05/20/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Of course they should all return. It would be pointless to spend SO much time on them and completely ignore them in the next game.

And I love people who respond with "No they suck and shouldn't return". So instead of giving them a chance to actually get better as characters let's just throw then in the MK dumpster along with Hsu Hao, Kobra, Darrius, Dairou, and Kira. What a perfect solution.

It wouldn't be the first time MK did this storywise, I mean they pretty much erased the events of 1through 7. Only this game and MK 9 are considered canon.

As for giving them a chance, they did have a chance, a big chance. This is the most polished, detailed, major MK ever. There were no limitations on the development team for why they couldn't knock this story out of the park. Instead the story isn't all that satisfying and it disrespects a lot of the existing lore (examples: Quan Chi being such a wimp, Sub Zero being nothing but a training dummy for the new guys, Sektor being reduced to an R2D2 hologram scene).

They had their shot to win me over, now I would like to see something else in MK 11's story.
05/20/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
It wouldn't be the first time MK did this storywise, I mean they pretty much erased the events of 1through 7. Only this game and MK 9 are considered canon.

As for giving them a chance, they did have a chance, a big chance. This is the most polished, detailed, major MK ever. There were no limitations on the development team for why they couldn't knock this story out of the park. Instead the story isn't all that satisfying and it disrespects a lot of the existing lore (examples: Quan Chi being such a wimp, Sub Zero being nothing but a training dummy for the new guys, Sektor being reduced to an R2D2 hologram scene).

They had their shot to win me over, now I would like to see something else in MK 11's story.

So what if it's not the first time they've done it? So because they did something stupid before they should just do it again?

And so they didn't impress you in their debut, but if you just shelf them that doesn't help them. Mileena didn't impress me until MKX. I never even cared for Sonya until MKX. It's never too late for characters to make a good impression on people.
05/20/2015 05:12 PM (UTC)
I bet Takeda, Kung Jin, and Cassie will return. The only one I'm not sure is Jacqui, she could go either way.

To be honest, Kotal Kahn, D'Vorah, Erron Black, Kung Jin, and Takeda are the best characters since Kenshi, it would be a waste if they don't return in the next game.

Now, let's talk about the rest, Ferra/Torr are very original gameplay wise, but, they aren't really that interesting story wise, they are useless, and only show up two times in the story mode, they are not very popular so I don't think they are coming back, in fact, I hope they don't come back.

When Jacqui showed up in the comics I liked her, but them I saw her gameplay, instead of making an kickboxer they made her another character with guns, anyway, she isn't very popular so I don't think she is coming back.

Now comes Cassie Cage, she is very popular and people seems to like her, she was the main protagonist of the game and is already an tournament favorite, she will come back. I personally don't like the character, they tried to make her a mix of Johnny and Sonya, instead she is inferior to both.

For those saying that those characters deserve a second chance, I would say otherwise, this is the most complete game in the series, and they had four years to make the game, that's plenty of time,, if the can't make them interesting them they should move on, they had far more time than the 3D games that were rushed by Midway, they also didn't have the budget that they have now, so that's the excuse the 3D characters have, the same can't be said about the MKX characters.

Just remenber that this is my opinion, everyone has their own.
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05/20/2015 05:12 PM (UTC)
Since the story was focused on these new four characters I think they will all return. Whether or not be playable remains to be seen but I think they will all be in the next game. Seems redundant to me that they were the major focus of MKX and then be shelved or put to one side with their stories just taking off.

As for the 3D era characters for the most part it is a negative from me. I think NRS should carry on with the plan of cherry picking the better received ones and phasing out the other ones. They do not capture my interest much and I do realise that they can massive positive makeovers but I would rather see newer characters instead. The likes Kotal Kahn, Cassie, D'Vorah and Erron Black are far more interesting than any of the 3D era characters to me.
05/20/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
I'd prefer they bring back Cassie, Takeda, and Jin as playable, but I never seen anything potential in gameplay and story with Jacqui. I think she should be killed off in order to develop Takeda and Cassie. Make bad stuff happen in order to develop these characters. I think the lack of good guys dying made MKX a little too easygoing for the good guys. I'm looking forward to more deaths and drama that actually makes sense in context of the characters in MK11.

