04/12/2010 09:15 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang... GONE.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

Stay: 17

Gone: 16
04/12/2010 10:09 PM (UTC)
I'm not even going to bother with how he contributed to the story, how is look is, how his moves were, how much of an icon was......


He was one of the few characters that died and stay dead. His death wasn't "oh they thought I was dead but I'm really not." He's actually dead!

His voice was a little annoying after a while too.

04/13/2010 12:25 AM (UTC)
The extent of Liu Kang's involvement in the future of MK should be as a ghostly mentor to Kung Lao like Obi Wan or Jaga (yeah, I said Jaga!!!) That's it, and that's at the VERY most.

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04/13/2010 12:56 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
...Liu Kang...

Oh my fucking lol! I can't say I hate him that much. That vid more expresses how I feel about the idea of a reboot.

Regarding Liu, everyone's said everything that need's to be said. There's nothing left for him to do. I'm not even stuck on the idea that he's dead; I have no problem bringing back a dead character if s/he has a quality story and design. Plus, I don't want to see a character permanently omitted because of what may have been a bad writing decision.

Still, none of that applies to Kang. If he had arrived in any MK game after MK3, he would be ranked around the same area as Tanya or Dairou.

Maybe... and I do mean MAYBE... I could accept his ghost form being DLC for those who liked his playing style (he was fun to use after all), but he should never get priority over a more deserving character (and I would need six hands to count those). Verdict: Gone.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/13/2010 02:26 AM (UTC)
Hooo boy.

Liu kind of stood out for a while for me after MK 3 as being the great big elephant in the room. Here we are in a world full of cyber-ninjas, hellspawn and gods, in a universe that keeps expanding and growing, and he's sitting there, just kind of being Bruce Lee, 'cause every fighting franchise needs to have one. He's taking home the gold after each day's done. And absolutely nothing else. Because that's what he was made to do.

He had not one iota of character development after MK1 apart from "I'd totally hit that Edenian princess if there was time in my life.". Not a bit. He just came back over and over again because, shucks, he's the chosen one. And he plays to WIN.

Meanwhile, Sub-Zero's building up an honest-to-god legacy that you can devote chapters to. Scorpion's finding out why his family and clan died. Say what you want about Jax, but at least he went on a merry adventure and got some bad guys of his own.

To boot, people know MK for the ninjas. When the GameFAQs character poll comes up, you see Sub and Scorpion up there. They're iconic. Liu isn't. It's no stretch to say that quite honestly, Sub-Zero's the main hero of the series now, or at least he's the one all eyes are on. Poor Liu...created to be the great big day-saver only to find everyone around him's way more interesting.

Killing him in MKDA was the best thing to happen to him. It gave the rest of the good guys a reason to get fired up, and go on the offensive. Shang Tsung stopped being a recurring joke, and became a villain one could take seriously.

I didn't mind so much the zombie shtick, because good lord, in MKD Liu was finally doing things apart from running around, going "wha-taaa", and getting all the credit. His alliance with Ermac of all folk was a nice surprise. I was hoping his spirit would take down his body, and go off to its rest, but sadly MKA reunited them.

Speaking of, his MKA ending is one of the few that's actually got elements I'd like to see made canon: Liu takes down Raiden and becomes Earthrealm's protector. if Fujin advances to Elder God status somehow, that would be perfect for him. No way in hell do I want him beating Blaze though - leave that to Taven.

There's nowhere else for Liu to go but up, up up to his great godly reward. He saved the earth four times and they could certainly use that as a reason to have him ascend. It'd be good if the Elder Gods would take time out of their busy schedule urinating on people's tea parties to do something nice for a change.

They said you can't have an MK without Liu - MKDA proved that utterly wrong. I see him the same way I see Goro - Rather than than having him back yet again, I'd much prefer to see a statue commemorating his legend. It would feel right and symbolic of the way MK's matured over the past decade.

