can somebody put it on youtube
Why does everyone love Shorin Ryu? The stance sucks, it has 1 mid. Worthless stance.
The game will still be broke, i already see brokeness in it, plants = broke. The camera is still glitchy, i can probaly still control it myself again.
Mids > the new wakeup
AR = Wakeup
you can getup anytime off a techrolable move.
Like scorps F1.
Funny how everyone wan'ts a wakeup when there is already one. haha nubs.
The game will still be broke, i already see brokeness in it, plants = broke. The camera is still glitchy, i can probaly still control it myself again.
Mids > the new wakeup
AR = Wakeup
you can getup anytime off a techrolable move.
Like scorps F1.
Funny how everyone wan'ts a wakeup when there is already one. haha nubs.
Scrybe Wrote:
Why does everyone love Shorin Ryu? The stance sucks, it has 1 mid. Worthless stance.
The game will still be broke, i already see brokeness in it, plants = broke. The camera is still glitchy, i can probaly still control it myself again.
Mids > the new wakeup
AR = Wakeup
you can getup anytime off a techrolable move.
Like scorps F1.
Funny how everyone wan'ts a wakeup when there is already one. haha nubs.
Why does everyone love Shorin Ryu? The stance sucks, it has 1 mid. Worthless stance.
The game will still be broke, i already see brokeness in it, plants = broke. The camera is still glitchy, i can probaly still control it myself again.
Mids > the new wakeup
AR = Wakeup
you can getup anytime off a techrolable move.
Like scorps F1.
Funny how everyone wan'ts a wakeup when there is already one. haha nubs.
You're joking, right?

About Me
LOL at the guy with 18 posts talking like he knows something... qr is not a real wake up.

Ok. so I think I'm seeing the wakeup improved or added or whatever.
but I wanna clearify a bit. One indication is the roll up and block by Kobra right? Or the little kick coming from Kabal right?
Cuz I don't know what it looks like exactly. I know the definition but could someone please ellaborate on that definition exactly for me please??
but I wanna clearify a bit. One indication is the roll up and block by Kobra right? Or the little kick coming from Kabal right?
Cuz I don't know what it looks like exactly. I know the definition but could someone please ellaborate on that definition exactly for me please??

Wake Up game is the ability to stay on the ground, roll on the ground, or get up and make an attack from there or block. It's good for adding strategy and the ability to play mind games with your opponents.
Good examples are Tekken and Soul Calibur.
Good examples are Tekken and Soul Calibur.
redsaleen02 Wrote:
LOL at the guy with 18 posts talking like he knows something... qr is not a real wake up.
LOL at the guy with 18 posts talking like he knows something... qr is not a real wake up.
Says someone who wouldn't be able to beat me anyday, didn't versa stomp you? Haha, weak.

Kobra's wake up move was as soon as his back hits the floor, he gets up and does a 2 handed uppercut.
Kabal's wake up skipped the fall down animation.
Taven popped him up, then did a jumping attack. Just before Kabal hit the floor, he stopped mid air then landed and did a crouching kick.
Looks like the delay in MKA I think, when you do a jump kick just before hitting the ground and the character freezes in the air for a sec. before landing.
Looks pretty ugly IMO, they need to smooth that transition.
Kabal's wake up skipped the fall down animation.
Taven popped him up, then did a jumping attack. Just before Kabal hit the floor, he stopped mid air then landed and did a crouching kick.
Looks like the delay in MKA I think, when you do a jump kick just before hitting the ground and the character freezes in the air for a sec. before landing.
Looks pretty ugly IMO, they need to smooth that transition.

Yeah this is awesome!
I seen in the Taven vs Jarek form the new konquest video! Thanks team
I seen in the Taven vs Jarek form the new konquest video! Thanks team
Totally agree with that.
Heck, they had special 'get up' after the matches when you lost. So for a wake up game they better have some kind of special for at least some characters.
Btw, greeat news. It may not be a full blown wake up game, but at least something new is added that seems to be for the better. Now the question is will it be for the better...
Heck, they had special 'get up' after the matches when you lost. So for a wake up game they better have some kind of special for at least some characters.
Btw, greeat news. It may not be a full blown wake up game, but at least something new is added that seems to be for the better. Now the question is will it be for the better...

