06/22/2014 11:32 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Only in so much as things that are repetitive and untrue are obnoxious. Which is half my problem with you as a person. You don't read and you repeat the same stuff every couple months.

Heh. I give you 4 for attempt to save your coolness and 2 for the choice of words.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
And whaddya know, there's the other half. The hypocrite who thinks it's everyone else who are the hypocrites.

I love when people self-deprecating themselves, without realizing it. Go on...it's entertaining.
I am nice person...when there are nice people outthere. When there aren't, I answer accordingly.
And I LIED!? Wow, that's must be about something horrible. grin
Historical Favorite
06/22/2014 11:46 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Heh. I give you 4 for attempt to save your coolness and 2 for the choice of words.

Wait, is that on a 5 scale or a 10? 'Cause if it's the former, that's actually pretty damn good.
06/23/2014 12:04 AM (UTC)
It's not a scale, it's a code. If you add the two numbers up, that's how many years it'll take Mick to realize that the way he talks to people is bullshit and ban him.

And if you multiply them, that's how many warnings and second chances Mick'll give him before the ban.
We could cut the time in half if he were spamming us with threads and PMs about purses and swedish chicks but alas, he's too good at pretending to be a normal human being capable of civility.
06/23/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Wait, is that on a 5 scale or a 10? 'Cause if it's the former, that's actually pretty damn good.

Only 5 scale. He doesn't deserve to be measured in 10 scale in anything. wink

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's not a scale, it's a code. If you add the two numbers up, that's how many years it'll take Mick to realize that the way he talks to people is bullshit and ban him.

And if you multiply them, that's how many warnings and second chances Mick'll give him before the ban.

We could cut the time in half if he were spamming us with threads and PMs about purses and swedish chicks but alas, he's too good at pretending to be a normal human being capable of civility.

Oh, please. You give me too much honor. Compared to your permanent angry whining and insulting people who doesn't agree with you and who have perfectly good arguments, I am just a little annoying fly.

I am perfectly capable of civility with people who I find likable. Stuck up fanboys are excluded from this list by default.
06/23/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I am perfectly capable of civility with people who I find likable.

So far in the past week I've seen you say something nice to exactly ONE person on the entire board.

And it was only because he was agreeing with your opinion. (You spent the entire rest of that same post making PERSONAL attacks on a GROUP of other people for disagreeing...which rather negates that one lonely compliment.)
On the other hand, besides me, I've seen you directly insult at LEAST five people in the same time frame, probably more that I've lost count of... (some of whom, I don't even get along with and have argued with more times than I've argued with you. The fact that I'm sticking up for them now proves this isn't about differences of opinion, it's about behavior.)
...and calling them "fanboys" and saying "they complain about anything new and only like nostalgia" is just the EXCUSE you have used to justify your behavior. It has, in almost every case, been an inaccurate description of the things they were saying. Not to mention, even if it WERE true, it's NOT a good enough reason to be an asshole.
Now, if they had been the asshole first, that'd be fine. Self-defense, responding-in-kind, everyone does that...but they never ARE. It's always YOU who starts off IMMEDIATELY condescending and holier-than-thou before the argument even begins. That's your starting position, that's your default personality. And you gradually get worse and demean and discount people more and more from there.
In the same week, the only person I've deliberately been mean to is you, and none of those mean things I've said about you or to you have had to do with Mortal Kombat or opinions, they've all been about the way you treat people.
You are a douche to EVERYONE, because that is your nature, and you can get away with it unpunished. I am a douche to YOU because it's the closest thing to justice I am capable of getting.
Historical Favorite
06/23/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Compared to your permanent angry whining and insulting people who doesn't agree with you and who have perfectly good arguments,

To be fair, you can't say he isn't up front about it from the get-go. Look at the man's avatar. The red light of rage burns deep within him.
06/24/2014 07:38 AM (UTC)
In case you all missed it...

RT @eddyboyprime where the hell did all these Kitana fans come from, dont waste a character slot on her Ed! EB: How can any1 hate on Kitana?

— Ed Boon (@noobde) June 20, 2014 ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

Hopefully, she'll be in the game or at least as DLC. Kitana and her sister are almost as iconic and popular as Scorps and SubZ, there's no way they can let those 2 go to waste.
06/24/2014 08:43 AM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
Hopefully, she'll be in the game or at least as DLC. Kitana and her sister are almost as iconic and popular as Scorps and SubZ, there's no way they can let those 2 go to waste.

I have a feeling we will not see Kitana and Mileena in this game. If NRS really want to shake things up, some major sacrifices are to be made. One of them is to get rid of one of the most iconic duos in the series.
Though, there is minor possibility, that Kitana and millena can appear as DLC, I wouldn't bet my money on it. I believe, there will be some sort "replacements" for them, though, like it usually happens in fighting games.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

You are a douche to EVERYONE, because that is your nature, and you can get away with it unpunished. I am a douche to YOU because it's the closest thing to justice I am capable of getting.

