02/07/2015 11:15 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

They've been catering to the CASUAL public for the past ten reveals. The game is out in LESS than two months, when are we going to get a few fan reveals?

Never. Because 3D era characters(aside from poster boy Quan Chi) are not in the game. Stop using that excuse, It's played out.

Plus, Quan Chi is more highly rated among the NRS staff than the fans.
02/08/2015 12:10 AM (UTC)
Oooh, do I have a long post coming forward for this... Ahem

friendshipagain Wrote:
Starting to give up hope now. NRS aren't even teasing 3D characters in the marketing, even a little easter egg Tanya in the living tower etc, a tweet of Fujin hair etc.

I'm going to keep shoving this in the face of every person who feels like they need to lose hope on something because their favorites aren't in:

We have the rest of this month and March to get through.

Like, seriously, we have one and a half month left of news to get shown.

friendshipagain Wrote:
So, I'm gonna ask why? Why if you haven't added them, continue to toy with fans of those characters? When you see the results of polls like this:


Because they like to have fun with their fans? Boon is the kind of guy that I'm going to assume is a practical jokester. He likes to have fun with his fans. Why can't he do that because some people are getting too antsy and DEMANDS release of more characters?

They have to cater to those antsy folks now? I'm sorry, but I hate it when people start demanding shit because they're getting testy. No. As much as I've never taken a tweet from him so seriously, I actually like reading them because it's hysterical. It's hysterical to see how one person is literally driving hundreds of thousands of people insane because he refuses to answer back questions that fans want to know so desperately.

Keep it up Boon, one and a half month left of jokes and puns, I'm dying to know what's the next one.

friendshipagain Wrote:
The most requested are the most popular 3D era characters (Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc). So why are Boon etc acting as though they don't exist, ignoring tweets etc? At this stage I'd rather they just issued a Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc haven't made it sort of tweet so I can manage my expectations down, - it will save fan disappointment. Lots of fans have been waiting since 2010 to see these guys re-imagined and it's a big let down. Probably the one thing I was looking forward to most this game.

They don't need to showcase anything to anyone if they don't want to. Netherrealm Studios doesn't need to let anyone know who they still want to keep around or not. Patience is sure a key thing to have that quite frankly a lot of people are starting to drop. I mean, is it really that hard to wait? I really do mean it. Is it really that hard to just wait for something rather than immediately jumping to the conclusion that, based on what has been revealed, many should safely assume that these characters aren't in this game?

I'm sorry but I find that baffling and stupid if we should jump to that conclusion. What, Kitana, Kung Lao and now Sonya are three characters that are in this game that people would like to see and others don't?

What's funny is that we've known Sonya was going to be in this game. But because of her latest reveal, is that another character pushing the "most wanted" out of the roster?

We don't even have an exact number of characters that will be in this game listed yet. For all we know we could have thirty characters.

friendshipagain Wrote:
But if these guys are out, the marketing BS game should really end - just tell your fans straight. If it's an MK trilogy love-in with a few new characters, be upfront and own that.

How about no?

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
They've been catering to the CASUAL public for the past ten reveals. The game is out in LESS than two months, when are we going to get a few fan reveals?

Never. Because 3D era characters(aside from poster boy Quan Chi) are not in the game. Stop using that excuse, It's played out.

No, what people need to stop doing is thinking that there's a particular fan base that the company is catering to and just them. Everyone is included in a fan base, not just the "casuals."

Just because your favorites have yet to be announced, there's no reason to start pointing fingers are a group of people because their favorites have made it.

I hate people like this.

Darkhound74 Wrote:
If you honestly look at majority of the comments on facebook or twitter about the post MK4 characters, the word "Whack" is used.....A LOT.

Most of those people btw are the ones who say "If my favorite isn't in, I'm not getting it"

I don't get it lol.

I don't get it either, I really... really... really, really don't.

AgentK Wrote:
Lol...ummm, the 3D-era characters suck so hard, not surprised NRS doesn't give a shit about them.

Yeah, they sure don't give a shit about anything these days according to a lot of people.

AgentK Wrote:
Neither do I.

Good, one less person that needs to bicker constantly about them sucking... oh wait.

AgentK Wrote:
Aside from Reiko and Kenshi,

Reiko was good? Pff, Reiko was supposed to be Noob. (Or was it the other way around?) There is literally nothing special about this character aside from the goofy ass ending they gave to him.

I would hate to know what would have happened had they left him to be Noob and this ending still existed.

AgentK Wrote:
all those 3D characters were stale as fuck and brought nothing to the series.

Really? I can think of a number of 3D characters that were awesome and not stale. I can also think of stuff they've brought to the series. So I don't think they're technically that stale as much as you think they are.

AgentK Wrote:
Street Fighter and Tekken were kicking MK's ass during the 3D era. MK was a joke.

