Historical Favorite
01/17/2010 10:55 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
jpetrunak Wrote:
you make a lot of topics

I know. Is there a problem with that?

Not trying to rally up the anger but to be truthful, it really is. It's against site's policy...

It's not really a problem though. Policy aside, it's not hurting anything.
01/19/2010 03:44 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime is right.
Historical Favorite
01/19/2010 08:06 AM (UTC)
Just like always. grin
01/19/2010 01:18 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
jpetrunak Wrote:
you make a lot of topics

I know. Is there a problem with that?

Not trying to rally up the anger but to be truthful, it really is. It's against site's policy... But I got something to contribute here...

It's a fatality I think could be useful towards Frost. It's like a Kiss of Death kind of fatality, but she blows mist towards the enemy, freezing cold mist to where it chips off pieces of skin of the opponent... I don't know where that would lead, if some one could help me conclude this, I would appreciate it.

its not like people are not contributing to her topics...people are responding even though a lot of it is negative...and i clearly think Ghostdragon was unreasonable to close the "On and off options for sexual themes, nudity, violonce, blood, gore, and etc." thread just because of the posters ryona fetish. i agree and stated in that thread aswell that its far from what sexual themes should be to push the rating and he has a valid point that if it is an AO game it wont hit retail. his right to opinion is cool and he is right to warn the poster but i think others still had things to say about the topic and he should not have closed it.

as for your fatality idea...the freezing mist has kinda been done before by sub-zero. perhaps she should actually kiss the character to freeze the victim in that manner...the only thing is should she just let the victim freeze up slowly and crumble a bit or shatter them somehow? I like this thought though because it was traditional that all the female ninjas had a kiss of death of some sort...even sonya (even though hers was more prude and was blowing a kiss rather than an actual kiss).
01/19/2010 04:21 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
jpetrunak Wrote:
you make a lot of topics

I know. Is there a problem with that?

Not trying to rally up the anger but to be truthful, it really is. It's against site's policy... But I got something to contribute here...

It's a fatality I think could be useful towards Frost. It's like a Kiss of Death kind of fatality, but she blows mist towards the enemy, freezing cold mist to where it chips off pieces of skin of the opponent... I don't know where that would lead, if some one could help me conclude this, I would appreciate it.

its not like people are not contributing to her topics...people are responding even though a lot of it is negative...and i clearly think Ghostdragon was unreasonable to close the "On and off options for sexual themes, nudity, violonce, blood, gore, and etc." thread just because of the posters ryona fetish. i agree and stated in that thread aswell that its far from what sexual themes should be to push the rating and he has a valid point that if it is an AO game it wont hit retail. his right to opinion is cool and he is right to warn the poster but i think others still had things to say about the topic and he should not have closed it.

as for your fatality idea...the freezing mist has kinda been done before by sub-zero. perhaps she should actually kiss the character to freeze the victim in that manner...the only thing is should she just let the victim freeze up slowly and crumble a bit or shatter them somehow? I like this thought though because it was traditional that all the female ninjas had a kiss of death of some sort...even sonya (even though hers was more prude and was blowing a kiss rather than an actual kiss).

Uhhh... Ghostdragon, as well as any mod to be exact, has every right to say what he stated because if a topic is too controversial, too stupid or whatever and people feel uncomfortable with the graphic details that one or several are stating then anyone who's in charge of the site has every right to say "Enough is enough." And there were plenty of other reasons why that thread got closed. And it's not like I'm siding with anyone, I'm just stating that there are more people who do not enjoy hearing the kinds of things that have been popping up lately rather than having people who enjoy it. And if there's things that are open to the public that people find uncomfortable with or anything like that, then something should happen. I'm only saying that, I am not continuing with this. I am done.

Answering to Optimus, I was answering Sadistic's question with the, "Do you have a problem with that?" I was only answering a question... Do you have a problem with that?

And I have another fatality idea... Give the voodoo doll to someone that actually makes sense. I don's really see how Ashrah should have a voodoo doll in her possession when she's trying to "purge herself away from darkness..." But with the voodoo, I think there should be something more than just "stabby stabby poke poke poke..." Break an arm, break a leg, something that's very interesting to see with help from a doll... And was also given to a character that made sense. Possibly a new character with witch doctor-like abilities or whatever.
Historical Favorite
01/20/2010 08:28 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Answering to Optimus, I was answering Sadistic's question with the, "Do you have a problem with that?" I was only answering a question... Do you have a problem with that?

01/20/2010 01:57 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Answering to Optimus, I was answering Sadistic's question with the, "Do you have a problem with that?" I was only answering a question... Do you have a problem with that?


