What nasty finishers would you want characters to do in the next MK Game?
posted03/23/2010 02:58 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/08/2009 07:29 PM (UTC)
Hi you guys. I'm new here. I'll start with a few simple ones ok.


She takes out her razorang and throws it at the opponent, impaling him/her at the head. Then the victim screams and falls to the ground.

Brutality- (Note: my idea of a brutality is just broken bones, not an explosion like MKT.)

Kitana punches and kicks the opponent with a combo, then chaining it by using her fans to slice him/her. After that, she does an uppercut motion with her fan, making the enemy fly up the air and then hitting the ground head first, breaking the victim's neck.


Mileena throws one sai at each opponents' head, impaling them in the process.


She turns into a small bat, flys towards the opponent's neck, and then starts eating it until the head falls off.


Tanya- She powers up her hands with flames and crushes her head with them.

That's all I have so far. There's more to come. Please tell me what your ideas would be people and what you think about mine.

10/08/2009 07:49 PM (UTC)
Can't we just stick to fatalities? Multalities makes no sense in a one on one match because it's supposed to be against multiple enemies... Everything but Fatalities and possibly brutalities can go.
10/08/2009 08:13 PM (UTC)
You could do only one if you want to. You don't have to make up each one if you don't want to. But here's more from me..

Get ready...


Jade- She uses her Bojutsu to poke the enemy a couple of times at the abdomen and chest. Next, she impales him through the groin, making it go through the butt hole. Then, she pulls the stick back out, as the enemy goes on his knees and she impales him at the head. While it is impaled, she flips him over her shoulders like her MKT throw and the body falls off the impaled head as it hits the ground.

Mileena- Mileena pulls out her sais and start to stab her opponent like crazy, similar to what she does in MK2. Next, she stabs the enemy at the groin with one sai, making him go on his knees. Then while on his knees, Mileena stabs them at the shoulders and impales his eyes. As the victim screams, she snaps his neck with her bare hands at the end.

Kitana- She slices her enemy with her fans and then does her fan lift, making them go into pieces.

Sonya- She punches her opponent at the face and then kicks him at the groin, making him bend down. Next, she does a leg grab on his head and flips him over. After that, she breaks his neck with her legs. Lastly, she flips him over one more time, making the body rip off the head as it lands on the ground.

Tanya- Shoots a huge fireball, making the opponent explode.

What do you all think? I hope it's not too much.

10/08/2009 09:33 PM (UTC)


Jade- Jade uses her staff to impale the oponnent at the stomach. Next, she pulls out her stick, while the enemy bends down as his/her butt is sticking out. Then, she teleports behind the victim and then impales the victim at the butt through the mouth. As she pulls out the Bojutsu, the opponent falls to the ground and after that, Jade jumps up and impales the head of the victim to the ground, while blood squirts out of his/her head. grin
10/08/2009 10:35 PM (UTC)
Ehh... I don't think you quite understood what I meant by my post.
10/09/2009 03:53 AM (UTC)
Ok. Let's stick with just fatalities if you want. Since the next MK may be 1 on 1. Who has fatality ideas btw? Come on please tell me.


Mileena- She throws her sais at the opponent's eyes and teleport kicks his/her face, stomping them on the ground with the sais nailing the head to the ground. Then, Mileena pulls the legs of the victim, making the body rip off the head.

Jade- Uppercuts the head of the opponent off and impales it with her staff after. (Similar to what Baraka does in MKD.)

Frost- Kisses the opponent, making him/her freeze. Then, she does her teleport punch, shattering the frozen body in the process.

Li Mei- She uses her Kunlun Dao to impale her opponent at the stomach, pulls out her sword from the body, turns him around, and then does her Shish Kabob from MKA at the end.

10/09/2009 04:46 AM (UTC)
Those are pretty sweet ideas.

Kano- He pulls out a dagger and slits his opponents throat and then pulls the tongue down through the throat.
10/09/2009 05:08 AM (UTC)
COOL! Thank you so much. I have more.

