06/22/2014 03:22 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Still, we could kinda still talk about her.

There's not much of value to say about the current version of her. It looks like she's not coming back since her voice actress, last I read, on her own facebook said she's not yet been contacted to reprise the role. ('Course, if you believe some resume site, she was temporarily listed as being in the game but in a "supporting" role as opposed to a "lead" one like she was in MK9, which means unplayable character cameo...but that listing was removed and I'm gonna take her word over IMDB or wherever) And really, the voice acting would have been recorded by now, so if she says she's not in the game then she's probably not going to be added before it launches.

Which is really interesting because that VA ALSO plays Mileena.

So either the characters are in and have been recast, or Mileena is not in MKX despite being still alive and the legal heir to the throne of Outworld.
06/22/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Still, we could kinda still talk about her.

There's not much of value to say about the current version of her. It looks like she's not coming back since her voice actress has either not been contacted to reprise the role, or is only listed as a cameo, depending on which source you believe. And really, the voice acting would have been recorded by now, so if she says she's not in the game then she's probably not going to be added before it launches.

Which is really interesting because that VA ALSO plays Mileena.

So either the characters are in and have been recast, or Mileena is not in MKX despite being still alive and the legal heir to the throne of Outworld.

I feel like she'd have a voiceless cameo, seeing how the undead characters don't really need to talk.

But since there's always the possibility of recasting voice actors/actresses... Yeah, there's really nothing left to add now. I guess when we get more info, she'd be a focus for a thread.

Unless people want to talk about her hair. That I'm still gonna throw out for a plausible discussion.
About Me
06/22/2014 03:32 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Should she come back, stop being a fucking damsel in distress and stop dressing like a whore........That's all I got.

I'm sure our buddy Vogel gets a kick out of that trope and is a big supporter of the whole girl power movement.

Who needs strong women? tongue
06/22/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)
I don't think Kitana not being voiced yet is necessarily a sign that she isn't returning. I assume that they will probably need to finish making character models and designing move sets first. Or maybe they are just using a new voice actress? I think it's too early to say that she is definitely not in the game because of this.
06/22/2014 03:58 AM (UTC)
ItsDaveyJ Wrote:
I don't think Kitana not being voiced yet is necessarily a sign that she isn't returning. I assume that they will probably need to finish making character models and designing move sets first. Or maybe they are just using a new voice actress? I think it's too early to say that she is definitely not in the game because of this.

Generally, in the development process, the script and voice acting is one of the first things that gets finished. With MK9, we had leaked casting sheets and voice clips for characters like a year before they were even announced.
06/22/2014 04:11 AM (UTC)
I stand corrected. But I would think that might be different for fighting games. I still think it is too early to say for sure. There are plenty of hypothetical reasons why she may not have been contacted. And without knowing NRS' development schedule we can't say for sure.
06/22/2014 04:21 AM (UTC)
Yeah...if I had to put money down on it, I'd say it's just more likely Mileena's been recast than that she's not in the game considering she isn't dead.

We know Sub-Zero's been recast after all, and I'm not as convinced it's a new guy under the mask as some people are.

I'm just sayin', the thought that they MIGHT have not written either Kitana OR Mileena into story mode seems worth talkin' about to me.
And personally, I'd prefer it if they DIDN'T recast anybody except maybe Smoke, because all the rest of the VAs in MK9 were really good and I'd like them to be consistent from game to game.
(Hey, did you guys catch that? Razor said something nice about MK9.
...No, of course they didn't catch that. Anything that doesn't support their "the detractors only like old stuff and hate anything new" stereotype is always ignored.)
06/22/2014 04:29 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Yeah...if I had to put money down on it, I'd say it's just more likely Mileena's been recast than that she's not in the game considering she isn't dead.

We know Sub-Zero's been recast after all, and I'm not as convinced it's a new guy under the mask as some people are.

I'm just sayin', the thought that they MIGHT have not written either Kitana OR Mileena into story mode seems worth talkin' about to me.

And personally, I'd prefer it if they DIDN'T recast anybody except maybe Smoke, because all the rest of the VAs in MK9 were really good and I'd like them to be consistent from game to game.

(Hey, did you guys catch that? Razor said something nice about MK9.

...No, of course they didn't catch that. Anything that doesn't support their "the detractors only like old stuff and hate anything new" stereotype is always ignored.)

My thing with Smoke is the lack of an accent. I figured when it was confirmed he was from Prague that he would at least have one. Then again Cyrax didn't have one either...
06/22/2014 05:03 AM (UTC)
Cyrax has the same faint, unidentifiable accent all non-American black guys have in TV and movies.
Smoke just bugs me because I don't think his VA is a convincing actor. It could partially be the dialogue he was given to work with to blame as well.
06/22/2014 05:12 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Should she come back, stop being a fucking damsel in distress and stop dressing like a whore........That's all I got.

This guy got it!!

I will be quite surprised, if Mileena somehow appear in the game. For some reason I have suspicion, that neither sister will be present as more than secondary character.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

(Hey, did you guys catch that? Razor said something nice about MK9.

