03/01/2015 04:42 AM (UTC)
I'm hoping that we only get Mileena and Baraka from mk9

That's 12 mk9 characters including Goro
5-Quan chi
6-Kung Lao

Then with all the new characters which for now is a total of 8
18-Kung Jin
20-error black

Arron black is the only one that is not completely confirmed yet, let's imagine that's the case.

Let's say that the final roster is atleast 28
So now if we add......

26-Bo raicho

The roster is more diverse and interesting.

If the 4 parents make it In, it will be a total waste. And will honestly ruin the whole game. It just seems pointless for them to be in.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/01/2015 03:23 PM (UTC)
I think (and hope) there will be a 2nd Kombat Pack. With 2 more klassics and 2 newbies. Bringing us to 8 DLC.

I imagine the newbs will be Erron Black and Tremor. Then 2 guests. Leaving 4 klassics.... Liu Kang, Sonya, Jax, and Cage.

IF those 4 aren't on disc, we'll definitely have room for Fujin, Tanya, and Reiko.

I like your List EddiesoL. But I would take out BRC, Baraka, and Havik. I feel like Rain, Kenshi, and Noob Saibot have better chances than those 3.
03/04/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
Well guys it's sad but I have to point it out.
Tanya won't be in the main roster:-/

Apparently the roster leak was accurate
We are getting:

Johnny cage
Liu kang

Which is sad for me because I wanted her story to develop a little more.
Even if she was shinnok's and Quan Chi's bitch

I am just hoping for some cameo appearance and then first in line for sure as DLC

But still getting the game, can't wait
03/04/2015 09:53 PM (UTC)
It is a bit sad isn't it

Surely the fact that Tanya has a 36 page thread here indicates she has a massive cult following, even if she does divide people

I am still holding out for DLC Tanya, but I really wanted her included in story mode

I always feel the DLC characters are at a disadvantage because they lack a role in story

Maybe this will be different though, as we know there are cameos in Story

Seriously though, she was in the background in MK9

This clearly indicates she was in the periphery of the makers of MK9

I was so sure this game would be her chance to shine
03/05/2015 12:29 AM (UTC)

I was hoping to see Tanya in MKX as well. I remember a few months ago everyone was 100% that she was going to be in. I wish that was still the case. It seems that her chances are shrinking every day. They could have thought of something for her. It didn't need to be huge but more than and cameo and more than a henchman.

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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/05/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)
Has Boon EVER tweeted or mentioned her regarding MKX?
03/05/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)
He twitted about her before anyone knew MKX was happening.
In one Twit he was asked that who would he choose for the next mk game, Tanya? Havik and someone else, and he said, "random choices but Tanya.

The other one was Ed saying that Tanya just missed the cut to become DLC for mk9

I do believe he has a soft spot for her.
I'm hoping for her to be unlockable,
That's the only thing that would make me buy the game.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/05/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
He twitted about her before anyone knew MKX was happening.
In one Twit he was asked that who would he choose for the next mk game, Tanya? Havik and someone else, and he said, "random choices but Tanya.

The other one was Ed saying that Tanya just missed the cut to become DLC for mk9

I do believe he has a soft spot for her.
I'm hoping for her to be unlockable,
That's the only thing that would make me buy the game.

Ah, thanks for that.
03/12/2015 09:16 PM (UTC)
I'm so excited with all this new MKX info

But I can't help thinking Tanya is really getting shafted

I would argue the most popular 3d era characters are

Havik-Now a major player in the comics, likely he'll have a presence in story mode and thus make a likely DLC candidate

Reiko-Has had a big presence in comic and like Havik, if he isn't on disc is likely DLC

Fujin-Has been confirmed to be at least a NPC in Story mode and thus possible DLC. Has also had a bit part in comic

Shinnok-Confirmed to be in game

and that leaves Tanya, with no comic presence so far, no leaked footage so far

even Frost has been in the comic. There was no mention of her in the Netherealm war reveal today....

my only hope is that she is a total last minute surprise ala Ares in Injustice, or Batgirl as DLC, whom no one suspected

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/12/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
I'm so excited with all this new MKX info

But I can't help thinking Tanya is really getting shafted

I would argue the most popular 3d era characters are

Havik-Now a major player in the comics, likely he'll have a presence in story mode and thus make a likely DLC candidate

Reiko-Has had a big presence in comic and like Havik, if he isn't on disc is likely DLC

Fujin-Has been confirmed to be at least a NPC in Story mode and thus possible DLC. Has also had a bit part in comic

Shinnok-Confirmed to be in game

and that leaves Tanya, with no comic presence so far, no leaked footage so far

even Frost has been in the comic. There was no mention of her in the Netherealm war reveal today....

my only hope is that she is a total last minute surprise ala Ares in Injustice, or Batgirl as DLC, whom no one suspected

'm stunned Tanya hasn't at least turned up in the comics. It's been radio silence on her.