Mileena- Mileena bites the opponent at the neck and takes him down to the ground. Next, she uses her sais to impale the enemy's arms and legs, nailing them to the ground. She looks at the camera and laughs like a maniac. Then she starts to eat the victim from the groin up to the neck and while doing so, she pulls out the intestines and other organs, eating them up in a very sloppy manner. After that, she pulls the body out, making it rip off the arms and legs. And lastly, while holding the torso, she bites the head off, lets go of the remains, and finally says, "Mmmmmm heh heh heh heh..." with her tongue sticking out. (Like in MKD.)

10/09/2009 10:07 AM (UTC)
Sheeva (Or new female Shokan character)

Hara Kiri - Self Skin Rip. - Pretty self explanatory.

Also Multalities could work in an Endurance or Survival mode...
10/09/2009 03:29 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Sheeva (Or new female Shokan character)

Hara Kiri - Self Skin Rip. - Pretty self explanatory.

Also Multalities could work in an Endurance or Survival mode...

That does sound cool. It would be different and at the same time we wont be dissapointed because they are normal fatalities. Maby make a cutscene were your fighter is beating both of their ass', switching back and forth and does the fatality. Idk it just popped into my head.
10/09/2009 07:16 PM (UTC)
I like your ideas people. Keep them coming.


Sonya- She does her MKT brutality but when she uppercuts her opponents, she sends them up in the air. Next, Sonya does a powerful version of her Bicycle Kick, making the opponent fly higher up the air and then he/she falls to the ground hard. (Bones can be heard breaking.)

Li Mei- She does her pressure point brutality in her MKD fatality but the opponent doesn't explode. Instead, she finishes the combo with her inpossible spin kick sending him/her up in the air and having the victim's bones break when they land on the ground.

Tanya- She powers up with flames in her hands, and does a long series of punching and kicking combos ending with an uppercut, sending the opponent up in the air. Then, the opponent lands on the ground with broken bones.

Jade- She does her MKT brutality but this time uppercuts her opponent with her staff sending the opponent up in the air. Then, as the opponent lands on the floor, she smashes her staff vertically at the victim, sending him/her directly to the ground.

Mileena- She does her MKT brutality but this time uppercuts the opponent with a sai, sending him/her up in the air. Then she does a powerful teleport kick, knocking the victim out and making him/her slide to the ground hard with broken bones.

Nitara- She does a series of punches and kicks in a combo and then an uppercut, sending him/her up in the air. Next, she flies up to the opponent and does an air combo, ending with her throwing the enemy to the ground. After that, she dives from the air feet first and stomps on the victims hips, breaking his/her pelvic bones.


Jade- Throws her razorang, decapitating all her enemies and then she catches it.

Kitana- Throws her fans, decapitating her opponents and then catches the fans again.

Sindel- Screams at all of her opponents, skinning them or having them go into pieces.

Sonya- She blows kisses, burning all her victims up.

Mileena- Spits nails at all her enemies, impaling them all over their bodies.

Tanya- Throws fireballs at her opponents, burning and blowing them up in the process.


Baraka- He impales the opponent's face with one of his blades, and then decapitates it with his other blade. The head remains impaled on his blade.

Khameleon- She kisses the opponent mouth to mouth and while doing so, she pukes acid inside the the victims mouth, melting the intestinal tract and the rest of the body.

Kitana- What about an updated version of her Kiss of Doom? She pulls out her fans and slices the opponent's face on each side. Next, she kicks the enemy at the groin, making him go on his knees. Then, she grabs and hugs the opponent, while giving him a big smoochy kiss. After that, Kitana pushes him to the ground and he starts to have a seizure and finally explodes into pieces with guts all over the place.

