05/24/2015 08:20 AM (UTC)
Again. No.

All this talk of personality, yet I don't see any of it. They all make stupid, attempts at being witty. Their designs are terrible. Their stories are boring (imo).

I would literally take ANY other characters over these four. I would be less bored with Kobra and Hsu Hao (granted I hate them as well).

I am not stuck on the past, I just believe these are literally some of the worst character decisions NRS has ever made.

I could've dealt with two of the teen titans, but four? We are missing so many other characters...Not only that, but these kids show up and dominate story mode.

NRS is apparently now my mom, screaming at me to eat my veggies.
05/24/2015 09:30 AM (UTC)
Of the new characters Id like to see return

Cassie: Yes
Takeda: Yes
Kung Jin: Meh
Jacqui: Meh
Dvorah: Yes
Ferra Torr: Meh
Erron Black: Yes
Kotal Kahn: Yes

5/8 to return isn't so bad
05/24/2015 04:41 PM (UTC)
Damn, I guess if the focus was on the main classic characters it probably wouldn't be no out cry lol
05/24/2015 07:22 PM (UTC)
Someone said that the new characters are the best one introduced since Kenshi- I call BS.
Just put the newcomers into 3D era gameplay limitations and half of them will be Kira's rank at best.
3D era charachters like Havik and Drahmin are great. And with the new gameplay engine they can easily outshine all of this new crew.

(Yes and I mentioned Drahmin, most of you would say he is shit, mainly because you are bandwagoning with Boon's feelings towards this charachter.)
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05/24/2015 08:28 PM (UTC)
All the new characters should return but make the parents NPCs. The Parents should just be a guiding hand in the Kombat Kids development. I really don't like people who hate on Jacqui. She's my favorite gameplay wise as far as the new characters go sans Jason. She's good looking too. Her only problem was not having a big speaking role. That can change. Her dad is Jax so I'm sure they can play that up some more.
05/24/2015 09:19 PM (UTC)
Personally I think they Kombat Kids are very...boring characters concept wise. There should be more done with them. Remember Kabal, he was badly injured by Kintaro, had an interesting design approach later on. Baraka's best design imo was his MK Gold where he had the staples down his chest. The Kombat Kids don't seem to be all that affected by their environment, save for (maybe) Kung Jin, who is my favorite out of the four. Team Kotal on the other hand, I enjoyed every scene they were in in both the comic and in game. I may have said this once, but they should be made the main focus in the next project, make Kotal's ending canon, and then make the Earthrealm dudes just sort of side characters....and make Jacqui into a demon mutant. Remember Hybrid Mutant from Timesplitters 2? They should do that with her.
05/24/2015 10:46 PM (UTC)
Jeez, I guess I'm the only one who likes Takeda. Don't get me wrong, I still think he's a dweeb, but gameplay wise, he fits my playstyle. I like the whips, mainly pick Shirai Ryu style. Some say he's the worst character in the entire roster, I beg to differ. As long as he keeps his mouth shut, or changes the voice actor for the next game, I'll accept it with open arms.

Cassie is pretty cool. She's one of the best gameplay wise, I like that she has her dad's humor. If the parents go then let her stay. I love Johnny but I guess it's time to let some old characters go already. Same with Sonya, I love her but she's long over due to miss out. Knowing Boon, they'll still probably return in a future game.

Kung Jin, is quite annoying in the story. Herp derp, I have to be an annoying prick, fuck what everybody else says, I'm mad the shaolin didn't accept me for who I am so I'll just jump the gun and do whatever I please...I don't care about the whole gay thing so I'll leave that there. To me it's still not 100% clear, I guess I'm interpreting the Raiden scene in a different way but that's just me. Anyway, he's very good in the gameplay area. His fatalities are really nice. I think his character could have gone a different way for the better. I wish he was more mature. I'm not sure if I'd like to see him return, I'm indifferent.

