06/10/2014 04:48 AM (UTC)
I'm really hoping over the course of E3 we'll find out more stuff about them besides their name. Like where do they come from, will there be any hints to their alignment (Good, Neutral, or Evil?), or do these new characters have any ties with older characters. That's what I'm curious about.
Nathan Wrote:
I'll be calling the Bug Lady Blacharachnia, until we get an official name. The glowy dudes looks like a Kratos replacement. Didn't care too much about the big guy, since the midget is annoying and I'm not really a brute player, but I don't hate him.

Lmao i totally got that vibe off her

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06/10/2014 04:50 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Nathan Wrote:
I'll be calling the Bug Lady Blacharachnia, until we get an official name. The glowy dudes looks like a Kratos replacement. Didn't care too much about the big guy, since the midget is annoying and I'm not really a brute player, but I don't hate him.

It's Lady Vorpax, damn it!

Anyhoo, I hope the Aztec guy isn't meant to be a replacement for Kratos. Kratos felt immensely out of place in MK9. His fighting was odd and unsettling, and his fatalities were pretty much cutscenes from God of War. Nothing about him was MK-like, to me. He was much better off in Soulcalibur.

Hopefullly, Aztec dude will be smooth and strong. I know I'm only thinking of Ogre from Tekken, but I hope Aztec dude floats. lol

Well, when I said they replaced Kratos with him, I didn't mean he'd play the same.

They probably liked Kratos being this raging and extremely brutal God of War, and created their own personal one. Because Aztec guy really has a God of War vibe.
06/10/2014 04:52 AM (UTC)
Lady Bug and The Duo: Ugly, do not fit, tacky, corny, etc.

The Aztec guy on the other hand, feels right at home in MK and looks nice.
06/10/2014 04:53 AM (UTC)
Loved seeing fresh new characters :-]]
06/10/2014 04:53 AM (UTC)
ugh I just want to see Mileena already!
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 04:54 AM (UTC)
I can see these new characters building strong fanbases and carrying future games. We won't have to depend on Raiden, Liu Kang and the same old faces to sell a game. We might finally have some newbies who will be around for the long haul.
06/10/2014 04:54 AM (UTC)
I got the vibe when I first saw the blue guy that it was the god of water due to the fin headdress, him being blue, and having markings similar to poseidon in god of war 3. What if fujin died instead during the battle with shinnok and the water god lived?
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 04:56 AM (UTC)
EmperorKahn Wrote:
I got the vibe when I first saw the blue guy that it was the god of water due to the fin headdress, him being blue, and having markings similar to poseidon in god of war 3. What if fujin died instead during the battle with shinnok and the water god lived?

Eh...that would definitely confirm Rain not making it. I know he probably won't any way but I can't see them having two water based characters. blah.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/10/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
I'm gonna main bug lady just to piss people off I think.
06/10/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
EmperorKahn Wrote:
I got the vibe when I first saw the blue guy that it was the god of water due to the fin headdress, him being blue, and having markings similar to poseidon in god of war 3. What if fujin died instead during the battle with shinnok and the water god lived?

I'd be disappointed. Fujin deserves another chance.
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06/10/2014 05:07 AM (UTC)
I agree with some that these new characters don't really have that MK feel. But I feel like MK itself is to blame for this. The whole franchise revolves around Outworld conquering different realms, but you rarely had very unique character designs when it came to the fighters.

They were all mostly traditional martial arts inspired characters, with that typical Asian feel, and the occasional character inspired by ancient folklore, but not too extreme looking. They were all pretty tame. Sure, you had some characters like Baraka and Reptile, but they weren't too out there, and didn't really have too outlandish moves.

You never got the feeling that there were all that many different realms out there. At least not very unique ones. But now, now it actually feels like character from several different realms coming together, to beat the shit out of each other.
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06/10/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)
I just love these new characters. They are unique and really stand out. I like that they are really taking chances and trying something new. These guys are way more interesting than generic characters like Kobra and Darrius.
Remember those different stances they has in Injustice? I could totally see that Aztec guy floating. Along with Raiden, hovering by lightning. And could somone please tell me what symbol is on his back? I keep seeing people allude to it's origin, but never saying like it's a secret.
As for the new characters, I couldn't be happier that they're going the Injustice rout and actually having different character structures. The large, med, and small types. The big guy is so refreshing to have compared to everyone in MK9 being damn near the same size, even the females were as tall as every male. The wasp lady is probably my favorite female they've ever added. I'm so glad NRS didn't just try to copy past characters with different names (looking at you Li Mei, and Mavado). Seeing as they have more talent, new characters shouldn't be boring. Glad to see the trailer was 3 for 3.
I love the idea of the God character being an actual Elder God. This game looks like a straight up showdown.
06/10/2014 05:18 AM (UTC)
I am all for change. But this is not the change I was expecting. These two new characters just don't FEEL like MK.