As for Shaolin Monks? The horrible cookie-cutter "believe in your friends" crap that was MKSM's plotline didn't prevent me from enjoying that game, because, darn it, I'm running around flying kicking things off cliffs. I've always had fun playing as Liu, and that crap story thankfully didn't affect that. It was a horrible crime the plot got botched the way it did - it was his big chance for legitimacy, and had they done things right, I might be typing a very different post now. MKSM's still great though - a game light on content and big on playability and fun - just like Liu himself.

Verdict: GONE.
04/13/2010 02:29 AM (UTC)
facts are facts folks, even though Liu Kang was killed by Shang Tsung in Deadly Alliance, that does not change him being the Mortal Kombat champion, even if some of the fans don't want to see his return he has to defend the title just Like his ancestor did way before him, just like Shang Tsung did way before, and as did Goro, if there is one thing that Mortal Kombat is all about it is tradition. All these sudden plot twists and turns and wild moments in Mortal Kombat 2,3,4,DA,D, and A were not the official tournament that represented the rules of Mortal Kombat, none of that was sanctioned by the elder gods and in a way Liu Kang being killed was a cheat.

I like Liu Kang, I still see him as the main hero in Mortal Kombat, as a pure soul and that is something we need to see this day and age. With all the fucked up things going on its still good to know that there are still good guys, genuine good guys and Liu Kang although is a fictional character, he still symbolizes that goodness and is the fore runner as a force of light. Some of you may hate him, but he deserves one last hurrah, if Liu Kang is to stay out of the games for good, there better be a good reason in the story for him to go, with him handing over the title and being defeated one on one in Mortal Kombat.

My Verdict: Stay and make his real departure from the series a catalyst for opening up the new generation of warriors for the franchise.
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04/13/2010 03:53 AM (UTC)
Alright, here's the thing about Liu Kang. He was offed in tremendous fashion by the Deadly Alliance. It was a perfect send off to the champion. He helped legitimize both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi as real villains in the series (which Shang Tsung hadn't been since MK1) and it was a brilliant plot twist that heralded a new age for the series.

Then they went back to the well one more time and turned him in to a zombie, essentially taking a dump on one of their most iconic characters in the series and undoing the greatest twist in the history of the series (yes, I thought that killing the chosen one was bigger than Noob being the original Sub Zero).

To me, they HAVE to give him a shot at redemption. If I'm the story writer, I'd have the Elder Gods reunite Liu Kang's body and soul, essentially forcing two forms that now repel one another back together. The purpose would be to take down his former mentor Rayden, who's now hell bent on destroying Earthrealm. Liu would be the unwilling pawn put on the chess board by the Gods.

If he wins and destroys Rayden, he saves Earthrealm one last time, as his body gives out on him. He earns his eternal reward and becomes the first mortal made in to a God (at least that's what they'll tell him, will they deliver on that promise?)

Of course, Liu would be torn about having to battle his former mentor and guide, an individual that he always had the utmost trust, loyalty and respect for. But he also knows that Rayden is not the God he once was. Can Liu bring Rayden back from evil? Will he be able to do it before the power of the Gods gives out and his body's destroyed?

Think of it as a little Metal Gear Solid 4 and a little Star Wars. Even if you think that idea doesn't work, my point still remains the same. They HAVE to redeem this character. Give him some new moves, give him a more Bruce Lee look (black pants only, no red stripe, no bandanna or terrible haircut), and make him look slightly emaciated. No more turkey noises either. He should cough a little and struggle after wins.

Regardless, I see his potential for one more game.


Send him off the right way this time please!
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04/13/2010 04:32 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

Then they went back to the well one more time and turned him in to a zombie, essentially taking a dump on one of their most iconic characters in the series and undoing the greatest twist in the history of the series.

I think everyone agrees zombie Liu was a bad idea. It's an issue I'm lukewarm on, but I can still relate ever since Ed brought back my favorite character with no consciousness, free will, or cake.

