02/07/2015 05:49 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Are members of this site this childish or it's something else that prevents them from having a civil discussion?

Little of column A, little of column B.

To get back on topic, I really hope Sonya doesn't have that fucking armoured cartwheel. That was the definition of braindead

That's her best move, but i can do without it. Her youngest variation should have her acrobatic moves from previous games, like the arc kick, other variation should be based on her kiss attacks/chi attacks, and the oldest should have new moves she mastered througout the years. Leg grab is a must for every variation, that's her signature move and Cassie doesn't do it.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 05:51 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Are members of this site this childish or it's something else that prevents them from having a civil discussion?

Little of column A, little of column B.

To get back on topic, I really hope Sonya doesn't have that fucking armoured cartwheel. That was the definition of braindead

That's her best move, but i can do without it. Her youngest variation should have her acrobatic moves from previous games, like the arc kick, other variation should be based on her kiss attacks/chi attacks, and the oldest should have new moves she mastered througout the years. Leg grab is a must for every variation, that's her signature move and Cassie doesn't do it.

Of course it's her best move, that's the problem. It's so overpowered, just watch Sonicfox's Sonya. As a single move, it's up there with IAGB from Kabal and Noob's teleport in MKT
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MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
02/07/2015 05:57 PM (UTC)
What I find sad about all of this, is the fact that it seems we're getting the best MK game to date, with amazing gameplay, modes, graphics, story, and yet people are whining about the characters. Oh, and threatening not to buy the game because 1, I repeat 1, character isn't in the game. You're a fake MK fan.

If you're a fan of the series, you should be happy regardless if your favorite is in or not. There are 30+ characters in this game, fully fleshed out with amazing gameplay, looks, and Fatalities.

Be fucking happy! Seems like every time we get some good news in this forum people try to suck up the happiness and spread their miserable state of mind. Get out of here and let others enjoy.
02/07/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Haha Somebody got banned over Sonya? Thug life!

Seriously though, not confirmed. I wouldn't be mad if she was in because I like Sonya but I doubt she's rosterized unless it's a skin.

Sameziez. I don't see why anyone wants her as anything other than an alt skin. I mean fandom ya, I understand but from a gamplay perspective why bother?

She's an original I guess. I thought the purpose of Cassie was to give sonya and Johnny a break. Yeah she could play differently but why create Cassie at all if that's the case? Why not give the new character new moves lol? it doesn't add up.
02/07/2015 06:51 PM (UTC)
*pokes head into thread*
Man, ya miss a lot when ya take a nap
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02/07/2015 07:04 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I just find it hilarious that majority of the roster brings out the silliness of people. This isn't going after one user, it goes out to many who have a problem with Sonya being in this game.

Like I honestly don't understand that if you dislike a particular character, just fucking let it go and stop whining. Say what you want and be done with it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, yes, I'll respect whatever opinion you have about any character as long as you respect my reasons.

But what I can't comprehend is the amount of surprise Sonya is getting. She was announced to be in this game way early, around E3. We've known this from the beginning. If you didn't catch these interviews, then the only logical thing is that you weren't paying attention to them.

Her inclusion isn't new. The portrait, yeah that's new, but her inclusion isn't. So why many people are getting this butthurt over her appearance is hilarious.

Hilarious as much as those who are claiming that she and Cassie are going to be playing identical to each other. First of all, Sonya isn't even revealed as a character yet, so how in the fucking hell do you know how she'll play like? What, are you basing it on what she's been like in the previous games? That's fine and dandy except this is brand new Mortal Kombat, we don't know what in the world she is going to play like at all. So to sit here and say she'll be so much like her daughter is fucking stupid because you have no ounce of evidence to back this up.

No character has yet to play like another character, so this fear of having two related characters playing together is stupid. I am going to be a little mean about this because this is getting tiresome. I don't get why people need to jump the freaking gun over this when we have no solid evidence at all to see. If you're really that anxious about what could happen, then go find something else to do and check up on this site every three days or something.

She will play nothing alike her daughter because they're going to work on her to make her play completely different. I say that with confidence because there's proof already that not one character is alike from another. So there.

Is not Sonja in particular, she only gets it because she was the last character that was "revealed" , people are freaking out because, with each reveal, the chances of their favourite getting in become slimmer. If it was another MK9/trilogy character it would be the same thing, people tend to channel their anger towards the characters they deem less worthy of being playable in comparison to their preferences. Taking the disapproval of Sonja too personal and trying to justify her inclusion is a waste of time because is not the real issue. It happens every time.

