10/08/2014 05:42 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I'm down with different Sub-Zero depending on variation, that way nobody gets left out. 1 variation could be Bi-Han and the other 2 could be Kuai Liang or vise versa.

I'm fine with whatever they do regarding Sub-Zero, because I like both of the brothers, but im not sure I want Bi-Han to be Sub-Zero again if that means no more Noob so I have mixed feelings on it. I'm sure ill be happy with whatever they do though.

Yeah same, I don't worry too much over it because like you said, I'm sure I'll be happy with the game.

Sub-Zero being my favorite character I'm already happy enough with him in the game.

Now as for Noob, I think even if it is Bi-Han as Sub-Zero this time around they could possibly work around including him in. Noob in MK9 seemed to me, to almost be two people, Noob and then his double/shadow. Maybe that can take on the identity of Noob? Who knows. I'm excited to see whats in store.
10/08/2014 06:22 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I'm down with different Sub-Zero depending on variation, that way nobody gets left out. 1 variation could be Bi-Han and the other 2 could be Kuai Liang or vise versa.

I'm fine with whatever they do regarding Sub-Zero, because I like both of the brothers, but im not sure I want Bi-Han to be Sub-Zero again if that means no more Noob so I have mixed feelings on it. I'm sure ill be happy with whatever they do though.

Yeah same, I don't worry too much over it because like you said, I'm sure I'll be happy with the game.

Sub-Zero being my favorite character I'm already happy enough with him in the game.

Now as for Noob, I think even if it is Bi-Han as Sub-Zero this time around they could possibly work around including him in. Noob in MK9 seemed to me, to almost be two people, Noob and then his double/shadow. Maybe that can take on the identity of Noob? Who knows. I'm excited to see whats in store.

True , and I would be cool with that, it would be pretty interesting IMO.

Also maybe the Soulnado (Or something else) could literally rip the evil out of Bi-Han and it could manifest into its own being, so Bi-Han can come back as Sub-Zero somehow and then the evil that was once within him gets separated and becomes its own being, which would be the new Noob. Kind of like Piccolo and Kami from Dragon Ball lol
10/08/2014 06:44 PM (UTC)
I'm glad to see some ideas that are "outside the box" instead of just "Sub has to be Kuai, Bi, or Random Link Kuei guy."

It could very well be a combination, or something else. I'd like to see that.
10/08/2014 07:42 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
Oh believe me, I do too. I hope we move past the whole "No one truly dies in MK" crap, but we will see. I will have to give it to NRS if they actually stick to their guns this time, but I mean, this is still firstly a fighting game. There are certain things I'd like to see but I don't expect them all to come true.

I am afraid, for as long as MK truly popular, MK-Team will bring back fanfavorites. And I have strong suspicion, that they will return as DLC chars for the MKX, to give incenitive for people to buy them.

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10/08/2014 08:02 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Random Link Kuei guy."

Ice boomerang.

The question wether they return is irrelelvant. It is wether they have any relevance or role in the plot overall.

If MKXI is going to continue straight onward from MKX, then I probably guess the old heroes would not show up again. I however feel this game might actually tie up MK, at least this incarnation and finish it.

Slim chance, but one can only hope.
10/08/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Random Link Kuei guy."

Ice boomerang.

The question wether they return is irrelelvant. It is wether they have any relevance or role in the plot overall.

If MKXI is going to continue straight onward from MKX, then I probably guess the old heroes would not show up again. I however feel this game might actually tie up MK, at least this incarnation and finish it.

Slim chance, but one can only hope.

Did I say Link Kuei? Hahaha I'm such a derp. I'd totally play that game though.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Kuei to the Past
10/08/2014 09:29 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I however feel this game might actually tie up MK, at least this incarnation and finish it.

Ed did say in one interview that it would be "difficult" to do another sequel after this game.

I imagine that's probably because the game ends with Cassie's time period, like it's not just a "possible" future that can be changed or prevented, there's no more time travel, no rewind at the end, the progression is linear and permanent. So going forward, all the fan favorites who aren't dead (save the few who don't age like Raiden) will be fifty and sixty year olds.
10/09/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
Oh believe me, I do too. I hope we move past the whole "No one truly dies in MK" crap, but we will see. I will have to give it to NRS if they actually stick to their guns this time, but I mean, this is still firstly a fighting game. There are certain things I'd like to see but I don't expect them all to come true.

I am afraid, for as long as MK truly popular, MK-Team will bring back fanfavorites. And I have strong suspicion, that they will return as DLC chars for the MKX, to give incenitive for people to buy them.

As much as i would love the idea of death being a finality, like you said it wouldn't work for a fighting game. Unless you constantly would be cranking out new characters, but that seems much more story driven ( myself personally i prefer story driven more) most just want to play a fighting game tho.
10/09/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
Oh believe me, I do too. I hope we move past the whole "No one truly dies in MK" crap, but we will see. I will have to give it to NRS if they actually stick to their guns this time, but I mean, this is still firstly a fighting game. There are certain things I'd like to see but I don't expect them all to come true.

I am afraid, for as long as MK truly popular, MK-Team will bring back fanfavorites. And I have strong suspicion, that they will return as DLC chars for the MKX, to give incenitive for people to buy them.

As much as i would love the idea of death being a finality, like you said it wouldn't work for a fighting game. Unless you constantly would be cranking out new characters, but that seems much more story driven ( myself personally i prefer story driven more) most just want to play a fighting game tho.

