04/20/2010 05:48 PM (UTC)
Meat: He's a joke character with little purpose to his existence. I don't know anybody who likes meat, and the roster has room for better characters secret or not. On a side note I think it is highly unlikely he will make the cut. I remeber when MKvsDC was coming out the MK team would joke saying "We can tell you who won't be in the roster, Meat." I always thought that was funny, because the fans knew he probably wouldn't be in the game. I feel as if Meat is in the same situation as today. Meaning the developers will say he won't be in the roster to nobodys surprise.

Verdict: Gone.
04/20/2010 08:30 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
MrHoppyX Wrote:
You can't lose Meat. He's the most popular and well known character in whole the game. Perhaps in any game.

Seriously? I hope that was sarcasm.


Anyway, Meat needs to get off the character roster and back on a plate medium rare. GONE.

But cannibalism is frowned upon in most societies...

Is Meat human?
04/20/2010 08:43 PM (UTC)
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
MrHoppyX Wrote:
You can't lose Meat. He's the most popular and well known character in whole the game. Perhaps in any game.

Seriously? I hope that was sarcasm.


Anyway, Meat needs to get off the character roster and back on a plate medium rare. GONE.

But cannibalism is frowned upon in most societies...

Is Meat human?

Well, not really. If he was a creation from Shang Tsung's flesh pits, I wouldn't really believe that he is but... he looks like a human being. He has parts of a human being so I'd say I'm neutral with the answer.
04/20/2010 11:03 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
MrHoppyX Wrote:
You can't lose Meat. He's the most popular and well known character in whole the game. Perhaps in any game.

Seriously? I hope that was sarcasm.


Anyway, Meat needs to get off the character roster and back on a plate medium rare. GONE.

But cannibalism is frowned upon in most societies...

Is Meat human?

Well, not really. If he was a creation from Shang Tsung's flesh pits, I wouldn't really believe that he is but... he looks like a human being. He has parts of a human being so I'd say I'm neutral with the answer.

Oh fine. I'll rephrase that.

Meat needs to get off the character roster and back on a plate medium rare and served to Mileena.
04/20/2010 11:40 PM (UTC)
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
MrHoppyX Wrote:
You can't lose Meat. He's the most popular and well known character in whole the game. Perhaps in any game.

Seriously? I hope that was sarcasm.


Anyway, Meat needs to get off the character roster and back on a plate medium rare. GONE.

Yes, I think it is very, very, very, VERY safe to assume that was sarcasm, actually.
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/20/2010 11:46 PM (UTC)
Another reason Meat shouldn't be in MK9: He totally deserves his own game. Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Meat Beat Manifesto.
04/21/2010 12:01 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
MrHoppyX Wrote:
You can't lose Meat. He's the most popular and well known character in whole the game. Perhaps in any game.

Seriously? I hope that was sarcasm.


Anyway, Meat needs to get off the character roster and back on a plate medium rare. GONE.

Yes, I think it is very, very, very, VERY safe to assume that was sarcasm, actually.

Ok. Sorry, it's just hard to see sarcasm on a computer if it isn't stated as such.
04/21/2010 08:34 PM (UTC)
EDITED:Sad to see no one actually tried to be serious with the character... And guess who's next after this AND I AM DEBATING THAT CHARACTER TOO...

Next up for discussion:


Being an assassin along with Kitana, her appearance conceals her hideous intentions. At Kahn’s request, she is to watch Kitata’s suspected dissension. She must put a stop to it.

Once thought to be an actual twin of Kitana, she is a clone created by Shang Tsung. With Kahn suspicious of Kitana’s actions, Mileena attacks Kahn. She wins the tournament and she and Baraka rule the world as King and Queen.

Murdered by Kitana, Kahn resurrects her. With the ability to read the thoughts of Kitana, she will be able to put Kahn one step ahead.