Which may be a good thing.
03/12/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
I'm so excited with all this new MKX info

But I can't help thinking Tanya is really getting shafted

I would argue the most popular 3d era characters are

Havik-Now a major player in the comics, likely he'll have a presence in story mode and thus make a likely DLC candidate

Reiko-Has had a big presence in comic and like Havik, if he isn't on disc is likely DLC

Fujin-Has been confirmed to be at least a NPC in Story mode and thus possible DLC. Has also had a bit part in comic

Shinnok-Confirmed to be in game

and that leaves Tanya, with no comic presence so far, no leaked footage so far

even Frost has been in the comic. There was no mention of her in the Netherealm war reveal today....

my only hope is that she is a total last minute surprise ala Ares in Injustice, or Batgirl as DLC, whom no one suspected

'm stunned Tanya hasn't at least turned up in the comics. It's been radio silence on her.

Which may be a good thing.

She's probably keeping a close eye on Quan Chi, bringing intel to Reiko and Havik in case the Pillsbury Dough Boy's evil twin tries to plot anything trollish. Or maybe she's on the island preparing for the big bloody "sacrifice" for the blood god's arrival. She's a sorceress with a busy schedule after all :B
03/15/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
'm stunned Tanya hasn't at least turned up in the comics. It's been radio silence on her.

Which may be a good thing.

I'm so traumatized. It's so weird! LMAO.

Ok, another last post of mine in this thread.... and I know I am very repetitive with my Tanya komments.. but I just cannot wrap my brain around the idea that Tanya might once again miss the chance to be a playable kharakter.

Konsider the fact that she was almost a DLC in MK9... and then finding out that MKX is supposed to have some kind of a connection with MK4....... but here we are now, in March.... the game will be in stores, in just a few weeks.... and it looks like Tanya is practically konfirmed to NOT be in the main roster... when she should have been prioritized, this time around! If you ask me... lol

I don't understand why the MK team couldn't find a way to add this super kool, aloof, elusive, epik kharakter somewhere in the MKX roster, of all rosters! Right there, with her messy buddies Shinnok and Quan Chi!

Now, we gotta worry about Tanya possibly not even being a DLC in this game.... once again, she might be snubbed!

I don't get it.

I am super jealous of the Shinnok fans.
The Shinnok fans finally have their super rare 3D-era/MK4 kharakter, and he looks epik in the Playstation 4!

It is what it is.
03/15/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
'm stunned Tanya hasn't at least turned up in the comics. It's been radio silence on her.

Which may be a good thing.

I'm so traumatized. It's so weird! LMAO.

Ok, another last post of mine in this thread.... and I know I am very repetitive with my Tanya komments.. but I just cannot wrap my brain around the idea that Tanya might once again miss the chance to be a playable kharakter.

Konsider the fact that she was almost a DLC in MK9... and then finding out that MKX is supposed to have some kind of a connection with MK4....... but here we are now, in March.... the game will be in stores, in just a few weeks.... and it looks like Tanya is practically konfirmed to NOT be in the main roster... when she should have been prioritized, this time around! If you ask me... lol

I don't understand why the MK team couldn't find a way to add this super kool, aloof, elusive, epik kharakter somewhere in the MKX roster, of all rosters! Right there, with her messy buddies Shinnok and Quan Chi!

Now, we gotta worry about Tanya possibly not even being a DLC in this game.... once again, she might be snubbed!

I don't get it.

I am super jealous of the Shinnok fans.
The Shinnok fans finally have their super rare 3D-era/MK4 kharakter, and he looks epik in the Playstation 4!

It is what it is.

I very much agree.... While my two favorites, Mileena and kitana are already in the game.... i was still looking forward to seeing Tanya in the game out of all the Mk4 Era characters..... She just barely missed DlC in MK9 according to boon... And then the fact that shinnok is pretty much playable which is great! but wheres Tanya in all this?... Not even a Comic Cameo at all yet, Breaks my heart... 3... -__-

Welp the game does have a bit of time.... She may be one of those instances Like another user mentioned above where she'll be revealed late like Ares And Killer frost In Injustice.... Heres hoping anyway.... *fingers crossed*
03/15/2015 02:32 AM (UTC)
riomarz Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
'm stunned Tanya hasn't at least turned up in the comics. It's been radio silence on her.

Which may be a good thing.

I'm so traumatized. It's so weird! LMAO.

Ok, another last post of mine in this thread.... and I know I am very repetitive with my Tanya komments.. but I just cannot wrap my brain around the idea that Tanya might once again miss the chance to be a playable kharakter.

Konsider the fact that she was almost a DLC in MK9... and then finding out that MKX is supposed to have some kind of a connection with MK4....... but here we are now, in March.... the game will be in stores, in just a few weeks.... and it looks like Tanya is practically konfirmed to NOT be in the main roster... when she should have been prioritized, this time around! If you ask me... lol

I don't understand why the MK team couldn't find a way to add this super kool, aloof, elusive, epik kharakter somewhere in the MKX roster, of all rosters! Right there, with her messy buddies Shinnok and Quan Chi!

Now, we gotta worry about Tanya possibly not even being a DLC in this game.... once again, she might be snubbed!

I don't get it.

I am super jealous of the Shinnok fans.
The Shinnok fans finally have their super rare 3D-era/MK4 kharakter, and he looks epik in the Playstation 4!