Well then I'm sorry that you see problems with me answering one's question, whether or not it had to do with rules or anything. Not exactly sure why that would really bother someone but, it's your life, you control it the way you want to.
01/23/2010 09:20 PM (UTC)
Moving on...


1) She blows her kiss as a poisonous mist (like from MKDA) at the opponent, making him puke his guts out. While the enemy is on all his fours throwing up, Sonya kicks him at the stomach hard, making him turn and lay on his back to the ground. Next, she stomps on his groin and grinds her feet in that area while he screams in pain, holding his crotch. Then, Sonya pulls out her handgun and shoots him at the head to his doom.
2) First, Sonya pulls out her handgun and shoots the opponent at the groin, making him bend down and hold his wounded area in pain. Next, she does her leg grab, holding the head with her legs and flipping him over in a Frankensteiner. Then, once the body hits the ground, she uses her legs to break the victim's neck. After that, she backflips away and does her victory pose.

Team Fatality:

Kitana and Jade- First, Kitana uses her fan to slit the opponent's throat, making his neck bleed a lot. Since the enemy is in pain, he caughs and holds his bloody throat while bending down. Then from behind, Jade charges her Bo into impaling the victim right through the anus and past the head. She points up the staff up to lift the impaled body and as that happens, the corpse slides down the stick and the head gets separated from the body, making the part of the Bojutsu visible between the head and body. Fatality! (Get the picture?) wink
01/24/2010 02:53 PM (UTC)
i think mk9 should have interactive fatalities. about three levels. first level is easy then second level little harder then third level should have precise timing buttons required to pull off the full potenial of the fatality. basicly somthing like kaf but the Animation Would Be Original For Each Fighter.
01/25/2010 01:14 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
i think mk9 should have interactive fatalities. about three levels. first level is easy then second level little harder then third level should have precise timing buttons required to pull off the full potenial of the fatality. basicly somthing like kaf but the Animation Would Be Original For Each Fighter.

Good idea.
01/25/2010 07:42 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
i think mk9 should have interactive fatalities. about three levels. first level is easy then second level little harder then third level should have precise timing buttons required to pull off the full potenial of the fatality. basicly somthing like kaf but the Animation Would Be Original For Each Fighter.

Good idea.

my thoughts exactly...i mentioned before using Kano's heart rip fatality as an example. the easy first step should be the heart rip itself...second step should be the classic bite the heart and raise it as a trophy and third should be something new...an alternate action that plays a whole new second original fatality...an example to that could be something as simple as spiking the heart down to the ground like a football and stepping on it or squishing the heart in his hand as blood squirts ect ect.

Icebaby Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
jpetrunak Wrote:
you make a lot of topics

I know. Is there a problem with that?

Not trying to rally up the anger but to be truthful, it really is. It's against site's policy... But I got something to contribute here...

It's a fatality I think could be useful towards Frost. It's like a Kiss of Death kind of fatality, but she blows mist towards the enemy, freezing cold mist to where it chips off pieces of skin of the opponent... I don't know where that would lead, if some one could help me conclude this, I would appreciate it.

its not like people are not contributing to her topics...people are responding even though a lot of it is negative...and i clearly think Ghostdragon was unreasonable to close the "On and off options for sexual themes, nudity, violonce, blood, gore, and etc." thread just because of the posters ryona fetish. i agree and stated in that thread aswell that its far from what sexual themes should be to push the rating and he has a valid point that if it is an AO game it wont hit retail. his right to opinion is cool and he is right to warn the poster but i think others still had things to say about the topic and he should not have closed it.

as for your fatality idea...the freezing mist has kinda been done before by sub-zero. perhaps she should actually kiss the character to freeze the victim in that manner...the only thing is should she just let the victim freeze up slowly and crumble a bit or shatter them somehow? I like this thought though because it was traditional that all the female ninjas had a kiss of death of some sort...even sonya (even though hers was more prude and was blowing a kiss rather than an actual kiss).

Uhhh... Ghostdragon, as well as any mod to be exact, has every right to say what he stated because if a topic is too controversial, too stupid or whatever and people feel uncomfortable with the graphic details that one or several are stating then anyone who's in charge of the site has every right to say "Enough is enough." And there were plenty of other reasons why that thread got closed. And it's not like I'm siding with anyone, I'm just stating that there are more people who do not enjoy hearing the kinds of things that have been popping up lately rather than having people who enjoy it. And if there's things that are open to the public that people find uncomfortable with or anything like that, then something should happen. I'm only saying that, I am not continuing with this. I am done.

