05/29/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)
I don't quite see what a character backstory created for a 1993 video game has to do with the lack of character differentiation they are doing today. The issue is they made four new characters with the same cocky personality in order to appeal to indiscriminant teenagers/ casuals. Plus we already had Johhny Cage perfectly filling this role.

I'd play Takeda way more if he didn't speak. "You kinda' suck dude" never fails to take me out of the moment. Part of the problem is the wittyness isn't even very well written across the boards. JC to Sub: "ice to see you" and so on. It's pretty rough to sit through.
05/29/2015 03:03 AM (UTC)
The more I think about it, Team Cassie just feels like fan fiction. As I've said before, there were lots of Cassies. Takeda feels added for there to be an anime-like character while Kung Jin and Jacqui randomly fill voids of being a gay fighting game character along with taking inspiration from Green Arrow and a rare African American female fighter who doesn't even need to replace her father now that he's back to life. If they all had different personalities, that would be better. Especially Takeda who was raised by some guy with anger problems that probably liked having him around to replace the son he lost.
Keep Cassie I guess and get rid of the rest they are redundant and have some ofthe most annoying personalities in the game it makes me miss the 3d Era characters. Lol its like NRS saying we know how to make a character like frost more popular, make her sub zeros little sister. Who you are related to doesn't make for good characterization if there is no substance to any ofthem . Actually get rid of Cassie as well lol.
05/31/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
Could not agree more. Almost half the fuckin cast is the sarcastic, modern, "edgy", Xtreme, 90's gogurt commercial archetype. Its corny as fuck when there is so much of it. I get a headache from all the eye rolling I do. Play Reptile and fight against Cassie, jaquie, Kung Jin, Takeda and they all say the same type of shit. Then ad JC, Lui, Lao and more to the mix and it gets so fuckin old. Its so painfully obvious that characters like Reptile, Goro, Ermac, Mileena, Sub Zero, etc are made to be the heel so NRS can show everybody how zainy and "cool" the new teen titans are. Like Redman said above, it feels so forced and is incredibly obvious. I don't see why Kung Jin couldn't have been all about honor/peace or have Takeda be a super serious, cold blooded but good hearted assassin. But no, we get 4 rebellious, sarcastic teenagers with "edgy" modern quips and I feel like I'm watching the fucking Disney channel every time they're on screen.

And to Killamore, absolutely nobody is saying comic relief is new to MK or doesn't belong in it. Its that MKX is over saturated with it.

Smartest post I've ever seen on this forum. I fully agree.

This too:

The kombat kids suck ass in my opinion and I hate the whole deal whats going on with them. They're all so uninteresting and not original. And their personalities are so god awful. Like if they're going to include these characters, then remove their parents so we have more space for interesting original characters. We don't need Cassie AND Sonya, they're practically the same. We also don't need Jacqui AND Jax, since they're also the same. Next installment they should keep one or the other.

And for this guy below... Man, this isn't the 90s anymore. That was the general knowledge back then. Humanity has evolved and what worked back then is crappy now. I've recently seen the old Superman movies. I now think they're total bul*****. You know why? Because I'm smarter than I was 20 years ago. Mortal Kombat should be more intelligent too

Killamore Wrote:
"His real name is Maj. Jackson Briggs, leader of a top U.S. Special Forces unit. After receiving a distress signal from LT. Sonya Blade, Jax embarks on a rescue mission. One that leads him into a ghastly world where he believes that Sonya is still alive."

"Kung Jin is the younger cousin of Earthrealm hero Kung Lao. When Kung Lao was killed in the war against Outworld, Kung's family's fortunes took a turn for the worse. He journeyed to the U.S. and became a thief. An encounter with Raiden changed Jin's outlook, and he joined the Shaolin Monks. Now a member of Johnny Cage's secret Special Forces offshoot, Jin's streetwise past gives him extra insight into the minds and motivations of those who would harm Earthrealm."

Can you spot the one that's more cliched? Seriously, Jax's MKII bio sounds like the dialogue a voice over would say in an 80's action trailer. And Jin's is just as cliched except with a more modern character over "buff military man." And both are equally the MK we grew up with.
06/01/2015 12:21 AM (UTC)
Don't want to go through the clutter to repost, but agree 100% with what Spaceman said.

