03/31/2014 12:33 AM (UTC)
I'd say YES!

Bring her back! Either as a zombie or brought back as an enforcer and later rescued.
03/31/2014 02:10 AM (UTC)
Kitana has to be a yes. I've never been too fond of her, but her place in MK is so defined that she should return.
03/31/2014 02:13 AM (UTC)

But less slutty looking
03/31/2014 02:22 AM (UTC)
I feel that Kitana should have more of a fighting princess appeal rather than... whatever they have been making her. Every time I have seen her in these games, I tend to forget that she's a princess because nothing tells me that she is. I mean, despite that it didn't show me any kind of royalty, I did greatly enjoy her primary in Deadly Alliance. If they keep that kind of look, but also adding other things on her that makes her a noticeable princess, I'd be more incline to enjoy Kitana a lot more. Something about having her roam around in Kahn's castle during her chapter while wearing what she was, I couldn't stop laughing at that.

Of course, this is just how I feel about it, not sure how many others tend to forget that she is a princess. And adding tiaras doesn't help... but I really can't say that since having one for prom made me feel like a princess... but I am a princess anyways so...
03/31/2014 03:55 AM (UTC)
I'm honestly not sure how to feel on this one.

While Kitana is obviously the central figure of the series' entire storyline, I cannot think of a reason for her to venture forward at this point. I've been wanting her to take her position as queen of Edenia for years now, and I strongly feel that needs to happen. Sindel should step down and allow her daughter take the thrown, while Jade acts as Kitana's one and only adviser.

With Kitana as queen, I feel Edenia will truly reach a state of peace, and the family itself can retire from the squalor that is Mortal Kombat. They should, of course, remain prominent figures in the series' story, but no longer playable characters (except for maybe DLC, to please the fans).

With this, I am sadly going to have to say no.
03/31/2014 04:06 AM (UTC)
I'm curious, is everybody basing their decisions on story alone? It is a fighting game after all, which is something that should always be considered when talking about the roster.
03/31/2014 04:18 AM (UTC)
Not me at least.
03/31/2014 06:25 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I'm curious, is everybody basing their decisions on story alone? It is a fighting game after all, which is something that should always be considered when talking about the roster.

Well Mortal Kombat doesn't have "a rushdown guy and a keepaway guy and a grappler guy" like all the other fighting games do. You're not really missing anything or messing with the balance if you switch up who's in and who's out because everybody has projectiles and dash-attacks and a teleport or a groundpound.

Plus, half the characters we're talking about have previously only existed within the DA/Deception-era engine, which was an attempt to rip off Tekken/Soul Calibur, with the full 3D movement, and the special moves reduced in favor of "realistic" fighting styles and weapons, which means their playstyles have to be radically reimagined now that we've gone back to, and hopefully stick with, being a 2D fighter.
Without the ability to see the future and know what they'll play like, we can't really factor that into our decisions much. Although the phrase "untapped potential" does tend to come up a lot in reference to the moves of some guys like Kai and Fujin.
03/31/2014 12:26 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I'm curious, is everybody basing their decisions on story alone? It is a fighting game after all, which is something that should always be considered when talking about the roster.

The story matters more to me than the gameplay, and it always has.

Now, I'm not saying I don't care about the gameplay; I am seriously hoping Bo' Rai Cho is done well in MK10. Fighting mechanics is just something I expect them to develop, as this is a fighting game series.

The story is one of the two reasons I fell in love with Mortal Kombat. It'll always be my priority.
03/31/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I'm curious, is everybody basing their decisions on story alone? It is a fighting game after all, which is something that should always be considered when talking about the roster.

Well Mortal Kombat doesn't have "a rushdown guy and a keepaway guy and a grappler guy" like all the other fighting games do. You're not really missing anything or messing with the balance if you switch up who's in and who's out because everybody has projectiles and dash-attacks and a teleport or a groundpound.

