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02/08/2015 04:01 AM (UTC)
Whoo!!! Sonya Blade is in!!!! YES! YES! YES! I'm very glad to see the Sonya fans back again on MKO. But where the hell is queve??? queve??
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02/08/2015 04:15 AM (UTC)
I wouldnt jump for joy just yet, Ive got a gut feeling that sonya is being played by kotal khan in the comics and hes going to kill her in outworld.
Might be wrong but I think shes on borrowed time.
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02/08/2015 04:20 AM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
I wouldnt jump for joy just yet, Ive got a gut feeling that sonya is being played by kotal khan in the comics and hes going to kill her in outworld.
Might be wrong but I think shes on borrowed time.

I"m not being a dick in saying this, but do you really think they'd kill off Sonya in a comic book? :P To me, that's stretching it.
Even if they ARE going to kill her off, that doesn't mean she can't be playable, considering the game takes place over 25 years, and the comics as we are reading them take place well into that 25 year period.

Even if Kotal offs her in the comics (which again I have absolute confidence they won't do because that is an awful idea for a major, well-liked character, no matter who it is... come on, she's not Hsu Hao).... she can still be in the game.

Kitana and co. died in Mk9 but were obviously still there to play. Don't see why Sonya wouldn't be.
02/08/2015 04:27 AM (UTC)
anyankafan Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Haha Somebody got banned over Sonya? Thug life!

Seriously though, not confirmed. I wouldn't be mad if she was in because I like Sonya but I doubt she's rosterized unless it's a skin.

Sameziez. I don't see why anyone wants her as anything other than an alt skin. I mean fandom ya, I understand but from a gamplay perspective why bother?

She's an original I guess. I thought the purpose of Cassie was to give sonya and Johnny a break. Yeah she could play differently but why create Cassie at all if that's the case? Why not give the new character new moves lol? it doesn't add up.

Where did you get the idea that Cassie was supposed to replace Sonya and Johnny? No one ever said that. They're just talking about a new generation being introduced, NOT replacing the old favourites. Boon and co. have enough experience with abandoning old favourites to not go down that route again.

As for Cassie, she DOES have new moves. What are you referring to? She has superficial similarities with her parents, very deliberately, because they want to show how our two favourites have influenced our daughter. That doesn't copy Sonya or Johnny, it doesn't make them redundant.... because from what I can see, Cassie doesn't play AT ALL, in the slightest, play like her parents.

Watch her gameplay videos.... when did Sonya play like that? If we're all interested purely in gameplay, there's nothing in there that looks like Sonya. Not her military stance, not her awesome arc kick (or classic bicycles).... The closest thing Cassie has to her mum is her cartwheel kick, but that looks different, plays different and is a fundamentally new move.
The exact thing applies to Johnny as well. There's just nothing there that's the same.

What's more, having all three (or two, if that's the case) allows for interesting story-telling. Families are relatable, can raise the stakes, can give us emotional or thematic impact as this story spans the 25 years. Particularly since Sonya and Johnny were the last mortals standing, it's critical they appear.

People can have their opinions on Sonya and Johnny, and wish their spots were filled by others...sure. Go for it. But let's be honest: they're not taking up anything. If they are, then so is Sub Zero, and Raiden, and Kung Lao, and Kitana, and Ermac.
If you want more 3D characters, go ahead, but apply your rage evenly. Justifications like 'but Cassie's in it' fall flat if you think about it for more than the two seconds it goes to internet rage.

And, if it still annoys you, I have to agree with earlier posters: have a cry, post your opinion, and then get the hell over it.

I don't like Quan Chi in the slightest. Not as a character, not as a playable character, not in design or story or presentation. But I'm not raging because he was announced before any of my favourites, or because he might stop some of my 3D faves from appearing. If you don't like Sonya, great! Much like the wankers who whine about tv violence or rudeneess, you have a really good option: just turn it off. Don't play as her.
I don't understand this internet forum inanity to rage about content that's just not your forte. It's not like when you have a legitimate gripe like "the design is shoddy" or "the gameplays broken" or "the story is messy"... It's pure petulance.
"I don't like Sonya, so anything tod ow ith her is inherently bad and everyone else has to listen to it".

