06/22/2014 04:36 PM (UTC)
Meh, Tanya's boring. No doubt she's going to be in MKX, but here's to hoping she's actually made into an interesting character or, barring that, is killed off early in the story.
06/22/2014 04:37 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It bothers me.

Let Jade have the razorang and don't give Tanya a boomerang.

But the razorrang isn't a boomerang at all, that's what made Tanya's interesting, it's the only one in the series that's the real thing.

Actually, it is...


See the three-winged boomerang? Jade's razorang is the same, just with sharp blades instead.

There we go.

06/22/2014 05:07 PM (UTC)
Yeah...maybe it's technically accurate, but it's the spirit of the thing, y'know? That's not really what people think of when they think of a boomerang. I'd just prefer to see the traditional version, is all.

Honestly, I wouldn't be bothered if Tanya didn't have it...it never really fit her character all that well to carry ANY weapon at all, it's much MUCH more important to me that she has her purple fire and snap-your-neck-with-my-vag move.

I'm just bothered that Jade's version seems ill-named. Or at least, did in the older games. "Razor-rang" works fine.
And I'll take anything that isn't those Talim-ripoff bladed Tonfas. Remember how in Deception, one of her fatalities was designed for a spear, she'd stab 'em and then let them lean forward and be propped up by it? But they changed out the spear for those tonfas during development...but didn't change the fatality, so now it looked stupid because there's no way such a tiny weapon would prop a person up, they just seemed to be frozen in a sort of awkward floating seated position?
Yeah...let's not do anything that reminds me of that again.
06/22/2014 05:52 PM (UTC)
She shouldn't use any weapon imo, she needs to put to good use those sorceress abilities, i think her moves from mk4 and deception don't fit her character much, going around doing flip kicks and Cammy's spiral arrow? Nope. That's why i liked that she had the "find me" move, but it's too overused in mk and kinda generic.
06/22/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It bothers me.

Let Jade have the razorang and don't give Tanya a boomerang.

But the razorrang isn't a boomerang at all, that's what made Tanya's interesting, it's the only one in the series that's the real thing.

What if she had a Rang / Kiss of Death Fatal? Like maybe hits a button and razors protrude from the edge. She throwz and decapz the destined. The return of the 'Rang would sort of impale into the nugget & She can grab it and give it a lil' kiss. Or pick it from the ground & hit the button to retract blade for at least a nasty sound effect & a speck of splatter. Then gives a kiss & proceeds to hold up high & proud (ala Subby Wubby) Nice, Yes!?
Edit: Perhaps, during the kiss, She could bite & take some lip before presenting. Rough, Yes!?
06/22/2014 06:44 PM (UTC)
I don't think a person should be kissing a severed head as a taunt.

If there's going to be any kisses of death, the kiss itself needs to produce the magical effect that kills the victim, that's what made them cool in the old games.

Too much "pull out a weapon and blandly slice people up in a way that any generic character could do if they had a sharp item" and not enough "use your unique magic powers to kill them" is a problem with modern fatalities.
About Me
06/22/2014 07:35 PM (UTC)
Tanya should have her split kick, projectile, and cannon drill across all her variations.
06/22/2014 08:55 PM (UTC)
I have a huge problem with Tanya. I don't think Tanya would have a original moveset in MKX. I mean.. what could fit her? Cannon cammy drill? Distraction? Deception? Ninjas have those moves already. To make Tanya unique enough is the hardest challenge for NRS. I give her a second chance anyway. But i have my doubts that she is original enough.
06/22/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Yeah...maybe it's technically accurate, but it's the spirit of the thing, y'know? That's not really what people think of when they think of a boomerang. I'd just prefer to see the traditional version, is all.

Honestly, I wouldn't be bothered if Tanya didn't have it...it never really fit her character all that well to carry ANY weapon at all, it's much MUCH more important to me that she has her purple fire and snap-your-neck-with-my-vag move.

I'm just bothered that Jade's version seems ill-named. Or at least, did in the older games. "Razor-rang" works fine.

And I'll take anything that isn't those Talim-ripoff bladed Tonfas. Remember how in Deception, one of her fatalities was designed for a spear, she'd stab 'em and then let them lean forward and be propped up by it? But they changed out the spear for those tonfas during development...but didn't change the fatality, so now it looked stupid because there's no way such a tiny weapon would prop a person up, they just seemed to be frozen in a sort of awkward floating seated position?

