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02/07/2015 04:32 AM (UTC)
Ive been playing mk since the first game hit the arcades and consider myself a real fan of the series 90% of the post mk3 era were utter garbage and I dont want any of them back with the exception of kenshi and maybe havik. Think about people are asking for characters from the days when mk was shitty, deadly alliance,deception and Armageddon were not good games and that was partly down to naff character design.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/07/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
My most wanted

Most of all a playable Shao Kahn

1. Havik
2. NEW Evil Male
3. Bo Rai Cho
4. NEW Evil Female
5. Tanya

I think the Classic Characters in the Kombat Pack will be
Shao Kahn
Shang Tsung
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/07/2015 05:44 AM (UTC)
Can someone find that source when we were told early in development that only one character after MK3 was going to make it in?
02/07/2015 05:47 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Can someone find that source when we were told early in development that only one character after MK3 was going to make it in?

I don't have a source, but I do recall it.

Boon said at least one character from MK4, I believe. He could have meant Quan Chi, lol.
About Me

02/07/2015 05:57 AM (UTC)
I think the post MK3 characters are slowly but surely gaining the nostalgia factor and people are remembering them more fondly then how they initially received them. I feel like they are growing fan bases and at some point the MK team will revisit some of the ones that have potential.

I think there will be A LOT of complaining if Tanya and Fujin in particular don't make it into this game. Whether the MK team cares or not is another story.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/07/2015 06:02 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Can someone find that source when we were told early in development that only one character after MK3 was going to make it in?

I think Ed said we will see more than one post Trilogy character. So there is still hopegrin
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/07/2015 06:12 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I think Ed said we will see more than one post Trilogy character. So there is still hopegrin

I do believe that we will see more than just Quan Chi. We still have time and slots right, even after yesterday's reveals?
But really, the only character that comes to mind is Shinnok. Everyone else, as much as it would be wonderful to seem them playable in the roster, I wouldn't be surprised if they're DLC material.
02/07/2015 06:14 AM (UTC)
_MKX_ Wrote:

I think there will be A LOT of complaining if Tanya and Fujin in particular don't make it into this game. Whether the MK team cares or not is another story.

Don't kid yourself. A negligible amount of complaining at best. John and Jane Casual don't know who these characters are and they're the ones doing most of the buying.
02/07/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
They've been catering to the CASUAL public for the past ten reveals. The game is out in LESS than two months, when are we going to get a few fan reveals?

Never. Because 3D era characters(aside from poster boy Quan Chi) are not in the game. Stop using that excuse, It's played out.

Posts like this piss me right off.

Stop treating casuals like they're not fans. If anything Kung Lao and Kitana WERE fan reveals, since they have such large fanbases. The casual public is what keeps the series going, so catering to them is necessary.

And stop pretending you know for sure if we're going to see any 3D era characters. You don't know shit just like everyone else don't know shit. If there are some in, then great. If not, oh fucking well.

I want Fujin more than any other character right now. I'm dying for his inclusion, but if he doesn't make it that's fine. The game looks phenomenal. Just because some characters don't show up isn't going to change the fact that the game looks great.
About Me

02/07/2015 06:40 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
_MKX_ Wrote:

I think there will be A LOT of complaining if Tanya and Fujin in particular don't make it into this game. Whether the MK team cares or not is another story.

Don't kid yourself. A negligible amount of complaining at best. John and Jane Casual don't know who these characters are and they're the ones doing most of the buying.

I should have specified. In terms of mass popular Twitter complaining probably not, but amongst the MKO and fan sites there will be a lot of disappointed fans. I know the MK team has perused the fan sites in the past, but like I said whether the MK team really cares what the fans who go to actual Mortal Kombat fansites think is another story.
02/07/2015 08:27 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Lol...ummm, the 3D-era characters suck so hard, not surprised NRS doesn't give a shit about them. Neither do I. Aside from Reiko and Kenshi, all those 3D characters were stale as fuck and brought nothing to the series. Street Fighter and Tekken were kicking MK's ass during the 3D era. MK was a joke. Now the franchise has slowly gained its reputable image back and people actually play it competitively. None of this Dairou, and Darrius crap again please. Keep that in the gutter where it belongs.

I don't want to be rude but are you for real? I'd rather have some DA-D characters than Kitana and Kung Lao who died in the last game. And I really don't care how they were brought back to life. For me it doesn't matter. With a current technology they could do amazing things with 3D era fighters but clearly it's better for NRS to just focus on the same popular fighters when it comes to marketing. It sucks.

I don't want to get my hopes up because I think that there will be only a disappointment regarding characters like Havik, Hotaru, Ashrah, and Li Mei. I think they are not coming buck.

Sorry boys and girls.sad
02/07/2015 08:59 AM (UTC)
We know based on a fairly old MKX interview that there will be at minimum one mk4 character and one from a later game. (Sorry don't remember the source, but the quote was like "Will we have any characters from MK4 and onwards?" "Yes there will be an MK4 character and some from later games") Unless I'm remembering it wrongly, don't think I am.