Apply the exact same to any other character. Sub, Kitana, Ermac, whatever, whoever, however.

This thread has compelled me to actually sign in for the first time in years - not even the reveal of Sonya itself made me do that, but the silliness that's ensued. Rant over. furious

hahahaha wtf... it doesn't annoy me, where do i sound annoyed? i admitted that i like sonya. if anyone is annoyed it's you logging on just to post a long butthurt rant, just sayin.... most of what you say is bullshit and none of it applies to me or what i posted. your anger is misplaced and it sucked feeling obligated to read that response but i actually respect other's opinions even your dumb ones.

where did i get the idea that they aren't playable? the same place i got the idea that jade isn't playable. "oh she's not in because kitana uses superficial similarities?" yeah probably not.. cassie does have the arch kick but it's turned into a shadow arch kick and she also has the regular shadow kick. she has the nut punch and cartwheel. hollywood and military variations. i guess she uses a gun for a projectile, that's her uniqueness. she's got johnny's attitude and sonya's looks\training.

people can have their opinions, i agree.. why are you being a hater? have a cry and get over it lol

i'm not raging about anyone i think the game looks fantastic dude.. i don't care who's playable i just want to fucking play already and stop speculating about it lol.
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02/08/2015 10:57 AM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
I wouldnt jump for joy just yet, Ive got a gut feeling that sonya is being played by kotal khan in the comics and hes going to kill her in outworld.
Might be wrong but I think shes on borrowed time.

1) Every other character shown as the leader of a Faction is playable.

2) There's also the pic of her doing a salute on the tower (you know, with all of the other playable characters).
02/08/2015 11:17 AM (UTC)
I hope she's not in, she's redundant with Cassie being in though rather her than freaking Johhny. I wish they would've gotten a son, then mother and son would make perfect sense. She has many rivals and is in for a reason, Johnny is just a bad character with a bad story and not much depth.
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02/08/2015 11:34 AM (UTC)
anyankafan Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Haha Somebody got banned over Sonya? Thug life!

Seriously though, not confirmed. I wouldn't be mad if she was in because I like Sonya but I doubt she's rosterized unless it's a skin.

Sameziez. I don't see why anyone wants her as anything other than an alt skin. I mean fandom ya, I understand but from a gamplay perspective why bother?

She's an original I guess. I thought the purpose of Cassie was to give sonya and Johnny a break. Yeah she could play differently but why create Cassie at all if that's the case? Why not give the new character new moves lol? it doesn't add up.

Where did you get the idea that Cassie was supposed to replace Sonya and Johnny? No one ever said that. They're just talking about a new generation being introduced, NOT replacing the old favourites. Boon and co. have enough experience with abandoning old favourites to not go down that route again.

As for Cassie, she DOES have new moves. What are you referring to? She has superficial similarities with her parents, very deliberately, because they want to show how our two favourites have influenced our daughter. That doesn't copy Sonya or Johnny, it doesn't make them redundant.... because from what I can see, Cassie doesn't play AT ALL, in the slightest, play like her parents.

Watch her gameplay videos.... when did Sonya play like that? If we're all interested purely in gameplay, there's nothing in there that looks like Sonya. Not her military stance, not her awesome arc kick (or classic bicycles).... The closest thing Cassie has to her mum is her cartwheel kick, but that looks different, plays different and is a fundamentally new move.
The exact thing applies to Johnny as well. There's just nothing there that's the same.

What's more, having all three (or two, if that's the case) allows for interesting story-telling. Families are relatable, can raise the stakes, can give us emotional or thematic impact as this story spans the 25 years. Particularly since Sonya and Johnny were the last mortals standing, it's critical they appear.

People can have their opinions on Sonya and Johnny, and wish their spots were filled by others...sure. Go for it. But let's be honest: they're not taking up anything. If they are, then so is Sub Zero, and Raiden, and Kung Lao, and Kitana, and Ermac.
If you want more 3D characters, go ahead, but apply your rage evenly. Justifications like 'but Cassie's in it' fall flat if you think about it for more than the two seconds it goes to internet rage.

