10/07/2014 06:19 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I mean Cyrax is my absolute favorite character, but if he doesn't make it?....who cares?! I still have plenty of characters to fall back on, and hopefully some new ones to add to the list.

It just makes me annoyed when people comment on NRS's posts and say "If so-and-so isn't in the game I'm not buying it."

Here's a list of my other favorite characters.
Cyber Smoke (won't see him again)
Noob Saibot (only like him BECAUSE he's Bi-Han)
Li Mei

You see any of them doing anything worthwhile in this game? I mean I hope don't get me wrong, but I've hoped for them before and been disappointed. Kuai Liang as Sub-Zero was the card I had for still liking the story, but they fucked that up in MK9 badly.

I used to like Raiden but MK9 ruined him for me. Basically the story has gone in the shitter. I'm glad they are having great gameplay now because apparently they can't balance

Honestly though, I'm not a hardcore gamer anymore. I mean playing video games is strictly a passtime for me and a couple of friends. I have consistently came back to MK because of it's story though and if they have fucked over Kuai again in this game to give that fucktard Scorpion his rival back then yes I will be pissed and probably won't buy on release (keep in mind I'm not saying won't buy period). Kuai got fucked worse than any character in MK9 and bringing his brother back from.being Noob Saibot for some dumbass reason will just rub salt all in those wounds.lol.
10/07/2014 06:36 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Meh, at this point if it's not Kuai I really don't want to play. I don't like Bi-han. He's an asshole, and it's been established he's pretty much evil. I keep seeing people saying that bringing Bi-han back as Sub-Zero will end the rivalry with Scorpion too. Those people are fucking retarded. With them both dead now the rivalry will be everlasting. That shit will never end.

Fact is this. Kuai Liang got shit on in MK9. If he's not brought back in MKX AND they make Bi-han Sub-Zero again then he has nothing left. EVERYBODY hates cyber sub-zero. So, basically, he won't be brought back and since he's my favorite character I just have no reason to care about MK.

Kuai fans are getting the VERY short end of the stick with this. At least with Noob Saibot you KNOW he will be seen again. Kuai is just Cyber Sub-Zero. He will rot in hated character hell along with Mokap, Meat, Chameleon, and other characters people detest.

Agreed. I pretty much chose not to post anymore on these boards, I've never seen such toxic people. Stirring the pot just because they never got to be the bullies they wish they could be in life.

Anyway. I hope, and wish its Kuai. If not I'll be extremely disinterested in the game. I will still get it because i love MK always have, but it'll suck not to have my favorite character of all time in and entertainment medium.
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10/07/2014 03:26 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Kuai got fucked worse than any character in MK9

I'd argue that Shang Tsung says hi.
10/07/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Kuai got fucked worse than any character in MK9

I'd argue that Shang Tsung says hi.

Oh I agree because besides Noob Saibot, Shang is my favorite bad guy and he was treated so badly along with Mileena as well. Those 3 got it worse than anyone.

I still say Kuai got it the worse of all of them though. I mean look at his story in the old timeline. Even people who aren't fans can admit he was well developed. Then comes along MK9 which set him on a journey for revenge for his bro(didn't happen in the original timeline). Then, he gets captured to become a cyborg for Smoke who ultimately didn't benefit from it. Then he gets an uppercut to the chin which kills him (is there an off button on his chin?)

Now, he probably won't be Sub-Zero again for a LONG ASS time if ever and going off of his variations his brother will get to take his storylines. So, I would definitely say he got fucked pretty damn hard. And to top it off to me, he's probably getting replaced because people want this damn rivalry that nobody will let die (Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero).
10/07/2014 03:40 PM (UTC)
Technically, what they did to Mileena's story damages KITANA'S character more than it does Mileena's.

Combined with all the other things they changed about her, Kitana easily got it worse than Shang, maybe even worse than Sub-Zero, because at least Sub got to win important fights and achieve things in the plot as opposed to being a bimbo who can't figure things out on her own, is repeatedly treated like a child or non-threat, needs constant rescuing, and is murdered by her own mother while begging and crying.
10/07/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby is stating THE truth.

