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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

18 years ago
m0s3pH Wrote:
Boon lied*, you took the bait. You're a bit too pissed at this simple fact. That's all I have to say on that subject.

*- Boon never definitively said that this stuff would be in the game. I remember him saying that MKA was "meant" to tie up the loose ends at E3 and beyond. It didn't. Also, MKT was sort of the last game in that part (MK1-UMK3) of the MK series, and that didn't tie up anything. This ties up nothing either, this MKT2 of sorts. It's not limited to just stories though. Hell, at one point Khameleon was confirmed by OXM, and that wasn't true.

You trust GameFAQs people for information? That's like... the wikipedia of game sites. It's just people spewing out random garbage about whatever comes to their mind. Gamerankings I can understand, but that's one site. In reading many of the online reviews, the common denominator is that the fighting engine held it back, making the overall game a disappointment. Why? Because of the MK aura, the reputation that MK games are held to some kind of standard by their fans, a standard that hasn't been reached since MKT (MKA is the closest they've come since) and the standard that hypes the game on its own (not that Boon, the MK Team, and MKO doesn't do that already).

Just remember that the lack of MKDA stuff means you can't prove your side of that argument either, and as I've said, let's just drop it.

To conclude, and this will be my last post in this thread unless something directed at me in a negative manner draws me back into it (because quite frankly, I'm sick of this shit. It's 2 AM and I'm fucking tired) I won't tell you to like the game, Midway, or Ed Boon. I think you're right that the story sucks. I think people are just taking this a bit TOO seriously right now.

Oh, give me a fucking break. You're still insisting that Boon never promised us anything? You're still focused on the semantics that he didn't specifically state "I promise all of this content will be in the game"? LOOK AT THE FUCKING INTERVIEWS WITH HIM, YOU BLIND FUCK! HE STATES IT ALL VERY CLEAR AS DAY IN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM! If THAT isn't enough proof that they were promised to us in the game for you, then you need to get your brain checked. "He never definitively stated that they'd be in the game..." Like hell he didn't. What, you want me to give you all the links to his interviews as proof? Because I WILL do so, each and every one of them.

I also looked at all of the sites from GameRankings that I was able to access, and except for GamePro, not one of those reviews mentioned ANYTHING about the gameplay bringing the game down to disappointing levels, In fact, they all PRAISED the gameplay, so that's another nail in the coffin for your argument.

And when was MK Trilogy EVER touted as the 'end of the story' for MK1-3? Point me to where Boon said that it was the culmination of all MK storylines at that time, and I'll go down on you, but from what I can remember (and I'm a big MKT fan), that ain't gonna happen, because it DIDN'T happen. And MKT DID tie up a lot of loose ends: it explained most of the returning characters (except for Kintaro and Goro, if I remember correctly) very nicely in the context of the overall storyline, and there were a lot of endings that were at least partially true (like Cyrax's, Johnny Cages before Vogel retconned it, and Noob Saibot, which was a nice segueway into MK4). If I remember correctly, it wasn't the story but the character imbalance that made people shy away from MKT.

You may think that we're taking this too seriously; that's your right. But the truth is, that we HAVE to take it seriously; we were promised a whole hell of a lot more from Boon and co. than what we got, and as that's the case...do I really have to repeat my analogy to Lionhead and the Fable fiasco? I don't think so. We're just trying to keep what happend with them from happening with Midway in MK8, and maybe, JUST maybe, if that email from Vogel WAS real and serious about the possibility of just a tiny bit more detail into the story, help rise Armageddon up just a little bit higher from the sewer muck by forcing a fix to one of the biggest complaints about the game. Petitioning for a complete remake of the game, I agree is freaking stupid, but the possibility for online bios to help iron out some of the kinks in the story is not much to ask.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
18 years ago

Settle the fuck down, right now, or this thread gets closed. I've had enough of this immature garbage. If you can't dicuss it civilly, don't bother.
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I want to play a game. -Jigsaw

18 years ago
Quote>Shadaloo Wrote:

Settle the fuck down, right now, or this thread gets closed. I've had enough of this immature garbage. If you can't dicuss it civilly, don't bother.

Yeah man calm down! Just because the storyline sucks and their ain't any bios dosen't mean it's the end of the world. Just be happy MKA is even around.
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18 years ago
Shadaloo Wrote:

Settle the fuck down, right now, or this thread gets closed. I've had enough of this immature garbage. If you can't dicuss it civilly, don't bother.

