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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

04/19/2010 02:20 AM (UTC)
Mavodo needs to go
04/19/2010 12:09 PM (UTC)
Movado is probably one of the only characters that I never fight with...nuff said...

04/19/2010 02:13 PM (UTC)
Oh god he looked horrible pre MKDA.

Anyway, he was a character with a somewhat good story buildup and then it was, "You know what, screw that, goodbye Mavado!"

They need to seriously repair that if they put him back. But I don't know how they will. I hope they don't do a "He thought I was dead, but I wasn't really" storyline. I do want him back.
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04/19/2010 03:18 PM (UTC)
Can I ask a dumb question?

Who killed Mavado and when? Is it in someone's bio? Was it in Deception's konquest mode or something? I'm really blanking on that. Plus, I just wanted to double check and make sure that people weren't getting the idea from Kabal's bio in MK:D. I mean, it doesn't actually say that he got HIS hookswords back. He just said that it feels good to hold hookswords again. Sure, it appears as though he went after the Red Dragon, but that doesn't necessarily mean he found them. Unless of course, it says something to that effect in konquest mode.
04/19/2010 04:13 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Can I ask a dumb question?

Who killed Mavado and when? Is it in someone's bio? Was it in Deception's konquest mode or something? I'm really blanking on that.

Plus, I just wanted to double check and make sure that people weren't getting the idea from Kabal's bio in MK:D. I mean, it doesn't actually say that he got HIS hookswords back. He just said that it feels good to hold hookswords again.

Sure, it appears as though he went after the Red Dragon, but that doesn't necessarily mean he found them. Unless of course, it says something to that effect in konquest mode.

It's not a dumb question at all, but I think people are just speculating off of his Deception bio with that line "It feels good to hold hookswords again."
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04/19/2010 04:52 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Can I ask a dumb question?

Who killed Mavado and when? Is it in someone's bio? Was it in Deception's konquest mode or something? I'm really blanking on that.

Plus, I just wanted to double check and make sure that people weren't getting the idea from Kabal's bio in MK:D. I mean, it doesn't actually say that he got HIS hookswords back. He just said that it feels good to hold hookswords again.

Sure, it appears as though he went after the Red Dragon, but that doesn't necessarily mean he found them. Unless of course, it says something to that effect in konquest mode.

It's not a dumb question at all, but I think people are just speculating off of his Deception bio with that line "It feels good to hold hookswords again."

Thanks Icebaby, much appreciated! Yeah, I actually went back and looked at all of the endings for MK:DA and MK:D (I don't even remotely consider MK:A to be canon so I just avoided those endings altogether). Nowhere in those endings did it say anything about Mavado dying.

So yeah, Kabal's intro is the only thing I see that points toward Mavado's death, but that's just it... Kabal's bio POINTS TO Mavado's death. No where does it say that Kabal was successful.

If Liu Kang's soul can fight his zombified body, then in a "flash" emerge as human Liu Kang again, I think Mavado can come back from Kabal "seeking out the Red Dragon" and enjoying the feel of hookswords (again, no one said they were the ones Mavado took from him, that's implied, but NOT overtly stated) once more.

I just assumed that there had to be some sort of reference to Mavado's death in MK:D's konquest mode, because if Kabal's intro is all we have to go on... I could EASILY see Mavado coming back in a later game. I wouldn't even bother to make mention of Kabal coming after him in MK:D.
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04/19/2010 06:03 PM (UTC)

Yeah... Yeah it does. lol

Well, I've never changed my vote before, but I didn't have that knowledge beforehand. I probably should've expected something along those lines since so many people flat out considered him gone. If that's the case though, you really can't walk that back (at least you shouldn't).


Yeah, I'm changing my vote. I promise it won't happen again, but I honestly had zero recollection of that picture even existing. I recognize it now, so really, the only thing I'm questioning is my own terrible memory.