Even though I don't agree with the way some user are expressing their discontent I can't see how people can't understand where they're coming from. This should be all too familiar to most of us.
02/07/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Is not Sonja in particular, she only gets it because she was the last character that was "revealed" , people are freaking out because, with each reveal, the chances of their favourite getting in become slimmer. If it was another MK9/trilogy character it would be the same thing, people tend to channel their anger towards the characters they deem less worthy of being playable in comparison to their preferences. Taking the disapproval of Sonja too personal and trying to justify her inclusion is a waste of time because is not the real issue. It happens every time.

Even though I don't agree with the way some user are expressing their discontent I can't see how people can't understand where they're coming from. This should be all too familiar to most of us.

I agree. I so heartedly agree with you.

Kitana and Kung Lao are two great examples of this. At the time before the stream, we had absolutely nothing to talk about, or just a little, but we knew nothing as to why we're here. People immediately jumped to the conclusion that they're retconned and that we need to ignore everything that happened to them in the past. The problem is that they jumped, which is something I am begging for people to stop doing. Why? Why can't people just wait to get the info rather than trying to explain through theories that are most likely false or just out of pure hatred? I can't comprehend how people do this and it's aggravating me because it's not just this site that does that.

What's interesting about Sonya's character is that this character has been known to be in this game for months. Whether people want to deny this is true or not, she's in the game. There's nothing anyone can do about it. Those who don't believe me or anyone else that is saying this, I demand you look through all the old interviews with Boon, mainly around the E3 time, and listen, very carefully. Go to the Kombat Tether's page and read through their interviews with Boon and the other developers. The proof is right there. So why this character is getting all this bullshit, whether it's from the idiotic dumbbell who got account #3 banned or from any other hater, is completely beyond me. I say that because everyone's sitting here already knowing what her character is like when there's nothing to go off of.

Man, if Sheeva was to be next, I'd hate to know how this community would act.
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-sig by MINION

02/07/2015 07:28 PM (UTC)
Tbh I'm mostly here for her in that fly beret. Sonya isn't shocking because Cassie has almost none of her moves, they weren't going to have that iconic leg grab just fade into oblivion.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/07/2015 07:37 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Tbh I'm mostly here for her in that fly beret. Sonya isn't shocking because Cassie has almost none of her moves, they weren't going to have that iconic leg grab just fade into oblivion.

Haha, that's actually funny because as someone that wore a beret (until they allowed us to wear PCs...thank goodness for that) in a former life with the US Army I have to say her beret is god awful. She looks like she's going to go make a pizza or something.

Aside from that I have no issues with Sonya. grin
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02/07/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
Wish we could get Boon to comment on her...
02/07/2015 11:04 PM (UTC)

Is this Sonya or Chris Jericho? Dang.
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02/07/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
To me, she looks a lot like Maja Ivarsson (from The Sounds).
02/07/2015 11:41 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Haha Somebody got banned over Sonya? Thug life!

Seriously though, not confirmed. I wouldn't be mad if she was in because I like Sonya but I doubt she's rosterized unless it's a skin.

Sameziez. I don't see why anyone wants her as anything other than an alt skin. I mean fandom ya, I understand but from a gamplay perspective why bother?

She's an original I guess. I thought the purpose of Cassie was to give sonya and Johnny a break. Yeah she could play differently but why create Cassie at all if that's the case? Why not give the new character new moves lol? it doesn't add up.

Where did you get the idea that Cassie was supposed to replace Sonya and Johnny? No one ever said that. They're just talking about a new generation being introduced, NOT replacing the old favourites. Boon and co. have enough experience with abandoning old favourites to not go down that route again.

As for Cassie, she DOES have new moves. What are you referring to? She has superficial similarities with her parents, very deliberately, because they want to show how our two favourites have influenced our daughter. That doesn't copy Sonya or Johnny, it doesn't make them redundant.... because from what I can see, Cassie doesn't play AT ALL, in the slightest, play like her parents.

Watch her gameplay videos.... when did Sonya play like that? If we're all interested purely in gameplay, there's nothing in there that looks like Sonya. Not her military stance, not her awesome arc kick (or classic bicycles).... The closest thing Cassie has to her mum is her cartwheel kick, but that looks different, plays different and is a fundamentally new move.
The exact thing applies to Johnny as well. There's just nothing there that's the same.

