Shiit... I think that Kaosu is my fave as of this point. I've always thought of the need of a new Chaosrealmer and this is it.

Mercurus was also a fun character, yet I've got an odd feeling that Kung Lao might be sidelined yet again. Only time will tell.
09/25/2007 08:49 PM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Shiit... I think that Kaosu is my fave as of this point. I've always thought of the need of a new Chaosrealmer and this is it.

Mercurus was also a fun character, yet I've got an odd feeling that Kung Lao might be sidelined yet again. Only time will tell.

I'm glad you like both characters. I really wanted to make Kaosu different from Havik, and I'm glad I came up with the funky idea to make him have this sort of fetish for mutilating others and seeing it as "beautifying" them.

Mercurus is very different. One thing I want to point out to all the readers is that he's not meant to be a Shaolin Monk character, even in his training days. As you can see, he has a much different look and feel to him, and I didn't want to make him a derivative of Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Kai, or whatever. Once we get to a Konquest-like mode, hopefully you'll see some other character traits of him, which are mainly inspired by yours truly. tongue

As for Kung Lao, it's very difficult for me to say at this point. I don't want to give much of anything away, but at the same time, it's more along the case of having to sort him out.
09/25/2007 11:28 PM (UTC)
Kaosu is alright. His story seems very standard to me.

As for Mercurus, quite intruiging. Though I am not too excited about his costumes, and I'm sure something more "MK Fantasy" could have been done with them, I actually think he was a good story so far.

I'm wondering what his problem is about though. The bio is just a tease for now, imo.

Well, nice job, people.
09/25/2007 11:36 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Kaosu is alright. His story seems very standard to me.

As for Mercurus, quite intruiging. Though I am not too excited about his costumes, and I'm sure something more "MK Fantasy" could have been done with them, I actually think he was a good story so far.

I'm wondering what his problem is about though. The bio is just a tease for now, imo.

Well, nice job, people.

I'm surprised you find Kaosu to be a bit standard, even with his love for "beautifying" others.

I'm glad you like Mercurus though. He was definitely someone I was afraid would not be too well-received. His problem is that he has an internal struggle with different sides of his personality, and his costumes, styles, things like that reflect some of his sides. Generally, he's rather quiet and aloof, but he has a light-hearted theatrical side along with a sadistically violent side. There'll be character progression with him for sure.

Regarding his costumes, he's meant to have a rather opera-ish, theatrical theme, especially with the masks he wears. I didn't want to make his costumes too flashy or anything, but maybe I'll try to add something in for him if and when we get to a sequel.

Thanks for reading, and we'll try to get the next two completed tomorrow, hopefully. It's just a matter of putting some details here and there, and that's about it.
09/26/2007 03:21 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I'm surprised you find Kaosu to be a bit standard, even with his love for "beautifying" others.

Yeah, the whole "beautifying" thing was the one thing I found creative. He's not too bad, though.
09/27/2007 10:17 PM (UTC)
Nice job on all the characters so far, and I really like the story. Takako: a nice touch, a seidan guard with a sense of morality. She still want's order but not at the price of freedom and conscience. Elena: I like her, a suitable woman to carry on for Jade. Anbar: if anyone's a female Hotaru, it's her; at least in ideals. She want's freedom at any means, even if it cost's her soul. Koesu: he is pleasently twisted, which along with Anbar, fits MK's dark new feeling. Merscus: Good, but needs more background info. He kinda reminds me of Kilik from Soul Calibur, storywise anyways. What's cool is he could go any direction; try to find out what's happening with him and atone for it, or embrace it and reign destruction on the realms. Overall, it's a very intriguing story and the characters are interesting, and the depth of info you go into is a nice touch.grin
09/28/2007 12:32 AM (UTC)
Thought it was about time i posted something to do with this, so, here are the next two characters.



Origin: Outworld

Alignment: Good

Status: Ninja Mystic

Fighting Styles: Yi Quan, Choy Li Fut

Yi Quan: Yi Quan (Mind/Mentality Boxing) is an internal Chinese martial art created by Wang Xiangzhai, a Xing Yi Quan master who felt that Xing Yi Quan was often taught incorrectly. Also known as Dachengquan (Great Achievement Boxing), this style is mainly derived from Xing Yi Quan (Form Mind Boxing), but draws influences from other Neijia (internal family) styles like Ba Gua Zhang (Eight Trigram Palm) and Tai Chi Chuan (Grand Ultimate Fist). This style contains no fixed sets and instead focuses on natural movement and fighting abilities. We chose this style for Ermac for three main reasons. The first reason is because of the name, which translates as "Mind Boxing", with that name making us think of his mental powers. The second reason is that we felt him using an internal style like this one would be quite fitting. And also, even though it's not exactly a hybrid style, it does draw influence from more than one martial art.

Choy Li Fut: Choy Li Fut (Cai Li Fo in Mandarin) is a Southern Chinese martial art that has two conflicting origin stories. This style is derived from Choy Gar and Li Gar, two Southern styles, and Fut Gar, a Northern style. Because of the Northern influence, it is different from other Southern styles. It contains Five Animals techniques and Lo'han Chi Kung. Choy Li Fut uses both hard and soft techniques and generally has fairly wide stances, but not as wide as those in Hung Gar. We kept this style for him as it has that all-rounded feel to it and since he's a hybrid of different souls in one body and that Choy Li Fut is a hybrid Kung Fu style, we felt that they go well together.

Special Moves

Hado-Energy: Ermac shoots a green spiraling blast of energy from his hand, making the opponent stumble. It's a high, linear projectile that comes out and recovers faster than it did in MKD and MKA.

Telekinetic Slam: Using his telekinetic powers, he lifts the opponent into the air and slams him/her down to the ground, bouncing him/her forward. This move hits special mid and has a pop up effect.

Telekinetic Toss: He uses his telekinetic powers to quickly grab and toss the opponent to the other side. This move also hits special mid, but it has a knockdown effect.

Soul Flash: At close and sweep range, Ermac can cause an explosive-like effect by releasing and drawing in the souls of his body, similar to Nightmare's Shockwave move from SC3. This move hits mid and doesn't offer defense, but it will have a fairly good knockback effect to it.

Mystic Bomb: Ermac quickly floats up in the air, raising his arm and charging a green orb of energy in his hand. He throws the orb of energy down, which creates an explosion-like effect, hitting mid. This move has a charge to it, and the longer you charge, the bigger and stronger the orb and explosion will be, though it's risky for Ermac to do. Normally, the explosion has a stumble effect. However, when stronger, the bigger explosion can knock the opponent down. Overall, Mystic Bomb is a potentially powerful, but risky move.


Mystic Choke: Ermac grabs the opponent, uses his telekinetic powers to push the opponent back with his open palm, then does a one-handed choke, much like Darth Vader's. Finally, he tosses the opponent towards the camera, ending in a 3D throw.

Set and Spike: This is his throw from MKD/MKA in which he grabs the opponent, turns them around, does a knee strike to launch him/her in the air and then slams him/her down.

Overall Gameplay Style

Ermac is a rather well-rounded character, and most of his special moves are good for distance fighting. His specials do take good timing to use, and his Yi Quan style will be a bit harder to master than Choy Li Fut.

Mastery Level: 4


Telekinetic Fury: His Telekinetic Fury is much like the one from MK: Deception. Ermac uses his telekinetic powers to lift the opponent up and slam him/her down three times. On the first slam, the opponent lands on his/her back. On the second slam, the opponent lands on his/her front. And instead of exploding on the third landing, the opponent lands vertically, with their face first, snapping his/her neck.

Telekinetic Crush: The Telekinetic Crush is kind of like a more powerful version of the Mystic Choke, except that he holds them longer as they are choking. He then closes his hand into a fist as they are levitated, and he/she hunches over, looking as if they are having a bad stomach ache. A loud crunch is heard right after it. A very fine spray of blood escapes their mouth in their last gasp, and he then slams them down to the ground hard, the final impact killing them.

Primary Costume: Ermac's primary costume is his primary costume from MK: Deception and MK: Armageddon.

Alternate Costume: His alternate costume has him unmasked and captures more of that mystic look, wearing red and black robe, much similar to his MK: Deception concept drawing.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: His get up animation is the one from MKD and MKA.

Victory Pose: His victory pose is similar to the one from MKD and MKA, except that when he floats in the air, his arms are stretched out.

Kombat Zone: Soul Chamber

Description: Shang Tsung visted here often to increase his power and maintain his youth. Now that the sorcerer is dead, this place long became unused, but the souls of the dead collected by Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn still reside here, wanting their freedom. Ermac came to this place in order to free the souls of the dead, only for some to seek shelter within him. Now, this place is more of a home to Ermac, more then anywhere else.

Stage Traps: none

Stage Fatality: The loser is knocked into the Soulnado in the background and their soul is taken.


We fought alongside our allies in the battle in the Edenian crater. In the past, we fought countless battles under the name of Shao Kahn, and this would be our first battle opposing him. Before we could get to him, we were stopped by Onaga, but we were assisted in this battle by Shujinko. For a while, we fought side by side. However, we left Shujinko to Onaga when he begun to weaken as our friend Kenshi was struggling against the demon sorcerer, Shang Tsung. We arrived just before the sorcerer could deliver the final blow to Kenshi, and along with him and Kung Lao, we struck down the sorcerer, allowing Kenshi to finish him off for good. Just as the sorcerer drew his final breath, there was an explosion on top of the pyramid, rendering us all unconscious.

