02/12/2010 07:55 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Similar to a hari kari, the loser should be able to input a button combination and try to run away from the opponet. this is for pure comedy like friendships and babatility. also similar to the hari kari idea, the loser puts in a button combonation and the loser trys to fight for his life. this will take place in a pre set fighting sequence. you will have two chances to input buttons. whoever inputs buttons at a preciser time will win in the fighting sequence animation. if one player wins and the the other player wins, you will have a third round. if each player wins and then its a draw you have to fight again in the game. this fighting sequence(it is a pre set animation, diff for each fighter) will only last about 15-20 seconds and if you ever played soul calibur 3, this idea is kinda similar to their ending movies.

In the fatalities you could use the SIX AXIS MOTION controller. you could shake the opponent(shake controller) ,throw them( left to right wave motion) or pull off people heads(lift controller slowly, fake struggle like your picking up somthing heavy) using six axis motion controller.

they should have a HUMORALITY where you perform a fatality but with dark humor. it should be real funny. like someone posted(icebaby i think??) before. kung lao could throw his hat then the foe dodges it and celebrates. then the hat comes back and chops his head off while he is celebrating. lol!!!!

Good ideas. I like the telekinetic fatality you came up with too. I mean putting the head on the groin. LOL


Johnny Cage vs Mileena- Johnny eats a big burrito and bends down. Mileena gets attracted to him so she decides to sniff his butt. She says, "Mmmm heh heh heh...". But when he farts, she screams in terror and at the same time chokes to death. At the end, Johnny pulls down his glasses and winks at the camera. (It can work on any victim but I chose Mileena because she says "Mmmmm heh heh heh..."

Mileena- Seduces the opponent and squats down by the enemy's knees. Then, she chews off the groin, making the victim run around and hold that area and fall to the ground. Also, while that is happening, she says, "Mmmm heh heh heh...".

Jade- She could shove her staff in the guy's butt through the shoulder or head. That's humorous.

Jax- Shows off his huge, sharp, metallic p9#!$. Then the opponent screams and shits himself/herself to death.

02/12/2010 08:39 PM (UTC)
i dont understand what you are trying to say in the jax fatality. he shows off metal his arms???
02/12/2010 10:02 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
i dont understand what you are trying to say in the jax fatality. he shows off metal his arms???

No, I meant that he shows off his huge pen!$ that is covered in metal. His d!c# should also be cyborg. wink
02/13/2010 12:01 AM (UTC)
hahahahahahaahh. man you are crazy. lol
02/13/2010 04:11 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
hahahahahahaahh. man you are crazy. lol

LOL wink
02/14/2010 07:54 AM (UTC)
Here's a pretty bizarre fatality. It actually came to me in a dream a few months ago, which explains why it's so friggin' strange.

Shang Tsung-
Shang Tsung laughs at his helpless opponent and morphs into a disturbing Ronald McDonald like character- a big yellow suit, red hair, and poorly done face paint that looks as if it's been half washed off in a rainstorm. He waves his hands in arcane patterns, causing a green mist to rise out of the ground behind his still-dizzy opponent. From the mist, two giant sesame seed buns emerge! Shang walks up to the victim and pushes her off her feet, right onto the lower half of the bun. She moans a bit and tries to get up, but as she tries to push herself up green tendrils of magical force suddenly shoot out and wrap around her wrists and ankles, pulling her back down before abruptly and violently arching her back into an inverted V over the bun, snapping her spine and causing her to scream and cry in shocked pain. Shang cackles wickedly and his opponent screams as dozens of other tendrils shoot out and enwrap her, breaking, bending, and shaping her body into the form of a giant hamburger pattie resting on the bun, coated in blood like a condiment. When the assault finishes, Shang places the top half of the bun over his now thoroughly beaten victim, summons an obese, building sized, bib-wearing oni, and feeds his grotesque burger to the creature. FATALITY.
02/14/2010 11:14 PM (UTC)
morosenoodle Wrote:
Here's a pretty bizarre fatality. It actually came to me in a dream a few months ago, which explains why it's so friggin' strange.

