03/12/2015 03:21 AM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:So Kittelsen should have said "But a narrator is also more reliable than others..."? That would have made no sense grammatically. He doesn't literally mean we're going to see every narrator who's ever been unreliable, that tweet isn't a contract promising that. You are taking the way he worded that and trying to apply it way generally when it wasn't meant to be. It was just a comment about Scorpion's narration.

And...? Now, we know that narrators can lie or provide misinformation.
Not all of them, certainly.
Taken from my post above:
Context matters as to who to apply this critical approach to. This fiasco with Erron and the girls is certainly unusual.
Obviously, you can't throw this around willy-nilly with straightforward events we've already seen.

The fact is that this is a flashback from a narrator we know very little about, which puts him in a very positive light and seems to be contradictory in portrayal of two characters we've seen before, who transition from merciful and inexperienced to absolutely savage in the span of, like, one day.
If they had just broken his neck, cut his head off, or stabbed him, this wouldn't seem so bizarre. Instead, they immobilized him, broke his goddamn leg, and gutted him like a fish. For Christ's sake, Jacqui yells at Cassie to "Finish him!"
Again, I'm not saying the girls didn't murder Mavado, but their characterization is incredibly strange, which makes me suspicious that something is amiss here. And, since we know that some narrators might not be trustworthy...

That, or it's insanely rushed and bad writing.
This was just a hypothetical conjecture. Sheesh.
03/12/2015 03:25 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:So Kittelsen should have said "But a narrator is also more reliable than others..."? That would have made no sense grammatically. He doesn't literally mean we're going to see every narrator who's ever been unreliable, that tweet isn't a contract promising that. You are taking the way he worded that and trying to apply it way generally when it wasn't meant to be. It was just a comment about Scorpion's narration.

And...? Now, we know that narrators can lie or provide misinformation.
Not all of them, certainly.
Taken from my post above:
Context matters as to who to apply this critical approach to. This fiasco with Erron and the girls is certainly unusual.
Obviously, you can't throw this around willy-nilly with straightforward events we've already seen.

The fact is that this is a flashback from a narrator we know very little about, which puts him in a very positive light and seems to be contradictory in portrayal of two characters we've seen before, who transition from merciful and inexperienced to absolutely savage in the span of, like, one day.
Again, I'm not saying the girls didn't murder Mavado, but their characterization is incredibly strange, which makes me suspicious that something is amiss here.

That, or it's insanely rushed and bad writing.
This was just a hypothetical conjecture. Sheesh.

Yeah, and I was just saying that one of your pieces of evidence wasn't really meant to be taken as you were implying... you decided to argue further about that too, dude.

Also I'd say the girls were in a much more desperate situation here than they were at the arena.
03/12/2015 03:27 AM (UTC)
I'm sure we'll find out in a month or so. Until then, just keep it civil guys, mmmkay? Mmmkay
03/12/2015 03:28 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
I'm sure we'll find out in a month or so. Until then, just keep it civil guys, mmmkay? Mmmkay

Nevar. Erron Black is a goddamn liar. And Sockie called me a dude. sad
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/12/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
Just read the issue again.

I'll slightly edit my earlier statement and say that it doesn't seem like anyone would need to kill Raiden, they'd just need his blood to infuse it with the daggers. Nobody is going to go through that trouble in MK though. Not when they could just kill him, so look out Thunder God.

Interesting points raised.

Erron might be hiding something, but he got sliced up pretty good regardless. So I'd like to think he's still good at heart, but is being forced or blackmailed in some way to lie. Self preservation at it's finest, folks. On the other hand, same could be said of Cassie and Jacqui. Unlike the deathmatch, the situation with Mavado was basically "Do or Die". Once Frost was down and out, Cassie didn't need to kill her, she was no longer a threat. But Mavado was obviously going to keep on comin'. You could also say the deathmatch just stunned Cassie. Complete curveball.

And Red Dragon are dropping like flies. Daegon must be getting pretty butthurt by now.
03/12/2015 03:37 AM (UTC)
To be fair they're not innocent green teens like a "business as usual" earthrealm. They've all seen some shit lol. The netherrealm army nearly destroyed earth, they are no stranger to fucked up shit and violence.