That was just over two years ago. We regained our senses then left Edenia so that we could find our own purpose in life. We decided to give help to the Outworld denizen Li Mei in helping against the tyranny this realm faces under its new emperor and any other threats. However, we are uneasy. The souls that create our being are unable to pass on to their loved ones. Each night, we can hear their cries, feel their pain and suffering, but we are unable to do anything about it. We then sensed a presence far away that we hadn't felt since Armageddon. On our journey, we tracked the presence down to Edenia, where we learned of a tournament taking place. The tournament is said to grant the winner his or her greatest desire. With no great threat to the realms threatening the peace we all have, maybe now would be the perfect time to bring these souls their final rest.


Sub-Zero_7th: Ermac is a character that we like, and one that we felt needed to be brought back for sure. Given his new story direction ever since MKD, it was felt that the direction to take him was to step him up in the role of a hero. For his styles, we felt that giving him two unarmed styles was better and we wanted to give him a well-rounded feel to him. Overall, there isn't a whole lot I have to say about him. I'm glad we brought him back, and we are sure to further develop him.

Paragon: Ermac being my favorite character, I was more then happy to bring him back. We decided to get rid of the whole Mystic Float thing because, although cool, there was more we could add to it, as you see with his Mystic Bomb and Soul Flash moves. I decided that, to further take him away from the ‘classical ninja look’ that I wanted an unmasked costume for him but at the same time, not take anything away from his mystic and majestic look. His story had to have some significance considering his character and how his MK: D story was played out. We decided wanted to bring him out of the whole background character to the forefront and being one of the major hero’s of the game.


Li Mei

Origin: Outworld

Alignment: Good

Status: Outworld Resistance Leader

Fighting Styles: Liu He Ba Fa, Pi Gua Zhang

Liu He Ba Fa: Liu He Ba Fa is the Six Methods Eight Harmonies style of Kung Fu. It's an internal martial art attributed to Chen Po. Technique-wise, it is kind of like a mixture of Xing Yi Quan, Ba Gua Zhang, and Tai Chi Chuan, using soft and hard techniques with linear and circular movements. Another name for this style is "Water Boxing" due to its very fluid movements, reminiscent of water. The most important aspect of this system is one's mind and intention, meaning that the movements and techniques should be led by the practicioner's mind and intention instead of physical strength. Liu He Ba Fa is one of the fighting styles that Li Mei learned from Shujinko. We kept this style for her as we felt it simply fit her well due to her body type and seeing her using more internal styles of martial arts.

Pi Gua Zhang: Pi Gua Zhang is a Northern Chinese martial art known for its long-ranged techniques, using a lot of strikes with chopping and splitting movements, like those of an axe. It's a softer, more internal style of Kung Fu that has two main origin stories. One story is that it came from a Chinese Muslim named Wu Zhong, who is also credited as the founder of Bajiquan, and that Bajiquan and Pi Gua Zhang split into those styles after him. Another story is that Pi Gua used to be a harder, more external, less refined style used by warriors who wore armor and that the famous Ming general Qi Jiguang wrote about acts of armor-clad fighting in his book New Essays on Martial Arts. Supposedly, Pi Gua Zhang, which is usually translated as either Split-Deflect Palm or Ax-Hitch Palm, was revised through influences from Tong Bei Quan. Overall, Pi Gua is a soft, long-ranged style with a lot of circular movements and chopping actions. It is often said that it nicely complements with Bajiquan, which uses more short-ranged, linear actions and seemingly harder techniques, even though its also an internal style. We gave this style to Li Mei, because she's a fighter who wears armor, at least in her primary costume. Other reasons are the ones I mentioned before, namely about the Chinese theme in terms of styles, as well as her using softer, more internal styles of martial arts.

Special Moves

Sparkling Blast: Li Mei channels Fa Jing to her lead hand and shoots a blast of energy from it. It's a high, linear projectile that comes out and recovers rather quickly. Sparkling Blast is the new name for Sparkler and Nova Blast.

Flying Punches: Li Mei flies forward with a flury of punches. She can go over low attacks and all hits are high, pushing the opponent away a bit.

Spinning Rocket: She channels Fa Jing throughout her body and flies upward while spinning around. Those who come into physical contact with her are knocked away. This move hits mid and can avoid low attacks.

Clock Kick: Li Mei quickly pulls her rear leg back then rotates it 360 degrees counterclockwise, hitting mid and popping the opponent into the air for juggle hits.

Cartwheel Kicks: Fa Jing is channeled to her legs and feet and she rotates her whole body 360 degrees clockwise, slashing the opponent with two kicks, hitting mid.


Circling Slam: Li Mei grabs the opponent, steps forward a bit to deliver a punch to the gut, making the opponent bend down. She grabs one arm, circles around the opponent a bit, and uses her other arm to hook the opponent's neck. Finally, she bends her body down, slamming the opponent to the ground, and she jumps back a bit.

Back Stomp: This is her throw from MKD and MKA in which she grabs the opponent, knees him/her in the gut, swings her whole body up and around the opponent to do a double kick to his/her back, knocking him/her to the ground.

Overall Gameplay Style

Overall, Li Mei is a very fluid and agile character who is much less linear than other characters. She must especially be used fluidly in order to properly use her.

Mastery Level: 3


Head Stomp: Li Mei sweeps the opponent's legs and stomps on his/her head with one foot, then grinds her heel.

Explosive Indigestion: She does a double punch to the opponent's chest and does a projectile through the chest cavity, blowing up the insides.

Primary Costume: Li Mei's primary costume is her alternate costume from MKD and MKA.

Alternate Costume: Her alternate costume is based off of the look she had in her MKDA concept art design, with the top and pants having the same color scheme as her MKDA primary costume.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: Her get up animation is the same one from MKD and MKA.

Victory Pose: Her victory pose is the same one from MKD and MKA.

Kombat Zone: Outworld Resistance Base

Description: The Outworld Resistance Base is the place where the Outworld Resistance gathers to formulate plans on bringing peace and justice to Outworld.

Stage Traps: The character is being hit by those on the sides by the crowd.

Stage Fatality: none


I fought side by side with my master, Bo’ Rai Cho and his friends against Shao Kahn and his minions. I hate them all, especially that bastard Shang Tsung, for killing everyone in my village! Before I could even get close to the sorcerer though, I was stopped by a familiar person, General Reiko of Shao Kahn’s army. We met once, just before I entered the Deadly Alliance's tournament. I had sought him out and asked him to train me. It took some persuasion, but he eventually accepted and taught me many moves. Now, we met as enemies. I was strong and fought well, but I was no match for his brute strength. He pulled out a shuriken and threw it at my neck. Master Bo’ Rai Cho intercepted the blow... the wound was fatal.

My master died in my arms, tears rolled down my eyes as I watched blood pour from his neck. I looked up, expecting Reiko to be standing above me, ready to kill me, when I saw him running to help his master. I was upset, so I took Bo’ Rai Cho and ran from the battlefield to give him a proper burial. Upon receiving word the battle was over and Kahn was killed, I rejoiced, but, it did not last long. I had heard Reiko had taken his place as Emperor. Since then, I have opposed Reiko and banded together a resistance. Together, we will liberate Outworld in the name of peace. I will make sure I avenge my master.


Sub-Zero_7th: Li Mei is another character I'm fond of. Like Ermac, I see a lot of potential for her to return in the next-gen MKs. As you can see, Reiko is the new Emperor of Outworld and Li Mei has formed a Resistance to take him and his forces down, but that's not her only obstacle. She still has to deal with the darkness inside of her, and that's something we want to keep throughout her story. Li Mei is going to be the central character in the Outworld side of the plot, especially since she's a fairly young character for someone from her realm. In terms of direction, she is more along the hero side, but it's possible that she may eventually go into the side of evil, or she may stick to being good. With her styles, we wanted to keep a Chinese theme to her, and her Spinning Rocket move is inspired from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Her fatalities were real tough to come up with. For her costumes, we wanted her to look good and sexy without being skimpy, hence the choices. Overall, we hope to do more with her.

Paragon: Li Mei is one of those characters we thought was interesting and deserved to have their story looked into in detail and expanded on. I came up with the idea of her being trained by Reiko, hence why they share the same impossible backflip kick. As to why he would train her, well, it was for purely selfish reasons. He was, for lack of better term, made redundant in the time of the Deadly Alliance. Li Mei found him and asked him to train her in order for her to fight the two sorcerers. He accepted so that she may exact revenge for him that and he had nothing better to do. Anyway, Li Mei was one of the few new characters I liked and I wanted to use her in the story, knowing that there was a lot she could offer to the project.

Good idea. I've been always wondering about what the individual souls think of and if their union is still necessary. The revenge on Shang was semi-predictable, but whatever...Everyone hates Shang.

Li Mei
Quite well planned. I think it was a useful idea to explain Reiko teaching her the kick skills. Bo's end was kind necessary. Yet I wonder if Onaga still has a role in her story still...
09/28/2007 08:48 PM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Good idea. I've been always wondering about what the individual souls think of and if their union is still necessary. The revenge on Shang was semi-predictable, but whatever...Everyone hates Shang.

