02/07/2015 11:30 AM (UTC)
To beg the NRS is futile.

I'm NOT buying their game.

I'm interested in the comic nowdays. This I'm buying. It has Reiko and Daegon, my two favourite characters. Taven, Tanya and Havik will probably show up too.
02/07/2015 11:40 AM (UTC)
Holy Shit, People are acting like Ed Boon said this game would consist mostly of playable MK4-MKA characters. NEWS FLASH: He didn't.

I want to see Reiko, Tanya, Fujin and the later fighters get a revamp/second chance as much as anyone but you only have yourselves to blame for thinking that MKX would be MK4 part II just because MK9 ended with a Netherrealm cliffhanger. The entire reason they rebooted was to not end up with the mess that was Armageddon and to take the story in a new direction that allows for new characters and realms.

Here's what Ed Boon did say:

"You will definitely see a Mortal Kombat 4 character, I believe that's the first time I've said that. You will also see some of the later game's fighters. You'll also see cameo's in the story mode. Some really fun ones."

If you've been keeping track, we did see an MK4 Character. Quan Chi. Maybe not the one you wanted but he's in.
So now we await at least 2 post MK4 characters because he said "Fighters", although he didn't explicitly say they would be playable but it is implied.

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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 12:00 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
Holy Shit, People are acting like Ed Boon said this game would consist mostly of playable MK4-MKA characters. NEWS FLASH: He didn't.

I want to see Reiko, Tanya, Fujin and the later fighters get a revamp/second chance as much as anyone but you only have yourselves to blame for thinking that MKX would be MK4 part II just because MK9 ended with a Netherrealm cliffhanger. The entire reason they rebooted was to not end up with the mess that was Armageddon and to take the story in a new direction that allows for new characters and realms.

Here's what Ed Boon did say:

"You will definitely see a Mortal Kombat 4 character, I believe that's the first time I've said that. You will also see some of the later game's fighters. You'll also see cameo's in the story mode. Some really fun ones."

If you've been keeping track, we did see an MK4 Character. Quan Chi. Maybe not the one you wanted but he's in.
So now we await at least 2 post MK4 characters because he said "Fighters", although he didn't explicitly say they would be playable but it is implied.

Actually when pushed in another interview, Boon's exact words were: "You will see an MK4 and after character"
Interview: "Quan Chi?"
Boon: *laughs* "Okay you will see an MK4 and after character that isn't Quan Chi"

He probably just means Kenshi but hey
02/07/2015 12:03 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Actually when pushed in another interview, Boon's exact words were: "You will see an MK4 and after character"
Interview: "Quan Chi?"
Boon: *laughs* "Okay you will see an MK4 and after character that isn't Quan Chi"

He probably just means Kenshi but hey

Cool! Looking forward to that reveal, whoever it may be.

But my point still stands, this isn't going to be a game made up of MK4-A characters.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 12:12 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Actually when pushed in another interview, Boon's exact words were: "You will see an MK4 and after character"
Interview: "Quan Chi?"
Boon: *laughs* "Okay you will see an MK4 and after character that isn't Quan Chi"

He probably just means Kenshi but hey

Cool! Looking forward to that reveal, whoever it may be.

But my point still stands, this isn't going to be a game made up of MK4-A characters.

Agreed. Wouldn't want it to be myself
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02/07/2015 12:22 PM (UTC)
I 100% agree that we need some 3D fighters but I'm getting sick and fucking tired of threads like this popping up EVERY TIME A CHARACTER IS REVEALED! There was one after Kung Lao, Kitana, Reptile, Ermac and now there's one's after Sonya and and a few others are (kinda) shown. I really feel like the next reveal should be a 3D character but can we please STOP with the 60 threads all about the same thing. If you want to rant, just bump an old topic. There's no need to create the same thread that's been created a billion times before.
02/07/2015 12:24 PM (UTC)
Actually when pushed in another interview, Boon's exact words were: "You will see an MK4 and after character"
Interview: "Quan Chi?"
Boon: *laughs* "Okay you will see an MK4 and after character that isn't Quan Chi"

He probably just means Kenshi but hey

Where can I read this interview?
02/07/2015 01:05 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Sooo boring, such a slave for anything they throw at you.

