About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/25/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
So to everyone clamoring for Tanya, if you all had to choose between only Tanya or two from Jade, Kitana or Mileena, would you still pick Tanya over the choice of two?

hmm.. this is tough. basically a choice between mileena and tanya.. they both deserve to be in the game story wise (well tanya pressumably).. but is there room for two villainesses? i would love to see updated tanya and in 2d.. but..

I would still choose mileena tho.. this game is her best chance of character development without shao kahn and kitana in the picture...so i gotta stick with mah girl!
and hope for a tanya DLC.

but i sure they wouldnt pick tanya to be in the game by herself... THEY BOTH BETTER BE IN!!! :)
06/25/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
i liked tanya more when she was unpopular...

She is still unpopular, just not on this forums.

Most girls and gays like her, heterosexual guys usually like her less.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/25/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)

06/25/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
My love for Tanya comes from the fact that she is sneaky, she is halfblood (brownish) in color and a traitor, my favorite combination.
I once loved Jade (i thought she was like she is in the movies, a traitor) but after she became Kitana's personal house-slave I liked her less... Now my love for Jade has skipped to Tanya.

Everything Jade lacks, Tanya holds.

And those eyes, those evil eyes. Ahhhh to drown in them! And i'm freaking gay... how can that be?
About Me

"Retirement my ass!"

06/25/2014 09:27 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
I would like a konfirmation of Tanya.

Tanya was the most epic karakter created in MK4. Not Quan Chi. Ok? Let's not get it twisted.

Quan Chi is great, but Tanya is long overdue for a return..

Quan is my favorite of the all male characters. A better character IMO.

That being said, I have no doubt that Tanya will be in this game and I welcome her return. She is a fav female of mine (after Sonya, of course).

Really though, Quan and Tanya actually compliment each other nicely. They are, hands down, the two most deceitful, underhanded and self-serving characters in the game period. I'd like to see them form an alliance simply so I can see who's gonna screw over who the most in the end.
06/25/2014 09:29 PM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
I would like a konfirmation of Tanya.

Tanya was the most epic karakter created in MK4. Not Quan Chi. Ok? Let's not get it twisted.

Quan Chi is great, but Tanya is long overdue for a return..

Quan is my favorite of the all male characters. A better character IMO.

That being said, I have no doubt that Tanya will be in this game and I welcome her return. She is a fav female of mine (after Sonya, of course).

Really though, Quan and Tanya actually compliment each other nicely. They are, hands down, the two most deceitful, underhanded and self-serving characters in the game period. I'd like to see them form an alliance simply so I can see who's gonna screw over who the most in the end.

Tanya can be the replacer of Sareena, but more self-serving and using Quan Chi instead of him using her like he thinks. She could even help Scorpion in some way, while still being evil.
06/26/2014 12:25 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
The problem that I have with this character is that her story got stale the moment she came back into action. Debuting in the fourth game gave us this character that fooled a lot of people thinking she was this friendly, good guy from Edenia. The moment we see her ending, bam, bad guy.

But then Deception came and just made her stale. Joined forces with Onaga because according to her, it was a "right decision." That's how she explains it as to why she's been doing the things she has been since her debut. She does all of these things to survive after Shinnok fell. But the problem here is that she hardly did anything except worked for Onaga by helping him gather information. And of course, who didn't see her just taking what he wanted out of nowhere?

I'd be more down for her to be in this game if it gave us information WHEN she became a traitor to her realm. I don't think they really explained when she became this evil bitch towards her people. Just that, she helped a bunch of refugees with them being Shinnok, Quan Chi, and Netherrealm forces. More explanation as to why she went evil would be nice rather than having another story of her being a traitor and having a rivalry that hardly goes anywhere.

Sorry, but the whole Tanya/Jade rivalry was hardly anything but a good story.

Yeah when and why did Tanya decide to be a traitor? How did she come in contact with Shinnok and Quan chi in the first place? Or is that explained in MK4? I don't remember.

Also, what was she doing the whole time Edenia was ruled by Shao Kahn? What is she going to be doing now that Edenia never got freed?