That was because Midway was going under. Can't blame their games due to them almost losing their entire company.

AgentK Wrote:
Now the franchise has slowly gained its reputable image back and people actually play it competitively. None of this Dairou, and Darrius crap again please.

Hey, if they can make Dairou and Darrius fucking awesome, as much as I didn't care for either of these two out of the 3D characters, I'd say bring them back.

AgentK Wrote:
Keep that in the gutter where it belongs.

No, gutters will overflow and break.

Ion3008 Wrote:
AgentK Wrote:
Reiko was fresh and brought something to the series


"Lol" x2.

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
They've been catering to the CASUAL public for the past ten reveals. The game is out in LESS than two months, when are we going to get a few fan reveals?

Never. Because 3D era characters(aside from poster boy Quan Chi) are not in the game. Stop using that excuse, It's played out.

Posts like this piss me right off.

Stop treating casuals like they're not fans. If anything Kung Lao and Kitana WERE fan reveals, since they have such large fanbases. The casual public is what keeps the series going, so catering to them is necessary.

And stop pretending you know for sure if we're going to see any 3D era characters. You don't know shit just like everyone else don't know shit. If there are some in, then great. If not, oh fucking well.

I want Fujin more than any other character right now. I'm dying for his inclusion, but if he doesn't make it that's fine. The game looks phenomenal. Just because some characters don't show up isn't going to change the fact that the game looks great.

*Applause* At least there's users like this who understands.

No one knows jack shit unless you literally work for Netherrealm Studios. So all these proud "I know what's in this game" posts can stop.

What I feel a lot of these users are is that they're not fans of the series, just the characters. I mean why else are we seeing posts saying "Because so-and-so isn't in this game, I'm not getting the game? You're not a fan of the series if you can't get a game because YOUR favorite doesn't make it.

"Oh but Icebaby, it's so easy to say that because YOUR favorite is always gonna be in the game?"

Yeah, well here's the thing darling, I can handle Sub-Zero be out of a game or two. Because I do something that I don't see a lot of other people doing and that is giving new characters a chance.

Man, were so many of you guys on the hate bandwagon once we saw Ferra/Torr released. Claiming that they "don't fit in this series." Immediately judging a character that you don't freaking know.

If you can't take the time to like something brand new, you're clearly a fan of just a character and not the series. I don't care if you're either too ignorant to admit or if I'm blatantly wrong on this, but this is what I get from a heck of a lot of users and I don't like seeing this whatsoever.

Killamore Wrote:
I don't understand the negativity. So far there have been 4 interesting new characters announced and there's more to come. No one ever said a bunch of MK9 characters weren't going to be in the game. Why wouldn't there be? Mavado was defiantly a favorite of mine and I would love to see him in MKX, but even if he's not there's Kotal, Ferra/Torr, Kung Lao, Scorpion, Ermac, and probably more unannounced characters to get hyped about. I have faith in the MK team, because in my opinion the roster so far looks tops.


There is a hope... because after what I just wrote, reading this is so satisfying. Because you're literally one of the rarest users I've seen who said that there's other characters you want to try out if Mavado is not in.

I applaud you.

Despite that you're banned... AGAIN... I'm still going to act like you're around.

LordKotal Wrote:
Really getting sick and tired of these boring reveals.

And we're getting real sick and tired of you.

LordKotal Wrote:
All boring human-like characters that DIED return and all interesting freaks that survived are put on the not-return tower.

Yeah, because it's not like when this game first debuted, that's all we had. Human characters.

LordKotal Wrote:
Also the cooler characters like Havik, Tanya, Reiko, Kai, Fujin and whomever I forget will not likely return.

If you've already forgotten a character, clearly they're not cool enough.

But yeah, any 3D character sure is already a lost cause. *Rolls eyes*

LordKotal Wrote:
They wanted to give us hope and then crush it and then hope we like the game anyway with boring characters like Sonya (+fucking cassie), Jax and Liu kang.

'Cept, Sonya was already announced when this game first was revealed. Many clearly forgotten about that interview, like you have obviously, but I sure haven't.

This Sonya reveal is nothing new other than showcasing us what she'll look like in this game. So whatever "hope" you had for this game was long gone before this reveal.

But of course, you don't remember the interview, so you had this high expectation that this "bland" character was never going to be in the game. So I'm glad it got your hopes down. At least for the last seven months we didn't have to read the same bullshit.

LordKotal Wrote:
Not getting me excited in the least.

Good. And had you not gotten yourself stupidly banned once again, I would have just told you to leave this site and never return.

But since you're gone, I hope you don't ever return.

LordKotal Wrote:
The only ones that got me excited were the new reveals, they are the only ones that matter now.

Yeah except you just wrote this:

LordKotal Wrote:
Oh stop it, D'vorah, Kotal, Ferra and Cassie will get the same threatment as Reiko, Fujin, Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei, they will be forgotten after this game just like all the others.

