items that were complete shit, unless you call of the Koncept Art crap (I don't, because I like to see their initial ideas, and how they fucked them up beyond belief).

But we didn't get a fun minigame, we didn't get bios, we didn't get a challenging final boss, we didn't get a "good" Konquest, we didn't get the Leg Grab, Net, Ground Saw, or Nut Punch, we didn't get a perfect fighting engine (though it is greatly improved over MKD and MKDA, not much could be worse than those, and MKA's I would consider just above average by fighting game standards), and we definitely didn't get balance at the top of the so-called tier lists (anyone who's played as or against Moloch knows what I'm talking about). Do I care about these things? Well, except for the lack of the afforementioned special moves and Moloch/Onaga/Blaze having those ridiculous properties, absolutely not. I buy MK games now for the same reason I bought them back when I was a little kid: to fight. Not to read a novel, play chess, solve a puzzle, race a go-kart, smash some redwood, play the shell game, or run around aimlessly while fighting 30 guys at once. I buy the games for the Arcade, Versus, and Practice modes. If I were to truly complain about anything, it would be that there was no Tournament, Team Battle, Survival, Time Attack, or Tag modes in this game. Sure, story is of some importance, but not the main thing, ya know? Gameplay > Storyline.

So you mean to pin the flame wars on us, the people who are sick and tired of seeing this constant complaining? If you guys would just shut up and play MKA now and wait until MK8 is even thought of to start making suggestions, and maybe make them in other places (i.e. Midway boards, Dave's MK, perhaps the Future MK Games Board on this site, etc.) then you might just get lucky and have someone on the MK team reading your posts. I'll just say that willywill harrassing the MK team (yea, if I were them I'd have him charged with harrassment) by sending what seems like hundreds of emails saying the same thing hundreds of different ways, well, that isn't going to work. Be PROACTIVE, and not REACTIVE, and you'll get things done. Make suggestions, oh, I don't know, respectfully and allow them to respond... Don't go bitching about it here every 5 minutes just because you feel the need or because I don't agree with you. Calling me a dumb hypocrite shows me that you can't respect someone else's opinion, and that me calling you out on something (which, you didn't seem to back up how people bought MKDA for the story, buddy) is seen as grounds for flaming me. Whatever, flame all you want. Doing that and then saying I started it, well, I won't go there.

As for me "bashing" you guys on your complaining... so? Not everyone feels the same way you do. If disagreeing = bashing, then this message board would suck a lot harder than it already does. Yea, the story sucks. Deal with it. The endings aren't getting changed now, so complain all you want, Vogel (or whatever schmuck was behind this) can't remake the endings. I've accepted it, and everyone complaining in here obviously hasn't. Again, GAMEplay should be more important, because after all it is a video GAME, and in video GAMES if the GAMEplay is no good, then you can't play it at all, meaning you'd never get to or want to get to the storyline.

My final point is willywill's latest post. You have here that bio = life. Then you have (I assume this says) graphics = story.

Hmm, I can agree with the first part, but as for the second I'd like to know how the hell graphics equals story. Graphics are the visuals within a game, how fluid they look and feel, the frame rate, and how smoothly everything looks in full action. MKA pulls off the graphics pretty damn well. It isn't perfect, but other than Moloch going through the floor on fatalities, Raiden's staff going through the floor at some points and a couple of glitches here and there, it's fine. Story is, well, the story. It's the account of events that occur with in a game's or a game series's plotline, complete with the characters, their bios, allies and enemies, and histories. Graphics does not equal story, not even close. However, by your theory, since MKA's graphics are actually pretty good, then that means that MKA has a good story. See? Problem solved.

I said it in another thread, and I'll say it again: "Don't be pissed because you think MKA sucks. Be pissed, however, that you paid $50 for it."
10/22/2006 05:01 AM (UTC)
Will you whiny faggots shut the fuck up, and accept the fact that nobody can change the MKA storyline, no matter how bad it is?

I understand you two are shitting your pants because of the god awful storylines, but Chirst on a pogo stick, don't go humping other people because they think differently.
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

10/22/2006 05:31 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
... Answer my question before I answer yours.

WHERE DID BOON PROMISE THIS STUFF? What's that? He didn't? Oh, right. Shouldn't you guys know better than to trust that guy? Come on now, you guys are the ones looking stupid for believing him in the first place. Case in point, you obviously have no fucking clue what you're talking about on this matter. Just admit that we were right not to trust Boon. The skeptics were right (again) and the fanboys failed yet again to improve the OVERALL quality of an MK game.

Since I answered my own question, I'll now address yours.