I don't like Lady Bug and the Ogre. And I'm really hoping it turns into one of those, "OMG I hated it when I first saw it. But now I love it." kinda things. Time will tell.
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

06/10/2014 05:18 AM (UTC)
EdenianNinja Wrote:
ugh I just want to see Mileena already!


I'm so impressed with what they've done with the new characters that now I'm super antsy to see what they're doing with the classics.
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06/10/2014 05:19 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Remember those different stances they has in Injustice? I could totally see that Aztec guy floating. Along with Raiden, hovering by lightning.

There's also Scorpion who suddenly had two Swords on his back, and Sub-Zero's mask turned to ice. I'm pretty sure their fighting styles changed when that happened.
As for the new characters, I couldn't be happier that they're going the Injustice rout and actually having different character structures. The large, med, and small types. The big guy is so refreshing to have compared to everyone in MK9 being damn near the same size, even the females were as tall as every male.

I love it. This is actually the first time MK gets an actual brute as a playable character. And I don't count Goro and co. who all were mid-bosses, that were made playable. No, and actual regular brute, as a playable character. He's MK's answer to Zangief/Solomon Grundy.
Nathan Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Remember those different stances they has in Injustice? I could totally see that Aztec guy floating. Along with Raiden, hovering by lightning.

There's also Scorpion who suddenly had two Swords on his back, and Sub-Zero's mask turned to ice. I'm pretty sure their fighting styles changed when that happened.
Sorry, I meant how Superman, Black Adam, and Green Lantern float when they fighting. I could see some characters doing that in this game. As for stance changes, as traits, I don't see. It's not very MK to have traits. Nor do I think they'd copy that from Injustice, when that game was a departure from MK style of playing. It might happen though, idk, I hope not. The light stage hazards are fine though.
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06/10/2014 05:32 AM (UTC)
Ah, that's what you meant. I don't know how I'd feel about that. After 9 games of Raiden being rooted on the ground, I don't know how I'd feel about him floating all the time.

I think that's where I'd welcome different fighting stances like in Injustice. Wonder Woman had one stance where she used the lasso and was floating, and in her other stance she used the sword and shield, and was grounded.
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06/10/2014 05:33 AM (UTC)
I think AztecOgre and Bug Lady have the potential to be very compelling, and will probably fit right in once more info is released about them.

The Brute, on the other hand, isn't impressive IMO. The big guy/little lackey has been subtly played out in tons of movies and games.

In fact, until a name is confirmed, I'm calling him Big Daddy. Prop to m0sh for pointing that out.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/10/2014 05:35 AM (UTC)
Of the three, I'm the most taken with MasterBlaster. Mad Max is one of my favorite film series, and to see its influence spread to MK is wonderful; adds to that dystopic feel I think Outworld should have. Every instinct in my gut says that's where they're from. And, yes, having an honest to god real brute character who isn't Jax or a sub-boss is a big game-changer for MK. Worth it for that alone.

Liking insect woman a lot. Always wanted an MK character with an insect theme, and it's been a prevalent point in so many fan-created MK characters (probably hundreds). Long past due. I think she'll be a favorite.

Can't say too much about Aztec Ogre. Design seems solid. I agree with the War Gods shoutout being a possibility.

What I'm really hoping is that at least one or both of the last two are Outworld gods of some kind. Ever since Raiden mentioned them in MK3's attract mode, they've been forgotten. It'd be nice if they stepped up to address the vaccuum left by Kahn's demise.

Some folks out there say that they don't "feel like MK". To that I say nay; after all, how many folks here said Drahmin would fit right in with these folks? MK's got a vast universe ripe with influences from kung-fu classic films to Star Wars and Terminator; if they're going to draw from other classic films, Mad Max is a hell of a great place to take from.
06/10/2014 05:45 AM (UTC)
As MKO's twitter suggested many of the new character's look like old midway characters. Aztec god guy, looks like Ahau Kin, Ladybug looks like a character from Bio Freaks, as does the Big guy. If they do bring back old midway character's I'd like to see Lord Deimos from mace the dark age.
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06/10/2014 05:54 AM (UTC)
I like the new characters finally something different, I wonder if u can mute the little girl that climbs on the brute ha! , other than that the dock level is sick as hell
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06/10/2014 06:01 AM (UTC)
The Aztec god is my favorite of the three. I want to see more of him.

06/10/2014 06:05 AM (UTC)
I really hope the god-like character is based on / inspired by this;

Huitzilopochtli, the Mesoamerican deity of war, sun and human sacrifice. Seems to fit the bill as other users have pointed out.
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