If you honestly think that the new reveals are going to get the same treatment then you're not hyped for them. You're immediately jumping to the conclusion that they should get horrible treatment from the fans and be forever forgotten.

So don't anyone sit here and say you're a fan of these new reveals and then later turn on them and claim that they're going to get the "same treatment" as all these other characters. That's not being a fan of them, that's just being a complainer and not even giving any new character a chance to shine for a while.

LordKotal Wrote:
They keep doing this, so i'm afraid to become a fan of D'vorah or Ferra because we probably NEVER gonna to see them again because of all those casual loser fans that only say: OHHH SCORPION IS SOOO COOL! Look that is Sonya from the movies! Awesome! Jax is my hero!!!

Like I said, you're not a fan if you already have little hopes of your favorites making it big.

LordKotal Wrote:
I hate casual boring people.

I hate you.

NickScryer Wrote:
Holy Shit, People are acting like Ed Boon said this game would consist mostly of playable MK4-MKA characters. NEWS FLASH: He didn't.

I want to see Reiko, Tanya, Fujin and the later fighters get a revamp/second chance as much as anyone but you only have yourselves to blame for thinking that MKX would be MK4 part II just because MK9 ended with a Netherrealm cliffhanger. The entire reason they rebooted was to not end up with the mess that was Armageddon and to take the story in a new direction that allows for new characters and realms.

Here's what Ed Boon did say:

"You will definitely see a Mortal Kombat 4 character, I believe that's the first time I've said that. You will also see some of the later game's fighters. You'll also see cameo's in the story mode. Some really fun ones."

If you've been keeping track, we did see an MK4 Character. Quan Chi. Maybe not the one you wanted but he's in.
So now we await at least 2 post MK4 characters because he said "Fighters", although he didn't explicitly say they would be playable but it is implied.

Did you honestly think people would remember every interview? Of course not, had they, these topics wouldn't exist. But, because they either forgotten about what was said in these interviews, they blatantly ignored them, or just didn't care, we have threads like this who think these characters are long gone because they're not shown yet.

Give me a break.

swerzy Wrote:
I 100% agree that we need some 3D fighters but I'm getting sick and fucking tired of threads like this popping up EVERY TIME A CHARACTER IS REVEALED! There was one after Kung Lao, Kitana, Reptile, Ermac and now there's one's after Sonya and and a few others are (kinda) shown. I really feel like the next reveal should be a 3D character but can we please STOP with the 60 threads all about the same thing. If you want to rant, just bump an old topic. There's no need to create the same thread that's been created a billion times before.

Agree... just... Agreed.
About Me
Props to MINION
02/08/2015 12:24 AM (UTC)
well said icebaby

02/08/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
Ooooh Kill em Icebaby!
02/08/2015 02:02 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Oooh, do I have a long post coming forward for this... Ahem

friendshipagain Wrote:
Starting to give up hope now. NRS aren't even teasing 3D characters in the marketing, even a little easter egg Tanya in the living tower etc, a tweet of Fujin hair etc.

I'm going to keep shoving this in the face of every person who feels like they need to lose hope on something because their favorites aren't in:

We have the rest of this month and March to get through.

Like, seriously, we have one and a half month left of news to get shown.

friendshipagain Wrote:
So, I'm gonna ask why? Why if you haven't added them, continue to toy with fans of those characters? When you see the results of polls like this:


Because they like to have fun with their fans? Boon is the kind of guy that I'm going to assume is a practical jokester. He likes to have fun with his fans. Why can't he do that because some people are getting too antsy and DEMANDS release of more characters?

They have to cater to those antsy folks now? I'm sorry, but I hate it when people start demanding shit because they're getting testy. No. As much as I've never taken a tweet from him so seriously, I actually like reading them because it's hysterical. It's hysterical to see how one person is literally driving hundreds of thousands of people insane because he refuses to answer back questions that fans want to know so desperately.

Keep it up Boon, one and a half month left of jokes and puns, I'm dying to know what's the next one.

friendshipagain Wrote:
The most requested are the most popular 3D era characters (Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc). So why are Boon etc acting as though they don't exist, ignoring tweets etc? At this stage I'd rather they just issued a Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc haven't made it sort of tweet so I can manage my expectations down, - it will save fan disappointment. Lots of fans have been waiting since 2010 to see these guys re-imagined and it's a big let down. Probably the one thing I was looking forward to most this game.

They don't need to showcase anything to anyone if they don't want to. Netherrealm Studios doesn't need to let anyone know who they still want to keep around or not. Patience is sure a key thing to have that quite frankly a lot of people are starting to drop. I mean, is it really that hard to wait? I really do mean it. Is it really that hard to just wait for something rather than immediately jumping to the conclusion that, based on what has been revealed, many should safely assume that these characters aren't in this game?