Plus, half the characters we're talking about have previously only existed within the DA/Deception-era engine, which was an attempt to rip off Tekken/Soul Calibur, with the full 3D movement, and the special moves reduced in favor of "realistic" fighting styles and weapons, which means their playstyles have to be radically reimagined now that we've gone back to, and hopefully stick with, being a 2D fighter.

Without the ability to see the future and know what they'll play like, we can't really factor that into our decisions much. Although the phrase "untapped potential" does tend to come up a lot in reference to the moves of some guys like Kai and Fujin.

Actually MK does have a Rushdown guy, Johnny Cage. It does have a Zoning character, Noob Saibot. It does have a Grappler, Jax. But I see your point. Lots of these characters share abilities that give them options to zone or rushdown. So they never really fall into just one category.

NRS already proved they can reimagine 3D characters into 2D with Kenshi. NRS is a very creative team and they know their shit.

Plus now that MK is finally competitively competent, they want to have a core roster. It would be stupid to just have an entirely new roster and throw out someone like Kitana just for the hell of it. NRS has to cater to the competitive crowd as well.
03/31/2014 03:42 PM (UTC)
I'd rather be basing my votes around the story more than who's needed to fill the "grappler" character or "zoning" character, etc. I mean, I don't want to have a bunch of characters that are thrown in here out of nowhere that makes no sense as to why they're there. Like, why should, let's say, Dariou, be thrown into the next game when there's little reason to have him in there? Oh, because we need, let's say, another "grappler" character to fill in. Nah. I can see both ways, but I'd rather have the roster be based on who is needed to come back rather than who's needed to fill in the types of fighting characters because you can easily do that when you have the roster based on the story.

With that said, what are your views for Kitana? Should she return or not?
03/31/2014 03:42 PM (UTC)
I still say YES! For Kitana! She needs that kiss of doom back!
03/31/2014 05:51 PM (UTC)
I'm gonna have to say no.

She is so tired and predictable nowadays, plus she died in the latest game, so no, i don't think she should return in the next game.
03/31/2014 06:13 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'd rather be basing my votes around the story more than who's needed to fill the "grappler" character or "zoning" character, etc. I mean, I don't want to have a bunch of characters that are thrown in here out of nowhere that makes no sense as to why they're there. Like, why should, let's say, Dariou, be thrown into the next game when there's little reason to have him in there? Oh, because we need, let's say, another "grappler" character to fill in. Nah. I can see both ways, but I'd rather have the roster be based on who is needed to come back rather than who's needed to fill in the types of fighting characters because you can easily do that when you have the roster based on the story.

With that said, what are your views for Kitana? Should she return or not?

I don't just lump in characters because they fit a certain fighting playstyle. I think about if a character was playable, how they could add to the game? What kinds of things could they offer to make them unique as a character? Shit like that. I consider story too, but it 's definitely not a top priority.

Now with Kitana, we have a character who was fun to play, important to MK's story, and is a fan favorite. But because people can't see where her story could go, they don't think she should be in. That's pretty stupid if you ask me, especially when you consider story is not the most important aspect of a fighting game.
03/31/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:

I don't just lump in characters because they fit a certain fighting playstyle. I think about if a character was playable, how they could add to the game? What kinds of things could they offer to make them unique as a character? Shit like that. I consider story too, but it 's definitely not a top priority.

I see it this way:

Considering the existence and popularity of DLC, the necessary reasoning behind including a character for gameplay value no longer applies. Any character who does not make it into the roster can just be added as DLC later, and it can be seriously cash cow, too.

Due to this luxury, it is now easier to focus on an initial roster fitting to the installment's story. I strongly feel NRS should leave the deceased characters dead (like, forever), continue developing strong initial rosters, and transition all deceased characters to being exclusively DLC. Or if money is an issue with many fans, deceased characters can be unlockable after completing the story mode.

It's a win-win, really. The game has a roster meaningful to the story, and fans can still play with their favorites. I think DLC would be the smarter decision of the two options, but I'm only one person.
03/31/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Considering the existence and popularity of DLC, the necessary reasoning behind including a character for gameplay value no longer applies. Any character who does not make it into the roster can just be added as DLC later, and it can be seriously cash cow, too.

