07/29/2014 07:19 PM (UTC)
To me, a cape is kinda the same as with a mask. Like, when someone wants to make a ninja, they just put a mask on it and then calls it a ninja, despite what else the character is wearing.

The cape is kinda the same. Like, if someone wants to make a character that is either like a superhero or some mighty lord, they just throw a cape on him.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

07/29/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
I really like the idea someone mentioned of Fujin having an air-dash. It could have that same affect as when Jets hit the sonic-boom threshold. That would be sick!

What other moves and variations could he have?
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/29/2014 08:48 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I really want Fujin to have a cape on in X.

No... That would ruin his look. Leave those capes for Raiden. =x

In my opinion a cape suits a character based on wind more than a character based on lightning...

I really disliked Fujin in MK:armageddon, really needs a new look.

I liked Fujin during MKA...

I played with him quite much online. I loved the Devastator! As well as the many new wind attacks they gave him.
07/29/2014 08:50 PM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I really want Fujin to have a cape on in X.

No... That would ruin his look. Leave those capes for Raiden. =x

In my opinion a cape suits a character based on wind more than a character based on lightning...

I really disliked Fujin in MK:armageddon, really needs a new look.

I liked Fujin during MKA...

I played with him quite much online. I loved the Devastator! As well as the many new wind attacks they gave him.

I'm more-so talking about his appearance there, he looked rather boring and I didn't liked his ponytail there.

I don't even know what moves he had in MK:Armageddon, never played that game that much. :-p
07/29/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm throwing this out there.

Twister from Twisted Metal 2 is my favorite character, because I love her special. For those who never played or don't remember, the car turns into a tornado, picks up surrounding cars, and damages them by having the cars slam into her. (Yeah, it did damage to her but...)

So it got me thinking... Could he have it where he spins viciously enough to make himself suck his opponent closer and do damage with them twirling around him? He could have his arms out and flail them around and around and such.

Just a thought.

So I had this idea, and another just hit me.

If anyone played Xena: Warrior Princess, Talisman of Fate, there's a character in there named Velasca who has an ability to create tornadoes just like that. All she did was spin and despite that the twister was somewhat of a homing projectile (granted I don't know how you'd make a tornado a homing one) he could spin in place and create a moving twister.

You'd have the ability to either make it small and fast moving, or large and slow moving. Kind of like Reptile's projectile in 2011.
07/29/2014 09:07 PM (UTC)
"Xena: Warrior Princess, Talisman of Fate"

OMG I forgot about that game... pinks away tear. The good ol days...
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/29/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm throwing this out there.

Twister from Twisted Metal 2 is my favorite character, because I love her special. For those who never played or don't remember, the car turns into a tornado, picks up surrounding cars, and damages them by having the cars slam into her. (Yeah, it did damage to her but...)

So it got me thinking... Could he have it where he spins viciously enough to make himself suck his opponent closer and do damage with them twirling around him? He could have his arms out and flail them around and around and such.

Just a thought.

So I had this idea, and another just hit me.

If anyone played Xena: Warrior Princess, Talisman of Fate, there's a character in there named Velasca who has an ability to create tornadoes just like that. All she did was spin and despite that the twister was somewhat of a homing projectile (granted I don't know how you'd make a tornado a homing one) he could spin in place and create a moving twister.

You'd have the ability to either make it small and fast moving, or large and slow moving. Kind of like Reptile's projectile in 2011.

Fujin already had a move in Mortal Kombat 4 when he would spin and create a tornado around him. It was not a projectile though. If the opponant was near him they would spin around him and get thrown.
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07/29/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
I think that MKD really should have had him in as a full char (not just konquest cameo) as a counter to the recently reborn 'dark' Raiden and give the surviving Earthrealm (and Earth supporter) good guys a leader beyond Shujinko.

But that didn't happen, and that's why Fujin is so wanted by the fanbase as a whole. Because almost everything about him screams "untapped potential".

MKA did Fujin some favours i thought, being that his combos were really easy, his special moves made good set-up, and his design overhaul worked well. The Devastator sword was an excellent weapon but was unfortunate on him, since he really deserved something else less generic and more individual to him as a character.

I have hope for his inclusion in X because we know through some MK9 endings that Fujin hasn't been forgotten entirely.

Fujin's crossbow.

Check out the crossbow.

Oh, look, what could this be?

Crossbow action

Me right now

07/29/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Fujin already had a move in Mortal Kombat 4 when he would spin and create a tornado around him. It was not a projectile though. If the opponant was near him they would spin around him and get thrown.

