02/07/2015 03:04 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
NRS appeals to the public more by showing off characters they're already familiar with. It's like it was already known Raiden would have been in the game, but NRS showed him off because he is more famous than some MK4+ or new character.

What is going to get more views by the PUBLIC, not the FANS: Scorpion or Havik?

NRS needs to appeal to the general, CASUAL, public first. Since they make up the majority of who will buy the game.

Plus, it's NRS. Like seriously some of y'all delusional. They're a hot mess

They've been catering to the CASUAL public for the past ten reveals. The game is out in LESS than two months, when are we going to get a few fan reveals?

Never. Because 3D era characters(aside from poster boy Quan Chi) are not in the game. Stop using that excuse, It's played out.

I agree Ahnka, I just don't see them as part of the game at this stage. It's so sad that I feel disheartened with every new reveal (MK9, MK9 etc). If NRS had better managed expectations from the beginning, there wouldn't have been growing resentment across some of the fan community as we move through the later stages towards release.

I mean, seriously - a poll of preferred MKX characters with 4 sets of characters, being won by the 3d era set - who would have predicted that 8 months ago??

NRS should do right by their fans who stuck through and supported them through all eras of their MK development. Throw us a bone and de-confirm some of these characters. NRS seems so ambivalent towards them, is it really such a big ask? Surely they read these fan boards, no?
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02/07/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
Just be hopeful they're in. MK has it's secrets. I don't think the team is going to give out everything prior to release. I mean we know half the cast already.

How nice would it be for YOU to unlock Havik, you know?

Just be hopeful. This game is amazing on so many levels. I don't see why anyone is disappointed/angry/sad at this point
02/07/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
If you honestly look at majority of the comments on facebook or twitter about the post MK4 characters, the word "Whack" is used.....A LOT.

Most of those people btw are the ones who say "If my favorite isn't in, I'm not getting it"

I don't get it lol.
About Me
"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
02/07/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:

NRS should do right by their fans who stuck through and supported them through all eras of their MK development. Throw us a bone and de-confirm some of these characters.

But they know that if they did that, a lot of people would cancel their precious pre-orders. I probably would. They've gotta keep us hanging.
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Props to MINION
02/07/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Just be hopeful they're in. MK has it's secrets. I don't think the team is going to give out everything prior to release. I mean we know half the cast already.

How nice would it be for YOU to unlock Havik, you know?

Just be hopeful. This game is amazing on so many levels. I don't see why anyone is disappointed/angry/sad at this point

ya this is what i was trying to get at, lets just be happy that they are revealing things at all.

Would you guys really want to know all the characters and secrets of the game before its even released?
02/07/2015 03:10 AM (UTC)
Because 90% of society has unrealistic expectations of anything
02/07/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Just be hopeful they're in. MK has it's secrets. I don't think the team is going to give out everything prior to release. I mean we know half the cast already.

How nice would it be for YOU to unlock Havik, you know?

Just be hopeful. This game is amazing on so many levels. I don't see why anyone is disappointed/angry/sad at this point

ya this is what i was trying to get at, lets just be happy that they are revealing things at all.

Would you guys really want to know all the characters and secrets of the game before its even released?

It depends. Some people wouldn't buy the game if certain characters didnt make it in. So yes they should.
02/07/2015 03:17 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Starting to give up hope now. NRS aren't even teasing 3D characters in the marketing, even a little easter egg Tanya in the living tower etc, a tweet of Fujin hair etc.

So, I'm gonna ask why? Why if you haven't added them, continue to toy with fans of those characters? When you see the results of polls like this:


The most requested are the most popular 3D era characters (Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc). So why are Boon etc acting as though they don't exist, ignoring tweets etc? At this stage I'd rather they just issued a Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc haven't made it sort of tweet so I can manage my expectations down, - it will save fan disappointment. Lots of fans have been waiting since 2010 to see these guys re-imagined and it's a big let down. Probably the one thing I was looking forward to most this game.

But if these guys are out, the marketing BS game should really end - just tell your fans straight. If it's an MK trilogy love-in with a few new characters, be upfront and own that.

I think the Mortal Kombat team MIGHT be saving the best for last...... Ed Boon and his friends must know we are very curious about the 3D era kharakters.... they are keeping quiet to POSSIBLY HEIGHTEN THE SUSPENSE???.... and it's working LOL

I don't know, I can only assume and imagine.

I would love to see kharakters like Tanya, Li Mei or even Kai, in MKX.

Fingers krossed, everyone. We just need around 3 or 4 roster slots for these kharakters.....
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MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
02/07/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Just be hopeful they're in. MK has it's secrets. I don't think the team is going to give out everything prior to release. I mean we know half the cast already.