Jacqui, I gave her a shot and she is pretty cool. She's cute as hell, so that's a plus. Jax's daughter, kinda feels like that title was met to make a filler character. They could have done away with having Jacqui and not Cassie, or the other way around. It seems a little overboard to me. If she is to return I'd be ok with it as long as Jax is out. If Jax must come back, then leave her daughter out.

I only have one major gripe about having the kids in the same MK game as their parents or relative is just wrong. I never fatality the opponent if they're one of the kids or parents of who I'm picking, yeah it's just a game but I'm a parent too and I see things different than most gamers would. I'd rather have one of each member of the family to return instead of having them all in one game if that makes sense. Unless the story goes in a direction like Sindel and Kitana, then that's acceptable.
05/24/2015 11:26 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Jeez, I guess I'm the only one who likes Takeda. Don't get me wrong, I still think he's a dweeb, but gameplay wise, he fits my playstyle. I like the whips, mainly pick Shirai Ryu style. Some say he's the worst character in the entire roster, I beg to differ. As long as he keeps his mouth shut, or changes the voice actor for the next game, I'll accept it with open arms.

Cassie is pretty cool. She's one of the best gameplay wise, I like that she has her dad's humor. If the parents go then let her stay. I love Johnny but I guess it's time to let some old characters go already. Same with Sonya, I love her but she's long over due to miss out. Knowing Boon, they'll still probably return in a future game.

Kung Jin, is quite annoying in the story. Herp derp, I have to be an annoying prick, fuck what everybody else says, I'm mad the shaolin didn't accept me for who I am so I'll just jump the gun and do whatever I please...I don't care about the whole gay thing so I'll leave that there. To me it's still not 100% clear, I guess I'm interpreting the Raiden scene in a different way but that's just me. Anyway, he's very good in the gameplay area. His fatalities are really nice. I think his character could have gone a different way for the better. I wish he was more mature. I'm not sure if I'd like to see him return, I'm indifferent.

Jacqui, I gave her a shot and she is pretty cool. She's cute as hell, so that's a plus. Jax's daughter, kinda feels like that title was met to make a filler character. They could have done away with having Jacqui and not Cassie, or the other way around. It seems a little overboard to me. If she is to return I'd be ok with it as long as Jax is out. If Jax must come back, then leave her daughter out.

I only have one major gripe about having the kids in the same MK game as their parents or relative is just wrong. I never fatality the opponent if they're one of the kids or parents of who I'm picking, yeah it's just a game but I'm a parent too and I see things different than most gamers would. I'd rather have one of each member of the family to return instead of having them all in one game if that makes sense. Unless the story goes in a direction like Sindel and Kitana, then that's acceptable.
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05/25/2015 01:38 AM (UTC)
In my experience, the four kids are gravely underwhelming both as a group and as individuals. I was receptive to Takeda, Kung Jin and Jacquie, and actually went out of my way to try and like Cassie, but in the end I don't care for any of them.

Gameplay-wise, they're not bad, and unique enough, even if Takeda is a lazy culmination of multiple would-be cool elements that ends up feeling desperate (bladed whips, pulse blades, mind powers---overcompensating much?) And this is where the uniqueness ends.

They all have the same personality. Cocky. That's it. The only one of them who has an inkling of a unique trait is Kung Jin with his dishonorable past, and that's not nearly enough to make him stand out from the other three when it has such brief, inconsequential impact on the story overall. When it comes down to it, all four kids are persona-clones dishing out teenage witticism and acting cocky at every opportunity.

In these terms, Jacquie is a lesser Cassie, peppered with extra-annoying lines like "Quit lookin' at my ass" and "Aww dayum!"', which the writers apparently think is necessary for a black girl.

