04/05/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
Tanya definitely looks better in game than she did in the reveal trailer. It's cool that she's actually involved in the story; I was starting to think she'd simply be an extra playable character via the DLC pack and nothing more.

I was suprised at the voice, I must say. Jennifer Hale has used a deeper, more dark tone in the past, but for Tanya we've gotten a bit of a bitchy valley girl vibe haha!
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/05/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)
phishstix17 Wrote:
Ahnka, I'm a true Tanya fan and follower! Loved her new look since the reveal! You can't rehash a look from 10 years ago. I think it's a great direction for her.

Tanya and Rain are some of my favorite characters too, btw. You must be as giddy as I am with their portrayals this time around grin

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Hopefully their being the only surviving Edenians means they'll have a lot of prominence in the next game!

I'm so thrilled with the two of them. This is probably both of their "biggest" game. I just wish they were actually apart of the Day 1 roster LOL.

I'm still holding out hope for Rain being DLC despite what Boon has said in the past. They did not do all of that with him just to have him look pretty.

I'm sure he'll follow in Tanya's footsteps.
04/05/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
I'm kinda upset. I think tanya should have been on the main roster over some others
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/05/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
Boon to Hsu Hao

LMAO. Omg, love you for that!
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/05/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
I'm kinda upset. I think tanya should have been on the main roster over some others

And here I spent months thinking Tanya wasn't even in story mode as a cameo only to find out she and my other favorite character are two of the biggest villains in it. Haha.

Still smh at the two of them not making it in. I do not get that at all. You have the time to model them, put them in story mode, hire voice actors for them, give them fight scenes, but not add them to the playable roster?
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<img class="image_thumbnail enlarged" alt="" id="thumbnail_photo_6375697947" onclick=" if (this.src.indexOf('_100') != -1) { this.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; this.src='http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmk552AVmO1qj4pluo1_400.jpg'; }

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04/05/2015 07:04 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
I'm kinda upset. I think tanya should have been on the main roster over some others

And here I spent months thinking Tanya wasn't even in story mode as a cameo only to find out she and my other favorite character are two of the biggest villains in it. Haha.

Still smh at the two of them not making it in. I do not get that at all. You have the time to model them, put them in story mode, hire voice actors for them, give them fight scenes, but not add them to the playable roster?


I though she was an unfinished character and they just made something up for the DLC trailer. But it looks like her model is complete, just needs to add variations
04/05/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
Did u guys see her kick flip? It looks good to me.
04/05/2015 11:54 PM (UTC)
Right now her stance and jumps and very basic animations are those of Kitana... I wonder if that will also be true for her DLC form.

I hope her DLC has variations where we will get boomerang-based moves... I dont like generic fireball #1 for her...
04/05/2015 11:57 PM (UTC)
Kamionero Wrote:
Right now her stance and jumps and very basic animations are those of Kitana... I wonder if that will also be true for her DLC form.

I hope her DLC has variations where we will get boomerang-based moves... I dont like generic fireball #1 for her...

Of course they are going to change that. She is not done yet. She has a few specials.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/06/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
Kamionero Wrote:
Right now her stance and jumps and very basic animations are those of Kitana... I wonder if that will also be true for her DLC form.

I hope her DLC has variations where we will get boomerang-based moves... I dont like generic fireball #1 for her...

Of course she's not going to be like this lol. She's unfinished. Upon arrival she'll have 3 unique variations, specials two fatalities, an arcade ending just like everyone else.

04/06/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
As someone who loathed what we could see of her in the kombat pack trailer........... things are looking a littttttle better.

With the whole look, I"m mostly happy. Love the dark, tight pants, and doesn't look too crazy bad. I still think the top is lazy and whoever designed it doesn't know shit about accessorizing a one-shoulder shirt like that with a necklace..... chunky is a no-no.

I don't really like the sassy regina george vibe for Tanya, but I can move past it.

The white-washing is rather shameful in all honesty.... and bizarre/pointless.

How could they forget that she was brown-skinned? It'd be like rendering Sonya as a ginger... What she wears, what her hair's like, whatever, that changes... But her skin colour? Really?

I'm sure they didn't think of it as a race thing, but I'd really like someone to figure out why changing skin colour for a character is a good idea?

you've pretty much stated everything i was feeling about the new Tanya. i LOVE the pants and sash (and the gloves are amazing too) but i dislike the one shoulder top + awkward looking beads. The skin color change is a bit baffling and i'm surprised tbh. Although i'm asian, i know of a few black MK fans who admire Tanya since there really aren't alot of black females in fighting games in general.
04/06/2015 03:51 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Today, I decided to spoil the Tanya thread, only this thread.

I did not expect to find anything new in here! What an amazing surprise, trully amazing, that new screenshot!! grin

Tanya is a huge badaasss. LOL I can't believe she will be in storymode!

