07/16/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
I just hope Liu doesn't spoil a roster spot of one of the characters that DID survive MK9 and are a lot more interesting and cool.

And I hate everything that horrible short Mk:Legacy series came up with, it was horrible, a abomination of a series.
07/16/2014 05:06 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I think Shao Kahn's soul should take over Liu Kang's body in order to cheat death, which we shouldn't know about until later in the story. Liu Kang's own soul, meanwhile, should be trapped in the netherrealm with the others.

That would be one hell of a twist.

I'd like for him to have a shaolin cloak/robe for one of his attire.
07/16/2014 05:53 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I think Shao Kahn's soul should take over Liu Kang's body in order to cheat death, which we shouldn't know about until later in the story. Liu Kang's own soul, meanwhile, should be trapped in the netherrealm with the others.

That would be one hell of a twist.

I'd like for him to have a shaolin cloak/robe for one of his attire.
07/16/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
I'm going to get hate for this but, sorry.... I loved his portrayal in Legacy. And if not the primary at least a secondary outfit based on that.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

07/16/2014 08:33 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
He wasn't out cold, dude. He was dead.

Not that he can't come back. It's MK, resurrections happen. He could even still have the scars. But what you saw was a corpse. We've been over that part before.

Which is where I believe Shinnok/Quan Chi will come in and play a part. I think they may be behind Liu Kang's potential resurrection if he is indeed back. They'll likely be the masters and Liu the puppet of destruction.

^This is what I believe as well. Remember that QuanChi told Raiden that he made a deal with Shao Kahn to get the soul of anyone who died during MK9. Since "deal-making" is kinda the thang to do when the NetherRealm is involved, I really think Shinnok/QC will make a deal with Liu Kang. Liu will be the Champion of the NetherRealm, and in return, the fallen MK9 heroes are resurrected.

This would be a simple solution to get back some old favorites, AND we'd have a more powerful Liu Kang. He could still want revenge against Raiden, but he still remains heroic and noble.

As for his look, i'd like him to look completely normal. I'd give him a pair of boots. LoL. Maybe some upper-body armor for his ALT.

V1- Dragon
V2- Shaolin
V3- Fire God
07/16/2014 08:49 PM (UTC)
Why focus on a repetition of the story of Liu Kang? When Mileena, Sektor and Smoke (because hopefully Enenra is canonical, otherwise the character will not develop) were brought to new paths that can be developed (and even Jade can go to other paths).
07/16/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
MK Legacy has put me off Liu Kang for life! I hated seeing him as a whiney emo, goes against everything his character was created to be.
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07/17/2014 12:50 AM (UTC)
razz2d2 Wrote:
Casselman Wrote:
Fire God Kang > Zombie Liu Kang > Dead for good Liu Kang > Liu Kang.

What about DA's 'Liu Kano'?

Liu Kano > Liu Kang.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/17/2014 12:59 AM (UTC)
I'd rather they follow the Fire (Sun?) God route. Not really a fan of Jin Kazama in disguise.
07/17/2014 01:27 AM (UTC)
If this game were to take place shortly after MK9 the burnt/scarred Liu Kang would be cool. I don't know about the hood though; it couldn't be a hoodie like in Lagacy, but something like this would be cool:

But since this is apparently 25 years later I think the fire god Liu Kang would make more sense. I have warmed up to the idea of Liu Kang as the God Protector of Earthrealm. It would be cool and a fitting ending for him after all his heroics.

I see a lot of people here who actually think Liu Kang is perfect the way he is (or was before the ending of MK9), which suprizes me because I haven't seen so many in one place. As much as I did like him that way though, Liu Kang would not just go back to being the noble hero like he was before. He was angry and bitter by the end. That's not to say he can't still be honorable and good, but not in the same way he used to be. I do NOT wanna see him as the final boss, a zombie, or ANYTHING at all like MK Legacy's Liu. Can't they just let the good guy stay good?
07/17/2014 01:43 AM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
If this game were to take place shortly after MK9 the burnt/scarred Liu Kang would be cool. I don't know about the hood though; it couldn't be a hoodie like in Lagacy, but something like this would be cool:

But since this is apparently 25 years later I think the fire god Liu Kang would make more sense. I have warmed up to the idea of Liu Kang as the God Protector of Earthrealm. It would be cool and a fitting ending for him after all his heroics.

I see a lot of people here who actually think Liu Kang is perfect the way he is (or was before the ending of MK9), which suprizes me because I haven't seen so many in one place. As much as I did like him that way though, Liu Kang would not just go back to being the noble hero like he was before. He was angry and bitter by the end. That's not to say he can't still be honorable and good, but not in the same way he used to be. I do NOT wanna see him as the final boss, a zombie, or ANYTHING at all like MK Legacy's Liu. Can't they just let the good guy stay good?

I like this outfit! Since he's the immortal champion of mortal kombat. He's not dead, he's out cold.