And, if it still annoys you, I have to agree with earlier posters: have a cry, post your opinion, and then get the hell over it.

I don't like Quan Chi in the slightest. Not as a character, not as a playable character, not in design or story or presentation. But I'm not raging because he was announced before any of my favourites, or because he might stop some of my 3D faves from appearing. If you don't like Sonya, great! Much like the wankers who whine about tv violence or rudeneess, you have a really good option: just turn it off. Don't play as her.
I don't understand this internet forum inanity to rage about content that's just not your forte. It's not like when you have a legitimate gripe like "the design is shoddy" or "the gameplays broken" or "the story is messy"... It's pure petulance.
"I don't like Sonya, so anything tod ow ith her is inherently bad and everyone else has to listen to it".

Apply the exact same to any other character. Sub, Kitana, Ermac, whatever, whoever, however.

This thread has compelled me to actually sign in for the first time in years - not even the reveal of Sonya itself made me do that, but the silliness that's ensued. Rant over. furious

hahahaha wtf... it doesn't annoy me, where do i sound annoyed? i admitted that i like sonya. if anyone is annoyed it's you logging on just to post a long butthurt rant, just sayin.... most of what you say is bullshit and none of it applies to me or what i posted. your anger is misplaced and it sucked feeling obligated to read that response but i actually respect other's opinions even your dumb ones.

where did i get the idea that they aren't playable? the same place i got the idea that jade isn't playable. "oh she's not in because kitana uses superficial similarities?" yeah probably not.. cassie does have the arch kick but it's turned into a shadow arch kick and she also has the regular shadow kick. she has the nut punch and cartwheel. hollywood and military variations. i guess she uses a gun for a projectile, that's her uniqueness. she's got johnny's attitude and sonya's looks\training.

people can have their opinions, i agree.. why are you being a hater? have a cry and get over it lol

i'm not raging about anyone i think the game looks fantastic dude.. i don't care who's playable i just want to fucking play already and stop speculating about it lol.

Calm down.

I quoted your posts for the references to Sonya being an alt skin. The entirety of post was not directed at you. It was directed at the 'wah Sonya is in it' brigade.

Apologies for not being clear. Not great at quoting multiple posts from a phone.
02/08/2015 02:20 PM (UTC)
I'd say that's Sonya, not an alt look for Cassie.

If it's supposed to be her older self, I think she looks alright except for the ridiculously long neck. That should be easy to fix though?

She looks great in the comics, so if she's playable hopefully she has that look/costume in the game as well. A green version as PS2 color would be nice too.

She was fan to play as in MK2011 so hopefully they build on it. And hopefully they make her leg grab move more useful, it's her signature move and it was a shame that it wasn't very much useful in the previous game.
02/08/2015 02:25 PM (UTC)
If anyone has payed attention to my posts the last 8 months they know I have been greatly against Sonya's inclusion in MKX.

All I have to say now is:

Congrats to all the Sonya fans.

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02/08/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
cyberdog Wrote:
I wouldnt jump for joy just yet, Ive got a gut feeling that sonya is being played by kotal khan in the comics and hes going to kill her in outworld.
Might be wrong but I think shes on borrowed time.

1) Every other character shown as the leader of a Faction is playable.
2) There's also the pic of her doing a salute on the tower (you know, with all of the other playable characters).
She still might die though. She doesn't look very old. Certainly not 25 years older.
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02/08/2015 04:07 PM (UTC)
I don't think they'd put an unplayable character on the tower...
02/08/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
I don't think they'd put an unplayable character on the tower...

I think the opposite, in fact, I expect a lot of MK9-ports unplayable characters...
02/08/2015 04:15 PM (UTC)
Shinomune Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
I don't think they'd put an unplayable character on the tower...

I think the opposite, in fact, I expect a lot of MK9-ports unplayable characters...