It is what it is.

I very much agree.... While my two favorites, Mileena and kitana are already in the game.... i was still looking forward to seeing Tanya in the game out of all the Mk4 Era characters..... She just barely missed DlC in MK9 according to boon... And then the fact that shinnok is pretty much playable which is great! but wheres Tanya in all this?... Not even a Comic Cameo at all yet, Breaks my heart... 3... -__-

Welp the game does have a bit of time.... She may be one of those instances Like another user mentioned above where she'll be revealed late like Ares And Killer frost In Injustice.... Heres hoping anyway.... *fingers crossed*

I have no idea why I like tanya so much. Maybe it is cus she is so mysterious and I feel like mk needs a sorceress. She would totally sell the game 100 percent for me and I wouldn't really care what else would be in the game and I know that's a horrible thing to say but I want her to get more sunshine.
03/15/2015 03:11 AM (UTC)
riomarz Wrote:
Welp the game does have a bit of time.... She may be one of those instances Like another user mentioned above where she'll be revealed late like Ares And Killer frost In Injustice.... Heres hoping anyway.... *fingers crossed*

That would be a freaking miracle. How awesome would that be.

It's okay though, because I know I will enjoy playing as Kassandra and Sonya Blade, very much! grin

Windice Wrote:
I have no idea why I like tanya so much. Maybe it is cus she is so mysterious and I feel like mk needs a sorceress.

You know what else it is? Tanya is a kool-looking kharakter. She would look fantastik in the MKX selekt screen.
She stands out. She has a kool yellow kostume with a nice, strange black design on it... and she has epik long hair and purple/pink fire powers, she's just great and funny! How can anybody watch her MK4 ending and not chuckle a little bit?

Some people komplain about her being nothing more than a palette-swap with fireballs.... but the question is.... WHO ISN'T a palette-swap with fireballs, in Mortal Kombat? Why does it even matter how a kharakter came about?


We have no choice but to deal with it. lol
03/15/2015 03:23 AM (UTC)

This artwork is so awesome. There is so many amazing tanya fan artwork that would have been amazing to see in the game.
03/15/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:

This artwork is so awesome. There is so many amazing tanya fan artwork that would have been amazing to see in the game.

Someone on deviantart makes these 3D models of the Mortal Kombat kharakters that look like official renders.
It's fun to watch this person's gallery.

Just look at what Tanya might have looked like in MK9, if she was in MK9 :





It's amazing.
Needless to say, I am mad. LOL. It's a wasted opportunity for this Edenian.
03/15/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
Even if she is DLC, which she probably will be, she'll most likely be in MK11. Look at Kenshi in MK9. He was DLC, but now he has an actual roster spot!
03/15/2015 04:00 AM (UTC)
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
Even if she is DLC, which she probably will be, she'll most likely be in MK11. Look at Kenshi in MK9. He was DLC, but now he has an actual roster spot!

It's such a struggle for Tanya, though........ LMAO.

03/15/2015 04:03 AM (UTC)
Kabal Cartier
03/15/2015 04:05 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Windice Wrote:

This artwork is so awesome. There is so many amazing tanya fan artwork that would have been amazing to see in the game.

Someone on deviantart makes these 3D models of the Mortal Kombat kharakters that look like official renders.
It's fun to watch this person's gallery.

Just look at what Tanya might have looked like in MK9, if she was in MK9 :





It's amazing.
Needless to say, I am mad. LOL. It's a wasted opportunity for this Edenian.

I actually really like all the movie costumes the person made. Also that mk9 sonya art work was sweet.
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/15/2015 09:38 AM (UTC)
Didn't Boon tweet ages ago that if he were to add a post trilogy character in the next MK ( after mk9) it would be Tanya?
I'm sure she will appear in the comics at some point, and DLC.
Sure people have said the DLC characters may only be trilogy ones for the popularity but then again Kenshi was post trilogy and became DLC so anythings possible. Not only that but wasn't Tanya a character who is named after Boons second sister?
03/15/2015 10:13 AM (UTC)
I'm sorry to ruin your party, but Tanya is boring, how can you not find that look generic? She's just black with some stripper / DC comics type vibe and outfit. I actually figured that art would maybe make it better, but the fact that fans cannot come up with something better than that, proves how dull she is. The obsession with one of the most boring females, better yet characters, is really beyond me.
03/15/2015 03:23 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
I'm sorry to ruin your party, but Tanya is boring, how can you not find that look generic? She's just black with some stripper / DC comics type vibe and outfit. I actually figured that art would maybe make it better, but the fact that fans cannot come up with something better than that, proves how dull she is.
The obsession with one of the most boring females, better yet characters, is really beyond me.

That's your opinion, it's fine.

Do not worry, you cannot ruin anything whatsoever.

Only Ed Boon ruined the non-existent party by snubbing Tanya. sad

We are all just lamenting the Tanya kharakter, here.
Like Kitana. "Learn respect."
03/15/2015 03:25 PM (UTC)
DivahMah Wrote:
Kabal Cartier

Kabal? lol
What's this shenanigan?
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