While winning the tournament, she reclaims as Outworld’s queen. With Baraka’s help. She takes Sindel and Kitana hostage. Together they threaten Kahn with their lives unless he lures the Earth warriors into another tournament where Baraka can return regain his title as the MK champion.

In the forth, she is reborn in the Netherealm and is a servant to Shinnok, Mileena finds that the battle gives her a chance to both eascape from Shinnok and avenge her death. Knowing Kitana will fight for Edenia, Mileena ensure an easy escape route and moves into battle with Shinnok.

She takes over Edenia by throwing her sais into Kitana, knocking her into her throne and sending her out the window...

Mileena’s role in this whole thing was to replace her sister. Kitana regained her memories and uncovered the plot to supplant her. After Shinnok’s invasion, Kitana cast her into prison until Baraka freed her. Baraka tells that Kitana is possessed by Onaga. Mileena will serve him and pose as the princess, leading Edenia and Outworld to their doom.

It was widely believed that Kitana slain Mileena years ago, no one was suspicious what was underneath the veil. It was not hard to pretend to be the princess and she gave command of the armies to Bo’ Rai Cho and ordered him to lead and attack against Baraka’s forces.

Baraka’s militia failed and was decimated by Bo’ Rai Cho. She realizes that she is in control of the most powerful military force in Outworld and Edenia combined. Mileena could not continue the charade, not as long as Baraka knew the truth. She knocked him into the Beetle Lair and flesh-eating insects killed him.

Mileena... is an interesting character. And is it me, or are people really stupid in this game that they can’t realize that Kitana wears blue and Mileena wears pink? Do they kind of notice that or not? I would if someone constantly wears blue (such as myself) and there’s a twin out there that wears pink, something different and... You get the picture...

Mileena has a very wild story, with an alliance to Baraka, why Baraka? Is it because she’s got features just like him? And please do not say that there’s a hinted relationship between these two characters, I really disliked her ending in MK2, I really did. Why make Baraka the MK champion in her UMK3 ending when you could do so yourself? She needs to break this “alliance” thing with Baraka and do something more interesting with herself. If Kitana can last this long by surviving by herself, why can’t she? And this amazing ability to read Kitana’s thoughts in UMK3... where did that go? If she has had this power all along, shouldn’t she be able to have the ability to kill Kitana once and for all? They seriously need to re-look at this character because if she has that ability in her still, then this rivalry could get more interesting.

Her powers are fine. Her fatalites... I hated her in Deception. So she’s got a new look that makes her look like a tramp, she’s gotta act like one as well? I thought she was trying to pretend she was the princess, I didn’t realize that Kitana acted like a skank? Blah, horrible... Give her some dignity please, and let’s keep her acting like a princess would. I don’t mind that she eats her opponents or whatever, but still...

Ditch the slutty, skanky look and make her look like someone that actually fights with clothes on. Seriously, was it to gain more people’s attention with the series? I could care less, next time she appears in this game, make her decent for fuck’s sake.

I say go, you already had your moment in the sun.

So, let’s debate. Should Mileena stay or leave?
04/21/2010 08:52 PM (UTC)
Just want to point out Mileena only died once, in MK2. She was resurrected due to Shinnok and never died again.

I'll post my thoughts on her later.
04/21/2010 08:59 PM (UTC)
Maybe just read differently... But she had to be killed twice, otherwise her ending does not make sense according to Trilogy, and yes, despite Trilogy and UMK3 have different endings, still I take it canon-wise...

Kahn resurrects her in UMK3... then in Trilogy "When Mileena is murdered," do they mean just recently or from what happened in MK2.
04/21/2010 09:02 PM (UTC)
Trilogy, and by extension, her MK Gold bio were referring to her MK2 death. Kahn doesn't have the power to resurrect the dead by himself...unless they pledged their soul to him as Shang Tsung did. He needed Shinnok's help to resurrect Sindel. And Shinnok was the one who made Mileena's resurrection possible...and he sent her to spy on Kahn. Trilogy overrides UMK3.
04/21/2010 09:04 PM (UTC)
Okay, got it... It just looked like she was murdered twice in the way they were wording her bios and endings. Thanks for clearing some things up.
About Me
04/21/2010 09:13 PM (UTC)
Mileena is one of the best MK characters for me,
she is a sexy crazy beyotch with a taste for human flesh!