Even if some could argue that other characters were mistreated more than him (though being transformed into a walking fridge just because Raiden was like "ermmmmmmm yeah... we could save him and it won't risk anything but... ermmmmm... no... let's ruin his life..." gives you a lot of points in that category), comparing "original timeline development" (where Kuai Liang ranks first and it's not even close) and "being shitted on in the new timeline" (where it can still be debated that Kuai Liang is first) is just waaaaaay tooooooooo much. They took the most developed character and threw everything away just for shock value (and it didn't even work as they used that example like at the beginning of the marketing process...). You don't ruin stories and replace them for worse ones for "shock value".

I still have hopes for him. I'm still hoping that the quote about someone being frozen refers to Kano because that would confirm this is Kuai Liang (it wouldn't make sense for Bi-Han to rub him something that other did).

The only intro quote that without knowing more about it points more on Bi-Han direction is the "protector" quote. All the others could still refer to each brother.

If this end up being Bi-Han, I hope at the end he has to sacrifice himself or something and Kuai Liang is allowed to return as human Sub-Zero again, though that would be a consolation prize if Bi-Han gets to live original timeline Kuai Liang's life (becoming grandmaster and discovering the origins of his race, judging from his variations).
10/07/2014 05:01 PM (UTC)
May I ask why if this is truly Bi Han, why is it that bad of an issue? I mean some of you were saying that Bi Han needs more development, ain't this more development?

I could care less which brother this is because they're still treating him as Sub-Zero, a character I've grown up with for twenty-two years. Sure, his story is going to change if it is Bi Han and I'll be a little disappointed if Noob Saibot is gone because of it, but it's not going to make me upset because it's still Sub-Zero.

Kuai Liang didn't get that fucked over in the last story, I'd say that role went to Sheeva, my third favorite female in the series. Never had a single chapter to play as, constantly getting her rear end beaten... I also don't think she had the same purpose as she did when she debuted, which was to be Sindel's protector, I think they literally changed it to where she's not that.

So he got automated, I liked that. My only complaint was just that it should have taken more than a punch to the face to get killed, but then again, I'm sure they did that to shorten the entire scene so it didn't take up such a long time to play out.

But seriously though, you're all getting your panties in a bunch over a mere rumor that has yet to be confirmed. I just had to deal with a lot of crying people freaking out on a Facebook group that I belong to because someone was spreading the rumor that Ebola might be in our hometown. (Turns out, it wasn't obviously). There's no need to get so overworked about anything when there's nothing out there proving that it is indeed true. Just be patient, that is if you even can, and wait for some news about the character's biography.
10/07/2014 05:11 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I mean some of you were saying that Bi Han needs more development

Some of us were not saying that. Are you sure the people who were are the same people who don't want him to be a Sub-Zero again?
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10/07/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero is playable in his original form in MKX, that's a much better deal than what the majority of the MK9 fallen warriors got.

Besides, all the characters' original stories got changed, it's not only Sub's case. Be patient, maybe you'll like MKX Sub's story.
10/07/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Never had a single chapter to play as, constantly getting her rear end beaten... I also don't think she had the same purpose as she did when she debuted, which was to be Sindel's protector, I think they literally changed it to where she's not that.

She was Sindel's protector in MK9. But before her ressurection.
Aside from that she barely did anything in the MK3, save for killing Motaro and being killed by Kano.

Lokheit Wrote:
Scar_Subby is stating THE truth.

10/07/2014 06:23 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Specualtion time:

I am more interested why Elder Gods decided to make Bi-Han their Champion: what kind of great danger is there, which made'em act?

In MKD it was Onaga who threatened to reunite relams, and subsequently kill Elder Gods and ressurect One Being. In MKX...who is this new danger? Not Kotal Kahn, I believe. He is "just" a new emperor of the Outworld and so far nothing indicates that he decided to tamper with Kamodogu or some such. Shinnok? I don't think so - I suspect he will be dealed with in the begining of the story mode. New villain, who will be the final boss of the Story mode (and most likely arcade mode)? Now, that's mots likely. But how this powerful guy should be to make himself important enough to Elder Gods assign Bi-Han to bring his head?

Good point, makes me wonder as well... Shinnok could possibly be THAT big of a threat this time around but idk... OR there might be an even bigger one lurking around.

We'll find out in due time, but still, makes me think. I wonder if Onaga will even be mentioned this time around.
10/07/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
@Icebaby: Well said.
Personally I don't care whether it's Bi or Kuai, as long as Sub's in the game.

