02/05/2010 01:57 AM (UTC)
Regardless of how MK9 turns out I want at least one cyber ninja so I nominate Cyrax. Stay. (Note this is an edit, and after much consideration I have changed my mind.)
02/05/2010 03:16 AM (UTC)
Eh, I don't get the whole "the cyberninjas don't fit in" crap. Sonya, Kano, and Jax have been rocking advanced technology since day one.

Mortal Kombat is based on superhero comics just as much as it's based on kung fu flicks and mythology. You gotta respect all parts of the puzzle equally for it to REALLY be MK.
02/05/2010 05:53 AM (UTC)
in getting a small response from a few people i decided to keep posting...i will just try to ignore certain people from now on. anyways...

Chameleon was an obvious go just because Boon already made it said that he was not in.

Cyrax i am on the line with him story wise but in game i miss his classic net move like everyone else. i like Cyrax but maybe he should just play a role as an npc this go around. i want him to return but not right away. he needs more character development because to me it seems like other characters are just using him as a tool. much like Baraka i like him as a fighter but in story he needs a twist or something.
02/05/2010 01:32 PM (UTC)
i actually like cyrax. but he needs a new design. they should make him looked similar to raiden from mgs4, since he is now human, but stil relies on technology to fight.
02/05/2010 03:45 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Eh, I don't get the whole "the cyberninjas don't fit in" crap. Sonya, Kano, and Jax have been rocking advanced technology since day one.

Mortal Kombat is based on superhero comics just as much as it's based on kung fu flicks and mythology. You gotta respect all parts of the puzzle equally for it to REALLY be MK.

It's not that I don't like the tech aspect, I actually love it. However, the past MKs have been a blend of tech, kung fu, and fantasy, and I want this game to feel a lot more like the first two games before they start mixing genres again. I want to see this next game to be light on tech, and more about humans with powers, and of course ninjas.
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02/05/2010 04:38 PM (UTC)
Cyrax is my favourite of the cyber ninjas so I'd love him to be in future MKs.

I say STAY!
02/05/2010 05:23 PM (UTC)
i'd like to see cyrax return he's one of my top ten favorite characters. his look could use an overhaul though. my idea for his look if he were to return would be half a robot mask, dreadlocks built into his head, no helmet, black pants, chestplate, and 1 shoulderplate that releases his special moves. also maybe have a few wires and lights exposed on his skin.

moves that should make a return are net, slice and dice, bombs, twisty kick and his teleport. new moves that he could have are oil deposit, claw slam, machine gun popout, and dreadlock whip.

fatalitys could be mini gun shootout - the mini gun pops out of cyraxs shoulder plate shooting over 1000 bullets at the opponnet. cyrax then walks over and does a cool victory pose. fatality.

fatality could be oil incineration - cyrax derposits oil or gasoline onto the opponnet then drops 2-5 bombs onto the gas or oil to ignite the opponnet. big explosion occurs. cool victory pose fatality.
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02/05/2010 06:44 PM (UTC)
For me, Cyrax got his second chance in MK:DA, and he failed. While he is a cool character, model wise and move wise, he has a very lackluster story. I think that he should go.
02/05/2010 08:21 PM (UTC)

Well, this is a certainly brand new character that was given to us in Armageddon. We know that his is the “younger” yes, “younger” brother of Taven, and that he was the first to create the Red Dragon clan and killed a lot of people, yadda, yadda, basically what a typical bad guy would act like.

I don’t know, me personally, I never got around to actually play as this character, even to get to know really what he’s all about. It would be something to see if they brought him and his brother Taven back in the next game, continue to where it left off from Armageddon if they decided to do so. But, is there really much left to do with him if they decide to not do anything with Armageddon at all?

If he should return and they’re not going to do anything with Armageddon, what should he do? Would he and Taven still be main characters of that particular game? And, would other things clear up about their parents and Rain and Blaze and all of the other things that raveled around this character?

I got really nothing to debate about this character. And if the game is not going to pick up from Armageddon, then there’s kind of not point with this character. I would like to see him stay for the purpose of getting to know this character a lot better than just having him appear in one game, but... I don’t know.

So let’s debate, should Daegon stay or leave?
02/05/2010 08:43 PM (UTC)
I actually liked Daegon. Wasn't anything special, but I liked him.
Having said that, I think he served his purpose in Armageddon and I've no real interest in his potential future.