Li Mei
Quite well planned. I think it was a useful idea to explain Reiko teaching her the kick skills. Bo's end was kind necessary. Yet I wonder if Onaga still has a role in her story still...

Well, Shang Tsung is an enemy of Ermac's in that they are on the opposite sides of the battlefield. But I'm glad you like Ermac's bio.

For Li Mei's story, well, yeah, Onaga does have a role in her a way. You'll understand what I mean later on. I agree about Bo' Rai Cho's end being necessary even though I do like the character.

We hope to post the next two characters within a few days or so. It's going to likely take a bit longer than with Ermac and Li Mei, but be sure to stay tuned.
09/30/2007 09:25 PM (UTC)

I would have liked it if you guys gave him new material, like a new primary costume, get up animation, and stuff. I suppose it's not too bad, but being a "new" game, he should have all new things except for some classic moves and maybe his fighting styles.

As for his bio, it is interesting to know what those souls are individually thinking, like Bloodsplatter said. That's nice. He seems to be suddenly connected to several bigshots of MK too, which I kind of dismiss as a quick way of shoving him to the front of the line, but I do think he should be a front-and-center character anyway. Perhaps a different approach would have been better though, imo.

Li Mei....

I have the same feelings regarding her costumes and the other things.

Well, anyway. I like her bio. She's got a brand new, fresh goal and it's pretty interesting. Glad to here Reiko is in this too, btw. He's one of my fav males.

I'm glad you guys didn't continue with her conflicted personality after being a brief member of the Deadly Alliance's army. That would have been too much like Sareena's bio.
09/30/2007 11:54 PM (UTC)
The thing with Ermac and Li Mei is that they had quite a few things we were fine with, hence why we didn't change too much for them.

Ermac has already been connected to several major characters of MK, such as Shao Kahn, so it's not something that came about suddenly. We are trying to develop him as that hero character, a path he chose himself. Given his new story path since MKD, it was felt that it would be best to gradually build things up from there.

For Li Mei, I really like her armored costume, and I didn't want to see that go, especially given her story with the formation of the Outworld Resistance and all. Like Ermac, she does have some changes, but she also has some of the same things as before.

I'm glad you like her bio, but much to your dismay, we do plan to bring up her conflicted personality. If we don't, it would be missing an important part of her character and would waste good potential.

When coming up with Mercurus and his conflicted personality, I really wanted to make sure that he would be different from Li Mei and Sareena with their conflicted personality stories. So with Li Mei, she will be different from those two as Sareena has the problem of a more instinctly violent nature while Li Mei's darkness is more about the possibility of becoming someone like Shao Kahn or Onaga.

Anyway, be sure to stay tuned for the next two characters, who I hope you'll enjoy more than Ermac and Li Mei.
10/01/2007 06:17 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
The thing with Ermac and Li Mei is that they had quite a few things we were fine with, hence why we didn't change too much for them.

Understandable, but I personally don't like that. Of course, it's just fan fiction so do as you will, but I guess I'm just used to MK games coming with new costumes or at least updates of previous costumes and things like that (except for MKA which was mostly recycled).

Ermac has already been connected to several major characters of MK, such as Shao Kahn, so it's not something that came about suddenly. We are trying to develop him as that hero character, a path he chose himself. Given his new story path since MKD, it was felt that it would be best to gradually build things up from there.

The only 2 major characters he's interacted with are Kahn and Liu Kang. (I don't consider Kenshi to be a major character). Loads of characters have been connected to Kahn in many different ways. It's not really anything special since he's been largely what glues characters and events together in past games.

Suddenly you've got Ermac interacting with Onaga, Shujinko, Kung Lao, Shang Tsung, and Kenshi all at once.

I'm not saying you are definitely shoving Ermac, but personally, it just feels that way to me. It doesn't really matter though.

So with Li Mei, she will be different from those two as Sareena has the problem of a more instinctly violent nature while Li Mei's darkness is more about the possibility of becoming someone like Shao Kahn or Onaga.

Oh okay. Yeah, as long as the problem is different from other characters, it won't be bad.
10/01/2007 05:10 PM (UTC)
Well, we gave Ermac and Li Mei one new costume and one style change at least. We did what we could there.

Ermac wanted to help Liu Kang free his allies from Onaga's control, and I'm pretty sure he helped Shujinko take down Onaga. And also, Ermac and Shujinko have met a long time ago back in the Netherrealm, so he's already been connected to them, even in the slightest. For Kung Lao, well, they are on the same side now, so some small bit of interaction isn't out there.

We will make sure to put in a distinctiveness with those three (Sareena, Mercurus, Li Mei). You'll just have to wait and see. wink
10/01/2007 07:27 PM (UTC)
One thing which my partner here forgot to mention is the reason for those links. Kung Lao is one of those he freed from onagas control, so, Kung Lao owes him one wink. Kenshi, well, we now the connection there. Onaga he fought against alongside Shujinko and as stated above, he knew Shujinko from their time in the Netherealm. As for Shang Tsung, i wanted to play a little on the fact Shang tsung wanted to drain Ermac of his souls to become even powerfuller, but, that was not to be. but, Ermac would know of such a threat to his life and want it to end, hence he, Kung lao and Kenshi had a common goal.
10/02/2007 04:17 PM (UTC)
Ok, everyone. Here are two new bios:


Origin: Vaeternus

Alignment: Good

Status: Ambassador of Vaeternus

Fighting Styles: Bao Xing Quan, Kama

Bao Xing Quan: Bao Xing Quan is the Leopard style of Kung Fu. As the name implies, this martial art imitates the movements and characteristics of the leopard. Leopard style is fast, cunning, and aggressive, but not as powerful as the Tiger. Practitioners of this style have a "hit and run" mentality, attacking and retreating. We kept this style for Nitara, because she is cunning and tactical like the leopard.

Kama: The Kama is a sickle weapon found in Asian countries such as China, Okinawa, and Japan. It's a short-ranged weapon for cutting and slashing the opponent and is often said to have been derived from a farming tool. Nitara wields a pair of Kama, with her style taking more of a Chinese influence. We kept this weapon for her as we like it on her and it being a weapon that is used by the Vampire race in MK.

Special Moves

Blood Spit: Nitara spits a bit of blood towards the opponent. It hits high, comes out quickly, and is a linear projectile. Blood Spit can also be done in the air, in which it hits mid.

Throat Swipe: Nitara takes the small dagger she carries and quickly swipes the opponent's throat. It's a fast, close-ranged move that hits high and tracks.

Unicorn Kick: Nitara flips her body forward and does a split kick, hitting mid and knocking the opponent down.

Flying Escape: Nitara quickly flies up and back to retreat. This move can also be done in the air.

Flight Attack: This is a powerful special move that can only be done in the air. She flies down to attack the opponent, breaking his/her balance and hitting low.


Blood Thirst: This is her throw from MKDA and MKA in which she grabs the opponent, gets on their body, bites their neck to get some health back, and kicks him/her away.

Cross Flip: Nitara grabs the opponent by the neck, with her arms crossed in an "X" shape and her hands wrapped around the back of his/her neck. She gets one of her legs in-between the opponent's legs and does a standing leg sweep, going down with them. The "X" shaped hold on the opponent's neck is forced down on their throat, but she's lets go of the back of the neck halfway in the fall. Her hands land flat on the floor and she front flips over the prone body and turns around.

Overall Gameplay Style

Overall, Nitara is a fast and tactical fighter whose styles are better for close-mid range combat. She has a mixture of different kinds of specials for some versatility. She can be picked up by beginners but is not as easy to master, so she's more in the intermediate level.

Mastery Level: 3


Blood Drain: Nitara puts the opponent in a bearhug-like grip and bites his/her neck, draining blood from them and the opponent dying in her arms. When finished, she lets go and the opponent slumps on the floor.

Night Stalker: Nitara flies at the opponent, collides and grabs him/her. She flies up into the air, then cuts their head off with her dagger.

Primary Costume: Her primary costume is the primary costume from MKDA and MKA except that she'll wear flat-heeled, steel-toe capped boots of the same color as her shoes were. Also, her little dagger is by her waist instead of her crotch.

Alternate Costume: Her alternate costume is a vampire dress costume that looks much like this, except with the skirt going half way down the shin before it starts with the spikey cuts. She wears black flat-heeled pumps with a black flower design on the top. Also, she wears fishnet gloves that come up to the elbow. Her hair is down and loose, and she wears the same necklace she wears in her primary.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: Nitara flies up using her wings, and she drops back down onto one knee, with one of her fists clenched and one the floor (like the Lin Kuei finishing pose). Her wings fold back, and she then gets up, going into her stance.

Victory Pose: Nitara flies up and spins around a couple of times, doing a teasing laugh at the fallen opponent. She floats in the air in a pose that looks like she is lying down on her belly on top of a table with her arms folded and her chin resting on them.

Kombat Zone: Realm Council Chambers

Description: The Realm Council Chambers is where Nitara often goes to meets with Kitana and Khameleon to discuss matters regarding their realms and protecting them from enemy realms like Outworld.

