02/07/2010 08:37 PM (UTC)

Ahh, the “almost secret” character in Deadly Alliance who was finally born in Deception, here’s what Dairou was all about...

He was once a Sedian Guard who believed in order and strict rules. He was a savior, but rage filled his head and killed an assailant. He was sentenced to life for incarceration. He managed to escape from prison during a riot thanks to the Resistance. He no longer follows orders of the Seidan. He wanted to bring himself into Chaos. He soon became a mercenary and was ordered to find and kill his former guardsman, Hotaru.

And which he did in his ending. Despite that he felt compelled to do so. And before he could tell Hotaru who ordered the attack, Hotaru died. Aww.

Okay, where to begin? What else is there left to do with this guy? Since his ending stated that he was compelled to announce to Hotaru what he was initially going to do to him, could we see him go back to the Order if he returns? Or will he still work with the guy who hired him to go out and kill Hotaru?

Move-wise, ehh... he only had three moves, and neither of them were that entertaining to see. Neither were his fatalities. It sucked that this character was supposed to be featured in Deadly Alliance as a “secret character,” because honestly this guy sucked as a regular character who barely had any interesting moves and story to begin with.

Even with his appearance, not that dashing to see either. There could be something done to him. If he does go back to the Order, we could see him in somewhat a similar armor like Hotaru’s? That could be something to see.

Meh, this guy never really struck me to play as him in Deception. I’m going to have to say go.

So let’s debate, should Dairou stay or leave?
02/07/2010 08:42 PM (UTC)
I've got mixed feelings on Dairou. He sounded cool in MK:DA, but I think it got lost in Deception. I think whatever's wrong with can be easily fixed, but I'm not that attached to him.

I'll say stay. Maybe not come back right away in MK9, but hang on to him.
02/07/2010 08:45 PM (UTC)
Like many other characters from deception, he looked out of place compared to the past MK characters. I don't like how he looks, or what he's about so I say he goes.
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02/07/2010 10:29 PM (UTC)
I hate Dairou though I thought his Tombstone move where he slammed himself down was hilarious.

I don't think there is anything else he can bring to MK so IMO he can GO.
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02/07/2010 11:46 PM (UTC)
I'm not a huge overly huge fan of Dairou, but I think they can take him and his story to a new level. I think he also needs a more fitting look. Maybe not in the Next Mortal Kombat, but he could be cool later down the line.
02/08/2010 12:05 AM (UTC)
dariou...i can not say too much of him because i never really used him in any of the games. he was never really appealing to me at all...i say go.
02/08/2010 12:13 AM (UTC)
NO, because he was lame like many other new fighters after mk4. i mean who came up with those fighters. the outfit is stupid and his special moves were lame. he is so boring and his story sucks. just not a very interesting character!!!
02/08/2010 01:20 AM (UTC)
dairou i'd like to not have him return. i'm hopeing the mk team will make some good new characters for mk9 to replace the not so great ones.
02/08/2010 04:57 AM (UTC)
Dairou is my least favorite character in the entire Mortal Kombat franchise. Even worse than Hsu Hao or Mokap. Those two, I just don't care about. Dairou, I actively hate.
I think his story is boring, I think his special moves are random and don't fit his character concept at all, and most importantly, I think both his costumes are so hideous that looking at him actually makes me angry. Nothing about him works at all.

That said, I thought the Deadly Alliance concept for Dairou WOULD have been awesome. The evil Ronin hired by the bad guys who dual-wielded katanas and could have been a Kenshi adversary, THAT character I really wanted to see.

Maybe they could create a new guy like that. It feels too late for Dairou to be changed into a two sword samurai or a ruthless, dishonorable villain.
02/08/2010 02:09 PM (UTC)

Ahh, many believed that this guy was Cyrax to begin with. But nope, he is Darrius.

He is who those would say is a terrorist, thought to the patriots of the Seidan, he’s a hero. He fights against the rule of an oppressive regime. He’s the leader of the Resistance. He wants to lead the charge against the establishment. He believes that the “law” is the best recruitment tools to discover. His ranks could be in need of a powerful warrior, such as a Seidan Guardsman. He thinks that if he could hire an outsider to kill a man’s family, he knows that rage will consume and will have the man imprisoned for the attack. He will easily recruit him once he’s thrown into jail.

Dairou was successful in stealing the “Declartion of Order.” And after hiding the document, he announced its capture to the world and heralded a new beginning for the realm. The Resistance attacked. Hotaru underestimated the Resistance and were defeated.

There could be something done with this guy. Ooh, a new character with a possible return for the next game! I like... Not too much though. You see, there’s basically one idea to have for this character for the next game. Since he defeated the Order and has practically taken over the realm of Order, the only thing left to see is what he has done to the realm. What does the Resistance do to Orderrealm? What about the fate of Hotaru?

With his moves, I’d say keep them, but completely change his fatality. I had no freaking idea what the heck he did with the one where he’s moving all these different limbs around. Yeah, that was a retarded fatality, let’s do something different.

