NRS: Be Honest!! Are you adding 3D characters or not?!
posted02/10/2015 01:17 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
Starting to give up hope now. NRS aren't even teasing 3D characters in the marketing, even a little easter egg Tanya in the living tower etc, a tweet of Fujin hair etc.

So, I'm gonna ask why? Why if you haven't added them, continue to toy with fans of those characters? When you see the results of polls like this:

The most requested are the most popular 3D era characters (Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc). So why are Boon etc acting as though they don't exist, ignoring tweets etc? At this stage I'd rather they just issued a Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc haven't made it sort of tweet so I can manage my expectations down, - it will save fan disappointment. Lots of fans have been waiting since 2010 to see these guys re-imagined and it's a big let down. Probably the one thing I was looking forward to most this game.

But if these guys are out, the marketing BS game should really end - just tell your fans straight. If it's an MK trilogy love-in with a few new characters, be upfront and own that.
02/07/2015 01:50 AM (UTC)
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Props to MINION
02/07/2015 01:55 AM (UTC)
Theres a billion threads like this made from non real mk fans like you, just bump one of those next time please wink
02/07/2015 01:55 AM (UTC)
I'm going to be very disappointed if none of the 3d era characters make it in. We haven't even seen a hint of Shinnok anywhere! After MK9's ending, if they don't do anything with him...its just going to be one huge missed opportunity.

I'm still going to play because its Mortal Kombat, but I'm always going to see it as a missed opportunity to turn these characters into something great.
02/07/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Theres a billion threads like this made from non real mk fans like you

opinion worthless
About Me
Props to MINION
02/07/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Theres a billion threads like this made from non real mk fans like you

opinion worthless

thank you?confused
02/07/2015 01:58 AM (UTC)
People really gotta start lowering their expectations to the bare minimum.
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02/07/2015 01:58 AM (UTC)
You will get called on not knowing enough to reach these conclusions so be prepared. Indeed, the number of available spots does get smaller with every reveal. I do agree about NRS being more upfront, they want classic or a "new generation", both approaches are valid and understandable, but teasing too much or trying to give a false impression will eventually piss off a lot of fans. I think if they didn't stress so much on the "new" there wouldn't be so much backslash from some fans because more than half of the roster could be MK9 characters.
Cages_Shades Wrote:
...from non real mk fans like you...wink
Lol, this guy
Spider804 Wrote:
People really gotta start lowering their expectations to the bare minimum.
It always helps.
About Me

02/07/2015 02:03 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Starting to give up hope now. NRS aren't even teasing 3D characters in the marketing, even a little easter egg Tanya in the living tower etc, a tweet of Fujin hair etc.

So, I'm gonna ask why? Why if you haven't added them, continue to toy with fans of those characters? When you see the results of polls like this:

The most requested are the most popular 3D era characters (Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc). So why are Boon etc acting as though they don't exist, ignoring tweets etc? At this stage I'd rather they just issued a Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc haven't made it sort of tweet so I can manage my expectations down, - it will save fan disappointment. Lots of fans have been waiting since 2010 to see these guys re-imagined and it's a big let down. Probably the one thing I was looking forward to most this game.

But if these guys are out, the marketing BS game should really end - just tell your fans straight. If it's an MK trilogy love-in with a few new characters, be upfront and own that.

02/07/2015 02:06 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Theres a billion threads like this made from non real mk fans like you

opinion worthless

thank you?confused

That's all I wanted since after MK9, that NRS bring their Post MK3 characters into a 2D plane.

And because I'm disappointed that, at this point, it doesn't look like that's going to be realized, that I'm not a real Mortal Kombat fan?

Fuck off
02/07/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Theres a billion threads like this made from non real mk fans like you, just bump one of those next time please wink


Define "real" and "non-real". Just, I'm confused. I've owned and enjoyed every single Mortal Kombat game since the first on Genesis. I even struggled through some of the shittier side games like Special Forces and have a soft-spot for some of the 3D era games and it's more interesting fighters. I spent hundreds of enjoyable hours with them and haven't had an opportunity to re-visted them or their unique part of the mk-verse in a very long time to see how they may be re-imagined with modern-tech.