Thanks Xia!!
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04/19/2010 06:18 PM (UTC)

He had potential until MKD when i seen Kabals bio. I laughed SO hard.
04/19/2010 08:18 PM (UTC)
gone...nuff said lol.
04/19/2010 09:06 PM (UTC)
Well, I said I'd change it by the time it's Monday, sorry for being a little late. We'll discuss this character up til Wednesday:


Yes, we’re discussing him, no, I will not change it early. I’ll give this character until Wednesday. (I should be more clearer on when I’m changing these characters. I’ll let these discussions go on for two days)

Anyways, with no REAL story behind this character, Meat can become a character that doesn’t need to be a joke anymore. Despite that many people were against a zombie character... aka Liu Kang (and Havik somewhat) Meat could be a zombified character if the developers feel like keeping him.

There was an artist that created Meat as a fallen soldier here on this site, and that is something I would like to see Meat become. A fallen soldier, not some experiment who escaped from Shang Tsung’s flesh pits (according to his ending in Armageddon). I got two ideas that could possibly make Meat a character that actually matters in the MK series:

He could be a fallen soldier who was in this giant war and the wrong side won it. He could have had his soul tampered with so he wouldn’t be officially heading into the Heavens, and with him being undead, he could go after the leader of the other army and finish the war once and for all. Something like that.

Or he was attacked by someone and left for dead. Not completely killed, he turned into an undead creature and vows revenge for whoever tried to kill him.

That’s all I can think of.

With moves then, they would somewhat change if he was to be all covered up and not just be a giant massive tissue man. He could keep some of the moves that he had in Armageddon.

If they take Meat and change him into an actual character, I could say stay, but, if he’s just meant for a joke then go.

So, let’s debate. Should Meat stay or leave?
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04/19/2010 10:15 PM (UTC)
Thats all I have to say about him.
04/19/2010 10:17 PM (UTC)
Hell no,I'll prefer for the team to keep K/Chameleon and develop him/her more as a character than this piece of bloody meat sticks! lol.Meat taking a spot in the roster in place of another more interesting character is always a bad idea!

My verdict: Gone
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04/19/2010 11:22 PM (UTC)
If Meat doesn't come back, I'm DONE with MK!!!!

Okay, I'm kidding. I definitely applaud the MK team for putting him in Armageddon when he absolutely could've been left on the cutting room floor and only the most ardent of MK fans would've cared. That's some good fan service right there.

I personally don't mind him as a sort of joke/bonus character or throw in if it's the day before the disc goes gold or something, but while the idea of a fallen soldier sounds good, I just don't think that character should be Meat.

With a new generation of MK on the horizon (hopefully before we're all in the old folks home talking about the old vidja gams and how great that one with the fighters was), I'd rather see a new bonus character step in.

So if I don't think that Meat could be a regular character and I'd rather see a new bonus character, I guess that only leaves one option...


Thanks for making him as legit as humanly possible MK Team. You went above and beyond the call with him and it was much appreciated.

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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/20/2010 01:01 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I definitely applaud the MK team for putting him in Armageddon when he absolutely could've been left on the cutting room floor and only the most ardent of MK fans would've cared. That's some good fan service right there.

I personally don't mind him as a sort of joke/bonus character or throw in if it's the day before the disc goes gold or something...

'Struth. I was amazed when they had him cameo in MKD's Konquest mode - with an awesome British accent - and despite all of MKAs many faults, they went ahead and gave him his fifteen minutes, and even a bit of backstory to boot.

That said, it was great to see him one more time but it doesn't need to be done again...though I will say that I really like the sound of an place called "the Flesh Pits." It sounds nasty, and if we ever get to witness it as an arena, I'd love to see Meat in the background once more.