I'm sorry but I find that baffling and stupid if we should jump to that conclusion. What, Kitana, Kung Lao and now Sonya are three characters that are in this game that people would like to see and others don't?

What's funny is that we've known Sonya was going to be in this game. But because of her latest reveal, is that another character pushing the "most wanted" out of the roster?

We don't even have an exact number of characters that will be in this game listed yet. For all we know we could have thirty characters.

Hold on a minute - I'm not demanding ANY character reveals. In fact, there weren't ANY character reveals this week. I'm requesting that Boon deconfirms characters which NRS hasn't given any hint of a shit about for 10 years. Not such a humongous ask - but a major relief for a large portion of fans who have supported Boon and NRS through some difficult years and poorly received games - and found things to admire in those outings.

We are the fans who have kept the team in business during those harder years, put food on the table, and put NRS in a position to even make MKX all these years later - not the bandwagon jumping MK9 nostalgia brigade they're catering to for a second game in a row. And you know what - that's fine. It's business and I understand. But do me a favour - let the 3D era fans know now so we can adjust our expectations down. Stop ignoring us. We had favourites we were looking forward to see and sat patiently waiting to play again for nearly a decade. I'm sick of seeing FM's whinge on "too many 3D era threads like this". If it's a problem - avoid them!! Stop being an inconsiderate sandy buttcrack. MK9 ended with Shinnok and - surprise - fans were given some false hope we may see one or two familiar faces pop up again. A portion of the community is legitimately pissed that might not be happening.

Do I still have vague hope for Fujin, Tanya, Havik? Yes, hell yes.

But so far there is NO indication they will be forthcoming. There have been tepid references to "one mk4 character" and "appearances from characters in later games". This is Quan Chi - let's just call a spade a spade, Boon's misguided love child (hardly a fan favourite), and probably some scattered story mode references. As pointed out, there were no character reveals this week but a whole SLEW of character easter-eggs - none of which were 3D era related. So I'm resigned to the fact it ain't happening. If there was any possibility of post-trilogy characters in X, it would have been so easy to add a paltry easter-egg to appease us this week. Instead we get Jax, Sonya, usual suspects etc

So yes, I do think it's perfectly fair to request that NRS is upfront on this matter now. It's late in the game, the roster spots and odds are rapidly decreasing and you'd have to be delusional to think NRS consider's any of the 3D characters as "saving the best for last". It's obviously an important issue to a large and vocal section of the MK community and an entirely insignificant one to NRS. No one getting hurt. Mild damage limitation and low level hard-fan service. Whoever's feeling a bit cheeved now, is going to be majorly pissed in 2 months time, and it can so easily be avoided.

Then they can get on with the important matter of teasing Baraka/Sheeva/Sindel/lowestplayedMK9character on twitter to their heart's content. It's obviously their priority. Tbh, it's not a nice way to treat your longest-time fans and fiercest supporters through some of the darker periods - and like it or not, that is who the 3D era fans are mostly comprised of - the fans who supported NRS throughout it all, every game.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/08/2015 02:30 AM (UTC)
All I ask is Fujin, Shinnok, and Bo' Rai Cho. With Tanya, Havik, Shujinko and Reiko as bonuses.
02/08/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
If you honestly think that the new reveals are going to get the same treatment then you're not hyped for them. You're immediately jumping to the conclusion that they should get horrible treatment from the fans and be forever forgotten.

So don't anyone sit here and say you're a fan of these new reveals and then later turn on them and claim that they're going to get the "same treatment" as all these other characters. That's not being a fan of them, that's just being a complainer and not even giving any new character a chance to shine for a while.

As much as I agree with and applaud your entire post, this is the one problem I have with it. Complaints for the sake of complaints about 3D characters is one thing and is getting out of hand on this forum, I agree, however the following is probably the most legitimate complaint I've seen thus far.

The simple truth is: NRS does not have an amazing track record with new characters for almost 20 years now. Leaving out Armageddon because the roster spots were guaranteed from the start, MK4 introduced 7 characters, 2 continued on and 5 were dropped. Deadly Alliance introduced 10 characters, 5 continued on and 5 were dropped. Deception introduced 9 characters and then the shit hit the wall so that's not really useful to this argument. What is useful is the fact that they've pretty much debunked several more characters from practically ever returning from this era.

Sure, we can sit here all day, dive deep into the subject and argue semantics about the whole ordeal but neither of us can say for certain any of these characters beyond Quan and Kenshi have a shot in Hell of returning when each one seemingly gets hatefully bumped off by Ed or the team on twitter once a month. It's pure speculation on both sides and we'll never know until they finally show up but the odds do not look good for the majority of them which is a shame which leads me back to my original point;

We won't know for sure whether or not any of these new characters in MKX will have successfully 'made it' in the eyes of NRS until MKXI but based on their previous track record alone, I'm betting 2/3rds or even half of them won't be returning, if at all, because at this point in time, a track record is all we have to go by. That doesn't mean I don't like these new characters because I do and I dig the designs of all 4.... but I also dug the plots and designs of the majority of the 3D characters as well and look how that's turned out so far.