Her fatalities have always amused and shocked me.
Her special moves are awesome and her story interests me.
If I had to choose between Mileena & Kitana I'd choose Mileena everytime.
I loved her in MKD, her primary costume was fierce.

She has to return in the next MK fo sho!

04/21/2010 09:19 PM (UTC)
Just a few other little things:

Just because Mileena has the ability to read Kitana's mind, doesn't mean she automatically knows everything Kitana is thinking at every moment. It probably requires some concentration on her part...like flexing a muscle.
She probably doesn't make much use of it during battle because she can't concentrate on reading Kitana's thoughts when Kitana is attacking her at the moment and Mileena has to worry more about defending herself.

She probably could make use of it to simply ambush Kitana and just kill her....but as MK Gold revealed, Mileena doesn't want to just merely kill Kitana. She wants to fight & defeat her in battle and prove she's the better of the two. Ambushing Kitana or killing her in her sleep doesn't prove that.

And as for no one catching on to Mileena's little masquerade, personally, I like suspend disbelief and think that when posing as Kitana, Mileena actually did wear her clothes & acted like her and they just don't show it in the game because the MK team didn't bother rendering Mileena in disguise.
Also, according to Mileena and Bo' Rai Cho's bios, she immediatly put him in charge, so I don't think the army nor Bo' Rai Cho were seeing much of her personally. She was probably spending most of the time in the background so no one would catch on.

Though I do agree, sooner or later the Edenian people really should or should've caught on it's not Kitana...otherwise they do come across looking pretty stupid.
That's one reason why I'd rather they don't continue that storyline if they bring her back, but I'll get into that when I make my post on her.
04/21/2010 09:19 PM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
Mileena is one of the best MK characters for me,
she is a sexy crazy beyotch with a taste for human flesh!

Her fatalities have always amused and shocked me.
Her special moves are awesome and her story interests me.
If I had to choose between Mileena & Kitana I'd choose Mileena everytime.
I loved her in MKD, her primary costume was fierce.

She has to return in the next MK fo sho!



: )
04/21/2010 09:25 PM (UTC)
I'd like her to stay. She's pure evil and there aren't many females like that in MK.

I'd like to see a rivalry between her and Tanya. Maybe even throw in Rain in the mix. Let them screw each other.

Anyway, I do think that the bitchy look and behavior goes well with her, but only with her.

So, Mileena STAYS.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 19

GONE: 17
04/21/2010 09:58 PM (UTC)
I do love Mileena. I really do. I think there are some really awesome elements to her character. The whole "flawed beauty" theme is such a great one. Living in her sister's shadow is another (although I don't think it was intended to be this way, Kitana is an overachiever that overthrew daddy). I actually like the way she is like a slutty version of Kitana with fangs. I do have some issues with her, though:

Maybe someone can better explain to me. How do people expect her to separate herself from Kitana? I mean, she's Kitana's fucking clone and has a psychic connection to her. I get that people don't want them to be chained at the hip, or anything, but I think the MK Team has been very good with that, actually. Over the last few games, it has been rare to find Kitana and Mileena in the same spot. But these two characters are flip-sides of the same psychological coin.

I guess if Kitana does decide to leave Edenia; or that realm is destroyed or whatever, there is room for Mileena to do something else. But I find her harder to write for than many other characters. Perhaps the most interesting thing I could see her doing is forming an alliance with Rain and Havik (Rain is sort of a "Water God" and the people of Chaosrealm worship water), as Rain's "bride." But that could be absolutely horrible.

