10/15/2009 02:45 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sub-Zero's spine rip should have some major changes to it... He does it quick and makes it look super easy. How about we slow his fatality down and let us hear all the bone cracking, blood splattering sounds that it makes while he's ripping the head off.

Frost - I've always had this image in my head... even though I'm tired of seeing the Kiss of Death fatalities, she should have the ability to spray mist into the sucker's mouth and their insides freeze from the mouth... She kicks them and out comes everything from the mouth and all it leaves is a rubbery dead person on the ground. I have no idea how they can make that work, but that's what I've always imagined with her.

Shang Tsung - I want his Body Explosion fatality come back, better and gorier than ever...

Quan Chi - His leg fatality should come back, but let's make it more interesting than just a brutal beat down... or is that asking for too much because I know that it is a classic fatality and classics shouldn't really be tampered with.

Hotaru - I was shocked that they really didn't do anything with his firebolts and I think that he should have some sort of fatality where its a combination of one of his previous fatalities and his firebolt moves. Like he can slam his opponent down as many times as he wants to and then after the last pounding, he shoots his firebolt and the guy splatters everywhere on the ground.

Reptile - His MK 4 acid spit should make a return, but a lot messier, and of course, gorier.

Scorpion - I always like that breakdown dance he did with his spear in Shaolin Monks, lets say he does that right next to his opponent and in the end, the guy breaks up into tiny pieces of meat and falls to the ground in slices... Slice in Dice ooh...

Mileena - I enjoy the fact that she can decapitate her opponent with just her mouth, but I thought her Deception fatality was just a shame. Come on, if she's a cannibal, let her be more gruesome by eating her opponent down. And if they wanted her to have a "sexy" feeling towards her fatality, then down a Bloodrayne thing when she's eating her opponent.

Sindel - I've always loved her hair throw, and I was not happy that they did not include anything like that in Deception. Her hair should have the power to squeeze the life out of her opponent.

That's all I really have for now.

For Frost, Mileena, and Sindel, we kind of have the same ideas. I imagine frost blowing an icy kiss and Sindel using her hair throw as a Fatality. As for Mileena, I think about her eating up the opponent at the groin first, then on her way up to the face and ripping off the organs and head. grin
10/15/2009 03:23 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sub-Zero's spine rip should have some major changes to it... He does it quick and makes it look super easy. How about we slow his fatality down and let us hear all the bone cracking, blood splattering sounds that it makes while he's ripping the head off.

Frost - I've always had this image in my head... even though I'm tired of seeing the Kiss of Death fatalities, she should have the ability to spray mist into the sucker's mouth and their insides freeze from the mouth... She kicks them and out comes everything from the mouth and all it leaves is a rubbery dead person on the ground. I have no idea how they can make that work, but that's what I've always imagined with her.

Shang Tsung - I want his Body Explosion fatality come back, better and gorier than ever...

Quan Chi - His leg fatality should come back, but let's make it more interesting than just a brutal beat down... or is that asking for too much because I know that it is a classic fatality and classics shouldn't really be tampered with.

Hotaru - I was shocked that they really didn't do anything with his firebolts and I think that he should have some sort of fatality where its a combination of one of his previous fatalities and his firebolt moves. Like he can slam his opponent down as many times as he wants to and then after the last pounding, he shoots his firebolt and the guy splatters everywhere on the ground.

Reptile - His MK 4 acid spit should make a return, but a lot messier, and of course, gorier.

Scorpion - I always like that breakdown dance he did with his spear in Shaolin Monks, lets say he does that right next to his opponent and in the end, the guy breaks up into tiny pieces of meat and falls to the ground in slices... Slice in Dice ooh...

Mileena - I enjoy the fact that she can decapitate her opponent with just her mouth, but I thought her Deception fatality was just a shame. Come on, if she's a cannibal, let her be more gruesome by eating her opponent down. And if they wanted her to have a "sexy" feeling towards her fatality, then down a Bloodrayne thing when she's eating her opponent.