06/26/2014 08:40 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

Hey, I'm still curious to know why you think I'd love for Tanya to be good. You didn't reply when I asked the first time. :P
06/26/2014 09:02 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

Hey, I'm still curious to know why you think I'd love for Tanya to be good. You didn't reply when I asked the first time. :P

I thought you liked Good characters more than evil ones? :-p
06/26/2014 12:04 PM (UTC)
Didnt mind Tanya but now I hate her with all this hype. I don't get it. I mean u wouldn't mid if she was in and id pick her in a heart best over milenna but still the hype is making me and a lot of others hate her. I never really cared for the females characters as I barely use them but didn't mind her there but now I almost don't want her in due to hype.
06/26/2014 12:05 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Didnt mind Tanya but now I hate her with all this hype. I don't get it. I mean u wouldn't mid if she was in and id pick her in a heart best over milenna but still the hype is making me and a lot of others hate her. I never really cared for the females characters as I barely use them but didn't mind her there but now I almost don't want her in due to hype.

So you also hate Scorpion and Sub-Zero because of the hype? Good for you. Or do you hate Tanya because she has a pussy and boobies and is hyped? So with having a penis your immune for being overhyped...
06/26/2014 12:13 PM (UTC)
Scorpion and sub aren't necessarily hyped. They are the poster boys and have been there since day 1. I do hate the favoritism scorpion is shown but I wouldn't say they are overhyped. They both are fun to play as , have signature moves, and they both have cool looks. But I mean they get too much exposure but they are the game sellers so I don't blame boon. But Tanya is more so like a secondary chracter who is getting hyped out of proportion like she is on kitana or Sonya's level.
06/26/2014 12:17 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Scorpion and sub aren't necessarily hyped. They are the poster boys and have been there since day 1. I do hate the favoritism scorpion is shown but I wouldn't say they are overhyped. They both are fun to play as , have signature moves, and they both have cool looks. But I mean they get too much exposure but they are the game sellers so I don't blame boon. But Tanya is more so like a secondary chracter who is getting hyped out of proportion like she is on kitana or Sonya's level.

I love to disagree with you. Sub and Scorp are OVERhyped, they are much worse than Tanya who is only hyped on this freaking forum. Sub and Scorp are overhyped everywhere so the hate level you must feeling toward them is close to extreme.

Tanya is also hyped because she never had a 2D model and because fans are afraid their favorite character is again overlooked, because they also didn't get her in the DLC from MK9.

+ there are many gays on this forum from what I remember, they tend to like characters such as Tanya.

There is just one freaking topic about Tanya (because your probably not the only one who hates her without reason as Sub-Zero has like 10.000 topics that aren't merged together like Tanya's topics suffer) btw.
06/26/2014 12:22 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

Hey, I'm still curious to know why you think I'd love for Tanya to be good. You didn't reply when I asked the first time. :P

I thought you liked Good characters more than evil ones? :-p

Well, it's a bit of a mix really. Jade and Reiko are my favourites, a good and an evil one. Then Tanya and Rain, both evil. And then Smoke and Skarlet, a good and an evil again.

As for Tanya, she is evil and I'd like for her to stay like that, but I'd like to know WHY she is evil and learn more about her background. ^^
06/26/2014 12:23 PM (UTC)
Again Sub Zero is a main character. Also what it's alot of gays on here? No wonder so many people on these forums are obsessed with females when majority of the players don't use them. Sub zero is onevogvrge most iconic and played as characters in all of mk. The casual fan knows subzero because he sells games. Why would boon be stupid to get rid of sub and scorp when they are the main sellers. They are ryu and ken of mk. The batman and superman of mk.
06/26/2014 12:24 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

Hey, I'm still curious to know why you think I'd love for Tanya to be good. You didn't reply when I asked the first time. :P

I thought you liked Good characters more than evil ones? :-p

Well, it's a bit of a mix really. Jade and Reiko are my favourites, a good and an evil one. Then Tanya and Rain, both evil. And then Smoke and Skarlet, a good and an evil again.

As for Tanya, she is evil and I'd like for her to stay like that, but I'd like to know WHY she is evil and learn more about her background. ^^

Ok, i'm happy to learn that, thought you were corrupted by the good-guys such as Kitana and Jade wink

Nice to see another Reiko fan, didn't knew you were such a fan of him.
06/26/2014 12:27 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Again Sub Zero is a main character. Also what it's alot of gays on here? No wonder so many people on these forums are obsessed with females when majority of the players don't use them. Sub zero is onevogvrge most iconic and played as characters in all of mk. The casual fan knows subzero because he sells games. Why would boon be stupid to get rid of sub and scorp when they are the main sellers. They are ryu and ken of mk. The batman and superman of mk.

I'm immune to the herd-effect, so I won't buy a game that uses poster-boys that the entire human-herd craves for because their mind is limited to only the well-known. That said, I would really dig Scorpion if he wasn't that overused, SUb-Zero I find annoying because he's not one person but an entire gang, making it confusing and annoying.