02/05/2010 08:43 PM (UTC)
i know a lot of people did not like Taven or Daegon in all aspects but i kinda do. i would like to see what kind of sibling rivalry they could come up with next...i say stay.
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02/05/2010 08:56 PM (UTC)

I honestly didn't like this character AT ALL.

He has a horribly generic look, his moves are among the most generic in the history of MK (at least 3 of his 4 special moves look like they're recycled animations from other characters) and he's a part of the Armageddon storyline, which to me, should be over and done with when the next game comes out.

Sure, some characters should survive, but given that he and Taven were brought in specifically for Armageddon, I say that both, or at least one of them should die with Armageddon.

Since I want to see more of a "rebuilding the tournament after Armageddon" type of a story, then to me, the major threats have to be destroyed. Blaze, the Dragon King and Daegon all fall in to this category for me.

VERDICT: GONE. I'd honestly rather not see him again either.
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02/05/2010 09:01 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Eh, I don't get the whole "the cyberninjas don't fit in" crap. Sonya, Kano, and Jax have been rocking advanced technology since day one.

Mortal Kombat is based on superhero comics just as much as it's based on kung fu flicks and mythology. You gotta respect all parts of the puzzle equally for it to REALLY be MK.

How were Sonya and Jax "rocking advanced technology" since day one? Sonya had her rings projectile, but I don't remember anyone ever saying that her rings were the result of some high tech watchamacallit. Same goes for Jax in MK2. Yeah, he had the cybernetic arms in MK3, but that's when the cyberninjas debuted, before that he was just a normal guy.

And no, I don't have to respect all parts of the puzzle equally for it to REALLY be MK. I can like the mystical, kung fu, asian themed martial arts tournament of the first game and the dark, mysterious outworld of the second game without having to like the high tech, destroyed Earth garbage of the 3rd game.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I thought the 3rd MK was by FAR the weakest in the series for a variety of reasons that I won't go in to here. But if we're talking about themes, I'd rather they go back to the tournament, asian theme with some darkness and mystery etc from the first two games, as opposed to what they did in the 3rd MK.

That's just my opinion though.
02/05/2010 09:24 PM (UTC)
The Special Forces use laser rifles. It's in the official John Tobias comic. And some of the Malibu books had members of Sonya's team wearing cyborg limbs before Jax got them.

And in the MK2 comic, the Lin Kuei traveled around in a high tech jet, used satellite surveillance to track their targets, and Subbie gives a speech about how his brother never liked technology but the clan is advancing, all intended to telegraph the coming of the Cyberninjas in the next game.

So comic book-style advanced tech has indeed always been part of the series. I'm not saying it needs to be a MAJOR part, I hated MK3's cityscapes and dance club music too. But you can keep the Asian feel of the series by having pagodas in the stages and gongs in the music, and STILL have Sektor and Cyrax in the cast, they're not going to throw anything off.


I like him and Taven. I'd like to see him return a few games down the road. Not right away, though. Have Argus toss him in Netherealm prison for a while for all the evil he did or something like that.
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02/05/2010 09:29 PM (UTC)
CyanFan Wrote:
From here on out, I think Smoke can maybe fill that role if he ever gets free of Noob Saibot. He has much stronger dynamic with Sub-Zero, who I'm sure is still suffering from having a former friend who only fights on his side when specifically programmed to do so.

Meant to reply to this yesterday, but got distracted by all the chaos.

I mostly agree. A real reunion between Subzero and Smoke is long overdue. It should have happened in deception, and I guess the only reason it didn't was because of the Noob/Smoke storyline, but that's a lame excuse since the only reason they turned Smoke into Noob's boy bitch was because they didn't know what to do with the his character... which is also stupid because Smoke had a sound story containing ties with Subzero, Cyrax, Sektor.

But I guess that's neither here nor there. Daegon, eh? That's easy. Gone.