Plus they were getting kidnapped. Two female teens trained from birth to fight like their lives depended on it. She hates sonya because she's all about kicking ass and training to kick ass. It's completely in character to me, they could handle themselves so they did using the tools on the ground.
03/12/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
I'm sure we'll find out in a month or so. Until then, just keep it civil guys, mmmkay? Mmmkay

Nevar. Erron Black is a goddamn liar. And Sockie called me a dude. sad

I would lie too if I was Erron.

I mean you have Papa Johnny and Mama Sonya after your ass for kidnapping their daughter. I would make myself look as "innocent" as possible.

Mavado was cut from neck to groin....would you fully believe someone who was capable of that, that your daughter was unharmed?
03/12/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
I'm sure we'll find out in a month or so. Until then, just keep it civil guys, mmmkay? Mmmkay

Nevar. Erron Black is a goddamn liar. And Sockie called me a dude. sad

He did??? Why that little-
03/12/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:I would lie too if I was Erron.
I mean you have Papa Johnny and Mama Sonya after your ass for kidnapping their daughter. I would make myself look as "innocent" as possible.

True dat.

He's a bit outnumbered, anyway.
Spider804 Wrote: He did??? Why that little-

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THANKS MINION!!! You're freakin LEGIT

03/12/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
Erron was just trying to be nice wasn't he? so then why did jacqui beat the crap out of him?
03/12/2015 04:18 AM (UTC)
That was the only way to cut mavado without hitting jaqcui who was holding him down. There is no reason to think he's lying lol. She couldn't stab or side swing at the body or head. They let black live for a trail and because he unshackled them and didn't fight back. Pretty straight forward imo. They killed black/red dragon to escape.
About Me

03/12/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Aawww man. Mavado was dope.

>implying he was ever actually dope outside of this comic

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
But he was

ese por favor
03/12/2015 04:44 AM (UTC)
That was the only way to cut mavado without hitting jaqcui who was holding him down. There is no reason to think he's lying lol. She couldn't stab or side swing at the body or head. They let black live for a trail and because he unshackled them and didn't fight back. Pretty straight forward imo. They killed black/red dragon to escape.

Please quote peoples' posts if you're going to reply to them, so the context of your response can be understood easily.
Firstly, in response to the girls being used to bloodshed and extreme violence due to the Netherrealm war, they were likely infants (or not even born yet) during the conflict and would have no memory of it. Next, all the locations in Earthrealm seen in the comic (L.A.,Thailand, Japan, etc.) seem to be in fine condition. No ruins to be spotted or bloodshed in the streets. No atmosphere of danger there.

Cassie and Jacqui don't seem to be used to violence/death, as they are completely caught off-guard by the deathmatch. Jacqui looks horrified when she sees the first opponent lady get her neck snapped. If they were as battle-hardened as you imply, she wouldn't have been panicking about Cassie.
She's just a Jr. Olympic boxer, and Cassie's only a rebellious teenager.

Keep in mind, this fight takes place only hours/days before the Red Dragon-Black Dragon battle in the forest of Outworld. In said fight, they mow down several men with machine guns before combating Mavado.

Whether or not their method was believable or just, even Johnny is appalled by the brutality of Mavado's death.
My only input is that if this is the way it actually went down (which it probably did,) the kill comes off as sadistic rather than desperate.
Assuming Mavado was killed by Cassie and Jacqui, this could have been directed(?) in a manner to maintain characterization.
For instance, compare with the scene after Takeda has to kill Fox. That scene and its aftermath added weight to the narrative and strengthened his character. Takeda is naturally gentle, but has to resort to violence to keep his loved ones safe. Having to kill his best friend in the process matured him, and his shocked reaction as to what he had done was consistent in reaffirming previous moments of characterization.
The Cassie/Jacqui dynamic in murdering Mavado just came off as bizarre and unnecessarily brutal, even in dealing with a complete asshole like him. He's their first kill, but it seems like they've done this before. No hesitation or reaction to gutting another human who has fallen to his knees.
That's just creepy.
Now, if the next time we see these girls and they talk of whatever effect it had on them, that might be more palatable, but it still doesn't change the fact that, on its own, it can be taken as horribly out-of-character.
As for Erron and his treatment, I'm sure some Red Dragons flanked the girls before they could do any more damage.The RDs tied Erron up to a tree as a warning/message-bearer and took the girls onward.