Sindel - I've always loved her hair throw, and I was not happy that they did not include anything like that in Deception. Her hair should have the power to squeeze the life out of her opponent.

That's all I really have for now.

I like the sindel hair idea but i think it should squeeze the body and the opponents head either pops off or explodes...
10/16/2009 07:53 PM (UTC)
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Sub-Zero's spine rip should have some major changes to it... He does it quick and makes it look super easy. How about we slow his fatality down and let us hear all the bone cracking, blood splattering sounds that it makes while he's ripping the head off.

Frost - I've always had this image in my head... even though I'm tired of seeing the Kiss of Death fatalities, she should have the ability to spray mist into the sucker's mouth and their insides freeze from the mouth... She kicks them and out comes everything from the mouth and all it leaves is a rubbery dead person on the ground. I have no idea how they can make that work, but that's what I've always imagined with her.

Shang Tsung - I want his Body Explosion fatality come back, better and gorier than ever...

Quan Chi - His leg fatality should come back, but let's make it more interesting than just a brutal beat down... or is that asking for too much because I know that it is a classic fatality and classics shouldn't really be tampered with.

Hotaru - I was shocked that they really didn't do anything with his firebolts and I think that he should have some sort of fatality where its a combination of one of his previous fatalities and his firebolt moves. Like he can slam his opponent down as many times as he wants to and then after the last pounding, he shoots his firebolt and the guy splatters everywhere on the ground.

Reptile - His MK 4 acid spit should make a return, but a lot messier, and of course, gorier.

Scorpion - I always like that breakdown dance he did with his spear in Shaolin Monks, lets say he does that right next to his opponent and in the end, the guy breaks up into tiny pieces of meat and falls to the ground in slices... Slice in Dice ooh...

Mileena - I enjoy the fact that she can decapitate her opponent with just her mouth, but I thought her Deception fatality was just a shame. Come on, if she's a cannibal, let her be more gruesome by eating her opponent down. And if they wanted her to have a "sexy" feeling towards her fatality, then down a Bloodrayne thing when she's eating her opponent.

Sindel - I've always loved her hair throw, and I was not happy that they did not include anything like that in Deception. Her hair should have the power to squeeze the life out of her opponent.

That's all I really have for now.

I like the sindel hair idea but i think it should squeeze the body and the opponents head either pops off or explodes...

Yeah, that's what I really wanted to see with Sindel... Instead we got some stupid spear helicopter choppy up fatality that made absolute no sense... This would make it perfect for her.
About Me

PSN - TrueKage

10/17/2009 08:13 PM (UTC)
They never really gave Noob Saibot any quality finishers. What I imagin him doing is kinda...twisted. Since hes has been seen as the Grim Reaper he should have some crazy ass stuff.

- Deaths Touch -

His eyes flash bright blue, he walks over to the opponent and places his index finger on their forehead. After a few seconds the opponent grabs their neck like they cant breath, they start to throw up. They fall to their hands and knees and start throwing up blood.
A black hole opens up next to Noob and his scyth floats up and he grabs it. He walks over to the kneeling opponent and chops off their head executioner style.
He then Grabs the head and holds it up with the face covered in vomit and blood.

- The FerryMan summoning -

He does reptiles UMK3 winning pose and the ground starts shakeing. Then Multiple black holes open up in the air and ground. You hear moans of the dead and black wraiths start to emerge from the black holes.
One comes up behind the opponent and shoves its arm through their chest...holding their heart.
Another rips off an arm, a black hole opens up under the opponent and hands start to pull him down.
As the opponent is almost pulled in to the black hole, one of the wraiths grabs the opponents head and starts pulling him back up.

They start playing tug of war with the victim, and finally the head is pulled off. They disapear in the closing black holes taking the opponent peice by peice. Noob does his winning pose as the ground is soaked with blood.