Fair enough.

Anyway, the addition of bios would help, but I fear that we'll see Kitana's be something like this:

Alignment: Good
First Appearance: MK2

My realm of Edenia has been under attack for years...

*insert random garbage about Mileena, Sindel, whatever*

... but, when all the fighting has stopped, I will assemble a force for good.

(see Kitana's ending, The Not-So-Mighty Unmorphing PMS Rangers)
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

18 years ago
m0s3pH Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:

Settle the fuck down, right now, or this thread gets closed. I've had enough of this immature garbage. If you can't dicuss it civilly, don't bother.

Fair enough.

Anyway, the addition of bios would help, but I fear that we'll see Kitana's be something like this:

Alignment: Good
First Appearance: MK2

My realm of Edenia has been under attack for years...

*insert random garbage about Mileena, Sindel, whatever*

... but, when all the fighting has stopped, I will assemble a force for good.

(see Kitana's ending, The Not-So-Mighty Unmorphing PMS Rangers)

As long as it tells us what she's been doing between Deception and Armageddon, and explains her motivations for doing what she does in her ending, I don't really much care WHAT it says.

However, I can understand your concern. If Midway was lazy enough to NOT give us bios, then they'd probably be too lazy to give us an actual update to the characters' situation, should they choose to give us the bios. I honestly doubt that Kintaro was thinking "Hmm, four magical swords imbued with the souls of powerful Kombatants would brighten my day, today" or something, but if Vogel's (supposed) email is anything to go by, the MK team already had these things in mind.
18 years ago
I thought Deception had a decent storyline, at least it was above Deadly Alliance and MK4, but Armageddon really took a dump on that build up.

18 years ago
Getting mad over this isn't all that serious...though one thing is true....Clarification of BIOS would be nice in this game...or revisial. If they can make a MK3 Ulitmate for MK3, then Trilogy, then they can do MKA Ulitmate or whatever...more money in their pockets....but we all get what we want in the end...if that will be the case. Now if Ed Boon doesn't give a fuck and to most of these people who care not for a storyline and play the nonsensical garbage over and over, because it will get boring after awhile and they will see that in the end. Let them do that. We all know what makes this still annoying and weak is, the lack of BIOS. So we have to use our imaginations and figure out things....as I noticed in one tread a man burned the game and there was enough space on the disc for bios and much more. Well Midway you got either lazy or all this conflict is what they wanted to see to scam more money from us. So buy the revisial or not, we all know that this game could have been better. Simple as that, and m0s3pH is going to try to defend against this in some way now, he will always fails to do. The majority knows what's up. All I got to say is with the lack of story and how rushed this game feels, because we all see it that way...so I am not crazy here. "GREAT FUCKING JOB MIDWAY". LOLgrin
18 years ago
Better Arenas would have made the versus modes better. And i agree, 2 on 2 battles, tourny modes etc....would have made the game so much more fun. The game is so basic..its like '62 characters' and lame arenas like every konquest arena. (since konquest ends in like 1 hour of gameplay and at the same time krypt would be unlocked by the time u finish konquest).
18 years ago
All areans in 3D from the pervious installments would be nice, and original music too.
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[Insert witty, MK related quip here.]

18 years ago
Well, I came into the franchise (in a committed sense) a tad later, hence I'm willing to give them a bit more leway in terms of "I expected this to be a UT/TTT style game, no more, no less" and that the reset starting next game will give some decent roll up. Although I'm thinking it'll be something stupid like "Everywhere outside the crater is changed, but those 60+ guys are all the same, plus a bunch of new ones" or something else equally stupid.

I dunno. I guess I understand the anger, and I agree with it, but I still have a smidge of hope left.
18 years ago
A smudge of my hope and majority of others here is to make a revision of this game and fix the major errors in this thing. They can make a MK3 Ulitmate being based off of MK3, then came Trilogy. They most certainly can do the same for MKA. Sign my petition if any of you here are interested in doing so?
18 years ago
I haven't been really on here for a while I was trying to make MKA a suprise.
I can't believe how everyone is this pissed over MKA.wow
I got it today only expecting MK trilogy 2 with a cool FMV, an end to about 80-90% of the characters, all scores to be settled one way or another and everything wiped clean for MK next gen.