Because there aren't any threads of any substance that I could dig up from the MKDA days (well, one ending thread from March where only one person had an actual opinion on the endings, and he thought they sucked... I also found a few random posts), that point is moot. Meaning, I can't really prove my point, you can't either as a result, let's call that one off.

HOWEVER, given that all was said and done, MKDA was deemed a disappointment in pretty much every facet of the game (though compared to past games, story was decent because it didn't assume that every character won), people very likely bought it because (a) there hadn't been a new MK game in years (b) it boasted a new fighting engine (which, on paper, looked good... horribly done in reality) and (c) the return of old favorites (Shang, Quan, Kung Lao, Cyrax, Reptile, etc.). I for one bought it for reasons a and b, and if I remember correct there wasn't a whole lot of hype given to the story before MKDA's release. Because of this, not many knew about the story (other than ZOMG LIU KANG IS DEAD! and OH TEH NOES! SHANG AND QUAN ARE TOGETHER, WE MUST STOP THEM!), and bought it based on the reasons I listed.

Afterwards, people bitched more about the fact that there weren't FMVs as the endings (like they did after MKD, and so on... one proof of bitching going nowhere) than the actual endings themselves. Go figure.

Next thing: As I've kind of said above, bitching won't do MUCH good, because, I mean, look at the way MKD turned out, look at how MKA turned out, it's a pattern.

Fans complained and complained and complained (I did my share before MKD) and we still got a crappy game (MKD). Again, fans wanted everything but the kitchen sink in MKA, and we got... Well, some of what we wanted, I mean, every character, most of the old special moves, some new ones, a "better" Konquest (I thought it sucked... worse than MKD), endings that weren't pictures (so they met us halfway on this one, I suppose, the character moves around, but not much is going on, another case of Boon twisting our words), and they put some more useful stuff in the Krypt (notice that you have to unlock many of the arenas in the Krypt, and all the alternate costumes (50 something, about a fifth of the total Krypt). I mean, there weren't many items that were complete shit, unless you call of the Koncept Art crap (I don't, because I like to see their initial ideas, and how they fucked them up beyond belief).

But we didn't get a fun minigame, we didn't get bios, we didn't get a challenging final boss, we didn't get a "good" Konquest, we didn't get the Leg Grab, Net, Ground Saw, or Nut Punch, we didn't get a perfect fighting engine (though it is greatly improved over MKD and MKDA, not much could be worse than those, and MKA's I would consider just above average by fighting game standards), and we definitely didn't get balance at the top of the so-called tier lists (anyone who's played as or against Moloch knows what I'm talking about). Do I care about these things? Well, except for the lack of the afforementioned special moves and Moloch/Onaga/Blaze having those ridiculous properties, absolutely not. I buy MK games now for the same reason I bought them back when I was a little kid: to fight. Not to read a novel, play chess, solve a puzzle, race a go-kart, smash some redwood, play the shell game, or run around aimlessly while fighting 30 guys at once. I buy the games for the Arcade, Versus, and Practice modes. If I were to truly complain about anything, it would be that there was no Tournament, Team Battle, Survival, Time Attack, or Tag modes in this game. Sure, story is of some importance, but not the main thing, ya know? Gameplay > Storyline.

So you mean to pin the flame wars on us, the people who are sick and tired of seeing this constant complaining? If you guys would just shut up and play MKA now and wait until MK8 is even thought of to start making suggestions, and maybe make them in other places (i.e. Midway boards, Dave's MK, perhaps the Future MK Games Board on this site, etc.) then you might just get lucky and have someone on the MK team reading your posts. I'll just say that willywill harrassing the MK team (yea, if I were them I'd have him charged with harrassment) by sending what seems like hundreds of emails saying the same thing hundreds of different ways, well, that isn't going to work. Be PROACTIVE, and not REACTIVE, and you'll get things done. Make suggestions, oh, I don't know, respectfully and allow them to respond... Don't go bitching about it here every 5 minutes just because you feel the need or because I don't agree with you. Calling me a dumb hypocrite shows me that you can't respect someone else's opinion, and that me calling you out on something (which, you didn't seem to back up how people bought MKDA for the story, buddy) is seen as grounds for flaming me. Whatever, flame all you want. Doing that and then saying I started it, well, I won't go there.

As for me "bashing" you guys on your complaining... so? Not everyone feels the same way you do. If disagreeing = bashing, then this message board would suck a lot harder than it already does. Yea, the story sucks. Deal with it. The endings aren't getting changed now, so complain all you want, Vogel (or whatever schmuck was behind this) can't remake the endings. I've accepted it, and everyone complaining in here obviously hasn't. Again, GAMEplay should be more important, because after all it is a video GAME, and in video GAMES if the GAMEplay is no good, then you can't play it at all, meaning you'd never get to or want to get to the storyline.