Anyways, I remain hopeful and optimistic about it all and that I will hopefully be proven wrong and see at least 3 of them make a return on the MKX roster, but I ultimately wouldn't hold my breath over it.
02/08/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Hold on a minute - I'm not demanding ANY character reveals. In fact, there weren't ANY character reveals this week. I'm requesting that Boon deconfirms characters which NRS hasn't given any hint of a shit about for 10 years. Not such a humongous ask - but a major relief for a large portion of fans who have supported Boon and NRS through some difficult years and poorly received games - and found things to admire in those outings.

Deconfirming characters might betray major plot points and lead to even more complaining than we see when they actually confirm characters that some folks didn't want.
I do understand wanting to know what to expect in terms of seeing favourites return from the 3D era, but not showing up in MKX doesn't actually rule them out from returning in future games at all.

friendshipagain Wrote:
We are the fans who have kept the team in business during those harder years, put food on the table, and put NRS in a position to even make MKX all these years later - not the bandwagon jumping MK9 nostalgia brigade they're catering to for a second game in a row. And you know what - that's fine. It's business and I understand.

No, you don't quite understand, because you're under the impression that NRS has an obligation to specifically cater to you and answer your questions. They don't. You chose to buy their previous games, and thereby accepted that you were inherently purchasing their vision for the franchise at that time.
Video games are an art form, and you can't walk up to a favourite musician and tell him he owes you an album that takes all your suggestions into account just because you bought his last few releases. Games express the ideas and vision of the people who make them, and gamers - the product of a very self-entitled society - are some of the slowest at grasping that concept and the amount of work that developers put into building these worlds.

And yes, for business, they DO have to anticipate a broader consumer base than the hardcore fans if they want their games to expand in scope and long-term feasibility. That doesn't mean that they're compromising the quality of their product for so-called "bandwagon jumpers" (That's really snotty, by the way) when the diehards are dissatisfied with a few elements of the game.

friendshipagain Wrote:
But do me a favour - let the 3D era fans know now so we can adjust our expectations down. Stop ignoring us. We had favourites we were looking forward to see and sat patiently waiting to play again for nearly a decade. I'm sick of seeing FM's whinge on "too many 3D era threads like this". If it's a problem - avoid them!! Stop being an inconsiderate sandy buttcrack. MK9 ended with Shinnok and - surprise - fans were given some false hope we may see one or two familiar faces pop up again. A portion of the community is legitimately pissed that might not be happening.

NRS isn't responsible for fans working themselves into a frenzy over everything. They hype and advertise their games, but as this website has shown time and again, the fans set their own expectations, and throw fits when they aren't met. This is the same community where folk were immediately jumping to conclusions that a guy drinking from a Mileena mug during a gameplay stream was a hint to her inclusion in the game.

Also, ignoring shit you don't like is a two-way street. You don't like people commenting on the surplus of complaint and "I'm not buying this!" threads, you can ignore them too.

friendshipagain Wrote:

Do I still have vague hope for Fujin, Tanya, Havik? Yes, hell yes.

But so far there is NO indication they will be forthcoming. There have been tepid references to "one mk4 character" and "appearances from characters in later games". This is Quan Chi - let's just call a spade a spade, and probably some scattered story mode references. As pointed out, there were no character reveals this week but a whole SLEW of character easter-eggs - none of which were 3D era related. So I'm resigned to the fact it ain't happening. If there was any possibility of post-trilogy characters in X, it would have been so easy to add a paltry easter-egg to appease us this week. Instead we get Jax, Sonya, usual suspects etc

So again, I do think it's perfectly fair to request that NRS is upfront on this matter now. It's obviously an important issue to a large and vocal section of the MK community and an entirely insignificant one to NRS. Who is getting hurt?

Then they can get on with the important matter of teasing Baraka/Sheeva/Sindel/lowestplayedMK9character on twitter to their heart's content. It's obviously their priority.

I'll be entirely honest and say that I'm not entirely enthusiastic about the returning characters. It would be great to see some more returning 3D era characters and more new ones as well.
But again, NRS is developing this game as they see fit, and people are jumping the gun on their own frustrations and preconceptions. Asserting that NRS doesn't care about the fans, that fans are of low priority, is ridiculous in light of just how much media they've been churning out lately. They've been more than making up for the quiet period - which, of course, was marked with endless, self-entitled bitching about how NRS owes us more information. And yet, with all of the reveals, tons of people are still unhappy, still making demands, and still insisting that this game is going to be a rehash disaster.