I've found elements to enjoy in all aspects of the MK universe. This makes me a "non-real mk fan" how exactly? Please, explain.
02/07/2015 02:24 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Theres a billion threads like this made from non real mk fans like you

opinion worthless

thank you?confused

That's all I wanted since after MK9, that NRS bring their Post MK3 characters into a 2D plane.

And because I'm disappointed that, at this point, it doesn't look like that's going to be realized, that I'm not a real Mortal Kombat fan?

Fuck off

Yep. This x1,000,000
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02/07/2015 02:26 AM (UTC)
Calm down, boys. Today was a great day for us MK fans. Which we all are. There's so much hype and excitement for people to get into silly arguments.

I really hope Reiko, Fujin, and Havik make it to the game. And I think NRS knows there's a big demand for them, so I doubt they wont be in the game. I hope they're in it from the get-go, but DLC will be a sure thing for post MK3 characters.

Plus, Reiko seems to be a big part in the comics (so I've heard from people's posts, I haven't actually seen them but did see a few images of Reiko), so I think Reiko will be in it. And I think he's way overdue of it. Always been a big fan of him.

With the mention of Chaosrealm in the trailer today, I'm sure Havik will make it.

I hope Fujin makes it, too.
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I will rock you.

02/07/2015 02:26 AM (UTC)
We all know that they aren't even going to say a word to us. That means we should not ask this question ever again to them.confused
02/07/2015 02:27 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Starting to give up hope now. NRS aren't even teasing 3D characters in the marketing, even a little easter egg Tanya in the living tower etc, a tweet of Fujin hair etc.

So, I'm gonna ask why? Why if you haven't added them, continue to toy with fans of those characters? When you see the results of polls like this:

The most requested are the most popular 3D era characters (Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc). So why are Boon etc acting as though they don't exist, ignoring tweets etc? At this stage I'd rather they just issued a Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc haven't made it sort of tweet so I can manage my expectations down, - it will save fan disappointment. Lots of fans have been waiting since 2010 to see these guys re-imagined and it's a big let down. Probably the one thing I was looking forward to most this game.

But if these guys are out, the marketing BS game should really end - just tell your fans straight. If it's an MK trilogy love-in with a few new characters, be upfront and own that.

That is why i continue to say fujin won't be in. It saves me from dissapointment that may be Inevitable.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/07/2015 02:40 AM (UTC)
It's not happening sadly. We probably won't be seeing them.

NRS is more content with bringing back stale characters like Jax than bothering with some of the more interesting 3D era characters like Havik.

I doubt they're holding them last for a big "Surprise". I doubt they'll be DLC, most of those spots will be reserved for guests and some of the trilogy characters who didn't make the initial roster.

Sucks. I was hoping this would be a decent balance of MK9 returnees, 3D era characters, and newbies. The perfect blend.
02/07/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
I'm sure they have their reasons for not including certain characters. It's not like they are just out here purposely ignoring these characters to anger the people who like them.
02/07/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
NRS appeals to the public more by showing off characters they're already familiar with. It's like it was already known Raiden would have been in the game, but NRS showed him off because he is more famous than some MK4+ or new character.

What is going to get more views by the PUBLIC, not the FANS: Scorpion or Havik?

NRS needs to appeal to the general, CASUAL, public first. Since they make up the majority of who will buy the game.

Plus, it's NRS. Like seriously some of y'all delusional. They're a hot mess
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/07/2015 02:49 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I'm sure they have their reasons for not including certain characters. It's not like they are just out here purposely ignoring these characters to anger the people who like them.

I don't think that either. They just plainly don't give a shit about those characters. Which is understandable, but it would be nice if they would at least throw some of their fans a bone once in a while.
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Props to MINION
02/07/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
lol you guys sure got riled up fast grin

and for the record Deception is my favorite MK game, and alot of my favorite characters are from the 3D era(even though ive been playing them since Mk1) I hope plenty of 3d era characters will be in MKX. (fingers crossed for Mavado and Havik)

I just meant people need to happy that it's a new MK game, not whos in it or not. If the roster effects you buying the game or not(not saying you wont just saying in general a lot of people say that)

MKX is going to be a great game, yes it'll have a lot of the trilogy characters but they are the core of MK so that only makes sense. Also we don't know how many characters will actually be in MKX, theres still plenty room for the 3d era characters.