Where did Boon promise all this? Um...E FUCKING 3, JACKASS! I can point you to a metric fuckton of interviews with Boon from in and around E3 where he repeatedly states over and over again that the items we're complaining about not getting WILL be in the game. But then again, you specifically stated that he didn't 'promise' us anything unless he actually uses the words '"I promise" before any of his claims, so anything that he said in those interviews were all misconceptions and lies, right? He didn't promise jack shit in any of his interviews, we just THOUGHT he did, right? Uh huh, right. So, since you're obviously not wanting to go back and look at what he actually said would be in the game in any one of his interviews about the game, or don't believe it because he didn't say the magical "I promise", I guess there's just no way to get it through that biased little mind of yours that he DID promise us all that stuff regardless of if he said "I promise" or not, and he didn't deliver.

As for Deadly Alliance...what in the fuck were you told? Look at GameRankings; the game has an average rating of 82%, with most game magazines giving it above average ratings. And, this fact is mirrored on Gamefaq's fan reviews, with most of them garnering between a 7 and 9. How can these kind of ratings mean that the game was considered a 'disappointment'? And because you can't prove that it WAS on here, that pretty much blows your argument out of the water, hence the hypocrisy; I'm able to back MY statements up with verifiable content, whereas you only have your word, and yet you're saying that I'M the liar, and that I CAN'T prove my statements. I'm pretty sure that all of Boon's interviews are still on GameSpot and YouTube, so if you want proof, just let me know, and I'll dump you with links to all of the relevant vids on those sites.

I do agree a bit about the proactive thing, but again, if you're content with the freaking game, then why in the fuck do you feel the need to try and make us "shut up and deal"? I can understand how you'd be annoyed by the sheer amount of posts being made about trivial gripes (the Khameleon one I can understand, but Tremor? Boon specificallly said all characters who threw a punch in the FIGHTING games, and Special Forces was and still is classified as an ACTION game, and who cares about the loss of Motaro's hind legs? They made up for it by making him a kick-ass fighter.), but there's an easy way for you to keep your sanity: DON'T GO INTO THOSE THREADS IN THE FIRST PLACE! Trying to get them to shut up will have less effect than you claim bitching on here will do, and it'll just end up starting and/or adding fuel to pointless flame wars. Just let them bitch until their blue in the face, and let the more intelligent gripers take over. Hell, I haven't bitched about the game for a couple of days now; my bitching has mainly been focused on getting you and Scorpio and your ilk to go away and let the haters rant themselves into exhaustion. But even if I wasn't, just as you have the right to voice your opinions, so do we, and you don't see US trying to tell YOU to hate the game, now do you? So if you like the game, that's fine, go on and play it, but please don't try to enforce your pointless silence policy on the ones who DON'T like it, because it ain't helping any.

And by the way, I DO respect other people's opinions, just as long as they're not trying to shove it down my throat. Each time I hear you or Scorpio or another person on here tell someone to 'shut up and deal', I consider that you trying to shove your opinions down our throats. You like the game, fine, but we don't, and we DON'T have to 'shut up and deal'. So as I said before, don't tell us to do so.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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10/22/2006 06:01 AM (UTC)
Boon lied*, you took the bait. You're a bit too pissed at this simple fact. That's all I have to say on that subject.

*- Boon never definitively said that this stuff would be in the game. I remember him saying that MKA was "meant" to tie up the loose ends at E3 and beyond. It didn't. Also, MKT was sort of the last game in that part (MK1-UMK3) of the MK series, and that didn't tie up anything. This ties up nothing either, this MKT2 of sorts. It's not limited to just stories though. Hell, at one point Khameleon was confirmed by OXM, and that wasn't true.

You trust GameFAQs people for information? That's like... the wikipedia of game sites. It's just people spewing out random garbage about whatever comes to their mind. Gamerankings I can understand, but that's one site. In reading many of the online reviews, the common denominator is that the fighting engine held it back, making the overall game a disappointment. Why? Because of the MK aura, the reputation that MK games are held to some kind of standard by their fans, a standard that hasn't been reached since MKT (MKA is the closest they've come since) and the standard that hypes the game on its own (not that Boon, the MK Team, and MKO doesn't do that already).

Just remember that the lack of MKDA stuff means you can't prove your side of that argument either, and as I've said, let's just drop it.

To conclude, and this will be my last post in this thread unless something directed at me in a negative manner draws me back into it (because quite frankly, I'm sick of this shit. It's 2 AM and I'm fucking tired) I won't tell you to like the game, Midway, or Ed Boon. I think you're right that the story sucks. I think people are just taking this a bit TOO seriously right now.
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