12/18/2009 06:31 AM (UTC)
lordyeroc Wrote:
i disagree with your statement of worrying about your genitals you people who find it humourous to see someone get racked pisses me off not to be offensive or anything i just do not enjoy sexual humour of any sort

It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who thinks like this as well.
12/18/2009 09:25 AM (UTC)
^^yeah the closest thing to anything sexual that was actually liked by me was maybe johnny cages nut punch but that is it. it needs to stop at that. i could probably deal with erotic taunts to an extent maybe but no nudity or removals of private appendages is needed.
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12/18/2009 11:20 AM (UTC)
Regardless of the fatalities they are coming up with. I think it is simpler and more stunning to keep them straight forward, brutal and simple. Not required to be fast. But to the point.

When I seen Quan Chi's leg rip in MK4, My Jaw dropped, brutal execution at its best. To this day, one of my favourates.

Hotaru's neck snap in MKD, amazing and very brutally graphic. Yet a simple snapping of the neck. Easily a favourate

I would like to see both of thos return. Along with some others. I know I am not really the most creative, but here are a few:

Scorpion spears an opponent as he always does, on there way to him, he grabs them by the face, palm over the mouth and fingers/thumb over the cheeks.

Now Im asuming scoprion can make fire/lave/magma etc. come out of his hands. His hand MILDLY glows red and you hear the opponent gargling. There eyes turn ember orange and the go frantic, then slow down.

Their stomach then burns through with lava/fire as it spills onto the ground with blood. and it also comes out of their eyes, ears and nose. This shows that scoprion forced a large amount into their mouths, very painful, great visual ending. and when he lets go of the mouth and the flal down, they catch on fire.

Victory pose.

Also: Toasty obv.

Also: I immagined one, a bear hug with their arms trapped. Scorpion then screams and looks up in a rage, Fire consumes them both completely. 2 Skeletons are left, one being him but cracy looking. the other drops dead.

victory pose (in flames smile)

Very simple. Grab by the neck, throw down them laying on their back. Stomp and hold foot on chest. Flamethrower from wrist to the upper body and face. Violent scream. flaming end.

Victory pose.

freeze opponent, all accept the head. He thein goes and rips out the head and spine. Classic and brutal with some ice thrown in there,

Victory pose.

Classic stab and lift, they slide down the blades closer to him and weaken. He then scissors out and cuts them in half, crawling top half dies,

victory pose. (also LOVE his mkvsdc ground stab, keep it)

put them on knees, left hand on the top of the head. Right hand as he groans, to the jaw, grabs it. Ripps it off and comes right back. on the way back. Out comes the blade. Impales the back of the now Half-mouth lifting their head up to about rip cage level pulling the body op with it just a little. retracts blade and lets them fall dead.
Hope you like or at least dont hate tongue

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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

12/18/2009 04:42 PM (UTC)
Jax- punches opponent in the face so hard, their brains are sent flying through the back of their head upon impact. FATALITY

thats all for now...
12/18/2009 10:24 PM (UTC)
I gotta go with Icebaby here, the idea of messing with someone's genitals is not only stupid but very unappealing. The rating is Mature, refering to 17+ to play, not Adults only. I mean seriously, keep your genital fantasies out of here.


A simple idea that I think could be messed up given the proper sound effects and animation. Sektor grasps the opponent by the throat, clamping down, the opponent wheezes for air. You see his hand twist slightly, inviting the sound of the vertebrae slowly snapping. Once the neck finally gives way, Sektor hurls the opponent across the screen like a rag doll.

A new take on the missile concept, why not use a napalm missle? Sektor shoots a missile straight up into the air, the opponent looks up, confused at first. Then the opponent realizes it's a heat seeking missile. The opponent runs across the screen until the missile hits the ground infront of them. I'm not sure if you know this but napalm is a jelly like substance that will continually burn, so will the opponent. The opponent flails around on the ground until they're dead. Futuristic Toasty :)


The Cryomancer grabs the opponent by the shoulders and knees them in the face. He doesn't let go and the opponent is still leaning. He freezes them solid. He takes a step back and does a flying roundhouse, shattering the opponent and sends the opponents head skyrocketing toward the camera.

The classic spine rip with a few extras tossed in. Instead of a quick jerk, have it be a slow painful experience, jerking back the opponent until the spine finally frees itself from the rest of the body. The sounds that could be made would surely send a shiver up well, your spine.