Answering to Optimus, I was answering Sadistic's question with the, "Do you have a problem with that?" I was only answering a question... Do you have a problem with that?

And I have another fatality idea... Give the voodoo doll to someone that actually makes sense. I don's really see how Ashrah should have a voodoo doll in her possession when she's trying to "purge herself away from darkness..." But with the voodoo, I think there should be something more than just "stabby stabby poke poke poke..." Break an arm, break a leg, something that's very interesting to see with help from a doll... And was also given to a character that made sense. Possibly a new character with witch doctor-like abilities or whatever.

i understand how you feel so strongly about the whole sexual themed topics and i have no problem with his response...all i said was that he should have made her edit the posts and stuff so that the topic could stay open for those wanting to discuss it...the topic did state not just sexual themes. i still stand on my opinions but i will let it rest at that. the funny thing is you went through and did all that post and said nothing about my thoughts of your fatality and the changes i would make to it.
as for your sentiments on Ashrah having a voodoo doll...i completely agree. everything she stands for is the exact opposite of a voodoo practitioner. a new character would be a good idea but other characters like Shang,Nitara,Nightwolf or Sareena even might fit well with such a thing...at least more than Ashrah lol.
01/26/2010 05:48 PM (UTC)
I know this will never happen, but I was thinking about it the other day anyways.

Mario Fatality......lol

He slams the opponent on the ground so they are on there back. Mario then pulls out his hammer and this theme plays in the background.


While it's plays, mario smashes his hammer down on the opponents arm, crushing it. He then smashes the opponents leg, and next leg and then there last arm until there head is left. He then slams his hammer on the opponents head and crushes it, spraying blood and brain matter everywhere.
The hammer music immediatly stops as his hammer crashes down on the floor.

The camera then zooms in on mario who poses like this, but all covered in blood and shards of bone and brain.

He then says "Thank u so much'cha for'a playing as Mario"

Announcer then says "Super Mario....wins!.....fatality!...."
Never gonna happen....but it made me lol and I just HAD to share it. XD

02/06/2010 08:21 PM (UTC)
Nitara Fatalities-

1) She kicks the opponent at the groin, making him bend down, and then chews off his throat first. Then, Nitara chokes the opponent and rips out the spine and head.

2) Nitara uses her Kama to impale the opponent's groin and slash it upwards to the neck, exposing the insides. Then, she rips out the internal organs with her bare hands.

3) Nitara uses her vampiric claws to slash the enemy's throat, making him/her fall to the ground. Next, she jumps on top of the victim and goes on a frenzy with her claws, scratching the face a couple of times until the head pops off.

4) She turns into a bat and chews on the victim's neck until the head falls off.

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New sig on the way
02/07/2010 02:37 AM (UTC)
Wouldn't mind seeing a revision to Scorpion's Toasty. After he sets the opponent on fire, he could harpoon him, swing him around a little and slam the opponent on the ground, shattering his burning body into burning pieces of burnt stuff.

A new fatality for Subzero could be where he creates an ice clone and... I haven't really thought farther than that. You cats are smart, though. I'm sure you'll think of something.
02/07/2010 07:39 PM (UTC)
He grabs the opponent then starts to punch them with his fist. then he beats them to the ground until they are on their knees. then he reaches down with two hands and force his opponent mouth to open wide. then he takes out his machine gun and shoots down there mouth. he throw gasoline on them then lights and cigar. he takes one puff and flicks it on the oppeonent, burning them up. then he says "KING KONG AINT GOT SH#T ON ME!!!!" lol
02/08/2010 10:21 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
He grabs the opponent then starts to punch them with his fist. then he beats them to the ground until they are on their knees. then he reaches down with two hands and force his opponent mouth to open wide. then he takes out his machine gun and shoots down there mouth. he throw gasoline on them then lights and cigar. he takes one puff and flicks it on the oppeonent, burning them up. then he says "KING KONG AINT GOT SH#T ON ME!!!!" lol

Nice. glasses
02/09/2010 06:19 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Wouldn't mind seeing a revision to Scorpion's Toasty. After he sets the opponent on fire, he could harpoon him, swing him around a little and slam the opponent on the ground, shattering his burning body into burning pieces of burnt stuff.

A new fatality for Subzero could be where he creates an ice clone and... I haven't really thought farther than that. You cats are smart, though. I'm sure you'll think of something.