Oh yeah, it is what it is. You gotta bring back the fan favorites realistically and I have no problem with it. I would personally prefer the dead stay dead (for the most part at least) because I am also more into the story driven side of things, but it's definitely not something I expect or lose sleep over, I know this is a fighting game before anything else and really it's foolish to act like it's not. So we are all in the same boat.

And I've been all for having the dead from MK9 as DLC, I'm pretty sure we will see that happening down the line imo.

10/09/2014 10:08 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
Oh believe me, I do too. I hope we move past the whole "No one truly dies in MK" crap, but we will see. I will have to give it to NRS if they actually stick to their guns this time, but I mean, this is still firstly a fighting game. There are certain things I'd like to see but I don't expect them all to come true.

I am afraid, for as long as MK truly popular, MK-Team will bring back fanfavorites. And I have strong suspicion, that they will return as DLC chars for the MKX, to give incenitive for people to buy them.

As much as i would love the idea of death being a finality, like you said it wouldn't work for a fighting game. Unless you constantly would be cranking out new characters, but that seems much more story driven ( myself personally i prefer story driven more) most just want to play a fighting game tho.

Oh yeah, it is what it is. You gotta bring back the fan favorites realistically and I have no problem with it. I would personally prefer the dead stay dead (for the most part at least) because I am also more into the story driven side of things, but it's definitely not something I expect or lose sleep over, I know this is a fighting game before anything else and really it's foolish to act like it's not. So we are all in the same boat.

And I've been all for having the dead from MK9 as DLC, I'm pretty sure we will see that happening down the line imo.

Yeah the DLC might be a possibility. I am still crossing my fingers and hoping very much Kuai Liang is back tho. Just sitting tight and waiting for some sort of conformation of what we get.
10/09/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
I'm in such a toss up over which brother I want this Sub-Zero to be, if in fact it even is one of the two. I'm also down for a new Sub-Zero so I mean I'm pretty optimistic.

I'd like to see some more shit happen with Bi-Han, but it would also suck to see all the character development given to Kuai Liang just be tossed out the window too.

Whatever they decide to do I'm pretty cool with. Well, anything besides Cyber Sub-Zero lol. (No offense to the guys who do like him.)
10/09/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
I'd like to see some more shit happen with Bi-Han, but it would also suck to see all the character development given to Kuai Liang just be tossed out the window too.

I am sorry, but for N-th time I need to remind, that after reboot Kuai Liang doesn't have any major character development. None of the stuff from MKDA and onward hadn't happened with him. At the moment he is at the MK3 stage of character development (save for him being dead).

And with how things going on right now, there is very little chance that anything from MKDA and MKA will take place as it was in the old timeline. And developers were not obligated to repeat the same stuff once again. That much was obvious back, when MK9 true nature as reboot was revealed.

10/09/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
I'd like to see some more shit happen with Bi-Han, but it would also suck to see all the character development given to Kuai Liang just be tossed out the window too.

I am sorry, but for N-th time I need to remind, that after reboot Kuai Liang doesn't have any major character development. None of the stuff from MKDA and onward hadn't happened with him. At the moment he is at the MK3 stage of character development (save for him being dead).

And with how things going on right now, there is very little chance that anything from MKDA and MKA will take place as it was in the old timeline. And developers were not obligated to repeat the same stuff once again. That much was obvious back, when MK9 true nature as reboot was revealed.

Oh yeah I know, which is why I stay optimistic ya know? Shit happens lol. The whole Grand Master variation is the only thing that made me think they MIGHT possibly do something with Kuai, but hey could easily just give that title to whatever Sub-Zero they are using this time around.

The way I like to look at it is like this, if I want to do anything with the old timeline stuff, I just pop in Deadly Alliance or Deception, I know not everyone feels that way but it works for me.
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10/09/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
If this end up being Bi-Han, I hope at the end he has to sacrifice himself or something and Kuai Liang is allowed to return as human Sub-Zero again,


yes, I just lost a few brain cells after reading that..
10/10/2014 12:05 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
If this end up being Bi-Han, I hope at the end he has to sacrifice himself or something and Kuai Liang is allowed to return as human Sub-Zero again,


yes, I just lost a few brain cells after reading that..

Well, it would be a way to let Bi-Han say good bye on a good note (the hero from Mythologies redeeming himself) and fan favorite Kuai Liang returning to his role.

Another thing that I've been thinking is the possibility of both brother souls being merged and this Sub-Zero having a bit of a personality crisis.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/10/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
If this end up being Bi-Han, I hope at the end he has to sacrifice himself or something and Kuai Liang is allowed to return as human Sub-Zero again,


yes, I just lost a few brain cells after reading that..

Well, it would be a way to let Bi-Han say good bye on a good note (the hero from Mythologies redeeming himself) and fan favorite Kuai Liang returning to his role.

Another thing that I've been thinking is the possibility of both brother souls being merged and this Sub-Zero having a bit of a personality crisis.

How could the brothers' souls be merged when Quan Chi says he has one of the brothers' soul? That makes absolutely no sense.
10/10/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
I'd like to see some more shit happen with Bi-Han, but it would also suck to see all the character development given to Kuai Liang just be tossed out the window too.

I am sorry, but for N-th time I need to remind, that after reboot Kuai Liang doesn't have any major character development. None of the stuff from MKDA and onward hadn't happened with him. At the moment he is at the MK3 stage of character development (save for him being dead).

And with how things going on right now, there is very little chance that anything from MKDA and MKA will take place as it was in the old timeline. And developers were not obligated to repeat the same stuff once again. That much was obvious back, when MK9 true nature as reboot was revealed.

I am hoping most of it comes back, i am sure the grand master variation has something to do with the story. I don't think they'd just randomly add that name as a variation.
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