I'm just not sure what the solution is. I hate that Turkey Boy got the shit end of the stick, but I don't know if I'm willing to bring back Liu under the pretense of sending him off again. Perhaps they could give him proper resolution in a side-game or even the MK8 intro, but otherwise, that another full round of Liu seems like a large investment.

(But I'd be damn surprised if Liu isn't coming back someday. I really believe no one from MK1 is ever getting permanently retired)
04/13/2010 04:34 AM (UTC)
Okay, I'm going to give my real response now. I'll start succinctly:


Fuck Liu Kang.

Liu Kang aggravates me as a character and as an "icon" he disgusts and infuriates me. The idea of Liu fucking Kang as an "icon" of Mortal Kombat, honestly, embarrasses me as a fan.
In a certain way, Liu is an icon...because in order to be an icon, the character must represent either the franchise as a whole or something significant about it.

And what does Liu Kang represent?
He represents what Mortal Kombat used to be: a simplistic mish-mash of homages and references to old martial arts movies. He represents Mortal Kombat's inability...and at times, outright refusal...to embrace its own identity and grow.
Liu Kang is Mortal Kombat still paying shallow homage to old movies by being the token Bruce Lee....except, Bruce Lee was actually charismatic and bad ass. Liu Kang is Mortal Kombat still cookie-cutter emulating Star Wars by being their "Luke Skywalker"...except Luke was actually likable.

I loathe Liu Kang. Always did. I never bought him as the hero and, as others have already pointed out, he was easily surpassed by far more interesting, developed, original, and unique characters. And yet, he still haunts this game like a God damn rash.

I see some people say he deserves one more chance...or, as Baraka407 suggested, a chance at redemption. I say piss on that noise. Liu Kang don't deserve shit.
Eight games and his own spin-off game and he still sucks. He was handed, gift-wrapped on a silver platter, the role of "Grand Unbeatable Hero of the Universe" and he still sucks. Kung Lao, relegated to the role of sidekick...for Liu Kang. Kitana's being reduced to a pathetic damsel in distress...for Liu Kang. And he still sucks.

He deserves one more chance as much as Johnny Cage and Kano do.

You know what I think should happen....and I think this can really work along the whole "let's make the story dark and gritty" thing that's supposed to happen....

No grand final triumph for Liu Kang. His devoted his life to defending Earth and got nothing for it.
Even better...let's say his spirit is reunited with his body and he confronts Raiden....and Raiden puts him down. What better way to establish the dark mood of the future and for Raiden to hammer home to the other heroes you're either with him or against him than for him to make an example of his most loyal fighter?
No god-hood for Liu Kang. To hell with that...we have Fujin.

I apologize for my harshness...but like I said earlier in this thread, Liu Kang is just one of those characters that makes me want to spew venom.
Whatever small contribution he made for the series is long over. He's a crappy "icon" and a mediocre character at best. We have better protagonists who are ready to take the role of "hero." We don't need the token Bruce Lee anymore. We don't need to the token boy scout...assuming we ever did.
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04/13/2010 06:23 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:

I think everyone agrees zombie Liu was a bad idea. It's an issue I'm lukewarm on, but I can still relate ever since Ed brought back my favorite character with no consciousness, free will, or cake.

Don't know about that. I too would rather he not have come back at all, but having his body and soul split was a better way to go about it than the predictable path of having someone just bring him back to his old self. It was an odd choice, but it was at least unique as far as MK resurrections go. I too can certainly understand if Kang fans felt gypped, though. Oh, poor brainless Smoke...
04/13/2010 10:04 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I think everyone agrees zombie Liu was a bad idea.

Well fuck you too, man.

No, seriously though, I loved Liu as a zombie. If you can't see the dark humor in a rotting corpse that makes "wootah" noises, or the storyline appeal of a Raiden who's said goodbye to his conscience and decided to be ruthlessly practical going "my greatest ally may be dead, but I can make him still fight for me as a puppet", that's your own problem.