Grow some taste.

I'm sick and tired of people that already have their favorites in and telling others that they need to stop whining about their missing favorites.

And really, Deception sold VERY well and it were mostly characters that the boring, idiot casual fans didn't knew about.
So That Tells Us Nothing, they could atleast revamp Tanya, Shinnok, Bo Rai Cho, Havik, Reiko and Fujin in the game as those are the most requested characters.

If they NEVER revamp them, they can't be loved.

I'm still missing Fujin. So even though I have Kung Lao, a character I was fine with having sit one out. I still want Fujin in the game. So I'm not saying shut the fuck up to those who are still missing favs. What I am saying though is that it is what it is. I'm all for character revamps, but if they don't happen in this game then tough shit.

And how the fuck do you know Reiko and Fujin are in the game? You don't. So quit acting like you know shit.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 01:19 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Actually when pushed in another interview, Boon's exact words were: "You will see an MK4 and after character"
Interview: "Quan Chi?"
Boon: *laughs* "Okay you will see an MK4 and after character that isn't Quan Chi"

He probably just means Kenshi but hey

Where can I read this interview?

It was a video interview done during E3 if I recall. I'm not digging through Youtube to find it, feel free to do so yourself
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02/07/2015 01:36 PM (UTC)
Anyone lime the guy on thr first page who said that any person who requests a 3d character is a non real fan can jump into the pit. It's cool to like non trilogy characters and want them back. I've been a true fan of Mk since playing MK1 in an Arcade. While I don't love every character if some 3d character made it I'd be happy and interested I mean most fan here on MK seem to like the same 3d characters so here's my faves I want in

Bo Rai Cho
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02/07/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)
Whoever said people wanted and MK4-MKD character fest is either delusional or didn't read the OP.

For the new fans who haven't played the 3D era games but have heard nothing but trash talking from the die-hard classic fans who would love to throw everything after Trilogy in a bag and forget it ever existed.

They were pretty fun and generally were received games, especially given the amount of pressure and limited resources the MK team was having at the time, they were different sure but that doesn't imply they were bad. there was a lot of effort put onto them, old fans just weren't expecting such a drastic change and ended up resenting the whole new era because of that.

DA recieved very high scores (abovie 80%) in almost every main gaming site, was awardwd best fighting game on the Xbox and GameCube in 2002 and included as one of PS2 greates hits, it had a lot of flaws, but it was a engine built from scratch, and it succeed in reviving a series that have been slowly dying since the late 90's.

Deception addressed a lot of the issues DA was criticized for, the models and textures were greatly improved and the gameplay polished (granted, not enough to be competitive), to date is the game that has offered more modes and mini-games in the whole franchise, that very well could have been treated as individual games, it was also the earliest 3D fighting game to offer online play

Like its predecessor, it received mostly positive reviews and high scores. It was the fastest-selling game in Midway's history, earning numerous awards including best fighting game.

So yeah, most of the new characters felt bland and uninspired, even though they got little exposure. But saying the 3D era games are garbage is just ignorant BS. Play them for yourselves and see what I mean.

02/07/2015 03:18 PM (UTC)

If you come here to talk about mk, then why would you be opposed to new threads? I'm sure we have all created threads with topics that have been discussed before. This is an exciting time for mk and I'm glad we have lots of talk on here. Keep the threads coming.
02/07/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
They could be keeping those characters as the surprise characters for us to be stoked when we play the game. Sit back and wait...geez.
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02/07/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:

If you come here to talk about mk, then why would you be opposed to new threads? I'm sure we have all created threads with topics that have been discussed before. This is an exciting time for mk and I'm glad we have lots of talk on here. Keep the threads coming.