Noob Saibot

The shadow tackles the opponent to the ground but instead of simply falling to the floor, they phase through it. You then see a hand pop out, it's Noob Saibot. He climbs out, pulling something. It's the opponent. He pulls them until their chest is freed. Then he takes a step back and does a baseball slide into their face and lifts his leg, sending the head into the air.

Noob Saibot jumps onto the opponent, planting his feet in their stomache and his hands on their shoulders. He falls on his back and kicks the opponent into the air. He then hurls a cloud of shuriken at the opponent, shredding them as they descend. He moves out of the way in time for the opponent to land on their neck.

Liu Kang

I love Bruce Lee movies, especially Fist of Fury & Enter the Dragon. One thing they shared in common was Bruce Lee stomping on someone's head/neck region and smearing it. So, who is to say Liu Kang couldn't do the same? Liu does a quick combo landing the opponent on the ground. Then he walks up to the opponent and stomps on their neck and twists his foot, snapping the neck.

That's all for now...
12/19/2009 05:50 AM (UTC)
Ahhh, if Quan Chi makes a return, seriously give him back his leg beating fatality... The only thing they can improve with this is how the sound goes when he pulls it off...

I mean, back in MK4, it sounded like he was really snapping bone, but now it sounds like crumpling paper.
12/19/2009 11:59 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
lordyeroc Wrote:
i disagree with your statement of worrying about your genitals you people who find it humourous to see someone get racked pisses me off not to be offensive or anything i just do not enjoy sexual humour of any sort

It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who thinks like this as well.

LMAO at both of you. Anyways I have moooore. wink


Kitana- She uses her fans to slice the opponent at the arms, chest, abdomen, groin, and then slits the throat. After that, she rips out the arms, ribs, intestines, kidneys, bladder, and other organs from the victim's sliced wounds. Lastly, Kitana chokes the enemy and rips off his spine and head like what Sub-Zero does. Fatality!!! grin

Jade- She teleports behind her victim first and impales him at the butt, making the sharp end go through the enemy's shoulder, mouth, or top of the head. Next, she shakes the victim until he falls apart into pieces. (It's similar with her Belly Shake fatality from MKT/UMK3 but this time she impales him through the anus.)

Mileena- She jumps up in the air and throws both her sais at the enemy's arms, pinning him to the ground (like what she does in MKSM with Jade). Next, she takes off her veil and starts chewing the opponent's groin, eating her way up the neck. While doing that, it shows graphic details of how she pulls out every organ and how sloppy she would eat them up. Once she reaches the neck, she bites off the throat violently and then she'd bite off the head like what she does in MKD. After that, she says, "Mmmmm heh heh heh heh..." grin

Jax- First, he rips out the opponent's arms like how he does in MK2 and MK4. Then Jax violently beats the opponent with his/her own arms to the ground until the entire body shatters all over the place.

Rain- With one hand, he shoots out water at the opponent an with the other, he summons many lightning bolts until every body part falls apart one by one with an explosive bolt of electricity.

Nightwolf- He shoots a bunch of arrows, impaling the opponent all over his/her body. Then, Nightwolf does his thunder attack which makes the victim explode.


Liu Kang- He does his Bicycle Kick first. Next, he does his Cartwheel Uppercut. After that, he knocks out his opponent with his flying kick before the victim falls to the ground.

Sonya- First, she uppercuts the opponent to the air. Next she does her own Bicycle Kick. Then, she lands on the ground and right before the enemy falls on the ground, she does a Flying Kick, knocking out the opponent.

I'm not trying to be funny nor offensive, I'm just sharing my ideas. So don't be babbling and whining about what I think. You people know who you are.

12/20/2009 05:10 AM (UTC)
Li Mei:
1- She does a thrust kick, impaling the opponent's abdomen with her foot (like her MKDA fatality) first. Then, she does her Carnival Kick, decapitating the enemy.
2- Li Mei does the same thrust kick she did in her MKDA fatality, impaling the enemy at the belly. But this time she hops behind the opponent and uses her Kunlun Dao to shove in his butt.
12/21/2009 07:00 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
I'm not trying to be funny nor offensive, I'm just sharing my ideas. So don't be babbling and whining about what I think. You people know who you are.


People are not whining or babbling about your offensive ideas, they don't agree with what you have for as an idea and they have the need to say it out to you. Whether you're finding it funny that people don't like your ideas or not, still, why don't you have the common curiosity to not make fun of those who disagree with you and cut back on the sodomizing. It's a suggestion that you should make since you did blatantly told people on a different thread that you got banned from some site doing the same thing you're doing here.

