02/07/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
I'm so proud of myself!

People remember my old posts! I'm special! I'm loved! On every forum I visit i'll become the most hated and loved member!

I should be a celebrity!

If that makes you special and loved, i guess you REALLY love Sonya? you literally bring her upin every thread, i see she's the dearliest to you.

In Annihilation she is my special lover yeah, in MKX probably not.

Sonya never should have a child...

And neither should you.
Oh great and now you finally revert to this behaviour before you get banned and move on to a new name like you've done with Milaana and Dvorah.

What's the next one going to be? Taanya?
02/07/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
I'm so proud of myself!

People remember my old posts! I'm special! I'm loved! On every forum I visit i'll become the most hated and loved member!

I should be a celebrity!

Oh you're special all right. Special in a way that shouldn't be looked at proudly though.

You're not the only user on this forum that people remember their past history, so don't be that proud, little snowflake.

You even remember my exact words and beautiful sentences I forgot even myself!

Smoke gives you cancer? Brilliant! Lol
02/07/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
I call out to you icy because you are an interesting species of female to me. I have never spoken to a real woman before)

Fixed that for you

Thank you!

I think i've dated more women than you have said hello to, but that is for another story.

About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Oh great and now you finally revert to this behaviour before you get banned and move on to a new name like you've done with Milaana and Dvorah.

What's the next one going to be? Taanya?

Surely mick has the ability to IP ban someone? This is just silly
02/07/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
I'm so proud of myself!

People remember my old posts! I'm special! I'm loved! On every forum I visit i'll become the most hated and loved member!

I should be a celebrity!

If that makes you special and loved, i guess you REALLY love Sonya? you literally bring her upin every thread, i see she's the dearliest to you.

In Annihilation she is my special lover yeah, in MKX probably not.

Sonya never should have a child...

And neither should you.

Don 't worry, i'm all for a world without humans.
02/07/2015 05:05 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Oh great and now you finally revert to this behaviour before you get banned and move on to a new name like you've done with Milaana and Dvorah.

What's the next one going to be? Taanya?

I think i'm going for something chaotic and Havik next, chaos suits me!
02/07/2015 05:06 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
I'm so proud of myself!

People remember my old posts! I'm special! I'm loved! On every forum I visit i'll become the most hated and loved member!

I should be a celebrity!

Oh you're special all right. Special in a way that shouldn't be looked at proudly though.

You're not the only user on this forum that people remember their past history, so don't be that proud, little snowflake.

You even remember my exact words and beautiful sentences I forgot even myself!

Smoke gives you cancer? Brilliant! Lol

Actually Icebaby is one of the more reputable posters on this site, you should probebly take some notes!
About Me
02/07/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
The zoo has taught monkeys too much. I was fine with them doing sign language but when they troll the internet then that's too far.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
I call out to you icy because you are an interesting species of female to me. I have never spoken to a real woman before)

Fixed that for you

Thank you!

I think i've dated more women than you have said hello to, but that is for another story.

Sure, if we include your waifu's and love pillows
02/07/2015 05:08 PM (UTC)
Icebaby? She only isn't banned because she's female, otherwise she would have been down the drain a long time ago.

I've seen her say things that others said too before they got banned, still she breaths.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/07/2015 05:09 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
I wouldn't even mind Sonya and Cage, IF cassie wasn't there.

Now Cassie was revealed and those two losers not, I was happy because I liked Cassie more than SOnya, I thought COOL replacer.

Then the horror started.

Ignore and don't play as her, ok?!

while a bunch of people here are just telling them to shut the fuck up.

Which, in my opinion, they should.

Which is the most counter productive and stupid thing to do if you want Milaana/DVorah/LordKotal to shut up because it only gives him more posts to legitimately reply to. It only puts wood on the fire.

Did not you say you wanted him to ignore you and you would do the same? There is nothing you can say that will ever change his mind so there is no point trying to. Just ignore him and move on. Scroll past his posts.
02/07/2015 05:11 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
I wouldn't even mind Sonya and Cage, IF cassie wasn't there.

Now Cassie was revealed and those two losers not, I was happy because I liked Cassie more than SOnya, I thought COOL replacer.

Then the horror started.

Ignore and don't play as her, ok?!

while a bunch of people here are just telling them to shut the fuck up.

Which, in my opinion, they should.

Which is the most counter productive and stupid thing to do if you want Milaana/DVorah/LordKotal to shut up because it only gives him more posts to legitimately reply to. It only puts wood on the fire.

Did not you say you wanted him to ignore you and you would do the same? There is nothing you can say that will ever change his mind so there is no point trying to. Just ignore him and move on. Scroll past his posts.

Noooo nooo nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
You found my weakness, the only way to kill me! NOOOOOOOOO!

*sits back in his bottle, waiting for another stupid person to stroke it*
02/07/2015 05:13 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Icebaby? She only isn't banned because she's female, otherwise she would have been down the drain a long time ago.

I've seen her say things that others said too before they got banned, still she breaths.

That's because the other 95% of the time she actually contributes to meaningful conversation, where as you are going FULL Retard in about 12 threads right now and I have yet to see you make an intelligent comment
02/07/2015 05:13 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Icebaby? She only isn't banned because she's female, otherwise she would have been down the drain a long time ago.

I've seen her say things that others said too before they got banned, still she breaths.

The reason why I'm not banned is because I don't act stupid. But believe me when I say, I've been in trouble on this site before, so don't sit here and think I'm goody-two shoes.

Also, I choose my words carefully if I want to get back at someone.

xysion Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
I wouldn't even mind Sonya and Cage, IF cassie wasn't there.