There's that key word;


I appreciate 'new' threads a lot, but what I don't appreciate is the same fucking topics being created every fucking time a character is announced with the same whining bullshit going on. That is what I don't like. I also don't like it when people like you put words in my fucking mouth as if I'm somehow the one in this situation that's in the wrong. If you even so much as read a sentence of my post you would have seen that I said I was sick of the same shit being posted in new threads and all I suggested was that people bump all the old topics that have talked about this before. I did not, AT ALL, say I was against new threads so don't even fucking dare try that shit. I'm ok with threads of the same thing being created because some people are out of the loop, but I'm not ok with the same fucking shit being posted again and again as if complaining about a topic we are all more than familiar with will change anything. THAT is my problem. That and people like you who put words in my mouth. Don't bother replying because I sure as fuck won't reply to you.
02/07/2015 04:17 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:

If you come here to talk about mk, then why would you be opposed to new threads? I'm sure we have all created threads with topics that have been discussed before. This is an exciting time for mk and I'm glad we have lots of talk on here. Keep the threads coming.

There's that key word;


I appreciate 'new' threads a lot, but what I don't appreciate is the same fucking topics being created every fucking time a character is announced with the same whining bullshit going on. That is what I don't like. I also don't like it when people like you put words in my fucking mouth as if I'm somehow the one in this situation that's in the wrong. If you even so much as read a sentence of my post you would have seen that I said I was sick of the same shit being posted in new threads and all I suggested was that people bump all the old topics that have talked about this before. I did not, AT ALL, say I was against new threads so don't even fucking dare try that shit. I'm ok with threads of the same thing being created because some people are out of the loop, but I'm not ok with the same fucking shit being posted again and again as if complaining about a topic we are all more than familiar with will change anything. THAT is my problem. That and people like you who put words in my mouth. Don't bother replying because I sure as fuck won't reply to you.

People are hyped and angry, or happy and annoyed, live with that.

If you don't never visit any forum again, douchebag.
02/07/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
Hardly ever post here... Been playing mortal kombat since mk1 arcade. Shinnok, fujin and reiko should be in this game. Please listen NRS
02/07/2015 05:35 PM (UTC)
I feel like we will see Fujin, Tanya, and Bo Rai Cho without a doubt.

Fujin and Tanya were both almost DLC in MK9 and are highly requested. They might even be more popular than some of the trilogy characters. We even saw Fujin with a newish costume in the komic. After Jade's deconfirmination, theres not many females left to fill the void. We need at least 7. We have D'Vorah, Cassie, Kitana, and probably Sonya, Jacqui, and Mileena. Tanya would probably take that last spot. I still feel like Jacqui might die since it seems that Jax is back. Plus 3 new girls? That would be surprising.

Bo Rai Cho- Someone dared Boin to put him in MKX and Boon said well in that case..... He didnt flat out say no. He is also important to the story. But the biggest hint for Bo was that he was on the leaked casting call.

I also think there is a pretty decent chance for Havik, Frost, Reiko and Shinnok.

Havik is one of the most popular 3D characters and is the only Chaosrealmer that we know of. And since we just found out that Chaosrealm will be one of the invaders in the faction thing, thats a great sign. He was also in Noob's MK9 ending.

Frost- She has a lot of fans and just appeared in the comic. Plus she cameoed twice in MK9.

Reiko, even though he did like absolutely nothing, has a big cult following and we know he partners up with Mileena.

Shinnok- Do i even need to say? He might be unplayable though.

They are holding back because they know we want these characters and they want to surprise us. We are probably going to have 27-28 characters. They said that it would be close to MK9 and plus they said during the stream that the select screen is not final. It was clear that they were figuring out how to make room for characters on the screen.

I also think Li Mei, Hotaru, and Sareena have a shot at DLC.

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02/07/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
swerzy Wrote:
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:

If you come here to talk about mk, then why would you be opposed to new threads? I'm sure we have all created threads with topics that have been discussed before. This is an exciting time for mk and I'm glad we have lots of talk on here. Keep the threads coming.

There's that key word;


I appreciate 'new' threads a lot, but what I don't appreciate is the same fucking topics being created every fucking time a character is announced with the same whining bullshit going on. That is what I don't like. I also don't like it when people like you put words in my fucking mouth as if I'm somehow the one in this situation that's in the wrong. If you even so much as read a sentence of my post you would have seen that I said I was sick of the same shit being posted in new threads and all I suggested was that people bump all the old topics that have talked about this before. I did not, AT ALL, say I was against new threads so don't even fucking dare try that shit. I'm ok with threads of the same thing being created because some people are out of the loop, but I'm not ok with the same fucking shit being posted again and again as if complaining about a topic we are all more than familiar with will change anything. THAT is my problem. That and people like you who put words in my mouth. Don't bother replying because I sure as fuck won't reply to you.