I just hope he didn't count Quan Chi as the MK4 character.
02/07/2015 09:11 AM (UTC)
MK4 - Quan Chi DA-D - Kenshi
02/07/2015 09:30 AM (UTC)
I don't understand the negativity. So far there have been 4 interesting new characters announced and there's more to come. No one ever said a bunch of MK9 characters weren't going to be in the game. Why wouldn't there be? Mavado was defiantly a favorite of mine and I would love to see him in MKX, but even if he's not there's Kotal, Ferra/Torr, Kung Lao, Scorpion, Ermac, and probably more unannounced characters to get hyped about. I have faith in the MK team, because in my opinion the roster so far looks tops.
02/07/2015 09:37 AM (UTC)
Ive been warned against this, but Im going to remain optimistic and positive. Take that, he who shall not be named!

There are still more characters to be seen, so there's plenty of chance for a MK4-Deception character or two to slip in. I want to see my boys Reiko and Fujin, personally. I have no doubt that a few 3D era guys will make Story Mode cameos, but one or two playable would be nice.

Regardless, its looking like NRS is giving us an amazing game. Even if they skip the 3D era roster entirely, I will still enjoy what we DO have.

Gah. I dont like being serious. Quick, think of something goofy to say!

02/07/2015 09:39 AM (UTC)
Really getting sick and tired of these boring reveals.

All boring human-like characters that DIED return and all interesting freaks that survived are put on the not-return tower.

Also the cooler characters like Havik, Tanya, Reiko, Kai, Fujin and whomever I forget will not likely return.

They wanted to give us hope and then crush it and then hope we like the game anyway with boring characters like Sonya (+fucking cassie), Jax and Liu kang.

Not getting me excited in the least.

The only ones that got me excited were the new reveals, they are the only ones that matter now.
02/07/2015 09:58 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Ive been warned against this, but Im going to remain optimistic and positive. Take that, he who shall not be named!

There are still more characters to be seen, so there's plenty of chance for a MK4-Deception character or two to slip in. I want to see my boys Reiko and Fujin, personally. I have no doubt that a few 3D era guys will make Story Mode cameos, but one or two playable would be nice.

Regardless, its looking like NRS is giving us an amazing game. Even if they skip the 3D era roster entirely, I will still enjoy what we DO have.

Gah. I dont like being serious. Quick, think of something goofy to say!

I think Kenshi, Fujin and Bo have the best chances but I'd love Reiko as well. He'd totally be a plus for me.
02/07/2015 09:58 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
They've been catering to the CASUAL public for the past ten reveals. The game is out in LESS than two months, when are we going to get a few fan reveals?

Never. Because 3D era characters(aside from poster boy Quan Chi) are not in the game. Stop using that excuse, It's played out.

Posts like this piss me right off.

Stop treating casuals like they're not fans. If anything Kung Lao and Kitana WERE fan reveals, since they have such large fanbases. The casual public is what keeps the series going, so catering to them is necessary.

And stop pretending you know for sure if we're going to see any 3D era characters. You don't know shit just like everyone else don't know shit. If there are some in, then great. If not, oh fucking well.

I want Fujin more than any other character right now. I'm dying for his inclusion, but if he doesn't make it that's fine. The game looks phenomenal. Just because some characters don't show up isn't going to change the fact that the game looks great.

Sooo boring, such a slave for anything they throw at you.

Grow some taste.

I'm sick and tired of people that already have their favorites in and telling others that they need to stop whining about their missing favorites.

And really, Deception sold VERY well and it were mostly characters that the boring, idiot casual fans didn't knew about.
So That Tells Us Nothing, they could atleast revamp Tanya, Shinnok, Bo Rai Cho, Havik, Reiko and Fujin in the game as those are the most requested characters.

If they NEVER revamp them, they can't be loved.
02/07/2015 10:01 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
I don't understand the negativity. So far there have been 4 interesting new characters announced and there's more to come. No one ever said a bunch of MK9 characters weren't going to be in the game. Why wouldn't there be? Mavado was defiantly a favorite of mine and I would love to see him in MKX, but even if he's not there's Kotal, Ferra/Torr, Kung Lao, Scorpion, Ermac, and probably more unannounced characters to get hyped about. I have faith in the MK team, because in my opinion the roster so far looks tops.

Oh stop it, D'vorah, Kotal, Ferra and Cassie will get the same threatment as Reiko, Fujin, Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei, they will be forgotten after this game just like all the others.

They keep doing this, so i'm afraid to become a fan of D'vorah or Ferra because we probably NEVER gonna to see them again because of all those casual loser fans that only say: OHHH SCORPION IS SOOO COOL! Look that is Sonya from the movies! Awesome! Jax is my hero!!!

I hate casual boring people.
02/07/2015 10:14 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Ive been warned against this, but Im going to remain optimistic and positive. Take that, he who shall not be named!

There are still more characters to be seen, so there's plenty of chance for a MK4-Deception character or two to slip in. I want to see my boys Reiko and Fujin, personally. I have no doubt that a few 3D era guys will make Story Mode cameos, but one or two playable would be nice.