So he should wear this outfit.
07/17/2014 01:45 AM (UTC)
To be fair, what was best about the original, heroic Liu Kang, the things that made him an interesting character for people who enjoy optimistic, hopeful/inspirational role model-type heroes, like Superman or Captain America, actually doesn't exist in MK9's universe. (And there ARE people in the world who want stories about that kind of hero, as you can see from all the people who complain on the net about stuff like that Godzilla was a better hero who destroyed less of the city in his movie than Supes did in Man of Steel)

At no point in Story Mode is he the Cartwheel-Uppercut guy who refuses to succumb to Shang's corrupt rules and kill people in the tournament. They gave that to Johnny Cage instead, while Liu gave him a dirty look about it for some bizarre reason, as if he has the opposite personality now.

And never in MK2 is he conflicted about giving up his No-Killing-Rule to avenge his slaughtered temple, they severely marginalized the importance of the Shaolin being attacked and made that scene all about Sonya being kidnapped instead. It's like Liu and Kung weren't even mad!

Not to mention He and Kitana have only two very short scenes together, they transferred the "conspires with her during MK2" role to Raiden.

He doesn't really do ANYTHING in MK9 except defeat bosses when they need to be defeated as lip service to the fact that the previous games SAY he's the only one who can, without ever getting into WHY he's the only one who can.

So he's more like a briefly seen plot device than a character in terms of role and development, they reduced his entire personality down to "typical blind-faith religious nut, totally devoted to Raiden and does whatever he says until Raiden's ideas do more harm than good, which shatters his faith and turns him into the equivalent of an angsty rebellious teen who just discovered Atheism to get back at his parents for forcing church down his throat."
Liu was the archetypal hero who stood out in contrast to the darkness of the rest of the characters, and that strength-of-character is why he was the main good guy. Now he's just another fighter in a cynical world, which means he doesn't really matter, you don't need him because he doesn't do anything someone else can't do. I mean it's not like he's the only guy who devoted himself to protecting Earthrealm and died for it, and he's far from the only guy who has a good reason to want to see Raiden lose his job for being a massive fuckup either.
07/17/2014 03:36 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
To be fair, what was best about the original, heroic Liu Kang, the things that made him an interesting character for people who enjoy optimistic, hopeful/inspirational role model-type heroes, like Superman or Captain America, actually doesn't exist in MK9's universe. (And there ARE people in the world who want stories about that kind of hero, as you can see from all the people who complain on the net about stuff like that Godzilla was a better hero who destroyed less of the city in his movie than Supes did in Man of Steel)

At no point in Story Mode is he the Cartwheel-Uppercut guy who refuses to succumb to Shang's corrupt rules and kill people in the tournament. They gave that to Johnny Cage instead, while Liu gave him a dirty look about it for some bizarre reason, as if he has the opposite personality now.

And never in MK2 is he conflicted about giving up his No-Killing-Rule to avenge his slaughtered temple, they severely marginalized the importance of the Shaolin being attacked and made that scene all about Sonya being kidnapped instead. It's like Liu and Kung weren't even mad!

Not to mention He and Kitana have only two very short scenes together, they transferred the "conspires with her during MK2" role to Raiden.

He doesn't really do ANYTHING in MK9 except defeat bosses when they need to be defeated as lip service to the fact that the previous games SAY he's the only one who can, without ever getting into WHY he's the only one who can.

So he's more like a briefly seen plot device than a character in terms of role and development, they reduced his entire personality down to "typical blind-faith religious nut, totally devoted to Raiden and does whatever he says until Raiden's ideas do more harm than good, which shatters his faith and turns him into the equivalent of an angsty rebellious teen who just discovered Atheism to get back at his parents for forcing church down his throat."

Liu was the archetypal hero who stood out in contrast to the darkness of the rest of the characters, and that strength-of-character is why he was the main good guy. Now he's just another fighter in a cynical world, which means he doesn't really matter, you don't need him because he doesn't do anything someone else can't do. I mean it's not like he's the only guy who devoted himself to protecting Earthrealm and died for it, and he's far from the only guy who has a good reason to want to see Raiden lose his job for being a massive fuckup either.

The angsty rebellious teen who just discovered atheism segment cracked me up, Lol. So would you like Liu back? And if so in what form and role?
07/17/2014 04:01 AM (UTC)
I don't know...

I guess in THIS universe, accepting that the MK9 versions of the characters are the ones we currently have to live with...

What I want to see most as relates to the Liu Kang story is that Raiden's nervous breakdowns towards the end of the invasion have LASTING effects, that they didn't just wear off and everything went back to normal after Kahn was killed and the visions stopped, I want to see him really be suffering from CONTINUED mental illness as a result of cracking under the stress.

Depicting him as permanently affected by the events of MK9 would not only give more lasting meaning to the some of the meaningless plot devices and stupid moments written into MK9, but would also perhaps make it easier for them to stomach writing a story that treats him like a villain and give him karmic retribution for all the fucked up things he said and did in MK9.

And that's what I REALLY want most. For Raiden to pay for his crimes.