I can't believe there are people out there who think Jacqui's "Say my name bitch" is actually cool. It's not. It's stupid and cliche. NRS may think it makes her look hardcore but instead It makes her sound like a Destiny's Child groupie. I don't think Cassie's lame Miley Cyrus 'do and earrings would be acceptable in the actual military either, but maybe that's just me.

Most of the NRS guys - Boon, Vogel, etc. - are at least in their forties. The failure of MKX in trying to make the Kombat Kids sound badass is therefore painfully evident, and having them take a royal dump in the game over veteran characters who had spent decades paying their dues is beyond embarrassing.
06/01/2015 12:49 AM (UTC)
Say my name, say my name, if no one is around you say baby I love you. Watch when the Kombat Kids don't return, and the parents are back as the main heroes some fans going to say, they wish the Kombat Kids would return lol
06/01/2015 03:44 AM (UTC)
So what I'm getting from most of the people who dislike the new heroes is:

"Damn, kids today and their culture! It's just like mine except puny one-liners have been replaced with sarcastic one-liners! It sucks!"

Most kids today being introduced to MKX at the same age you were introduced to whichever MK you were, would find the new guys just as cool as you found the old ones. Why? Because they are products of their time, just like the old heroes were.
06/01/2015 09:46 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Don't want to go through the clutter to repost, but agree 100% with what Spaceman said.

I can't believe there are people out there who think Jacqui's "Say my name bitch" is actually cool. It's not. It's stupid and cliche. NRS may think it makes her look hardcore but instead It makes her sound like a Destiny's Child groupie. I don't think Cassie's lame Miley Cyrus 'do and earrings would be acceptable in the actual military either, but maybe that's just me.

Most of the NRS guys - Boon, Vogel, etc. - are at least in their forties. The failure of MKX in trying to make the Kombat Kids sound badass is therefore painfully evident, and having them take a royal dump in the game over veteran characters who had spent decades paying their dues is beyond embarrassing.

Cassie suits me because she is a lot like me. Cassie will bring in todays teens. She is awesome. Her Miley Cyrus 'do and earrings are not acceptable but Sonya's boobie vest is just fine, right? Lmao

Jacqui saying "Say My name bitch" is great. It shows she isblike her father. She is mouthy and trash talks. I love it. I didnt really like her character until I heard her dialogue.

Kung Jin is great too. He is exactly what LGBT people want in a LGBT character. Jin isnt noticeably gay and thats how most gays are. He also is nothing like Kung Lao.

I will give Takeda though. He sucks so much ass.
About Me

art by blacksaibot

06/01/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
lanoitarnu Wrote:

Nobody is biased. D'vorah is an interesting new lackey.

Woah woah woah WOAH. Lackey?? She is not a lackey. She POSES as a lackey, but is much more than that.
06/01/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
So what I'm getting from most of the people who dislike the new heroes is:

"Damn, kids today and their culture! It's just like mine except puny one-liners have been replaced with sarcastic one-liners! It sucks!"

Most kids today being introduced to MKX at the same age you were introduced to whichever MK you were, would find the new guys just as cool as you found the old ones. Why? Because they are products of their time, just like the old heroes were.

You are not familiar with the word pandering are you?
06/01/2015 11:50 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
She is awesome. Her Miley Cyrus 'do and earrings are not acceptable but Sonya's boobie vest is just fine, right? Lmao

When did I ever say it was? Reading comprehension is important, buddy.
And for the record, it's among Sonya's worst-ever designs in the series.

Sindel798 Wrote:
Kung Jin is great too. He is exactly what LGBT people want in a LGBT character.

LOL. Because you know this for a fact, right?
06/02/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
So what I'm getting from most of the people who dislike the new heroes is:

"Damn, kids today and their culture! It's just like mine except puny one-liners have been replaced with sarcastic one-liners! It sucks!"

Most kids today being introduced to MKX at the same age you were introduced to whichever MK you were, would find the new guys just as cool as you found the old ones. Why? Because they are products of their time, just like the old heroes were.

You are not familiar with the word pandering are you?

Of course I do. They have been doing it since the beginning. Just not to you anymore. Bruce Lee was traded for Keanu Reeves who was traded for Scarlett Johansson. Pandering to Avengers fans instead of Enter the Dragon and Matrix fans.
06/02/2015 02:28 AM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
Kung Jin is great too. He is exactly what LGBT people want in a LGBT character. Jin isnt noticeably gay and thats how most gays are. He also is nothing like Kung Lao.

