02/01/2010 04:34 PM (UTC)
i think bo rai cho is a joke character. he should not return unless he gets an overhaul in tems of gameplay. he should be more serious and not be so joky. look at doa, tekken, and virtual fighter they all have a drunken fighters that plays decent and acts serious so why not have bo rai cho from mk be more serious for the next game. if not just get rid of him.

i'd like to see him drink more if it effects gameplay. here's what i mean say bo rai cho drinks more the screen appears fuzzy at times and he swings faster with his kicks or punches but after the round he throws up similar to if you drink to much in fable the screen gets fuzzy and the character vomits.

plus the feature could give some uniqueness to the fighting genre.
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02/01/2010 05:58 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
if you want a real story read a news paper and if you want history go to a museum. this is a video game.

You and I are done having this conversation. You can believe what you want about writing and imagination, but I have nothing nice to say to people who don't believe video games should have good storylines.

Yeah, no offense Lycanil, but I agree with Razor here. I loved MK's story growing up. It's one of the main reason's why I got in to this series over the Street Fighters, Eternal Champions, Weaponlords and all of the other umpteen fighting games that were coming out at that time.

Sure, the graphics were awesome, the blood was cool etc, but when that novelty wore off, it wasn't so much the fighting that kept me coming back (though that was certainly a large part of it), for me the overall style of the game kept me interested (as opposed to those other games that I mentioned that all seemed interchageable to me) and the story was a big part of that style for me.

Maybe dissecting the story ruins it for you, but others enjoy that aspect of the game and they (well, okay...WE) get frustrated when the MK team does a shoddy job of putting things together in that regard. Whether it's loose ends not tied up in the plot, or having characters that serve practically no function for several games.

I don't think that wanting a better story or better, more well rounded characters means that my standards are too high. It doesn't make anyone a snob or elitist either. I know that you didn't say that, but I'm just throwing it out there.

I honestly think that one of the biggest stumbling blocks for video game developers and publishers, as the original gamer generation approaches middle age, is finding out whether or not the industry can still keep those fans that grew up on Mario, Zelda, and yes, Mortal Kombat as well.

As gamers mature, the market has to mature as well. Sure, there will always be a lot more stuff geared towards the age 15-25 target gamer audience, but that target age, to me at least, seems to be rising with each passing year.

With that trend comes the fact that people in their late 20's, while enjoying the escapism that video games provides, will also want something more than what they found to be awesome 15, 10 or even 5 years ago.

That's kind of where I'm at with Bo Rai Cho (transitioning back to the topic at hand).

I get that he has some valid contributions to the recent MK universe, but as others have said, the toilet humor has to stop. I get it, Ed Boon wants humor in Mortal Kombat. Some people on here love that and some don't.

My feeling is that you can have humor without it being the kind that 11 year olds find funny.

As far as his moves are concerned, I dunno what Icebaby and others see in them, but I thought that they were fairly ordinary and uninspired.

His barfing was gross and unnecessary. He could've just spilled some of his booze... Maybe even an alternate to that move would be lighting a match and setting the booze on fire.

His belly bounce, was decent but nothing overly exciting, more just a "look! He's fat!" type of a move. His flip flop could've been given to anyone. Maybe if it was done in a more drunk-ish way instead of looking so jerky, it might have fit him better. Oh, and a ground stomp, not too original.

As for his look, I've never been in favor of it. Of course, it doesn't help that MK's rubbery looking characters look extra rubbery when they're fat. His weapon is lame, and when you combine that with his special moves, I'm not seeing a whole lot that makes me want to keep him.

I think that his story has potential, even if, like others have said, he seems to have been paired up with Li Mei practically at random. Honestly though? I think that a "teacher" role could be filled much better by an aged Kung Lao (if the story takes place in the future) or a new character that looks the part more and has better moves.

Overall, he's an average character with a decent story but poor overall execution.

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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/01/2010 08:57 PM (UTC)
I just don't see what else Bo Rai Cho can add at this point. It was cool to see a "good" Outworld teacher who taught Liu Kang and Kung Lao, but that's really all he ever had going for him. I say he should sit out.
02/01/2010 09:51 PM (UTC)
I'm a little unsure about this one. It seems like Bo Rai Cho's only exsistence is ,because MK needed two stereotypical fighters. A fat guy, and a drunken master. So they combined the two ideas to get Bo.

However, he is fun to see bounce around, and he is unique in comparison to other fighters, but maybe somebody else should have his slot on the roster. So I say go.
02/02/2010 01:03 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
if you want a real story read a news paper and if you want history go to a museum. this is a video game.