They could reveal every single character, feature, stage, whatever right now, and the community would still demand more. Ed Boon could be giving free handjobs with every Limited Edition purchase, and folks would demand more. Start setting your own expectations, instead of relying on a company to do it for you.
02/08/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
All I ask is Fujin, Shinnok, and Bo' Rai Cho. With Tanya, Havik, Shujinko and Reiko as bonuses.

That's it? That's all it takes to make you happy? And Mr. Boon refuses to offer you that on a silver platter? Ed can be such a self-centered, stubborn dick sometimes....

About Me

02/08/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)
It's a shame that the thread devolved into a "my favourites vs your favourites getting in" it had potential for decent discussion.
02/08/2015 04:13 AM (UTC)
since this is a popular kind of thread today on other forums too, Imma go ahead and post my ideal roster in here , supporting the OP about NRS not giving some characters a chance to shine

this would be heavenly for me:

Scorpion - Subzero - Ermac - Rain - Reptile
Kitana - Mileena - J. Cage - Sonya - Kenshi
Fujin - Sareena - Tanya - Reiko - Havik
Skarlet - Cyrax - Sektor - Quan Chi (Sub-boss) - Shinnok (boss)
D'Vorah - Kotal Kahn - Tremor - NEW earthrealm hero NOT descendant of anyone - NEW earthrealm heroine NOT descendant of anyone
with that you get to rest: Liu Kang, Raiden (Fujin taking his role of protector of earthrealm's warriors and whatnot), Kano, Shang Tsung, Noob Saibot, Jax, Kung Lao.

keep most of the dead in the grave but bring back fan fav. Kitana since she's kind of bound to Mileena as Scorpion is with Subzero

have a group of cage, sonya, kenshi plus at least one new male and one new female characters as the protectors of earthrealm (I actually don't like either sonya or cage but they did survive unlike Kung Lao and (possibly) Liu Kang))

have a good mix of 9 post mk3 chars

have another 10 new characters

this is a roster of 30, balanced with returning characters, post mk3 characters and new characters.

DLC choices assuming we get six: Goro, Guest and four to choose from that would sell crazy: Smoke, Noob Saibot, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Raiden, Baraka, Shang Tsung, Kabal, Jade, Kano, Sindel etc.

P.S. the reason I didn't include Cassie and Ferra/Torr in the new category is because I didn't like Ferra/Torr but more importantly, I believe that if they follow the path of having the kids of the same freaking tired characters as the future generation of MK, we're fucked.
02/08/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Hold on a minute - I'm not demanding ANY character reveals. In fact, there weren't ANY character reveals this week. I'm requesting that Boon deconfirms characters which NRS hasn't given any hint of a shit about for 10 years. Not such a humongous ask - but a major relief for a large portion of fans who have supported Boon and NRS through some difficult years and poorly received games - and found things to admire in those outings.

That's still demanding reveals. You want to know whether or not these characters still have a chance to be included in this game or future games because you, and others, think Netherrealm Studios abandoned them due to the lack of evidence of them being around.

It might give people the answers they're looking for, but nonetheless, it's still a reveal, and to be honest, they shouldn't have to prove to any fan what characters they still want around or not.

friendshipagain Wrote:
We are the fans who have kept the team in business during those harder years, put food on the table, and put NRS in a position to even make MKX all these years later - not the bandwagon jumping MK9 nostalgia brigade they're catering to for a second game in a row. And you know what - that's fine. It's business and I understand. But do me a favour - let the 3D era fans know now so we can adjust our expectations down. Stop ignoring us. We had favourites we were looking forward to see and sat patiently waiting to play again for nearly a decade. I'm sick of seeing FM's whinge on "too many 3D era threads like this". If it's a problem - avoid them!! Stop being an inconsiderate sandy buttcrack. MK9 ended with Shinnok and - surprise - fans were given some false hope we may see one or two familiar faces pop up again. A portion of the community is legitimately pissed that might not be happening.

No one is ignoring anything. The problem is that no one is being patient enough to wait and see what we have coming for us. If people could honestly do that, they'll get their answers. But since not too many can, you all feel that this company is blatantly ignoring you. Since this company caters to their fans so fucking much, it's hard to believe they would ignore fans.

They don't need to show anyone anything if they don't want to. Their marketing might be a goofy one, but seriously, have some goddamn patience. Everyone's questions will eventually be answered.

friendshipagain Wrote:
Do I still have vague hope for Fujin, Tanya, Havik? Yes, hell yes.