Jade- She hits the opponent with one side of her Bojutsu and then hits the back of his knees with the other side, making him go on one knee to the ground. Next, she kicks her opponent at the face, making him hit the ground on the ground. After that, she spins her staff around like in a kata, jumps up, and impales the opponent's groin to the ground with her staff, nailing it through the butt. Then, Jade walks up to the victim's head, jumps up, and crushes the face with her butt, sitting on him hard.

What do you all think about that?

10/10/2009 12:03 AM (UTC)

Sindel- Sindel grabs the opponent with her hair and slams him/her multiple times at the ground. Next, she throws him/her up in the air. Then, she screams at the enemy skinning them while he/she is landing. As the victim hits the ground, his/her remains splatter all over the floor.

10/10/2009 05:23 PM (UTC)
Hara- Kiri:

Sonya- She does her classic Kiss of Death but this time, the fireball backfires at her, burning her up in the process.

Kitana- She throws both her fans up in the air. Then, she looks up as they fall and impale her face. After that, she screams in terror and falls to the ground.


Tanya- She rips out both of the opponent's arms first, making him her scream. Next, she grabs a shoulder and punches the enemy to the ground. Then, while he/she is on the ground, Tanya rips out all the organs in the body except the ones on the head. She rips out the following in order; the sex organs, bladder, gallbladder, kidneys, intestines, stomach, liver, lungs and the heart. After that, she places her hands of each side of the victims face and crushes it at the end. (This fatality can be done while she is invisible.)

Sheeva- First, Sheeva does her Untamed Fury, knocking the opponent out on the ground. Next, she does multiple Teleport Stomps, crushing the enemy's abdomen area and ribs while also making the arms and legs pop off the body. Then, she teleports up in the air one last time, and crushes the victim's head with her butt, sitting on his/her face.

Johnny Cage- First, he does his splits and punches the opponent at his/her groin, with his fist going through it. As he pulls his hand out, he leaves a massive hole in the pubic area and the enemy bends down. Then, he punches the head off like how he does in the earlier MK games.

Stryker- Stryker places a bomb in the opponent's mouth and then he/she explodes.

Taven- He shoots a fireball at the opponent, burning him/her up. Then he uses his giant sword to to slice the victim in half vertically.

Scorpion- First, he spears the arms and legs of the opponent, making the torso hit the ground. Then, he does his Toasty, burning up the victim.

Sub-Zero- First, he grabs the opponent's neck, freezing the body below the head. Next, Sub-Zero pulls out the head and spine. Then, he uses the spine to whip the frozen body into pieces and holds the it with the head up in the air.

Kira- Kira sweep kicks the opponent to the ground first. Then, she jumps up and sits on his groin hard. Next, she pulls out her knife, and starts to stab her enemy multiple times Basic Instinct style. After that, Kira pulls the organs out.

Mileena- It's the same as Kira's but she uses her sai to stab the opponent and then she eats the organs up after.

Jade- First, Jade uppercuts the enemy with her staff up in the air. Next, the opponent spins around, curled up like a ball in the air. Then, he lands on the bojutsu, butt first, impaling him through the mouth. Blood and suspicious brown stuff can be seen up on the tip of the stick.

10/11/2009 12:04 AM (UTC)
Good subject... hmm where to start...

Lui Kang- Maybe he Dragon kicks the opponents head clean off.

Sub-Zero- He could freeze his opponents legs and throw an ice spear at their chest. Pretty gruesome...

Sheeva- Could have sex with her opponent. That would classify as a finisher...

Ermac- Since he is telekinetic I could picture him ripping the opponent in half with his powers. This could be horizantal and vertical.

Sonya- She should jump onto her opponents with her knees and twist her body snapping their neck. Sorta like Sophitia from SC4..

Cyrax- He could spray a deadly gas from his wrist at the opponents face. The opponent slowly decays in to skin and bones.

Scorpion- Have one where he brings his opponent to hell, maybe by dragging their body with his spear. Hell being a portal that Scorpion opens.

Jax- He could snap their spine by either a bear hug or performing an actual back breaker. Either way would work.