The video doesn't work for me. What codec(s) do I need?
NinjaFromHell Wrote:
The video doesn't work for me. What codec(s) do I need?
The video doesn't work for me. What codec(s) do I need?
The video works on quicktime.
NinjaFromHell Wrote:
The video doesn't work for me. What codec(s) do I need?
The video doesn't work for me. What codec(s) do I need?
I don't know about codecs in general, but I would say that the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack would solve your problem. Any net user should have that if watching videos is a thing for them. It comes with Media Player Classic with many options, just use default install and you should be set to go. It's big though, so check to see if the size is ok before installing.
If size is a concern, try VLC player which might solve your problem.
Hopefully that helps.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
The video works on quicktime.
NinjaFromHell Wrote:
The video doesn't work for me. What codec(s) do I need?
The video doesn't work for me. What codec(s) do I need?
The video works on quicktime.
I tried it in Quicktime but the video was glitched and the program would crash because of a "Buffer overrun".
GeminiEntity Wrote:
If size is a concern, try VLC player which might solve your problem.
If size is a concern, try VLC player which might solve your problem.
I downloaded VLC media player and the video works but there is no sound. Oh well, thanks for trying to help and at least I can see what you guys are talking about now. One thing though, ANOTHER sword!?
Glad to hear that you were able to watch it. Just remember about the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack for future use if ever VLC media player fails.
Uploaded to you send it:
Thanks guys. Yousendit didn't work for me, but quickshare did after a fashion.
bleed Wrote:
If I were them, I'd take advantage of the fighters special abilities and incorporate that in to the wake up game.
Like in the MKD intro fight with Shang, Quan and Raiden.
If I were them, I'd take advantage of the fighters special abilities and incorporate that in to the wake up game.
Like in the MKD intro fight with Shang, Quan and Raiden.
I like the sound of that. Kinda like in Shaolin Monks with Scorpion, who lit his feet on fire when he performed a wake-up kick.
Darrius gets his Gaunlets back.
If all the glitches are fixed and Darrius stays the same he will be low tier.
Darrius and Gaunlets without his broken throw are crap.
I guess the main thing is 3 safeness online.
I hope they fix all the online moves that become safe.
If all the glitches are fixed and Darrius stays the same he will be low tier.
Darrius and Gaunlets without his broken throw are crap.
I guess the main thing is 3 safeness online.
I hope they fix all the online moves that become safe.