...No, of course they didn't catch that. Anything that doesn't support their "the detractors only like old stuff and hate anything new" stereotype is always ignored.)

Ah, so it really did hurt. I'll remember that.
And about criticizing users...I don't think you should say that.
06/22/2014 05:22 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Cyrax has the same faint, unidentifiable accent all non-American black guys have in TV and movies.

I could tell he had a slight accent, but either way it's not really a huge gripe for me. My thing is I find it hard to believe that ninja from all corners of the globe talk the same, unless they were all raised in the same area.

I know both Bi-Han and Kuai Liang were brought to the Lin Kuei at a young age, but does it ever mention the others time of arrival?
06/22/2014 05:22 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Ah, so it really did hurt. I'll remember that.

Only in so much as things that are repetitive and untrue are obnoxious. Which is half my problem with you as a person. You don't read and you repeat the same stuff every couple months.

RedSumac Wrote:
And about criticizing users...I don't think you should say that.

And whaddya know, there's the other half. The hypocrite who thinks it's everyone else who are the hypocrites.

I can go a day without being a dick to innocent people who didn't say anything mean to me. I'm not saying I'm NEVER that guy...but I can go a day. Also, obviously, I'm honest about my capacity for dickery. (That's a word now. You can use it if you like. You're welcome. wink)

You...well, I'm not saying you CAN'T, I'm just saying I haven't SEEN ya do it yet...but maybe I'm not looking hard enough, y'know? Benefit of the doubt and all that. I do know I've seen you LIE and act like there's nothing wrong with the way you talk to people.

Granting of course that days where you just don't post at all don't count.

Darkhound74 Wrote:
I know both Bi-Han and Kuai Liang were brought to the Lin Kuei at a young age, but does it ever mention the others time of arrival?

Not really. If I were to indulge in speculation...

Sektor was probably raised in it from the start since his dad's the grandmaster.

Smoke's bio says he was a boy when he got his powers and amnesia, but the pictures in his ending look older, so maybe a teen? His bio does say that he considers the Lin Kuei his family and Kuai Liang a brother, so he must've done some growing up in that environment.

Cyrax was already a "Motswana warrior" and chose to join rather than being recruited or abducted as a kid, so I'm gonna guess he was an adult.
06/22/2014 07:44 AM (UTC)
I can see Kitana being left out of the Story Mode.

Edenia hasn't been freed. I can see Boon and Co. not wanting to give too much focus to Edenian troubles, which would be done to avoid diverting too much focus away from Earthrealm's troubles. What with how Shinnok wants to rule Earthrealm. Even if she's an undead warrior, she could just not have any dialogue outside of fighting, with reused fight dialogue.

Mileena? I guess she can try to be empress like in Deception. If Boon and Co. still remember that part of her character.
06/22/2014 12:25 PM (UTC)
If Kitana is in the game, I want to actually see her face off against Mileena (likewise if she is in the game too) good and proper. Like I'm talking to the death here once and for all.

Its been brewing for years and I think its time for it to be concluded with having one of them die for something new to come along. Realistically it would probably be Mileena who perishes, but it would be interesting to see where the story would go if Kitana was the one who lost to Mileena.

I could see this happening during the ending of the first 1/3rd of the game or the beginning of the 2/3rd, and then have this as a way to introduce a new character in the story or something that I dunno...has a new rivalry with Kitana, introducing a new arc for her and further development of her character, and giving this new character a good footing for development too.

But all in all. I just want to see Kitana and Mileena duke it out in brutal, gory, good old Mortal Kombat, while being cannon to the story. Gameplay of course, as the climax to one of their chapters if the story plays out like MK'9s, and ending with a meaty cutscene of them both fighting on the brink of death and one of them (likely Kitana) finishing the other with a fatality, resolving this rivalry arc and making way for a new one to begin.

But hey, people don't ever stay dead in Mortal Kombat. So if one of them is to die, they will probably appear again in the next game or two.
06/22/2014 01:17 PM (UTC)

If Kitana is in the game, I hope she has the same voice actress as MK9. I like that voice a lot for Kitana. Imagine Kitana with that voice, but an old timeline version.

06/22/2014 02:08 PM (UTC)
jrob9308 Wrote:
If Kitana is in the game, I want to actually see her face off against Mileena (likewise if she is in the game too) good and proper. Like I'm talking to the death here once and for all.

Its been brewing for years and I think its time for it to be concluded with having one of them die for something new to come along. Realistically it would probably be Mileena who perishes, but it would be interesting to see where the story would go if Kitana was the one who lost to Mileena.

I could see this happening during the ending of the first 1/3rd of the game or the beginning of the 2/3rd, and then have this as a way to introduce a new character in the story or something that I dunno...has a new rivalry with Kitana, introducing a new arc for her and further development of her character, and giving this new character a good footing for development too.

But all in all. I just want to see Kitana and Mileena duke it out in brutal, gory, good old Mortal Kombat, while being cannon to the story. Gameplay of course, as the climax to one of their chapters if the story plays out like MK'9s, and ending with a meaty cutscene of them both fighting on the brink of death and one of them (likely Kitana) finishing the other with a fatality, resolving this rivalry arc and making way for a new one to begin.