I knew Tanya would be epik. Did I not tell you all that Tanya would be an epik troll? She looks extremely epik and badasss in that screenshot picture.
Tanya is flawless.

Everyone is epik in the new Mortal Kombat game.

I wonder why Tanya was punching Kassandra's face, trying to make an omelette with Kassandra's head? LOL Trollanya likes to punch, as I predicted.

You guys, this will be a flawless game... the badassery is huge in MKX.
04/06/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)

This gif image is epik!!! smile

Tanya is ready for MKX!!!!!!!! glasses

giggles Wrote:

04/06/2015 02:52 PM (UTC)

Her concept art, I think the final model looks worse than what they had in mind. Even if I don't like girls with short hair, it still looks better than her current model. Either like the concept or bring back the longer hair.
04/06/2015 03:02 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:

Her concept art, I think the final model looks worse than what they had in mind. Even if I don't like girls with short hair, it still looks better than her current model. Either like the concept or bring back the longer hair.

Hell no. By the way u acted I thought it would look miles better but it looks horrible.
Lokheit Wrote:

Her concept art, I think the final model looks worse than what they had in mind. Even if I don't like girls with short hair, it still looks better than her current model. Either like the concept or bring back the longer hair.

Well hello Halle Berry!
One thing I like in the concept is that her lips appear fuller (like they should)
04/06/2015 03:21 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:

Her concept art, I think the final model looks worse than what they had in mind. Even if I don't like girls with short hair, it still looks better than her current model. Either like the concept or bring back the longer hair.

Her face looks good in that concept, way better than in game, but her hair is just terrible. She should have long MKD hair.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/06/2015 03:25 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:

This gif image is epik!!! smile

Tanya is ready for MKX!!!!!!!! glasses

giggles Wrote:

I was wondering where you were Maria Linda!

So happy!
04/06/2015 03:27 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:

Her concept art, I think the final model looks worse than what they had in mind. Even if I don't like girls with short hair, it still looks better than her current model. Either like the concept or bring back the longer hair.

Her face looks good in that concept, way better than in game, but her hair is just terrible. She should have long MKD hair.

04/06/2015 05:13 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:

Her concept art, I think the final model looks worse than what they had in mind. Even if I don't like girls with short hair, it still looks better than her current model. Either like the concept or bring back the longer hair.

Ewww, the short Frost-ish hair is very ugly as helll, in my opinion.

Tanya looks great in the game, I really like her new kostume. I actually think it's my new favorite, yes, better than MK4 and MKDeception! It's gold and chill and epik, the tight black pants and high-heeled boots are something I would wear myself.

Tanya is ready to punch everyone, guys. Prepare yourselves. Just look at Kassandra, she got punched but survived. lol

Kassandra is a nice person by the way, she saved Tanya from Devorah, the evil moskito. sad
I knew I had a good reason to like kharakter Kassandra Cage Blade, the epik Earthrealm newbie of Mortal Kombat! smile

lol I hope Tanya is not mad at her anymore. smile
04/06/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I was wondering where you were Maria Linda!
So happy!

I am just waiting for MKX with some warm peppermint tea.
Just one week left, now.

This website currently has a huge amount of Spoiler threads now, I personally don't want to see the spoilers.

I want to wait for the actual game, next week.

Tanya will be epik, for sure. grin
04/06/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
I was reading my old messages on Twitter and realized that on August 2014 i Twitted Ed Boon that I had a dream Sonya, Kenshi, Ermac and Tanya were playable.

I also twitted not long after that now that D'vora basically stole Tanyas color palette, Yellow and black, now she should be black and gold.

And I made a fan art that looks pretty similar to the concept art that someone just posted, with the short hair.

So I have a feeling that Tanya was not at all planned to be part of the roster, but we, loyal fan base, made it posible.
04/06/2015 06:47 PM (UTC)
I'm just glad that Ed Boon and the MK team like the Tanya kharakter.

I hope they like her enough to bring her back in MK11? wow
And I also hope they like her enough to never kill her or turn her into a zombie or revenant. LOL

Fingers krossed for that and I can't wait for next week!

The first kharakter endings I will watch will be Kassandra Cage and then Sonya Blade and then I don't know yet.

And then TANYA will be the first DLC ending I will see, if she has one!

It will be fun to see the MKX game in stores, on the shelves.

Maybe Tanya will be on the kover of the ultimate komplete deluxe edition of MKX, whenever they decide to release that? Kind of like MK9 and Injustice, with their DLC kharakters on the kover? That would be cool.
Tanya wins! Fatality!
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MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


04/06/2015 06:57 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:

Her concept art, I think the final model looks worse than what they had in mind. Even if I don't like girls with short hair, it still looks better than her current model. Either like the concept or bring back the longer hair.
She looks great in that concept art! I hope it end up being a skin for her in game.

God damn.
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