Just saying.
Historical Favorite
12/21/2009 09:25 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
and cut back on the sodomizing.

But once you pop you can't stop.
12/21/2009 01:05 PM (UTC)
I found a video of a fatality I think you might enjoy Sadistic_Freak here :)

Honestly, I find these genitorture ideas pretty amusing.
12/21/2009 07:21 PM (UTC)
EagleClaw4 Wrote:
I found a video of a fatality I think you might enjoy Sadistic_Freak here :)

Honestly, I find these genitorture ideas pretty amusing.

Oh thank you. I saw that one a long time ago and I couldn't stop watching it for awhile. wink

Scorpion should have that in MK9. *High Five*


Mileena- First she uses her sais to impale each armpit and pulls out the sais again. Next, Mileena rips out the arms. Then, she uses her sais to stab the opponent below the abdomen and above the pubic area multiple times. After that, she rips the upper torso off, leaving the victim in half.
12/22/2009 12:24 AM (UTC)
Colorectal Torture- She uses her Bo to poke the enemy at the abdomen a couple of times first. Next, she teleports behind him as he bends down in pain and impales the staff in his butt through the shoulder, head, or mouth. Then, Jade quickly teleports in front of the victim to dig in the wounds at the abdomen and rips off the intestines.

Secret Finishers (any character):

Tarkatan Attack- Input the correct code and your character summons a bunch of tarkatans to kill the opponent like how they killed Tanya in Jade's MKD ending.

Tranny Attack- Input the correct code and a bunch of transexuals will attack and "violate" the enemy.

Elder Gods' Wrath- Input the correct code and the gods will use their powerful abilities to dismember the victim.

Babies Attack- Input the right code and a bunch of babies will jump on the opponent and dismember him/her like zombies.
12/28/2009 08:40 PM (UTC)
She uses her closed fans and stabs the opponent at the abdomen, chest, and groin areas multiple times like how Mileena did in MK2 first. Then, she opens her fans and decapitates the enemy to his/her doom.

First, she rips out the opponent's arms. Next, she rips out his/her torso like how Kai did it in MK4. Then, she tele-stomps on the head, crushing it in the process.

First, he/she rips out the arms of the opponent. Next, he/she rips out the enemy's torso. Then, he/she grabs the victim's upper torso with a choke hold and rips out the spine and head, holding them up in the air.

12/29/2009 01:38 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
^^yeah the closest thing to anything sexual that was actually liked by me was maybe johnny cages nut punch but that is it. it needs to stop at that. i could probably deal with erotic taunts to an extent maybe but no nudity or removals of private appendages is needed.

I was considering and thinking about the whole nudity and sex in games deal and came to a conclusion that maybe it would not be too bad to have a bit of it in the game through the lines of story or cinematics like in God of War for example. Not even that,it could be mythological nudity like how mermaids are topless or harpies and succubus creatures in nature would be showing private appendages. I could think of games that have already done it but I am still trying to figure out Hecs wanting a new rating between M and AO for christmas. None the less...this is completely off topic kinda so let me add a fatality idea.

Baraka- retracks one of his blades and stabs/impales the victims face as the camera angle gets closer and starts to turn in a slight angle he than retracks the other blade while holding the victim stabbed in the face and lops the head off making the body spin towards or away and causing some blood spray to hit the screen. Baraka hold up the impaled head like a trophy...Fatality!
12/29/2009 04:14 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
^^yeah the closest thing to anything sexual that was actually liked by me was maybe johnny cages nut punch but that is it. it needs to stop at that. i could probably deal with erotic taunts to an extent maybe but no nudity or removals of private appendages is needed.

I was considering and thinking about the whole nudity and sex in games deal and came to a conclusion that maybe it would not be too bad to have a bit of it in the game through the lines of story or cinematics like in God of War for example. Not even that,it could be mythological nudity like how mermaids are topless or harpies and succubus creatures in nature would be showing private appendages. I could think of games that have already done it but I am still trying to figure out Hecs wanting a new rating between M and AO for christmas. None the less...this is completely off topic kinda so let me add a fatality idea.

Baraka- retracks one of his blades and stabs/impales the victims face as the camera angle gets closer and starts to turn in a slight angle he than retracks the other blade while holding the victim stabbed in the face and lops the head off making the body spin towards or away and causing some blood spray to hit the screen. Baraka hold up the impaled head like a trophy...Fatality!