Shang Tsung-
Shang Tsung laughs at his helpless opponent and morphs into a disturbing Ronald McDonald like character- a big yellow suit, red hair, and poorly done face paint that looks as if it's been half washed off in a rainstorm. He waves his hands in arcane patterns, causing a green mist to rise out of the ground behind his still-dizzy opponent. From the mist, two giant sesame seed buns emerge! Shang walks up to the victim and pushes her off her feet, right onto the lower half of the bun. She moans a bit and tries to get up, but as she tries to push herself up green tendrils of magical force suddenly shoot out and wrap around her wrists and ankles, pulling her back down before abruptly and violently arching her back into an inverted V over the bun, snapping her spine and causing her to scream and cry in shocked pain. Shang cackles wickedly and his opponent screams as dozens of other tendrils shoot out and enwrap her, breaking, bending, and shaping her body into the form of a giant hamburger pattie resting on the bun, coated in blood like a condiment. When the assault finishes, Shang places the top half of the bun over his now thoroughly beaten victim, summons an obese, building sized, bib-wearing oni, and feeds his grotesque burger to the creature. FATALITY.

Yikes poor girl. wow

Speaking of dreaming about fatalities, I had one too. It was Tanya killing Bo Rai Cho. She was holding him in a headlock and took him to the ground while still holding him. Next, she breaks his neck with her arms and then squeezes his head until it pops like a balloon with blood coming out.
02/15/2010 01:30 AM (UTC)
having dreams of people dying.......... maybe the beaten opponent can have an illusion that he is being killed. then he wakes up and sees it was not real, then out of no where shang kills him for real. lol
02/15/2010 04:20 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
having dreams of people dying.......... maybe the beaten opponent can have an illusion that he is being killed. then he wakes up and sees it was not real, then out of no where shang kills him for real. lol

Haha good one. glasses
02/16/2010 09:09 PM (UTC)
OK, I can't claim total credit for this one, as it's based on an idea a friend of mine came up with.

FATALITY REVERSAL (character or pair specific finishing move that turns a fatality around on itself, either as a sort of inverse Hara Kiri or as a way to steal a win from a defeat)

Kitana (could also work with Sonya) vs Reptile
Kitana beats Reptile and walks up to his swaying body, high heels clicking on the ground. She takes off her mask, presses her body in close, and kisses him lightly on the lips (? Do Reptile's even have lips?), attempting to do her Kiss of Death fatality. Before she can pull her head back, however, Reptile suddenly raises his arms, grabs her hair roughly from the back of her head, and pulls her in even closer. He opens his jaws a bit and snakes his tongue into Kitana's mouth, Frenching her as she struggles and squirms. His tongue extends and extends, pushing deeper and deeper into her mouth, down her throat, and into her body. You see her neck start to wiggle, then parts of her torso distend and palpitate as the tongue snakes it's way into her innards. She starts choking and pounding on his chest as start rolling back into her head. Finally, Reptile's tounge seems to latch on to something around her pelvic area, and he pulls his head back, letting Kitana go a bit slack in his arms, before rapidly retracting his tongue. There's a sickening choking-tearing-squishing-whimpering sound as Reptile's tongue flies back into his mouth, bringing with it most of Kitana's internal organs and pulling the Princess almost literally inside out. She spasms and flops, twitching and bleeding like crazy, onto the floor while Reptile messily and hungrily devours his meal.

02/17/2010 12:12 AM (UTC)
yeah i really like the fatality reversal idea and the fatality. lol
02/17/2010 03:44 AM (UTC)
morosenoodle Wrote:
OK, I can't claim total credit for this one, as it's based on an idea a friend of mine came up with.

FATALITY REVERSAL (character or pair specific finishing move that turns a fatality around on itself, either as a sort of inverse Hara Kiri or as a way to steal a win from a defeat)

Kitana (could also work with Sonya) vs Reptile
Kitana beats Reptile and walks up to his swaying body, high heels clicking on the ground. She takes off her mask, presses her body in close, and kisses him lightly on the lips (? Do Reptile's even have lips?), attempting to do her Kiss of Death fatality. Before she can pull her head back, however, Reptile suddenly raises his arms, grabs her hair roughly from the back of her head, and pulls her in even closer. He opens his jaws a bit and snakes his tongue into Kitana's mouth, Frenching her as she struggles and squirms. His tongue extends and extends, pushing deeper and deeper into her mouth, down her throat, and into her body. You see her neck start to wiggle, then parts of her torso distend and palpitate as the tongue snakes it's way into her innards. She starts choking and pounding on his chest as start rolling back into her head. Finally, Reptile's tounge seems to latch on to something around her pelvic area, and he pulls his head back, letting Kitana go a bit slack in his arms, before rapidly retracting his tongue. There's a sickening choking-tearing-squishing-whimpering sound as Reptile's tongue flies back into his mouth, bringing with it most of Kitana's internal organs and pulling the Princess almost literally inside out. She spasms and flops, twitching and bleeding like crazy, onto the floor while Reptile messily and hungrily devours his meal.


Nasty! Just the way how I like it. tongue

About Me


02/18/2010 02:10 AM (UTC)
Here's a couple fatalities I pondered while stoned out of my mind.