Appearance, well... if he successfully took over Orderrealm, he should look like a leader now, right? That’s really all I could think for a different kind of appearance.

If Darrius returns, it should seriously be how he took over Orderrealm with a new look and such. But me personally, I never really enjoyed his character so I’m going to say go.

So, let’s debate. Should Darrius leave or stay?
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02/08/2010 02:28 PM (UTC)
Not really a fan of Darrius.
His fatalities sucked but his Hara Kiri was good.
His alt costume was... interesting lol.
Darrius & Dairou are the only 2 characters from MK Deception I never want to see again.

02/08/2010 03:26 PM (UTC)
i am on the line with Darrius...i don't really like his playability in game but his story is kinda interesting...if i had to choose i would say go but if he was in the game than its only safe to bet Hotaru should be gone.
02/08/2010 04:54 PM (UTC)
i'd have darrius sit this one out but would like him to return. he had some cool weapons but lacked creativity in look and his moveset. if that were to change he could become popular. until then he is not so great to play as.
02/08/2010 05:50 PM (UTC)
I don't really think Darrius has a place. His storyline in Deception never had anything to do with the plot, he was just there to explain why Dairou was enemies with Hotaru. It's bad enough to be just a plot device, but to be a plot device for two characters that aren't important? Might as well just put you down like a race horse with a broken leg because just like him, you're going nowhere fast.

I dunno, if you could find a reason to make Seido having a revoluton even MATTER to anything at all, or give Darrius a logical reason to leave Orderrealm behind, even though it's clearly very important to him, and participate in the struggles between the IMPORTANT worlds...then maybe I could see making something out of him. But as it is now? He's just filler and they should probably just say "Oh, Dairou found out what he did and killed him in Armageddon."

Y'know what would've been cool? If they'd gone with the original plan mentioned in his concept art and had him be a member of the Red Dragon to replace Mavado. The Red Dragon not even appearing in Deception was pretty baffling. I also like the idea of basing an MK character on Jim Kelly from Enter the Dragon, but Deception wasn't the right game to do it in and it didn't fit Darrius, his primary and alt costumes almost look like two different characters. It's like...in both, you can tell they tried to give him some attitude and personality when they designed his look, make him some sort of suave black guy stereotype. But one's a 70's style karate guy and the other is like a Samuel L. Jackson or something. Maybe if it had been the Pulp Fiction version of Sam Jackson, they would've jelled better.
But then whenever you talked to him in Konquest mode, he didn't sound suave or talk jive at all, the badass attitude just didn't exist, he was flat and boring. They completely botched it. And it probably wouldn't have worked unless he was from Earthrealm anyway, because you'll never get me to believe that someone from one of the magical planes of fairies and dragons and floating cities is hip and street. Earth is the only realm that has modern technology and urban culture.
Maybe this is another instance of "they could go back and create a new character from the original concept" like the dual-wielding ronin that Dairou never got to be.
02/08/2010 07:05 PM (UTC)
Mk already has a cool black guy, and his name is Jax. This Darrius guy was a cheap replacement for Jax, and I don't like anything about him. Lets hope Ed Boon gothcha grabs, and ground pounds him out of the franchise.

I say he goes.
02/08/2010 07:12 PM (UTC)
I never liked Darrius. He doesn't have a proper personnality or charisma.

Most of new characters introduced in MK4 ans MKD are pretty blank and useless(Kai, Jarek, Hotaru, Kira ect..)
02/08/2010 07:24 PM (UTC)
lordbilly Wrote:
Kai, Jarek, Hotaru, Kira

One of these things is not like the others. And it's not just because of the vagina.

Kira was actually given a fair amount of established personality. She embodies the new "disciplined anarchy" and "survival of the fittest" credos of Kabal's new terrorist cell Black Dragon far more than he does. I'd kill him off and make her the leader.

Her only problem is needing more screentime to develop as a character and needing her own, completely original moveset.
02/08/2010 07:30 PM (UTC)
i say would probably say no to all of deception's new fighters!!!lol so NO. oh and mk needs more diversity of race and sex in fighters. but darrius was just baddd!! and stop making all stereotypical fighters, be more creative!!
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02/08/2010 07:48 PM (UTC)
Wow, Razor's taking the words right out of my mouth. I agree with him 1000% on both Dairou and Darrius.

I loved Dairou's original concept and was really happy that they were going to put him in MK:D. The end result fell well short of the original intent. His special moves were flat out AWFUL. His look was among the worst of any MK character I've ever seen. I don't know if I'd rate him as low as Hsu Hao, but he's definitely near the bottom for me.

Again, I also would've loved to have seen the evil ronin story play out and have him be sort of the antithesis of Kenshi. Having those two face off could've been great.

As it stands, Dairou could still have potential, but why bother? Just a make a new character that looks cooler (no hair club for men hair this time), has way better special moves and give him an evil ronin storyline.