For the Ice Clone fatality of Subby, he can create the clone while it is hugging the opponent's upper torso. The clone doesn't move, it's just a statue that holds the enemy in place. Next, Sub-Zero grabs the victim's legs and waist to rip him/her in half. Then, he slams the lower half of the body a couple at the enemy and the clone and shatters them during the beatdown. At the end, it is just a pool of blood and a chunk of meat on the floor with only the legs of the victim showing. glasses
02/10/2010 12:49 AM (UTC)
quan-chi- he takes the opponent eyes out then punches him in the face. then he starts to juggle the enemy eyes. then he does some juggle tricks with his feet. then he drops them and gets mad and stomps on them. blood sqirts.the opponent should be in the background wandering and tripping over his self!!!!

sub-zero- he deep freezes the opponent. then he makes an baseball bat out of ice. he then strikes the frozen opponent but it does not break. so then he steps back a few steps and dashes foward on ice while swinging the ice baseball bat breaking the opponnent into pieces!!! another icy baseball bat idea with sub is he freezes the opponent his on his knees up to his chest.. then he makes a baseball bat and swings it knocking opponenet head off like hes playing tee ball. NOW i have an idea for watching fatalitys. how about they have a FIRST PERSON VIEW where you see from first person on how the fatality is being performed on an enemy. imagine watching from an upclose first person view perspective of mileena biting someone's neck or sub-zero riping off a head!!! what do you guys think???
02/10/2010 05:56 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:

NOW i have an idea for watching fatalitys. how about they have a FIRST PERSON VIEW where you see from first person on how the fatality is being performed on an enemy. imagine watching from an upclose first person view perspective of mileena biting someone's neck or sub-zero riping off a head!!! what do you guys think???

That would be cool!

Here's more:

Li Mei- She kicks the opponent at the groin and then as the enemy bends down in pain, she punches off the head, decapitating the victim in the process.

Sindel- She screams at her opponent, skinning him/her and blowing off some body parts first. The enemy is still standing and moving around. Then, Sindel uses her hair to whip the victim, making the body splatter into bloody pieces.

Stryker- He puts a grenade in the opponent's mouth and the head explodes.

02/10/2010 06:48 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Stryker- He puts a grenade in the opponent's mouth and the head explodes.

I'm surprised that you didn't say "He puts a grenade up the guy's butt..." Sarcasm

Anyways, Sub-Zero should have a fatality similar to his death in MK1... Sub-Zero drives an icicle through his opponent's chest and they fall to the ground. They slowly get frozen, leaving Sub-Zero to walk over and stomp on the body, shattering it.

That's all I got for right now.
02/10/2010 09:36 PM (UTC)
Oh, this one came up in my head just now. lol

Stryker- He wraps a detonator by the opponent's groin and it explodes, making the opponent splatter all over the place in bloody pieces.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/10/2010 10:38 PM (UTC)
I don't have an exact idea, but I think it would be cool for Quan Chi to use one of his skulls in a fatality. Maybe a bit more than just eating through an opponent. I don't know, not too good at this fatality stuff...
02/11/2010 04:07 AM (UTC)
Reptile1112 Wrote:
I don't have an exact idea, but I think it would be cool for Quan Chi to use one of his skulls in a fatality. Maybe a bit more than just eating through an opponent. I don't know, not too good at this fatality stuff...

Here, let me help you with that idea.

Quan Chi- He summons multiple skulls that eat up the opponent all over the body until the victim is just a bloody skeleton. grin
02/12/2010 12:22 AM (UTC)
ermac or kenshi- he uses his telekenesis to slowly rip off the opponents head.arms, and legs. then he puts the arms where legs used to be and the legs where the arms used to be. then he attaches his head to his groin area. lol
02/12/2010 12:36 AM (UTC)
Similar to a hari kari, the loser should be able to input a button combination and try to run away from the opponet. this is for pure comedy like friendships and babatility. also similar to the hari kari idea, the loser puts in a button combonation and the loser trys to fight for his life. this will take place in a pre set fighting sequence. you will have two chances to input buttons. whoever inputs buttons at a preciser time will win in the fighting sequence animation. if one player wins and the the other player wins, you will have a third round. if each player wins and then its a draw you have to fight again in the game. this fighting sequence(it is a pre set animation, diff for each fighter) will only last about 15-20 seconds and if you ever played soul calibur 3, this idea is kinda similar to their ending movies.

In the fatalities you could use the SIX AXIS MOTION controller. you could shake the opponent(shake controller) ,throw them( left to right wave motion) or pull off people heads(lift controller slowly, fake struggle like your picking up somthing heavy) using six axis motion controller.

they should have a HUMORALITY where you perform a fatality but with dark humor. it should be real funny. like someone posted(icebaby i think??) before. kung lao could throw his hat then the foe dodges it and celebrates. then the hat comes back and chops his head off while he is celebrating. lol!!!!
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