Ha-ha-ha....Justice...You....? It's like the most bizzare joke in existence.
To serving any kind of justice you should be something different from stuck up fanboish manchild, who ready to drawn everyone in his childish hatred for things that he was never able and will never be able to influence.
And another thing. Just a free advice: don't cover your spoiled nature with loud words and "big goals". It makes you look like a hypocrite and even more like an obsessed person.
But considering your rant, I'd say, I got you really hard. This is what counts.
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-sig by MINION

06/24/2014 09:46 AM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
In case you all missed it...

RT @eddyboyprime where the hell did all these Kitana fans come from, dont waste a character slot on her Ed! EB: How can any1 hate on Kitana?

— Ed Boon (@noobde) June 20, 2014 ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

Hopefully, she'll be in the game or at least as DLC. Kitana and her sister are almost as iconic and popular as Scorps and SubZ, there's no way they can let those 2 go to waste.
People like that guy constantly confuse me. It's so very obviously Kitana is one of the most popular characters in the franchise, like why he playing lol.
06/24/2014 10:03 AM (UTC)
@Razor and Sumac:

Lords, you two are like parodies of cartoon rivals. Razor acts like a delusional hero while Sumac acts like a narcissistic villain. You should get your own Cartoon Network show.
06/24/2014 01:16 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
Hopefully, she'll be in the game or at least as DLC. Kitana and her sister are almost as iconic and popular as Scorps and SubZ, there's no way they can let those 2 go to waste.

I have a feeling we will not see Kitana and Mileena in this game. If NRS really want to shake things up, some major sacrifices are to be made. One of them is to get rid of one of the most iconic duos in the series.
Though, there is minor possibility, that Kitana and millena can appear as DLC, I wouldn't bet my money on it. I believe, there will be some sort "replacements" for them, though, like it usually happens in fighting games.

Go ask the team behind Street Fighter about how that "shake things up, make major sacrifices" thing can work out.
06/24/2014 01:24 PM (UTC)
I also forgot to mention a more recent example-the Saints Row games.

When it was revealed that Johnny Gat dies in Saints Row The Third, THQ and Volition experienced a MAJOR backlash, so much so that a lot of Saints Row fans didn't buy either Saints Row The Third OR Saints Row 4, they tried to rely on DLC to at least break even on development and market costs...hence, no more Saints Row.
06/24/2014 01:40 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:

Go ask the team behind Street Fighter about how that "shake things up, make major sacrifices" thing can work out.

Very well? Third Strike is considered one of the best technical fighting games of all time, up there with Virtua Fighter.
06/24/2014 02:08 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:

Go ask the team behind Street Fighter about how that "shake things up, make major sacrifices" thing can work out.

Very well? Third Strike is considered one of the best technical fighting games of all time, up there with Virtua Fighter.

But what about sales? SF3 was a failure and Capcom lost a lot of money on that game. So what do you think matters most to Warner Bros. & NRS, Making back their money they spent on Development and Marketing, or pleasing fans of "technical games"?

If we get the PS2 era type of sales and reception this time around, coupled with Injustice's recent poor performance, we may not see another Mortal Kombat anything for a very long time.
06/24/2014 02:26 PM (UTC)
Let's not forget about what happened with Soul Caliber 5 either.
06/24/2014 02:52 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
But what about sales? SF3 was a failure and Capcom lost a lot of money on that game.

Street Fighter III was a commercial failure for many reasons besides its character roster. Primarily, its only consumer release for several years was on the Dreamcast console, and many people had no idea it even existed when it first came out since Capcom never advertised the game. Capcom suffered from the "3D or No-D" mentality many publishers had during the dawn of the fifth generation of home consoles and it still being 2D sprites earned it ire with virtually everyone.

Soulcalibur V was a success critically and commercially, but didn't pull the numbers that Bandai Namco wanted, whom seem to have a batshit crazy analytics department based on far more than just Soulcalibur V.

As far as SC5's roster goes, I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that the developers didn't really know what to do with the game. It had this weird split for characters new and returning, with many axed characters being given new legacy replacements since the originals were cut for whatever reasons, but many returning characters didn't look noticeably aged despite that being one of the reasons given. The story didn't seem to radically depart from the ongoing story either that warranted a huge time skip. It was constructed in a way that seemed like the dev team was constantly fighting itself creatively.

Honestly, SCV probably would have been better received by fans if it had a roster more like SF3 than what it is, because it would've provided a more concrete reason as to the exclusion of many characters than what was shown.
06/24/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
Wanderer Wrote:
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:

Go ask the team behind Street Fighter about how that "shake things up, make major sacrifices" thing can work out.

Very well? Third Strike is considered one of the best technical fighting games of all time, up there with Virtua Fighter.

But what about sales? SF3 was a failure and Capcom lost a lot of money on that game. So what do you think matters most to Warner Bros. & NRS, Making back their money they spent on Development and Marketing, or pleasing fans of "technical games"?