Also, I'm pretty sure the girls didn't spare Erron; Jacqui was quite content pulverizing him during the brawl until Kano decked her in the face. The Red Dragon had to leave him alive to pass on the word to the people hot in pursuit as to where to go.
RoyalVertigo Wrote:Erron was just trying to be nice wasn't he? so then why did jacqui beat the crap out of him?

She probably wouldn't be too trusting of the guy who greeted her with guns drawn and assisted in her kidnapping.
menumber3 Wrote: Its still mortal kombat. I doubt they'll show remorse over *how they killed Mavado. If they're going to kill in mortal kombat's world, they're going to kill with some...flair. Tis the way we of the franchise. It would be stranger if characters in this world did reflect remorse for the brutality of it. Etc.

However, keep in mind that major characters aren't just murdering each other constantly in their off-time; they tend to kill nameless mooks.
Why does it not strike people as odd that two relatively inexperienced teenage girls would brutally murder some guy with no hesitation, and then have absolutely no reaction to it when he's their first kill?
If you're going to have the two murder him (who is, again, their first kill,) include their reaction in the same goddamn issue so it's not so jarring.
03/12/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
Holy Shit! Best Issue yet.

Honestly this confuses me even more about who the boss for MKX will be. The only thing confirmed IMO is Mileena NOT being the boss for MKX.

Where the hell is Quan Chi!? He is definitely up to no good! Where's Kung Lao, Kitana???

That render of Jax leaked last week with the red veins all over his body is similar to how SubZero and Raiden looked while possessed by the blood magic. We had speculated that Jax's appearance was similar to Kitana's/Sindel's in the Story trailer. However, after reading this comic, I think that his appearance has something to do with blood magic not Quan Chi's sorcery.

MKX story mode is going to kick some serious ass!!!
03/12/2015 05:14 AM (UTC)
Little disappointed that Kano wasn't the one to finish off Mavado. But i got to admit Kano always escaping/surviving if my favorite skill of his.

Cassie and Jacqui dbl teaming to take down Mavado pretty epic.

Erron Black having a conscious...interesting. I have a feeling, that Erron Black might be wanting revenge on Kano for leaving him and i wouldnt be surprised if he possibly is the one to kill off Kano. But like i said, Kano has a knack for survival.
03/12/2015 05:44 AM (UTC)
Its still mortal kombat. I doubt they'll show remorse over *how they killed Mavado. If they're going to kill in mortal kombat's world, they're going to kill with some...flair. Tis the way we of the franchise. It would be stranger if characters in this world did reflect remorse for the brutality of it. Etc. Edit: I too need to find this quote technique. My post is decently far off topic, as I was responding to q previous issue of whether they'd have basically PTSD over such a grotesque incident or whether it was a narration skew. But then I don't know how to quote things. But fuck it, I'm high. I'll figure it out next time etc.
03/12/2015 05:48 AM (UTC)
""Firstly, in response to the girls being used to bloodshed and extreme violence due to the Netherrealm war, they were likely infants (or not even born yet) during the conflict and would have no memory of it. Next, all the locations in Earthrealm seen in the comic (L.A.,Thailand, Japan, etc.) seem to be in fine condition. No ruins to be spotted or bloodshed in the streets. No atmosphere of danger there.""

- sorry i'm no good with quotes, i'm not html person. my post was to Darkhound74: "mavado was cut from neck to groin.. would you fully believe someone who was capable of that, that your daughter was unharmed"?

yup sure. if jaqcui was holding mavado then the cut makes sense, that's all i'm saying. Black would have shot him lol.. Why would he defend the red or black dragon with lies?