I have no doubt we will see Mileena again, and I have no doubt that it will be entertaining to some degree (she is normally a character done really well). But some people say that she has got this awesome storyline potential in front of her, and I just don't see it. I see an awesome character, don't get me wrong. And you can bring up Stephen King's theory that if you have a good character, you can put them in any situation and it will write itself -- but a lot of the characters in MK don't have that completely rounded depth, sadly (Kitana is one that I think does, but has been betrayed in recent visions of her).

There have been so many characters that I have been voting "STAY" for lately that I think I am overdue for a proper "GONE." It's not that Mileena is a bad character, and I don't like her. It's just that I don't think she fits into the future of Mortal Kombat as well as some other characters could. But I feel dirty doing it when I have let some far crappier characters through.

Verdict: GONE
04/21/2010 10:03 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I do love Mileena. I really do. I think there are some really awesome elements to her character. The whole "flawed beauty" theme is such a great one. Living in her sister's shadow is another (although I don't think it was intended to be this way, Kitana is an overachiever that overthrew daddy). I actually like the way she is like a slutty version of Kitana with fangs. I do have some issues with her, though:

Maybe someone can better explain to me. How do people expect her to separate herself from Kitana? I mean, she's Kitana's fucking clone and has a psychic connection to her. I get that people don't want them to be chained at the hip, or anything, but I think the MK Team has been very good with that, actually. Over the last few games, it has been rare to find Kitana and Mileena in the same spot. But these two characters are flip-sides of the same psychological coin.

I guess if Kitana does decide to leave Edenia; or that realm is destroyed or whatever, there is room for Mileena to do something else. But I find her harder to write for than many other characters. Perhaps the most interesting thing I could see her doing is forming an alliance with Rain and Havik (Rain is sort of a "Water God" and the people of Chaosrealm worship water), as Rain's "bride." But that could be absolutely horrible.

I have no doubt we will see Mileena again, and I have no doubt that it will be entertaining to some degree (she is normally a character done really well). But some people say that she has got this awesome storyline potential in front of her, and I just don't see it. I see an awesome character, don't get me wrong. And you can bring up Stephen King's theory that if you have a good character, you can put them in any situation and it will write itself -- but a lot of the characters in MK don't have that completely rounded depth, sadly (Kitana is one that I think does, but has been betrayed in recent visions of her).

There have been so many characters that I have been voting "STAY" for lately that I think I am overdue for a proper "GONE." It's not that Mileena is a bad character, and I don't like her. It's just that I don't think she fits into the future of Mortal Kombat as well as some other characters could. But I feel dirty doing it when I have let some far crappier characters through.

Verdict: GONE

It basically comes down to this... If Kitana is a no show, and Baraka is a no show... what the hell will Mileena do? Yes, Kitana wasn't a playable character in Deception, but she was a VIP in other character's stories that she literally was an actual character in the game... And since Baraka was in Deception, of course the two of them will connect some way or the other.

You are right, she doesn't fit into the future. Of course there is always the possibility of making new rivals, but, something is going to happen to where it's either going to be fuck up, makes no sense, or it'll be good. Either way, something is going to happen to this character one way or the other.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
04/21/2010 10:05 PM (UTC)
Meat = Gone. Huge waste of space and shouldn't even be a character.
Mileena on the other hand is brilliance. She's come into her own more in the later games, mostly thanks to Deception and a brilliant story. I've always liked Mileena but hated that she was always outshone by Kitana somewhat. That is no more as Kitana is now continually outshone by her clone, imo.
I would hope that they can move Mileena away from Kitana and Edenia should she come back. She needs to move on and find a true purpose for herself. It'd be nice to see her more at conflict with herself after realising that killing Kitana would leave her with no goals, no motivation etc. They could do it another way. I don't mind so much how as long as it's not rushed, forced or shoddily written.
The new outfit they gave Mileena in Deception was genius. It suited her right down to the immense head biting Fatality they gave her and that incredible laugh. That's the sort of development alot of other characters in the series need. Little things like those can create big results.
Mileena must stay. She's far too good a character to throw away. If she returns, please give her some new special moves. And don't give other characters (glares threateningly at Kitana) her moves. Just NO to that nonsense!
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

