04/06/2015 08:52 PM (UTC)
Tanya can pull off the short hair in the concept art, but I still think it's horrible. Ugh, thank goodness she did not end up with that. Injustice did long hair on women, I don't get why all the MK females have to have shorter or tied back hair.

I still stand by that all women, well maybe 99.9% of them, always look better with longer hair. Some can pull short hair off great and still look amazing, but longer will always look better IMO.

Bo Rai Cho looks terrible in that art too. Looks so plain and boring with no character.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/06/2015 08:55 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
I'm just glad that Ed Boon and the MK team like the Tanya kharakter.

I hope they like her enough to bring her back in MK11? wow
And I also hope they like her enough to never kill her or turn her into a zombie or revenant. LOL

Fingers krossed for that and I can't wait for next week!

The first kharakter endings I will watch will be Kassandra Cage and then Sonya Blade and then I don't know yet.

And then TANYA will be the first DLC ending I will see, if she has one!

It will be fun to see the MKX game in stores, on the shelves.

Maybe Tanya will be on the kover of the ultimate komplete deluxe edition of MKX, whenever they decide to release that? Kind of like MK9 and Injustice, with their DLC kharakters on the kover? That would be cool.
Tanya wins! Fatality!

She better get an alternate.
04/06/2015 09:29 PM (UTC)
KoldKombat Wrote:
Tanya can pull off the short hair in the concept art, but I still think it's horrible. Ugh, thank goodness she did not end up with that. Injustice did long hair on women, I don't get why all the MK females have to have shorter or tied back hair.

I still stand by that all women, well maybe 99.9% of them, always look better with longer hair. Some can pull short hair off great and still look amazing, but longer will always look better IMO.

Bo Rai Cho looks terrible in that art too. Looks so plain and boring with no character.

The art reminds me of copperhead I think it is from batman.
04/06/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
The costume in that official concept art looks exactly like what we have now. The face looks like a replica of Halle Berry though, glad they changed that lol.

Still don't understand why some people have an issue with Tanya's hair. I just really hope we don't have to wait long for her DLC release.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/06/2015 11:01 PM (UTC)
I also don't see a problem with her hair. All of these "horrible hair" comments makes me feel like I'm on Fashion Queens or some shit.

I think her gameplay should be what's most important.
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04/06/2015 11:37 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I also don't see a problem with her hair. All of these "horrible hair" comments makes me feel like I'm on Fashion Queens or some shit.

I think her gameplay should be what's most important.

I don't like her hair because I've never liked that style - flat bangs, and a bob that splays outwards like a bad wig. It doesn't look good on real women and it doesn't look good in video games.

Plus I do think the way they've animated hers and Mileena's hair looks a bit off... like they amped up the volume too mcuh and it doesn't sit right on their models...

BUTTTTTTTTTT it's nowhere near the appalling levels that Kitana's MK9 hair was. :)
04/06/2015 11:41 PM (UTC)
Fuck tanya. Her ugly man in the face lookin ass. Look like a rihanna on crack wit her hideous ass.
04/06/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
tonyjones Wrote:
Fuck tanya. Her ugly man in the face lookin ass. Look like a rihanna on crack wit her hideous ass.

Fuck yourself wink
04/07/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

I am quoting this screenshot pikture again, because it's epik.

My favorite MKX skreenshot.

Tanya is not impressed by her opponents, she is too legendary and elusive.

04/07/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

I am quoting this screenshot pikture again, because it's epik.

My favorite MKX skreenshot.

Tanya is not impressed by her opponents, she is too legendary and elusive.

Yes! She's a sassy bitch and I love her!
04/07/2015 01:10 AM (UTC)
Wonder how she would look with a ponytail and bangs
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MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


04/07/2015 01:38 AM (UTC)
DivahMah Wrote:
tonyjones Wrote:
Fuck tanya. Her ugly man in the face lookin ass. Look like a rihanna on crack wit her hideous ass.

Fuck yourself wink


Damn that's funny.
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Have faith in the elder gods.

04/07/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
As someone who loathed what we could see of her in the kombat pack trailer........... things are looking a littttttle better.

With the whole look, I"m mostly happy. Love the dark, tight pants, and doesn't look too crazy bad. I still think the top is lazy and whoever designed it doesn't know shit about accessorizing a one-shoulder shirt like that with a necklace..... chunky is a no-no.

I don't really like the sassy regina george vibe for Tanya, but I can move past it.

The white-washing is rather shameful in all honesty.... and bizarre/pointless.

How could they forget that she was brown-skinned? It'd be like rendering Sonya as a ginger... What she wears, what her hair's like, whatever, that changes... But her skin colour? Really?

I'm sure they didn't think of it as a race thing, but I'd really like someone to figure out why changing skin colour for a character is a good idea?

you've pretty much stated everything i was feeling about the new Tanya. i LOVE the pants and sash (and the gloves are amazing too) but i dislike the one shoulder top + awkward looking beads. The skin color change is a bit baffling and i'm surprised tbh. Although i'm asian, i know of a few black MK fans who admire Tanya since there really aren't alot of black females in fighting games in general.