About Me
first off to the guy who said i wouldnt beat him, LOl bring it on. ill hook up my lag station if i hav too.
now on too the gameplay.
1. a low parry is not possible,,, no possible buttom combination is left. if b+blk does both, thats gay and stupid.
plus also there has to be some plants, u hav to hav some type of 50/50, without it the gameplay is to shallow.
throws also should not be parryable.
either should lows, only thing a low does is sweep and poke, why make that parryable. only mids and high should.
what u people dont realize is there is not ground game anymore, without branch combos u are now narrowed dont to lil 3 hit combos. forceing u to use air combo, which is universal for each guy.... this is why u will be able to use all 64 guys with ease, and its nothing more than mk4 now. they added stuff to fix, but fix what they dismantled the whole gameplay.
now on too the gameplay.
1. a low parry is not possible,,, no possible buttom combination is left. if b+blk does both, thats gay and stupid.
plus also there has to be some plants, u hav to hav some type of 50/50, without it the gameplay is to shallow.
throws also should not be parryable.
either should lows, only thing a low does is sweep and poke, why make that parryable. only mids and high should.
what u people dont realize is there is not ground game anymore, without branch combos u are now narrowed dont to lil 3 hit combos. forceing u to use air combo, which is universal for each guy.... this is why u will be able to use all 64 guys with ease, and its nothing more than mk4 now. they added stuff to fix, but fix what they dismantled the whole gameplay.
hjs-Q Wrote:
Darrius gets his Gaunlets back.
If all the glitches are fixed and Darrius stays the same he will be low tier.
Darrius and Gaunlets without his broken throw are crap.
I guess the main thing is 3 safeness online.
I hope they fix all the online moves that become safe.
Darrius gets his Gaunlets back.
If all the glitches are fixed and Darrius stays the same he will be low tier.
Darrius and Gaunlets without his broken throw are crap.
I guess the main thing is 3 safeness online.
I hope they fix all the online moves that become safe.
I'm glad Darrius has his Gauntlets back. I was like "wtf?" when I saw that Goro's weapon style was called Gauntlets in the E3 version of the game.
Since we know Darrius has Gauntlets, the question is, what will his other style be? Also, depending on the style it is, it may have changed enough for it to be better or worse.
The whole Shinto Ryu Karate thing is personally a bit of a mystery to me, especially since a lot of the Japanese Koryu Bujutsu have Shinto Ryu in their names (e.g. Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu). But then again, Shinto Ryu in MKD was a slightly altered version of Johnny Cage's generic ass "Karate" style. Since both Cage and Darrius are in this game, Cage may have Karate back. Jeet Kune Do isn't really a martial art so for them to put it in this game would only tick me off, especially since Jun Fan is in it.
Anyway, this leaves Darrius' other style, Leopard, which is superior to Shinto Ryu thanks to moves like D + 1, D + 3, and 4. This style of cunning tactics for a cunning tactician is fitting though I'd rather see it on Nitara. However, she may get Fu Jow Pai which would be good for due to D + 1, D + 4, and B + 2.
So overall, if Darrius' other style is Shinto Ryu, he'll probably be low tier or something close to it. If he has Leopard, maybe he'll be mid tier.
redsaleen02 Wrote:
first off to the guy who said i wouldnt beat him, LOl bring it on. ill hook up my lag station if i hav too.
now on too the gameplay.
1. a low parry is not possible,,, no possible buttom combination is left. if b+blk does both, thats gay and stupid.
plus also there has to be some plants, u hav to hav some type of 50/50, without it the gameplay is to shallow.
throws also should not be parryable.
either should lows, only thing a low does is sweep and poke, why make that parryable. only mids and high should.
what u people dont realize is there is not ground game anymore, without branch combos u are now narrowed dont to lil 3 hit combos. forceing u to use air combo, which is universal for each guy.... this is why u will be able to use all 64 guys with ease, and its nothing more than mk4 now. they added stuff to fix, but fix what they dismantled the whole gameplay.
first off to the guy who said i wouldnt beat him, LOl bring it on. ill hook up my lag station if i hav too.
now on too the gameplay.
1. a low parry is not possible,,, no possible buttom combination is left. if b+blk does both, thats gay and stupid.
plus also there has to be some plants, u hav to hav some type of 50/50, without it the gameplay is to shallow.
throws also should not be parryable.
either should lows, only thing a low does is sweep and poke, why make that parryable. only mids and high should.
what u people dont realize is there is not ground game anymore, without branch combos u are now narrowed dont to lil 3 hit combos. forceing u to use air combo, which is universal for each guy.... this is why u will be able to use all 64 guys with ease, and its nothing more than mk4 now. they added stuff to fix, but fix what they dismantled the whole gameplay.
You do have a good point with the low parry stuff. Also, since the jumping and all that is much better and not shitty like in MKDA and MKD, we probably won't need a low parry. So yeah, one parry for highs and mids could be fine.
I'm sure there will be some 50/50 in the game. I doubt this game would really wipe out all 50/50 possibilities. Plants are probably still going to be in.
I don't see why throws would be parryable, especially since this game has throw escapes.
There never really was much of an actual ground game in the first place, just tech rolling.
I'm sure we'll get more than 3 hits in a combo on the ground. As much as I would've liked the aerial stuff for each character to be unique and all, it wouldn't be happening for a game with 62 playable characters (not counting KAK).

Darrius has always been one of the best low tiers in my opinion and his gauntlets only make him more kickass, but i was watching one of the MKA vids and i saw tht kintaro has 4 gauntlets himself, is this true?
Darrius4664 Wrote:
Darrius has always been one of the best low tiers in my opinion and his gauntlets only make him more kickass, but i was watching one of the MKA vids and i saw tht kintaro has 4 gauntlets himself, is this true?
Darrius has always been one of the best low tiers in my opinion and his gauntlets only make him more kickass, but i was watching one of the MKA vids and i saw tht kintaro has 4 gauntlets himself, is this true?
Um, Darrius is a top-tier character in MKD....
Regarding Kintaro, his weapon style is Saber Teeth.
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