But hey, people don't ever stay dead in Mortal Kombat. So if one of them is to die, they will probably appear again in the next game or two.

It's ironic that you put it that way since their rivalry started with Kitana fighting and killing Mileena in the original MK2. Mileena spent 3 and 4 a slave of the Netherealm like Kitana is now.
06/22/2014 07:42 PM (UTC)
jrob9308 Wrote:

But hey, people don't ever stay dead in Mortal Kombat. So if one of them is to die, they will probably appear again in the next game or two.

It's already happened twice now.

Per Mileena's original story she was killed by Kitana in MK2 and was revived during MK3.

Then she was supposedly killed again and revived to work with the Netherrealm during MKGold.

We assumed she got killed off again after that per Kitana's MKGold ending, only in Deception did we discover "lol she's alive jk."

We've already had their "fight to the death" you're wanting at least twice now and both times it ended with Kitana slaying Mileena. Their feud is old hat now just as much as Scorpion's and Sub-Zero's is.
06/22/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
Then she was supposedly killed again and revived to work with the Netherrealm during MKGold.

No, she didn't die twice, she just kept working for Shinnok from Trilogy into MK Gold.
06/22/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
Mileena has died once! And that was by Kitana's hand in MK2. And as Razor said, she was resurrected to work for Shinnok and did so until MK Gold where after Shinnok's defeat, Mileena confronts Kitana and gets locked up in the Edenian castle's dungeons. In MKD she is found by Baraka and freed, both then working for Onaga.

And well, then she dies again in MKA, like everyone else.
06/22/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
Who in the games even has a consistent story.....?
06/22/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Who in the games even has a consistent story.....?

Kitana does. From MK1 to MKA.
06/22/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Who in the games even has a consistent story.....?

Kitana does. From MK1 to MKA.
Which is? Besides being Kahn's step daughter....
06/22/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Who in the games even has a consistent story.....?

Kitana does. From MK1 to MKA.
Which is? Besides being Kahn's step daughter....

If you go back to the very first response of this thread, you will find this:

Jaded-Raven Wrote:

In her time, she's done alot of things for herself and her people.

- MK2: After finding out about her true heritage, she joined the Earthrealm warriors against Shao Kahn and was part of his defeat.
- UMK3-MKT: When Shao Kahn resurrected Kitana's mother Sindel, Kitana freed her from Shao Kahn's grasp and simultaneously freed Edenia from Outworld.
- MKG: She made a peace treaty with the Centaurians and the Shokans.
- MKDA: She fought off Shao Kahn's forces to ensure Edenia's freedom.

In MKD's intro it was shown she died to the Deadly Alliance and was resurrected amongst the others who died by Onaga who enslaved them, but they were all freed when Onaga died. And then the whole Armageddon thing happened and then her story was put to a halt in MK9.

However, the things she accomplished in the original timeline is pretty damn awesome. So I would indeed not call her underdeveloped.
06/22/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Who in the games even has a consistent story.....?

Depends on what you mean by consistent.

If you mean "Did the same thing every game and never changed or grew or had different goals", almost nobody.

If you mean "Makes sense", almost everyone did from the beginning until Deception. Shujinko's life, and the fact that not everyone got a bio in Armageddon, is where things get fuzzy, but before that it was fine. All you needed to do was read the bios from game to game and follow along. (And occasionally read some arcade endings too. Many of them are half true, which admittedly is a problem telling which ones count and which ones don't, but it becomes easy if you just remember the parts about backstory are always true, the parts about "he killed Shao Kahn and this is what happened as a result" aren't.)

And of course the reboot straight-up ignored and reimagined a ton of people's histories.

I could explain everything you ever need to know about the old timeline character by character, but...there's like 64 of them. It'd take quite a while.

MK9's timeline is easier since there's a lot less to learn, but you can learn that one for yourself by playing story mode and reading the bios in the Nekropolis, since that's all the information there even is about that version of the characters so far.
06/22/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Who in the games even has a consistent story.....?

Depends on what you mean by consistent.

If you mean "Did the same thing every game and never changed or grew or had different goals", almost nobody.

If you mean "Makes sense", almost everyone did from the beginning until Deception. Shujinko's life, and the fact that not everyone got a bio in Armageddon, is where things get fuzzy, but before that it was fine. All you needed to do was read the bios from game to game and follow along. (And occasionally read some arcade endings too. Many of them are half true, which admittedly is a problem telling which ones count and which ones don't, but it becomes easy if you just remember the parts about backstory are always true, the parts about "he killed Shao Kahn and this is what happened as a result" aren't.)

And of course the reboot straight-up ignored and reimagined a ton of people's histories.

I could explain everything you ever need to know about the old timeline character by character, but...there's like 64 of them. It'd take quite a while.

MK9's timeline is easier since there's a lot less to learn, but you can learn that one for yourself by playing story mode and reading the bios in the Nekropolis, since that's all the information there even is about that version of the characters so far.
Damn. Wish you were able to explain everything but I understand it would take time.
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