I support DLC, but I'm not about to pay for a character when they could've been in the game in the first place. Especially if it's not even a new character. Unnecessary DLC is quick way to get fans to hate something.

What's stopping them from having her in the game? She could be playable, just not for Story Mode. And here is a solution for characters when they die so they can reappear as well. (But this is MK and nobody will ever stay dead.)

Back in Tekken 5 Heihachi was a playable character. But it was revealed in Tekken 6 that he was never actually at the tournament. Which means canonically, he wasn't even in the game. MK could have "dead" characters playable, just have no part in the story at all.

But DLC is the absolute worst way to go about it.
03/31/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
Yes, so I can spam some d+1 some more. tongue

Make her enhanced pretty kicks hit mid and all is good.
03/31/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
With all this talk about who should be playable and who shouldn't be if they return, I am (and I've said this before) going to be doing another round of voting once I get through all of the characters to see who would be playable and not playable based on the roster we'd get out of this.

Sure it might take a while, but I could have the list go quicker if I have a character up two days instead of a couple of days. I mean we're in the K's already.
03/31/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
With all this talk about who should be playable and who shouldn't be if they return, I am (and I've said this before) going to be doing another round of voting once I get through all of the characters to see who would be playable and not playable based on the roster we'd get out of this.

Sure it might take a while, but I could have the list go quicker if I have a character up two days instead of a couple of days. I mean we're in the K's already.

I suppose it is a discussion for another time then.
04/01/2014 02:44 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
Considering the existence and popularity of DLC, the necessary reasoning behind including a character for gameplay value no longer applies. Any character who does not make it into the roster can just be added as DLC later, and it can be seriously cash cow, too.

I support DLC, but I'm not about to pay for a character when they could've been in the game in the first place. Especially if it's not even a new character. Unnecessary DLC is quick way to get fans to hate something.

What's stopping them from having her in the game? She could be playable, just not for Story Mode. And here is a solution for characters when they die so they can reappear as well. (But this is MK and nobody will ever stay dead.)

Back in Tekken 5 Heihachi was a playable character. But it was revealed in Tekken 6 that he was never actually at the tournament. Which means canonically, he wasn't even in the game. MK could have "dead" characters playable, just have no part in the story at all.

But DLC is the absolute worst way to go about it.

I did also mention the alternate option of having deceased characters as unlockables.

Any character can be in the game anyway, so in that sense it would be pointless to ever have DLC. However, that is not the case. Not every character can initially make it into a roster, which is why Rain and Martian Manhunter became DLC.

When it comes to Mortal Kombat and its large roster, however, there are much easier ways to utilize DLC. The characters don't have to be at a high price, especially if there many of them. Another good idea would be to buy space holders rather than characters themselves, but this would most likely be implemented years from now.

DLC doesn't have to happen, but it certainly isn't a terrible idea.
04/02/2014 11:55 PM (UTC)

Kitana is in, next up is Kobra.

I don't have that much to say about this character, mainly because I never liked him at all. I thought he was just nothing more but a waste of space that could have gone to either a different new character, or someone else. I don't really want to see this character come back, wasn't a fan of, don't think I could be either.
04/02/2014 11:59 PM (UTC)
I'd actually totally like to see Kobra again at some point. I love that he's the bad guy from Karate Kid. I love the idea of MK having a Ken/Ryu parody too. He needs a Shoryuken and to Sweep the Leg, like maybe a low version of Rain's super-roundhouse.

That said, he's got no real place in a story where Shinnok's the badguy and Kano's still in charge of the Black Dragon. So NO to Kobra.
04/03/2014 12:55 AM (UTC)
04/03/2014 02:43 AM (UTC)
Boo no to Kobra!
04/03/2014 02:51 AM (UTC)
Another character I feel should be retired.

Kobra is so darn boring; if Mortal Kombat was a pet store, he'd be a fish.

Clearly, it's a hell naw.
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