Killing off a female character to pump up her boyfriend's storyline is the height of lazy storytelling.

There's nothing lazy about having Takeda be dealt with another crippling blow of the death of someone he loves like his mother's death and to see how much of a toll both traumas will take on Takeda's mental caricature. I'm also not so keen that Kenshi will survive in MK11. What, you can't have happy endings for every character.
05/20/2015 05:46 PM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
Actually, there's no way Cassie and Jacqui can be older than 20. JC defeats Shinnok/ Raiden revives Jax in scenes that occur 20 years before the present tense part of the story. There is no evidence that Cassie or Jacqui were born before these events. Adding nine months of pregnancy, it's more likely they are both around 19.

Takeda and Kung Jin might be a bit older, that's possible. But I think they are looked at like teenagers because they all have the same cocky teenager personality.

Sonya and Johnny are married and living together by the time of Jax's resurrection (Sonya refers to Johnny's 'man cave'). There's no reason Cassie couldn't have been born already. Jacqui could've been born before the events of MK9. If anything, that makes more sense than 20 year olds having done four tours of duty overseas. I'd put Cassie at around 22 and Jacqui at either 20 or 25 depending on when she was born. Takeda is explicitly 23 based on the story mode (he was 18 five years before the present, when Kenshi comes to reclaim him). Kung Jin seems to be older than the other three.
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05/20/2015 05:52 PM (UTC)
The return is not in question, it is the when? that needs to be asked.
05/20/2015 06:01 PM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
I'd prefer they bring back Cassie, Takeda, and Jin as playable, but I never seen anything potential in gameplay and story with Jacqui. I think she should be killed off in order to develop Takeda and Cassie. Make bad stuff happen in order to develop these characters. I think the lack of good guys dying made MKX a little too easygoing for the good guys. I'm looking forward to more deaths and drama that actually makes sense in context of the characters in MK11.

Killing off a female character to pump up her boyfriend's storyline is the height of lazy storytelling.

There's nothing lazy about having Takeda be dealt with another crippling blow of the death of someone he loves like his mother's death and to see how much of a toll both traumas will take on Takeda's mental caricature. I'm also not so keen that Kenshi will survive in MK11. What, you can't have happy endings for every character.

He ALREADY has one dead woman in his backstory to make him sad and motivate him. Does he really need two? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Refrigerators
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

05/20/2015 06:08 PM (UTC)
I don't know why I included Kotal and D'Vorah in my OP. Caffeine deficiency at it's finest.

Jacqui isn't a bad character (prefer her over Jax tbh), and nor is Cassie. Both have grown on me since the game's launch, but I'm not a fan of how Cassie was portrayed in story mode. I just wish she had the same personality and charisma that she does in her intros.

I'm wondering how well they can differentiate Cassie from Sonya once they start aging her.
05/20/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
I'd prefer they bring back Cassie, Takeda, and Jin as playable, but I never seen anything potential in gameplay and story with Jacqui. I think she should be killed off in order to develop Takeda and Cassie. Make bad stuff happen in order to develop these characters. I think the lack of good guys dying made MKX a little too easygoing for the good guys. I'm looking forward to more deaths and drama that actually makes sense in context of the characters in MK11.

Killing off a female character to pump up her boyfriend's storyline is the height of lazy storytelling.

There's nothing lazy about having Takeda be dealt with another crippling blow of the death of someone he loves like his mother's death and to see how much of a toll both traumas will take on Takeda's mental caricature. I'm also not so keen that Kenshi will survive in MK11. What, you can't have happy endings for every character.