How nice would it be for YOU to unlock Havik, you know?

Just be hopeful. This game is amazing on so many levels. I don't see why anyone is disappointed/angry/sad at this point

ya this is what i was trying to get at, lets just be happy that they are revealing things at all.

Would you guys really want to know all the characters and secrets of the game before its even released?

It depends. Some people wouldn't buy the game if certain characters didnt make it in. So yes they should.

See I think that's a lie. I really, really, doubt an MK fan wouldn't buy such an amazing game simply cause their favourite isn't in. However there are other 30+ characters who look amazing in this game.

And if that's the case, then they are not true fans of the series, but rather only indulge in their own fantasy of their "favorite characters".
02/07/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
I won't lie. I cannot say I am completely happy with the reveals so far. I had high hopes since I didn't get my favorite kharacter last time and there was saying that the MK4 kharacter had some chance making it this game, but with every new reveal, the character spots reduces, and aside from Quan Chi, every reveal was from 2D era. I am now pretty much lost hope for my favorite to make it in. I know she was once considered as one of the most hated character, but I was really hoping she'd get another chance. Us Tanya Fans don't usually get a luxury of resting easy for her to make it in the game that scorpion and sub fans enjoy every game, and by the look of it, it's probably going to be repeat this time.

I pretty much guarantee the next reveal will be Liu, Mileena, Baraka, Shang, Nightwolf, Kabal, Sheeva, Stryker, Jade, along with Jax and Sonya we've already seen and a new kharacter.

Well. I will just clear out my hope now and patiently wait for the game to come out. If she's in, wonderful, if not, well, I won't be surprised. It's not the first time that happened anyway and now my hope is up.

Sorry for another, boring, long post.
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

02/07/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
Someone else made the point earlier in one of these (similar and very numerous) threads that, if NRS was relying on the iconic characters to pull in the casual crowd support, it makes more sense to load their reveals closer to release--i.e., when casual fans are paying more attention.

Which makes sense to me. After all, four of the first six characters to be revealed were completely new characters--i.e., characters they couldn't necessarily rely on for support from anyone.

There's also a counter-argument that because all of the 3D era characters necessarily have lots to do with the MK4-MKA timeline, a whole lot of story stuff would get revealed if we learned about them. NRS has been ridiculously tight-lipped with the story of this game, so we have no idea what they're hiding and why.
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02/07/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Just be hopeful they're in. MK has it's secrets. I don't think the team is going to give out everything prior to release. I mean we know half the cast already.

How nice would it be for YOU to unlock Havik, you know?

Just be hopeful. This game is amazing on so many levels. I don't see why anyone is disappointed/angry/sad at this point

ya this is what i was trying to get at, lets just be happy that they are revealing things at all.

Would you guys really want to know all the characters and secrets of the game before its even released?

Would you like to buy a game without knowing if your favourites are going to be in it? And please stop suggesting how people should feel about the game, buyers don't owe publishers nor development enough to feel grateful about every little reveal and announcement, that's just a common marketing strategy not fan-service.

I don't have any big preferences towards particular MK characters but I do expect changes, new additions and balance that hopefully helps the new roster distance itself from the previous one and leaves as much people as possible satisfied.

Their catering to casuals, safe character choices, and promoting only Scorpion seems excessively cautious for my taste. It's understandable NRS caters primarily this group but I find their "next generation" motto a little misleading if not dishonest.

With the Exception of Quan Chi (one of NRS favourites), we haven't even had one post MK2 character announced yet, just let that sink in for a moment.
02/07/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
Ermac's not Post-MK2?
02/07/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Ermac's not Post-MK2?

Error Macro is from MK1.
02/07/2015 03:44 AM (UTC)
Could have sworn that was a myth, lol
02/07/2015 03:46 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Could have sworn that was a myth, lol

came out officially as a playable secret character on UMK3 but he isn't a 3D era kharacter. so...
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02/07/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
Could have sworn that was a myth, lol

came out officially as a playable secret character on UMK3 but he isn't a 3D era kharacter. so...

& Neither is Fujin, Quan Chi, Shinnok & Sareena..
About Me
Props to MINION
02/07/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Just be hopeful they're in. MK has it's secrets. I don't think the team is going to give out everything prior to release. I mean we know half the cast already.

How nice would it be for YOU to unlock Havik, you know?

Just be hopeful. This game is amazing on so many levels. I don't see why anyone is disappointed/angry/sad at this point

ya this is what i was trying to get at, lets just be happy that they are revealing things at all.

Would you guys really want to know all the characters and secrets of the game before its even released?

