Mortal Kombat: Blood Ties Chapter 4: Full Summary *Major spoilers holy shit*
posted03/17/2015 02:10 AM (UTC)by
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
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04/18/2004 02:24 PM (UTC)

Foregoing cast list this time because there’s no new info, save the following:

Johnny Cage – Straight-to-video action star (lol)

Following after the already previewed pages depicting Scorpion’s death and rebirth and the opening salvo of the Scorpion vs Raiden fight, Scorpion elbows Raiden in the face, stabs him in the chest with his spear, and wraps it around his neck, telling him that “if he’s in there, he hopes this hurts”. Bringing him to his knees and strangling him, Hanzo, in full Scorpion mode, blames Raiden for giving him the dagger, destroying the second Shirai Ryu, and now killing Takeda. But Kenshi’s son calls to him, severely weakened.. Scorpion goes to assist him, while Raiden, coughing, apologizes, stelling them he is now purged, and that they must act quickly to save Takeda’s life.

(It isn’t explained specifically, but the implication is that going by Kano’s earlier statement that only death can free someone of the Kamidogu curse, I’m guessing that Scorpion stopped Raiden’s heart just long enough for it to count as a momentary death for a god who can never die – this is likely how Raiden is freed.)

The two take Takeda to the Jinsei Chamber, home of Earthrealm’s life force. Raiden attempts to heal Takeda (awash in blue enrgy and lightning), but he does not wake up; he states that the Netherealm is fighting for his soul, but Takeda is fighting back; Hanzo taught him well. Takeda then awakens, feeling ‘invincible’. Raiden now explains his actions:
We flash back to the aftermath of the Netherrealm war: Raiden implores the Elder Gods to destroy Shinnok’s amulet which now keeps him prisoner; they banished him once, he returned and they banished him again; he needs their help to end this. The Elder Gods explain that destroying the amulet would release Shinnok; that which binds him also keeps him safe. Raiden suggests safeguarding it within a dark dimension; The Elder Gods agree; but a lock is only as good as its key – by their behest, the Kamidogu appear before Raiden.

Each blade has tasted the blood of the One Being, its essence dwells within them. United, their force will contain Shinnok, with the help of the blood of a god – the elder gods enact a ritual, sending the Kamigodu flying into Raiden’s flesh. The ritual worked.

Back in the present, Raiden explains that it was not safe to keep the Kamidogu in one location; he entrusted them each to deadly champions. Hanzo is irate at this, as Raiden never explained their possessing, psychotic side effects. Raiden tells him in was in the champions’ best interests to consider them nothing more than sacred relics in the event they were ever pressed for information (“you can’t betray ignorance”.) He did not, however, foresee a demon corrupting the blood magik. Scorpion suspects Quan Chi; Raiden doubts this, but states that Fujin is investigating the Netherrealm border, just in case. Scorpion asks who else has these daggers...

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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/11/2015 05:35 PM (UTC)
You put spoiler in the title. Can you please just post all this? Those of us on cell phones can't click on the spoiler box
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/11/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
Raiden states that all the other Kamidogu are accounted for save one, stolen years ago...

Bukkittinggi, Indonesia:

Sub-Zero crashes through a window, pursued by generic Lin Kuei cyber-ninjas. Addressing him as Kuai Liang, they advise him to stop running. Sub-Zero, wielding the remaining dagger, tells them he has no weaknesses. Blazing with red energy and hovering in midair, he unleashes a massive ice wave which freezes them all; and hears the voice through the dagger in his ear; “Blood is the path. The time of the blood god is near.”

Raiden notes that Sub-Zero never returned, Scorpion postulates that he betrayed him. Raiden states that whoever corrupted the Kamidogu is clearly after Shinnok’s amulet; Sub-Zero must be saved, to save themselves. He asks for Hanzo’s help. At Takeda’s prompting, Hanzo agrees.

In Outworld, An unknown person addresses Reiko, who is studying texts; Goro’s failure was a setback but it revealed blood magik as the source of Kotal’s strength.