04/21/2010 10:31 PM (UTC)
Mellina should stay she is Iconic she needs a new move and better story
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

04/21/2010 11:02 PM (UTC)
I think Mileena needs a further push in the story direction, but other than that, she's a pretty okay character. Nothing blows me away about her, but I wouldn't mind seeing her stay.
04/22/2010 12:41 AM (UTC)
I don't think Mileena is skanky enough. In the next game, she needs to be wearing her mask, of course, MK tassles on her nipples and a C-string... and that's it. :D

*L* Kidding aside, I really do like her and would love to see her return. I like her primary costume in MKD. The whole arabian vibe is a good fit for her. Storywise, I'm not sure what to do with her, but there's plenty of loose strings from MKD and MKA, I'm sure. Definitely keep her around.

04/22/2010 12:47 AM (UTC)
I think someone should have known by now that "Kitana" is Mileena. There was more that just the color of her clothing. Kitana had changed color before (her purple suit in MKDA and MKA), but there is more.

1) Her veil is not fully opaque. You could still see a little bit through the veil. Someone could get real close to her and just get a quick glance at her close up, and voila! Identity gone!
2) Her voice is way different than Kitana. Someone should have noticed too.
3) Someone would've questioned why Kitana would now show off a lot of her skin.

Anyway, those are a couple flaws that could ruin her disguise.


I like Mileena a lot. I think she should stay out of the Edenian storyline. I think her true identity should be discovered, and she should be on the run for a little while. Like Kitana in UMK3, have someone on her ass chasing her and trying to get her to answer her crimes. Since she wants to be like Kitana, why not give her the identical storyline?

Her moves, looks, and fatalities are fine, just as long she doesn't bring her multiple sai toss or nail gun fatalities back. I didn't like them much, and I never really understood why the hell she had those nails with her.

I'd say.....stay!
04/22/2010 12:55 AM (UTC)
I've never liked Mileena, honestly.

See, she was the first playable MK character to actually, canonically die and return if you don't count Sub-Zero because they replaced him with a new one and we didn't find out he was still around all along as Noob for all those years.

And as I've established throughout the topic, I believe bringing dead characters back is always a terrible idea unless you portray the resurrection in a way that drastically changes them, so that their death was not just some meaningless way to put them on the bench for a game or two. For instance, Scorpion becoming a spectre in his origin story, Elder Subbie becoming Noob Saibot, Raiden going Dark, Liu as a ghost/zombie, these are GOOD ways to return a dead character to life, because the fact that they died is STILL WITH THEM. It hasn't been forgotten, it mattered, it changed the status quo.

Mileena was the very first meaningless death in the MK games. She came back in exactly the same state she died in and it had no effect at all on her character, except that for a game, she had to work for Shinnok instead of Kahn, ooh, big deal. She still did what she would've been doing anyway, going off on her own and trying to kill/replace Kitana, same as fucking always.

And that's my real problem with Mileena. She never changes. She never does anything new. It's always jealous of Kitana this, I want to be the real Princess that. And it seems to me that she's lost every time the two of them have actually had a confrontation. So she's not very smart...she's an inferior fighter...what good is she? What does Mileena, as a character, even bring to the MK universe that's actually useful? I don't really see anything. She's just "the girl with the ugly face", big fuckin' deal.

04/22/2010 03:39 AM (UTC)
Mileena: I like her, because she is one of the original females. I don't know much about her except she is Ktiana's twin and they don't exactly get a long. The point is she is another edenian that a lot of people like, and I consider he look classic, and her moves awsome.

verdict: Stay. The icons need to stay even though she is a debateable icon, I would still like to see her in the game.
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