Stage Traps: none

Stage Fatality: none


It has been two years since the war in Edenia. I was successful in defeating the White Witch who held the Datusha just as the elemental Blaze was defeated. Since that day, I have been working with Vrykolas, elected emperor of our realm, to establish peace with other realms. So far, we have been successful. With the help from Princess Kitana, we have established a congress with other realms, including New Zaterra, realm of the Saurians. Although its king, Reptile, was apprehensive about joining, considering my past with him, his Queen, Khameleon, persuaded him that it was the right thing to do. We all have our past grievances, but they should be put aside in order to establish peace throughout our realms.

Trouble has started. Vrykolas’s son, Vetalas, has been missing for quite sometime. It is not uncommon for the ‘brat prince’ to go off from time to time, but this time is different. He has been gone for months, such time away is unheard of. The Emperor is a friend of mine, and it is because of him that I was elected to be our spokes person in the congress of realms. He has asked that I find his son while he personally takes my place. I agreed to do this for him and set off, following Vetalas’s trail. The slothful prince has not bothered to hide his trail, for those who know where to look. He has been in Edenia recently, so I will find him and bring him home.


Sub-Zero_7th: Like with Ermac and Li Mei, Nitara is another character I really like and see potential for, even more so due to her MK: Armageddon bio. As you can see, she has stepped up as the Ambassador of Vaeternus, representing her home realm and acting as a diplomatic figure. We wanted to tone her up a bit in terms of specials and make sure she's balanced out. Her styles were something we felt didn't need changing in terms of choice, so we kept them. I used the Mandarin term for her unarmed style, just in case we might be giving someone a style like Snow Leopard in a future game. Overall, there's not much else for me to really say about her. Like with other characters, you'll just have to wait and see how her story unfolds.

Paragon: I like vampires, always have, so when Nitara was created, I was happy. So, I was happy to have her back again. One thing I wanted to change about her was her wings. She wouldn't have them out all the time, as they would be a liability on the ground. So a crucial input on my behalf was that she has them folded away unless she uses them, like in her flying techniques. As for her story, I thought that her realm, among others, should be worried about the potential threat of Outworld. So they form some sort of congress of realms, which gave us some use for Kitana and Khameleon. As for the rest of her story, well, she ties well into some other characters' stories, who you will see eventually. wink



Origin: Netherrealm

Alignment: Good

Status: Ex-Assassin

Fighting Styles: Chuojiao, Tang Soo Do

Chuojiao: Chuojiao (Feet Poking/Penetrating Foot) is a traditional Northern Chinese martial art attributed to Deng Liang and is known for its kicking techniques and aggressive methods through continuous attacks. It is said to be one of the oldest recorded styles and is popular amongst the Hui (Chinese Muslims). In Chuojiao, 70% of the attacks are kicking techniques and 30% of the attacks are striking. However, this should not give the impression that it lacks Shuai (throws) and Chin Na (seizing and controlling) techniques as all Chinese martial arts use such moves. The feet are more for attacking and the hands are more for defending. We chose this style for Sareena, because we see her as a fast and aggressive fighter using harder-hitting techniques and lots of kicks.

Tang Soo Do: Tang Soo Do is a modern Korean martial art founded by Hwang Kee. It is claimed that this style came from two Korean martial arts and two Chinese martial arts, which are Subak (Korean), Taekyon (Korean), Tang Method (Northern Chinese), and an unspecified Southern style of Kung Fu. However, it's also been said that this style came from Hwang Kee's apparent training of Okinawan Karate when he was in Manchuria, and Tang Soo Do is said to have similarities to Shotokan, Goju Ryu, and Tae Kwon Do. Primarily, this is a style that uses various striking and kicking techniques like those in Tae Kwon Do and various Karate styles. Interestingly enough, when translating Tang Soo Do to Japanese, it comes out as "Karatedo" but with the older meaning of "Chinese Hand" and not "Empty Hand". We chose this style for her due to her connection to Quan Chi, who also used Tang Soo Do. Also, Tang Soo Do uses a lot or all of the same kicks as in Tae Kwon Do, and again, we wanted to give her a more external style with various kicks, as well as strikes and other moves of course.

Special Moves

Skull Bash: Sareena quickly slides forward and does a downward fist strike, hitting mid and popping the opponent into the air. This move will be slowed down a bit for balancing issues.

Gut Buster: Sareena slides back with her rear fist tucked back and then she slides forward to strike the opponent, hitting mid and knocking him/her away. This move will have a delay option in it to play mind games with the opponent.

Throwing Knife: Sareena quickly throws a small knife at the opponent. This is a fast, linear, high-hitting projectile. However, it's been toned down so that she can't rapidly spam it like she could before.

5-Star Kick: Sareena slides towards the opponent, raising her lead leg and doing five high kicks to the opponent, knocking him/her away after the last hit.

Aura Absorbtion: Sareena ducks down and places both her hands on the ground, absorbing energy from the area to restore some of her health. With this move, she can avoid high and maybe some mid attacks.


Sneaky Knee: This is her throw from MKA, in which she grabs the opponent, knees him/her, and then jumps up, propelling herself on the opponent. The opponent is knocked down and slides in the opposite direction of where she's going.

Debilitator: Sareena grabs the opponent's arm with both hands and does an arm drag then puts one of her arms underneath the opponent's armpit. She then turns to the opponent's back with an elbow and bends her knees and body down to lift the opponent up on her back. She removes her hook on the opponent's arm and hooks the opponent's leg. Sareena finishes off by spinning around and letting the opponent go, tossing him/her away.

Overall Gameplay Style

Overall, Sareena is a fast, aggressive, hard-hitting fighter who uses more kicks than strikes. She is one of those characters that are easy to pick up and play. She also has great range with her styles and specials.

Mastery Level: 1


Demonic Instinct: A reddish aura surrounds Sareena, and she partially changes into her demonic form, gaining horns and dark rings around her eyes. Basically, she mauls the opponent to death.

Surgical Assassination: She takes out her knife, slits where the opponent's elbows bend and the wrists. She then gets down slits where the opponent's knees bend, causing the opponent to fall over. She finishes off by getting on top of the opponent and slowly slits the opponent's throat.

Primary Costume: Sareena's primary costume has a more Chinese influence, symbolizing her alignment with the Lin Kuei without having a Lin Kuei warrior look. She wears a black Mandarin vest with a magenta outline with no fur, butterfly designs or sleeves. Her pants are butterfly embroidered pants but with no butterfly embroidery. Instead, there'll be a dragon design going down both sides of the pants, much like Sub-Zero's MKD primary costume. She has the same gloves as in her MKA alternate costume, and her footwear consists of knee-high boots with a black and magenta color scheme. In addition, she wears a cloth similar to the one in her MKA alternate but without the Brotherhood of the Shadow insignia on it.

Alternate Costume: Her alternate costume is more revealing and has similarities to her previous costumes, mainly taking influence from her MKM: SZ costume with the black top and armored sash with the red-colored Brotherhood of the Shadow insignia on it. She wears short, fingerless gloves and boots that go up to the knee but don't cover them. In addition, she wears small pads for her elbows, upper arms and upper legs. Overall, black is the color scheme for the parts of her alternate costume.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: She sits up and her an aura forms around her arm, which starts to shake. She shakes her head, the aura disappears, and she gets up into her fighting stance.

Victory Pose: Sareena is surrounded in a reddish aura and hunches over, trying to control her demonic side. She grunts angrily and the aura subsides, followed by her standing up and taking a deep breath.

Kombat Zone: Lin Kuei Temple (outdoors)

Description: This stage is located in the area where the Lin Kuei warriors defend their temple with catapults. Underneath the icy ground lies a frozen lake.

Stage Traps: The Lin Kuei warriors fire catapults to the stage, which can damage either player.

Stage Fatality: The loser is uppercutted into the air and crashes through the icy ground, into ice cold water, where he/she freezes to death.


Quan Chi was mine! He has caused me nothing but pain, and when I saw him in the battle in Edenia, nothing stood in my way as I charged at him. It is thanks to him that not only does Sub-Zero doubt my intentions, but, I also doubt myself. By killing him, I would show once and for all that I am not his puppet or his slave, that I am free! However, I was foolish. He began to overpower me, and had it not been for Scorpion, I would surely have died in that battle. I saw Sub-Zero fighting Smoke and Noob Saibot and ran to help him, but I was stopped by Moloch and Drahmin. I managed to slay Moloch and was in the middle of fighting Drahmin when an explosion from on top of the pyramid distracted him, I stabbed him in the back and begun searching for my allies.

I was able to locate many of Fujin's Forces of Light, including Sub-Zero, who has regained some of his youth thanks to Blaze’s essence. After we returned, we found ourselves in a conflict with the Tekunin. Even without their leader, they were still a threat to the realms. Recently, Sub-Zero left to help our allies in Outworld against some Tekunin warriors who are in that realm. I was asked to stay here and look after the Lin Kuei. However, after Sub-Zero left, a messenger came to the temple and left an invitation to a tournament in Edenia, with the winner having one wish granted. I know I am disobeying Sub-Zero, but this could be my chance to rid myself of my demonic side once and for all.


Sub-Zero_7th: Sareena is yet another character who we felt had great potential and one we wanted to bring back and explore. I like how she genuinely wants to be good and loyal to Sub-Zero but has to struggle with her demonic nature. So as you can see, a main aspect of her story is her trying to find a way to overcome it. I was doing a bit of thinking about her costumes, and originally, we were just going to modify her MKA alt and MKM: SZ costumes. However, I decided to come up with some costumes while drawing a bit of influence from some of her older ones. Look-wise, she definitely has that live action Sareena base instead of the way she looks in MKA. I hope we can do quite a bit with her and step her up as a character.