Regardless, its looking like NRS is giving us an amazing game. Even if they skip the 3D era roster entirely, I will still enjoy what we DO have.

Gah. I dont like being serious. Quick, think of something goofy to say!

I think Kenshi, Fujin and Bo have the best chances but I'd love Reiko as well. He'd totally be a plus for me.

I want to believe.
@LordKotal, Hating gives you ulcers, so dont hate LordKotal. We need ya.
02/07/2015 10:57 AM (UTC)
Don't give up hope yet. I think the way they are revealing characters is deliberate - the obvious returnees are being revealed first, and I think the 3D era characters and the rest of the new characters will be revealed closer to release to build hype.

However, I don't think we will be seeing more than 3 or 4 of them as playable.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 11:06 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Ive been warned against this, but Im going to remain optimistic and positive. Take that, he who shall not be named!

There are still more characters to be seen, so there's plenty of chance for a MK4-Deception character or two to slip in. I want to see my boys Reiko and Fujin, personally. I have no doubt that a few 3D era guys will make Story Mode cameos, but one or two playable would be nice.

Regardless, its looking like NRS is giving us an amazing game. Even if they skip the 3D era roster entirely, I will still enjoy what we DO have.

Gah. I dont like being serious. Quick, think of something goofy to say!

I think Kenshi, Fujin and Bo have the best chances but I'd love Reiko as well. He'd totally be a plus for me.

I want to believe.

@LordKotal, Hating gives you ulcers, so dont hate LordKotal. We need ya.

No we do not.

People have gotten such nostalgia for the 3d characters. I'd like to see them all revamped, every one, but realistically there are five, not including Quan Chi and Kenshi, that NRS probably deems salvageable: Fujin, Shinnok, Tanya, Havik, Bo Rai Cho.
02/07/2015 11:08 AM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
I don't understand the negativity. So far there have been 4 interesting new characters announced and there's more to come. No one ever said a bunch of MK9 characters weren't going to be in the game. Why wouldn't there be? Mavado was defiantly a favorite of mine and I would love to see him in MKX, but even if he's not there's Kotal, Ferra/Torr, Kung Lao, Scorpion, Ermac, and probably more unannounced characters to get hyped about. I have faith in the MK team, because in my opinion the roster so far looks tops.

Oh stop it, D'vorah, Kotal, Ferra and Cassie will get the same threatment as Reiko, Fujin, Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei, they will be forgotten after this game just like all the others.

They keep doing this, so i'm afraid to become a fan of D'vorah or Ferra because we probably NEVER gonna to see them again because of all those casual loser fans that only say: OHHH SCORPION IS SOOO COOL! Look that is Sonya from the movies! Awesome! Jax is my hero!!!

I hate casual boring people.

How does not being in the MK-MK3 re-do = forgotten? Both Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei were in equal to or more games than Stryker, Sheeva, Kitaro, Motaro, and Rain. Every game has characters that are left behind. Nightwolf, Sindel, Jade, Smoke, Ermac, and even Shao Kahn had to wait out a couple games, however the 3D characters haven't had the same chance to comeback since MKvsDC and MK9 weren't traditional sequels. Only 7 characters have ever sat out for longer than 2 games so far, and all of them are 2D characters.
02/07/2015 11:21 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
Starting to give up hope now. NRS aren't even teasing 3D characters in the marketing, even a little easter egg Tanya in the living tower etc, a tweet of Fujin hair etc.

So, I'm gonna ask why? Why if you haven't added them, continue to toy with fans of those characters? When you see the results of polls like this:


The most requested are the most popular 3D era characters (Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc). So why are Boon etc acting as though they don't exist, ignoring tweets etc? At this stage I'd rather they just issued a Fujin, Tanya, Havik etc haven't made it sort of tweet so I can manage my expectations down, - it will save fan disappointment. Lots of fans have been waiting since 2010 to see these guys re-imagined and it's a big let down. Probably the one thing I was looking forward to most this game.

But if these guys are out, the marketing BS game should really end - just tell your fans straight. If it's an MK trilogy love-in with a few new characters, be upfront and own that.

Preach!! Damn OP hit the nail on the head. I get the teasing stuff that Boon does, its fun and all, but he's gotta realize when to stop being a fucking troll about certain things. Like jesus christ, it really really really gets fucking annoying and kinda mean spirited after awhile. Especially when we were in a drought and relied on just him for new information. I'm tired of the twitter troll bullshit. MKX really looks like its shaping up to be MK9 2.0 with a few new faces. I never expected an MK4 remake, but for fuck sake give some of the 3d era characters a chance. If not, say so, don't hint otherwise. The game looks incredibly fun either way, I just want a slightly better idea of what to expect. We have two months left true, but the trend for sure seems to be pointing towards zero 3d era characters at this point in time.
02/07/2015 11:29 AM (UTC)
Save the best for last - Vanessa Williams doesn't apply to this MKX game.

They left Sonya, Jax and Liu Kang for last? WTF. They should have revealed them in the beginning, so I wouldn't be so hyped for MKX, especially when they showed Cassie + Sonya.
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