- HangMan -

Noob Summons his scyth, his eyes flash blue and a black hole opens up behind the opponent. A twisted black tree emerges, Noob slashes at the opponents abdomen. Their inards spill out, the opponent holds their abdomen as Noob grabs their intestines.
Noob wraps one end around their neck and throws the other end around a branch. He summons a demon out of a black hole and it grabs the other end of the intestines and starts to pull the opponent into the air as it laughs.
Noob does his winning pose as the opponents body swings in the background
10/18/2009 02:49 AM (UTC)

Kitana uses her fans to slice the opponent all over the body where she could. Then, she backs off and throws her fans at the enemy like in her MKvsDC fatality. Right after that, the victim falls apart into pieces. grin
10/18/2009 11:01 PM (UTC)
Scorpion :

- does the toasty, but as opponent is on fire they turn to run away, fall down and start crawling. Scorpion then throws his spear at their ass hole ( which you wouldn't see as the victim is crawling towards the screen ) but you see the end of the spear come out of their mouth. He then pull the spear back and you see their face kind of get sucked in as he pulls their skull out of their ass.

- Scorpion morphs into dozen's of little scorpions who covers the victim, then scurry away, which then shows the victim covered in a bunch of giant welts and boils which all start to pop and explode.

Sub-Zero :

- An ice trail comes from Sub's feet as he walks towards the opponent which forms an spike behind the opponent, subby then freeze's the opponents legs with an ice blast. He now sweeps the opponents legs shattering them cause the victim to fall backward , with the back of his head falling onto the spike so the spike ends up coming out of his mouth.

- Sub freezes the opponents head in a block of ice causing the opponent to freak out / suffocate, so the opponent then starts bashing his own head of the floor to break the ice, and ends up shattering his own head.

Reptile :

- Reptile's tongue grabs the opponent face, and pulls him in while Reptiles jaw starts to unhinge like a snake around the opponents head ..... the screen then fades out while you hear gross noises .... then fades back in with Reptile kind of laying on the floor like a snake, with outline / imprint of and entire whole person in his outstretched stomach

Shao Khan :

-Shao Khan pulls out his hammer, and smashes the opponents head down into their own stomach. He then punches a hole into their stomach and rips the head out

-Shao Khan power bombs the opponent with such force that their head splats into a pancake off the ground, and their arms shoot off of their own body.

Noob Saibot :

- Noob summons an army of shadow clones who huddle around the victim and literally start ripping him limb from limb

- Noob creates a black gooey shadow on the floor under the victim. Black arms start pulling the opponent down into the hole , then after a few seconds a geyser of blood shoots from the whole ( Ala Nightmare on elm street )

10/18/2009 11:44 PM (UTC)
Ermac - From his old classic UMK3 fatality, let's see more slams from his telekinetic slam that leaves his opponent into a splattered mess.

Kung Lao - This one could be a humorous fatality idea, but here it goes. Let's say Kung Lao throws his hat but his opponent dodges out of the way. He/she laughs, but then suddenly realize it's coming back. They run away from it, but the hat manages to decapitate them from behind. I've always wanted to see the hat decapitate the opponent from behind, I don't know why, I just thought it would be a cool idea.

Kabal - His fatality where we get to see what he looks like underneath his mask was by far the coolest fatality I've seen, but I think it should have done more than just scare the soul right out of the body. You know, maybe there could be some sort of an odd twist, like how Alice can suddenly kill people just by looking at cameras, well, lets say Kabal is just looking at his opponent unmasked and is walking towards his opponent. They suddenly feel all strange, they began to see bloody spots covering them then they explode. I don't know, I just thought that the fatality was cool, i just wanted to see some blood with this. It's lame, I know.
10/20/2009 09:35 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
Scorpion :

- does the toasty, but as opponent is on fire they turn to run away, fall down and start crawling. Scorpion then throws his spear at their ass hole ( which you wouldn't see as the victim is crawling towards the screen ) but you see the end of the spear come out of their mouth. He then pull the spear back and you see their face kind of get sucked in as he pulls their skull out of their ass.

I love that fatality you got there for Scorpion. Btw, here are mine.