Bi Han would be a interesting choice IMO. But unfortunately no Npob. Like what JR said before, it's possible Kuai can be the new Noob.
10/07/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
Specualtion time:

I am more interested why Elder Gods decided to make Bi-Han their Champion: what kind of great danger is there, which made'em act?

In MKD it was Onaga who threatened to reunite relams, and subsequently kill Elder Gods and ressurect One Being. In MKX...who is this new danger? Not Kotal Kahn, I believe. He is "just" a new emperor of the Outworld and so far nothing indicates that he decided to tamper with Kamodogu or some such. Shinnok? I don't think so - I suspect he will be dealed with in the begining of the story mode. New villain, who will be the final boss of the Story mode (and most likely arcade mode)? Now, that's mots likely. But how this powerful guy should be to make himself important enough to Elder Gods assign Bi-Han to bring his head?

Good point, makes me wonder as well... Shinnok could possibly be THAT big of a threat this time around but idk... OR there might be an even bigger one lurking around.

We'll find out in due time, but still, makes me think. I wonder if Onaga will even be mentioned this time around.

Thanks. =)
Somebody have suggested that it could be Raiden, but I don't think so, since I think, Elder Gods could have dealt with him back in MK9.
Unless he did something to piss the off, which I find unlikely. Elder Gods are pretty chill dudes and dudettes and they allow a lot of stuff in the Realms. Except, when it comes to their survival.
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
I'm kinda in that i don't want this game because of how they did Kuai Liang in MK9.
But at the same time. I still love Mortal Kombat. And despite the sitty story from MK9. I'm hoping MKX redeems MK9 and moves the series forward with an improved story. I just hope they hired a new writer for this game.

It's literally the same crew..

If you mean story director Jon Vogel then yes... but what about about the hired writers working under him? o.O
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10/07/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Never had a single chapter to play as, constantly getting her rear end beaten... I also don't think she had the same purpose as she did when she debuted, which was to be Sindel's protector, I think they literally changed it to where she's not that.

She was Sindel's protector in MK9. But before her ressurection.
Aside from that she barely did anything in the MK3, save for killing Motaro and being killed by Kano.

Lokheit Wrote:
Scar_Subby is stating THE truth.


Kano betrayed her. She got her ass handed to Kahn.
10/07/2014 10:57 PM (UTC)
Guarding Sindel in the present instead of the distant past, killing Motaro, and dying to Kano/Kahn is still a more plot-relevant role than the stuff she did in MK9.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
10/07/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
Scar_Subby is stating THE truth.

Even if some could argue that other characters were mistreated more than him (though being transformed into a walking fridge just because Raiden was like "ermmmmmmm yeah... we could save him and it won't risk anything but... ermmmmm... no... let's ruin his life..." gives you a lot of points in that category), comparing "original timeline development" (where Kuai Liang ranks first and it's not even close) and "being shitted on in the new timeline" (where it can still be debated that Kuai Liang is first) is just waaaaaay tooooooooo much. They took the most developed character and threw everything away just for shock value (and it didn't even work as they used that example like at the beginning of the marketing process...). You don't ruin stories and replace them for worse ones for "shock value".

I still have hopes for him. I'm still hoping that the quote about someone being frozen refers to Kano because that would confirm this is Kuai Liang (it wouldn't make sense for Bi-Han to rub him something that other did).

The only intro quote that without knowing more about it points more on Bi-Han direction is the "protector" quote. All the others could still refer to each brother.

If this end up being Bi-Han, I hope at the end he has to sacrifice himself or something and Kuai Liang is allowed to return as human Sub-Zero again, though that would be a consolation prize if Bi-Han gets to live original timeline Kuai Liang's life (becoming grandmaster and discovering the origins of his race, judging from his variations).

Someone came into my mind, but what if Kuai is an alternate costume for Bi-Han (like Sub-Zero's alternate in MK 9). Perhaps Bi does come back and sacrifice himself for his brother and then over the time, we play as Kuai?

Kind of almost like with Nightwing in Injustice, the main outfit is Dick Grayson but story wise is Damian.
10/08/2014 12:03 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
Specualtion time:

I am more interested why Elder Gods decided to make Bi-Han their Champion: what kind of great danger is there, which made'em act?