Not a lot but some, yes.
However I doubt they'd use an unplayable as leader of the faction.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/08/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
Yay for Sonya fans!

She was fun to play in MK9. Can't wait to see what's in store for her!
02/08/2015 04:22 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
cyberdog Wrote:
I wouldnt jump for joy just yet, Ive got a gut feeling that sonya is being played by kotal khan in the comics and hes going to kill her in outworld.
Might be wrong but I think shes on borrowed time.

1) Every other character shown as the leader of a Faction is playable.
2) There's also the pic of her doing a salute on the tower (you know, with all of the other playable characters).
She still might die though. She doesn't look very old. Certainly not 25 years older.

That's her youngest variation, she will have aged variations.
02/08/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
Why are some people still on about the whole "long neck" thing? Some females in real life have long necks. So why isn't it ok in games?
02/08/2015 04:38 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Why are some people still on about the whole "long neck" thing? Some females in real life have long necks. So why isn't it ok in games?

Because Sonya never had a long neck before. They need to stop giving the classic characters different physical attributes each game.
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02/08/2015 04:43 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
That's her youngest variation, she will have aged variations.
Didn't they say they weren't doing that? Although she might not die, she might just become otherwise inactive.
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02/08/2015 04:45 PM (UTC)
People complaining about Sonya being 'young for a 50 year old' seem to not realise that the Sonya we've seen could be her post MK9 outfit and her alternate could be her in the 25 years later part of story mode.
02/08/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
That's her youngest variation, she will have aged variations.
Didn't they say they weren't doing that? Although she might not die, she might just become otherwise inactive.

What? Ed Boon said they WOULD be doing it, yet we haven't seen it:

"The aged heroes, according to Boon, will differ not only in appearance from their younger versions, but will also play differently, and will master moves" (something here like "used in the other incarnations"). "Although Boon was silent as to how precisely the aged characters will be integrated into the game, we strongly feel that they will not be separate characters, but one of the three variations chosen at the selection menu."
02/08/2015 04:51 PM (UTC)
After MK9's ending Johnny and Sonya were the 2 characters I expected the most besides the poster boys and Raiden. But because Cassie was revealed we can only have 1 parent and Cassie, because we can't possibly have all 3 characters. And because Johnny has more potential but when we clearly see Sonya people start getting pissed.

Sigh. Tekken has featured Heihachi (Grandfather), Kazuya (Father, Son of Heihachi), and Jin (Son of Kazuya) all in the same game for 3 games now. And guess what? They always played differently. They only share the EWGF out of their entire movesets. So why is it people have this idea that all 3 can't be in?

Oh that's right, because it's stepping on their favorite character's toes.
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02/08/2015 05:33 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
"The aged heroes, according to Boon, will differ not only in appearance from their younger versions, but will also play differently, and will master moves" (something here like "used in the other incarnations"). "Although Boon was silent as to how precisely the aged characters will be integrated into the game, we strongly feel that they will not be separate characters, but one of the three variations chosen at the selection menu."
Oh yeah, I'm still not taking that leak as gospel though.
02/08/2015 05:37 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
People complaining about Sonya being 'young for a 50 year old' seem to not realise that the Sonya we've seen could be her post MK9 outfit and her alternate could be her in the 25 years later part of story mode.

Assuming she is 50, nobody seems to have an issue with super-ripped, non-white haired 60 year old Kano. So why is this such an issue with her?
02/08/2015 05:46 PM (UTC)
Because people here are sexist a-holes, it seems

Then again, as someone pointed out earlier, this seems like the one MK site on the web where everyone seems to hate MK. Truly sad.
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02/08/2015 06:15 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Assuming she is 50, nobody seems to have an issue with super-ripped, non-white haired 60 year old Kano. So why is this such an issue with her?
It's not really an issue so much as people trying to figure out WHERE in the 25 years she falls. Kano looks like he's a step away from MK9, like maybe five or so years out. Kung Lao looks much older for example. Like he gets involved at the end of the 25 years.

The Sonya we're seeing in the pic might not quite be 25 years later it could be five or so years later.
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