Earth still went through netherrealm war and outworld invasions, earth isn't business as usual with plucky teens who grow up oblivious to realm threats. They didn't rebuild in 25 years either, maybe a couple cities thrive. I believe it. Plus the game stages show cities in ruins. "Back to normal" consists of underground cage fights.

"Cassie and Jacqui don't seem to be used to violence/death, as they are completely caught off-guard by the deathmatch. Jacqui looks horrified when she sees the first opponent lady get her neck snapped. If they were as battle-hardened as you imply, she wouldn't have been panicking about Cassie."

- To me they certainly do, yes they were caught off guard because they didn't know it was a death battle, she was excited to fight at first lol.. that's why she went. jacqui looks horrified at the realization that it's a death match. she was panicked because she was caught off guard.

"She's just a Jr. Olympic boxer, and Cassie's only a rebellious teenager."

- i disagree.

"Cassie doesn't want to kill Frost, who has already killed 20+ people without batting an eyelash, and the girls take her out of the building to hide from Jarek and Tasia. Frost was fully prepared to murder Cassie beforehand."

- she didn't kill her no, but cassie was fully prepared to kill frost if jarek didn't pop in. jacqui also didn't hesitate kicking the fuck out of that guard either when it came to escape.

"Keep in mind, this fight takes place only hours/days before the Red Dragon-Black Dragon battle in the forest of Outworld. In said fight, they mow down several men with machine guns before combating Mavado."

- yes, machine guns the guards dropped. it was them 2 against everyone, it makes sense. It's also completely different circumstances. accidently signing up to a death match orrrrrrrr getting kidnapped by 2 of the worst groups on earthrealm including your mother's nemesis.

"Whether or not their method was believable or just, even Johnny is appalled by the brutality of Mavado's death.
My only input is that if this is the way it actually went down (which it probably did,) the kill comes off as sadistic rather than desperate."

- Cage is also appalled by how dvorah heals and eats. There isn't much there. It's practical to me, if she picked up the his dropped sword that was the only way to kill with a cut while jacqui was in the line of fire.

"Assuming Mavado was killed by Cassie and Jacqui, this could have been directed(?) in a manner to maintain characterization.
For instance, while the three are fighting, one of the girls is about to die. The other quickly snatches away one of his hookswords and slices Mavado's head off or impales him before he can deliver the killing blow.
It then shows a moment of shock on the girls as they reflect on their first kill, done out of desperation (kind of like how Takeda appears after having to kill Fox.)"

- That wasn't a time for reflection, it was a time for escape and i think they did alright portraying their character, it's no different than the cage fight. They will easily kill someone to protect each other.

"As for Erron and his treatment, I'm sure some Red Dragons flanked the girls before they could do any more damage.The RDs tied Erron up to a tree as a warning/message-bearer and took the girls onward."

- i don't see it. Not saying you're not welcome to your opinion though.

"Also, I'm pretty sure the girls didn't spare Erron; Jacqui was quite content pulverizing him during the brawl until Kano decked her in the face. The Red Dragon had to leave him alive to pass on the word to the people hot in pursuit as to where to go."

- He didn't fight back though and he was already cut down. They spared frost the same way after kicking her ass.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/12/2015 05:55 AM (UTC)
Here's an idea...

Let's assume that Erron Black did lie about how the altercation with Mavado went down...

Who is famous for his use of KNIVES? Who would be more likely to gut Mavado, a Red Dragon rival, like a fish?

That's right, Kano. I think Erron made up the part about what Kano said to him about him not being ruthless enough. I think it was Erron who held Mavado while Kano killed him. I also think it was Erron who gunned down a bunch of the Red Dragon guys; which only makes sense seeing as he is the gunslinger character.

Now here's where my speculation gets a little more wild...

Did Cassie then get the jump on Erron with her firearm? Is that when Kano actually fled? Could she have beat him before he subdued her and handed her over to the Red Dragon guys himself?

I think this story is going to have several people playing more than one side, not just Reiko. What if Erron Black is actually a former Red Dragon member? What if he is allied with Kotal (and by extension) Kano & the Black Dragon so he can take out Daegon and take back the RD for himself? And what if is also in contact with either Reiko or Havik?