I agree with you on that nudity thing. God of War has it and the sex games it's still rated M. glasses Also, I had a Baraka fatality idea similar to yours but I think I posted it in Midway a long time ago.
12/30/2009 07:55 PM (UTC)
She does her Fan Lift to the opponent, sending him/her up in the air. Next, she throw's one fan at the enemy while he/she is in mid air and the fan slices the groin area as it spins around. Then, the victim falls to the ground, holding his/her crotch in pain. After that, Kitana walks up to him and uses her other fan to decapitate him/her. glasses
01/13/2010 12:02 AM (UTC)
Now this thread is one of the ones I'll keep because I love making ideas and I know others do too. Anyways, I came up with a few more.

Mileena: Mileena throws both her sais at the opponent's feet, impaling him/her there. Then she does her Frankensteiner at the enemy, ripping out the head and spine with her legs.

Motaro: He chokeholds and lifts up his opponent with one hand. Next, he starts punching the crotch a couple of times with the other. Then, in one last blow, he punches the lower torso so hard that the victim's body gets torn apart.

Baraka: He impales the victim with both of his blades at the abdomen (with the blades ready to slice virtically in opposite directions). Next, he lifts up the impaled enemy and then, spreads his arms to completely slice the opponent vertically in half above his head. As that happens, intestines fall out of the body.

Kitana: She kicks the opponent at thje groin with a low blow to the crotch first. Then, as the enemy kneels to the ground, Kitana pulls out her fan and decapitates him.

Tanya: Tanya grabs the opponent, and punches him/her hard to the ground. Then, she jumps up and lads on top of the enemy with her butt first (sitting on his crotch) and violently punches him to the face a lot of times until it gets crushed into pieces.

Jade: She uses her Bo to impale the opponent right through the groin and butt first, making him go on his knees. Then, Jade back up and throws the staff at the enemy, impaling him right at the eye through the head.

Ha Ha! grin
Historical Favorite
01/13/2010 07:31 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero freezes someone. Several hours later they freeze to death.
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Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

01/14/2010 12:52 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sub-Zero freezes someone. Several hours later they freeze to death.

Scorpion launches his spear into someone and pulls it out. Days later the wound shows no signs of healing and has become horribly infected. They later die, surrounded by their loved ones, in a county hospital. They will be missed dearly.
01/14/2010 05:26 PM (UTC)
DrKorn Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sub-Zero freezes someone. Several hours later they freeze to death.

Scorpion launches his spear into someone and pulls it out. Days later the wound shows no signs of healing and has become horribly infected. They later die, surrounded by their loved ones, in a county hospital. They will be missed dearly.

Aw how sad. sad Anyways...

Tanya shoots a downward fireball at the opponent's leg, burning that area only first. Next, the enemy runs around in pain and as he/she runs around, the flames eventually increase and go up to the rest of the body as minutes pass by. Then, when flames are all over the victim's body, he/she falls to the ground as a burning skeleton that falls apart into pieces. glasses
01/15/2010 05:46 PM (UTC)
as said before i would just like to see a new view and detail of the fatalities in general. i want it to be shocking,over the top,in your face and realistically bloody...ThePredator151 posted a God of War 3 head rip to give an example awhile back in another thread...i thought that it was pretty good and close to what i wanted but after seeing videos of the new AVP game i have to suggest it be closer to the fatalities executed in that game...now it is first person and MK is not but i think that it could still be done in a manner of using camera zoom,cinematic angles and maybe even interactive sequences. when i say interactive sequences i mean lets say for example Kano rips out a heart and holds it up...durring the cinematic of the fatality they should give you an option to bite the heart or squash it in his hand by pressing a button or whatever.
anyways...i wanted to post the addy to the AVP videos on ign so people that don't know about it can see them and lets see what ya think.


01/17/2010 05:33 PM (UTC)
you make a lot of topics
01/17/2010 06:26 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
you make a lot of topics

I know. Is there a problem with that?
01/17/2010 10:36 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
jpetrunak Wrote:
you make a lot of topics

I know. Is there a problem with that?

Not trying to rally up the anger but to be truthful, it really is. It's against site's policy... But I got something to contribute here... It's a fatality I think could be useful towards Frost. It's like a Kiss of Death kind of fatality, but she blows mist towards the enemy, freezing cold mist to where it chips off pieces of skin of the opponent... I don't know where that would lead, if some one could help me conclude this, I would appreciate it.
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