He ALREADY has one dead woman in his backstory to make him sad and motivate him. Does he really need two? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Refrigerators

What the hell do you think I am, a misogynistic? This has nothing to do with the fact that she's female. Kenshi can very well qualify for a death that challenges Takeda in character development. The fact that Jacqui is just a generic military clone of Jax with Cassie's sassy personality lessens the warrant of character potential in my opinion. This has nothing to do with gender. If Jacqui in a scenario WOULD have accelerated my expectations in MKX and that liked her, Kung Jin would have been on the killing block.
05/20/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Sonya and Johnny are married and living together by the time of Jax's resurrection (Sonya refers to Johnny's 'man cave'). There's no reason Cassie couldn't have been born already. Jacqui could've been born before the events of MK9. If anything, that makes more sense than 20 year olds having done four tours of duty overseas. I'd put Cassie at around 22 and Jacqui at either 20 or 25 depending on when she was born. Takeda is explicitly 23 based on the story mode (he was 18 five years before the present, when Kenshi comes to reclaim him). Kung Jin seems to be older than the other three.

How do you get that they are married by a reference to a man cave? Anyway, look at Chapter 1, Sonya and Johnny are not a couple in the entirety of this chapter. "She called me Johnny" is a way of show how their relationship is starting to develop at the very end of the chapter. Chapter two starts off 20 years later and Cassie is an adult. Jacqui is presumably the same age as Cassie. And there is nothing ever that has said Jax had a daughter before MK 9. If they wanted to convey that they could have mentioned it while Jax was a revenant in order to try and snap him out of it or something. The scene about four tours of duty together always makes me cringe because it's just bad writing.
05/20/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I don't know why I included Kotal and D'Vorah in my OP. Caffeine deficiency at it's finest.

Jacqui isn't a bad character (prefer her over Jax tbh), and nor is Cassie. Both have grown on me since the game's launch, but I'm not a fan of how Cassie was portrayed in story mode. I just wish she had the same personality and charisma that she does in her intros.

I'm wondering how well they can differentiate Cassie from Sonya once they start aging her.

I noticed this as well, story Cassie and random intro Cassie seem like two different people lol

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05/20/2015 06:39 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
I'd prefer they bring back Cassie, Takeda, and Jin as playable, but I never seen anything potential in gameplay and story with Jacqui. I think she should be killed off in order to develop Takeda and Cassie. Make bad stuff happen in order to develop these characters. I think the lack of good guys dying made MKX a little too easygoing for the good guys. I'm looking forward to more deaths and drama that actually makes sense in context of the characters in MK11.

Killing off a female character to pump up her boyfriend's storyline is the height of lazy storytelling.

There's nothing lazy about having Takeda be dealt with another crippling blow of the death of someone he loves like his mother's death and to see how much of a toll both traumas will take on Takeda's mental caricature. I'm also not so keen that Kenshi will survive in MK11. What, you can't have happy endings for every character.

He ALREADY has one dead woman in his backstory to make him sad and motivate him. Does he really need two? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Refrigerators

05/20/2015 06:43 PM (UTC)
It wouldn't really make sense to kill off Jacqui, not if they're planning on killing Jax. And he dies in 2 different endings. And I know they aren't canon until proven otherwise but it's something to think about.
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05/20/2015 06:47 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
It wouldn't really make sense to kill off Jacqui, not if they're planning on killing Jax. And he dies in 2 different endings. And I know they aren't canon until proven otherwise but it's something to think about.

It would make sense in that it's getting rid of a boring character. Though if Jax dies maybe they can make her switch sides or something so she's interesting.
05/20/2015 06:53 PM (UTC)
Should they? I'd say yes because then it will make MKX look a little ridiculous to be honest. Now, whether or not they should all be playable, no I do not think that is necessary.

As for Jacqui, I do like her but after looking through her concept art I do not know WHY they would have gone with such a bland design? There were some awesome visually more exciting looks for her that would have really boosted her popularity.

She would benefit from a cool DLC alternate with new hair style.
05/20/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
Jax dying means nothing. We saw him die in the previous game, and he was resurrected before the more important characters (Liu/Kitana). They didn't have to bring him back just for the sake of introducing Jacqui, they could of easily made her motive to be vengeance with him staying dead but they didn't.

Seeing as Sonya and Johnny are still going to be around that tells me NRS isn't ready to let go of the original team, so I highly doubt all four of the newbies will return as playable.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

05/20/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I don't know why I included Kotal and D'Vorah in my OP. Caffeine deficiency at it's finest.