Shang Tsung- He could grab his opponent by their neck and lift them. then drain their soul while they scream, and slowly turn into his opponent, maybe a sinister smile too...

Johnny Cage- This would be funny. He takes off his glasses and wink at his opponent and they neck snap themself and fall to the ground.

Goro- There is so much this monster could do to someone. He should be a fatality machine and have like 4 fatalities in the next game. One could be he could grab the opponents neck with 2 arms and punch their body till the opponent is dead with the other 2 arms. Theres so many possibilities with this guy....
10/11/2009 04:20 AM (UTC)

DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
Good subject... hmm where to start...

Lui Kang- Maybe he Dragon kicks the opponents head clean off.

Sub-Zero- He could freeze his opponents legs and throw an ice spear at their chest. Pretty gruesome...

Sheeva- Could have sex with her opponent. That would classify as a finisher...

Ermac- Since he is telekinetic I could picture him ripping the opponent in half with his powers. This could be horizantal and vertical.

Sonya- She should jump onto her opponents with her knees and twist her body snapping their neck. Sorta like Sophitia from SC4..

Cyrax- He could spray a deadly gas from his wrist at the opponents face. The opponent slowly decays in to skin and bones.

Scorpion- Have one where he brings his opponent to hell, maybe by dragging their body with his spear. Hell being a portal that Scorpion opens.

Jax- He could snap their spine by either a bear hug or performing an actual back breaker. Either way would work.

Shang Tsung- He could grab his opponent by their neck and lift them. then drain their soul while they scream, and slowly turn into his opponent, maybe a sinister smile too...

Johnny Cage- This would be funny. He takes off his glasses and wink at his opponent and they neck snap themself and fall to the ground.

Goro- There is so much this monster could do to someone. He should be a fatality machine and have like 4 fatalities in the next game. One could be he could grab the opponents neck with 2 arms and punch their body till the opponent is dead with the other 2 arms. Theres so many possibilities with this guy....

Those are good. Sex with Sheeva though? wow Ew. Jade and Johnny are better.


1) First, Jade throws her razorang slicing both of the opponent's arms and then it comes back to her as she catches it. Then, she throws it again, decapitating the enemy.
2) Jade impales the opponent at the stomach with her Bojutsu and then does her MKT throw, moving the victim over her shoulders.

Tanya- First, she pulls out the opponent's thigh bone and impales him/her at the guts. Next, she rips out another thigh bone and impales the enemy at another area in the abdomen. After that, she pulls out both of the ribs and impales it at the eyes. Then, as the opponent screams in terror, Tanya breaks the victim's neck with her hands.

Goro- First, he rips the opponent's arms and legs like what he does in MKD. Then, he does his Tele-Stomp, crushing the opponent into pieces.


Khameleon- She transforms into an Ultrasaurus (one of the largest long-necked dinosaurs) and stomps the enemy, crushing him/her in the process.

sub zero:
grabs opponent by the head and forcefully pulls opponent onto the ground on their back. He mounts them and raises one arm high into the air. A large club-like block of ice forms around his hand. He brings it down on the opponent's face, intensely. They squirm in pain. He does it once more, but this time when the block of ice collides with their face it breaks into a sharp point. Sub Zero looks at it for a second, and then proceeds to shove the broken ice through the opponent's face.
10/11/2009 08:27 PM (UTC)
Fatality: Shang Tsung- First, he makes a bed of spikes near him, like in MK3-MKT. Next, he transforms into Kira, throwing knives at the opponent's feet, impaling them in the process. Then, Shang Tsung transforms into Sonya and does a Leg Grab, ripping the enemy in half. While doing that, he makes the upper torso get impaled on the bed of spikes with the Leg Grab.
10/12/2009 12:13 AM (UTC)
Stage Fatality/Deathtrap:

Jade's Desert-
1) The opponent is hit into a quicksand and he/she sinks inside.
2) The enemy gets hit onto a rock and a snake comes out and eats him/her up.
3) First the victim falls near a giant lizard. Next, the lizard licks at the opponent's face with the tongue stuck onto it and drags his/her entire body. Then, the creature eats the head off.