Now Cassie was revealed and those two losers not, I was happy because I liked Cassie more than SOnya, I thought COOL replacer.

Then the horror started.

Ignore and don't play as her, ok?!

while a bunch of people here are just telling them to shut the fuck up.

Which, in my opinion, they should.

Which is the most counter productive and stupid thing to do if you want Milaana/DVorah/LordKotal to shut up because it only gives him more posts to legitimately reply to. It only puts wood on the fire.

Did not you say you wanted him to ignore you and you would do the same? There is nothing you can say that will ever change his mind so there is no point trying to. Just ignore him and move on. Scroll past his posts.

... You just deleted a crap ton of my post. Why?

But to answer your question, this person is too much fun to talk to. When they try to have a discussion about a character they dislike, I can't help myself to prove how unintelligent their reasonings are to get people to follow their lead to hate them.

I mean seriously, they're trying to get people to hate Sonya with them, why? Because they have a problem with her that is very hard to figure out why that is? Sorry, I can't let one user try to get a bandwagon going because they have an obvious issue with something that they don't know how to just "let it go."

Yeah, we can clearly "ignore" the person, as I've said before. But there's something about this particular user that is just... I dunno. Ignoring this user is a bit hard to do since some of the bullshit they whip from their ass is just too much to handle at times. You have to say something. I can easily ignore them if I wanted to though.

People are entitled to their opinions, yes. I can handle that. Not everyone likes my favorites, I couldn't care less. But the problem with this user is that they don't stop. Even when you try to just scroll down their posts. They go into other threads as well as bring the damn topic there when it has nothing to do with it. It's annoying, and yeah we can easily just scroll pass them...
LordKotal Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Oh great and now you finally revert to this behaviour before you get banned and move on to a new name like you've done with Milaana and Dvorah.

What's the next one going to be? Taanya?

I think i'm going for something chaotic and Havik next, chaos suits me!

Idiocy suits you. so I would suggest something like Jarek.

You keep on doing the same pattern repeatedly so you're not even bringing anything new, hell you're back to arguing with Icebaby again.

You are what you despise most about characters you don't like, You're boring.
02/07/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Oh great and now you finally revert to this behaviour before you get banned and move on to a new name like you've done with Milaana and Dvorah.

What's the next one going to be? Taanya?

I think i'm going for something chaotic and Havik next, chaos suits me!

Idiocy suits you. so I would suggest something like Jarek.

You keep on doing the same pattern repeatedly so you're not even bringing anything new, hell you're back to arguing with Icebaby again.

You are what you despise most about characters you don't like, You're boring.

Then why you did AGAIN rub my bottle? I was finally at rest after the only smart person found out my weakspot, and now you and those other douchebags set me free again.

Also I still have like 17 more pc's spreaded around my many houses in different countries, so I still have 17 more usernames to go till Armageddon, and in that time I probably have 17 more ready to rock. wink
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/07/2015 05:32 PM (UTC)
Everyone stop replying.
About Me

02/07/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Everyone stop replying.

How about you do something and ban him?
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/07/2015 05:35 PM (UTC)
I already have it taken care of. Stop replying to him and move on.
02/07/2015 05:40 PM (UTC)
Are members of this site this childish or it's something else that prevents them from having a civil discussion?
02/07/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
I just find it hilarious that majority of the roster brings out the silliness of people. This isn't going after one user, it goes out to many who have a problem with Sonya being in this game.

Like I honestly don't understand that if you dislike a particular character, just fucking let it go and stop whining. Say what you want and be done with it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, yes, I'll respect whatever opinion you have about any character as long as you respect my reasons.

But what I can't comprehend is the amount of surprise Sonya is getting. She was announced to be in this game way early, around E3. We've known this from the beginning. If you didn't catch these interviews, then the only logical thing is that you weren't paying attention to them.

Her inclusion isn't new. The portrait, yeah that's new, but her inclusion isn't. So why many people are getting this butthurt over her appearance is hilarious.

Hilarious as much as those who are claiming that she and Cassie are going to be playing identical to each other. First of all, Sonya isn't even revealed as a character yet, so how in the fucking hell do you know how she'll play like? What, are you basing it on what she's been like in the previous games? That's fine and dandy except this is brand new Mortal Kombat, we don't know what in the world she is going to play like at all. So to sit here and say she'll be so much like her daughter is fucking stupid because you have no ounce of evidence to back this up.

No character has yet to play like another character, so this fear of having two related characters playing together is stupid. I am going to be a little mean about this because this is getting tiresome. I don't get why people need to jump the freaking gun over this when we have no solid evidence at all to see. If you're really that anxious about what could happen, then go find something else to do and check up on this site every three days or something.

She will play nothing alike her daughter because they're going to work on her to make her play completely different. I say that with confidence because there's proof already that not one character is alike from another. So there.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 05:43 PM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Are members of this site this childish or it's something else that prevents them from having a civil discussion?

Little of column A, little of column B.

To get back on topic, I really hope Sonya doesn't have that fucking armoured cartwheel. That was the definition of braindead
02/07/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
Haha Somebody got banned over Sonya? Thug life!

Seriously though, not confirmed. I wouldn't be mad if she was in because I like Sonya but I doubt she's rosterized unless it's a skin.
02/07/2015 05:47 PM (UTC)
Haha Somebody got banned over Sonya? Thug life!

Seriously though, not confirmed. I wouldn't be mad if she was in because I like Sonya but I doubt she's rosterized unless it's a skin.

Sameziez. I don't see why anyone wants her as anything other than an alt skin. I mean fandom ya, I understand but from a gamplay perspective why bother?
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