Liu Kang -1.Performs a devastating round house to the jaw causing sever
dislocation then shoots a fire dragon to the head causing the
head to explode.

2.Cartwheel uppercuts the opponent in sky followed by a bicylcle
kick then finished with a flying kick causing Liu's front foot to
impale the opponents chest...thought i was done?Finally Liu
unhinges his foot from the opponents chest then roundhouses
the opponents face sending him/her to the ground smacking
their head on the ground so hard that they start to seize.

Baraka -1.Just a simple throat slash would be awesome...only if the blood
sprayed like the throats in Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd.

2.Uppercuts the opponent high in the sky then positions himself
under the unfortunate fellow/madame with chop chop blades
causing sever trauma to the whole FUCKING body.grin

Human Smoke-1.Somehow magically inserts a shit load of smoke into
opponents body causing alot of sever coughing.Finally
he pulls out spear and slices opponent in half then
big clouds of black smoke rises from both ends of the
shredded torso.

2.Teleport punches the opponents back and clings onto
the opponents back followed by Smoke cutting the
poor bastards throat.

Sektor-1.Teleport uppercuts the opponent into air followed by a HP to
arm torch.Just think of a basic UMK3 Sektor combo ending in
an arsenal disaster.

Cant really think of a second fatality for Ketchup...
02/18/2010 03:12 AM (UTC)
OrangatangKang Wrote:
Here's a couple fatalities I pondered while stoned out of my mind.

Liu Kang -1.Performs a devastating round house to the jaw causing sever
dislocation then shoots a fire dragon to the head causing the
head to explode.

2.Cartwheel uppercuts the opponent in sky followed by a bicylcle
kick then finished with a flying kick causing Liu's front foot to
impale the opponents chest...thought i was done?Finally Liu
unhinges his foot from the opponents chest then roundhouses
the opponents face sending him/her to the ground smacking
their head on the ground so hard that they start to seize.

Baraka -1.Just a simple throat slash would be awesome...only if the blood
sprayed like the throats in Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd.

2.Uppercuts the opponent high in the sky then positions himself
under the unfortunate fellow/madame with chop chop blades
causing sever trauma to the whole FUCKING body.grin

Human Smoke-1.Somehow magically inserts a shit load of smoke into
opponents body causing alot of sever coughing.Finally
he pulls out spear and slices opponent in half then
big clouds of black smoke rises from both ends of the
shredded torso.

2.Teleport punches the opponents back and clings onto
the opponents back followed by Smoke cutting the
poor bastards throat.

Sektor-1.Teleport uppercuts the opponent into air followed by a HP to
arm torch.Just think of a basic UMK3 Sektor combo ending in
an arsenal disaster.

Cant really think of a second fatality for Ketchup...

Nice. I like Baraka's and Smoke's.

I have one for ...

Smoke- He summons a lot of smoke, making the opponent cough, gag, and then puke out all the organs while he/she is on all his/her fours. After that, Smoke stomps on the head with one foot, crushing it in the process.

Kitana- First, she slits the opponent's throat as blood gushes out of his neck. Then, she thrust kicks the victim's body, making the head fall off and the body fall to the ground.

Li Mei- She uppercuts the head of the opponent off and as it lands, Li Mei pulls out her Kunlun Dao and the head lands and gets impaled on the sword.

Jade- She kicks the opponent at the groin first, making him bend down. Then she uppercuts his head off up in the air. Before it lands on the ground, Jade pulls out her Bojutsu and the head lands on the staff as it gets impales like a kabob. (I might have mentioned something like this already but I like this idea so I just had to share it just incase I didn't make it yet.)

Ashrah- She shoots her Heavenly Ball up in the air. Then, it starts to fall down again. As the energy from above hits the opponent, Ashrah also shoots another ball that's heading straight to the enemy. Both energy balls hit the victim at the same time and he explodes into pieces.

Kano- First, Kano pulls out his knife and slits the opponent's throat. Next, he uses one hand to hold the shoulder and the other to pull out the enemy's heart, intestines, and other organs. Then, he kicks the victim, making her head fall off while the body hits the ground.

Tanya- She rips off the guy's leg first. Then, she hits his face with it, making him fall to the ground. After that, Tanya uses the enemy's leg to beat him on the face continuously until the victim's head gets crushed.

02/18/2010 08:19 PM (UTC)
liu kang powers up in a medium high stance. then he punches the opponent and his fist go through his stomach. then he rips his arm out of the opponent stomach. and does a stance with his back turned showing off his bloody hand.
02/18/2010 09:12 PM (UTC)
Here's a Subbie one.