So do I, but not for those particular characters, other 3D characters.

friendshipagain Wrote:
But so far there is NO indication they will be forthcoming. There have been tepid references to "one mk4 character" and "appearances from characters in later games". This is Quan Chi - let's just call a spade a spade, Boon's misguided love child (hardly a fan favourite), and probably some scattered story mode references. As pointed out, there were no character reveals this week but a whole SLEW of character easter-eggs - none of which were 3D era related. So I'm resigned to the fact it ain't happening. If there was any possibility of post-trilogy characters in X, it would have been so easy to add a paltry easter-egg to appease us this week. Instead we get Jax, Sonya, usual suspects etc

Why should any of these pictures that were released show anything? Why does it need to be a character hint? Why can't it be just what it is? A reveal of the towers and what it looks like? I swear, even these menus for the factions are getting a closer look at to see if any hidden easter eggs are in them that could possibly hint towards a character.

"Ooh, who does the skull belong to?"

Also, I still don't see Jax. Many do, but I really don't see it being Jax. The only two characters that got any kind of reveal was Sonya and bow man.

friendshipagain Wrote:
So yes, I do think it's perfectly fair to request that NRS is upfront on this matter now. It's late in the game, the roster spots and odds are rapidly decreasing and you'd have to be delusional to think NRS consider's any of the 3D characters as "saving the best for last". It's obviously an important issue to a large and vocal section of the MK community and an entirely insignificant one to NRS. No one getting hurt. Think of it as damage limitation. Whoever's feeling a bit cheeved now, is going to be majorly pissed in 2 months time, and it can so easily be avoided.

It's not delusional to think anything. But I would just rather wait until April 13th for everything to be revealed that is supposed to be revealed before thinking the inevitable.

friendshipagain Wrote:
Then they can get on with the important matter of teasing Baraka/Sheeva/Sindel/lowestplayedMK9character on twitter to their heart's content. It's obviously their priority. Tbh, it's not a nice way to treat your longest-time fans and fiercest supporters through some of the darker periods - and like it or not, that is who the 3D era fans are mostly comprised of - the fans who supported NRS throughout it all, every game.

They don't need to show anything. Honestly, at times I would love to know how this fan base would act had the E3 reveal be the only thing that was shown and maaaaaybe two more trailers that shows very little information. I mean seriously, these people do not have to show us anything if they don't want to. The fans can sit here and act however they want to act, but to jump the gun still this early when we have one and a half month left of information that could still be released is silly.

If people find that offensive, sorry. But you guys think they only care about these 2011/trilogy characters and they don't. But they don't have to prove it to any of those fans just because you guys think they're ignoring you. They're not.
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Props to MINION
02/08/2015 06:01 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:

Hold on a minute - I'm not demanding ANY character reveals. In fact, there weren't ANY character reveals this week. I'm requesting that Boon deconfirms characters which NRS hasn't given any hint of a shit about for 10 years. Not such a humongous ask - but a major relief for a large portion of fans who have supported Boon and NRS through some difficult years and poorly received games - and found things to admire in those outings.

We are the fans who have kept the team in business during those harder years, put food on the table, and put NRS in a position to even make MKX all these years later - not the bandwagon jumping MK9 nostalgia brigade they're catering to for a second game in a row. And you know what - that's fine. It's business and I understand. But do me a favour - let the 3D era fans know now so we can adjust our expectations down. Stop ignoring us. We had favourites we were looking forward to see and sat patiently waiting to play again for nearly a decade. I'm sick of seeing FM's whinge on "too many 3D era threads like this". If it's a problem - avoid them!! Stop being an inconsiderate sandy buttcrack. MK9 ended with Shinnok and - surprise - fans were given some false hope we may see one or two familiar faces pop up again. A portion of the community is legitimately pissed that might not be happening.

Do I still have vague hope for Fujin, Tanya, Havik? Yes, hell yes.

But so far there is NO indication they will be forthcoming. There have been tepid references to "one mk4 character" and "appearances from characters in later games". This is Quan Chi - let's just call a spade a spade, Boon's misguided love child (hardly a fan favourite), and probably some scattered story mode references. As pointed out, there were no character reveals this week but a whole SLEW of character easter-eggs - none of which were 3D era related. So I'm resigned to the fact it ain't happening. If there was any possibility of post-trilogy characters in X, it would have been so easy to add a paltry easter-egg to appease us this week. Instead we get Jax, Sonya, usual suspects etc

So yes, I do think it's perfectly fair to request that NRS is upfront on this matter now. It's late in the game, the roster spots and odds are rapidly decreasing and you'd have to be delusional to think NRS consider's any of the 3D characters as "saving the best for last". It's obviously an important issue to a large and vocal section of the MK community and an entirely insignificant one to NRS. No one getting hurt. Mild damage limitation and low level hard-fan service. Whoever's feeling a bit cheeved now, is going to be majorly pissed in 2 months time, and it can so easily be avoided.

Then they can get on with the important matter of teasing Baraka/Sheeva/Sindel/lowestplayedMK9character on twitter to their heart's content. It's obviously their priority. Tbh, it's not a nice way to treat your longest-time fans and fiercest supporters through some of the darker periods - and like it or not, that is who the 3D era fans are mostly comprised of - the fans who supported NRS throughout it all, every game.