I will give Takeda though. He sucks so much ass.

Saying Kung Jin is great because he's a gay character who "isn't noticeably gay" is hilarious. You're praising him as an LGBT character who isn't defined by his sexuality, while simultaneously claiming that as his most defining feature.

He's a great character because of strong gameplay and visual design. Same goes for Takeda. I certainly remember a time when characters were judged on qualities other than how witty their one liners are.
06/02/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
She is awesome. Her Miley Cyrus 'do and earrings are not acceptable but Sonya's boobie vest is just fine, right? Lmao

When did I ever say it was? Reading comprehension is important, buddy.
And for the record, it's among Sonya's worst-ever designs in the series.

Sindel798 Wrote:
Kung Jin is great too. He is exactly what LGBT people want in a LGBT character.

LOL. Because you know this for a fact, right?

Yes I do for a fact. I am a gay male and thats how gay people should be represented.
06/02/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
Kung Jin is great too. He is exactly what LGBT people want in a LGBT character. Jin isnt noticeably gay and thats how most gays are. He also is nothing like Kung Lao.

I will give Takeda though. He sucks so much ass.

Saying Kung Jin is great because he's a gay character who "isn't noticeably gay" is hilarious. You're praising him as an LGBT character who isn't defined by his sexuality, while simultaneously claiming that as his most defining feature.

He's a great character because of strong gameplay and visual design. Same goes for Takeda. I certainly remember a time when characters were judged on qualities other than how witty their one liners are.

Kung Jin has great gameplay and an interesting story too. I was just saying he is exactly how LGBT characters should be represented.

Takeda is annoying and pointless.
06/02/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
Takeda is annoying and pointless.

He has a thoughtful backstory and deep connections to other characters. He's the first Shirai Ryu character we've seen other than Scorpion, and a good symbol of how NRS is finally moving forward with that aspect of the story (which has frankly been stagnant since... MK1).

Can you honestly say you think his bladed whip fighting style isn't unique? I feel that alone warrants his place on the roster.

I'm somewhat surprised at the negative reception Takeda has here. Everyone is obviously welcome to their opinion, but I find it insane that people are dismissing Takeda as a bland character with nothing to offer, then proceed to praise Cage Jr. and Jax Jr. as the second coming. I just expected him to make more of an impact as a fan favorite, I guess.

It's also a little shitty that most of the praise I see for Kung Jin is directly related to the homosexuality thing. Like I said, it's a little ironic. (Not directed at you in particular, Sindel798, just a broad observation)

Both Kung Jin and Takeda were descendant characters done very well. Inspiration was drawn very tastefully from the elder characters, and formed into fully realized, independent characters. They could have been given different names and back stories entirely and no one would have even made a connection other than Takeda obviously being Shirai Ryu. This is a very good thing, if you ask me.

Cassie and Jacqui just feel like female versions of their parents, run through an Instagram filter. I really wish it wasn't the case, but I think they're very weak and superfluous characters. I don't see them peacefully co-existing with the older characters, and I definitely don't want them as replacements either.

tl;dr: I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
06/02/2015 03:21 AM (UTC)
Cassie and Jacqui ooze personality. They are both interesting and fun. Takeda is just there with a stupid daddy issues story. Also, Kenshi did not need a child.
06/02/2015 05:55 AM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
Yes I do for a fact. I am a gay male and thats how gay people should be represented.

No, you don't. I liked the development of Kung Jin as much as anyone, but you can't speak for an entire minority, especially in regards to a video game character.
06/02/2015 07:08 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
Yes I do for a fact. I am a gay male and thats how gay people should be represented.

No, you don't. I liked the development of Kung Jin as much as anyone, but you can't speak for an entire minority, especially in regards to a video game character.

I have a talked to a lot of gay gamers and MK fans. Trust me, no one wants a very flamboyant character, because its a sterotype.
06/02/2015 07:15 AM (UTC)
I'm sure the next game will have Jacquie, Cassie, Takeda, Kung Jin and Frost replace the Earthrealm Warriors and inherit their iconic movesets.

