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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 04:08 AM (UTC)
I just don't see what sexual orientation has to do with realms, tournaments, and fatalities?

And I'm Gay. It's just silly to me.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 04:13 AM (UTC)
DV805 Wrote:
Wasn't Catwoman just revealed to be bisexual in the latest comics? I could have sworn that I read that somewhere.....

I see where the OP is coming from. It's not like the character would need a whole chapter in story mode about how they came to the realization that they aren't straight. Although we never see her in the games, it is stated that Scorpion once had a wife and kid back home (RIP). Who's to say they couldn't so this with another character? After saving the day, we could have the new gen of kids introduced in this game (Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda, Kung Jin) all kind of kick back and reflect on what just happened. Have Takeda throw in a line about how his bf is gonna want to hear all about it, they all laugh, bam that's it. Let the player know that "Oh, he's gay? That's cool." and carry on. Idk why people jump to conclusions and think there has to be some sort of song and dance scene where the character announces that he digs guys and not girls to everyone around him, and then proceeding to beat his opponent to a blood pulp. confused

I understand it doesn't have to be a big deal...but that seems pointless. I mean what does it really matter who sleeps with who? That's hardly the focus of the story. You just said your self it doesn't have to be a big issue...so why make it one anyway?
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
Cassie&Jacqui confirmed <3

I ship Cassie & Ferra. #Fassie

Fassie confirmed! <3

If I would ship Cassie with anyone it'd be Frost. There is only one Cage ship worth exploring...

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
After Johnny Cage's introduction in the comic, Reptile with a crush on Johnny Cage all the way
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03/03/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
It's just kinda cool to have diversity. I think it's awesome we got Jacqui in this game, now we have another black fighter to play as. Tekken just got a middle eastern guy who as an awesome design. I don't think its too much to ask for a fighter who is a bit different from the others. It cool from a design/backstory point of view. It doesn't have to actually factor into the game's fighting mechanics/ story mode at all. It's more like "Hey, that character is *blank* just like me! Cool."
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I just don't see what sexual orientation has to do with realms, tournaments, and fatalities?

And I'm Gay. It's just silly to me.

The long fabled Sexuality shall finally be the key to uniting all realms in peace.
03/03/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
Meh, I don't think it would change much. I don't really think it matters either. I can understand that there are straight people and not homosexuals, so it feels different, but really, I doubt NRS is excluding homosexuals for any real reason.

And I don't think you'd really need Mortal Kombat to do that anyway. My favorite character's female counterparts probably lay eggs. He's a humanoid lizard that spits acid and can go invisible, who also conjures force/acid balls that I still don't quite understand. I don't really care about his love life.

And really, I don't care about any of their relationships. The only one I can really think of is Johnny Cage and Sonya, and even that wasn't shown that much on screen.

Sure Lui Kang and Kitana might have had a thing, but that was really only there to highlight that important things to characters might be lost, to solidify that we are supposed to care (like Kitana wasn't going to come back anyway) If we found out Rain was gay, that'd just be a kind-of tiny highlight. Wouldn't really do much. I mean it's not like they're going to show someone kissing or something.

Also, just a weird thing to think about: If D'vorah can let larve spawn from her stomach, why does she need mammary glands? They're clearly there. is it to dignify she's a female? Well wait...what constitutes a female? I doubt she has a vagina either, and also do they have a queen? Like, are all of D'vorah's species females unless they need to be otherwise? Like the Asari? But wait, what if Ferraafjaoitjatesit-GAAAH!
03/03/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
After Johnny Cage's introduction in the comic, Reptile with a crush on Johnny Cage all the way

"Ssstupid mammal, with your ... sssoft ssskin and sssilky hair."
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Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

03/03/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
Reiko seemes to want to butt fuck Shao Kahn all the time. He's also fucking Kahn's daughter. Maybe Reiko's a bi-sexual character.

He will sleep with anyone to get to the top.

But is he the top? Oop I went there... tongue
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
DV805 Wrote:
It's just kinda cool to have diversity. I think it's awesome we got Jacqui in this game, now we have another black fighter to play as. Tekken just got a middle eastern guy who as an awesome design. I don't think its too much to ask for a fighter who is a bit different from the others. It cool from a design/backstory point of view. It doesn't have to actually factor into the game's fighting mechanics/ story mode at all.

I'm all for diversity too. But with the examples you gave those are obvious physical differences. I just don't see why having a character mention they're sexuality(rather it gay, bi, or even straight) has to do with anything? I mean there's 60+ MK characters realistically quite a few might indeed be LGBTQ(If they were real of course lol) but I still don't see the point in addressing it unless it somehow IS significant to their story. But the whole "Just have him say he's gay and move on" method is really needless and might as well just be left alone/
DV805 Wrote:
It's more like "Hey, that character is *blank* just like me! Cool."

I have the same problem as Reptile where my hat falls off and I look like a monster.
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
After Johnny Cage's introduction in the comic, Reptile with a crush on Johnny Cage all the way

"Ssstupid mammal, with your ... sssoft ssskin and sssilky hair."