I've finished it with about 4 characters Nightwolf, Jade, Liu Kang and Sareena.None of them seemed too bad. Sareena's was the worst but it still made sense. The only dissapointment with them so far is that I was hoping for finallity and no what if (blank) won.

Konquest has helped explain alot. When a character dies they go to the netherealm. Taven freed Frost. Blaze summoned (from all the realms)all the previous kombatants to the pyramid battlefield. To hold the one last tournament. I'm still only just past the giant Shao Kahn statue so I can't give an opinion of someone who has finished konquest.

If bios were made the story would make much more sense and there would be less lose ends.

So far I would think it is a good game but a bad end to MK storywise. Once I've seen everything I can say more. I do however understand the deep dissapointment of people who wrote detailed fan fiction as they put in more effort than the MKA writers.
18 years ago
stop complaining
think of the many possitives to mka instead of whining about the story.
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The world is built upon the bricks of shame

18 years ago
baraka17 Wrote:
stop complaining
think of the many possitives to mka instead of whining about the story.

What positives? An outdated fighting engine that was never good to begin with? Loads of characters that have lost their identity because they have no story, no classic moves that set them apart (like Sonya's leg grab, Cage's nut punch and others) and no specific fatalities thus rendering them with no personality whatsoever? A Konquest mode that seems to be done with shorter than Shaolin Monks? A game that you end up seeing all that there is to see in less than three days?
18 years ago
First of all to Tgrant: Thanks for creating such an honest thread. I can't believe I missed it the first time it circulated the front page. My explanation is that I have been away from the boards, frantically playing MKA. I was doing so in hopes of unlocking some great new content and ultimately being disappointed.

I was a Mortal Kombat fanboy back in the day. I realize now that's because I was very young and thought MK was the best thing since sliced bread. Also, upon re-examining the series, I realized that MK was revolutionary and the series steadily improved from MK1-UMK3. New and interesting characters were added and the storyline became more fun and complex with each installment. (I realize that UMK3 did not add much in the way of story, but no one can tell me that when UMK3 came out, you weren't excited to see more of the fan favorite characters.) That's when my fanboyism ended. I have since been able to look at MK with a more discerning eye.

I respected MK4 because it was a complete departure from MK's tried and true formula. The game wasn't all bad, as they introduced two of my favorite characters (Reiko and Quan Chi). However, the game felt rushed. Compared to other 3D fighters it just didn't stack up. Still, there was an interesting storyline that went along with MKM:SZ and explained more cool events in the MK universe.

Deadly Alliance is my single most anticipated game of all time. I remember sitting in front of my computer for hours searching for new videos and any new info that I could find on the game. MK:DA was a fairly strong title in my opinion. The character design and storyline were phenomenal. I felt that Liu Kang's death and the alliance of two of the most evil characters would begin an awesome new chapter in Mortal Kombat. As we would find out later, I was wrong. The gameplay left a lot to be desired but I felt that would be fixed in future titles. Again, as we would find out...

Deception also ran my life before it came out. I was pretty disappointed to find that they hadn't really killed off Liu Kang and that some of the new characters felt incomplete. This is where my disdain for the MK storyline started. The overall story of Shujinko and Onaga and the Kamidogu is mediocre at best. However, the new characters' storylines are, for the most part, unexplained and uninteresting. I feel that so much more could have been done. For example, I think Hotaru is one of the coolest character designs the MK team has come up with in a while. However, his uninteresting story and his lackluster gameplay make him one of the most hated characters of the new generation. Following what I felt was a great story in Deadly Alliance, Deception was definitely a step back in the Mortal Kombat universe.

Now we arrive at Armageddon. The MK to end this generation of titles. We are promised in a video interview a great deal of closure. What do we get? Nothing. I think I am one of the few people who actually like the Taven/Blaze/Daegon contest storyline. I think it is quite creative and opens up a lot of possibilities. Unfortunately, this is where the creativity ends. There is no explanation as to how all 60 of the returning warriors have made it to this point, despite many of them being "actually killed." Now on to Tgrant's main point. The endings are just atrocious. I can look past the katas (even though this in itself is a cheap way out), but the writing is just terrible. I have beaten arcade mode with only about 20 characters and have no interest in beating it with the rest.