You and I are done having this conversation. You can believe what you want about writing and imagination, but I have nothing nice to say to people who don't believe video games should have good storylines.

i said nothing about believing games to having a bad or good story and i am not done...who are you to say when i am done lol.you don't have to listen what i have to say and neither does anyone else. i am being as civil as possible with you and you are the one trying to say ideas made by other fans (mainly myself) sucks. i am just standing up for my thoughts and i could care less of what you have to say now...nice or not. your argument is all opinion Razor.i am simply stating your opinion is not truth/fact and any story can have a meaning no matter if its properly written or not. as long as it can be understood and have a solid line of believability its a story. you don't have to like it but you could be civil and state what you would change or give your own ideas...everyone has their own tastes. if you don't like it in any form than state it at that and leave it alone...that simple. oh an to correct you...the cliche would still be Wolverine not Frankenstien. like Wolverine, Baraka is a mutant...Wolverine was artificially enhanced after being a mutant (at least in the movie he was). why not follow the cliche the character was based on? the inspiration to the character's make has a big influence...not saying i would not sell out to any other complete different ideas but if i did that means the character changes either way. In any case...now i am done and if you have anything to comment do it in IM for respect of the thread...sorry for the off topic rant Icey. this is a great thread btw.
02/02/2010 02:20 AM (UTC)
I have nothing really against Bo' Rai Cho, but I think he's served his purpose and would have more impact dying than continuing. I always imagined something like Li Mei temporarily giving in to her corruption and killing him only to snap out of it and realize what she'd done.

I vote gone.
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02/02/2010 03:22 AM (UTC)
I liked Bo Rai Cho in MKDA but thought he overstayed his welcome by being in MKD.

I say Go!
02/02/2010 12:55 PM (UTC)
i say bo rai cho goes. he was boring slow and stupid. never did like him
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02/02/2010 09:25 PM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho is probably one of the few redeeming qualities I find in MK now. I mean his antics and farts are more compelling than some of the countless and convoluted idiot ball holders from Outworld.

Or characters with little to no merit...

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02/03/2010 12:46 AM (UTC)
Without the comic relief that Bo Rai Cho has, he would be a much better character. I always love Drunken style fighters, but Bo Rai Cho is the worst of the bunch. Bo Rai Cho has to go.

If they get rid of his farting and puking, then and only then, can he stay.
02/03/2010 05:24 AM (UTC)

Well, the only “real” story that Blaze has is from his Deadly Alliance biography:

He’s an elemental who has been on a quest throughout Outworld. He was ambushed during it by ancient holy men who were serving the “long dead” Dragon King. They enslaved Blaze and forced him to protect the Great Dragon Egg.

In the ending, he was free from the egg and continued his quest that he was on before the ambush... (Wow!)

And of course, in Armageddon he returned as the last boss.

Well, there’s not that much to say about Blaze other than what he was like in Deadly Alliance and Armageddon, the only two games that he was featured in.

In Deadly Alliance, he only had three moves and did not have a fatality, while in Armageddon, he had a good set of moves despite that he did it over and over again killing me within three rolling moves.

I don’t think there’s really much to do with this character if he went from an average character with a very poor detailed story to a boss that had the greatest set of powers known to all combatants. What is there left to do with him? I don’t think that there’s really anything to do with him UNLESS... Figure out what the heck kind of a quest he was on before he was ambushed by the holy men, and figure out what kind of holy men they were.

That could be an interesting story for this character... and basically the only one in my opinion.

It’s basically kind of hard to explain the moves and appearance with this guy since he went from a nobody who we all thought was the guy on the bridge in the background of the Pit 2, to a total badass monster-like creature as the end boss of Armageddon.

If there’s really a true thing to do with this guy, he could return, but, since I’m really clueless on how they can do things still to this character, I don’t think he should return.

So let’s debate, do you think Blaze should stay or leave?

02/03/2010 05:42 AM (UTC)
I think Blaze is done. He was a one-off golem created by Delia and served the purpose he was created for. Not a whole lot more to say. The holy men might have a future plot, but he doesn't. Retire him.
02/03/2010 01:11 PM (UTC)
The only way for Armageddon to end requires Blaze to be destroyed. He's a plot device, not a character, and his function is complete. You can't really get around or ignore that.
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02/03/2010 04:30 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I agree with Razor on Blaze being a plot point. In order for MK to continue, especially if it's in a new direction, Blaze has to be destroyed.

Icebaby, you should look at Blaze's story again in Armageddon. He was on a quest to monitor the realms. That was his "quest," basically, to make sure that everything was in balance.

Since he was basically created to destroy everything when the fortold power of the kombatants and growth in numbers etc came to pass (wow, that's such a mediocre story lol) he has to be gone for ht next game to even exist, in my eyes.

VERDICT: This is any easy one. GONE.
02/03/2010 07:09 PM (UTC)
He served his purpose.