As for Darrius, I also think that he's out of place in MK. I really think that his 2nd costume was just a gag idea. You know, he's black, so he has to have some sort of "street" looking outfit. I don't agree with it, but take it up with Jax and his horrific 2nd outfit from MK:DA. God was that horrible... With the big gold dragon medallion haning from the chain? Ugh, shudder...

I like that he's a freedom fighter, but I think that it would've been much cooler to make him sort of like a Che Guevara type of revolutionary and not some dork in a futuristic looking MK karate...gi...thing...

Also, the whole Orderrealm, Chaosrealm etc thing. Yeah, KILL THAT GARBAGE and never talk about it again. Say something like "the portals to all realms were sealed once more." You can still open a portal to heaven, hell, Outworld etc later, but Orderrealm and Chaosrealm, to me, were terrible ideas that were terribly executed to begin with.

As it stood, Darrius could've had potential as an Earth warrior and a redesigned look to make him more revolutionary and less techno kung-fu or whatever you call his original outfit. But the reality is that, like Dairou, there's just too much to change in order to make it worth what it would take to make him interesting.

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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/08/2010 08:47 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind seeing Dairou, Hotaru, and Havik doing the whole Chaos/Order thing, but please, don't let Darrius be part of it Mortal Kombat ever again.
02/08/2010 09:09 PM (UTC)
I dound Darrius the weakest of the Seidan characters. While he represented the resistance in Seido, he had no real purpose or role beyond that in Deception. I don't think he's really necessary for the future.

02/08/2010 10:15 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Sorry, You-Know-Who but have you ever read post modern poetry? You know... Art?

"How do you see me with your green flowery eye socket receptors?"

That's from "Howl," one of the most highly regarded and well known poems of the beat generation by Alan Ginsberg.

So yeah, somewhere, "cat grass demon yellow salt melon fire" might have meaning and might be liked by people that hear it and put the sounds of the words with the images together.

There aren't "rules" to good writing as far as creativity is concerned. You can like an idea or dislike it, but disliking it doesn't lessen the validity of an idea in terms of it's right to exist.

Now yes, if you're talkinga about marketability, then absolutely, there are preestablished formulas. You want to write a thriller novel? There are several plotlines and cliched twists etc that are at your disposal.

You want to write a pop song? Take a look at the 25,000 pop songs that came before yours. It's not hard. Talk about love in it and you're aces.

But if you're talking about art, about real art and creativity and imagination... Those don't have to adhere to what some suit or even what common society thinks is "good" or "art."

Wait... What were we talking about? Oh yeah, Chameleon. I didn't like the whole idea of having a character that just took moves from other characters. I don't like that Kira had Kano's cannonball, which was a signature move for him and then she took Sonya's kiss. Lame.

All characters should only have their own special moves and not get any from anyone else. So yeah, that's why Chameleon is a big G-O-N-E in my book. But I already gave my response.

Who's next Icebaby??

*sigh* Yes, I have read a lot of poetry. But the fact is, most people are not Allen Ginsberg or e.e. cummings. Not everyone CAN be. If we are talking song lyrics, or poetry, sure -- there is a technique behind ambiguity. Do you know how much talent that actually requires, though?

But I truthfully was not trying to insult that Lycani guy. I encourage people to write if it's what they want to do. I didn't want to chase to them off. I just thought I'd agree with the point made that not everything is a good idea because of some sort of political correctness.
02/08/2010 10:20 PM (UTC)
Poetry and prose are apples and oranges. Just because flowery words and ideas flow chaotically out of your mind doesn't mean you can tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end or create compelling characters who have interesting personalities, behave as they should, and have logical things happen to them.
02/08/2010 10:35 PM (UTC)
Finish Darrius off. If there should be an evil male African-American character, he should be from the ghetto in Earthrealm. Probably someone from Harlem or Brooklyn, NY or someone from Richmond or Oakland, CA. it's better to have an African-American gangbanger because he'd be so badass in looks and in style.
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02/08/2010 10:46 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
lordbilly Wrote:
Kai, Jarek, Hotaru, Kira

Kira was actually given a fair amount of established personality. She embodies the new "disciplined anarchy" and "survival of the fittest" credos of Kabal's new terrorist cell Black Dragon far more than he does. I'd kill him off and make her the leader.

In terms of origin, concept, and design, I'd keep Kabal over Kira. We may have more information about her past, but her personality is still rather one-dimensional and her motivations are non-existent.

I missed the Dairou discussion, but that's okay. Gone.

Darrius? Again, gone. He has the same problem as all the chaos characters: his motives make no sense. There's no such thing as character that is both nihilistic and at the same time motivated by nihilism. Under nihilism, everything is arbitrary.
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Finish Darrius off. If there should be an evil male African-American character, he should be from the ghetto in Earthrealm. Probably someone from Harlem or Brooklyn, NY or someone from Richmond or Oakland, CA. it's better to have an African-American gangbanger because he'd be so badass in looks and in style.

There's about a hundred reasons why I'd be against this idea, but I think that main one is that ghetto gangsters are not interesting by themselves, much less in the MK story.
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