Anyway, try the females some day, I get the idea that most men fear to play with women... while is a pure natural thing... And BTW, i'm gay too, and I like Sektor, Kabal, Ermac, NOob and Kotal Kahn, so not all gays only like the females. Gay are more open to female characters because they don't care that other males think they are gay when they play with female characters...
06/26/2014 12:52 PM (UTC)
^^ I just love how D'Vorah assumes we must hate a certain character, or a certain amount of them, because we point out the damn hype for another one as being annoying!

And btw, i love female characters and i'm not gay. Is there something wrong with me? Or there must be a HUGE fucking something D'Vorah will take out of this as being "Me".

I don't know how or why a certain character's style, gender should be belonging to a certain type of players or another?? I just don't see it, maybe just don't get it.
06/26/2014 12:55 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
^^ I just love how D'Vorah assumes we must hate a certain character, or a certain amount of them, because we point out the damn hype for another one as being annoying!

And btw, i love female characters and i'm not gay. Is there something wrong with me? Or there must be a HUGE fucking something D'Vorah will take out of this as being "Me".

NO there is nothing wrong with you. You are perfectly fine, its the guys who fear being called gay if they play with female characters that are wrong.

I wished there were more hetero-guys like you.

I don't understand what you mean with the first part tho...
06/26/2014 01:16 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
TomTaz Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
I would like a konfirmation of Tanya.

Tanya was the most epic karakter created in MK4. Not Quan Chi. Ok? Let's not get it twisted.

Quan Chi is great, but Tanya is long overdue for a return..

Quan is my favorite of the all male characters. A better character IMO.

That being said, I have no doubt that Tanya will be in this game and I welcome her return. She is a fav female of mine (after Sonya, of course).

Really though, Quan and Tanya actually compliment each other nicely. They are, hands down, the two most deceitful, underhanded and self-serving characters in the game period. I'd like to see them form an alliance simply so I can see who's gonna screw over who the most in the end.

Tanya can be the replacer of Sareena, but more self-serving and using Quan Chi instead of him using her like he thinks. She could even help Scorpion in some way, while still being evil.

I don't think Quan Chi is dumb enough to work that closely with Tanya.

I think that's why she was always at a distance. Anyone who'd give up an entire world to save their own ass clearly cannot be trusted.

Still, there could always be a slip up. Let someone else make a better offer, and Tanya will give up both Quan Chi and Shinnok in a heartbeat.
06/26/2014 01:19 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:NO there is nothing wrong with you.
Thanks god i feel better.
DVorah Wrote:

I don't understand what you mean with the first part tho...

I meant why would you assume that i must hate Scorpion so much because i don't believe in the hype for a character such as Tanya? Scorpion, which is so overhyped to your own liking being left out of a MK game, if they only do that would result in the game selling a lot less on the other end.
06/26/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
I just don't get why you would hate a character that gets hyped by some people on a forum in only one freaking topic that you can easily ignore while you would love Scorpion and Sub-Zero that get hyped everywhere.

Example: the MK facebook page post a foto of D'vorah and all the male fans say is: I want Sub-Zero and Scorpion!!! Sub-Zero for the win! and Scorpion is the boss... While they freaking post a poster of D'vorah or Kotal Kahn.

That is overhyping, not 3 topics about a character that deserved to be DLC but didn't get that chance so now fans really fear for her being in MKX.

I really hate such thinking and it disgusts me beyond limit.
06/26/2014 01:46 PM (UTC)
I've been a fan of the Tanya karakter since the 1950s, when she was first invented. Where were any of you at the time? You didn't even exist. Tanya is very hilarious and epic.

If Mortal Kombat 10-X-2015 as anything at all to do with MK4.... this is Tanya's chance to come back!!!

Ed Boon!! Put Tanya in MK10. That MK9 cameo was nothing but a flop appearance and doesn't count.

Tanya must be in the actual roster of playabla karakters.
06/26/2014 02:58 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I just don't get why you would hate a character that gets hyped by some people on a forum in only one freaking topic that you can easily ignore while you would love Scorpion and Sub-Zero that get hyped everywhere.


I don't hate Tanya i like her. Just don't believe the hype. As others hate the hype towards the faces used to sell the game i suppose.
06/26/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
Well, as things are now, there are no hype about Tanya. She's not confirmed yet. There are people who want her in the game and who like to talk about her, but that isn't hype.
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