"Do you sstill have that tattoo on your bare chessst? Not that I would care filthy human!"
03/03/2015 04:22 AM (UTC)
Ermac technically is bisexual as he has a lot of souls inside of him. That he probably won't ever use his sexuality doesn't mean he isn't made of people of both genders. So there you have your gay (bisexual) character that doesn't make his sexuality a focus. Just what was asked in the OP so take it and run.
About Me

03/03/2015 04:23 AM (UTC)
Oh no, I see what you mean. For me, I think it's cool to see someone who isn't necessarily straight/white in the media, since it can allow someone who is younger to look up and relate to. Am I saying that a younger black kid can't see a white actor/actress as a role model? Definitely not. And maybe MK isn't the type of thing that necessarily NEEDS to address diversity in? I think it's more important for the media to have figures that younger kids can look up to and relate to. And obviously Mortal Kombat isn't something younger kids are gonna look to for representation, lol.

It's just a "Why not?" kind of instance. The Walking Dead just had a gay couple. Are little gay kids gonna watch it and feel represented? Probably not, most kids aren't watching it in the first place. It's pretty much adults/teens. So why add gay couple? Well, why not? Is it necessary to add them? Not really, but it is a really cool addition.

Lol, I don't know if what I wrote made sense. Does MK need a gay char to further the story? Absolutely not. But I know MK surprisingly has a lot of gay fans (me included), so it's just kinda cool to say that "Hey, maybe this character isn't actually straight...."
03/03/2015 04:23 AM (UTC)
03/03/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
After Johnny Cage's introduction in the comic, Reptile with a crush on Johnny Cage all the way

"Ssstupid mammal, with your ... sssoft ssskin and sssilky hair."

"Do you sstill have that tattoo on your bare chessst? Not that I would care filthy human!"

About Me
MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
03/03/2015 04:28 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Cassie&Jacqui confirmed <3

Ahhhhhhhhhhh. I'd be down. Not being biased or anything, just speculating, but Cassie's haircut might indicate she like to play on the other team too. Also, Mileena will probably fuck about anything or anyone just to get what she wants (Even Reptile).

In all seriousness, sexual orientation should have nothing to do with a fighting game. Purposely having a gay character just for the sake of it will cause backlash by the fanbase. Some may like it, but I think looking at the big picture it will hurt the franchise more then it will help it. As mentioned by gay MKO users on this site (majority) seem to dislike the idea so it serves as a quick reflection on the idea of a character that is gay/lesbian.

In my opinion, fighting games that have obvious gay/lesbian characters are just seeking cheap heat/pop with those characters. It's poor, lazy, and demonstrates a lack of creativity by the designers and producers.
03/03/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
You guys DO realize that the whole reason that Reiko was given an army and Rain wasn't was because Shao was a power top and only Reiko was able to handle all of that...right?

Like, I'm pretty sure I read that on the MK wiki. Yeah...that's legit.
03/03/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
After Johnny Cage's introduction in the comic, Reptile with a crush on Johnny Cage all the way

"Ssstupid mammal, with your ... sssoft ssskin and sssilky hair."

"Do you sstill have that tattoo on your bare chessst? Not that I would care filthy human!"


What if Reptile was attracted to the whole bondage thing? Like, that's why he's always a servant basically. He might just take anything at this point. Probably be attracted to an Earthrealm lizard.

"Guysss, I think that turtle isss ssstaring at me. I..I don't know, should I talk to it?"
03/03/2015 04:32 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
After Johnny Cage's introduction in the comic, Reptile with a crush on Johnny Cage all the way

"Ssstupid mammal, with your ... sssoft ssskin and sssilky hair."

"Do you sstill have that tattoo on your bare chessst? Not that I would care filthy human!"


"Foolish human! I'm moulting. That isss why I am rubbing againssst you conssstantly."
Okay. Johnny/Reptile needs to happen. I will make an exception for that.
03/03/2015 04:33 AM (UTC)
you might wanna set your sights on a mate that doesn't go 0.2 miles an hour
About Me
MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
03/03/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy. Your sig is disturbing and I can't help at constantly staring at it when I come across it.
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

03/03/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
But why couldn't Johnny have hit on a male character and have been rejected? Couldn't it have been Dairou's husband that was killed? Why couldn't Mileena have had a female general and partner? Even a throwaway comment could have been made about why Sub-Zero hasn't had a children, or maybe Jax could have adopted a child.

Why? Because Ed Boon or the story writers decided not to have any of that and no one has to own up to shit.
03/03/2015 04:36 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Thatoneguy. Your sig is disturbing and I can't help at constantly staring at it when I come across it.

You might wanna sleep with one eye open from now on, lol
03/03/2015 04:38 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Thatoneguy. Your sig is disturbing and I can't help at constantly staring at it when I come across it.

Maybe Reptile gets off by sniffing people while they sleep?

What if he goes to Moltclubs instead of Stripclubs?

What if he had a forbidden love with a character named Amphibian?

Does he like the Danish movie Reptilicus?

Oh man, the possibilities....
03/03/2015 04:39 AM (UTC)
Who would want a gay character????????? Not me.
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