Paragon: Sareena is one of those characters I felt needed to return for a number of reasons. Her story has a fair amount to offer, considering the lack of depth she has had to her character at the moment. Also, her ties to major players like Noob, Sub-Zero, and Shinnok also meant that she is involved in one of the biggest stories in the MK plot. Considering those points, it was a no-brainer to include her in the story.

10/02/2007 11:38 PM (UTC)
We got these two done farily quickly, since they was almost complete anyway, so here are the next two, im sure you'll enjoy.



Origin: Earthrealm/Netherrealm

Alignment: Neutral

Status: Ninja Specter

Fighting Styles: Shirai Ryu, Ninja To

Shirai Ryu: Shirai Ryu is the first Ninjutsu Ryu-ha in Japan. It was founded by Takeda Shirai hundreds of years ago during the Sengoku Jidai (Warring States Period). Takeda was a renegade, Japanese-born Lin Kuei warrior who left the clan and returned to Japan to offer his service and knowledge to various Daimyo (feudal warlords) during the feudal era. From there, his knowledge spread and numerous Ninjutsu traditions were formed. He not only created the first Ninjutsu tradition but also the first Ninja clan, the Shirai Ryu, who quickly became the hated enemies of the Lin Kuei.

Shirai Ryu contains many methods but specializes in Ninjutsu. In terms of its Taijutsu (methods of the body/unarmed techniques), Shirai Ryu contains Koppojutsu (bone structure methods), Kosshijutsu (vital area methods), Shitojutsu (finger/thumb methods), and Jutaijutsu (grappling methods). Scorpion primarilly focuses on the Koppojutsu aspects for its direct nature and usefulness in closer ranges of combat. We gave this style to him for reasons that should be very obvious.

Ninja To: The Ninja To is a Japanese sword that has a wakizashi-length blade fitted on a katana-length handle and placed in a katana-length scabbard. This design served a couple of purposes in particular. One main purpose was that the extra space in the scabbard could be used to hide small objects. The other main purpose was that a shorter blade would allow for a faster Iai strike. Since the blade is shorter, this was useful to the Ninja, who could use this in closer quarters.

Contrary to popular belief, the Ninja never used swords that had short, straight blades with square hand guards. Such a sword would easily identify them and would make them highly suspect. Also, the straight-bladed sword design had long been discarded for the curve-bladed sword design. Scorpion's swordfighting techniques come from Shirai Ryu Ninpo Bikenjutsu. Like with his Shirai Ryu Taijutsu style, the idea behind this choice should be quite obvious.

Special Moves

Bloody Spear: Scorpion hurls a roped kunai at the opponent, piercing him/her and then shouting "Get Over Here!", followed by pulling the opponent towards him. This linear move hits high and gives a free hit if successful. The Bloody Spear has been toned up to give Scorpion a bit better recovery time.

Summon Hellfire: Scorpion raises his hands and the opponent is quickly engulfed in flames. This move is unblockable, but it can be avoided through sidestepping at the right time.

Fiery Flipkick: Scorpion's feet are on fire and he slides forward a bit, followed by a counterclockwise flip kick that hits mid and knocks the opponent down. The Fiery Flipkick can act as an anti-air move as well.

Teleport Punch: This is Scorpion's classic version of the move from MK1-MKG in which he teleports behind the opponent and punches, making him/her stumble back a bit. This move hits high and can also be done in the air.

Shirai Shuriken: Being a master of Shurikenjutsu, Scorpion throws the Bo Shuriken used in his clan, the Shirai Ryu, hence the name Shirai Shuriken. This is a low-hitting, mid-long ranged projectile.


Get Down Here!: This is Scorpion's throw from MKA, in which he grabs the opponent and launches him/her into the air with a knee strike. He hurls his Bloody Spear at the opponent, shouting "Get Down Here!", dragging him/her back down and finishes him/her off by doing a high side kick to knock the opponent away.

Arm Breaker: This is a throw used in his style in which he grabs the opponent's hand and arm and shifts and drops his body to slam the opponent. He moves in and puts the opponent in an armbar while he's standing, doing a bit of a breaking motion.

Overall Gameplay Style

Overall, Scorpion is a linear, aggressive fighter who is pretty easy to master. He is fairly well-rounded, but his gameplay style leans more towards offense than defense.

Mastery Level: 2


Facial Destruction: Scorpion takes off his mask, drops it, and then hurls his Bloody Spear towards the opponent, pulling him/her to him. The opponent tries to struggle, but to no avail, and when he/she comes close to Scorpion, he breathes fire at the opponent's face, burning it up severely.

Kunai Massacre: This is his fatality from MKSM, in which he grabs his kunai, slashes the opponent's stomach then stabs the chest, ripping the top half of the body from the lower half and slamming both halves to the ground.

Primary Costume: Scorpion's primary costume strongly displays that Ninja look, drawing influences from historical Ninja Yoroi (Ninja armor). The top part consists of an armor based off of this, except that his hood and mask will be the one from his MKD primary costume as well as having the vest and shoulder pads from his MKD primary costume, save for the thing in the middle. He still has the skull design on his sash and leg pads. His gloves and leg pads are from his MKSM intro costume. Lastly, he wears a katana-length scabbard on his waist, which carries his Ninja To in it and his kunai on the back of his waist.

Alternate Costume: His alternate costume is more for the fan service. It's pretty much his MKSM in-game costume, with modifications. Instead of wearing the spandex, his top and pants are going are going to be made from a different material, something cloth-like. He of course has his kunai on the back of his waist and the scabbard on the side of his waist like in his primary costume.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: His get up animation is the one from MKD/MKA.

Victory Pose: His victory pose is the one from MKD/MKA.

Kombat Zone: Scorpion's Lair

Description: Scorpion's Lair is located in the pits of the 5th plane of the Netherrealm, where his powers can grow stronger. This Scorpion's Lair stage is based off of the one in UMK3/MKT, but on a raised platform like the Pit.

Stage Traps: There are attacking skeletal warriors.

Stage Fatality: The loser is knocked into a lava pit to be burned to death.


Finally, I have finally done it! Quan Chi is dead! I went into Armageddon seeking revenge, fending off many warriors until I saw him. Quan Chi was in the middle of a ferocious battle with a female assassin when I shouted the sorcerer’s name. He took one look at me before fleeing. How foolish... The coward should have known I would not give up so easily. I chased him throughout Edenia, and I finally caught up with him just north of the Pyramid. He put up a fight, but he could not stop me! He begged for mercy, but he received none. My family and clan have finally been avenged!

But why am I still here? I have avenged my family and clan - Quan Chi is dead. Why do I not know peace? My enemy is dead, why am I still here... The Elder Gods! They have the power to release me! Curse their immortal hides for chaining me to this existence! Is this yet another punishment for not doing their bidding whilst I was their champion? I begin to wander the realms in search of a way to finally reunite with my family and clan. After years of searching, I have found a tournament where the winner is granted their greatest desire. I shall defeat all those who stand in my way. I will win the tournament and know peace at last!


Sub-Zero_7th: As some people know, Scorpion was a character I used to like, until he was turned into the atrocity that he is today. His bio was originally going to be the first one to be released, but we decided to do some rearranging with the order of bios we're releasing. With Scorpion, it was felt that he needed major revamping in several areas, from his styles to his costumes to his storyline and personality. We are basically trying to make Scorpion into the kind of character he seemed to have been developing into. However, we don't want to just retcon this and that, so instead, we are trying to make something good out of something horrendous, hopefully being successful in that.

Paragon: Scorpion is one of those characters who had to return, no matter what anyone's opinion is. He is one of the main poster boys of the franchise. Scorpion needed some changes to his character if he was going to fit into our project. Mainly, we wanted pre-retcon Scorpion back, the one who had honour and a sense of morals instead of the revenge-driven specter. However, we didn’t want an instantiations transformation, so we plan to gradually have him revert back to his old self so that he can set right the wrongs he has done. Scorpion has gone through a fair amount of changes overall. While trying to keep the basic mask and V-shape thing the ninjas are known for, we wanted a more traditional look. His styles and specials have also had some remodeling. In the end, this is a Scorpion who I feel can contribute more over all to Mortal Kombat.



Origin: Earthrealm

Alignment: Good

Status: Lin Kuei Grandmaster

Fighting Styles: Lung Jop Pai, Cryo Blade

Lung Jop Pai: Lung Jop Pai is the Northern Dragon style of Kung Fu and imitates the movements of the mythical creature. In the Dragon styles of Kung Fu, power is delivered from the waist. Dragon style uses both hard and soft techniques as well as linear and circular movements. It uses various clawing techniques for striking, grabbing, ripping, tearing, and twisting. The kicks are usually lower, but there are some high kicks as well. Elbows are often used in this style along with grappling. Sub-Zero uses a modified form of this style, using his own personalized fighting stance. We gave it to him, because of the Chinese theme with him, and because it's a Northern style. The Dragon represents strength and power. We especially felt that he needed a versatile, well-rounded style such as this.