Not that I want to see it keep coming back, of course. As I already said, that kind of thing is only good once and then the telling of that story is complete and it has no further use.
04/13/2010 11:54 AM (UTC)
Liu Kang STAYS!
04/13/2010 12:50 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang was a great hero of the MK universe in MK1 and 2. I'll give him that. I didn't care for him in MK 3 or 4. When he died in MK 5, I loved that! And what made him even cooler was making him an unlockable zombie character FOR THAT GAME. His soul should have been laid to rest at the end of that game, PERIOD! There's not much more I feel that could have been "logically" done with him, but I guess the creators proved me wrong when they brought him back for two more games...lolol...I had recently heard a rumor that Liu Kang could "possibly" be turned into an Elder God as a reward for all of his heroics throughout the saga. If this rumor is true, then I can accept that AS LONG AS HE REMAINS A PART OF THE STORY and not return as a kombatant. I think that could work well. But at the same time, do we really know what qualifications a human must have to achieve the ranking of a god???!!!! Kinda silly if you ask me. I say, leave him dead and at peace, and make mention of him as being one of the most legendary fighters of the Mortal Kombat legacy; just as they did with the elder Kung Lao in the storyline of MK1. Think about it...they mentioned the elder Kung Lao, but we never saw him at all through all of the 11-plus MK titles! And that character worked rather well as being a legend. Same concept....
04/13/2010 01:03 PM (UTC)
I really dug Kitana in MK 2...She was mysterious and one of the more useful characters when fighting Kintaro. BUT, when they transformed her into somewhat of a "love interest" for Liu Kang, I thought that was pretty weak. I don't want a love story in my Mortal Kombat!...FIGHT!...

I like the concept of having a princess floating around in the roster, as strictly "mixing up the occupations", but I think she should remain as simply being an underestimated lethal weapon from another realm, as opposed to a lovable character.

She could stay, but then again, she could go and I really wouldn't miss her much.
04/13/2010 01:09 PM (UTC)
blissted78 Wrote:
I really dug Kitana in MK 2...She was mysterious and one of the more useful characters when fighting Kintaro. BUT, when they transformed her into somewhat of a "love interest" for Liu Kang, I thought that was pretty weak. I don't want a love story in my Mortal Kombat!...FIGHT!....

Of all the years I've played MK, I've never seen a possible hint that Liu and Kitana had a love interest. They were good friends to each other.

Despite that I have a feeling that the movie had much to do with this "interest" in the game, I don't see that.

But you're also forgetting the crush that Cage had with Sonya... Since you don't want love in Mortal Kombat, can't a crush count?
04/13/2010 01:24 PM (UTC)
The problem with hidden characters is that they're only interesting at their peak when they're hidden, mysterious, hard to find, or just plain rumors. Take Ermac for example. The legendary "red ninja" from MK that turned out to be mostly just a rumor until his grand first-appearance in UMK3. When he was FIRST made a playable character, he was cool, new, mysterious, and everybody wanted to know more about this warrior...But then keeping him around, and around, and around, and evolving him in the storyline from simply being the "red ninja" to having a HUGE backstory in the mainstream Kombats, really (through my own personal opinion) made him lose a little sense of "coolness"...He became a repetative character (amongst others), and though I'm down with the demons from the Netherrealm and whatnot, Ermac doesn't strike me as being a true "demon" as they keep fashionably insisting that he some form of a "ninja"...They should have made him maybe one of Scorpion's clan members, or left him out after UMK3; keeping him as being a mysterious character that only appeared in one game....

Look what they did to poor Reptile!!! He was cool as hell as a hidden character in MK1-the mysterious "Green Ninja" (ooo...creepy!), and they made him even more popular by making him a kombatant in MK2, but then they evolved him into a frickin' fighting iguana by the time MK5 came around, and then explained it by throwing in the word "de-evolution"...gimme a frickin break!

Simply put, sometimes hidden characters sell-out, and they should remain as being hidden. Or put them in one game to satisfy some people, then make then hidden again...lolol...

