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10/05/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
I'm thinking it's Bi-Han now after the dialogue reveals with especially with the "brother's soul" bit.

The thing is now how will he run the Lin Kuei since there is a Grandmaster Variation?
10/05/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
Venkman28 Wrote:
I'm thinking it's Bi-Han now after the dialogue reveals with especially with the "brother's soul" bit.

The thing is now how will he run the Lin Kuei since there is a Grandmaster Variation?

Yeah, the Grandmaster variation throws me off a bit, since that was Kuai's deal, but I mean who's to say it can't be the other way around this time.

I'm open to whatever, really.
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
10/05/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
Venkman28 Wrote:
I'm thinking it's Bi-Han now after the dialogue reveals with especially with the "brother's soul" bit.

The thing is now how will he run the Lin Kuei since there is a Grandmaster Variation?

Yeah, the Grandmaster variation throws me off a bit, since that was Kuai's deal, but I mean who's to say it can't be the other way around this time.

I'm open to whatever, really.

I'll admit to not being open about Bi-Han being Sub-Zero again (More of a Kuai fan than Bi-Han), but since this is a new timeline, Bi-Han could look back on things and try to redeem his brother so he doesn't end up like him before.

Sub-Zero in this timeline will likely kill Sektor. Not much is known on what Bi-Han thought about the Cyber Initiative, but I don't think he was fond of it. In the MK 2 comic, Kuai said that his brother was out of touch and not wanting to change with the times with the tech changes.

I take it like how I handled Halloween 4-6 being made non canon when H20 came out. I wasn't fond of it, but I'll take it.
10/05/2014 09:50 PM (UTC)
Venkman28 Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
Venkman28 Wrote:
I'm thinking it's Bi-Han now after the dialogue reveals with especially with the "brother's soul" bit.

The thing is now how will he run the Lin Kuei since there is a Grandmaster Variation?

Yeah, the Grandmaster variation throws me off a bit, since that was Kuai's deal, but I mean who's to say it can't be the other way around this time.

I'm open to whatever, really.

I'll admit to not being open about Bi-Han being Sub-Zero again (More of a Kuai fan than Bi-Han), but since this is a new timeline, Bi-Han could look back on things and try to redeem his brother so he doesn't end up like him before.

Sub-Zero in this timeline will likely kill Sektor. Not much is known on what Bi-Han thought about the Cyber Initiative, but I don't think he was fond of it. In the MK 2 comic, Kuai said that his brother was out of touch and not wanting to change with the times with the tech changes.

I take it like how I handled Halloween 4-6 being made non canon when H20 came out. I wasn't fond of it, but I'll take it.

Oh yeah, for sure. I love Kuai Liang's back story, all the character development he had was great, I especially like the DA-Deception era Kuai.

If things change I'm just looking at it like this, technically this is a new timeline, all those things in the previous games really did happen still technically. So there is that.

I've always been a fan of "what if" scenarios and I love speculation, so I mean really whatever they do this time is just fine with me. I would love to see Bi-Han take on the mantle of Sub-Zero again personally.
10/05/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Kai is just a little kid but he is in season 2 of Mortal Kombat Legacy. Note: it is in a flashback scene of when Bi-Han and his brothers were little.

10/05/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
If things change I'm just looking at it like this, technically this is a new timeline, all those things in the previous games really did happen still technically. So there is that.

I've always been a fan of "what if" scenarios and I love speculation, so I mean really whatever they do this time is just fine with me. I would love to see Bi-Han take on the mantle of Sub-Zero again personally.

What-Ifs and alternate timelines are a lot easier to enjoy when they don't kill off the original universe and everyone in it.
10/05/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
some good info here
10/05/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Hopefully Bi-Han, although Noob being gone for good would be sad

Maybe Noob Saibots spirit left his body after his homicide. His essence sacrificed to an elder god, as the last of the Brother hood of shadow. This was done through execution following his extremely lengthy exile, for the cults failure. He is reborn through Lin Kuei ritual, because of his out of body experience. The darkness of the realm he occupied continues to thrive in his embodied existence, like in the beginning. Returning as Sub-Zero's host, is there retribution for the one's partly responsible? Only through Scorpion would the memorized scheme be reawakened.
10/05/2014 10:58 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
If things change I'm just looking at it like this, technically this is a new timeline, all those things in the previous games really did happen still technically. So there is that.

I've always been a fan of "what if" scenarios and I love speculation, so I mean really whatever they do this time is just fine with me. I would love to see Bi-Han take on the mantle of Sub-Zero again personally.

What-Ifs and alternate timelines are a lot easier to enjoy when they don't kill off the original universe and everyone in it.