She bites the opponent's throat off, leaving only 1/2 of the neck with blood oozing out. Then, Nitara pulls out her kama and stabs it deep with an upward motion to the groin. Next, she slices upwards and even deeper to the abdomen, exposing the guts. After that, Nitara pulls out the intestines and wraps it around the enemy's neck. She goes behind him and pulls it harder with her knee on his back, takes him to the ground on his stomach while still pulling it until the head falls off. The head was able to fall off because the neck only had 1/2 of its meat with the bones, making it fragile so the head can come off easily. Sick heh?

Jade uses her Bojutsu to sweep the opponent to the ground, on his back. Next, she uses the Bo to poke and make holes on the following areas of the enemy's body in order: groin, abdomen, chest, neck, face, and in one eye. Then, she jumps up and impales the other eye with her staff, pinning the head to the ground. After that, she walks up to the victim's feet, and pulls his legs. While doing so, the body rips off the impaled head as a large pool of blood is made between the two separate parts.

10/21/2009 12:05 PM (UTC)
I don't know which character could do it but I always wanted to see one of them have a fatality where they walk in close and grab the opponents face and rip and peel their face off with a close up of the face bleeding and showing a muscle ripped skull face and maybe as they are looking at the screen screaming after their face is off the fatality performer could kick the back of the persons head making the eye balls pop out and hit the screen.
10/24/2009 05:03 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see them become simpler and more brutal, but with improved animation and angles:

Kano, maybe Scorpion: grabs the person's mouth and does the reverse bear trap kinda thing a la the movie, Hatchet

Kitana: slits the person's throat with her fan, and they gurgle and slowly bleed out

Reptile or Mileena: the face eat fatality, but improved animation with ripping flesh off, etc.

Kenshi: katana impale with a Kill Bill kind of splatter when he pulls out

Tanya: knocks them down to the ground and stomps through their head with her boot

And so on....
10/26/2009 08:24 PM (UTC)

She hits the opponent with a fan, making him fall to the ground on his back. Next, Kitana throws both her fans, having them spin and elevated near the ground and between the enemy's legs. Then, she pulls the victim's legs, making the fans slice the opponent in half like a buzzsaw. It's similar to Kung Lao's MKSM fatality. glasses
10/27/2009 04:24 AM (UTC)
Yeah there was a fatality I made on here about two years ago where subzero
lays down a cold sheet of ice and slams the enemy on the ice and then slowly starts to peel them off the ice and rips the skin on the front of their body off.
11/06/2009 04:35 AM (UTC)
She slaps her opponent to the face and kicks him/her at the groin first. Next, she bites off the throat with blood oozing out of it. Then, she chokes the opponent at the throat then rips out the head and spine like how Sub-Zero does it. After that, she bites the face of the head like a chicken drumstick and holds it up in the air. grin
11/22/2009 07:07 AM (UTC)
Here's a few fatalities from earlier games, but a bit enhanced. Others are just ideas.

Sub-Zero: Maybe him doing his spine rip, but when he takes it out of his opponent, he shoves it down their throat, skewering all of their organs onto the spine. Then, he punches into their stomach, and yanks out the organ shish-kabob and stabs them in the face with it.

Johnny Cage: He slowly walks up to his dazed opponent, and stands in front of them cracking his knuckles. He then proceeds to beat the living crap out of them, breaking almost every bone in their body and just beating them to a pulp. When they are on the verge of not being able to stand he either; roundhouse kicks or shadow uppercuts their head off, OR takes a few steps back and shadow kicks them square in the chest, making thier torso completely detach from the rest of their body.

Sektor: He starts off with stepping back to a safe distance from his opponent, and sets them on fire with his flamethrower. As they are screaming from being set on fire, he shoots a rocket upwards and the opponent looks up, only to see the rocket hurtling into their gaping mouth, but the rocket doesn't explode immediately. It finally explodes after three painful seconds, scattering flaming chunks of flesh and organs everywhere.
11/22/2009 05:57 PM (UTC)
Stage Weapon Fatalities:

Fire Well's Hot Poker: The character uses the Hot Poker and stabs the opponent at the eyes a couple of times and leaves it impaled there at the end.