Ermac can stay or go...but i say GO
04/13/2010 01:28 PM (UTC)
Doesn't matter who's crushing on who...In the words of Shortround from Indiana Jones- "NO TIME FOR LOVE!!"...lolol...there are realms and worlds that need to be saved!!! Lives are at steak!

And yeah, the movie held a bit o credibility to my comment, BUT wasn't Kitana a "damsel in distress" in Shaolin Monks for Liu Kang to save?...

04/13/2010 01:44 PM (UTC)
blissted78 Wrote:
The problem with hidden characters is that they're only interesting at their peak when they're hidden, mysterious, hard to find, or just plain rumors. Take Ermac for example. The legendary "red ninja" from MK that turned out to be mostly just a rumor until his grand first-appearance in UMK3. When he was FIRST made a playable character, he was cool, new, mysterious, and everybody wanted to know more about this warrior...But then keeping him around, and around, and around, and evolving him in the storyline from simply being the "red ninja" to having a HUGE backstory in the mainstream Kombats, really (through my own personal opinion) made him lose a little sense of "coolness"...He became a repetative character (amongst others), and though I'm down with the demons from the Netherrealm and whatnot, Ermac doesn't strike me as being a true "demon" as they keep fashionably insisting that he some form of a "ninja"...They should have made him maybe one of Scorpion's clan members, or left him out after UMK3; keeping him as being a mysterious character that only appeared in one game....

Look what they did to poor Reptile!!! He was cool as hell as a hidden character in MK1-the mysterious "Green Ninja" (ooo...creepy!), and they made him even more popular by making him a kombatant in MK2, but then they evolved him into a frickin' fighting iguana by the time MK5 came around, and then explained it by throwing in the word "de-evolution"...gimme a frickin break!

Simply put, sometimes hidden characters sell-out, and they should remain as being hidden. Or put them in one game to satisfy some people, then make then hidden again...lolol...

Ermac can stay or go...but i say GO

If you missed a certain character that we already discussed, please just debate about them in one full post not multiple. A lot of other users has been doing that if they missed a few characters. I'd like to have a debate on Kang not past characters.
04/13/2010 02:14 PM (UTC)
sorry bout that! Didn't know...I'm still new to this site.smile
04/13/2010 03:10 PM (UTC)
It's quite all right. It's a lot easier to see people's opinions/debates on past characters in one long post than seeing multiples about someone that's been debated. Welcome anyways.
04/13/2010 03:25 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang is an interesting one for me. Personally, I am not offended as much by the character as many others are. He was never my favourite, but I can admit how important he is to the series. Regardless of how tedious and relentless you find him saving the day, the fact is: Liu Kang saves the day. That is an important, if cliched role in Mortal Kombat.

I was fully prepared to post in here with exactly the train of thought that Baraka had. Liu Kang dying in Deadly Alliance was great, and he should have stayed dead once he passed the mantle over to Kung Lao -- but that was fucked up, so now Kang has to stay around and put over a new hero before he goes out. That being said, though -- Xia presented an alternative that I think can work quite nicely. Let the fucker fry in the opening video, and put over this new era as one where some of the golden oldies cannot survive. No cow is sacred, so to speak.

Liu Kang essentially has to appear in the game in some form. He either needs to be given a statue in a background somewhere -- or show-up in the opening video. So I'm now stuck right in the middle. Being completely apathetic to Liu Kang does not help. Do I vote for Liu Kang to return, be given a chance in the new era, before he is scrapped for a fresher character; or do I let him rot to set dark tones. You know what, I'll surprie myself and say let him rot. Give him a sudden and violent death in the opening, and put over the mortality of every character by getting rid of the main hero like he was an afterthought.

Verdict: GONE
04/13/2010 03:27 PM (UTC)
I just don't see any point in bringing Liu back only to properly kill him. He's already dead, why kill him again, it would only make his first death less significant which would be a shame since it was a shocking moment in MK's story.