In MKD it was Onaga who threatened to reunite relams, and subsequently kill Elder Gods and ressurect One Being. In MKX...who is this new danger? Not Kotal Kahn, I believe. He is "just" a new emperor of the Outworld and so far nothing indicates that he decided to tamper with Kamodogu or some such. Shinnok? I don't think so - I suspect he will be dealed with in the begining of the story mode. New villain, who will be the final boss of the Story mode (and most likely arcade mode)? Now, that's mots likely. But how this powerful guy should be to make himself important enough to Elder Gods assign Bi-Han to bring his head?

Good point, makes me wonder as well... Shinnok could possibly be THAT big of a threat this time around but idk... OR there might be an even bigger one lurking around.

We'll find out in due time, but still, makes me think. I wonder if Onaga will even be mentioned this time around.

Thanks. =)
Somebody have suggested that it could be Raiden, but I don't think so, since I think, Elder Gods could have dealt with him back in MK9.
Unless he did something to piss the off, which I find unlikely. Elder Gods are pretty chill dudes and dudettes and they allow a lot of stuff in the Realms. Except, when it comes to their survival.

Yeah man. :)

I agree, I don't think Raiden will be a threat this time around, but what of Shang Tsung? Do you think he's gone for good after Sindel was killed? I'd like to think not, I think he has some tricks up his sleeve. Not that I think he'll be the boss this time around, but that doesn't mean he can't perhaps resurrect someone who will be.

Whatever the case, if there is a champion of the Elder Gods this time around (Hoping it's Sub-Zero,) I hope they explore it more then they did in Deception. And I hope they don't just ruin it later by having their champion just turn on the Gods and go back to just being the same old shit we are used to.

Venkman28 Wrote:
Someone came into my mind, but what if Kuai is an alternate costume for Bi-Han (like Sub-Zero's alternate in MK 9). Perhaps Bi does come back and sacrifice himself for his brother and then over the time, we play as Kuai?

Kind of almost like with Nightwing in Injustice, the main outfit is Dick Grayson but story wise is Damian.

Yeah man, I mentioned that earlier, I personally hope they don't go that route, if they bring Bi-Han back, bring him back as solely as his own character. As much as I love Kuai AND Bi-Han, I'd rather just have one of them in instead of the whole alt thing.

While they are both cryomancers, I feel they should both fight very different from each other, something you can't do with each of them being a different skin, ya know?
10/08/2014 12:25 AM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
While they are both cryomancers, I feel they should both fight very different from each other, something you can't do with each of them being a different skin, ya know?

I don't know about "very" different...but perhaps this is something that will be illustrated in story mode by the variation system.

It's already been speculated that one of the reasons the 3 variations exist is so that in story mode, we can see how characters fight differently and learn new moves depending on what time period you fight them in across the 25 year span of the tale.

It's also worth noting that some of Sub's variations are named after things Kuai Liang became in the old timeline, such as Grandmaster, complete with an extra medallion on the chest of the costume, and Cryomancer, which gives him frozen blue arms like he had in Deadly Alliance.

I wouldn't at all be surprised if they did it the same in X that they did in MK9 and had Bi-Han be Sub for part of the story, wearing a specific costume and using a specific variation every time you play as or against him, while Kuai is Sub for another part of the story and wears the alt costume and uses a different variation.

Or perhaps the alt costume, rather than being Kuai, could be one of their sons, born after MK9 and grown to adulthood in the Cassie Cage era, which would explain why they've been vague about the Lin Kuei having multiple Sub-Zeros to choose from.
10/08/2014 01:09 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
While they are both cryomancers, I feel they should both fight very different from each other, something you can't do with each of them being a different skin, ya know?

I don't know about "very" different...but perhaps this is something that will be illustrated in story mode by the variation system.

It's already been speculated that one of the reasons the 3 variations exist is so that in story mode, we can see how characters fight differently and learn new moves depending on what time period you fight them in across the 25 year span of the tale.

It's also worth noting that some of Sub's variations are named after things Kuai Liang became in the old timeline, such as Grandmaster, complete with an extra medallion on the chest of the costume, and Cryomancer, which gives him frozen blue arms like he had in Deadly Alliance.

I wouldn't at all be surprised if they did it the same in X that they did in MK9 and had Bi-Han be Sub for part of the story, wearing a specific costume and using a specific variation every time you play as or against him, while Kuai is Sub for another part of the story and wears the alt costume and uses a different variation.