Yeah...let's not do anything that reminds me of that again.

Haha, yeah, it seems like I'm the only one (or one of the very few) who actually liked the Tonfa Blades she had in MKD-A. It's just always been one of my favourite weapons (ever since Hiryu Strider), and to see one of my favourite characters wield a pair was just awesome! I rarely used the other styles she had in those games. :P

I REALLY hope she gets her purple fire back as well, and from what the rumours say, her neck-snap seems to be an X-Ray move of hers, and I find that very fitting!

If anyone missed it, this is how I'd like to see her return:
*cough cough shameless self-promotion cough cough*

Jaded-Raven Wrote:

Tanya is one of my favourite MK characters and I really hope she will be a playable character in MKX, and therefore I wish to share some ideas with you guys and invite you to share your own ideas, do some brainstorming and such.

I'd like for her design to take inspiration from her MKD main outfit, as seen above, as that is my favourite look for her so far. The free-flowing hair with the sharp cut bangs, the dark make-up around her eyes, the corset-like top with the sarong-like cloth hanging from her hips... it just looks amazing, imo. The style is the same as the other Edenian women, but the design is her own.

Background Story:
I won't go into detail with the story though, as we know nothing about how the story will play out in MKX, but this is an example on how it could turn out.

Since Edenia was never freed, Tanya is still a resident of Outworld. We know there are Edenian freedom fighters, as mentioned in Rain's background story in MK9, so I could imagine Tanya being part of them to start with. However with the fascination of powerful magic, she would turn on her allies and join Shinnok as he and his Brotherhood of Shadows rises from the Netherrealm and takes over Outworld. She will then fight against the Earthrealm warriors, until she sees that Shinnok is losing, then turn her back on him...

Special Moves:
- Surging Blast: An eldritch fireball of dark flames hurled at the opponent.
- Human Cannon Drill: Tanya flips into a spinning arrow with her feet first, sweeping the opponent off his feet and up into the air.
- Knee Strike: Tanya jumps diagonally up in the air with a knee first which kicks the opponent up into the air.

- Sorceress: Being a master of dark sorcery, Tanya uses her knowledge of magic to her defense. Adds these special moves:
+ Aerial Surging Blast: The fireball hurled diagonally downwards when Tanya is in the air.
+ Find Me: Tanya vanishes in dark flames and turns invisible for a short duration of time or until she is hit by the opponent.
+ Eldritch Orbs: Tanya conjures two orbs of dark fire which spins around her for a short duration of time and hurt the opponent if hitting her with any punch or kick. Projectiles and other non-physical hits are not affected by this.

- Backstabber: Trained in the arts of Kobu Jutsu, Tanya wields her Tonfa Blades to battle. Adds Tonfa Blades into her fighting style.
(In case you don't know what I mean by Tonfa Blade, click HERE!)

- Edenian Warrior: Tanya has trained alongside the best Edenian Warriors and specializes in stylish kicks. Adds these special moves:
+ Split Flip Kick: In a forward somersault Tanya makes a split kick and crushes her heel down into the ground which knock the opponent out.
+ Spinning Flip Kick: Tanya spins forward and does a helicopter kick hitting the opponent two times. (Kinda like Chun Li's Spinning Bird Kick from Street Fighter)
+ Downward Spiral Kick: While in air, Tanya makes a diagonal downward Human Cannon Drill. Can be used after Knee Strike for a combo.

(Note: I did not like her using a boomerang as she did in MK4, so I chose not to have it be part of her moveset.)

X-Ray Move:
- Neck Breaker: Tanya jumps up and sits on her opponent's shoulder, then twists his head around 180 degrees, snapping his neck. She then falls back into a handstand on the ground and pulls the opponent with her into a Frankensteiner which crushes the opponent's skull into the ground. (A tribute to her MK4 throw)

- Deadly Kiss: Tanya walks over and gives the opponent a kiss on his cheek. It has no effect, but instead she starts snapping every limb on the opponents body, starting with the arms, then the legs and finally snaps his neck. (A tribute to her MK4 fatality)
- Eldritch Flames: Tanya conjures a pillar of fire where the opponent stands, burning the flesh from his bones and leaves a charred corpse. (This is boring, I know, but I am out of ideas for now...)