Granted that he doesn't necessarily need a projectile, I thought it would be somewhat interesting to create tornadoes large or small, fast or slow, to show more variety that he can do with wind other than have he himself be the tornado.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/29/2014 10:49 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Fujin already had a move in Mortal Kombat 4 when he would spin and create a tornado around him. It was not a projectile though. If the opponant was near him they would spin around him and get thrown.

Granted that he doesn't necessarily need a projectile, I thought it would be somewhat interesting to create tornadoes large or small, fast or slow, to show more variety that he can do with wind other than have he himself be the tornado.

Maybe Fujin can have a variation where he can use tornadoes as projectiles and to keep the opponant off him like a zoning character would.

Then another variation can have Fujin use his divekick and Rising Knee attack to get in close and rush the opponant.

Two very different styles of play.
07/29/2014 10:58 PM (UTC)
What if he was able to create hurricanes along with tornadoes? How would the hurricane factor work? Anyone else up for him to create hurricanes?

Hurricanes involve heavy winds.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/29/2014 11:18 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
What if he was able to create hurricanes along with tornadoes? How would the hurricane factor work? Anyone else up for him to create hurricanes?

Hurricanes involve heavy winds.

I do not think that would work well since hurricanes are hundreds of kilometers across.
07/29/2014 11:34 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
What if he was able to create hurricanes along with tornadoes? How would the hurricane factor work? Anyone else up for him to create hurricanes?

Hurricanes involve heavy winds.

I do not think that would work well since hurricanes are hundreds of kilometers across.

What about just for a fatality?
07/29/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
What if he was able to create hurricanes along with tornadoes? How would the hurricane factor work? Anyone else up for him to create hurricanes?

Hurricanes involve heavy winds.

He could produce hurricane force winds but not an actual hurricane. That would involve a shit ton of rain, which he can't produce.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

07/30/2014 09:25 PM (UTC)
Remember Hsu Hao had that move called the "Khan Klap" that produced a Hurricane-Like wind affect. Give that move to Fujin in a "Hurricane" Variation. Maybe a 2nd special move in that variation could have him summon it from behind the opponent, creating a wind-based "Get Over Here!"

Lmao at the crossbow trolling by PickleMenDip!

Here is the Wind-Bow that Kratos used in GoW2...

08/08/2014 11:14 PM (UTC)
I was just thinking about Fujin after watching Legend of Korra. I think Fujin could take inspiration from Airbenders.
08/09/2014 12:05 AM (UTC)
I would absolutely love to play as Fujin again. I can see the guys at NRS giving Fujin some very creative zoning options, and I could easily see one of his variations being based around annoying your opponent with all kinds of tricks and forcing them into doing something reckless. grin
08/09/2014 06:42 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I was just thinking about Fujin after watching Legend of Korra. I think Fujin could take inspiration from Airbenders.

I was thinking the same thing watching Aang or Tenzin airbend.

I also thought what if Fujin's fighting stance had him floating like green lantern, superman, and etc. like in injustice. It would at least have him be a little different since i'm guessing a majority if not all of the roster will have them grounded.
08/10/2014 06:33 AM (UTC)
I'm not even a huge Fujin fan myself, but to say there's an obsession with him is a bit much. To be fair, I actually think Fujin is one of the few newer characters that had a lot of potential to grow and shine, but never got the chance to. To be honest, he, Reiko, and Tanya both deserved a stronger more developed story line after MK4. The only character who got to shine and develop from MK4 is Quan-Chi...I don't count Shinnok cuz he mainly gets mentioned in intros, story modes and peoples endings, and fans keep treating him like a step-child since he was a playable boss :-/
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

08/10/2014 02:19 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
He can fly, like Sindel, has Kung Lao's dive kick, and his whirlwind move is also similar to Kung Lao's spinning one, even though it works a little differently, any wind-based moves where the opponent is lifted or blown away is essentially like a less precise version of Ermac's telekinesis, and finally, his skinning fatality was almost exactly like Sindel's shrieking one. All these moves and that fatality do make sense for him, but they also make him too similar to all of these three characters.

You stretch well; you should be a yoga instructor!
08/10/2014 02:43 PM (UTC)
EmperorKahn Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I was just thinking about Fujin after watching Legend of Korra. I think Fujin could take inspiration from Airbenders.

I was thinking the same thing watching Aang or Tenzin airbend.

I also thought what if Fujin's fighting stance had him floating like green lantern, superman, and etc. like in injustice. It would at least have him be a little different since i'm guessing a majority if not all of the roster will have them grounded.

That's an excellent idea.
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