Or perhaps the alt costume, rather than being Kuai, could be one of their sons, born after MK9 and grown to adulthood in the Cassie Cage era, which would explain why they've been vague about the Lin Kuei having multiple Sub-Zeros to choose from.

Very true, and it would also be a win-win for Kuai and Bi-Han fans, I ALWAYS forget about the variation system, lol. It definitely fleshes it out more and having Bi-Han be designated to a certain variation I could see them doing.

Looking at it this way, I wouldn't mind that and it would definitely make fans of both the brothers happy. Personally I think having them as their own separate characters would be a bit cooler, but I mean I'm not all that picky. At least Sub-Zero is in the game, all I hope is they flesh out most, if not all of the characters story-wise this time around.
10/08/2014 11:44 AM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
Yeah man. :)

I agree, I don't think Raiden will be a threat this time around, but what of Shang Tsung? Do you think he's gone for good after Sindel was killed? I'd like to think not, I think he has some tricks up his sleeve. Not that I think he'll be the boss this time around, but that doesn't mean he can't perhaps resurrect someone who will be.

I hope dead characters will stay dead. At least for this game and maybe next one. Tsung is a good character, but he has overstayed his welcome and I think, gameplay-wise he was realized perfectly in the MK9. Time for a new generation to shine.

I'd like Champion of Elder Gods to have bigger role in the story, as well. In MKD Scorpion's new status was pretty much a footnote, as almost everything in MKD. But, I guess, there will be story chapter reserved for Sub-Zero and it'll give developers chance to flesh him and his struggle a bit more.

I like idea about new Sub-Zero being Bi-Han's son.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Guarding Sindel in the present instead of the distant past, killing Motaro, and dying to Kano/Kahn is still a more plot-relevant role than the stuff she did in MK9.

But considering that it all was added 7 years after release of the game, it was pretty much as relevant as her actions in MK9. At least she had some screen time in reboot, which is more than I can say about her presence (or lack of thereof in MK3).

I hold belief that if you want to give character some relevance and screen time, it is should be done in the game / movie / book, where this character make his appearance, rather than being some mere footnote in one of the future installations, when neither this character, nor his actions are no longer hold any interest to anyone.
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10/08/2014 01:05 PM (UTC)
Am I the only one who wants to know what exactly Scorpion means by being "reborn"?
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10/08/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
Am I the only one who wants to know what exactly Scorpion means by being "reborn"?

He already said it in MK9. Reborn as in a way of coming back from the dead.
10/08/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
Yeah man. :)

I agree, I don't think Raiden will be a threat this time around, but what of Shang Tsung? Do you think he's gone for good after Sindel was killed? I'd like to think not, I think he has some tricks up his sleeve. Not that I think he'll be the boss this time around, but that doesn't mean he can't perhaps resurrect someone who will be.

I hope dead characters will stay dead. At least for this game and maybe next one. Tsung is a good character, but he has overstayed his welcome and I think, gameplay-wise he was realized perfectly in the MK9. Time for a new generation to shine.

I'd like Champion of Elder Gods to have bigger role in the story, as well. In MKD Scorpion's new status was pretty much a footnote, as almost everything in MKD. But, I guess, there will be story chapter reserved for Sub-Zero and it'll give developers chance to flesh him and his struggle a bit more.

I like idea about new Sub-Zero being Bi-Han's son.

Oh believe me, I do too. I hope we move past the whole "No one truly dies in MK" crap, but we will see. I will have to give it to NRS if they actually stick to their guns this time, but I mean, this is still firstly a fighting game. There are certain things I'd like to see but I don't expect them all to come true.

And as for Bi-Han's son, you know man I really don't have a problem with what that. It would be cool to me personally if it was Bi-Han himself, but hey if it's his son that's just another step towards moving forward, which is the main thing I want to see in MK for now on.
10/08/2014 05:23 PM (UTC)
I'm down with different Sub-Zero depending on variation, that way nobody gets left out. 1 variation could be Bi-Han and the other 2 could be Kuai Liang or vise versa.

I'm fine with whatever they do regarding Sub-Zero, because I like both of the brothers, but im not sure I want Bi-Han to be Sub-Zero again if that means no more Noob so I have mixed feelings on it. I'm sure ill be happy with whatever they do though.
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