02/03/2010 07:20 PM (UTC)
i'd like to see blaze return but get a huge overhaul in moves and story.
i liked his look in mkda and think he should go back to that if he returns. he should also be able to effect arena's that have wood in them like the netthership. just imagine playing on that level then the ship starts to burn more and more until it ingulfs the fighters similar to the burning warehouse in def jam fight for ny.

moves he could have are flame wave, fireball, magma shot, fissure, and meteor. maybe have every 2-5 sec have his body ignite more causing more damage and better speed briefly.
Historical Favorite
02/03/2010 08:07 PM (UTC)
I'd love to see Blaze return, but perhaps not as a 'character'. I think he has the potential to take over the 'hidden boss' spot that's been vacated since MK3. Utilized this way, he doesn't need backstory or motivation, he's just a cool bonus.

Should this discussion ever reach Mokap, please copy and paste what I just said.
02/03/2010 08:54 PM (UTC)
I did mention the part about how Armageddon REQUIRES him to be destroyed, right?

Just curious how those in favor of his return suggest getting around that little hurdle.
Historical Favorite
02/03/2010 09:11 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I did mention the part about how Armageddon REQUIRES him to be destroyed, right?

Just curious how those in favor of his return suggest getting around that little hurdle.

If the series is rebooted, Armageddon is null and void. If not, destruction is hardly permanent in MK. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Cage, Raiden, Liu Kang and others I'm sure I've forgotten have faced the void and come back to fight another day.

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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/03/2010 09:27 PM (UTC)
It was cool to see a dude on fire all the time, but his purpose has been served. He needs to go (put in Hornbuckle...I swear that's a joke...).
02/03/2010 09:56 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Yeah, I agree with Razor on Blaze being a plot point. In order for MK to continue, especially if it's in a new direction, Blaze has to be destroyed.

Icebaby, you should look at Blaze's story again in Armageddon. He was on a quest to monitor the realms. That was his "quest," basically, to make sure that everything was in balance.

Since he was basically created to destroy everything when the fortold power of the kombatants and growth in numbers etc came to pass (wow, that's such a mediocre story lol) he has to be gone for ht next game to even exist, in my eyes.

VERDICT: This is any easy one. GONE.

I haven't really been looking at character's story in Armageddon. There's a lot of characters who do not have biographies so I just ignore Armageddon, despite that I really shouldn't but I did for the last few characters anyways... So, yeah.
02/03/2010 10:07 PM (UTC)
Oh noes double post...


I really didn't quite intend on having Blaze be up for a long time because his character is pretty much done for... Here's the next guy:


Chameleon has been somewhat present throughout the realms from Liu Kang’s first victory all the way through the Dragon King’s arrival. He’s been hidden from sight and waiting for his moment to come... That’s it. That and he’s one of Shao Kahn’s deadliest warriors

Since there’s no actual story along with this character, what is there really to do with him? Actually give Chameleon a story? Why was he working with Shao Kahn? And if he was working for Kahn, why was he lurking in the shadows all this time? Was he hiding from Kahn as he did something wrong? Or, was it an order he had to take from Kahn or something, to hide in the shadows and wait for the perfect time to strike? Also, is he really apart of Reptile’s race? And if so, would he try to help Reptile gain his race back or betray?

The moves, well, it’s a known fact that he has the moves of all the ninjas, so I doubt they’ll change anything with that.

His appearance in the game, I liked what they did to him in Armageddon, but I think he should have even a more bad-ass look to him. The color change thing can stay, I wouldn’t change that.

So, unless there’s something actually done with this character, as in, give him a real place in this game, then I say he should stay, otherwise, get the heck out of here.

So let’s debate, should Chameleon stay or leave?
02/03/2010 10:14 PM (UTC)

Piece of shit should never have even been made. Gone, gone, mega-gone!
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02/03/2010 10:19 PM (UTC)
Well he's an underdeveloped design that's for sure. Do I want him to return? I wouldn't mind if he'd receive a final chance as long as he doesn't return as a filler character yet again. Keep in mind that the character was originally going to be omitted from MKA. If I recall it correctly, Steve Beran stated that they had less than a week to add him. To sum it up, we've a rushed character in a rushed game.
Since his gameplay and storyline progressions were basically zero, I find that I can only pass judgement on his new appearance, which in my opinion was one of the few good things that came out of MKA. Furthermore, for whatever the reasons, after his reintroduction he seems to have "experienced" a rather considerable growth in popularity. On another note, please try to excuse my bad English. I wasn't taught better :/.
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02/03/2010 10:32 PM (UTC)
It depends on how you look at Chameleon. Is Chameleon a straight up bonus character? Or Chameleon a character that would actually take a spot from another character that could've been created and/or put in the game?

If Chameleon is just a last minute bonus, then I have no problem with putting Chameleon in the game. But if you're taking a spot away from any other character that could be in the game, whether old or new, then I say no way.

Chameleon's a strange character to debate because I almost don't even consider Chameleon to be a "character" in the traditional sense.

Since that's the case though...

VERDICT: GONE.... I'd probably rather see a new "bonus" character anyways if we had to have one instead of a regular character. But yeah, no Mokap please.
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