Everytime there is a reveal people freak out because it's not a 3d era character, even when there was only 8 total characters revealed(and 1 of the was a 3d era char)

Lets just all be happy we get reveals and hints and have fun speculating, It's a MK game after all and we're all going to have a blast playing it.

Plus they already made up there mind whose in or not, complaining wont change that, which all my original post was saying was that you didnt need to make a new thread, since there was plenty just like it, you could have just bumped one of them.

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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/07/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
NRS appeals to the public more by showing off characters they're already familiar with. It's like it was already known Raiden would have been in the game, but NRS showed him off because he is more famous than some MK4+ or new character.

What is going to get more views by the PUBLIC, not the FANS: Scorpion or Havik?

NRS needs to appeal to the general, CASUAL, public first. Since they make up the majority of who will buy the game.

Plus, it's NRS. Like seriously some of y'all delusional. They're a hot mess

They've been catering to the CASUAL public for the past ten reveals. The game is out in LESS than two months, when are we going to get a few fan reveals?

Never. Because 3D era characters(aside from poster boy Quan Chi) are not in the game. Stop using that excuse, It's played out.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

02/07/2015 02:57 AM (UTC)
Welcome to a new age of Kombat !
02/07/2015 02:58 AM (UTC)
I gave up hope when Kitana was revealed, when it became apparent Kung Lao wasn't a fluke. They were going to bring in all the fan favorites, dead or not, which doesn't leave room for 3D-character revamps. Unfortunately, too. I wanted to see Bo' Rai Cho or Havik or ANYBODY, really.

I can still see 1, maybe 2, making it, but that's it. I think Kenshi and Fujin have the biggest chances. Shinnok, Reiko and Bo' Rai Cho are next in line in terms of likelihood. Tanya fans need to let go.

Give me a break, though. These are hardly the most requested characters. A few tweets and the hardcore MK fansites aren't representative of the whole fanbase, which is mostly made up of casuals that like the same old fan favorites and never much grew fond of the PS2 era newcomers.
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Props to MINION
02/07/2015 02:58 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
NRS appeals to the public more by showing off characters they're already familiar with. It's like it was already known Raiden would have been in the game, but NRS showed him off because he is more famous than some MK4+ or new character.

What is going to get more views by the PUBLIC, not the FANS: Scorpion or Havik?

NRS needs to appeal to the general, CASUAL, public first. Since they make up the majority of who will buy the game.

Plus, it's NRS. Like seriously some of y'all delusional. They're a hot mess

They've been catering to the CASUAL public for the past ten reveals. The game is out in LESS than two months, when are we going to get a few fan reveals?

Never. Because 3D era characters(aside from poster boy Quan Chi) are not in the game. Stop using that excuse, It's played out.

They also want to keep some characters secret until release, 3d era chars would be a way bigger an awesome surprise to find out while actually playing the game, then the trilogy ones.

They reveal all the trilogy first to hype the game by showing the more recognizable characters, its a business strategy.

If they showed all the 3d era people first then the 2d people, the reactions during reveals wouldnt of been as big overall.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/07/2015 03:02 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
NRS appeals to the public more by showing off characters they're already familiar with. It's like it was already known Raiden would have been in the game, but NRS showed him off because he is more famous than some MK4+ or new character.

What is going to get more views by the PUBLIC, not the FANS: Scorpion or Havik?

NRS needs to appeal to the general, CASUAL, public first. Since they make up the majority of who will buy the game.

Plus, it's NRS. Like seriously some of y'all delusional. They're a hot mess

They've been catering to the CASUAL public for the past ten reveals. The game is out in LESS than two months, when are we going to get a few fan reveals?

Never. Because 3D era characters(aside from poster boy Quan Chi) are not in the game. Stop using that excuse, It's played out.

They also want to keep some characters secret until release, 3d era chars would be a way bigger an awesome surprise to find out while actually playing the game, then the trilogy ones.

They reveal all the trilogy first to hype the game by showing the more recognizable characters, its a business strategy.

If they showed all the 3d era people first then the 2d people, the reactions during reveals wouldnt of been as big overall.

You're literally repeating the point I was just disproving. YES, I GET IT! I get that the general public don't give a damn about people like Havik or Fujin, but I'm saying I doubt they're in the game period. All this "They're probably in game as a surprise" BS is just that, BS and is doing nothing but getting peoples hopes up to be disappointed.
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