If we get the PS2 era type of sales and reception this time around, coupled with Injustice's recent poor performance, we may not see another Mortal Kombat anything for a very long time.
Yeah man, we all know that SF3's sales was only because of the roster. I see you're sure that MK will be a screwup unless it has what you say it should. Oh and by the way, Street Fighter has never been much of a seller outside of SF2 and SF4.
06/24/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
Go ask the team behind Street Fighter about how that "shake things up, make major sacrifices" thing can work out.

There were many reasons for SF3 as Wanderer. Key reasons were decline of arcade market, very expensive hardware, competition with 3D games, which were getting all the spotlight from game companies. Problems with roster were rather a minor thing compared to everything above.

Wanderer Wrote:
As far as SC5's roster goes, I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that the developers didn't really know what to do with the game. It was constructed in a way that seemed like the dev team was constantly fighting itself creatively.

Soul Calibur 5 was unfinished and incredibly rushed.
New producer seemingly decided to undo everything, that creator of SC5 done.
06/24/2014 04:35 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
I also forgot to mention a more recent example-the Saints Row games.

When it was revealed that Johnny Gat dies in Saints Row The Third, THQ and Volition experienced a MAJOR backlash, so much so that a lot of Saints Row fans didn't buy either Saints Row The Third OR Saints Row 4, they tried to rely on DLC to at least break even on development and market costs...hence, no more Saints Row.

Most of the old SR fans who left the series didn't like the new direction with all the comedy and then the aliens and superpowers stuff, they preferred when it was a GTA clone. I don't think Johnny Gat had much to do with anything.
Personally, I liked 3 and 4 better.
06/24/2014 05:31 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
@Razor and Sumac:You should get your own Cartoon Network show.

Like CN isn't bad enough already?
06/24/2014 05:35 PM (UTC)
I really, really hope Kitana is out of MK X and becomes Downloadable content.

I want Mileena to have a storyline without Kitana.
Kitana obviously died in 9.
I'm not interested in conversations between kitana and the other characters... They will all be about order, respect and goodness anyway... bleh!
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-sig by MINION

06/24/2014 05:43 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
Soulcalibur V was a success critically and commercially, but didn't pull the numbers that Bandai Namco wanted, whom seem to have a batshit crazy analytics department based on far more than just Soulcalibur V.
It struggled to get there though. Like it came in ass a success with two missing legs, a missing eye, and internal bleeding. The struggle was real.
06/24/2014 05:54 PM (UTC)
I'm inclined to agree with Captain Chivalry. I approach this through the lens of someone invested in the tournament scene of fighting games. Third Strike was an AMAZING game... but character roster was a definite reason why it didn't sell well commercially. That's why each new edition that came out they kept adding in classic characters.

Soul Calibur 5 had one of the shortest stints in the competitive scene before it died out. I know that I for one did not purchase the game because my favorite characters were not in it.

Now I'm not saying that these games are bad or that games should only have classic characters. I just think that there should be a handful of classic characters returning (typically the most popular) so that people have something familiar while they are being introduced to the new.
06/24/2014 06:03 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I really, really hope Kitana is out of MK X and becomes Downloadable content.

I want Mileena to have a storyline without Kitana.
Kitana obviously died in 9.
I'm not interested in conversations between kitana and the other characters... They will all be about order, respect and goodness anyway... bleh!

Yeah except Mileena is a crazy baby now. What potential could she have storyline wise? NRS pretty much killed any future story potential when they retconned Mileena and made her just created during MK2. "She has the mind of a child" "has fits of rage" something about only pursuing to carry out Shao Kahn's will, something's I remember about her description from MK9. So pretty much she is Skarlet now, just with half Edenian blood. I hope Mileena can be redeemed. Her character was great MK2-MKD. Now it seems she'll only be another henchman.

06/24/2014 06:10 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I really, really hope Kitana is out of MK X and becomes Downloadable content.

I want Mileena to have a storyline without Kitana.
Kitana obviously died in 9.
I'm not interested in conversations between kitana and the other characters... They will all be about order, respect and goodness anyway... bleh!

Yeah except Mileena is a crazy baby now. What potential could she have storyline wise? NRS pretty much killed any future story potential when they retconned Mileena and made her just created during MK2. "She has the mind of a child" "has fits of rage" something about only pursuing to carry out Shao Kahn's will, something's I remember about her description from MK9. So pretty much she is Skarlet now, just with half Edenian blood. I hope Mileena can be redeemed. Her character was great MK2-MKD. Now it seems she'll only be another henchman.

Well with all this time passed and with Kitana dead (I remember somewhere Kitana and Mileena shared this telepathic link) maybe Mileena gained Kitana's intelligence or whatever. (not her boring kindness tho)

They think of something to make Mileena interesting again, for all I care the metal-working dude from Kabal's ending has given Mileena a new brain lol.

i'll leave that up to Boon & Co, they ruined her character, let them fix her, but without Kitana please, enough of that already. Maybe Jade survives and can become something more than Kitana's personal slave and friend as well... I would like Jade to have a mind of her own instead of just fighting punching-bag characters to free Kitana...
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