Bettle Lair's Thor Axe: The character slices the opponent vertically but only halfway in the body. Then, as the victim falls with the impaled axe on him/her, beetles start to get up to the enemy and eat him/her up until he/she is just a bloody skeleton.
11/25/2009 01:50 AM (UTC)
First, Jade uses her Bodjutsu to stab the opponent at the stomach, through the back, making him bend down with the butt out. Next, she teleports behind the enemy and impales the victim through the anus. Then, she lifts him up higher with the Bo while he's impaled, and as the he slides down the staff, the sharp end of the stick comes out of the mouth with blood oozing out orally and anally. wink
11/26/2009 04:29 AM (UTC)
Reptile animality.........Turn into a crocidle or alligator (sorry on that spelling we dont have any of those 2 here in hawaii xD) and do the deathroll...tongue
12/02/2009 10:54 PM (UTC)
Boomarang Fury 1- Jade throws her razorang and it slices off an arm as it goes forward and slices off the other arm as it goes back before she catches it. Next, she throws the blade-arang again and decapitates the opponent. Then, as the boomerang comes back, it impales the back off the headless corpse and makes the body fall on its stomach right away flat to the floor.
Boomerang Fury 2: It's the same as the first boomerang fatality but this time after slicing off the arms, Jade throws the razorang at the opponent's head, impaling it there in the process.

Kiss of the Bad Stomach- Kitana kisses the opponent at the lips first. Then, the enemy screams in pain. Next, a power of explosion erupts out of the mouth and butt. After that, the victim pukes and poops out all his organs violently until his entire abdominal area explodes. At the end, what's left of the corpse is the parts of the chest and above it such as the arms, neck, and head. Also, the groin, butt, and leg areas are also together butt separate from the upper torso. The parts of the abdominal areas such as the intestines, liver, some parts of the ribs, and other parts are just all over the place due to the explosion. That is how fatalities should be like in the next game. Dark, gritty, and NASTY! grin
12/03/2009 12:14 AM (UTC)
A few quick fatalities (if I put out a fatality that's already here, sorry):

Shao Kahn- pulls out his hammer and smashes it on top of their head and the head flies out the butt

Shang Tsung- steals their soul and transforms into his opponent and performs their own fatality on them


Raiden- sends multiple high-energy electric bolts toward opponent and blasting their arms, legs, and genitals off. Picks up the remains of them and electrocuted them
until they explode.

Scorpion- takes out his spear and dissects every organ from the opponents body and finishes with ripping of their head

Kabal- hooks his hookswords onto the opponents shoulders and proceeds to play jump rope (how this is accomplished, I don't know. Just ideas here.) then he does his classic take off mask and scare the crap out of opponent fatality with more grotesque details.

Shujinko- using one special move from all the people featured in whatever future MK game there is and turning those moves into one deadly combo-fatality.

Mileena- just eats opponent. Very messily. That's all

Kano- uses his knives to peel the skin off the opponents arms and face. Then lasers them down the middle of their body.

Sindel- scream at the top of her lungs, making the opponent bleed intensely from the ears. Screams even louder which makes opponent explode.

That's all I can think of from the top of my head at the moment. Enjoy

12/03/2009 05:43 AM (UTC)
johnny~cage Wrote:
A few quick fatalities (if I put out a fatality that's already here, sorry):

Shao Kahn- pulls out his hammer and smashes it on top of their head and the head flies out the butt

Shang Tsung- steals their soul and transforms into his opponent and performs their own fatality on them


Raiden- sends multiple high-energy electric bolts toward opponent and blasting their arms, legs, and genitals off. Picks up the remains of them and electrocuted them
until they explode.

Scorpion- takes out his spear and dissects every organ from the opponents body and finishes with ripping of their head

Kabal- hooks his hookswords onto the opponents shoulders and proceeds to play jump rope (how this is accomplished, I don't know. Just ideas here.) then he does his classic take off mask and scare the crap out of opponent fatality with more grotesque details.