That would explain him sending Sonya and Johnny into a trap on Shang Tsung's island where Havik and Reiko are waiting. Why would the Red Dragon lure them into a trap set by Reiko & Havik when under Daegon they're supposed to be working with Mileena's forces? Reiko is double crossing Mileena by working with Havik behind her back.

Reiko could have made Erron his 'inside man' on Kotal's team and enticed him into working with him(and Havik) by offering an avenue for him to take over his old clan(maybe he was kicked out for some reason?).

It wouldn't be too surprising for Reiko, a double crosser himself, to have an inside man on Kotal's team.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/12/2015 05:57 AM (UTC)
Dude, you don't need to know HTML to quote people on here. Just click the reply button on the particular person's post that you want to quote, then click on 'Add Original'.

You're welcome. tongue
03/12/2015 05:58 AM (UTC)
SHAMEonNINJAS Wrote: A bunch of stuff

Fair enough.

We can agree to disagree.
FerraTorr Wrote: ...

Hot damn; I didn't even think about the nature of the wounds on all the Red Dragon guys...
That would be one hell of a twist.
Lokheit Wrote: The Kittelsen tweet specifically talks about DISTANT PAST, IMO it's pretty obvious it's about the Mythologies stuff and nothing more...

I didn't say it wasn't in regard to that.
However, as I mentioned multiple times above, that tweet introduced the fact that certain narrators cannot always be trusted. Scorpion is one of them, and I'm sure there will be more to come.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/12/2015 11:25 AM (UTC)
My god this sounds so good!!!
I hope Shang's Island becomes a stage in the game!!

Poor Reiko!! This is such a tease I soooo hope he is in the game!

So cool about Havok!! What a cool way to bring him in! Would be cool to have him a playable character. Maybe an unlockable !!
03/12/2015 12:26 PM (UTC)
Why are people claiming that the comics is all prequel to the story mode of the game? Shinnok trapped in the amulet is obviously in and some of this comic specifically is AFTER the Netherrealm war so...
03/12/2015 12:37 PM (UTC)
The Kittelsen tweet specifically talks about DISTANT PAST, IMO it's pretty obvious it's about the Mythologies stuff and nothing more...
03/12/2015 03:20 PM (UTC)
So it's not Bi Han?
03/12/2015 03:25 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Here's an idea...

Let's assume that Erron Black did lie about how the altercation with Mavado went down...

Who is famous for his use of KNIVES? Who would be more likely to gut Mavado, a Red Dragon rival, like a fish?

That's right, Kano. I think Erron made up the part about what Kano said to him about him not being ruthless enough. I think it was Erron who held Mavado while Kano killed him. I also think it was Erron who gunned down a bunch of the Red Dragon guys; which only makes sense seeing as he is the gunslinger character.

Now here's where my speculation gets a little more wild...

Did Cassie then get the jump on Erron with her firearm? Is that when Kano actually fled? Could she have beat him before he subdued her and handed her over to the Red Dragon guys himself?

I think this story is going to have several people playing more than one side, not just Reiko. What if Erron Black is actually a former Red Dragon member? What if he is allied with Kotal (and by extension) Kano & the Black Dragon so he can take out Daegon and take back the RD for himself? And what if is also in contact with either Reiko or Havik?

That would explain him sending Sonya and Johnny into a trap on Shang Tsung's island where Havik and Reiko are waiting. Why would the Red Dragon lure them into a trap set by Reiko & Havik when under Daegon they're supposed to be working with Mileena's forces? Reiko is double crossing Mileena by working with Havik behind her back.

Reiko could have made Erron his 'inside man' on Kotal's team and enticed him into working with him(and Havik) by offering an avenue for him to take over his old clan(maybe he was kicked out for some reason?).

It wouldn't be too surprising for Reiko, a double crosser himself, to have an inside man on Kotal's team.

Erron is clearly a crappy inside man, then, as Reiko and the Red Dragon knew nothing of Cassie and Jacqui's being taken hostage until they overheard Kotal and Sonya's groups talking about it.

I think this speculation is way off-base. Erron and Kano killed Mavado? ... And then handed the girls over to the Red Dragon anyway? What?
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