Historical Favorite
02/05/2010 09:32 PM (UTC)
I don't want Daegon going anywhere. He's my favorite character who's not a ninja. It's got nothing to do with his story or motivations, or even how he handles in-game. I love this cat for his terrible voice acting and cheesey lines. "I see you have your armor. I wear mine always." Awesome.
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02/06/2010 12:42 AM (UTC)
I like how he was put in the Red Dragon, and had that story element to him. Other than that, I just didn't really like him. I think maybe he should go. If they keep the Red Dragon story going, though, I don't really see him disappearing.
02/06/2010 01:55 AM (UTC)
OH God No! I don't want a single trace of MKA's lame ass characters tainting MK9. Please for the love of God get rid of Daegon.
02/06/2010 12:22 PM (UTC)
02/06/2010 03:17 PM (UTC)
Damn, you could have suggested a more interesting character. sleep

I really hate deagon.He's only part of MKA storyline. Otherwise, his look sucks, he looks like a cross between Shao Kahn, Taven and Kano.His moves are too basic. This game needs place for more interesting characters.
02/06/2010 04:43 PM (UTC)
i thought daegon was ok but i'd rather not see him return. same thing with taven. both had there glory. new mk characters please.
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02/06/2010 05:08 PM (UTC)
I loved Daegon's duel swords on MKA and enjoyed playing as him but as a character in the MK world he is pretty bland.

02/07/2010 04:17 AM (UTC)
lordbilly Wrote:
Damn, you could have suggested a more interesting character. sleep

Um, not sure if you caught on yet, but I've been doing this alphabetically. And I'm including every single playable character, including those we all love and hate.

I'll post up the next character tomorrow. I'm not really at my own computer at the moment.
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How the fuck do you all get those giant pictures here? oh well this is good enough

02/07/2010 06:34 AM (UTC)
Wow I haven't been on in a while

Ok let me start with Cyrax
Awesome character with a kick-ass design his story hasen't been going anywhere since mkda what i think they should do is first is to FINALLY give Sektor a story thats ties in with Sonya and Jax somehow and let him come in or i don't know hell the guy needs a new bang! The roboticness is rather appealing I suggests he keeps it even if he got his soul back Icebaby. Who wants a human Cyrax? Thats the most of the reason he's known he and Sektor were the first ninja robots. Thats basically saying to take the ice out of Sub-Zero.


Now to the attrocious Daegon
He is an unoriginal piece if shit.I mean look at him does he look mk to you? He looks something from a knights movie.


Now lets move on smile
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02/07/2010 06:09 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The Special Forces use laser rifles. It's in the official John Tobias comic. And some of the Malibu books had members of Sonya's team wearing cyborg limbs before Jax got them.

And in the MK2 comic, the Lin Kuei traveled around in a high tech jet, used satellite surveillance to track their targets, and Subbie gives a speech about how his brother never liked technology but the clan is advancing, all intended to telegraph the coming of the Cyberninjas in the next game.

So comic book-style advanced tech has indeed always been part of the series. I'm not saying it needs to be a MAJOR part, I hated MK3's cityscapes and dance club music too. But you can keep the Asian feel of the series by having pagodas in the stages and gongs in the music, and STILL have Sektor and Cyrax in the cast, they're not going to throw anything off.


I like him and Taven. I'd like to see him return a few games down the road. Not right away, though. Have Argus toss him in Netherealm prison for a while for all the evil he did or something like that.

Razor, I can absolutely see why you consider the John Tobias official comic to be part of the MK mythology/history. But me? And this is just my opinion, but I don't. To me, the games tell the story, not a comic, not a TV show, not the movies or anything else that's not the games.

To me, MK is a video game series first and foremost. But I know, that doesn't negate your opinion and probably that of many other MK fans, it's just my own personal preference. Yes, the Halo series of games has books written about it, but to me, I'd never consider those part of the Halo mythos because I wasn't playing it. Again, that's just me.

So I accept the fact that your argument is just as valid, if not more valid than my own. However, I still reserve the right to like and dislike any aspects about the games past, while respecting their right to exist, but not wanting them in future games.

Even if MK has had laser rifles, cyber-tech etc since the time of the first few games (even though none of that was actually IN the first two games, which was my original assertion), that doesn't mean I have to like it or feel that it meshes well at all with the asian theme/kung fu tournament part of MK's overall vibe.

To me, I think that they're in direct opposition of one another and considering that I really enjoyed MK1 and 2 for the former and dislike many aspects of MK3 for the latter, I'm going to stick with my original belief that I can be an MK fan while still hating some of their ideas for MK.

Just my 2 cents. Not trying to start anything, really.
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