Verdict: GONE.
04/20/2010 03:03 AM (UTC)

There's just really nothing to do with him. I mean, I'm sure something *could* be done, but why? He's never been that important or popular. His role in the story is . . . nothing. He doesn't really do anything or serve any purpose. He's just there. Time to say bye-bye.
04/20/2010 07:19 AM (UTC)
i will probably be the only one to say this but i say stay for meat...he could potentially have a story made for him...he is like the one character that has been there but yet he has not.
i can remember the first time he was introduced...originally he was just a simple skeleton...i don't remember which game it was i think mk2 after the 100 versus matches you get to see him. he was a hidden character just as reptile and rain.
i think the team could evolve him into something new...it seems like every time we see meat he has more flesh on him...maybe they could put an actual face on him the next go around or even cybernetics. anyways...i liked meat plainly as just a skeleton... i found it to look cool but obviously fatalities would not logically look too well considering he would be just bones...which is probably why they gave him flesh to begin with.
i dunno why but i think he deserves one more shot...stay.
04/20/2010 08:51 AM (UTC)
It's already been said: Meat's not a proper character, but yet he's not remarkable enough to be brought back as even a bonus character. There are far better options out there. I totally wish I had seen him in Deception with a British accent, though. That's almost good enough for me to want to see him back. But yeah, anything Meat has going for him can be given to either a completely new character -- or even an existing one. Drahmin and Liu Kang did the whole "rotting pile of flesh" thing a lot better than Meat did.
04/20/2010 11:30 AM (UTC)
I doubt they'll keep Meat in the games...

But if he did come back as say a "fallen soldier" from some World War...That might be cool...give him a lop-sided army helmet and a bayonette...lol...Tough character to decide

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04/20/2010 01:12 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
i will probably be the only one to say this but i say stay for meat...he could potentially have a story made for him...he is like the one character that has been there but yet he has not.
i can remember the first time he was introduced...originally he was just a simple skeleton...i don't remember which game it was i think mk2 after the 100 versus matches you get to see him. he was a hidden character just as reptile and rain.
i think the team could evolve him into something new...it seems like every time we see meat he has more flesh on him...maybe they could put an actual face on him the next go around or even cybernetics. anyways...i liked meat plainly as just a skeleton... i found it to look cool but obviously fatalities would not logically look too well considering he would be just bones...which is probably why they gave him flesh to begin with.
i dunno why but i think he deserves one more shot...stay.

Meat debuted in MK4. You get to use him simply by beating group mode without losing. Then you select a character and Meat will have that characters moves. You get to use him until you lose.

I appreciate you saying that he should stay. It sounds dumb but I almost feel like every character should get a "stay" vote for some reason, even if I'm not the one voting that way.
04/20/2010 02:38 PM (UTC)
Meat- GONE, though I wouldn't mind seeing him again, maybe run into him somewhere in a konquest mode.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 18

GONE: 17
04/20/2010 03:17 PM (UTC)
You can't lose Meat. He's the most popular and well known character in whole the game. Perhaps in any game.
04/20/2010 03:40 PM (UTC)
To this day, I am in awe that Meat returned in Armageddon. Because they brought it back....because some fans actually demanded it. Think about that. There actually were Mortal Kombat fans.....who demanded......MEAT.......a thing that wasn't even a character, but a bonus unlockable costume thing......to come back.

And if you were to ask why, it would usually be one of these two answers:
a) "Well, they're bringing everyone back, so Meat deserves a spot."
b) "Noob Saibot started as just a joke and Ermac was just a rumor and they're cool characters now! They could do the same thing for Meat!"

Kind of makes you dizzy.

I think the presence of Meat is a testament to why the MK team really shouldn't listen to the fans.

Having said all that, I do think the MK team made the wise decision in treating the character like a joke in Armageddon...evidenced by its special moves. The only way I can see Meat coming back is if they continue to use it as a recurring joke. Otherwise, there is no way in hell this thing deserves precedence over anyone else on the roster with the exception of Chameleon and Mokap.

04/20/2010 04:09 PM (UTC)
MrHoppyX Wrote:
You can't lose Meat. He's the most popular and well known character in whole the game. Perhaps in any game.

Seriously? I hope that was sarcasm.


Anyway, Meat needs to get off the character roster and back on a plate medium rare. GONE.
04/20/2010 05:34 PM (UTC)
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
MrHoppyX Wrote:
You can't lose Meat. He's the most popular and well known character in whole the game. Perhaps in any game.

Seriously? I hope that was sarcasm.


Anyway, Meat needs to get off the character roster and back on a plate medium rare. GONE.

But cannibalism is frowned upon in most societies...
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