Cryo Blade: The Cryo Blade is a modified version of his Kori Blade. The design of the sword is a bit smaller and is designed for both slashing and stabbing. The handle is the length of a bastard sword, and his style for his Cryo Blade is kind of like a fusion of the bastard sword and the Chinese straight sword (jian). We wanted to give some modifications to Sub-Zero's weapon and to make it have a more well-roundness to it.

Special Moves

Freeze: Sub-Zero channels Fa Jing through his hands and shoots a blast of ice to the opponent, freezing him/her and giving a free hit. This is a mid-hitting, linear projectile that can be blocked. It does have a charge to it, and the longer the player charges it, the longer the freezing effect will last. At full charge, the move will be unblockable.

Ice Clone: Sub-Zero channels Fa Jing throughout his body and does a backflip, releasing an icy clone of himself. The opponent is frozen if he/she touches this. He can also do this move in the air.

Cold Shoulder: Sub-Zero channels Fa Jing through his feet, quickly slides back a little bit then quickly charges forward. This is a mid-hitting, linear knockdown move that has a delay option to it, giving Sub-Zero the ability to play a bit of mind games with the opponent.

Ice Shaker: Sub-Zero channels Fa Jing through his body and surrounds himself in a cold shield, freezing the opponent if he/she is close enough to him. The move hits mid, tracks, and has both a charge and cancel to it. The longer the player charges it, the farther the Ice Shaker spreads.

Icy Puddle: Sub-Zero shoots a blast of ice to the ground, forming a puddle. When the opponent steps on it, he/she slips on it, giving Sub-Zero a free hit. The Icy Puddle has a charge to it. When charged, he shoots a blast of ice to the ground that forms a big icicle that pops the opponent into the air. If the opponent is on the spot where it lands, the Icy Puddle does nothing until the opponent lets go of their guard, but if it's the charged version of the move, it'll still pop the opponent into the air.


Frozen Press Slam: He grabs them by the throat and the belt, lifts them above his head, and as he lifts them, they freeze. He holds them up above his head for a few seconds before pushing them upward and taking a step back, they land on the floor, the ice shatters. This has a 3D effect move because of Sub-Zeros back step.

Twisting Dragon: This is his throw from MKSM in his Dragon style, in which he grabs the opponent, swings around him/her, drops down and propels the opponent back.

Overall Gameplay Style

With his more advanced styles and specials that have charges to it, he's definitely suited for more of the advanced players. He really takes a lot of skill and strategy to use effectively and plays a bit more towards the defensive side. One of his greatest strengths is his versatility, which needs taken full advantage of for maximum results.

Mastery Level: 4


Freezing Spine Rip: Sub-Zero turns the opponent around and pierces the opponent's back, freezing the spine. He rips the spine and head out and holds it up in the air like his classic victory pose, and the opponent falls down.

Concentrated Ice Shatter: Sub-Zero forms his hands into dragon claws and digs them inside the opponent's chest, freezing his/her insides and turning them blue. He takes out his hands and does the Dragon Attack to shatter them to pieces.

Primary Costume: His primary costume is his primary costume look from MKD, except that he doesn't have pale skin and white eyes. Instead, he has his regular skin and glowing icy blue eyes.

Alternate Costume: His alternate costume his MKSM costume, except that he's unmasked, looking a bit younger than before, and he has the Dragon Medallion on his sash.

Extra Costumes: Sub-Zero's extra costume is his MK4/MKG costume with the MKM: SZ style hood and mask and the Dragon Medallion on the right side of his vest. Like Scorpion's alternate costume, Sub-Zero's extra costume will not have spandex but will instead be made from a cloth material.

Get Up Animation: His get up animation is the one from MKD/MKA, except that he flows into his fighting stance instead of leaning forward.

Victory Pose: His victory pose is the one from MKD/MKA, except that he moves his head up slowly like in the MKDA version and that his mask freezes up a bit.

Kombat Zone: Lin Kuei Temple (Training Room)

Description: This is the room where Sub-Zero trains his Lin Kuei students in the martial arts and the ways of the Lin Kuei. It's one of the areas used to hold the Lin Kuei recruiting tournament, the one that Frost had won. This particular room is for where the winners of the preliminaries are brought to face each other.

Stage Traps: The Lin Kuei warriors trap the character who is close to them. Unlike the way they look in MKA's Konquest, they have more individualistic appearances instead.

Stage Fatality: The loser is uppercutted into a ceiling of stalactites, where he/she is impaled by them and dies a slow and chilly death.


I played my part once more in the name of Earthrealm by fighting alongside my allies in Edenia to stop Shao Kahn and anyone else from obtaining the power of Blaze. During the great battle, I noticed Frost had thrown her lot in with Kahn. I had no choice but to fight her myself. My former student held her own and I was saddened to see such a great warrior in the service of evil. Noob Saibot and Smoke ambushed one of my allies and I abandoned my battle to aid her. Sonya took over fighting Frost as I pursued my former friend and my lost brother up the steps of the Pyramid. Near the summit, Noob snickered as he ordered Smoke to attack me and teleported away. I disabled my Lin Kuei friend and chased after my brother. I reached the top just as Blaze had been defeated. I encased myself in ice to escape the blast.

I came out of it unscathed, instead, I found myself feeling stronger. When Sareena found me, she told me that I appeared younger. It seems the blast given off by Blaze has given me greater control of my powers and the Dragon Medallion, so it no longer makes me appear older. After bidding farewell to my allies, Sareena and I went back to the Lin Kuei temple and did all we could to maintain the peace in Earthrealm. This was difficult as even without Sektor, the Tekunin was still a thorn in our side. Recently, I got a message from Kenshi. His comrade, Ermac, told him that some Tekunin cyborgs have been spotted in Outworld. I have decided to go alone to Outworld to help Earthrealm's allies, if only aginst the Tekunin. We cannot be brought into another conflict.


Sub-Zero_7th: Sub-Zero's bio was going to be the second one released, next to Scorpion's. However, due to wanting to rearrange things, we're releasing them now. With Sub-Zero, we wanted to make him nice and powerful, but be hard to master so that he won't be abusable. We want to build him up story-wise and all and make the most out of him. Originally, his story was going to take a bit of a different direction, but I felt that the way that direction were to be done, it would sound kind of boring and too drawn out. So instead, I suggested a different idea for him, which we worked out. Regarding Sub-Zero's youth restoration, it's only a partial restoration and doesn't make him quite as young as he was before he wielded the Dragon Medallion's powers.

Paragon: Sub-Zero is the same as Scorpion, one of the MK poster boys who just had to return. He also has one of the deepest storylines, which need fleshing out, which was why I was not happy when Boon said he was getting new characters. He was going to be one of the ones who suffered from not having a deeper exploration into his story. We did not go into his whole ‘Mother and Sister’ part of his history as it would have been too cliché, although that could be subject to change. We wanted to go further into his Cryomancer origins while at the same time not neglecting the Lin Kuei. Sub-Zero has a lot to offer the story, and we have made sure to use him as well as we can. We made alterations to everything about him, his appearance, his styles, his moves. In the end, they are changes that we both felt were necessary for the story.

Both are awesome! I really appreciate the attention you had in folding Nitara's wings and utilizing them in combat. And top notch ideas on Sareena.
10/02/2007 11:46 PM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Both are awesome! I really appreciate the attention you had in folding Nitara's wings and utilizing them in combat. And top notch ideas on Sareena.

Thanks. What are your thoughts on Scorpion and Sub-Zero?
10/03/2007 01:04 AM (UTC)
1 long post for 2 characters wasn't too bad. 2 long posts for 4 charactes is a bit too time-consuming for me so I just read the bios and skimmed through the rest.

Nitara - I rather you guys would have continued her interesting conflict with Ashrah. I feel you guys ended that too suddenly here. I would have liked her fascinating new problem to grow into something bigger or go through a new story arc instead. It's at least nice to hear that Reptile and Khameleon are a pair. How cute.

Sareena - Again, I rather you guys would have proceeded with her MKA story. I rather she would have stayed evil and expressed echoing feelings of her lost good side instead of the other way around. Maybe she felt guilty over her demonic wrongdoings and questioned herself? I don't know.

Scorpion - Here is where I'm bothered by too many characters having the same goal: getting their wish granted. Even with the establishment of Blaze's attainable god-like power, the MKA bios are still very distinct with the characters having individual goals and new personal problems.

Sub-Zero - Pretty good, except I rather you guys left the tekunin entirely to Sonya and the special forces and given Sub-Zero something bigger to do like stop the new boss (who still hasn't been revealed.... Come on people. That's not very "MK"). I do like that he looks younger now. That's better.

Overall, they're alright but so much more could have been done with Nitara and Scorpion, especially Nitara and her new story that everyone loves. I guess my biggest problems with Nitara and Sareena's bios here were lack of continuity.
10/03/2007 01:42 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I know they are very long, but since we didn't have too much to do for Scorpion and Sub-Zero, we decided to get these out as well.

Now regarding each of the characters...

Nitara: Well, her conflict with Ashrah isn't exactly over. That's all I can say there.

Sareena: The way we are having it, Taven's victory over her knocking the sense into her. As being evil, I don't know...We really liked the idea of this character who is trying to be good but has difficulty doing so due to her demonic nature. I know it may sound similar to Mercurus' and Li Mei's problems, but again, we're trying to make them distinct.