Sub-Zero vs, I dunno, Frost

Sub-Zero stands a jump kick away from his traitorous student and decides to finish her off once and for all. He uses his ice blast to freeze her in place, but instead of destroying her outright as he usually does, he makes a more precise assault. WIth a quick flurry of Dragon Claw combinations, Sub-Zero reaches out and breaks off chunks of her ice body, puncturing holes in vital areas and tearing out some critical, but not instantly fatal, ice "organs". He then steps back to admire his handiwork. Sub-Zero looks Frost over, then starts to pace around, checking his watch (or his wrist where his watch should be), looking around the Arena, and scratching himself once or twice as he waits. Finally, the ice wears off and Frost defrosts... sans a half dozen bits of her body. She screams and falls to her knees, helplessly bleeding out, but not instantly killed. Her agony will continue until the screen goes black- it's implied that she will die without a doubt, but it may take a few minutes unless Sub-Zero decides to be merciful and deliver a coup de grace "behind the scenes".
02/19/2010 12:48 AM (UTC)
grabs the opponent and it turns dark, but his body glows in the dark. he hits the opponents about a hundred times. the opponent blood sprays out toward the black screen and it spells FATALITY while dripping. this could be for liu kang or with kenshi(he would just slice his neck and the blood would spray)afro samauri is an example of how the blood would spray.

jax grabs opponent head and then grabs the camera filming the fight. he then bashes the enemy head into the camera. you see the opponent head(face) up close and personal on your screen. your screen breaks with cracks in them and it is cover in blood.camera then cuts off.

reptile pushes kitana down. then gets down on all fours and sniffs her. then he puts his nose down between her legs and start eating her out she screams while she squirts blood in pain. lol

02/20/2010 06:33 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
grabs the opponent and it turns dark, but his body glows in the dark. he hits the opponents about a hundred times. the opponent blood sprays out toward the black screen and it spells FATALITY while dripping. this could be for liu kang or with kenshi(he would just slice his neck and the blood would spray)afro samauri is an example of how the blood would spray.

jax grabs opponent head and then grabs the camera filming the fight. he then bashes the enemy head into the camera. you see the opponent head(face) up close and personal on your screen. your screen breaks with cracks in them and it is cover in blood.camera then cuts off.

reptile pushes kitana down. then gets down on all fours and sniffs her. then he puts his nose down between her legs and start eating her out she screams while she squirts blood in pain. lol

Yes, I have a Mileena fatality similar to Reptile's. I've mentioned this one a lot of times but this time I'll desdribe it in a different way so others will understand the picture more. Nice Reptile fatality btw.

Mileena pushes Johnny Cage (or another guy) down first to the ground and unmasks herself. Next, she laughs like a maniac and places her face towards his groin and between his legs. Then she eats him from there and up to his neck while blood squirts out and as he screams in pain. Intestines and other organs can be seen as she devours them in a sloppy manner. After that, she chews off the head and does her sexy victory pose as she says, "mmmmmmm heh heh heh..." grin
About Me


02/21/2010 04:46 AM (UTC)
Reptile -Spits just a tad of acid through the eye and out the back of the head
then the camera goes through the head exposing burnt brain matter.
Finally Snappy roundhouses the side of the head that has been
lobotomized then the head explodes like a Gears of War headshot.

Sub Zero -Forms an icicle, then throws it through the opponents face causing
teeth to shatter,jaw and chin secretion,and eyes that pop out just a
little bit.

Historical Favorite
02/22/2010 07:51 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Similar to a hari kari, the loser should be able to input a button combination and try to run away from the opponet. this is for pure comedy like friendships and babatility. also similar to the hari kari idea, the loser puts in a button combonation and the loser trys to fight for his life. this will take place in a pre set fighting sequence. you will have two chances to input buttons. whoever inputs buttons at a preciser time will win in the fighting sequence animation. if one player wins and the the other player wins, you will have a third round. if each player wins and then its a draw you have to fight again in the game. this fighting sequence(it is a pre set animation, diff for each fighter) will only last about 15-20 seconds and if you ever played soul calibur 3, this idea is kinda similar to their ending movies.

In the fatalities you could use the SIX AXIS MOTION controller. you could shake the opponent(shake controller) ,throw them( left to right wave motion) or pull off people heads(lift controller slowly, fake struggle like your picking up somthing heavy) using six axis motion controller.

they should have a HUMORALITY where you perform a fatality but with dark humor. it should be real funny. like someone posted(icebaby i think??) before. kung lao could throw his hat then the foe dodges it and celebrates. then the hat comes back and chops his head off while he is celebrating. lol!!!!