What's more, having all three (or two, if that's the case) allows for interesting story-telling. Families are relatable, can raise the stakes, can give us emotional or thematic impact as this story spans the 25 years. Particularly since Sonya and Johnny were the last mortals standing, it's critical they appear.

People can have their opinions on Sonya and Johnny, and wish their spots were filled by others...sure. Go for it. But let's be honest: they're not taking up anything. If they are, then so is Sub Zero, and Raiden, and Kung Lao, and Kitana, and Ermac.
If you want more 3D characters, go ahead, but apply your rage evenly. Justifications like 'but Cassie's in it' fall flat if you think about it for more than the two seconds it goes to internet rage.

And, if it still annoys you, I have to agree with earlier posters: have a cry, post your opinion, and then get the hell over it.

I don't like Quan Chi in the slightest. Not as a character, not as a playable character, not in design or story or presentation. But I'm not raging because he was announced before any of my favourites, or because he might stop some of my 3D faves from appearing. If you don't like Sonya, great! Much like the wankers who whine about tv violence or rudeneess, you have a really good option: just turn it off. Don't play as her.
I don't understand this internet forum inanity to rage about content that's just not your forte. It's not like when you have a legitimate gripe like "the design is shoddy" or "the gameplays broken" or "the story is messy"... It's pure petulance.
"I don't like Sonya, so anything tod ow ith her is inherently bad and everyone else has to listen to it".

Apply the exact same to any other character. Sub, Kitana, Ermac, whatever, whoever, however.

This thread has compelled me to actually sign in for the first time in years - not even the reveal of Sonya itself made me do that, but the silliness that's ensued. Rant over. furious
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02/07/2015 11:48 PM (UTC)
anyankafan Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Haha Somebody got banned over Sonya? Thug life!

Seriously though, not confirmed. I wouldn't be mad if she was in because I like Sonya but I doubt she's rosterized unless it's a skin.

Sameziez. I don't see why anyone wants her as anything other than an alt skin. I mean fandom ya, I understand but from a gamplay perspective why bother?

She's an original I guess. I thought the purpose of Cassie was to give sonya and Johnny a break. Yeah she could play differently but why create Cassie at all if that's the case? Why not give the new character new moves lol? it doesn't add up.

Where did you get the idea that Cassie was supposed to replace Sonya and Johnny? No one ever said that. They're just talking about a new generation being introduced, NOT replacing the old favourites. Boon and co. have enough experience with abandoning old favourites to not go down that route again.

As for Cassie, she DOES have new moves. What are you referring to? She has superficial similarities with her parents, very deliberately, because they want to show how our two favourites have influenced our daughter. That doesn't copy Sonya or Johnny, it doesn't make them redundant.... because from what I can see, Cassie doesn't play AT ALL, in the slightest, play like her parents.

Watch her gameplay videos.... when did Sonya play like that? If we're all interested purely in gameplay, there's nothing in there that looks like Sonya. Not her military stance, not her awesome arc kick (or classic bicycles).... The closest thing Cassie has to her mum is her cartwheel kick, but that looks different, plays different and is a fundamentally new move.
The exact thing applies to Johnny as well. There's just nothing there that's the same.

What's more, having all three (or two, if that's the case) allows for interesting story-telling. Families are relatable, can raise the stakes, can give us emotional or thematic impact as this story spans the 25 years. Particularly since Sonya and Johnny were the last mortals standing, it's critical they appear.

People can have their opinions on Sonya and Johnny, and wish their spots were filled by others...sure. Go for it. But let's be honest: they're not taking up anything. If they are, then so is Sub Zero, and Raiden, and Kung Lao, and Kitana, and Ermac.
If you want more 3D characters, go ahead, but apply your rage evenly. Justifications like 'but Cassie's in it' fall flat if you think about it for more than the two seconds it goes to internet rage.

And, if it still annoys you, I have to agree with earlier posters: have a cry, post your opinion, and then get the hell over it.