Scorpion: Well, we have to have some characters take part in this tournament, which is the main story. Scorpion has a new problem now, and with this tournament, he hopes to gain victory in order to gain inner peace. Like Paragon said, we are trying to bring back more of that pre-retcon Scorpion personality.

Sub-Zero: His story was one that really needed sorting out. For the whole Special Forces/Tekunin thing, well, eh, I don't know. It wouldn't do much for Sonya's story and nothing for her character. For Jax and Cyrax, eh...I don't know. As for the boss, we have our reasons for not revealing him yet.

Sorry you weren't too fond of these. We don't want to give too much away, but at the same time, we want to do what we can for each character. Nitara's and Sareena's stories don't really have a continuity problem. It's just a matter of different directions being taken.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Both are awesome! I really appreciate the attention you had in folding Nitara's wings and utilizing them in combat. And top notch ideas on Sareena.

Thanks. What are your thoughts on Scorpion and Sub-Zero?
Ooh. Didn't notice.

Alright. We needed to end this vengance. His goal, well, seems like the only thing possible. Nice ideas on the revised outfits.

Great. The revised looks makes him seem a lot like how he was revised in DA. Nothing bad, but everything good.
10/17/2007 12:57 AM (UTC)
Here are the last two starting characters of out project: Pandora and Fujin.



Origin: Earthrealm

Alignment: Neutral

Status: Assassin

Fighting Styles: Kombatan, Kali Stick

Kombatan: Kombatan is a Filipino martial art founded by Ernesto Presas, who studied styles like Judo, Jujutsu, and Karate, as well as Filipino and Japanese weaponry. This is an eclectic, street-based style that's known for its double stick techniques as well as knife fighting and empty hand methods. The empty hand methods consisting of striking, kicking, grappling, and trapping. Like other Filipino martial arts, some of the techniques are based off of the movements of the knife and/or stick. We gave this style to her, because it's an eclectic, street-based style and more for closer-ranged combat.

Kali Stick: The Kali Stick is a Filipino stick weapon that's usually made out of rattan. This weapon is taught in the Filipino martial arts, either with one or two sticks. They have been used for centuries by Filipino tribal warriors, utilizing fast and fluid motions and basing some of their hand-to-hand combat techniques after the stick, as well as the knife. Pandora's usage of the Kali Stick is influenced by her Kombatan training. We gave this weapon to her to mix things up with the weapons and to go with her Kombatan style.

Special Moves

Shadow Step: Pandora steps back through a shadow, but reappears to the left or right of the opponent. It's basically a 3D teleport move that starts off looking a bit like Shinnok's Tricky Portal.

Pin Needle Shot: Pandora swings her lead arm horizontally, projecting pin needles at the opponent. It's a high projectile that tracks. If done at close range, all the needles will hit the opponent, doing more damage. This move can also be done in the air, in which she fires it diagonally downwards, hitting mid. However, it can be avoided if the opponent moves out of range.

Watchful Eye: This is a timing-based special in which she spins behind the opponent, parrying their blow and pushing them a little forward, allowing her to get a free hit

Demonic Summoning: She raises both her hands and a black swirling portal opens at the floor in front of her. An Oni or other type of demon comes out of it and attacks the opponent if he/she is near by. This move would be unblockable, but because of its charge up time, it's not an abusable move.

Dark Magicks: She causes a projectile to shoot up from below the opponent. It has a stumble and knockdown effect if done right, if blocked, it wont have any effect other then block damage


Double Knee Backbreaker: She gets behind the opponent, jumps up, putting her knees into their back, grabs them by the jaw and lets gravity do the rest.

Cradle to Grave: She grabs the opponent's leg and does a side suplex.

Overall Gameplay Style

Overall, Pandora is more of a close-mid ranged fighter who has kind of a well-roundedness with her specials and her Kombatan style. In both styles, she is very fast, fluid and easy to master, but her specials take a fair deal of mastery. Overall, she is designed more for intermediate players.

Mastery Level: 3


Overkill: Pandora hits the opponent's vital areas (e.g. kidneys, chest, neck) to weaken him/her so that he/she is basically standing in a near unconscious state. She then whacks the opponent in the side of his/her shin, making him/her bend to the side to hold the broken leg. She then spins around and does a double hit, one hitting the neck, and the other hitting the head, killing the opponent.

Fading Descent: Pandora gets behind the opponent, chokes him/her with her Kali Stick, then pulls it back and down, making him/her fall backward. She keeps the stick on his/her throat and forces it down for the finish.

Primary Costume: Pandora wears black trousers, which flare out a bit at the bottom with a thin red line going down each leg. She wears a black, red and purple corset. Also, she wears black sandle-like shoes with a purple design on them. Her dark brown hair just a little longer than shoulder length and a little wavy, and she has green eyes.

Alternate Costume: In her alt, she wears black boots, which come up to the middle of her shins. Also, she wears fishnet tights, a frilly skirt, and a black and dark blood red striped tanktop. In addition, she has straightened black hair fishnet gloves that come up to the elbow with fingerless gloves over them too. The right part of her frindge almost covers her eye.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: Small flying demons come out of the floor, holding her up by her arms. They then let go of her and fly off screen, and she lands on her feet, going into her fighting pose.

Victory Pose: The small flying demons come up and start dancing around Pandora in mid-air, taunting her. She just folds her arms, shakes her head, and sighs.

Kombat Zone: Netherrealm Inner City

Description: The Inner City of the Netherrealm is where the more evolved and intelligent demons live. There are guards who protect the outside to make sure no lesser-evolved demons get in. The Brotherhood of the Shadow sometimes gather in one of the big buildings.

Stage Traps: There are denizens in the background that a character can be knocked into. The denizen will hit the character who bumped into him/her.

Stage Fatality: none


I was sentenced to the Netherrealm because of the bad deeds I committed within my short life on Earth. I look back on the life that I had, but really, I have no regrets. It's just a shame that because of my beliefs, I was not allowed to have a peaceful afterlife, and I dragged into the darkness. But, there is a strange comfort; I always felt I belonged down here anyway. Because of my time watching and learning martial arts from people around me, I was drafted into the Brotherhood of Shadow and served Lord Shinnok as one of his assassins. I am forever surrounded by demons, undead, and perverted monsters while serving a god. I used to live a free and happy life... I guess I shall just have to get used to it.

I have done well to keep myself sane and hopeful in this dark and dreary place by keeping myself busy and away from many of the denizens down here to avoid conflicts. Today however, I received a mission from Lord Shinnok. I am to accompany one of his men, Denrei, to the tournament and while he competes, I am to simply spectate and watch for any potential fighters. Another of his men has been sent specifically after someone who apparently got an invitation to the tournament. I am to keep out of Noob Saibot's way and simply watch Denrei fight and report any other findings to my master.


Sub-Zero_7th: Pandora is one of the new characters that Paragon came up with. She was originally going to be put in the second installment we have planned, but after talking about various stories, we decided to put her in this one instead. Basically, she's kind of a troubled, unhappy character, due to her placement in the Netherrealm and having to deal with the various demons that inhabit it. Style-wise, I think it was Paragon who came up with the idea for wanting to put in either a Hanbo or a Kali Stick, and I suggested to go with the Kali Stick. From there, I felt that she could use one of the Filipino systems, and I went with Kombatan as it's very eclectic, street-based, all that good stuff. She has a dark theme to her overall, I guess. There's not much else for me to say.

Paragon: Pandora was one of the last characters I had created. Initially, we were not going to use her for this project, but possibly a sequel to it, if we ever got around to doing one. But, I liked the character and after a bit of discussion and rearranging of other people's stories, we decided to use her from the start. I chose the Name Pandora for two reasons. From a mythological point, she is the one who opened the box containing the evils of the world and left only hope in the 'box'. From another point, a book i once read contained a character with this name and some of her personality reflects that i wished for this character. She is not really an aggressive fighter, only drawn to it in order to survive, which is a road not really taken in Mortal Kombat. Everyone has, in one way or another, been trained to hurt and kill. The idea for her appearance comes is more of a young teenage-gothic/emo/punk look, which I wanted to use considering that look is becoming somewhat popular now. She is a character I feel people would be sympathetic over. Someone who had initially led their life the way they wanted with no regrets, only to find when they died prematurely, that the way they led their life condemned them because they ‘was not good enough’ to get into Heaven. Her story is vague to begin with. Not much is known about her, and over the course of things, you will see how she evolves and also how she became who she was as we dive into her past and present connections with characters both old and returning ones.



Origin: The Heavens

Alignment: Good

Status: God of Wind

Fighting Styles: Feng Shou, Kaze Arashi Ryu

Feng Shou: Feng Shou (Wind Hand) is an internal Chinese martial art, and it's also known as the Li style of Tai Chi Chuan. It uses the Tai Chi principles of posture and control along with fast and continually flowing movements. The name is meant to symbolize the smoothness, fluidity, and effects of wind. This is a more defensive style that uses a lot of counter attacks with smooth, fluid, and circular movements. We gave this style to Fujin, because it's the Wind Hand style, and the characteristics of this style symbolize the effects of wind.