Good ideas. I like the telekinetic fatality you came up with too. I mean putting the head on the groin. LOL


Johnny Cage vs Mileena- Johnny eats a big burrito and bends down. Mileena gets attracted to him so she decides to sniff his butt. She says, "Mmmm heh heh heh...". But when he farts, she screams in terror and at the same time chokes to death. At the end, Johnny pulls down his glasses and winks at the camera. (It can work on any victim but I chose Mileena because she says "Mmmmm heh heh heh..."

Mileena- Seduces the opponent and squats down by the enemy's knees. Then, she chews off the groin, making the victim run around and hold that area and fall to the ground. Also, while that is happening, she says, "Mmmm heh heh heh...".

Jade- She could shove her staff in the guy's butt through the shoulder or head. That's humorous.

Jax- Shows off his huge, sharp, metallic p9#!$. Then the opponent screams and shits himself/herself to death.


This is, no joke, my favorite post since like 2006.
02/22/2010 06:17 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Similar to a hari kari, the loser should be able to input a button combination and try to run away from the opponet. this is for pure comedy like friendships and babatility. also similar to the hari kari idea, the loser puts in a button combonation and the loser trys to fight for his life. this will take place in a pre set fighting sequence. you will have two chances to input buttons. whoever inputs buttons at a preciser time will win in the fighting sequence animation. if one player wins and the the other player wins, you will have a third round. if each player wins and then its a draw you have to fight again in the game. this fighting sequence(it is a pre set animation, diff for each fighter) will only last about 15-20 seconds and if you ever played soul calibur 3, this idea is kinda similar to their ending movies.

In the fatalities you could use the SIX AXIS MOTION controller. you could shake the opponent(shake controller) ,throw them( left to right wave motion) or pull off people heads(lift controller slowly, fake struggle like your picking up somthing heavy) using six axis motion controller.

they should have a HUMORALITY where you perform a fatality but with dark humor. it should be real funny. like someone posted(icebaby i think??) before. kung lao could throw his hat then the foe dodges it and celebrates. then the hat comes back and chops his head off while he is celebrating. lol!!!!

Good ideas. I like the telekinetic fatality you came up with too. I mean putting the head on the groin. LOL


Johnny Cage vs Mileena- Johnny eats a big burrito and bends down. Mileena gets attracted to him so she decides to sniff his butt. She says, "Mmmm heh heh heh...". But when he farts, she screams in terror and at the same time chokes to death. At the end, Johnny pulls down his glasses and winks at the camera. (It can work on any victim but I chose Mileena because she says "Mmmmm heh heh heh..."

Mileena- Seduces the opponent and squats down by the enemy's knees. Then, she chews off the groin, making the victim run around and hold that area and fall to the ground. Also, while that is happening, she says, "Mmmm heh heh heh...".

Jade- She could shove her staff in the guy's butt through the shoulder or head. That's humorous.

Jax- Shows off his huge, sharp, metallic p9#!$. Then the opponent screams and shits himself/herself to death.


This is, no joke, my favorite post since like 2006.

AW thank you. I knew some people would appreciate my posts. glasses
02/22/2010 06:46 PM (UTC)
reptile opens on the opponents mouth and put his entire head down their mouth. he eats their insides and pulls his head out of their mouth covervd with blood and intestines.
02/27/2010 07:33 PM (UTC)
Oh I borrowed Bloodrayne 2 last night in my PS2 and I tell you that game is sick. I just love it. I love the fatalities and it gave me an idea of Tanya's Kobu Jutsu fatality.

Tanya- She pulls out her Kobu Jutsu and slices off the arms first. Next, she decapitates the opponent. Then, she slices the headless victim vertically in half with one last uppercut motion from the bladed tonfa. grin
02/27/2010 07:50 PM (UTC)
they should have lameality where you do a lame fatality and the opponents laughs at you. like mkvs dc fatalities, where people do punch kick combo. WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!!

@sadistic freak nice fatalities by the way, just try to be creative with them a lil more because after a while they sound very similar to each other. but maybe you have them playing a cetain way that i cant see. it kinda hard to describe fatalities and show people what happens, without art or a video.
02/28/2010 12:54 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
they should have lameality where you do a lame fatality and the opponents laughs at you. like mkvs dc fatalities, where people do punch kick combo. WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!!

@sadistic freak nice fatalities by the way, just try to be creative with them a lil more because after a while they sound very similar to each other. but maybe you have them playing a cetain way that i cant see. it kinda hard to describe fatalities and show people what happens, without art or a video.

That is true.
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