Would you like to buy a game without knowing if your favourites are going to be in it? And please stop suggesting how people should feel about the game, buyers don't owe publishers nor development enough to feel grateful about every little reveal and announcement, that's just a common marketing strategy not fan-service.

I don't have any big preferences towards particular MK characters but I do expect changes, new additions and balance that hopefully helps the new roster distance itself from the previous one and leaves as much people as possible satisfied.

Their catering to casuals, safe character choices, and promoting only Scorpion seems excessively cautious for my taste. It's understandable NRS caters primarily this group but I find their "next generation" motto a little misleading if not dishonest.

With the Exception of Quan Chi (one of NRS favourites), we haven't even had one post MK2 character announced yet, just let that sink in for a moment.

If the only revealed characters so far were Sub-zero and scorpion, id absoultely still buy MKX. The game looks fantastic and has a lot going for it. My favorite characters being in it, would just be a plus.

O and showed render of high heel boots, so tanya fans you have hope
About Me
02/07/2015 04:03 AM (UTC)
Lol...ummm, the 3D-era characters suck so hard, not surprised NRS doesn't give a shit about them. Neither do I. Aside from Reiko and Kenshi, all those 3D characters were stale as fuck and brought nothing to the series. Street Fighter and Tekken were kicking MK's ass during the 3D era. MK was a joke. Now the franchise has slowly gained its reputable image back and people actually play it competitively. None of this Dairou, and Darrius crap again please. Keep that in the gutter where it belongs.
02/07/2015 04:04 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Just be hopeful they're in. MK has it's secrets. I don't think the team is going to give out everything prior to release. I mean we know half the cast already.

How nice would it be for YOU to unlock Havik, you know?

Just be hopeful. This game is amazing on so many levels. I don't see why anyone is disappointed/angry/sad at this point

ya this is what i was trying to get at, lets just be happy that they are revealing things at all.

Would you guys really want to know all the characters and secrets of the game before its even released?

Would you like to buy a game without knowing if your favourites are going to be in it? And please stop suggesting how people should feel about the game, buyers don't owe publishers nor development enough to feel grateful about every little reveal and announcement, that's just a common marketing strategy not fan-service.

I don't have any big preferences towards particular MK characters but I do expect changes, new additions and balance that hopefully helps the new roster distance itself from the previous one and leaves as much people as possible satisfied.

Their catering to casuals, safe character choices, and promoting only Scorpion seems excessively cautious for my taste. It's understandable NRS caters primarily this group but I find their "next generation" motto a little misleading if not dishonest.

With the Exception of Quan Chi (one of NRS favourites), we haven't even had one post MK2 character announced yet, just let that sink in for a moment.

If the only revealed characters so far were Sub-zero and scorpion, id absoultely still buy MKX. The game looks fantastic and has a lot going for it. My favorite characters being in it, would just be a plus.

O and showed render of high heel boots, so tanya fans you have hope

I don't think high heel boots are only limited to Tanya, but as I said, I now don't really expect much so, they may surprise me if she's in.
02/07/2015 04:05 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Lol...ummm, the 3D-era characters suck so hard, not surprised NRS doesn't give a shit about them. Neither do I. Aside from Reiko and Kenshi, all those 3D characters were stale as fuck and brought nothing to the series. Street Fighter and Tekken were kicking MK's ass during the 3D era. MK was a joke. Now the franchise has slowly gained its reputable image back and people actually play it competitively. None of this Dairou, and Darrius crap again please. Keep that in the gutter where it belongs.

Street Fighter wasn't releasing during MK's 3D era, and Reiko is a trash character. Stupid ass post, as usual.
AgentK Wrote:
Reiko was fresh and brought something to the series

About Me
"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
02/07/2015 04:19 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:

O and showed render of high heel boots, so tanya fans you have hope
Those boots are much more likely to belong to Mileena.
02/07/2015 04:21 AM (UTC)
Zebron Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:

O and showed render of high heel boots, so tanya fans you have hope
Those boots are much more likely to belong to Mileena.

Exactly. Since Mileena is a sure bet to make it. At this post, it's not a surprice if ALL MK9 kharacters returns.
02/07/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
Sorry to disappoint you, but a majority of the MK4+ characters have low fanbases. What is more lucrative? Having Mileena in the game, whom the general gaming public knows a lot and she has one of the larger fanbases in the MK world, or having Nitara in the game?

Speaking strictly from a business standpoint, having in characters with bigger popularity than others will lead to more fans of that character buying that game which = $$$.

Sure, that craps all over the Nitara fans, but guess what: it's a business.

At the end of the day, NRS just wants to make money.
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