I don't like Quan Chi in the slightest. Not as a character, not as a playable character, not in design or story or presentation. But I'm not raging because he was announced before any of my favourites, or because he might stop some of my 3D faves from appearing. If you don't like Sonya, great! Much like the wankers who whine about tv violence or rudeneess, you have a really good option: just turn it off. Don't play as her.
I don't understand this internet forum inanity to rage about content that's just not your forte. It's not like when you have a legitimate gripe like "the design is shoddy" or "the gameplays broken" or "the story is messy"... It's pure petulance.
"I don't like Sonya, so anything tod ow ith her is inherently bad and everyone else has to listen to it".

Apply the exact same to any other character. Sub, Kitana, Ermac, whatever, whoever, however.

This thread has compelled me to actually sign in for the first time in years - not even the reveal of Sonya itself made me do that, but the silliness that's ensued. Rant over. furious

Whoops, logged into wrong account. Haha :)
02/07/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
Sonya looks like dyke! A very ugly dyke!
02/07/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
Amen to that! That's what i've been saying the whole time! Cassie is not a Sonya replacement, seeing how she doesn't have her signature moves. And i've also said this several times, but it's obvious WHY Cassie doesn't have the leg grab, energy rings or kiss of death, maybe Sonya wasn't going to be playable this time, but they gave Cassie new moves because she isn't a Sonya replacement, and there was always going to be the next game for Sonya to be playable.
02/08/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
I agree with what ProfesserAhnka said on the first page. Cassie even more so in that pic.
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02/08/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)

Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

02/08/2015 12:31 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
anyankafan Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Haha Somebody got banned over Sonya? Thug life!

Seriously though, not confirmed. I wouldn't be mad if she was in because I like Sonya but I doubt she's rosterized unless it's a skin.

Sameziez. I don't see why anyone wants her as anything other than an alt skin. I mean fandom ya, I understand but from a gamplay perspective why bother?

She's an original I guess. I thought the purpose of Cassie was to give sonya and Johnny a break. Yeah she could play differently but why create Cassie at all if that's the case? Why not give the new character new moves lol? it doesn't add up.

Where did you get the idea that Cassie was supposed to replace Sonya and Johnny? No one ever said that. They're just talking about a new generation being introduced, NOT replacing the old favourites. Boon and co. have enough experience with abandoning old favourites to not go down that route again.

As for Cassie, she DOES have new moves. What are you referring to? She has superficial similarities with her parents, very deliberately, because they want to show how our two favourites have influenced our daughter. That doesn't copy Sonya or Johnny, it doesn't make them redundant.... because from what I can see, Cassie doesn't play AT ALL, in the slightest, play like her parents.

Watch her gameplay videos.... when did Sonya play like that? If we're all interested purely in gameplay, there's nothing in there that looks like Sonya. Not her military stance, not her awesome arc kick (or classic bicycles).... The closest thing Cassie has to her mum is her cartwheel kick, but that looks different, plays different and is a fundamentally new move.
The exact thing applies to Johnny as well. There's just nothing there that's the same.

What's more, having all three (or two, if that's the case) allows for interesting story-telling. Families are relatable, can raise the stakes, can give us emotional or thematic impact as this story spans the 25 years. Particularly since Sonya and Johnny were the last mortals standing, it's critical they appear.

People can have their opinions on Sonya and Johnny, and wish their spots were filled by others...sure. Go for it. But let's be honest: they're not taking up anything. If they are, then so is Sub Zero, and Raiden, and Kung Lao, and Kitana, and Ermac.
If you want more 3D characters, go ahead, but apply your rage evenly. Justifications like 'but Cassie's in it' fall flat if you think about it for more than the two seconds it goes to internet rage.

And, if it still annoys you, I have to agree with earlier posters: have a cry, post your opinion, and then get the hell over it.

I don't like Quan Chi in the slightest. Not as a character, not as a playable character, not in design or story or presentation. But I'm not raging because he was announced before any of my favourites, or because he might stop some of my 3D faves from appearing. If you don't like Sonya, great! Much like the wankers who whine about tv violence or rudeneess, you have a really good option: just turn it off. Don't play as her.
I don't understand this internet forum inanity to rage about content that's just not your forte. It's not like when you have a legitimate gripe like "the design is shoddy" or "the gameplays broken" or "the story is messy"... It's pure petulance.
"I don't like Sonya, so anything tod ow ith her is inherently bad and everyone else has to listen to it".

Apply the exact same to any other character. Sub, Kitana, Ermac, whatever, whoever, however.