So they admire an evil character just because they think shes black? Thats messed up. I know black people don't want to hear this but, Tanya isn't black now. She never was. Time to move on.
04/07/2015 03:46 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
DarkKard4 Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
As someone who loathed what we could see of her in the kombat pack trailer........... things are looking a littttttle better.

With the whole look, I"m mostly happy. Love the dark, tight pants, and doesn't look too crazy bad. I still think the top is lazy and whoever designed it doesn't know shit about accessorizing a one-shoulder shirt like that with a necklace..... chunky is a no-no.

I don't really like the sassy regina george vibe for Tanya, but I can move past it.

The white-washing is rather shameful in all honesty.... and bizarre/pointless.

How could they forget that she was brown-skinned? It'd be like rendering Sonya as a ginger... What she wears, what her hair's like, whatever, that changes... But her skin colour? Really?

I'm sure they didn't think of it as a race thing, but I'd really like someone to figure out why changing skin colour for a character is a good idea?

you've pretty much stated everything i was feeling about the new Tanya. i LOVE the pants and sash (and the gloves are amazing too) but i dislike the one shoulder top + awkward looking beads. The skin color change is a bit baffling and i'm surprised tbh. Although i'm asian, i know of a few black MK fans who admire Tanya since there really aren't alot of black females in fighting games in general.

So they admire an evil character just because they think shes black? Thats messed up. I know black people don't want to hear this but, Tanya isn't black now. She never was. Time to move on.

Even if she was black, people act like there is no such thing as a light skin black person. If she is still a member of the brother hood of shadow maybe she has been in the neather realm. A place that is dark.
04/07/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)
Tanya needs a pantsless alternatesad
04/08/2015 03:07 AM (UTC)
Is she meant to be black though? I look at Tanya's Deception renders and she looks to me as though she has a Mediterranean complexion. Light skinned with a natural tan.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/08/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
People, keep the race shit out of here. It's all very tiring.

People see her as different things and no person is more right than the other. All it does is ends in vicious flame wars.

Let's talk about her gameplay variations.

I want that damn boomerang.
04/08/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
People, keep the race shit out of here. It's all very tiring.

People see her as different things and no person is more right than the other. All it does is ends in vicious flame wars.

Let's talk about her gameplay variations.

I want that damn boomerang.

I agree. And I would love to see her neck breaker fatality, hell even the one where she kisses the opponent and they twist and turn like a pretzel
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-sig by MINION

04/08/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
Yeah Tanya's actual race isn't important but she noticeable lighter imo. Maybe it's lighting.
04/08/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
I suspect she will not get her boomerang, there's already two characters with a boomerang like projectile (Kung Jins chakram, and Kitanas Jade glaive).

I think they're going to give her her MKD bladed tonfas as a variation.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/08/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
People, keep the race shit out of here. It's all very tiring.

People see her as different things and no person is more right than the other. All it does is ends in vicious flame wars.

Let's talk about her gameplay variations.

I want that damn boomerang.

I agree. And I would love to see her neck breaker fatality, hell even the one where she kisses the opponent and they twist and turn like a pretzel

Her neck break, if not a fatality, should come back as an X-ray!

I just want Tanya to be fast, speedy, and deadly, just like she was in MK4.

She couldn't exactly be that in Deception/Armageddon considering the slower engine they used back then, but she sure as hell can now.
Purple Fire variant, Drill Kick, Kobu Jutsu (I guess), No Invisibility Please.

And an Xray/Fatality to be her throw/Fatality from MK4.

Doesn't look like she'll be getting her Kiss of Death though. That's a damn shame.

I wanted Dark Sorceress Traitor Tanya not Edenian in Yellow Tanya.
04/08/2015 03:26 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
People, keep the race shit out of here. It's all very tiring.

People see her as different things and no person is more right than the other. All it does is ends in vicious flame wars.

Let's talk about her gameplay variations.

I want that damn boomerang.

I agree. And I would love to see her neck breaker fatality, hell even the one where she kisses the opponent and they twist and turn like a pretzel

Her neck break, if not a fatality, should come back as an X-ray!

I just want Tanya to be fast, speedy, and deadly, just like she was in MK4.

She couldn't exactly be that in Deception/Armageddon considering the slower engine they used back then, but she sure as hell can now.

Definitely smile
04/08/2015 03:40 AM (UTC)
She does want a free Edenia so she's not really an established evil character...besides working under a mad half-bred savage empress and trusting her and a Edenian demigod traitor. She's actually a lot more complex and better than "I'm so sassy because I'm evil" and fills in the role to fighting to free Edenia from Outworld now that Kitana is stuck in the Netherrealm. It will be interesting how the two will contrast in their motivations once the series progress.
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04/08/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
Gimme some nice mixups and that boomerang. Rather have the boomerang than the kobu jutsu.

Also: MKX lacks leotards. 3/4 of her previous costumes feature one. You know what to do, NRS.

And since she is one of the palette swap ninjettes, it would be cool to see her in an MK3 skin. I like those more than the MK2 ones.
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