Sub-Zero- First, he rips out the opponent's arms. Next, he freezes the arms, making them have sharp edges and impales the enemy at the stomach with both of the frozen body parts. Then, he makes a long sharp icy stick and impales the victim's eye, making it go through the head.

Frost- She freezes the opponent's legs and then she uses her daggers to stab him/ her at the abs multiple times. Next, she sweep kicks the opponent, shattering the frozen lower part into pieces and making the upper torso hit the ground. And lastly, as the victim screams, Frost jumps up and impales both his/her eyes with the daggers, pinning the head to the ground.

1) She throws her Bojutsu at the opponent's eye, making it go through the head.
2) First, Jade uses her Bojutsu to poke and stab the enemy multiple times at the abdomen, chest, and groin. Next, she impales the victim at the guts, leaving the stick there. Then, she grabs the opponent, and snaps his/her neck. After that, the opponent falls to the ground, and Jade gets her staff again, doing her victory pose.

Kitana- First, she punches the opponent at the face. Next, she kicks the enemy at the groin, making him bend down. Then, Kitana does an upward motion slice with her fan, slitting the throat vertically with the head facing up. After that, she slices both arms of the opponent off. And finally, decapitates her victim.

Ashrah- She does her MKD Voodoo Fatality and then her other MKD fatality melting the opponent with her powers. (Both of her MKD fatalities combined into one.)

About Me

10/12/2009 12:54 AM (UTC)
Wow. I guess if you made the game, only the female characters would have 30 Fatalities each.
10/12/2009 01:21 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
Wow. I guess if you made the game, only the female characters would have 30 Fatalities each.

lol True. And not only that, but ALL the characters would have AT LEAST one perverted fatality (with Jade having the most). wink grin
10/12/2009 03:21 AM (UTC)
mabdog Wrote:
sub zero:
grabs opponent by the head and forcefully pulls opponent onto the ground on their back. He mounts them and raises one arm high into the air. A large club-like block of ice forms around his hand. He brings it down on the opponent's face, intensely. They squirm in pain. He does it once more, but this time when the block of ice collides with their face it breaks into a sharp point. Sub Zero looks at it for a second, and then proceeds to shove the broken ice through the opponent's face.

badass dude
10/12/2009 08:28 AM (UTC)

Shao Khan- He could swing his hammer violently in circles and slowly get closer to his opponent. When he finally reaches his opponent he will be spinning really fast and destroy the opponent upon impact leaving a nice mess with his hammer... either that or sending them flying.

Havik- This guy has issues with his own limbs why not make others have his same issues. He should walk up to his opponent and snap both arms at a time. Next he should break one of the opponents knee and finish them off with a neck snap while their hopping on one foot screaming in pain... Pretty gruesome...

Noob Saibot- I wanna see a creepy one where he enters the opponents body and they slowly decripify and become zombie like and have Noob reappear as they fall to the ground...

Baraka- He should walk up to his opponent and impale and lift the opponent in the stomach area. He should then impale the face of the opponent with the other spike and rip them in two... Very gorey as it should be...

Ermac (2)- Have him pull his opponent closer telekenitcally and with the same hand uppercut their head off.

Reptile- He should spit acid at his opponent and the opponent should freak out as the acid burns. As their freaking out he should walk up grab their head with both hands and rip the head clean off.

I hope these put the M in Mature...

10/12/2009 08:29 PM (UTC)
Jade: Jade pokes the opponent multiple times at the chest and abdomen. Then impales him at the groin with her Bojutsu and pulls it out after, making the enemy go on his knees and screaming in pain. Next, she hits the victim with the end of the staff, making him lay on his back. After that, Jade jumps up and impales the opponent's eye to the ground, nailing it there. As she lets go of the stick and leaves it pinned on the head , she walks up to the feet and drags the body as it rips off the impaled head. There is blood gushing out and veins from the neck exposed. FATALITY!