Cassie is Johnny Cage minus the occasional self-awareness, and takes his humor to unbearable levels; Johnny straddled the line between obnoxious and funny well enough for the most part (an exception lies in the line "I'm so pretty!"...what?...); His daughter, however, dives face-first into the side of obnoxiousness. And where Johnny has the capacity to take things seriously and feel things other than overblown confidence and a love of his own humor (case and point, his interactions with Sonya), Cassie failed to demonstrate that capacity. Even in the face of Corrupted Shinnok, with her father half-dead, the world going to shit, her reaction to mustering the "Green Energy" is "HOLY SHIT, it DOES run in the family!" HUAHUAHUAHUAHA XD! K, Cassie.

The only time Kung Jin doesn't act like these two is in the rare occasion where his past comes up. Take that away, and you have a third cocky kid running around, looking for someone to set him up for a punchline.

Takeda dials back the others' misplaced humor only slightly, and isn't left with much else. Like Kung Jin, he has brief moments to try and stand out as a character through a troubled past with his father, which quickly dissolves after a flashback fight. With that out of the way, he's free to be just another self-confident kid out to save the world! Oh, and mind powers, too! Hooray! Wanting to superficially hook up with Jacquie isn't exactly a great character trait, and does nothing for him just as it does nothing for her. As we've seen with Sonya and Johnny, romance works as an addition to stand-alone characters. Add it to an essential blank slate, and it's just something to be done.

I love the game and I do love the Story. It's the best MK game for me, without a doubt. That being said, I stand by my initial distaste for the time jump and the introduction of these kids. I wouldn't have done it, because they are not worth it.

Quite evidently, there was a very powerful tale to be told in the Netherrealm War, in the quest to restore the Revenants, in the Outworld Civil War, and in Shinnok's eventual return to corrupt the Jinsei---a powerful tale independent of these four kids, that in fact would have been better told without them, relying solely on the returning MK9 characters and the non-descendants. So no, I don't think they should come back. But I won't fool myself into thinking I'll get my wish.
05/25/2015 08:06 AM (UTC)
It runs in the family #familykombat. They are coming back.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/25/2015 12:11 PM (UTC)
Jacqui and kung jin need to take a seat on the npc bench..permanently
05/26/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
I'd love for Takeda and Kung Jin to stay out of MK11. But I don't see it happening.
Cassie is taking the role of Liu Kang for MKX, so she'll probably be here for the next few games. Takeda and Jacqui probably gonna stay as well. Kung Jin is the only one who might not, but I'm sure he'll be in.
05/26/2015 07:06 PM (UTC)
MK11 needs to be all 3D era characters because story. If not I'm dropping the franchise.


Seriously though, Takeda is muh boy so I definitely want to see him return. MKX has pretty much turned into the Takeda vs Jason fighting game for me. With special guest Sub-Zero.

If you don't agree then you're playing the game wrong.
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05/26/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
Takeda is the only one I really like, Cassie & Kung I don't mind. Jacqui needs to be a dead body someone carries in for an intro next game.
05/26/2015 08:06 PM (UTC)
Fuck no! Rather see Shujinko and Taven before the kids. If MK games have taught us anything in the past, post Mk3 characters have a short shelf life. They really only last 2 games tops. Let's hope only 1 for the kids. I don't know why the MK team try and create so many new characters at once. They should do what VF and SF and add a few new characters every game. This games roster would have been perfect with the only new characters being Kotal and the crew + the 3d characters I lieu of the kids
05/26/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
I totally disagree that they have the same personality.

Cassie is witty but insecure.
Jacqui is sarcastic and spunky.
Kung Jin is obnoxious and overconfident.
Takeda is naive but courageous.

Their personalities might intertwine a bit at times but they all have distinct traits.
05/27/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
I may be in the minority here, but I actually thought the MK9 storyline was better than the MKX (despite the fact that both stories had MAJOR flaws).

To me there were many, many, many, MANY things that I disliked about MKX (how could blind Kenshi tell Johnny Cage was smiling in the beginning?; where the hell is Jade?; how does Earthrealm's Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Kenshi, Raiden and Fujin beat a Netherrealm stacked with Shinnok, Quan Chi, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Jax, Kitana, Sindel, Nightwolf, Stryker, Kabal, Sub-Zero, Scorpion...seriously where the hell is Jade???)