Haha yeah man I know, I'm just trying to have a positive outlook on it for if and or when they do change certain parts of characters original story line.

If they change it all, retcon a ton of shit and what not, it's a bummer for sure, but just knowing it's an alternate timeline makes things a little easier for me to swallow.

Maybe I'm just weird. tongue

jdnice11 Wrote:
some good info here

Thanks man. smile
10/05/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
The thing that sort of gives me hope is the idea that MK9/X's universe isn't the original universe with Raiden rewriting history, it's literally a COMPLETELY separate timeline. THAT world's Raiden changed HIS world's past, but his world isn't the one we played in MK1 thru A, it's just one that looks SIMILAR...because:

A) In Armageddon, Taven kills Blaze at the end of Konquest mode.

But MK9 starts with Shao Kahn having killed Blaze, so it must have been a different world's Armageddon.

and B) Raiden's visions couldn't have caused Nightwolf, Sektor, and Cyrax to be invited to the tournament, Mileena to have been born hundreds of years late, etc. More evidence that this is not the world of MK1, 2, and 3.

So maybe the original MK universe is still something we could return to one day where the REAL Grandmaster Kuai Liang, Elder Gods Champion Scorpion, Zombie Liu, Dark Raiden, Cyber-Smoke, etc.'s lives didn't end with them lying pointlessly and anticlimactically dismembered in an Edenian canyon.
10/05/2014 11:15 PM (UTC)
People love to cling to hopeless ideals even if it is obvious that it's just their own interpretation of things.

Even if MK9/X is the new universe, the old one is finished (at least for now and I don't see why they can decide to ressurect it, especially after MKX). So, yeah, people can cling to whatever interpreation they want, but it won't bring back the old timeline. Their hope is just tiny imaginary safespot, where they want to hide from grim truth. Unhelpful in the long run.
10/05/2014 11:18 PM (UTC)
The "brother soul" comment could be either for Bi-Han or Kuai Liang:

- If Sub-Zero is Bi-Han, then it refers to Kuai Liang being enslaved along the other deceased heroes.

- If it is Kuai Liang, it refers to Noob, something Kuai Liang learned only recently so Quan Chi didn't have an opportunity to rub it yet.

What it does is throw away the "sea of Sub-Zeros" nonsense.

The "how it feels to be dead", I think fits more if this is Kuai Liang as Noob spent more time dead (and under the same master than Scorpion).

The "fear their powers" coul point to either: It could be cleansed Bi-Han sent by the elder gods or revenant Kuai Liang speaking about the ones that control him, as in "their will is just too strong, fear them".

The "protector" comment, points more on a cleansed Bi-Han direction.

The "I thought you were frozen" comment, if it's Sub-Zero talking to Kano (we don't have confirmation of which was the opponent) it inmediatly confirms Kuai Liang as it would be a pun directed at the last time they met each other, when Kuai Liang froze him without even fighting (just before defeating a tag team of Goro and Kintaro).

And the original "I tire of maintaining our innocence" comment definetly points on Kuai Liang direction as Bi-Han wouldn't say something like that.

There are clues pointing on each direction, though IMO (and hopes?) there are more pointing to revenant Kuai Liang (and I hope Sareena is involved on restoring him if true). At least we know it is one of the brothers.

I can't wait for Noob's reveal as it would confirm Kuai Liang as Sub-Zero (or confirmation of the frozen lines being directed at Kano, that would do the trick too).
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10/05/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)
To stay on topic. It doesn't matter if Sub-Zero is re-animated or not he is truly a badass and he always will be.
10/06/2014 12:17 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:

Yeah man, there is a lot going on with Sub-Zero right now, I'm having trouble as well figuring out just who it might be, so many signs that sound like both brothers. Hopefully they don't do another "Bi-Han as Kuai Liang's alt costume. It would explain why it sounds like both brothers, but I hope they don't go this route.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
So maybe the original MK universe is still something we could return to one day where the REAL Grandmaster Kuai Liang, Elder Gods Champion Scorpion, Zombie Liu, Dark Raiden, Cyber-Smoke, etc.'s lives didn't end with them lying pointlessly and anticlimactically dismembered in an Edenian canyon.

I could hope! It really isn't all that far out really, I mean Armageddon was supposed to be the end of almost all of the old characters and look what happened next... anything is possible, I would love it if they went that route or just touched up on it. I'm not to much of a fan of this Blunder God's timeline but it is what it is.

nightbreed_16 Wrote:
To stay on topic. It doesn't matter if Sub-Zero is re-animated or not he is truly a badass and he always will be.

Agreed. smile
10/06/2014 12:24 AM (UTC)
Sumac, do you think you might, just possibly, even be CAPABLE of letting people like things you don't like or letting them dislike things you do like, withOUT you complaining about that person ad-hominem style?