Also, I hate the idea of Liu being Earth's protector, yay, let's fuck up Fujin once more. Jesus, Fujin became Earth's protector in MK4, that's more than 10 years ago and we still don't have a clue what's he like. Have they forgotten about him and his MK4 ending? I wouldn't be surprised considering how many characters there are in MK universe and how many non-canon endings there are. I can not describe how frustrated I am that they constantly ignore him. I mean, it's not like he's a joke like Meat or Mokap, he's a decent character, why don't they do something with him?!

Icebaby Wrote:Of all the years I've played MK, I've never seen a possible hint that Liu and Kitana had a love interest. They were good friends to each other.

Well, Liu's MK4 ending is a hint in a way.
04/13/2010 04:16 PM (UTC)
A marriage proposal is a "hint" now?
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04/13/2010 04:19 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:

I see some people say he deserves one more chance...or, as Baraka407 suggested, a chance at redemption. I say piss on that noise. Liu Kang don't deserve shit.
Eight games and his own spin-off game and he still sucks. He was handed, gift-wrapped on a silver platter, the role of "Grand Unbeatable Hero of the Universe" and he still sucks. Kung Lao, relegated to the role of sidekick...for Liu Kang. Kitana's being reduced to a pathetic damsel in distress...for Liu Kang. And he still sucks.

He deserves one more chance as much as Johnny Cage and Kano do.

You know what I think should happen....and I think this can really work along the whole "let's make the story dark and gritty" thing that's supposed to happen....

let's say his spirit is reunited with his body and he confronts Raiden....and Raiden puts him down. What better way to establish the dark mood of the future and for Raiden to hammer home to the other heroes you're either with him or against him than for him to make an example of his most loyal fighter?
No god-hood for Liu Kang. To hell with that...we have Fujin.

We don't need the token Bruce Lee anymore. We don't need to the token boy scout...assuming we ever did.

I don't want to see Liu Kang redeemed because he was such a fantastic character and he deserves it. I want to see him return in a good way and go out in a good way for the sake of restoring what WAS the best plot twist in the series of this franchise.

I want to see him redeemed for me and for the story, not because the character should come back. Sure, I want to get the image of that stupid ass zombie (and yeah Razorsedge, I thought that it was beyond stupid. Not funny, not dark humor, just a dumb way to bring back a character that should've stayed dead) out of my head.

But I also think that the idea of Liu going up against his former mentor, as his soul is trying to break free from his body, would be a good way to end things. Oh, and yes, I'd also love it if Rayden put him down.

Right now, Rayden seems evil in a practical "if they won't protect themselves, than..." type of way, but killing someone like Liu Kang immediately puts Rayden in the upper eschelon of evil characters. The fact that he could easily have a self-righeteous edge to that evil would make him even better.

This is the way to wrap up Liu Kang's story. In this sense, he serves a purpose. His death will (once more) mean something to the series. Could this be accomplished through an intro movie? Yeah, probably. But that's also been done before. So maybe this time we get an ending for Liu kang that's an actual, real ending where he dies.

I also disagree with the idea that it's so horrible that we have characters that were inspired by movies etc. I just think that they have to grow in to something more. Liu Kang unfortunately went in the wrong direction (IMO).

I still don't have a problem with a Bruce Lee type of character (c'mon, practically every fighter has one for a reason, they're usually fun to use), but the MK universe needs to find a new one, preferably without the turkey noises.

04/13/2010 04:58 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I also disagree with the idea that it's so horrible that we have characters that were inspired by movies etc. I just think that they have to grow in to something more. Liu Kang unfortunately went in the wrong direction (IMO).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's bad when the MK team gets ideas from movies and such. But the key thing, as you said, is they have to be developed beyond just that. The creators have to make it their own.
Raiden was based off Big Trouble in Little China...yet the MK team successfully developed him into their own character.
But...again, as you said...they didn't with Liu Kang.
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