I really hope that Ed Boon and NRS will put Tanya into the roster, and with what we've seen from MKX so far, I am positive that they will do a great job with her! :D

And also check my fanart with her! (click my sig) :D
06/22/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
I have a huge problem with Tanya. I don't think Tanya would have a original moveset in MKX. I mean.. what could fit her? Cannon cammy drill? Distraction? Deception? Ninjas have those moves already. To make Tanya unique enough is the hardest challenge for NRS. I give her a second chance anyway. But i have my doubts that she is original enough.

This x10.

Add a dull story, and you have...*drumroll*...Tanya.

She was definitely one of my least favorite characters in MK4 (not the most hated, but I definitely disliked her), and her Deception appearance did little to win me over. Plus that drill special? Yeah, no.

But, she will be in. Almost 100% certain. Maybe NRS can actually raise her profile a bit. They did perform a miracle with Stryker afterall...
06/22/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
I'm glad to see those who didn't like her in the past actually hopes she'll be better and more interesting in MKX. ^^
06/22/2014 09:29 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm glad to see those who didn't like her in the past actually hopes she'll be better and more interesting in MKX. ^^

Heh, yeah. I have faith in NRS. They're a really great team, and with Warner Brothers backing, they've shown us they're capable of some pretty amazing things.

So, maybe Tanya will actually end up blowing my socks off in MKX. tongue
About Me
06/22/2014 09:56 PM (UTC)
Tanya sucked!
06/22/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Tanya sucked!

Forever the poetic spokesman... /sarcasm
06/22/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Tanya sucked!

Truer things have never been said.
06/22/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)
I don't understand why people don't like Tanya because of her moveset... you people do understand they can give her more right? Even something completely different that she's never had before. She's an Edenian sorceress i'm sure they'll come up with something.

And story... same thing... MKX is a completely new tale. You know they have the ability to write characters into the story they're creating right? Characters don't have to have the exact same storyline they had? It's a thing that happens from time to time when trying to create a story.
06/22/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
Well, I'm optimistic.
Before MK9, Jade was generally hated. I remember back in the MKD days how people shot me down every time I said something positive about Jade. But after MK9, her popularity has risen alot. The same thing could happen to Tanya.

That said, I don't care if the characters I like are popular or not. Of course, the more popular a character is, the bigger is the chance of it returning to the series more often, so I can definately see an advantage in it. But other than that, it doesn't really matter, because I like playing as them none the less. ^^

I can see why there are many who don't like Tanya. She's one of the second-rate characters that the MK team hasn't been all that interested in putting forth. But I like the things they did do with her, both design-wise, gameplay and story. I see a potential in her, and I hope NRS will bring forth some of it in MKX. :D
06/22/2014 10:45 PM (UTC)
pls tell me which new moves she could get. i have really no idea. tanya is an assasin and not a sorcerer. the only chance for her is a complete new design with new fresh moves and a theme.

maybe she should get a special ability, something which make her unique. i really don't want a cannon drill or something boring like that. i think she should use more magic. give her a new story. and i mean complete new.

i trust nrs but it is her last chance to feel unique and not copy and paste like.
06/22/2014 10:46 PM (UTC)
Regardless of what story they decide to tell i'm sure she'll have her shining moment.
06/22/2014 10:57 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote: tanya is an assasin and not a sorcerer.

Please provide an official source where this is stated.
06/23/2014 08:43 AM (UTC)
Nobody would like it if Tanya (in sorceress mode) would have powers over illusions?

See unexplained Invisibility move.
06/24/2014 08:24 PM (UTC)
Really people I don't want to make a new thread for this.

What reason could be behind Tanya's invisibility? Why invisibility for Tanya?
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/24/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
Because she is deceitful.
06/24/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Because she is deceitful.

Yes... that answer is like, Mileena is evil, so she's able to blow up the entire world with one hit because she is evil...

I'm really curious how she does it, what powers gave her that ability and I hope this will be explained in MK X, much like Kabal's speed got explained. I really hope its illusion magic, which would be the most logical explanation.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/24/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Because she is deceitful.

Yes... that answer is like, Mileena is evil, so she's able to blow up the entire world with one hit because she is evil...

I'm really curious how she does it, what powers gave her that ability and I hope this will be explained in MK X, much like Kabal's speed got explained.

Idk why don't you look up her family tree, maybe her father is a ghost.
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