Frost or Sub-Zero:
Male Victims- First he/she grabs his crotch and freezes it. Then she pulls out the (you know what) with blood gushing out of the pubic area and freezes the ripped off body part even more while the opponent screams in terror, so it can have a very sharp. After that, she impales the sharp frozen body part at the victim's eyes, making it go through the head. The enemy falls to the ground at the end.

Female victims- First, Frost/Sub-Zero, grabs the lady's crotch. Then, the opponent starts to scream until there is a long spike of ice going through the mouth with blood in the groin and mouth areas. (For those who didn't understand this, he/she basically made a spike of ice grow from the vaginal area through the mouth. As it grew, it impaled all the organs on its way.

I hope that wasn't too much. wink
10/13/2009 01:13 PM (UTC)
Jax- I have always wanted to see him do his Gotchya grab but instead of the slam...make it a fatality with a straight punch to someones head to make it explode. Either that or have him just punch a hole through someones stomach as the guts fall out the other side.

Reptile- I want to see him go animality and turn into a huge snake and swallow the opponent than regurgitate them as gruesome skeletons covered in acidic slime.

Any Shokan Goro,Kintaro,Sheeva.- they knock the opponent down face first and walk up to them putting them into almost a camel clutch with one set of arms and hands...the other set of limbs would grab the waist and pull ripping the body in half as blood and guts get flung out.

Scorpion- I have always wanted to see the spear at the throat,the get over hear spear toss and toasty fatality rolled into one...he would start by impaling the players throat with the spear as blood gushes and sprays out as the opponent struggles Scorpion jumps back letting the rope trail behind him as he removes his mask and Toasties them...than he pulls them in with Get over here! In flames and screaming the opponent gets a burning uppercut sending them in the air as bone and ashes...the skeleton hits the ground with smoke rising. Fatality!furious
10/13/2009 11:05 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero's spine rip should have some major changes to it... He does it quick and makes it look super easy. How about we slow his fatality down and let us hear all the bone cracking, blood splattering sounds that it makes while he's ripping the head off.

Frost - I've always had this image in my head... even though I'm tired of seeing the Kiss of Death fatalities, she should have the ability to spray mist into the sucker's mouth and their insides freeze from the mouth... She kicks them and out comes everything from the mouth and all it leaves is a rubbery dead person on the ground. I have no idea how they can make that work, but that's what I've always imagined with her.

Shang Tsung - I want his Body Explosion fatality come back, better and gorier than ever...

Quan Chi - His leg fatality should come back, but let's make it more interesting than just a brutal beat down... or is that asking for too much because I know that it is a classic fatality and classics shouldn't really be tampered with.

Hotaru - I was shocked that they really didn't do anything with his firebolts and I think that he should have some sort of fatality where its a combination of one of his previous fatalities and his firebolt moves. Like he can slam his opponent down as many times as he wants to and then after the last pounding, he shoots his firebolt and the guy splatters everywhere on the ground.

Reptile - His MK 4 acid spit should make a return, but a lot messier, and of course, gorier.

Scorpion - I always like that breakdown dance he did with his spear in Shaolin Monks, lets say he does that right next to his opponent and in the end, the guy breaks up into tiny pieces of meat and falls to the ground in slices... Slice in Dice ooh...

Mileena - I enjoy the fact that she can decapitate her opponent with just her mouth, but I thought her Deception fatality was just a shame. Come on, if she's a cannibal, let her be more gruesome by eating her opponent down. And if they wanted her to have a "sexy" feeling towards her fatality, then down a Bloodrayne thing when she's eating her opponent.

Sindel - I've always loved her hair throw, and I was not happy that they did not include anything like that in Deception. Her hair should have the power to squeeze the life out of her opponent.

That's all I really have for now.
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