People are hyped and angry, or happy and annoyed, live with that.

If you don't never visit any forum again, douchebag.

Shut the fuck up you stupid troll.
02/07/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
Waiting 4 characters in the 3D era for this game is very realistic, especially considering the announced. Quan Chi was announced. Kenshi was clearly implied. And contrary to popular belief, casual fans (anyone who has played the MK9) expects that guy the end, Shinnok. Soon has room for one more.

That said there will be plenty of room to repatriate MK9 characters that were left out, so the DLC will be no room for characters in 3D was related to history.
02/07/2015 07:48 PM (UTC)
I meant no offense, Swerzy. God loves you. I hope that your anger will subside. We can disagree here too. That's what the fun of forums are.
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02/07/2015 08:13 PM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
I meant no offense, Swerzy. God loves you. I hope that your anger will subside. We can disagree here too. That's what the fun of forums are.

I didn't mean to be so angry in my post earlier, so I do apologise for that. I understand this is a forum where we can discuss things so, again, I'm really sorry for my temperament in my post. I think it was just LordKotal following me around talking shit in nearly every thread was just getting to me. I am sorry and didn't mean to cause any upset.
02/07/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
The 3D era is essetially to Mortal Kombat what Phantom Menace/Clones/Sith is to Star Wars. They filled the void at the time, now the general populace never wants to hear from them again. A handful of rabid fans who hang on to this era does not equal general populace BTW. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can start your grieving process and embrace this new MK game.

Posts like "Noooooooooooo, not Kano and Jax AGAIN!!!!??? Where is Movado ??????" is EXACTLY why your pleas fall on Boon's deaf ears and he proceeds in keeping with the MK9 formula all over again.

Believe it or not, even I think the franchise is getting a bit stale by always bringing back the same cast and just adding slight alterations to them, but rebooting the worst period in the game's franchise is simply NOT the answer.
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02/07/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
The 3D era is essetially to Mortal Kombat what Phantom Menace/Clones/Sith is to Star Wars. They filled the void at the time, now the general populace never wants to hear from them again. A handful of rabid fans who hang on to this era does not equal general populace BTW. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can start your grieving process and embrace this new MK game.

Posts like "Noooooooooooo, not Kano and Jax AGAIN!!!!??? Where is Movado ??????" is EXACTLY why your pleas fall on Boon's deaf ears and he proceeds in keeping with the MK9 formula all over again.

Believe it or not, even I think the franchise is getting a bit stale by always bringing back the same cast and just adding slight alterations to them, but rebooting the worst period in the game's franchise is simply NOT the answer.

This would make sense if:

1. the 3d era games would have been received generally badly. Which is not the case.

2. the 3d era characters would lack anz kind of redeeming qualitz that would make them unique.

Nope. Most of the 3d era characters are both visually and conceptually different from each other. In short: 3d era characters are more unique by theorem and can be objectively shown that they have more detail put into them than MK1-3. This we know does not really influence the popular concesus, because people are idiots.

I honestly do not think that the series has or SHOULD go anywhere after this, or perhaps another installment. There is nothing more they can produce to make this, MK in general relevant.

Gore is not relevant.

Epic storylines are basically belt-fed nowadays. The video game industry is worse than the Hollywood Oscar-bait machine.

This game also capitalizes on your nostalgia. Like MK9.

IT IS A NECESSARY and UNAVOIDABLE thing that you grow out of stuff and stop liking them after a certain amount of time lapse. MK has ran its course, there is no more hilltops to conquer, only decent achievements.

And frankly I am fine with playing MKDA on an emulator. Probably will play it more than MKX if MK9 is any indication.

02/07/2015 08:47 PM (UTC)
Your opinion is cool and all but why are you talking like NRS is present lol... Don't they have an official forum for complaints. To be fair, boon said early on there would only be a few 3d era characters. People expecting the mk4 rosterin it's entirety are unrealistic.
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02/07/2015 11:11 PM (UTC)
For me I don't want mk roster I want selectives from mk4-MKA
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