Reiko has done everything the mysterious figure – who he addresses as ‘cleric’ (:D) - has asked, but obtaining the daggers could take years. But the cleric knows where they are. Reiko wants to know how much longer he must share Mileena’s bed; the cleric assures him when the daggers are united, Reiko will not need Mileena, or even himself. He will be emperor of Outworld, and the blood god...

Still going...
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/11/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
Never mind I found it.
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03/11/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)
So Sub Zero is Kuai Liang and Havik is really the one controlling Reiko and Mileena. This comic is too fucking awesome.
03/11/2015 05:48 PM (UTC)
Reiko is the boss! Calling it!!
03/11/2015 05:49 PM (UTC)
Reiko as the big bad blood god would be a bit disappointing, but at least very surprising. I hope he's fierce looking at least!

There have been hints, the main one being the Crossroads stage where they refer to something in the back. That is obviously where the Libary is, since this level seems to float and you can see caves beneath. There are Shao Kahn relics everywhere and Reiko is obsessed with them.

At least he didn't fade out and I'm just glad Havik plays a part in all this. No way he's in the game. It might be Havik as a sub-boss with Reiko as boss or the other way around!! Hope Shang Tsung island is a stage :D Also with Reiko and Havik as playable, the balance will at least will be a lot better!!

This part of the comic is probably in the game right since it happens after the whole Shinnok imprisonment?

Was the final comic?
03/11/2015 05:50 PM (UTC)
Just saying it again. Told yall so...Refering to Kuai Liang of course.

I am interested to hear how he got rid of his implants. Did a new body manifest itself when he returned from the dead?

Or did Sonya and Jax lend him a hand getting rid of his implants like they were doing with Cyrax in the previous time line.
03/11/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
Buying... comic... after... work...

Must... resist... urge... to actually read... this... thread.
03/11/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
Love the description.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/11/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
Outworld, the Jungle:

D’Vorah spears a lizard with one appendage and eats it; Sonya is disgusted. D’vorah offers to regurgitate it to share it, only for Sonya to cut her off. Johnny offers Reptile 10 bucks that says “his baby mama snaps before D’vorah.” Sonya is snappy as usual, Johnny defends himself by insisting he’s trying to keep a light atmosphere. Quiet time ensues as the party looks up to find Erron Black heavily beaten, bleeding and tied to a tree above them. Sonya orders him cut down so he can talk.

We flash back to the confrontation with Mavado over Cassie and Jacqui. The girls conspire to escape in the commotion while Mavado reminds Kano he outbumbers him two to one; Kano takes off one of the Red Dragons’ heads with a laser blast for his trouble.

The fight begins, and amidst the chaos, Erron unties the girls. He offers to get them out if they’ll fight; Jacqui understands, and instantly punches him in the face.

Kano promises to reunite Mavado with Hsu Hao, mocking his death at the hands of “a blind man and a dead guy”. He has Mavado on the ropes but is stopped by one of the RD goons hitting him in the side of the head with a projectile.

Jacqui continues to pound on Erron, who’s trying to explain something. She is in turn punched out by Kano. He helps Erron up and tells them that they have to fall back, asking for the teleportation stone. Kano laments Erron’s behavior; “This is why you could never be Black Dragon Erron, you’re trying to save people instead of exploiting them.” With that, he flees, leaving Erron to Mavado’s mercy.

Mavado slashes him up, only to be startled by Jacqui and Cassie, who gun down more of his men. Mavado states that Reiko wants them alive, but he didn’t say “in once piece”. He attacks, and Jacqui grabs him from behind. Cassie breaks Mavado’s leg at the knee, grabs one of his swords, and vivisects him from groin to neck, spilling his guts everywhere.

Back to the present, Cage looks in bewilderment at Mavado’s remains (“My little princess did THIS?”) Erron rises, bloodied, and tells them the Red Dragons left him to pass on a message: “You are invited to Shang Tsung’s island.”

Sonya states that Tsung is dead, she askes who is there. The answer is Reiko’s spiritual advisor, an ancient cleric named...Havik.

On Tsung’s island, standing alongside Reiko before a banquet, Havik (in his MKD main outfit), addresses his new guests: “Please enjoy this feast we’ve prepared. It may be your last."

