ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:

Oh my God.

And I thought the other two wankers were pathetic...

The only pathetic person I see is you. Why are you even in here? Seems to me you want to start discourse.

I was here to reply to a comment I found amusing. Didn't mean to disrupt your circlejerk by starting "discourse" (Seriously? Ok.).

For all of your (or all the Rain fans you spoke on behalf of) purported nonchalance regarding Rain's inclusion in the game, you sure spend a lot of time responding to the naysayers.

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Props to MINION
03/02/2015 11:44 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
I can't wait until the game is released to show Rain isn't on the main roster, and isn't in MKX. This thread is going to look hilarious.

It'd certainly be funny seeing some of his annoying-ass fans have a collective breakdown.

Same when Cassie is shown to be a one-hit wonder.

hey now lets not bring cassie into this, she seems like she'l be awesome story wise(better than sonya ever did, no offense sonya fans)

oh and if Rain isn't playable in mkx and only in the living towers as an npc, that'll blow lol
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/02/2015 11:48 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:

Oh my God.

And I thought the other two wankers were pathetic...

The only pathetic person I see is you. Why are you even in here? Seems to me you want to start discourse.

I was here to reply to a comment I found amusing. Didn't mean to disrupt your circlejerk by starting "discourse" (Seriously? Ok.).

For all of your (or all the Rain fans you spoke on behalf of) purported nonchalance regarding Rain's inclusion in the game, you sure spend a lot of time responding to the naysayers.

Meh, it's a boredom buster. And bye now! *waves*
I would hope they include both Skarlet and Rain and find more inventive uses of Water powers and Blood powers than what they were given for 9
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
I can't wait until the game is released to show Rain isn't on the main roster, and isn't in MKX. This thread is going to look hilarious.

*Yawns* And you do realize if he's in you're going to be looking like a jackass, right?

Seriously, leave it be. We know where you stand and what you think- fine. Why does this have to turn into such an elementary school playground argument?

If Rain is in, yay, if Rain is out, oh well. Go put your energy into something constructive.

I put no energy in that post, you put a lot in yours though. I'm not even a Rain hater, he was my main guy in UMK3 and thought he was the most fun DLC in 9. But it pains me to see people so excited for his inclusion in MKX's main roster. I'm being realistic, he doesn't seem to have a chance in the roster. Just because he was in a 1 second clip in the video doesn't mean people should automatically think he's on the roster. I put "energy" in this post, but really it killed a few minutes before I get to leave work. So peace.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 12:50 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
I can't wait until the game is released to show Rain isn't on the main roster, and isn't in MKX. This thread is going to look hilarious.

*Yawns* And you do realize if he's in you're going to be looking like a jackass, right?

Seriously, leave it be. We know where you stand and what you think- fine. Why does this have to turn into such an elementary school playground argument?

If Rain is in, yay, if Rain is out, oh well. Go put your energy into something constructive.

I put no energy in that post, you put a lot in yours though. I'm not even a Rain hater, he was my main guy in UMK3 and thought he was the most fun DLC in 9. But it pains me to see people so excited for his inclusion in MKX's main roster. I'm being realistic, he doesn't seem to have a chance in the roster. Just because he was in a 1 second clip in the video doesn't mean people should automatically think he's on the roster. I put "energy" in this post, but really it killed a few minutes before I get to leave work. So peace.

Nobody is going off of a one second clip and just assuming he's in. There's a whole lot of factors that support this- most of which are on the last page and have been pointed out time and time again. But since you obviously can't seem to read I'll go over them- AGAIN.

-First off, Rain has a completely new look and model. No, it is not his Armageddon outfit, nor is it just a quick updated version- It's completely different. His entire chest and belly is exposed, his arms are exposed, he is decorated in jewels, his boots are golden- The only thing that's similar is his ponytail. We have looked over and examined every single HD freeze frame and it is a completely new look, he's also seen yet again standing up behind Mileena before Kotal kicks her and you can see it even more.

- Second, they're not going to give a brand new design to a supposed "cameo" character. Why randomly give Rain a new look and not Sindel? Wouldn't it be easier to just use his MK9 model? I mean he is just a "cameo" after all. *smorts*

- Third, he wasn't killed in the comic, just burned to a crisp. He's a demigod and obviously was healed again. Him kicking Kotal off the tower seems to hint that maybe he's paying him back for that.

-Fourth. He's a Mileena loyalist. Kotal Kahn has all of his allies playable- Reptile, D'Vora, Ferra/Torr, Ermac, and Erron Black. Who does Mileena have on her side that's playable? Goro? That's it? Yeah, plenty of room for Rain.