And Liu Kang does seem the most appropriate person to deliver that karma, as he is the one who lost the most to Raiden's mistakes (or possibly second most, next to Kuai Liang.)

But I don't want to see it if they're going to paint Liu Kang as the bad guy and Raiden as the good guy because that would feel dishonest to me, like NRS artificially engineering the situation, TELLING me what to think and how to feel about Raiden as if they're going "no really, Raiden DID serve the greater good, all those accidents he caused, or trying to sell his friends' souls to the devil? It was worth it in the end because he was right and Kahn is dead, preventing Armageddon."

No sir, I refuse to ever agree with the philosophy that the ends justify the means, not to mention Armageddon has NOT been prevented, only who will have the chance to win it has been changed. And at the end of the day, if you EVER try to fucking sell the people who trust you to lead and save them to ACTUAL FUCKING SATAN, you are a villain and must be taken down before you can ruin even more people's lives whether you mean to do so on purpose or not.
Buuut I bet there's no way in Hell that's going to happen, I bet NRS doesn't believe Raiden did anything truly villainous, or that he deserves to be called the "God of Blunder" or that they've ruined the character's reputation in the eyes of the fans. He's gonna keep on wearing white and being the protector of Earth like nothing's wrong because that's the story they wanted to tell and they don't much care if the audience read a different message than what they intended from the end product. I could be wrong about that, maybe I'm just being bitter and cynical...but that's my prediction.
07/17/2014 05:02 AM (UTC)
Guys! He's not gonna turn evil!

Liu's gonna go neutral. He may not fight alongside the heroes but he'll still care about them.

He'll just for the right person to defeat him and take the title of champion. But he still has grudges on Raiden and the Elder gods.
07/17/2014 10:33 AM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
I'm going to get hate for this but, sorry.... I loved his portrayal in Legacy. And if not the primary at least a secondary outfit based on that.

YOu seriously liked Legacy? A series that doesn't make any sense at all? Throw in Sonya, Kano, Cyrax, Jax, Sektor in season 1, then just forget about them ALL together and remove them in season 2 and send Stryker instead to some island without meaning.

Annihilation made 100% more sense. And I don't want Liu Kang into this game, because he will always be the main hero, and i'm sick of main heroes, away with that cheap-selling shit, everybody should be his own hero, and not some secondary stupid heroes that only see Liu Kang as their winner. BORING.
07/20/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
He's free to like whatever he wants, as much as I also disagree with it. Liu Kang was not the main hero in Deadly Alliance, Deception, or Armageddon, even though he was in 2/3 of those games. And overall, he has a lot better reception than Shujinko and Taven. He wasn't really viewed as the main hero in MK9 either, even though he beat Shang Tsung and almost killed Shao Kahn; Raiden was the main focus of MK9. And it seems to me that the only time the other characters looked up to him like the main hero is when he won the tournament, and rightfully so, because he had just saved the realm.
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07/20/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
Cameo, go for it. I'd prefer them to put somebody else in the spotlight for this one. Make him DLC or something long after the release.
07/20/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
Yeah i like him to be mad now. hooded and less honored. looking right true his opponent, having a deadly stare. no more patiants

And since when is this emo? coming from someone that dislikes everything thats emo.

to me its more like he's possesed by an entety/ demon.
07/20/2014 11:22 PM (UTC)
DrgnLdy Wrote:

I'm so tired of media twisting his image to be some emo, anti-hero.

Uhm, have you ever seen the new guys at NRS? yeah im not a fan of it eather....
07/21/2014 05:16 AM (UTC)
If Liu Kang survived i definitely like the idea of him becoming Bad or seeing Raiden as the threat. The scars and hoodie idea is awesome. But he isnt just becoming bad bc him and Raiden are no longer friends, its because he lost his friends and the woman he loved and lost faith in the "Light" and believes no mercy is the only way to protect Earthrealm.

*Thats how i would like his story to be IF he somehow manages to survive the MK9 story

Or follow his Ladder ending and challenge Raiden for title of Protector of Earthrealm.
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07/21/2014 08:33 AM (UTC)
The problem is, and always was that MK is not written as a story, but as a game that requires a story. Which in turn justifies and gives context to the characters and the setting.

Besides, it's basically B-kung fu movie nonsnse of the most wonderful kind, so coherency isn't really that colossal of a point to NRS. The arcade endings are basically experimental bullshit ideas that may or may not get implemented. Not that they do not try though, there are plenty of worse stories for games out there.

As for Liu Kang, I managed to get a liking to him in MK9, because he was the only one who seemed to call Raiden out on his bullshit.

08/03/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
With the news about Liu Kang returning, perhaps this will happen!
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 11:14 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
With the news about Liu Kang returning, perhaps this will happen!

Sounds like it. From the way Boon was talking Liu Kang has been alive & aging. That would mean he's probably covered in burns and pissed off to boot.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

08/03/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
I want him to evolve into the One Being and be the Boss
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