But don't worry. Mk12 will surely do timetravel again to relive the events of the first games.
06/02/2015 08:00 AM (UTC)
I'm all for the new four to replace their ancestors.

For people complaining, if you want those characters, play MK9 or MKX or earlier games. For MK to evolve we need to start letting go of the past.

We can't have the same characters just with updated looks and movesets.

Would love to see Havik, Rain, Reiko, Tanya join the fight in MK11, but if there is no Kano, Sonya, Jax, Liu Kang, Kitana, it wouldn't bother me. Those characters have had their chance. Even Street Fighter fans have embraced more change than MK fans, and their characters post SF2 suck :)
06/02/2015 09:38 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
Takeda is annoying and pointless.

He has a thoughtful backstory and deep connections to other characters. He's the first Shirai Ryu character we've seen other than Scorpion, and a good symbol of how NRS is finally moving forward with that aspect of the story (which has frankly been stagnant since... MK1).

Can you honestly say you think his bladed whip fighting style isn't unique? I feel that alone warrants his place on the roster.

I'm somewhat surprised at the negative reception Takeda has here. Everyone is obviously welcome to their opinion, but I find it insane that people are dismissing Takeda as a bland character with nothing to offer, then proceed to praise Cage Jr. and Jax Jr. as the second coming. I just expected him to make more of an impact as a fan favorite, I guess.

It's also a little shitty that most of the praise I see for Kung Jin is directly related to the homosexuality thing. Like I said, it's a little ironic. (Not directed at you in particular, Sindel798, just a broad observation)

Both Kung Jin and Takeda were descendant characters done very well. Inspiration was drawn very tastefully from the elder characters, and formed into fully realized, independent characters. They could have been given different names and back stories entirely and no one would have even made a connection other than Takeda obviously being Shirai Ryu. This is a very good thing, if you ask me.

Cassie and Jacqui just feel like female versions of their parents, run through an Instagram filter. I really wish it wasn't the case, but I think they're very weak and superfluous characters. I don't see them peacefully co-existing with the older characters, and I definitely don't want them as replacements either.

tl;dr: I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

I Think The Same....
I dont need female or male version of older characters (i dont care if is daughter/son whatever)

Female Cage? For me NO THANKS....
I prefer ORIGINAL characters....
Cassie is all Generic............Cage Humor....... Blond like Sonya............Same Work.............Dont Have 1 original move from her.....all inspired in other characters (Cage / Stryker / Sektor)
Where is creativity of NRS in create Her? none.

I Hope NRS make her more unic with ORIGINAL MOVES in next game......

06/02/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
Yes I do for a fact. I am a gay male and thats how gay people should be represented.

No, you don't. I liked the development of Kung Jin as much as anyone, but you can't speak for an entire minority, especially in regards to a video game character.

I have a talked to a lot of gay gamers and MK fans. Trust me, no one wants a very flamboyant character, because its a sterotype.

I'm guessing some gay gamers would find him as boring as straight gamers do, and some will love him like straight gamers do.

On another note, I always thought Rain was MK's first gay character...
06/02/2015 10:32 PM (UTC)
Gotta love how people are clammering for 3D MK era characters...

I was on this board back then - most of the characters in MK4 got based pillar to post. Most of Deadly Alliance characters were called lame and wannabes.

I think people like sooking for the sake of sooking. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, and not every character will appeal to every person. But for a game with millions of fans worldwide, one or ten people doesn't represent a view.

Sorry.. that's my rant for the day.. it seems the last 5 years there have been some people on these forums, some trolls even, who have not said one positive word about MK. Surely that means they have outgrown the game? :/
06/02/2015 10:55 PM (UTC)
Siang Wrote:
Gotta love how people are clammering for 3D MK era characters...

I was on this board back then - most of the characters in MK4 got based pillar to post. Most of Deadly Alliance characters were called lame and wannabes.

I think people like sooking for the sake of sooking. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, and not every character will appeal to every person. But for a game with millions of fans worldwide, one or ten people doesn't represent a view.

Sorry.. that's my rant for the day.. it seems the last 5 years there have been some people on these forums, some trolls even, who have not said one positive word about MK. Surely that means they have outgrown the game? :/

You say this and yet Shinnok is your profile icon.

If the Tanya podcast yesterday didn't show people how much a character can get improved with the latest gen software, then I guess nothing will.
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