Kaze Arashi Ryu: Kaze Arashi Ryu (Wind Storm Tradition) is a Japanese martial art that specializes in Aikijujutsu. Said to be developed by warrior monks that followed Shugendo, its techniques are based on martial principles of strategy in performance and execution, meaning that they involved redirecting the energy of an opponent's attack like in styles such as Tai Chi Chuan and Aikido. It has resemblence to those styles as well as traditional Jujutsu, containing strikes, kicks, throws, joint-locks, and restraining techniques along with weapons, such as the sword and staff. Like Feng Shou, Kaze Arashi Ryu is a more defensive system with counter attacks that utilize smooth and fluid movements. We gave this style to Fujin because of the name and its principles.

Special Moves

Gusting Cyclone: Fujin rapidly spins himself around, creating a cyclone. Those who come too close to it are caught in the cyclone and are tossed away. This move can't be avoided through ducking or sidestepping if the character is too close to Fujin, and Fujin can move around while in the cyclone. The player using Fujin must repeatedly tap the attack button from the command to keep the cyclone going until the energy meter runs out. Fujin's Gusting Cyclone can be stopped by projectiles. The longer Fujin does the Gusting Cyclone, the longer it'll take for him to recover.

Tornado Wind: Fujin spins around and shoots a tornado at the opponent. If hits the opponent, he/she is caught in it and is lifted into the air, from which Fujin can do juggle hits. This projectile hits mid and can be avoided through sidestepping. It comes out pretty quickly but has a bit of a telegraphic start up.

Gale Force: Fujin does a huge blast of wind towards the opponent, pushing him/her away as a means of keeping them far away from him. This move hits mid and has a stumble effect. It can be sidestepped but not when he starts up. Also, Gale Force doesn't work against opponents too far from him.

Air Funnel: Fujin raises his hand and a blast of air comes from underneath the opponent, lifting him/her in the air for a few seconds to allow Fujin to do juggle hits. It has a telegraphic start up and it can be avoided through sidestepping. Also, this move only works at half-screen range at the farthest.

Flying Knee Strikes: Fujin propels himself forward, lifting off the ground a bit with his knees out, and he does three quick hits with them, knocking the opponent away. This move has a bit of a telegraphic start up and hits mid. Since it's a linear move, it can be avoided through sidestepping.


Aiki Nage: Fujin grabs the opponent and locks his arm around the opponent's neck. He circles around the opponent's body then pushes down to slam the opponent, letting go the neck.

Wind God Throw: The Wind God Throw has been modified to something new. He grabs the opponent and spins himself around like in his Gusting Cyclone special, throwing the opponent away. However, the spinning doesn't last as long as it does in Gusting Cyclone.

Overall Gameplay Style

Fujin is a very advanced character, one who requires a lot of patience to use properly. He's more of a defensive character who uses turtling tactics and a lot of counters. Fluidity is greatest strength, and it applies to his gameplay as a whole. Fujin happens to be more of a close-mid ranged character in terms of his styles, but his specials can help him with longer-ranged combat.

Mastery Level: 5


Typhoon: Fujin lifts the opponent up with wind, spins him/her around, and sends him/her flying away.

Drilling Cyclone: Fujin extends his hand and shoots a spiraling blast of air like a beam. The blast drills through the opponent's chest, especially through the heart.

Primary Costume: Fujin's primary costume gives more of a regal and militaristic feel. It's color schemes are maroon, gold, and green. His costume is based off of this. However, there are much less designs on it, and there'll be Samurai shoulder pads. The top part of the costume will mainly be maroon, with gold coloring for some of the designs while the bottom part will mainly be a sea green color. His boots and arm pads are the same ones from MKM: SZ.

Alternate Costume: Fujin's alternate costume is his primary costume from MKA, capturing a more godly feel.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: He turns into a gust of wind, which spirals up. He then reforms and spins around to face the opponent, drops down, and gets into his fighting stance.

Victory Pose: His victory pose is the one from MK4/MKG.

Kombat Zone: Wind Elemental Temple

Description: The Wind Elemental Temple is located in Earthrealm, more specifically in the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal. The stage particularly takes place on a big, square platform with two walkways on both sides. In the seemingly bottomless pit, there are blasts of air that come from below to push the opponent up.

Stage Traps: none

Stage Fatality: The Cyclone would be surrounding the platform, so the character can't go back over the bridges. If he gets knocked into the wind, if they are not finished, they get violently knocked back. If it's finish time, they get caught in the huge cyclone and taken up into the spikey roof of doom.


I ran alongside my allies against the Forces of Darkness when I sensed a familiar spirit, a child of Argus. However, Taven and Daegon were not present, and it was then I realized that Argus had a third son, one he kept hidden, one who now was against us, Rain. The estranged one hidden himself well and in this battle showed his true power, surprising everyone, both on our side and his own. I was drawn into a power struggle with him. Wind and rain combined into one large storm with water spouts everywhere, creating a hazard to all around us. I was unsure how long I could last until he was drawn into battle against someone else. I then turned my attention to Reiko, the one responsible for leading Shao Kahn's armies. During my fight with the general, Blaze was defeated, and upon his explosion, I ascended to the Heavens to discover what was going on for myself.

Taven had been granted Argus’ place as the Edenian Protector God. Considering all Argus had told me, this was for the best, as he, with great sorrow, cast Daegon into the Void. With one son gone and another seemingly killed, he became very over protective of Taven. Over the next two years, I spent my time searching for Raiden, who should have reappeared if he had indeed been killed by his sacrifice against Shinnok, who somehow got out of the Netherrealm. Many of our allies fell that day and Earthrealm is in dire need of new heroes, especially since my mortal friends are slowly getting older. I learned of a tournament happening in Edenia, one which is gathering the strongest fighters from across the realms in one place. I have decided to go there to find those who would be of service to defend Earthrealm, if and when the time comes.


Sub-Zero_7th: Fujin was one character we definitely felt the need to bring back, especially since he's returned in MKA and that we want to move the story forward. Since Fujin had been made into Earthrealm's Protector God after Shinnok's defeat in MK4, we wanted to see what he would do in that role for the next-gen MKs. We want to show some similarities but a fair share of differences between him and Raiden, from the way they handle the safety of Earthrealm to just their overall mentalities. I am of course comparing Fujin to Raiden's old self and not the darker Raiden that he became in MKD. Gameplay-wise, he's very advanced and is difficult to master. Overall, we want to make Fujin an important character and really give him the development he deserves.

Paragon: Fujin was one of those characters we felt had to return. At the end of MK4, he was made protector of Earth, yet he didn’t make an appearance until Armageddon. He was meant for Deception, but was taken out in favor of the returning Raiden, which was a good thing for his counterpart, as it led to a darker side of him and a more interesting prospect for Fujin. Anyway, because of the lack of story behind him and not much is known about his personality, we really wanted to showcase Fujin a lot more of a more Neutralist protector, that he is just doing his job and not getting too attached to those he is protecting. Fujin comes across as no-nonsense, wise, if just a little impatient. We both believed Fujin could have offered a lot more to the whole MK story and believe he is one of those who still does have a lot to offer and we have done our best to make the most of him and his role and connections to characters

Captures the unwilling side of the Brotherhood of Shadow's minions. As her name implies, she is nothing but trouble. Well founded.

About time he gets a pivotal role. My best hopes for him is that he may finally be the original Raiden. Great for him.
10/17/2007 05:38 PM (UTC)

I love her name, first of all. Her alt costume would look quite bitchy, which is always cool.
Her story, as Paragon said, is pretty vague. All I think it needed was a more concrete, personalized goal instead of the being a generic spy. I would like to read more about her though.


I also feel Fujin has been very under-used. I don't see why they didn't include him in MKDA or MKD just because of Raiden's inclusion. Couldn't they just put both of them? What would have been the big deal?
Anyway, his bio is good. He's off to recruit new Earthrealm heroes. That's concrete and interesting. I'd like to see where this goes.
His battle with Rain sounds awesome with all those waterspouts everywhere, btw. I'm a weather fan, so...
10/17/2007 05:44 PM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Captures the unwilling side of the Brotherhood of Shadow's minions. As her name implies, she is nothing but trouble. Well founded.

About time he gets a pivotal role. My best hopes for him is that he may finally be the original Raiden. Great for him.

Glad you like them. smile

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:

I love her name, first of all. Her alt costume would look quite bitchy, which is always cool.
Her story, as Paragon said, is pretty vague. All I think it needed was a more concrete, personalized goal instead of the being a generic spy. I would like to read more about her though.


I also feel Fujin has been very under-used. I don't see why they didn't include him in MKDA or MKD just because of Raiden's inclusion. Couldn't they just put both of them? What would have been the big deal?
Anyway, his bio is good. He's off to recruit new Earthrealm heroes. That's concrete and interesting. I'd like to see where this goes.
His battle with Rain sounds awesome with all those waterspouts everywhere, btw. I'm a weather fan, so...

I'm glad you like these two. Pandora's goal is to try to find a way to have happiness in her afterlife. There's definitely more to her character and the same can be said for just about everyone else.

Regarding Fujin, I think that since the stories in MKDA and MKD, especially MKD, focused more on Outworld, Fujin was included in the story. But even so, I too would've liked him in those games.


Now that we have all of the starting characters finished, we're going to hold off on the next couple of bios for something else. You'll see. It's a bit of something regarding the story.
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