MKX Character Deadpool
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/08/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
All I ask is Fujin, Shinnok, and Bo' Rai Cho. With Tanya, Havik, Shujinko and Reiko as bonuses.

That's it? That's all it takes to make you happy?

Well considering we're getting down to the nitty gritty for the 3D era....yeah pretty much. Don't think I wouldn't like to see others like Drahmin, Nitara, Ashrah, or Hotaru though. But at this point, what're their chances as a playable character?

Actually half of those I just listed are in the Deadpool if I'm not mistaken so...there ya go. Fujin, Shinnok, Bo' Rai Cho, Tanya, Havik, Reiko, Shujinko. I'll accept any three from that list.
02/08/2015 02:21 PM (UTC)
Yeah. I think we need at least 3 or 4. Theres always next time and DLC though. Id like any if these- Tanya, Fujin, Shinnok, Frost, Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Havik, Hotaru, or Sareena.
02/08/2015 05:09 PM (UTC)
My point being: "I just want these 6 or 7 characters, then I'll be happy" is extremely irrational and narcissistic. EVERYONE has their own perfect roster in their minds, the difference is that mature people know it's in the game developer's hands and thus adjust their expectations accordingly. Immature people throw shitfits like spoiled brats because not getting what they want is apparently a violation of their civil rights.

And also, just based on this thread alone, even 3D character fans can't agree on which they would like to see. So that means in the off chance that there is one or two character from the 3D era, a sizable portion of you guys will STILL be bitching about it.
02/08/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
My point being: "I just want these 6 or 7 characters, then I'll be happy" is extremely irrational and narcissistic. EVERYONE has their own perfect roster in their minds, the difference is that mature people know it's in the game developer's hands and thus adjust their expectations accordingly. Immature people throw shitfits like spoiled brats because not getting what they want is apparently a violation of their civil rights.

And also, just based on this thread alone, even 3D character fans can't agree on which they would like to see. So that means in the off chance that there is one or two character from the 3D era, a sizable portion of you guys will STILL be bitching about it.

Exactly right.
About Me

02/08/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
My point being: "I just want these 6 or 7 characters, then I'll be happy" is extremely irrational and narcissistic. EVERYONE has their own perfect roster in their minds, the difference is that mature people know it's in the game developer's hands and thus adjust their expectations accordingly. Immature people throw shitfits like spoiled brats because not getting what they want is apparently a violation of their civil rights.

And also, just based on this thread alone, even 3D character fans can't agree on which they would like to see. So that means in the off chance that there is one or two character from the 3D era, a sizable portion of you guys will STILL be bitching about it.

Couldn't have said it better.
About Me
02/09/2015 05:46 AM (UTC)

That response was referring to returning characters not in MK9 if you read the question. TRMK even clarified on twitter that it was not Quan Chi.

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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/09/2015 08:10 AM (UTC)
With all due respect, we still have half the roster left unknown.

Ya know one of the reasons I loved mk9 so much is because I felt like the developers actually gave a fuck. After all the bullshit Capcom was pulling it was refreshing with NRS. I couldn't remember the last time I was so satisfied with a game. While many of the concerns with mkx are understandable the amount of nit picking and jumping to conclusion is ungrateful and unfair to the developers.

We don't have to like everything, but being overly pessimistic and negative is never a good thing.

...Oh and Ice baby, the quote button now has a restraining order on you. Lol
02/09/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
My favorite MK9 character was Sheeva, and I'm not expecting anything regarding her except in maybe the comic. Maybe. So minor disappointments like that aren't going to ruin my experience.

I hope the rest of the roster is great, but it's the gameplay and the story that I'm more focused on. And if they add some 3D era characters, great. If not, fine.

I guess what I'm saying is that despite playing every MK game and watching every MK TV show (including the spin-offs), I'm not worried about who gets in or not.
Even with the rumors of Shang, Jax and Liu I maintain hope instead of frustration. I believe they're nervous about unveiling the 3D characters as part of the hype machine or they're plot heavy.

Kenshi, Bo Rai'Cho, Havik..their chances are great.

Playable Shinnok, Frost, Tanya, Fujin...Their chances are good but might not happen.

Kai, Sareena, Ashrah...pleeeease?

And as for Sheeva, just give her a moment of Glory before you kill her again ;_;
02/10/2015 01:17 AM (UTC)
Here why i think this is
MK9 said "Mortal Kombat will no longer be something for die hards only. With MK9, we want EEEVVVEEERRRYYYbody.". They even got CoD fans into fighting games. And so, with all these new people, they instanlty say "The 3D games are bad because this other person said so." And NRS wants to appeal to these new people and not old fans. As a MK player who grew up with Deception, I find these very sad that only Kenshi will be returning for what we know. I want to see Hotaru fighting Darrious. And what Havik could do.
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