This thread has compelled me to actually sign in for the first time in years - not even the reveal of Sonya itself made me do that, but the silliness that's ensued. Rant over. furious

Whoops, logged into wrong account. Haha :)

Possibly the best post I've ever read on this site.
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Get that ass BANNED

02/08/2015 12:49 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
What I find sad about all of this, is the fact that it seems we're getting the best MK game to date, with amazing gameplay, modes, graphics, story, and yet people are whining about the characters. Oh, and threatening not to buy the game because 1, I repeat 1, character isn't in the game. You're a fake MK fan.

If you're a fan of the series, you should be happy regardless if your favorite is in or not. There are 30+ characters in this game, fully fleshed out with amazing gameplay, looks, and Fatalities.

Be fucking happy! Seems like every time we get some good news in this forum people try to suck up the happiness and spread their miserable state of mind. Get out of here and let others enjoy.

Where do you get off saying people are fake fans due to their own actions and opinions of the game? Whether they get it or not because their favorite character is in does not make them a "fake fan". If they don't like the game due to their own personal preferences, then let them be, they are still as much as a fan as the next guy.
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MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
02/08/2015 12:53 AM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
What I find sad about all of this, is the fact that it seems we're getting the best MK game to date, with amazing gameplay, modes, graphics, story, and yet people are whining about the characters. Oh, and threatening not to buy the game because 1, I repeat 1, character isn't in the game. You're a fake MK fan.

If you're a fan of the series, you should be happy regardless if your favorite is in or not. There are 30+ characters in this game, fully fleshed out with amazing gameplay, looks, and Fatalities.

Be fucking happy! Seems like every time we get some good news in this forum people try to suck up the happiness and spread their miserable state of mind. Get out of here and let others enjoy.

Where do you get off saying people are fake fans due to their own actions and opinions of the game? Whether they get it or not because their favorite character is in does not make them a "fake fan". If they don't like the game due to their own personal preferences, then let them be, they are still as much as a fan as the next guy.

They are fake fans. They aren't fans of the series 'Mortal Kombat', but fans of their favourite characters. You not buying the game because your favorite isn't in the game reflects that you're not an MK fan, but rather a fan of that character. Understand?
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02/08/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
What I find sad about all of this, is the fact that it seems we're getting the best MK game to date, with amazing gameplay, modes, graphics, story, and yet people are whining about the characters. Oh, and threatening not to buy the game because 1, I repeat 1, character isn't in the game. You're a fake MK fan.

If you're a fan of the series, you should be happy regardless if your favorite is in or not. There are 30+ characters in this game, fully fleshed out with amazing gameplay, looks, and Fatalities.

Be fucking happy! Seems like every time we get some good news in this forum people try to suck up the happiness and spread their miserable state of mind. Get out of here and let others enjoy.

Where do you get off saying people are fake fans due to their own actions and opinions of the game? Whether they get it or not because their favorite character is in does not make them a "fake fan". If they don't like the game due to their own personal preferences, then let them be, they are still as much as a fan as the next guy.

You're right. No one can tell others they're 'fake fans' because of disagreements. That's no-true-scotsman silliness.

BUT I can safely say that if someone is so petty that they'd declare they're not going to buy the game because Sonya and Jax are in it (as a certain other thread suggests).... then they are definitely BAD fans. Selfish, myopic, greedy and petulant :P

No one is going to like every single part of a fighting game. They're just too complicated. So to freak out over one or two characters is nonsense. You might be a fan, but they go about showing it in odd ways.
02/08/2015 01:07 AM (UTC)
They're not "fake" fans. They're just "character" fans.

They'll only get the game if their character is in it, nothing more, nothing less. As long as their particular character is in the game, they'll get it. If not, they'll announce to a bunch of random people that really don't care at all that they're not getting it.

Then, a bunch of people will sit here and be rude, while others are laughing, while the last percentage of them will just not care.

They're still fans of Mortal Kombat, but they're not a fan of the series, just its character(s).
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02/08/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)
What if thats cassie cages alt costume and sonya is killed, cassie takes the mothers ring and becomes the head of the special forces unit.
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02/08/2015 04:00 AM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
What if thats cassie cages alt costume and sonya is killed, cassie takes the mothers ring and becomes the head of the special forces unit.

It very well could be, but most of us seem to think the character model is too different from Cassie to be the same person. And the outfit looks just like Sonya's comic appearance.
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