If there were a secret FMV that surfaced in the future, it would do little to heal the wounds. I wouldn't have a problem with the endings being non-canon if there were a final video or story of canonical closure. In fact, having endings be non-canon opens them up to be more inventive. Unfortunately, you cannot promise closure, offer poorly written non-canon endings, and leave everything up in the air in the same game. It just doesn't work. This is the first time I've ever actually been disappointed in a Mortal Kombat game. Sure, there are some great elements...I love having 62 characters, air kombat worked out pretty well, and Kreate a Fighter exceeded my expectations. However, the storyline is what keeps me coming back. I really hope Boon & Co. do something to make up for this travesty in MK8.
18 years ago
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
18 years ago
I really can't believe this would cause an arguement. Thanks for stopping it m0s3pH and SynjoDeonecros. I won't bother saying ym piece on the matter as it's a dead issue now.

I noticed people are on about the game being re-made. I don't believe such a thing would happen. If it did it's just another money making attempt and even if they were to add bios and stuff, they could easily be as half-arsed as the endings and current 'story'. There's nothing there to say that they'd allow Vogel and others to clear everything up. The same goes for them actually releasing bios online now.

Shadaloo Wrote:
Stuff about Konquest!

Just by reading your post, I can tell I'm going to hate Konquest when I eventually attempt it.

Rain calling himself a prince? Wtf?!

All those things you're left to assume is plain ridiculous. But it all shows how bad the whole story is. Somehow I don't think they try to keep things on track as they just create more problems and holes as they go along.

DamRho Wrote:
baraka17 Wrote:
stop complaining
think of the many possitives to mka instead of whining about the story.

What positives? An outdated fighting engine that was never good to begin with? Loads of characters that have lost their identity because they have no story, no classic moves that set them apart (like Sonya's leg grab, Cage's nut punch and others) and no specific fatalities thus rendering them with no personality whatsoever? A Konquest mode that seems to be done with shorter than Shaolin Monks? A game that you end up seeing all that there is to see in less than three days?

Amen to that, DamRho.

18 years ago
They probably did this on purpose for that single cause to have a revision. They revised MK3 making it MK3U, then came Trilogy. Not many people would have a problem with the revision of MKA, but the stuff they left out...it's really up to the consumer if they wish to buy it or not...though Midway should have got it all right the first time. Yes, Rain is a prince...purple Rain. lolwink
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18 years ago
I finished Konquest last night and I was lmao when I saw Taven's ending...I mean seriously WTF was that?

MKA's story should be non-canon. I don't want explanations on some characters deaths or online bios because the hole "Run to the top of the piramid" story is freaking wack and should be forgotten.
18 years ago
They basically threw this game at us, expecting us to "fill in the blanks." What are we supposed to do, play the game aimlessly without knowing what happened with the other characters, and their purpose in MKA? Somehow, I foreseen this back in August

. . .

MK: Depression.
18 years ago
What i wanna know is... did John Vogal really write those endings?
18 years ago
I think Shao Kahn was just as evil as Shang Tsung and Quan Chi (or maybe slightly more evil). I mean he's the M.Bison of MK Lol. How i wish i could see what eventually happend the greatest villain in mk history.
18 years ago
All we can do is imagine what happens before hand...lol. That is not cool at all...this game needs a revision I say. All that was left out of this needs to be added in a revision. I seen it all already, and your disappointments are all the same as mine and everyone else....all we can do is bitch to Midway and we'll see if they can live with themselves...Dumb bastards could have made more money if they did it right the first time.
18 years ago
jinn237 Wrote:
I think Shao Kahn was just as evil as Shang Tsung and Quan Chi (or maybe slightly more evil). I mean he's the M.Bison of MK Lol. How i wish i could see what eventually happend the greatest villain in mk history.

It was hinted at times that Kahn actually cared for, in some very, very small way, both Sindel and Kitana. Furthermore, it was said in MKD Konquest that he was once "like Raiden" in temperment before, presumably, the One Being got into his head and he became a conqueror.

Shang and Quan have no such moments of kindhearted emotion. In fact, if Baraka's MK Gold ending is anything to go by, Quan Chi's doesn't care if he's the only creature alive in the entire universe, so long as he's the most powerful.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
18 years ago
tgrant Wrote:

Just by reading your post, I can tell I'm going to hate Konquest when I eventually attempt it.

Just wait until I tell you what they did to Raiden.
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