- Fifth. Rain and Kenshi were two fan favorites and most likely sold well as DLC. Kenshi's chances of making it is extremely high and for all we know it probably was NRS plan from the beginning to include both of them in the initial roster this time considering. Besides, Boon have been throwing out playful Rain hints and whatnot for months now. And before you or anyone else go screaming "BUT BOON DECONFIRMED HIM"- No, Boon said that they would be doing something different for DLC. That was not the same as saying "Rain isn't in the game period".

If you STILL don't believe Rain is in the roster- Absolutely fine. But I just don't see how a new design and story relevance can be ignored . So no, it's not just that he was seen for "one second".

That said, I'm tired of arguing. Believe what you like- just leave me the hell alone.
03/03/2015 12:58 AM (UTC)
Okay, I'm a Rain fanboy, and I want so badly for him to be playable!

However, I have to play devil's advocate here. Many of us are using Rain's new appearance as grounds for justifying his inclusion in the roster. However....have we seen anyone in their MK9 outfit yet? NPC or otherwise?

Sindel, Baraka, Rain and Shinnok all have new models. Best case scenario, they're all playable! However, until we see gameplay, I wouldn't be so quick to assume anything.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 01:10 AM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Okay, I'm a Rain fanboy, and I want so badly for him to be playable!

However, I have to play devil's advocate here. Many of us are using Rain's new appearance as grounds for justifying his inclusion in the roster. However....have we seen anyone in their MK9 outfit yet? NPC or otherwise?

Sindel, Baraka, Rain and Shinnok all have new models. Best case scenario, they're all playable! However, until we see gameplay, I wouldn't be so quick to assume anything.

Sindel is an old model in her MK9 outfit. Baraka from what I've heard is in his MK9 outfit.

Shinnok I actually believe might be playable or a boss. As stated before, they're not going to go through trouble of re-designing fucking "Cameo" characters. That takes a ton of time, effort, and work away from the rest of the development and is pointless.

Sindel is an updated model right down to the hair issues that came with her.
As for Baraka, that's not his MK9 Alt or even his MKvsDC outfit, It looks like it's from Deception which was from Two Gens ago so they're sure as hell not simply updating it otherwise it would look like garbage up close. And that's clearly Baraka. All the other Tarkatans are wearing the same thing while that one is different.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 01:30 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Sindel is an updated model right down to the hair issues that came with her.

As for Baraka, that's not his MK9 Alt or even his MKvsDC outfit, It looks like it's from Deception which was from Two Gens ago so they're sure as hell not simply updating it otherwise it would look like garbage up close.

And that's clearly Baraka. All the other Tarkatans are wearing the same thing while that one is different.

Ok, I didn't get a good look at Baraka but I thought it looked like his MKD outfit. Idk why people were saying it was his MK9 look, I thought that was odd but since I didn't get a proper look I wasn't sure.
03/03/2015 01:54 AM (UTC)

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Sindel is an updated model right down to the hair issues that came with her.

As for Baraka, that's not his MK9 Alt or even his MKvsDC outfit, It looks like it's from Deception which was from Two Gens ago so they're sure as hell not simply updating it otherwise it would look like garbage up close.

And that's clearly Baraka. All the other Tarkatans are wearing the same thing while that one is different.

Ok, I didn't get a good look at Baraka but I thought it looked like his MKD outfit. Idk why people were saying it was his MK9 look, I thought that was odd but since I didn't get a proper look I wasn't sure.

Are we even sure that was Baraka? Could it have just been a random tarkatan horde dude?

wdm6789 Wrote:

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Sindel is an updated model right down to the hair issues that came with her.

As for Baraka, that's not his MK9 Alt or even his MKvsDC outfit, It looks like it's from Deception which was from Two Gens ago so they're sure as hell not simply updating it otherwise it would look like garbage up close.

And that's clearly Baraka. All the other Tarkatans are wearing the same thing while that one is different.

Ok, I didn't get a good look at Baraka but I thought it looked like his MKD outfit. Idk why people were saying it was his MK9 look, I thought that was odd but since I didn't get a proper look I wasn't sure.

Are we even sure that was Baraka? Could it have just been a random tarkatan horde dude?

If that's not Baraka bravo to the one Tarkatan of the horde who wanted to wear something different that day grin
03/03/2015 02:12 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
I can't wait until the game is released to show Rain isn't on the main roster, and isn't in MKX. This thread is going to look hilarious.

It'd certainly be funny seeing some of his annoying-ass fans have a collective breakdown.

No one will be having a "collective breakdown", though. If anything we'll just shrug and move on.

After all, it's just a game. <3

We believe you.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Rain has his MK9 costume.

Rain obviously dies here.