But one of the few things I liked about MKX is introducing a new generation of fighters, Mortal Kombat really needed that new car smell instead of having the same old characters returning with modified uniforms and adding a new projectile or weapon to them.

While I do agree the personalities of the kombat kids still leaves alot to be wanted, there is still quite a bit of potential with them. Now I think we ought to cut NRS a little bit of slack here and recognize the fact the kombat kids are just that: youthful individuals who are full of over-confidence. In MK11 I suspect with enough time passing they begin to mature and develop more distinct personalities as they grow into their own unique little snowflakes. This is the first game, and clearly NRS intends on making those within the group of four (but not necessarily all four) the main characters in future games.
05/27/2015 12:52 PM (UTC)
The thing you guys need to understand it that the game is not for the older fans now. I walked into EB games and asked the kid ( wouldn't be older than 19) what he thought of MK. He said it was awesome. I said the story sucked. He said you don't play MK for the story.
This is a guy who wasn't born for the first MK and was telling me (30 years old) what MK is about. Then it hit me that I'm old ???? and world I grew up has changed. Gay monks, Paris Hilton MK champs and the rest is the way of the future now. Everything is so political and fucked up and everything like a simple video game is subjected to it. Does everything have to deliver a message?
MK was one of my favourite free time activities which I managed to keep going since I was a kid. The house, the wife, the kid, the career, I still made time for it. Man I miss the gold old days????

05/27/2015 01:23 PM (UTC)
TigrarShokan Wrote:
MK was one of my favourite free time activities which I managed to keep going since I was a kid. The house, the wife, the kid, the career, I still made time for it. Man I miss the gold old days????

And yet, if you just play traditional towers and versus, that's exactly what you get. You're giving this waaay too much thoughts.

I love the lore and story as much as everyone else but when it comes down to it, when I play versus with my friends and brothers, I get the exact same excitment I did when I played MK1 on my SNES.
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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

05/27/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
Cassie will come back for sure, since she defeated Shinnok and all. She also combines Johnny Cage and Sonya(So hopefully they don't come back). Takeda is interesting for sure. Surely they bring him back, he's different enough from Kenshi that I think both can come back. Kenshi for one more game at least. Kung Jin comes back for sure.
Jacqui is the only one I could see potentially not coming back, but honestly they've invested so much in them to make them " The next generation" that I would seriously be surprised if ALL of them didn't comes back.
05/27/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
I totally disagree that they have the same personality.

Cassie is witty but insecure.
Jacqui is sarcastic and spunky.
Kung Jin is obnoxious and overconfident.
Takeda is naive but courageous.

Their personalities might intertwine a bit at times but they all have distinct traits.

Witty, sarcastic, and obnoxious are all kind of the same thing though, no?
05/27/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
Witty, sarcastic, and obnoxious are all kind of the same thing though, no?

Right. Please check the intros of all of these characters and count all of the stupid witty/sarcastic/obnoxious/annoying remarks they make.
05/27/2015 06:12 PM (UTC)
if it were up to me none of the kombat kids would return, and would be erased from MK history as if they were never created. They ruined MKX story mode, MK being a "family drama" simply doesnt work in any capacity. The only new character I would actually like to see return is Erron, the rest can go die with Darrius, Dairou and Hsu Hao
05/27/2015 06:27 PM (UTC)
For story purposes, I think they should all return, but I do not think all should return as playable characters, that way they can still be part of the story, but NRS can introduce some other new characters or bring back some old ones that haven't gotten a chance in the current era.
05/28/2015 02:02 AM (UTC)
Some of the parents (especially Johnny Cage) are witty, sarcastic, and obnoxious. So you think the kids aren't going to get the same personality from them? Well I guess MK family drama reached its wits end for 20+ years, (Kitana, and Sindel, the Sub-Zero brothers). Either fans are just sick of the family drama of MK altogether or they don't want new stories
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