Shujinko- using one special move from all the people featured in whatever future MK game there is and turning those moves into one deadly combo-fatality.

Mileena- just eats opponent. Very messily. That's all

Kano- uses his knives to peel the skin off the opponents arms and face. Then lasers them down the middle of their body.

Sindel- scream at the top of her lungs, making the opponent bleed intensely from the ears. Screams even louder which makes opponent explode.

That's all I can think of from the top of my head at the moment. Enjoy


Good ideas. I like Shao Khan's, Shang Tsung's, Scorpion's, Sindel's, and Raiden's. And of course, Mileena's. wink
12/04/2009 12:01 AM (UTC)
Here's a few others. I'm hoping to make a different fatality for each of the 63 characters in the MK universe, and I've already made a checklist. Seeing as this message board is full of ideas, I hope to not copy any ideas from them and sorry if I do.

Jax- throws around and beats up the opponent some. Then picks them up by the waist and slams their feet into the ground, up to their knees. He takes a couple steps back, and with the momentum of his punch, he punches them square in the jaw, knocking the head messily off the shoulders.

Taven- performs his ground slam special move, but with more power and lands his fist on top of the opponents head, making at explode from the sheer force and pressure.

Kung Lao- he takes his bladed hat and throws it, slicing an arm off the opponent. It comes back like in MK3 but cuts the other arm off. He goes up to them and slits their throat so deep that the head is just hanging there.

Motaro(not Armageddon form)- picks up his opponent and slices at their waist and neck with his tail (I imagine that his tail is a metal of some sort.) he then sets them back down on the ground, turns around and donkey kicks them, sending a head, torso with shattered arms, and legs through the air.

Sheeva- dismembers opponent slowly and painfully, breaking each bone before ripping it out.

Kira- takes her knives and stabs them through opponents feet and deep into ground making them in sheer pain. Then kicks them in the face with enough force to make their head do a 180 with spine chilling sounds of bone breaking.

Drahmin- I would think that the bugs flying around him are from the Netherrealm like he is so they probably are demonic of some sort. He commands them to go inside the opponent and infect them with some bone deteriorating enzymes they have. After watching them frantically rip their skin off to get the insects out, they slowly turn into a pile of skin and organ.

That's it for today. Another 40+ characters to go! Hope you guys like them.
About Me

Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

12/07/2009 06:57 PM (UTC)
Only have two in my head at the moment.

Sub-Zero uses his ice slide move to knock the opponent into the air up and over him falling head-first toward the ground. He then quickly turns around and freezes them when they're about 5 feet from the ground and they fall, shattering upon impact.

Jax rips off both of the opponent's arms, takes a few steps back, pulls out his machine gun, and fires repeatedly into their torso. Helpless, they fall to their knees screaming while bullets zip through their body and portions of flesh are torn out. Jax finishes them off by turning the gun sideways and fires in a sweeping motion to the opponent's throat decapitating them.
12/07/2009 07:12 PM (UTC)
She pokes the opponent's groin and abdomen areas with her Bo a couple of times. Next, Jade digs inside the wounds to rip out the intestines, liver, bladder, kidneys and ribs. Then, she rips the victims torso in half. (At first I didn't imagine Jade ripping out organs with her hands but now I see that she can make wounds with her weapon in order for her to dig inside the enemy's body with her hands.)

12/11/2009 04:53 AM (UTC)
She uses her Bo to poke and stab the opponent a few times across between the upper and lower torso horizontally first. Then she does her shadow kick, kicking the enemy in half in the process.

First, she uses her sai to stab the opponent's groin, making him/her bend down. Then, she takes off her mask, chews at the victim's neck, and bites off the head after that. At the end, she says, "mmmmm heh heh heh..." as she does her sexy pose.

12/18/2009 05:51 AM (UTC)
i disagree with your statement of worrying about your genitals you people who find it humourous to see someone get racked pisses me off not to be offensive or anything i just do not enjoy sexual humour of any sort
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