Why am I not fucking surprised? NRS you are so fucking predictable.

*Cue all the laughter and Rain jokes* Rejoice haters, you got what you want.

It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote: do realize Kittelsen wrote it.....right?

Who cares? I'm angry. I don't care if it was the fucking Pope or Khole Kardashian that wrote it.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Nobody said it was a conspiracy, it's just plain douchebaggery.

"Lol We hate these characters so we're going to introduce them one right after the other and pointlessly kill them off just to show you how much we can't stand them. Fans of said characters? LOL Too fucking bad n00bs"

And even if Rain and the others who have been killed off are resurrected, that would do nothing but make this even MORE pointless. Simply ignoring the likes of a lot of these characters would be best instead of wasting time killing them off when they may very well return in the future(unless it's Hsu Hao we're sadly talking about).

And keep cracking jokes. I love how you all can sit back and smile and tee hee and giggle like school girls over other people's characters not only NOT making it in but being killed off in humiliating ways. But as long as your popular favorite is in, things are gravy right?

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

Enjoy I guess.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

It really does hurt. It really does. But I shouldn't be surprised. There are only a certain core group of characters that will ALWAYS get proper attention and there will always be a LARGE group that will always be shunned and pissed on. At the end of the day we're part of the minority- we lose.

I'm so fucking frustrated.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
"I'm Not Dead YET"


Yeah, very funny Shawn, so hilarious. I can see him now sitting behind his keyboard giggling and thinking he's so clever.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

After all, it's just a game. <3

You can't say you hate drama and act like that when you don't get your way, then piss on people when they try and share their opinion that is opposite of yours that happens to think a character in a video game won't be playable. There's no winning with you, unless you blindly agree with everything you feel and cheer you on.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 02:30 AM (UTC)
Nice tactic what with bringing in old posts from other threads. Very "Nancy Grace" esque. I like. I'm passionate, what can I say?

Do I have a problem with people believing he's unplayable? No. I do have a problem with people starting trouble and coming in the thread just to rile others up. Also, if you guys are going to be passionate about your beliefs, so will I. So we're just going to keep going on and on until one side is finally proven wrong.

Aww, nothing like MK hype. <3
03/03/2015 02:35 AM (UTC)
Is this still a Rain thread or is it officially a who is right thread?

Either way, I hope we do get to see Rain kick some ass in MKX, Story or playable.

I prefer playable but if not, I'm still looking forward for him drop kicking Kotal's ass off the roof.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Is this still a Rain thread or is it officially a who is right thread?

Either way, I hope we do get to see Rain kick some ass in MKX, Story or playable.

I prefer playable but if not, I'm still looking forward for him drop kicking Kotal's ass off the roof.

Definitely, that will be the highlight of MKX no matter what!grin
03/03/2015 03:34 AM (UTC)
CyberDemon13 Wrote:
Yeah, I agree dawg. I think he's going to be playable too, but if he's not, I'm cool with it. Like someone else said on here, kicking the Emperor off a damn roof is a pretty sweet cameo tongue

T'was me, my friend. Playable or not, the Ninja formerly known as Prince Rain is already in the running for the best ass kicking moment of MKX grin

Rain would be the type to enjoy grapes and pancakes.
When he finally rules Edenia, they'll be served to all.

"Assemble your Krew."
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/03/2015 06:14 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
hey now lets not bring cassie into this, she seems like she'l be awesome story wise(better than sonya ever did, no offense sonya fans)

Not my best moment, and let me clarify that I do NOT think Cassie's fans are annoying. Tbh, I've had the growing suspicion that MKX will more or less finally wrap up MK's story. At least for a loooong while. So that had a bit of influence in my statement. And if that's the case, you could say they're all one-hit wonders unless the comic will continue to further expand them. Sure, they've stated otherwise, but that doesn't rule out a hiatus until they decide to pursue another installment.

What plucked that response out of me was this scenario concerning the more "obscure" and controversial characters -

Just can't let it be, can we?
03/03/2015 06:24 AM (UTC)
Idk why i love rain so much, its a love that cant be explained byt i need him to be playable earthrealms fate depends on it
03/03/2015 06:33 AM (UTC)
No we can't James.
Now have some cake
etuisee Wrote:
Idk why i love rain so much, its a love that cant be explained byt i need him to be playable earthrealms fate depends on it

Everyone just wants his extra time and his kiss.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/03/2015 06:49 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
No we can't James.
Now have some cake

TigerStyle Wrote:
etuisee Wrote:
Idk why i love rain so much, its a love that cant be explained byt i need him to be playable earthrealms fate depends on it

Everyone just wants his extra time and his kiss.

DP for this man right hurr.
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