Jacqui isn't a bad character (prefer her over Jax tbh), and nor is Cassie. Both have grown on me since the game's launch, but I'm not a fan of how Cassie was portrayed in story mode. I just wish she had the same personality and charisma that she does in her intros.

I'm wondering how well they can differentiate Cassie from Sonya once they start aging her.

I noticed this as well, story Cassie and random intro Cassie seem like two different people lol

I mean I guess I can understand her being toned down with a bit more professionalism since she's "at work", but even still. She had like, zero wits about her. In her intros, she sure doesn't seem like the type to stumble over her tongue, but she does that a couple times in story mode.

It just gave me the impression that she was being thrust into a situation that she didn't know how to handle or how to react. Qualification was lacking. Kung Jin's snappy "What makes you our leader?" remains an excellent question.

And while we're mentioning it, Kung Jin is my favorite of the squad. Great design, relatable personality even if excessively headstrong at times. And he managed to rescue the group from hot water more than once. Not to mention his flashback scene is one of my favorites from story mode.

As for Takeda, I'll agree the whole daddy bit was cringe worthy, but his gameplay is fantastic. His prominent role in the comics helped sell him to me as well and I can't say that for Cassie, Jacqui, or even Erron.
05/20/2015 09:02 PM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
Actually, there's no way Cassie and Jacqui can be older than 20. JC defeats Shinnok/ Raiden revives Jax in scenes that occur 20 years before the present tense part of the story. There is no evidence that Cassie or Jacqui were born before these events. Adding nine months of pregnancy, it's more likely they are both around 19.

Takeda and Kung Jin might be a bit older, that's possible. But I think they are looked at like teenagers because they all have the same cocky teenager personality.

MKX's story tales place 25 years in the future. JC and Sonya beat Shinnok 2 years after MK9. So if Sonya got pregnant directly after, Cassie should be about 22.
05/20/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
let's just throw then in the MK dumpster along with Hsu Hao, Kobra, Darrius, Dairou, and Kira.

Better these guys than Li Mei or (yawn) Fujin or Tanya or Havik any day of the week.
This site has been making me a hell of a lot more sympathetic as of late to the characters that we're supposed to despise.
05/20/2015 10:40 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
Actually, there's no way Cassie and Jacqui can be older than 20. JC defeats Shinnok/ Raiden revives Jax in scenes that occur 20 years before the present tense part of the story. There is no evidence that Cassie or Jacqui were born before these events. Adding nine months of pregnancy, it's more likely they are both around 19.

Takeda and Kung Jin might be a bit older, that's possible. But I think they are looked at like teenagers because they all have the same cocky teenager personality.

MKX's story tales place 25 years in the future. JC and Sonya beat Shinnok 2 years after MK9. So if Sonya got pregnant directly after, Cassie should be about 22.

Watch it again, Shinnok gets defeated, 20 years later Cassie exists.
05/21/2015 12:04 AM (UTC)
Do we even know if Jacqui was born before or after MK2011, specifically Jax's death. I'd think Vera may have been pregnant with her during the events of that game if she named her after Jax in honor of him being dead at the time of Jacqui's birth. She also seems to get very pissed off by Jin's zombie jokes.
Yes, all of the new characters introduced should return for the next game.
05/21/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
let's just throw then in the MK dumpster along with Hsu Hao, Kobra, Darrius, Dairou, and Kira.

Better these guys than Li Mei or (yawn) Fujin or Tanya or Havik any day of the week.
This site has been making me a hell of a lot more sympathetic as of late to the characters that we're supposed to despise.

Or we could you know, not waste characters and make them decent. Nobody has to be thrown away like a week old pizza.
05/21/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
SpellcraftQuill Wrote:
Do we even know if Jacqui was born before or after MK2011, specifically Jax's death. I'd think Vera may have been pregnant with her during the events of that game if she named her after Jax in honor of him being dead at the time of Jacqui's birth. She also seems to get very pissed off by Jin's zombie jokes.

Yeah, the stuff with Jin definitely made me think Jacqui was born while Jax was still dead.
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