Because I seem to recall a thread the other day where an argument between us ended in ONE of us asking for a little maturity from now on, wherein we might perhaps just TRY to BEHAVE DECENTLY TO EACH OTHER or failing that, stop responding to/talking about one another altogether, for the sake of keeping threads peaceful and not derailing them with arguments, because there are no moderators anymore so we need to moderate OURSELVES to prevent the board from turning into a shithole.

I seem to remember you somewhat agreeing to that philosophy, which makes the fact that you're right back to the same old shit less than a week later pretty goddamned disappointing.
10/06/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
(Idea) Before MKX, in a different reality, Noob Saibot gains freedom from being disciple to high monarchs of the netherealm. He is given his gifts back for successfully bidding for Quan Chi. As a sign of appreciation he transformed him so he is no longer demon. Plus Bi now has the fighting skills and knowledge of both Noob Saibot and Sub-Zero in one.
10/06/2014 12:41 AM (UTC)
DAHK9 Wrote:
(Idea) Right before MKX Noob Saibot gains freedom from worshipping high monarchs of the netherealm. He is given his gifts back for successfully bidding for Quan Chi. As a sign of appreciation he transformed Sub-Zero so he is no longer demon. Plus Bi now has the fighting skills and knowledge of both Noob Saibot and Sub-Zero in one.

And what about Noob being tossed into a Soulnado in MK9?
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You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

10/06/2014 01:35 AM (UTC)
Well as I have given my opinion on this matter that it could be either sub or a new one in this game in another thread. I will leave it at that...... Damn downtime Edit. Scratch that too much thinking and math involved for this tonight
10/06/2014 01:59 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
It might be Kai in disguise because remember he is Sub-Zero's brother.smile

... Are you sure you don't mean Kuai, as in Kuai Liang, the younger of the Sub-Zero brothers? Because Kai, as in Kai from MK4, is NOT Sub-Zero's brother.

I like Kai better, actually. Nobody'd see THAT coming. :')
RedSumac Wrote:
. So, yeah, people can cling to whatever interpretation they want, but it won't bring back the old timeline. Their hope is just tiny imaginary safespot, where they want to hide from grim truth. Unhelpful in the long run.

That sounds a little harsh, Kierkegaard.
In the end it's just a video game and folks can interpret whatever they want about this timeline or the old one or whatever. That's what being a fan is about.
10/06/2014 02:28 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Sumac, do you think you might, just possibly, even be CAPABLE of letting people like things you don't like or letting them dislike things you do like, withOUT you complaining about that person ad-hominem style?

I've yet to meet another person, who is such thin-skinned as you are.
I made a comment about how all this ludicrous hopes about MK9/X not being in the same world as previous games - is headcanon and just false hope, which is a fact. And...? You go off like a firework. Predictable.

Listen, hon, I won't say it twice: I make comments about what I want and where I want. I haven't insulted anyone, just said how I see things. If you can't handle this - go find some other place to hang around. You are not a special snowflake to be the only to spout shit wherever you want and decide when others can talk and when they can not, so STFU and GTFO.

If you don't like my posts and want to act like a mature and sensible person, which, you have proved, time and time again, you are anything but, ignore them. This is exactly you wanted to do month or two ago. Or maybe it was years...? grin
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10/06/2014 02:54 AM (UTC)
The brothers switching places due to Noob's purification in the soulnado sounds really interesting and it doesn't contradict the MK9's storyline.

We have yet to see if the elder gods have a champion this time around, it could be the original Sub.
Historical Favorite
10/06/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)
I can't help but hope that, unlikely as this is, that this "new" Sub-Zero remains ambiguous throughout the rest of the series going forward. The speculation is far more fun than the answer could ever be.
10/06/2014 05:53 AM (UTC)
Although lots of people have said otherwise, Sub-Zero's identity in MKX is far from confirmed, and any of the theories about the identity are possible. It could very well be a new Sub, Bi Han, or Kuai. I would say that Kuai is looking doubtful though. I would actually like to see him become his own character outside of the Sub-Zero mantle.

It is actually surprising how much info is given in the intro dialogues while still being entirely inconclusive. It's almost as if it was on purpose. haha
10/06/2014 12:08 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I make comments about what I want and where I want.

And what an amazing coincidence it is that your ONLY posts in this thread have been responses to mine.

It's almost like I have a fucking stalker. Which makes ignoring you a little difficult.
10/06/2014 12:23 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's almost like I have a fucking stalker. Which makes ignoring you a little difficult.

You're being paranoid. Now you're doing the 'ad hominem' stuff.

And RedSumac's arguments are legit. Just because you want something to be true, it doesn't make it true.
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