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03/11/2015 06:10 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
D’Vorah spears a lizard with one appendage and eats it; Sonya is disgusted. D’vorah offers to regurgitate it to share it, only for Sonya to cut her off. Johnny offers Reptile 10 bucks that says “his baby mama snaps before D’vorah.”

Based Johnny.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
D'Vorah was just trying to be friendly, Sonya, why are you being such a cunt? ;_;
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/11/2015 06:13 PM (UTC)
Thanks I'm still buying it after work.
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03/11/2015 06:16 PM (UTC)
RIP Mavado. Always liked him. :(

But holllllllllllly shit. That is epic.

03/11/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)
If one was to make a memorable scene in the comic...

Make Havik do the shuffle dance for no Elder God damn reason XD
03/11/2015 06:20 PM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
If one was to make a memorable scene in the comic...

Make Havik do the shuffle dance for no Elder God damn reason XD

One can hope.
03/11/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
I had theorized about Reiko becoming "the next Kahn" somehow a while back, but after seeing him in the comics as his normal self I crossed out that theory, this now makes me want to believe it again.

I don't think that cleric/Havik is telling the full truth though. He told Rieko he wont need Mileena or even himself if he collects them all? That sounds like your typical bad guy tricking somebody into doing something that ultimately only benefits themselves sort of thing. Onaga tricking Shujinko into collecting the Kamidogu anyone?

Still really awesome though. Havik's Deception ending makes this even more interesting to me.

"The others had defeated the Dragon King, but left his broken body unattended on the floor of his throne room. Not long ago, a similar fate had befallen his former advisor, Shao Kahn. Havik ripped the still-warm heart from the carcass and consumed it, thus absorbing Onaga's power to reanimate the dead. Had the Dragon King succeeded in his plans for total domination, the never-ending turmoil of life would have come to a stifling halt. Those who defeated him believed that the realms were at rest once more, but Havik vowed to restore the Chaos that once ravaged Outworld. Shao Kahn would rule again!"

So Havik ate Onaga's heart, got his power to bring back the dead, and vowed to restore the Chaos that ravaged Outworld. Ending with "Shao Kahn would rule again"

He said all the daggers together would make Reiko the new emperor of Outworld, Havik was apparently cool with how Shao was running things, Reiko has a Kahn fetish, it all makes sense lol
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03/11/2015 06:33 PM (UTC)
Does anybody get the sense that Havik is going to be Mortal Kombats version of the Joker?

This Comic kicks so much ass I have to say
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03/11/2015 06:39 PM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
Does anybody get the sense that Havik is going to be Mortal Kombats version of the Joker?

He always was. He was criminally underused is all.
03/11/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)

OOOOOOOOOO now if those two arent in MKX Imma want damn good reasoning behind it!

That fucking twist tho! WOW!!
03/11/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
I'm really hoping Havik dies prior to the game. Quite a shame to see Mavado dead.
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03/11/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
OMG, Havik, the cleric of chaos was rescued from obscurity, even if he's not in the game, so glad he plays a part on the comic alongside Reiko. Also, with Erron's actions we have more confirmation team Kotal isn't truly evil, and I knew Shang Tsung allegedly died on MK9, RIP mavado though.
03/11/2015 06:51 PM (UTC)
What year is the comic in , in terms of the mk timeline?? Like 15 years after right?....not 25
03/11/2015 06:53 PM (UTC)
R.I.P Mavado ????

Liked him but oh well.

This chapter sounds awesome

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03/11/2015 06:54 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
colt1107 Wrote:
Does anybody get the sense that Havik is going to be Mortal Kombats version of the Joker?

He always was. He was criminally underused is all.

He didn't get much chance when he came in during the end times of Midway. And he still may not get much chance. He's not playable so far as we can tell. I'm sure we will see him in story mode in some capacity. It's possible he is the boss but now I'm starting to lean toward Mileena who must have secured all the daggers and possesses the Amulet. Reiko is still a possibility here. I don't like to spekulate much but this is getting too juicy. Personally I remember when they added chaos and order realm to the mix thinking "the fuck is this shit? The story is getting way too convoluted now." But with the proper story telling and the use of comics(Thank you WB and DC) I can finally see the appeal of a character such as Havik.
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